This course focuses on enhancing skills in performing class 2 posterior composite restorations, widely recognized as challenging and stressful. It addresses potential difficulties such as technique errors, material selection, and patient compliance that can lead to failure. Participants will receive a comprehensive scientific update on adhesives and materials, aiming to improve expertise and productivity. The presentation includes step-by-step protocols employing AI for diagnosis, enhanced magnification for preparation, and utilizing innovative techniques for precise margins and consistent contacts.
Learn to:
• review the scientific evidence about how, when and why adhesively placed posterior composites fail • utilize innovative protocols from preparation to polish for correct margins, contacts, and eliminate sensitivity • attain more profitability using efficient techniques and eliminating materials based on inadequate evidence • employ risk assessments and effective communicative skills to help patients understand their role in extending the survival of their restorations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
10 Characteristics of Multi-Millionaire Dentists
Practice Management and Human Relations
John Vento, CPA, MBA, CFP®
Course #: 1020 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Vento, CPA, MBA, CFP®
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This presentation covers the 10 characteristics that have turned dentists into multi-millionaires and will then outline some of the advanced tax-smart investment strategies that could be implemented to help you become one. This engaging, interactive presentation leaves you with a blueprint of how to achieve your own personal financial independence.
Learn to:
• create a financial plan to take them into the multi-million-dollar dental club • uncover tax-smart investment strategies they could immediately put to work • discover the secrets to accumulating wealth
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pros Contras de las Opciones Actuales Ortodoncia Digital/Protocolo Acelerado Para Implantes Inmediatos/Avances en Implantologia en el Sector Estetico
Cursos de Español
Carlos Castro, D.D.S.
Claudia Cruz, D.D.S. M.P.H., M.S.
Elena Sanz, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Course #: 1090 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Carlos Castro, D.D.S. Claudia Cruz, D.D.S. M.P.H., M.S. Elena Sanz, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Room: 1E06 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Doctor
CLAUDIA L. CRUZ, D.D.S., M.P.H., M.S. PROS CONTRAS DE LAS ACTUALES SISTEMAS DE ALINEADORES La ortodoncia digital ha revolucionado la manera en que los tratamientos ortodónticos son planeados y ejecutados. Esta charla presentara algunos de los pros y contras de las diferentes opciones de alineadores en ortodoncia digital. Opciones actuales en ortodoncia digital ofrecen múltiples benefi-cios en términos de precisión, personalización y comodidad, pero también presentan desafíos relacionados con costos, capacitación y dependencia tecnológica. Los profesionales deben evaluar cuidadosamente estos facto-res para ofrecer la mejor opcion de alineadores que se adapte a la comple-jidad de cada paciente.
CARLOS A. CASTRO, D.D.S. PROTOCOLO ACELERADO PARA IMPLANTES INMEDIATOS Los implantes inmediatos post-exodoncia son una alternativa costo-eficien-te para reemplazar dientes posteriores que ha ganado bastante populari-dad. Sin embargo, existe un debate continuo sobre los requerimientos para mantener la altura de la cresta ósea, el volumen alveolar y la necesidad de injertar los espacios implanto-alveolares. Durante esta charla se discutirán los principios biológicos de cicatrización ósea alveolar y se presentará un protocolo quirúrgico-restaurativo acelerado de implantación inmediata.
ELENA SANZ, D.D.S., M.S., PH.D. AVANCES EN IMPLANTOLOGIA EN EL SECTOR ESTETICO El uso de implantes dentales es en una opción de tratamiento habitual, y comúnmente demandada por los pacientes. El sector estético presenta presenta retos, que pueden ser controlados mediante un buen diagnóstico y una excelente técnica quirúrgica y restauradora. Los avances tecnológicos se postulan como nuestros aliados a la hora de estudiar y ejecutar estos casos. El objetivo de la presentación es analizar el diagnóstico y planificación; enfa-tizando el uso de guías quirúrgicas y el uso de cirugía robótica para la colo-cación de implantes y el diseño de temporales aseguren buenos resultados.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
9:00am - 4:30pm
My First Implant: An Oral Implantology Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 1110 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Learn the biological basis and fundamental principles of implant dentistry. This hands-on workshop is designed for beginners that wish to learn about the surgical phase for single-tooth implants. The workshop outlines implant designs, principles, surface treatments, and other biomechanics of implants. Participants learn how to place implants using guided and non-guided surgery. Participants will learn to diagnose, plan, and surgically place implants in single edentulous sites. Hands-on exercises on models will go over planning and surgical protocol.
• to establish a basic foundation and understand dental implants, their biological basis, and applicability in restoring single edentulous areas • to predictably diagnose and treatment plan for conventional single-tooth implants • the skills that work when placing an implant • to gain confidence and improve clinical knowledge and skills to establish successful implant dentistry practice
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Excellent and Efficient Endodontics: A Hands-on Workshop
John Olmsted, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 1120 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Olmsted, D.D.S., M.S.
Do you wonder which endo instrument is the safest and most efficient? Are you tired with lateral condensing of accessory points? This half day evidence based hands-on course will provide you cutting edge rotary/reciprocation instrumentation with new flexible and safe files; location of calcified canals and MB2; and obturation of the root canal system utilizing bio ceramic sealer.
Learn to:
• demonstrate location of canals with special burs • utilize rotary and reciprocation instrumentation • exhibit obturation with bio-ceramic sealer
9:00am - 12:00pm
Full Arch Implant Workflow with Intra Oral Photogrammetry (IPG): A Hands-on Workshop
Isaac Tawil, D.D.S., M.A.
Course #: 1130 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Isaac Tawil, D.D.S., M.A.
The "All-on-X" concept remains at the forefront of dental implants, driven by advancements in technology. Digital dentistry has become more efficient through the integration of intra-oral, desktop, and facial scanning, combined with 3D printing. Photogrammetry has improved implant positioning, reducing treatment and delivery times. The innovative IPG (Intra Oral Photogrammetry) further enhances this by minimizing scanning and design times. This presentation will demonstrate how these technologies can be integrated to optimize surgical planning and restorations in full arch dental implantology.
Learn to:
explore advancements and new tools for pre- and post-operative digital records, including intra-oral scanning (IOS), facial scanning, and CBCT
review guided surgical applications and the role of fiducial markers in enhancing accuracy
analyze the components and benefits of IOS and IPG technologies in digital workflows
understand the workflow for same-day surgical temporization and the 2-3 visit finalization process for complete digital full arch metal-free implant restorations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Crown Lengthening: A Hands-on Workshop
James Grisdale, D.D.S.
Course #: 1140 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): James Grisdale, D.D.S.
This workshop deepens into surgical crown lengthening techniques to empower you for successful restorative procedures. We’ll cover everything you need to know, from selecting the right cases to suturing for closure. Flap designs, incision techniques, and proper post-operative care will be addressed, along with potential complications to watch out for.
• to recognize the indications and contraindications for crown lengthening • the principles and importance of biological width • proper flap design, osseous techniques to suturing for a successful outcome • the post-operative instructions and how to avoid potential complications
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Success Unveiled: A Proficient Ceramic Restorative Strategy
KEYNOTE PRESENTATION Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Alan Atlas, D.M.D.
Course #: 1015 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alan Atlas, D.M.D.
This dynamic presentation covers procedures and techniques for achieving esthetic and functional success using high-strength ceramics and CAD/CAM technology, all of which are demonstrated through Dental Microscope HD Video. Based on the latest scientific evidence, the course provides a thorough step-by-step chairside workflow, from preparation to cementation, for ceramic crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers.
Learn to:
understand factors in the digital workflow affecting precision marginal fit and causing premature failure of indirect restorations
demonstrate clinical protocols for anterior and posterior ceramic-based restorations from treatment planning to cementation
demonstrate step-by-step preparation techniques with the Dental Microscope HD video using specific diamonds for perfect finish lines required for all ceramic crowns, veneers, inlays, and onlays
utilize simple and predictable smile design methods for proper treatment planning of esthetic anterior restorations, including veneers and full mouth reconstruction
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Practice Accounting for Minimum Tax
Practice Management and Human Relations
Jay Malik
Course #: 1050 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jay Malik
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This presentation is for dentists and their teams who own their practices and want to learn how to manage their finances. It teaches methods to use financial data to make informed business decisions while minimizing tax burden using legal tax-saving strategies. The tax-cutting strategies are IRS-approved and court-tested, specifically for dental practices. The presentation simplifies financial data into actionable insights. It provides a primer on The Rich Dentist System℠, a set of protocols that can significantly increase the net worth of dentists and lead to financial independence at an earlier age.
Learn to:
• set up and effectively utilize a practice accounting system • generate meaningful data for measuring practice financial performance • incorporate innovative tax savings strategies • combine efficient accounting and legal tax strategies to build wealth
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Lasers in Endodontics: The YSGG EDGEPRO LASER
George Goodis, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 1060 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): George Goodis, D.D.S., M.S.
Recently, there has been a dramatic endodontic paradigm shift for your dental patients to “save a tooth” which allows you to utilize the phenom-enal attributes of the new “YSGG EdgePro Laser Technology.” It generates light-absorbed laser energy waves that will help your endodontic treatment to remove up to 99% bacteria and biofilm from your patient’s infected acute endodontic tooth. The new future laser frontier embraces a family of inventive endodontic devices to enhance the most complete decontamination with superior endodontic outcomes. This presentation will review the current standards of root canal irrigation and present the new impressive, innovative, and advanced state-of-the-art endodontic irrigation today – The YSGG EdgePro Laser.
• saving teeth with enhanced endodontic outcomes by eliminating apical periodontitis using advanced YSGG Laser Irrigation • microFluidic YSGG Laser Energy in root canal spaces less than one millimeter • root canal bubble technology disinfection of biofilm matrix and dentinal tubules with E. feacalis
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Botox and Facial Fillers for the General Practitioner
Covering the comprehensive utilization of Botox and dermal fillers in dental aesthetics, this lecture emphasizes integrating facial aesthetics into dental practice. It explores techniques, best practices, potential benefits for practice growth, and ethical and legal considerations. Attendees gain a thorough understanding of Botox and dermal fillers’ role in dental aesthetics and learn how to integrate facial aesthetics into dental practice effectively.
• botox and dermal fillers in dental aesthetics • integrate facial aesthetics into dental practice • optimal techniques
Room: 1E06 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
En este seminario, veremos cómo el servicio comunitario a las poblaciones más necesitas ha bendecido a los ponentes, también cómo les ha brindado una amplia perspectiva de la odontología y la vida en general. Usando como ilustración experiencias en lugares exóticos internacionales o en la propia comunidad. Analizaremos, aspectos culturales, respeto a las regulaciones y creencias de otros países, así como equipos e instrumentos para facilitar la odontología portátil. Si deseas sentir la gratificación del servicio a los demás, acompáñanos y aprende cómo planear y levar a cabo el servicio.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Advanced Endodontic Instrumentation and Obturation: A Hands-on Workshop
John Olmsted, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 1150 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Olmsted, D.D.S., M.S.
This three-hour hands-on course will enhance the clinician's endodontic skills with cutting-edge technology of decreased taper and improved technology of warm vertical obturation. In addition, the clinicians are encouraged to bring several extracted teeth with access and canal patency of hand instrument size #10.
Learn to:
• locate the MB2 canal in the mesial buccal root of the maxillary first molar • utilize the new endodontic rotary instrumentation with decreased taper • demonstrate warm vertical condensation of gutta percha and bio-ceramic sealer
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Anterior and Posterior Bioclear Restorations: A Hands-on Workshop
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Arthur Volker, D.D.S., M.Sc. M.S.Ed.
Course #: 1160 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arthur Volker, D.D.S., M.Sc. M.S.Ed.
There are a plethora of composite materials and matrices available on the market. This course aims to teach the practitioner aspects of the Bioclear Method using injection molding of direct resin to easily and predictably address common clinical scenarios such as Class II restorations and black triangle resolutions.
Learn to:
• discuss composite options as well as matrix selection • systematize preparation protocols such as isolation and particle abrasion for carious and non-carious restorations • understand the protocol for the Bioclear Method • discuss polishing techniques
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Suturing Boot Camp: Hands-On Basic and Advanced Suturing Techniques for Implant and Periodontal Surgery
James Grisdale, D.D.S.
Course #: 1170 Date: 11/29/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): James Grisdale, D.D.S.
This is a comprehensive workshop on the use of suture materials, instrumentation, and techniques. Participants will understand when to use different types of suture materials for specific clinical procedures. All procedures will be performed on pig mandibles. This course is a must for all dentists performing oral surgery, periodontal surgery, and implant surgery.
• learning the different suture materials and needles • where and when to use different types of suture materials, needles and instrumentation • different types of suturing techniques for effective wound closure • post-operative care management and potential complications
12:00am - 4:30pm
Enhancing Endodontic Treatment Efficiency and Success
Alex Fleury, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 2190 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 12:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alex Fleury, D.D.S., M.S.
Endodontic treatment has evolved significantly from simple beginnings, and the success rate of this treatment has increased dramatically in the past decade or so, allowing clinicians to save teeth predictably and safely. But how successful is today’s endodontic therapy? Is it still worth saving teeth? This course will explore the classic and current literature and report practically on how we can achieve long-term success in endodontic treatment without using expensive and/or complex techniques.
Learn to:
• understand what causes endodontic failures and learn how to address effectively and safely the etiology of frustrated treatments • understand why teeth can and should be saved through endodontic treatment • achieve long-term success utilizing a science-based, logical technique that preserves natural tooth structure • immediately implement the knowledge acquired into their daily practice, including while tackling more challenging endodontic cases
Support for this program is provided by
8:30am - 11:30am
Immediate Dental Implant Restoration in Free Flaps/Botox for the Dental Practitioner/Managing Symptomatic Endodontic Emergencies
Current Dental Topics
Jared Mason, D.D.S., M.S.
Michael Andersen, D.D.S., M.S.
Tom Goksel, D.D.S., M.D.
Course #: 2300 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 8:30am - 11:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jared Mason, D.D.S., M.S. Michael Andersen, D.D.S., M.S. Tom Goksel, D.D.S., M.D.
Room: 4th Floor Terrace Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Spouse, Educator, Doctor
This session focuses on immediate dental rehabilitation via fibula-free flap reconstruction, highlighting its role in restoring form, function, and psycho-social well-being. Participants will explore this treatment modality’s significance for patients diagnosed with benign tumors or malignancies and how this multidisciplinary care approach can return patients to normalcy as quickly and predictably as possible. The session aims to equip attendees with the knowledge to effectively communicate these benefits and support a comprehensive approach to patient care in their practices.
the key benefits of fibula free flap reconstruction in restoring dental form and function and enhancing psychosocial well-being for patients with benign tumors or malignancies
an understanding of how fibula free flap procedures are implemented in multidisciplinary care
strategies to effectively communicate the possibilities and expectations of fibula free flap rehabilitation to patients, helping them understand the process and outcomes
BOTOX FOR THE DENTAL PRACTITIONER No one understands facial harmony and balance more so than the dental practitioner. This lecture covers the history and use of Botox in treating facial wrinkles. The presentation will include comprehensive information on neurotoxins’ safe and productive use to achieve desired outcomes.
Learn to:
• perform an esthetic evaluation of the face • understand the evaluation and treatment planning process for Botox injections • know the relevant risks, benefits, and complications of Botox injections • understand Botox use in non-cosmetic treatment modalities
MANAGING SYMPTOMATIC ENDODONTIC EMERGENCIES This course is designed to help providers efficiently manage a patient who presents with a symptomatic endodontic emergency. It will address the challenges of diagnosing referred pain, strategies to provide emergency treatment, and tips to get a “hot tooth” numb. At the end of this lecture, the participants will understand how to handle vital, non-vital, and previously treated endodontic emergencies.
• strategies in pulp testing symptomatic patients • the indications for a pulpectomy vs a pulpotomy • to provide a time-tested guide to getting a “hot tooth” numb
9:00am - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium - Seminar & Workshop
Oral Cancer
Antonia Kolokythas, D.D.S., M.Sc., M.S.Ed.
Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D.
Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Eileen Crespo
Miriam Robbins, D.D.S., M.S.
Room: 1E13 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $445.00 Credits: 7
ORAL CANCER: THE PATH FROM DIAGNOSIS TO CURE This program addresses all aspects of Oral Cancer, from diagnosis and treatment to reconstruction. Topics include epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, HPV and oropharyngeal cancer, imaging modalities, radiation and chemotherapy treatments for oral cancer, surgical therapies, biopsy technique review, and referring patients for treatment. This seminar concludes with a case review and question-and-answer session.
BIOPSY TECHNIQUES: HANDS-ON WORKSHOP All oral cancer treatments are based on a pathological diagnosis of a soft tissue sample. Oral healthcare providers must know how to evaluate and plan to use the optimal biopsy technique. Attendees perform biopsies and suture techniques on animal soft tissue and review how to complete the pathology requisition form correctly. A question and answer session concludes this workshop.
Participating Institutions:
9:00am - 12:45pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium - Seminar Only
Oral Cancer
Antonia Kolokythas, D.D.S., M.Sc., M.S.Ed.
Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D.
Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Eileen Crespo
Miriam Robbins, D.D.S., M.S.
Room: 1E13 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $295.00 Credits: 4
ORAL CANCER: THE PATH FROM DIAGNOSIS TO CURE This program addresses all aspects of Oral Cancer, from diagnosis and treatment to reconstruction. Topics include epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, HPV and oropharyngeal cancer, imaging modalities, radiation and chemotherapy treatments for oral cancer, surgical therapies, biopsy technique review, and referring patients for treatment. This seminar concludes with a case review and question-and-answer session.
Participating Institutions:
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pediatric Behavior Management with Words Not Drugs
Pediatric Dentistry
Charles Czerepak, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 2030 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Charles Czerepak, D.M.D., M.S.
Communication with the young dental patient may seem mysterious at times. This program looks at the science of behavior management and uses that base to explore the techniques used by experienced pediatric dentists to help children through their dental visit.
• how to assess a child’s development • the science of behavioral change • how to apply pediatric communication techniques in the dental operatory • how to predict child behavior at the dentist
As a general practitioner, you should be able to care for most of the kids in your practice without referring them to the pediatric dentist across town. Taking care of your kids should be fun and stress-free. Learn how to use the most up-to-date methods and techniques for intra-coronal restorations, full coverage of primary dentition, pulpotomies, and more. Step-by-step instructions are provided to help you become a superstar with the kids and parents in your practice. You’ve heard it before - treat your kids well, and your practice will soar.
• efficient and reliable pediatric methods and techniques • to effectively treat primary dentition decay • to successfully diagnose and treat pulpally involved teeth with new materials
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Foundation for Airway Health Summit
Sleep Apnea
Jeffrey Hindin, D.D.S.
John Tucker, D.M.D.
Course #: 2070 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Jeffrey Hindin, D.D.S. John Tucker, D.M.D.
A crisis situation may occur at any time in your practice. Many potential medical emergencies can be prevented. Gain a comprehensive command of the essential knowledge and “up to the minute” needed skills to handle a life-threatening medical crisis. We clearly delineate indications for emer-gency drugs, proper dosages and new routes of administration. Attendees will receive color-coded instructional cards depicting algorithms for the most common life-threatening situations providing an easy to follow action plan.
Learn to:
discover three simple chair-side, non-invasive tests to help avoid an emergency
recognize the most frequent life-threatening emergencies and know when and why they occur
review a systematic approach to treat the most common life-threatening scenarios
determine when to administer the essential “top 10” emergency drugs
9:00am - 12:00pm
Anatomically Centered Endodontics: Logical, Simple, and Safe
Alex Fleury, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 2100 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alex Fleury, D.D.S., M.S.
Anatomically oriented and conservative preparation of the root canal system is the best approach for long-term success in endodontics. The Anatomically Centered Approach proposed in this course allows us to sacrifice less dentin, enhance the irrigation process significantly, and seal the root canal system with the best science has to offer today. Anatomically Centered Endodontics is not about a new instrument, equipment or product, but the combination of scientifically proven techniques and materials in one simple, biologically driven, and inexpensive workflow. The primary purpose of this course is to help clinicians obtain long-term success in their endodontic cases without the need for complex or expensive equipment while providing the best possible care to their patients.
Learn to:
• become familiar with the Anatomically Centered Approach to root canal treatment • achieve long-term success utilizing a science-based, logical technique that preserves natural tooth structure • discover the significant advantages of a new irrigation solution that combines NaOCl, chelating agents, and surfactants, allowing for a more straightforward and comprehensive cleaning and disinfecting process • apply the knowledge from this program when you return to your practice
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Oral Care and Denture Considerations In The Elderly
Special Patient Care
Joy Poskozim, D.D.S. , C.D.P.
Course #: 2110 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joy Poskozim, D.D.S. , C.D.P.
Room: 1E14 Topic: Special Patient Care Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
As our population ages, dental professionals are increasingly faced with the unique challenges of treating elderly patients. This course will delve into the various types of dementia, exploring how each manifests physically and how it can impact a patient’s ability to maintain proper oral hygiene. We’ll also discuss the specific oral health issues that are more common in seniors. Additionally, the course will explore how advancements in digital dentistry, creating dentures and scanning existing ones, can streamline care for those transitioning to nursing homes. Finally, we’ll equip you with enhanced communica-tion techniques to improve patient cooperation and ensure a more positive dental experience for these patients, their families/POA’s and their facilities.
Learn to:
• explore the early signs of the different types of dementia vs manifestations of normal aging • discover a digital denture workflow that can become an easy addition to daily schedules • identify the essential records and documentation to keep in the patient’s record • understand the different types of medications used for Alzheimer’s, and what to be looking for on the patients’ updated meds list
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 3:30pm
Avoid Failure through Case Planning & Occlusion Management
Treatment Planning and Occlusion
Gary DeWood, D.D.S., M.S.
Michael Melkers, D.D.S.
Course #: 2120 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 3:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Gary DeWood, D.D.S., M.S. Michael Melkers, D.D.S.
Treatment planning and occlusion seem to get relegated and put on hold for those ‘special’ cases and perfect patients - we wonder why we do not get to provide comprehensive care more often. In this program, we will explore and discuss the application of communication, treatment planning, and occlusion in everyday dentistry and beyond. Drs. DeWood and Melkers will take you on a guided tour of applying these principles in various cases, from single tooth, quadrant, and full mouth to interdisciplinary care. They aim to help you implement these skills in your practice and patient care.
Learn to:
• differentiate purpose vs process as it applies to outcome-based treatment planning • simplify the protocol for “case presentation,” so patients understand and ask for dentistry • appreciate the balance between function, parafunction, and aesthetics • visualize and plan realistic management of destructive forces in restorative dentistry
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:00pm
Core 1: Occlusion and Smile Design
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion
Leonard Hess, D.D.S.
Course #: 2140 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Leonard Hess, D.D.S.
This is a 2-Day Course; if you register for Saturday (Course 2140), you will be automatically registered for Sunday (Course 3030) see page 36; if you register for Sunday (Course 3030), you will be automatically registered for Saturday (Course 2140).
In this course, students will delve into the fundamentals of functional occlusion
. Designed to elevate your dental practice, Core 1 offers a comprehensive integration of foundational occlusal principles with cutting-edge workflows. Beyond mastering the intricacies of esthetic dentistry, this course provides practical strategies to reduce insurance dependency, ensuring a robust bottom line. Redefine dental excellence and business success, positioning yourself as a leader in your community with Core 1
Learn to:
• visualize the journey from an insurance-focused level of care to a patient-focused, health-oriented model • discover why the most productive practices only need 10-12 new patients per month • convert the dental practice to fee-for-service with ease and predictability • motivate patients towards a higher level of health to ethically boost productivity per hour
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Management of a Dental Implant Restorations (U 10yrs)
This lecture focuses on peri-implantitis, a growing concern in the field of dental implants. The speaker discusses the prevalence, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options of peri-implantitis, emphasizing that proper maintenance and prevention are key to the long-term success of dental implants.The key to long-term dental implant success and survival is proper maintenance. The soft tissues around the implants allow a good gingival seal. Assessment, classification systems, and diagnosis of peri-implant disease are described.
Learn to:
explain the process from peri-implant mucositis to peri-implantitis
discuss prevalence of and risk factors for peri-implantitis
describe the treatment modalities for peri-implantitis
discuss the team approach and the importance of communication to prevent peri-implant disease
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Management of a Dental Implant Restorations (O 10yrs)
This lecture focuses on peri-implantitis, a growing concern in the field of dental implants. The speaker discusses the prevalence, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment options of peri-implantitis, emphasizing that proper maintenance and prevention are key to the long-term success of dental implants.The key to long-term dental implant success and survival is proper maintenance. The soft tissues around the implants allow a good gingival seal. Assessment, classification systems, and diagnosis of peri-implant disease are described.
Learn to:
explain the process from peri-implant mucositis to peri-implantitis
discuss prevalence of and risk factors for peri-implantitis
describe the treatment modalities for peri-implantitis
discuss the team approach and the importance of communication to prevent peri-implant disease
Please note this course is the same as course #2180. Course 2180 is for new dentists with credentials of being in practice for 10 years or less. All other attendees should register for this course # 2185.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Avances en Periodoncia y Educación Dental/Odontología Digital, Tomografia, Modelos y Alineadores/Traumatismos craneofaciales y su atención en hospital
Cursos de Español
Herlinda Martinez de la Garza , D.D.S.
María Eugenia Zarza Alcantara
Sergio Baez Hernández , D.D.S.
Course #: 2220 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Herlinda Martinez de la Garza , D.D.S. María Eugenia Zarza Alcantara Sergio Baez Hernández , D.D.S.
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator
AVANCES EN PERIODONCIA Y EDUCACIÓN DENTAL Descubre las últimas tendencias en el tratamiento de enfermedades peri-odontales. Exploraremos la evolución de prácticas clínicas en educación superior, enfocándonos en la preparación de profesionales de la salud oral para futuros desafíos en periodoncia. Analizaremos cómo la educación supe-rior ajusta programas para equipar a los profesionales con habilidades y conocimientos cruciales en tratamiento periodontal.
ODONTOLOGÍA DIGITAL, TOMOGRAFIA, MODELOS Y ALINEADORES Diagnostico por medio de sistemas digitales en odontología. Uso de tomo-grafía, modelos 3d y fotografía en ortodoncia. Tratamiento por medio de alineadores.
TRAUMATISMOS CRANEOFACIALES Y SU ATENCIÓN EN HOSPITALES DE SALUD EN MEXICO. ISSEMYN El trauma craneomaxilofacial representa aproximadamente el 30% de las causas de atención en los servicios de emergencia de los hospitales en México lo cual se ha convertido en un grave problema de salud pública. El manejo adecuado de estas lesiones, dependiendo de las mismas, permite al individuo recuperarse y reincorporarse a la sociedad
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
9:00am - 4:30pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration
Botox and Dermal Fillers
Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
Course #: 2240 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
This full-day demonstration on live patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. Live demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician, a board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, discusses clinical pearls, which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
• the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers • facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble • facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Atraumatic Extractions and Socket Grafting for General Practitioners: Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 2250 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S. Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Surgical extractions can often complicate a case. Learn different surgical extraction techniques, including fractured root tip management and using “Magnetic mallet” for extractions. You will also learn when and how to prepare the extraction socket to preserve the sockets using allogenic bone and get proper closure afterward. Participants will perform these exercises on models.
• atraumatic extractions, including resolving some common complications • how Magnetic Mallet can help in extractions • cleaning, debridement of sockets in preparation for graft • suturing for socket grafting in achieving successful closure
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Direct Composite Veneers: Hands-On Workshop
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Nicholas Marongiu, D.D.S.
Course #: 2260 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Nicholas Marongiu, D.D.S.
This hands-on workshop equips you with the skills to seamlessly integrate direct composite veneers into your practice. Learn step-by-step techniques for smile design, veneer placement, and finishing and polishing for predict-able and efficient aesthetic dentistry.
• basic principles of smile design • direct composite veneers • finishing and polishing
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Crown Lengthening: A Hands-on Workshop
James Grisdale, D.D.S.
Course #: 2270 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): James Grisdale, D.D.S.
This workshop deepens into surgical crown lengthening techniques to empower you for successful restorative procedures. We’ll cover everything you need to know, from selecting the right cases to suturing for closure. Flap designs, incision techniques, and proper post-operative care will be addressed, along with potential complications to watch out for.
• to recognize the indications and contraindications for crown lengthening • the principles and importance of biological width • proper flap design, osseous techniques to suturing for a successful outcome • the post-operative instructions and how to avoid potential complications
9:30am - 11:00am
Update on Endodontic Treatment Outcomes: Which Treatment Works Best
Scott Doyle, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 2160 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 9:30am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Scott Doyle, D.D.S., M.S.
Endodontic procedures are a predictable treatment option with appropriate diagnosis, case selection, and treatment protocol. This presentation will summarize the outcomes associated with various endodontic procedures, as well as factors that may affect the predictability of these treatments.
Learn to:
• summarize outcomes of nonsurgical and surgical endodontic procedures • describe factors that affect outcomes • apply this knowledge to case selection and treatment planning
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Path to Practice Ownership: Identify the Route to Successful Practice Ownership in Today’s Marketplace
Practice Management and Human Resources
Eric Ploumis, D.M.D., J.D.
Jason McKenzie, B.S.
John Masserano, BS Finance, Real Estate Broker
Joseph DiMarco, ChFC , CSLP
Maritza Duran, Consultant
Robert Malandruccolo, B.S.
Course #: 2210 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Eric Ploumis, D.M.D., J.D. Jason McKenzie, B.S. John Masserano, BS Finance, Real Estate Broker Joseph DiMarco, ChFC , CSLP Maritza Duran, Consultant Robert Malandruccolo, B.S.
Room: 1E14 Topic: Practice Management and Human Resources Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Spouse
Join us, where dentists can discuss the various aspects of starting or acquiring their first practice. This presentation will cover everything you’ll need to know to start your new practice or acquire an existing practice, run your business successfully, and plan for your future as a practice owner. Becoming a practice owner can be the most rewarding experience of your career, both personally and financially. We’ll help you develop strategies to make a successful jump from to owner of your first healthy dental practice. Join us and get all your questions answered in one place.
Learn to:
• understand what a lender looks for when qualifying a practice start-up or acquisition loan • explore the financing options available to dentists today • understand the marketplace and how practices are valued • avoid first practice “pit-falls” and learn how planning early can lead to a successful practice
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium - WORKSHOP ONLY
Oral Cancer
Antonia Kolokythas, D.D.S., M.Sc., M.S.Ed.
Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D.
Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Eileen Crespo
Miriam Robbins, D.D.S., M.S.
Room: 1E10 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $415.00 Credits: 3
BIOPSY TECHNIQUES: HANDS-ON WORKSHOP All oral cancer treatments are based on a pathological diagnosis of a soft tissue sample. Oral healthcare providers must know how to evaluate and plan to use the optimal biopsy technique. Attendees perform biopsies and suture techniques on animal soft tissue and review how to complete the pathology requisition form correctly. A question and answer session concludes this workshop.
Participating Institutions:
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Become a Magician with Children: A Mini Residency in Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss, D.D.S.
Course #: 2050 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss, D.D.S.
What makes the magic happen in your practice? It’s possible for anyone to be able to manage children and have a fun and profitable practice. From Infant/toddler oral health and behavior guidance to proper communications, scheduling, and office systems, Dr. Weiss will give you tools to be more competent and to have fun caring for children. Communications, guidance, and education of the parents will make your days easier. Changes in management of caries with a growing emphasis on minimally invasive dentistry, and innovations in pulp therapy will be examined.
Learn to:
• create optimal conditions for treating children in your practice • have fun caring for children while minimizing stress • understand and apply minimally invasive caries management to your practice
Caring for children in our general practice office can be intimidating at times, but it will become the best part of your day after attending this presentation. Once we understand our child’s individual temperament, will we be able to treatment plan appropriately. By recognizing what is the right thing for the right patient at the right time, then we can choose the right dental procedure, the appropriate technique, and the best preventative and restorative materials for that child. This program provides all you need to know about the clinical indications of essential restorative materials, how and when to use them to care for the children in our chair.
• to recognize different temperaments of our child patient • to understand clinical indications for dental restorative materials and techniques • how to best care for the children in our chairs
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Digital Dentistry: Artificial Intelligence and Veneer Options
This seminar lecture provides dental professionals with a concise exploration of Digital Smile Design, focusing on smile aesthetics. Key topics covered include minimally invasive techniques for dental laminates and veneers, contemporary treatment planning, and a comparative analysis of veneer options. Attendees will also gain insights into chair-side temporization, digital wax-up, material selection, and digital smile simulation. Additionally, interdisciplinary communication and integration of functional and aesthetic treatments will be discussed, offering a holistic approach to interdisciplinary aesthetic digital treatment planning.
to explore advanced digital dentistry fundamentals with seamlessly integrated metahuman capabilities for future-oriented smile aesthetics
to master chair-side temporization using digital diagnostic wax-ups, emphasizing optimal results across general dentistry and 12 dental specialties, and leveraging artificial intelligence collaborations for enhanced efficiency
to cultivate hands-on skills in 2D/3D digital smile designs and 4D workflows, enabling participants to seamlessly translate digital concepts into clinical reality for interdisciplinary aesthetic treatment planning
the practical skills necessary for interdisciplinary aesthetic digital treatment planning
to integrate functional and aesthetic treatments for superior patient outcomes
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Saving Compromised Teeth with Perio-Endo Treatment
Scott Froum, D.D.S.
Course #: 2170 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Scott Froum, D.D.S.
This lecture dives into the exciting world of saving compromised natural teeth! We’ll explore how to combine advanced endodontic and periodontal treatments to regenerate bone and tissue around failing teeth, empowering you to make informed decisions. Learn how to develop a personalized “decision matrix” to assess whether a tooth can be saved or needs extraction. We’ll also explore the latest regenerative materials available and the benefits of preserving your natural smile compared to implant placement. Join us and discover how to breathe new life into compromised teeth!
• to form a decision matrix and what teeth can be saved vs extracted • what regenerative materials are currently available • to discuss the benefits of saving teeth vs placing implants
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Diabetes Systemic Conditions, Periodontics and Implantology
James Fine, D.M.D.
Course #: 2200 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): James Fine, D.M.D.
This course will review diabetes and other systemic conditions in our patients that should be factored into our treatment planning when providing implant and periodontal therapies. These systemic conditions will be examined from both medical and dental perspectives. Practical approaches to providing treatment are detailed and outlined for attendees.
Learn to:
• understand how diabetes affects the oral health of our patients • identify which systemic conditions are of concern in providing implant and periodontal care • understand the potential risks to our patient’s oral health • describe how therapy may be altered in patients with diabetes and other systemic conditions
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Aplicación de la Tecnología y la Inteligencia Artificial en la Odontología
Cursos de Español
Marta Satorres Nieto, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Course #: 2230 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marta Satorres Nieto, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
En los últimos años la odontología ha experimentado un cambio enorme con la aparición de nuevas tecnologías que han hecho que tratamientos que antes eran muy complejos tengan mejor pronóstico gracias a esta utilización. Un ejemplo claro son los autotransplantes que ahora mediante la planifi-cación digital se han convertido en un tratamiento con buen pronóstico con las nuevas pautas que explicaremos. Estas nuevas tecnologías nos han permitido una completa planificación de los casos de prótesis convencional, con diseños de sonrisa y de prótesis sobre implantes llegando a la colocación implantes de una forma proteticamente guiada. En la actualidad ya tenemos sistemas de cirugía guiada muy precisos y de cirugía navegada que se están desarrollando y que desde la universidad hemos evaluado.
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Platelet Rich Fibrin, The PRF Protocol
Health Medicine and Nutrition
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 2280 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Health Medicine and Nutrition Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
PRF has gained popularity in the past few years due to its versatility and has made surgical procedures simpler, more predictable, and cost-effective for the practitioner. This hands-on workshop discusses the biological basis of PRF, PRF, L-PRF, and A-PRF and describes the most common clinical dentistry applications. Participants learn the clinical process, the different applications of using PRF as a graft substitute and membrane, and how it enhances healing. The program reviews step-by-step procedures for using PRF in implant surgery, periodontal surgery, socket grafting, and much more.
• the rationale and biologic basis for PRF • the differences and clinical applications of PRF, iPRF, L- PRF and A-PRF • tissue grafting, GBR, and Augmentation with PRF • venipuncture and the latest concepts using PRF
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Indirect Porcelain Veneers: Hands-On Workshop
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Nicholas Marongiu, D.D.S.
Course #: 2290 Date: 11/30/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Nicholas Marongiu, D.D.S.
This hands-on workshop will cover smile design from initial consultation to delivery. Learn step-by-step techniques for digital smile design for lab communication, verification try in, prep, temporization, and delivery for predictable cosmetic dentistry.
• basic principles of smile design • prep and temporization of indirect veneers • final finishing and polishing
Support for this program Is provided by
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Marketing Emocional en Implantología Oral
Cursos de Español
Eduardo Ramos Gonzalez, D.D.S.
Hugo Ramos Luna, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Room: 1E03/04/05 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $45.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Administrative Staff
La conferencia aborda cómo el marketing emocional puede transformar la experiencia en la odontología mediante el uso de fotografía, video y produc-ción. Se enfoca en comunicar emociones auténticas a los pacientes, desde la planificación del caso hasta el seguimiento postoperatorio, utilizando ejem-plos prácticos y consejos expertos utilizando un caso integral. El objetivo es integrar el marketing emocional en la práctica dental para que cada sonrisa cuente una historia y cada imagen transmita una emoción.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
8:30am - 11:00am
Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Earthquakes and Moutain Dew
John Osborn, D.D.S.
Course #: 3590 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 8:30am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Osborn, D.D.S.
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Volunteerism Tuition: $70.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students
This program serves as “A Dentist’s Guide to Humanitarian Aid.” This program is designed to promote volunteer opportunities and offer advice on getting involved in service projects and some pitfalls to avoid. It will include stories and advice gained from international and domestic humanitarian projects.
• licensure considerations • where to go to get involved with volunteer projects • what to bring when traveling to remote destinations when helping and volunteering • the resources that are available to you
Support for these programs are provided by
9:00am - 5:00pm
Core 1: Occlusion and Smile Design
Myofascial Pain/Occlusion
Leonard Hess, D.D.S.
Course #: 3030 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Leonard Hess, D.D.S.
This is a 2-Day Course, if you register for Sunday, (Course 3030), you will be automatically registered for Saturday, (Course 2140) see page 28; if you register for Saturday (Course 2140), you will be automatically registered for Sunday, (Course 3030).
In this course, students will delve into the fundamentals of functional occlusion. Designed to elevate your dental practice, Core 1 offers a comprehensive integration of foundational occlusal principles with cutting-edge workflows. Beyond mastering the intricacies of esthetic dentistry, this course provides practical strategies to reduce insurance dependency, ensuring a robust bottom line. Redefine dental excellence and business success, positioning yourself as a leader in your community with Core 1.
Learn to:
visualize the journey from an insurance-focused level of care to a patient-focused, health-oriented model
discover why the most productive practices only need 10-12 new patients per month
convert the dental practice to fee-for-service with ease and predictability motivate patients towards a higher level of health to ethically boost productivity per hour
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Periodontal Management of the Orthodontic Patient
Michael Abrams, D.D.S.
Course #: 3040 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Michael Abrams, D.D.S.
This course delves into the critical relationship between orthodontics and periodontics in achieving optimal patient outcomes. This presentation explores the complexities of interdisciplinary treatment planning and execution for common adolescent and adult cases. Focusing on case selection, treatment planning, and treatment execution, attendees will gain valuable insights into the successful collaboration between these two dental specialties.
• case selection • treatment planning • treatment execution
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of Practicing Dentistry in New York State
Margaret Surowka, J.D.
Course #: 3050 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Margaret Surowka, J.D.
This course is required for re-licensure and has been approved by the New York State Education Department.
This program utilizes real-life examples, OPD discipline cases, and opinions rendered by the New York State Dental Association’s Ethics Council through- out the program as “real-life” applications and relevance to the everyday practice of dentistry.
Included are the Laws of New York Applicable to Dentistry and the Dental Practice Act; Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations; and the Ethics of Practicing Dentistry in New York: Professional Responsibility.
A.The Dental Practice Act:
scope of practice for dentists
scope of practice for hygienists
scope of practice of certified and non-certified dental assistants
supervision of all auxiliaries
Dental Anesthesia Certificate
special provisions of §6611
nitrous oxide equipment
B. Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations:
access to patient records, HIV, and confidentiality
The use of composite resin material as a direct restorative for posterior restorations has dramatically increased in the marketplace. With various materials emerging as a viable alternative to traditional techniques and the development of new resin compositions to assist clinicians with simplified techniques, it is easy to get confused and fall behind. What materials will you advocate for use in your practice? What has the literature been revealing on materials in current use? Should practitioners change their current techniques? What preparation design will you utilize?
• the types of posterior composites and how to use them correctly • proper placement techniques that maximize clinical outcomes and esthetics • the benefits of composite warming techniques for posterior restorations
Room: 1E18 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $125.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This seminar fulfills the mandatory infection control course for oral health-care providers required for re-licensure in New York State. In addition, attendees review PEP, PPE, managing occupational exposures, and the bloodborne pathogen standard and Covid-19.
• the risks for transmission of bloodborne pathogens in a dental setting • the methods of reducing risk • the principles of managing occupational exposures in the dental setting • a review of CDC/OSHA/PEP guidelines
9:00am - 1:00pm
Risk Management
Documentation and Risk Management
Robert Peskin, D.D.S.
Course #: 3090 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Peskin, D.D.S.
This four-hour risk management course has been developed according to New York State laws and regulations. It is comprehensive and meant to provide the most current information on risk management for you to utilize in your practice. Dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants will benefit from this course’s legal and ethical information. Additionally, New York State dentists who complete this course will be eligible for a 10% discount on their liability premiums for three years from MLMIC.
• a thorough understanding of the differences between professional liability and professional discipline • a better appreciation for the importance of proper documentation and record-keeping • the importance of informed consent, how to obtain it, how to document it, and who can provide it in particular situations • an appreciation for the concepts of confidentiality and abandonment
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
“Take It On The Run, Baby!”
Special Patient Care
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
Course #: 3120 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
Room: 1E08 Topic: Special Patient Care Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This program provides participants with an overview of the most common substances of abuse, along with their potential contraindications to dental therapy and the resulting necessity, if any, for dosage modifications of commonly used dental drugs. Using case scenarios, special emphasis is given to developing patient management strategies and treatment planning techniques essential for successfully identifying and delivering proper care to our substance-abusing patients.
Learn to:
• discuss the impact of substance dependence and abuse on dental therapy and on overall patient health. • identify the most common illicit and licit substances of abuse and dependence • describe techniques useful in identifying and addressing substance dependency
Support for this program is provided by
This program is being presented by the New York City Dental Hygienists’ Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienists’ Association and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association
9:00am - 12:00pm
Social Media for Dentists: From Engagement to Conversion
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok...where to begin and how do we grow our practice with social media? Seventy-four percent of Americans use social media on a daily basis and it a non-negotiable marketing platform for dental practices. In this engaging presentation, discover which platforms to use and what, when, and how to post to reach your ideal patients. Receive easy-to-implement strategies, scripts and training to create video content, including patient testimonials. Plus, learn about targeted ads and internal marketing contests to connect with current patients and convert new ones.
Learn to:
• determine what, when, and how to use social media for conversions • gain actionable insights and implementation tools that you can use immediately to improve your social media pages • discover the latest tactics and trends, including video and content redistribution • create targeted social media ads
9:00am - 12:00pm
Wealth Management /Influencing with Impact: Women Doctors in Dentistry
Room: 1E17 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
DEVELOPING A WEALTH MINDSET: RISKS & REWARDS A wealth mindset is a way of living that protects your greatest assets, mind, and your health. Participants will learn to identify risk factors associated with professional burnout, understand the differences between stress and burnout, and explore the available resources to achieve a wealth mindset.
Learn to:
define and identify professional burnout
examine and discern trending for dentists’ well-being in the United States
identify the risks associated with professional burnout
explore resources to achieve a wealth mindset
INFLUENCING WITH IMPACT: WOMEN DOCTORS IN DENTISTRY Unlock your potential as a female leader in dentistry by developing the skills to influence and inspire your team beyond a paycheck. Learn strategies to motivate and engage your patients, leading to increased treatment enrollment and practice success. Witness your leadership transform your practice and elevate your team’s performance to new heights.
Learn to:
equip participants with essential leadership skills to influence and inspire their dental teams, fostering a positive and productive work environment
provide strategies to motivate and engage team members, ensuring they are driven by more than just financial incentives, leading to improved team morale and collaboration
teach techniques to effectively communicate with and engage patients, resulting in higher treatment acceptance rates and overall practice growth
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Revolutionizing Dentures
Lori Trost, D.M.D.
Course #: 3200 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Lori Trost, D.M.D.
Digital dentures are now available that offer significant improvements in esthetics, fit, durability, and turnaround time. Clinical case discussion will illustrate current scanning sequences, edentulous ridge presentations, and other pertinent landmarks necessary to complete the digital denture workflow record. Join this interactive program to explore the technological and material advances that are transforming the denture fabrication process using the iTero Element™ .
Course objectives
Analyze the most common digital denture restoration scenarios.
Examine the anatomy of the edentulous arches and understand patient characteristics to determine the proper digital impression strategy.
Organize patient data to improve lab communication and leverage workflow efficiency.
Review current dental materials designed to fabricate digital dentures.
Participate in hands-on training on the iTero Element™ scanner with the Certified Trainer team.
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Introduction to Hard and Soft Tissue Lasers
Laser Dentistry
Larry Lieberman
Course #: 3300 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Larry Lieberman
This comprehensive laser dentistry course equips dental professionals with the knowledge and practical understanding to integrate lasers into their practice. We’ll explore the science behind various wavelengths and instruments, exploring their applications, benefits, and system differences. Through clinical cases, photos, and videos, you’ll discover how lasers can revolutionize procedures like hemorrhage control, injection-free restorations, laser-assist-ed endodontics, soft tissue, and bone management for crowns, reduced chair time, periodontic applications, implant, and grafting procedures, and even address peri-implantitis. Additionally, the course explores the use of lasers in photobiomodulation for wound healing, collagen stimulation, and tissue modification.
• hemorrhage control • injection free restorative • laser activated endodontics • to manage soft tissue and bone around crowns
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Ortodoncia Estética e Invisible/Taller de Ventas para la Industria Dental/Ortodoncia Lingual y Laser
Cursos de Español
Jorge Corro, B.A.
Julio Lalama Monserrate, International Dentist
Paula Reales Salas, International Dentist
Silvana Alzogaray, International Dentist
Verónica Escalante, International Dentist
Course #: 3560 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jorge Corro, B.A. Julio Lalama Monserrate, International Dentist Paula Reales Salas, International Dentist Silvana Alzogaray, International Dentist Verónica Escalante, International Dentist
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
ORTODONCIA ESTÉTICA E INVISIBLE La ortodoncia autoligable, es considerada la ortodoncia del siglo 21, está basado en la utilización de brackets que no utilizan ligaduras, resultando en un sistema de baja fricción, logrando Beneficios, en la disminución del tiempo de tratamiento, menor trabajo clínico para el profesional, acortando el tiempo de la cita en el consultorio, a su vez que aumenta el confort del uso de los brackets en los pacientes. Dependiendo de la filosofía o técnica empleada, podemos generar sonrisas más amplias, tratar los pacientes sin extracciones, e implementar una mecánica simplificada en la cual se requi-eren entre uno dos arcos en la mayoría de los tratamientos.
TALLER DE VENTAS PARA LA INDUSTRIA DENTAL El taller tiene como objetivo desarrollar habilidades blandas que los Profe-sionales de la salud necesitan para completar sus ventas, generar experien-cias y convertirse incluso en conferencistas de su área. Desarrollarán la habi-lidad de hablar en público, conocerán los conceptos básicos de las finanzas y aterrizaran proyectos de crecimiento y expansión para su clínica o negocio.
ORTODONCIA LINGUAL Y LASER Ortodoncia Lingual y Laser. Manejo de ortodoncia Lingual. Manejo de recidi-vas. Tratamiento de simple y mediana complejidad. Tratamiento con láser.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
9:45am - 12:45pm
The Chemistry of Whitening: Something to Really Smile About
Melissa Martinetti, M.S.
Phyllis Martina, B.S.D.H., M.B.A.
Would you believe 88% of your patients want whiter teeth? Delivering an easy to achieve, whiter, more youthful smile with virtually no sensitivity and no gingival barrier will make you a hero to your patients. This course reviews the chemistry and science behind dental whitening, small steps you can take to increase treatment acceptance and implement an efficient, state-of-the-art whitening system that will transform the whitening experience for both you and your patient. This program discusses the mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide with an enhanced peroxide delivery method, the synergistic effects of a shorter wavelength LED device and their combined implication for easier and more rapid tooth whitening. Strategies for engaging in patient whitening discussions and the management of patient clinical outcome expectations will be explored.
Learn to:
• discuss the chemistry and mechanism of action of tooth-whitening technology • differentiate available peroxide delivery gels and serums and the effects on patient comfort and satisfaction • understand the chemical reactions of light on hydrogen peroxide to enhance whitening • identify factors affecting whitening treatment expectations
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Starting a Practice: Building Blocks
Practice Management and Human Relations
Maritza Duran, Consultant
Patrick McGahren
Course #: 3110 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Maritza Duran, Consultant Patrick McGahren
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3
Staying actively engaged in the planning and building process is essential when starting a new practice. But right now, you’re actively working in another practice, so how do you manage both? Learn how to develop your startup plan and prepare for ownership as you explore a project’s key components, including your advisory team, financing, location selection, office design, staff management, effective business systems, marketing, and your role throughout the process.
• qualifications for a startup loan • to find the best possible location • office design to increase workflow productivity • startup strategies • to refine, implement, and build your plan
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 10:45am
Restoratively Driven Implants Made Easy With A Digital Workflow
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Botox and Dermal Fillers Tuition: $975.00 Credits: 6 Recommended For:
Dentists, Nurse, Doctor
This full-day demonstration on live patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. Live demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician, a board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, discusses clinical pearls, which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
• the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers • facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble • facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Advanced Restorative for Children: Hands on Workshop
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss, D.D.S.
Course #: 3420 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss, D.D.S.
The clinician demonstrates advanced, innovative clinical procedures from restorative to pulp therapy, stainless steel crowns, and covers minimally invasive care. This three-hour session includes videos and hands-on preparation on typodonts of these procedures by attendees. The Hall Crown and Silver Diamine Fluoride is also discussed. A successful and profitable practice needs to care for children effectively. Get pearls of diagnosis and techniques that you never learned in dental school. This course will change the way you care for kids and make your days more predictable and fun!
Learn to:
• effortlessly prepare primary teeth • understand options and how to perform pulp therapy in children • become more comfortable in caring for children • discover new techniques for control of dental caries in children
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Easy, Predictable and Profitable Endodontics: A Hands-On Workshop
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 3440 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anne Koch, D.M.D.
This hands-on workshop introduces participants to a technique that will be straight forward and easy to master. All attendees will watch Dr. Koch demonstrate the Blend technique and will then have the opportunity themselves to perform it. Dr. Koch, who first introduced hydraulic condensa-tion using a bioceramic cement in 2006, will additionally demonstrate the simplicity of this technique. After attending this workshop, you will improve the quality of your endodontics along with increasing your profitability.
Learn to:
• predictably perform the Blend technique in both easy and difficult cases • recognize the keys to preventing separation of instruments • perform a completely “drill – free” post technique
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Clinical Crown Lengthening: A Hands-On Workshop
Kevin Suzuki, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 3450 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kevin Suzuki, D.M.D., M.S.
This course is a combination of instruction, demonstration, and hands-on (pig-jaw) workshop. Participants learn principles of incisions, surgical flap reflection, clinical crown lengthening surgery, suturing, and after-care for private practice. Indications, considerations, and surgical principles are discussed.
• principles of patient evaluation, clinical, and diagnostic considerations of crown lengthening and limited flap surgery • surgical and anatomic principles for crown lengthening surgery • to practice and develop hands-on skills to gain experience in performing clinical crown lengthening surgery
9:45am - 12:45pm
Direct Composite Laminates & Veneers: Smile Designer Hands-on Workshop
Elevate your dental practice with our cutting-edge, hands-on workshop on Direct Composite Laminates and Veneers. Gain mastery in smile design and anterior aesthetics, refine your shade selection skills, and explore the best composite materials for stunning results. This workshop will enhance your abilities in composite sculpting and polishing, using the latest instruments and burs. Empower yourself to become a top-tier smile designer, delivering exceptional aesthetic treatments in just one visit. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your skills and boost patient satisfaction!
• to understand and apply advanced smile design concepts and anterior aesthetics to create stunning direct composite laminates and veneers. • to hone your ability to select harmonious shades, ensuring natural-looking, beautiful results in the aesthetic zone. • precise, step-by-step layering methods for blending Class III, IV, and V restorations, closing diastemas, and achieving a long-lasting, stain-resistant polish with advanced 3D surface effects • to develop the skills to craft free-handed composite veneers that achieve a lifelike, tooth-like finish, enhancing your aesthetic dentistry expertise
9:45am - 12:45pm
Predictable, Simple, and Cost-effective Bone Grafting and Suturing Techniques: A Hands-on Workshop
This workshop demonstrates a series of predictable, simple, and cost-effective clinical uses for bone regeneration focused on one-step alveolar ridge preservation using novel composite graft/collagen materials. The speaker will review surgical techniques for both everyday tooth extractions as well as innovative procedures for ridge preservation, sinus lifts, and grafting around immediately placed implants. The speaker will cover current clinical guide-lines and the scientific rationales behind them. Participants will also learn the fundamentals of bone grafting and suturing techniques in a model-based, hands-on session.
• to understand alveolar ridge preservation and why it is important to graft sockets as well as recognize the clinical indications and benefits of grafting extraction sites • to demonstrate simple, predictable and cost-effective socket grafting techniques without the use of a membrane • to review advanced surgical applications including grafting around immediately placed implants and filling interproximal and facial gaps after extraction • predictable bone grafting and suturing techniques
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Veneer Planning and Preparation: Successful Esthetics Hands-on Workshop
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Susan McMahon, D.M.D.
Course #: 3480 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Susan McMahon, D.M.D.
Appearance and self-esteem have long been intertwined. So, as our social media and selfie culture continues to grow, it’s no surprise that more and more people are seeking out cosmetic dentistry as a way to enhance their appearances. Many patients are seeking veneer enhancement. This course will cover veneer case planning, prepping, material choices and inserting. Each step from diagnosing to planning to prepping to lab communication to provisionalization to insertion for veneer cases will be shown in case studies. Apply Smile Design to combine gingival sculpting, whitening, direct restorations, and veneers.
Learn to:
• develop clinical skills for comprehensively diagnosing, preparing, placing and finishing conservative veneer restorations • give confidence to recognize and assess your patients’ cosmetic desires • attain step by step protocol for applied smile design for combination treatments that boost their confidence and boost your bottom line
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Equilibration - Making Teeth Work: A Hands-on Workshop
Gary DeWood, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 3490 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gary DeWood, D.D.S., M.S.
The ability to create a designed occlusion starts with visualization and ends with equilibration. This workshop provides program material about logic and concept, and an experience in trial equilibration of mounted casts to mimic equilibration of the natural dentition.
• skills and techniques for accurate dental relationship analysis • the ability to read the patient’s existing occlusion and create harmony in the designed one • techniques for getting to “dot’s in back,” and “stripes in front” - predictably and quickly on the models • the ability to take the result to the mouth
Support for this program is provided by
10:00am - 12:00pm
Mastering One-Piece Implants: A Comprehensive Exploration
This course dives deep into the world of innovative implants, exploring their advantages and key technique differences compared to traditional two-piece options. The curriculum equips you to make informed treatment decisions by contrasting the benefits and considerations of each implant type. Master surgical protocols through exploration of progressive osteotomies, osseo-fixation methodologies, and immediate anterior case management with titanium neck bending. Develop proficiency in shaping ideal gingival contours with temporary restorations on one-piece implants. Finally, navigate full arch implant placement for both fully edentulous and terminal dentition patients, while exploring restorative considerations including single crowns, multi-unit FPDs, and even full digital workflows with 3D printers.
Learn to:
master the pros and cons of one-piece vs. two-piece implants
conquer surgical protocols including osteotomies and immediate anterior case management
achieve ideal gingival contours with temporary restorations
navigate full arch implant placement and explore restorative options
Support for this program is provided by
10:00am - 12:30pm
Immediate Placement And Same Day Full Arch Conversions
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 3100 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
General dentists, elevate your practice and improve patient well-being with this comprehensive 2-hour lecture on Dental Sleep Medicine! This program dives into the essential topics you need to understand, including workflow, device selection, and practical implementation. Walk away equipped with the knowledge and skills to confidently introduce Dental Sleep Medicine into your practice and start helping patients achieve better sleep and overall health.
• an overview of the fundamentals of dental sleep medicine, including its role in managing sleep-related breathing disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). • the diagnostic tools and screening methods used in dental sleep medicine within the context of a general dental practice • the interdisciplinary approach to managing sleep-related breathing disorders, emphasizing collaboration between dentists, physicians, and sleep specialists • the potential impact of dental sleep medicine on patient health and quality of life
Support for this program is provided by
10:00am - 12:00pm
Invisalign Smile Architect™
Steven Liao
Course #: 3210 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Liao
Invisalign Smile Architect is a first-of-its-kind software that supports simple to complex ortho-restorative treatment planning in a single platform when treating patients with Invisalign clear aligners. Through this workflow enhancement to the Align Digital Platform™, you will be able to plan anticipated restorative outcomes for patients who require restorative treatment after orthodontic treatment. As a result, your patients can visualize the proposed treatment more easily, which in turn can inspire increased case acceptance. This course will create awareness about efficient and accurate systems for ortho-restorative Invisalign® treatment planning and effective patient communication methods to increase acceptance of the proposed treatment.
Course objectives
Distinguish how digital pre-restorative alignment setups may allow for more minimally invasive restorations.
Illustrate the importance of facially driven treatment planning for ortho-restorative setups and its impact on treatment outcomes.
Evaluate how this tool may enable doctors to simplify their approach to patient communications and create opportunities to improve case acceptance
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
As an industry innovator and enthusiast in dental implants, dentures and digital technology, Dr. Scherer will demonstrate and offer easy-to-follow tips on refining your digital denture workflow with exocad’s DentalCAD software.
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Management of Impacted Teeth: A Few Interesting Cases
$75.00 - Non ICD Members /$40.00 - ICD Fellows Onl
Current Dental Topic
Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Course #: 3600 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Edward Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Current Dental Topic Tuition: $75.00 - Non ICD Members /$40.00 - ICD Fellows Onl Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
The annual Luncheon Meeting featuring DR. EDWARD J. MILLER, JR. will discuss
If any questions, Contact: Rekha Gehani, D.D.S., Regent, District 2, 516-506-5703 or or Ed Miller, D.M.D., Vice-Regent, 914-588-0806, Registration must be completed through the Greater New York Dental Meeting website,
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Don’t miss your chance to see Dr. Tadros as she demonstrates the power of her digital wax-up workflow, which utilizes DentalCAD and Smile Creator to set patient expectations and increase case acceptance.
Designed for dental team members, this course reviews the critical role of the dental hygienist and the clinician's examination to identify occlusal problems and provides guidelines for communicating findings to the patient. Hygienists will learn how to use the iTero Element™ Scanner tools to influence the patient to start treatment. Patient education using the iTero™ scanner's proprietary tools, Occlusogram, Invisalign® Outcome Simulator Pro, TimeLapse, and NIRI technology will be illustrated to provide an optimal experience and build clinical confidence.
Learning objectives Gain a basic understanding of the health benefits of Invisalign® therapy and the subsequent consequences of malocclusion; occlusal trauma, wear, abfraction, decay, and periodontal disease. Evidence-based research is presented and translated in an easy-to-use, patient-friendly manner. This is essential for the dental team to conduct successful consultations and ultimately improve the health of both the patient and the practice.
Understand how to:
Adopt clear aligner therapy into everyday treatment recommendations.
Identify the consequences of malocclusion as it relates to periodontium, oral, and overall health.
Perform an orthodontic and functional assessment guided by iTero™ scanner tools Viewer and Occlusogram.
Develop a strategy for effective and efficient use of the iTero™ scanner suite of tools.
Illustrate the benefits of a Perio-Ortho-Restorative clinical protocol through clinical case studies.
Identify candidates for orthodontic therapy with Invisalign® aligners.
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Comprehensive Dentistry and Digital Workflows with Clear Aligners
Enhance and support the success of your Invisalign® aligner practice with the integration of the Align Digital Platform™. This course will explore strategies for leveraging a digital workflow to provide comprehensive treatment, resulting in a significant impact on your patients’ experience and education. Various digital workflows including the Invisalign® Practice App, iTero™ scanner tools, ClinCheck® treatment software, and Invisalign® Virtual Care will be discussed to facilitate the adoption and implementation of these practices within the office.
Course objectives
Identify the various technological tools unique to the Invisalign system in assisting with case acceptance.
Define the team approach to case acceptance.
Explain how incorporating Invisalign clear aligners into a patient’s treatment can lead to comprehensive and optimum care for the patient.
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Implantología en Zona Estética Como ser Predecibles/Tratamientos Ortodóntico y Ortopédicos en pacientes clase III/Cirugía Guiada de Implantes: manejo
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 4 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians
IMPLANTOLOGÍA EN ZONA ESTÉTICA COMO SER PREDECIBLES Los tratamientos en el área estética, es decir en el sector antero-superior, cuando ya la pieza dental presenta un fracaso ya sea por iatrogenias, frac-turas o cualquier tipo de trauma, pues empleamos la técnica del implante post-exodoncia y colocación de provisional inmediato, Relleno del Gap y finalizando con la colocación de un injerto de tejido conectivo. En este tema Presentaremos como solucionar este tipo de casos involucrando las espe-cialidades de periodoncia, Implantes y Rehabilitación.
TRATAMIENTOS ORTODÓNTICO Y ORTOPÉDICOS EN PACIENTES CLASE III/CIRUGÍA GUIADA DE IMPLANTES: MANEJO Y PROTOCOLO QUIRÚRGICO. CASOS DE ÉXITO En odontología el trabajo en equipo es necesario para tener excelentes resultados en los tratamientos. Hoy día la interdisciplina ante casos comple-jos tiene un papel fundamental a la hora de diagnosticar ya que cada área tiene un aspecto propio y necesario para obtener las soluciones correctas. Esta conferencia busca presentarles la importancia de trabajar los casos con la multidisciplina, en la misma se estarán presentando casos reales que nos llegan a la consulta, en el que buscamos tratamientos entre especialistas.
GRANDES DESAFÍOS DE LA ORTODONCIA Veremos diferentes casos clínicos enfocados en soluciones, no solo esté-ticas, sino de salud periodontal y los cambios clínicos y radiográficos del manejo profesional adecuado. Un análisis profundo sobre la visión integral del ortodoncista.
PREVENCIÓN TRAUMA OCLUSAL EN PRÓTESIS FIJA PREVENCIÓN TRAUMA OCLUSAL EN PRÓTESIS FIJA/VENTAJAS EN EL USO DE ALINADORES DENTALES EN CASOS DE ORTODONCIA CORRECTIVA Importancia de prevenir el trauma oclusal antes, durante y después de la confección de la prótesis fija convencional. En esta conferencia socializare-mos sobre la importancia de cómo prevenir el trauma de oclusión en protesi fija, así como cuales son las causas y las consecuencias a prevenir de las misma. Mostraremos paso a paso los conocimientos, tecinas y protocolos a segiur y ensenaremos nuestra experiencia en éxitos y fracasos del proced-imiento protético realizado.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Excite Your Patients And Increase Case Conversion With Beautiful And Predictable Smile Design And Accelerate Clinical Workflows With AI-Designed Crown
Dive into exocad’s Smile Creator software and learn to utilize the latest tools and features, including AI design options, to create the most refined smile design proposals.
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 5:00pm
Socket Grafting with Bone Graft Cement: A Hands on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Michael Katzap, D.D.S.
Course #: 3540 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Michael Katzap, D.D.S.
Delve into the intricacies of socket grafting with bone graft cement in our hands-on workshop. Led by experts in the field, this immersive course provides participants with practical, step-by-step protocols for predictable socket grafts using biphasic calcium sulfate cement. From simple to complex socket preservation techniques, attendees will learn and practice on realistic models, gaining confidence and proficiency in this essential aspect of dental surgery. Explore the latest advancements in grafting materials and techniques, and elevate your clinical skills to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Don’t miss this invaluable opportunity to expand your knowledge and enhance your practice!
• to introduce bone graft cement • biological rational for bone graft cement • immediate applications of bone graft cement in the dental practice
Master the art of bone regeneration with this in-depth program! Explore the science behind optimal bone healing and how graft materials, like the OsteoGen® products, dramatically influence the process. Through engaging case studies, you’ll discover the versatility of bone grafting for a wide range of applications from routine socket preservation to complex sinus lifts. This program equips you with the knowledge and confidence to achieve predictable and successful outcomes in your bone grafting procedures.
Learn to:
• understand the science of extraction site healing • present options for a multitude of grafting scenarios • explain the biological effects of grafting materials • present a simple protocol for grafting
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Update on HPV and Oral Cancer
Current Dental Topic
Christopher Walden Bowers, D.M.D., M.S.
Gwen Cohen-Brown, D.S, FAAOMP
Course #: 3130 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Christopher Walden Bowers, D.M.D., M.S. Gwen Cohen-Brown, D.S, FAAOMP
Room: 1E08 Topic: Current Dental Topic Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
The impact of HPV on Oral Cancer cannot be understated. This course will review the clinical, pathological and epidemiological factors of both HPV related oral cancers as well as those traditionally presenting with a history of tobacco and alcohol use. Relevant emerging medical technologies will be discussed as well.
• the changing demographics of Oral Cancer • the prevalence and presentation of HPV related premalignant and malignant Oral Cancers • approved diagnostic techniques for diagnosing HPV and Oral Cancer • methods of prevention of the development of Oral Cancer
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Do you want to showcase your practice culture in a more effective way? How about engaging your existing patients and converting new ones with powerful video testimonials? Are you finding it difficult to maintain consistent marketing efforts? During this workshop-style course, receive easy-to-imple-ment strategies to optimize your internal, digital, community, and marketing outlets. This course also includes live training and scripting to acquire powerful video testimonials. Plus, learn how to build effective marketing plans, leverage social media and create a system for consistent marketing.
Learn to:
• discover internal, community, digital and social media marketing strategies to grow your practice • gain the skills to acquire and utilize powerful video testimonials that showcase your practice’s success • identify tools to build marketing plans that work for your specific practice • leverage digital and social media tools
2:00pm - 5:00pm
All TMJ Patients Are N.U.T.S. (Not Understanding Their Symptoms)
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Jamison Spencer, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 3170 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jamison Spencer, D.M.D., M.S.
In this presentation, Dr. Spencer will provide an anatomy and orthopedics-based approach to evaluating and treating the most common TMJ disorders. Dr. Spencer will show that once the underlying etiologies are understood, the seemingly mysterious issues associated with TMD aren’t so mysterious. He will also discuss how bruxism and sleep-related breathing issues may be connected, and how recognizing and properly diagnosing such a problem can make all the difference regarding the patient’s outcome.
• a better understanding of the gross anatomy related to TMJ disorders • a simple system to quickly evaluate the most common TMJ disorders • to understand how to treat or when to refer patients with the most common TMJ disorders • to recognize that, in some cases, bruxism and sleep-related breathing disorders may be connected and what to do
2:00pm - 5:00pm
It’s (Medically) Complicated!
Women's Program
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
Course #: 3190 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
Dental professionals must frequently draw upon their knowledge of pharmacology for optimal care of today’s medically complex dental patients. However, armed with relatively brief exposure to such a vast subject during formal education and faced with ever-changing medication therapy guidelines, many dental professionals simply cannot keep up with the latest trends in disease state management. This program will provide an overview of the dental implications of prescription medications, nonprescription medications, herbal products, nutritional supplements, and substances of abuse most frequently used by patients. Special emphasis will be given to delivering this essential information in a format which makes it practical and useful for all members of the dental team.
Learn to:
• identify the prescription medications most frequently encountered on a patient’s medical history and discuss their indications for use, adverse reactions and impact on dental therapy • discuss the non-prescription medications most often used by dental patients and explain their impact on dental therapy, including situations which preclude their use • identify the most popular herbal products and nutritional supplements and discuss their purported uses and dental considerations • identify the most common substances of abuse and describe their oral manifestations and dental treatment considerations
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Treating Snoring/Sleep Disorder Breathing and Intraoral Facial Aesthetics with Lasers
Laser Dentistry
Larry Lieberman
Course #: 3310 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Larry Lieberman
This course explores the diverse applications of laser therapy in dentistry, extending far beyond traditional procedures. Discover how lasers can address sleep-disordered breathing through screening and treatment, including laser-induced tightening of the soft palate and uvula to improve airway patency without surgery. We’ll delve into the connection between tethered oral tissues (TOTs), sleep issues, and laser therapies for both. The course also explores the use of lasers for non-surgical enhancement of athletic performance and nasal breathing and even ventures into facial aesthetics within the scope of dental practice. This includes techniques for facial rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction, and lip enhancement, all achieved through laser stimulation of collagen production.
• about sleep-disordered breathing (including screening) whereby the soft palate and uvula are bathed with laser energy, which tightens the collagen and opens up the airway without cutting or surgery • screening for TOTs (tethered oral tissues) and the relationship to sleep disorders • laser therapies for TOTs and Sleep Disordered Breathing (snoring, sleep apnea, and more) • non-surgical laser applications in improving sports performance and nasal breathing
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Harmonização Facial e Odontologia Internacional
Cursos de Portuguese
Carlos Eduardo Magalhaes Duarte, International Dentist
Eduardo Picanço , D.D.S., M.Sc.
Juliana Ramalho, D.D.S., M.Sc
Luiz Pimenta, D.D.S., M.B.A., Ph.D.
Com foco nas metodologias adotadas por profissionais renomados no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, o programa apresentará as práticas estéti-cas mais atuais, promovendo o intercâmbio de conhecimento científico e técnico para o avanço global da Harmonização Facial. Além disso, o progra-ma abordará o processo de validação de diplomas para profissionais brasi-leiros interessados em expandir suas carreiras nos EUA, fornecendo orien-tações detalhadas sobre os procedimentos necessários e as oportunidades de formação disponíveis no país. Destacaremos também outras oportuni-dades internacionais à disposição dos profissionais brasileiros, ressaltando a busca pela excelência na odontologia e na Harmonização Orofacial.
O suporte para este programa é fornecido pelo
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Chairside Ethics: Daily Dental Dilemmas and Their Management
Guenter Jonke, D.M.D., M.S.
Kevin Henner, D.M.D.
Course #: 3330 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Guenter Jonke, D.M.D., M.S. Kevin Henner, D.M.D.
Faced with ethical dilemmas in your daily practice? This course equips you to navigate these challenges with confidence. We’ll address and answer the most common ethical scenarios dentists encounter, helping you understand the reasoning behind ethical evaluations and the decision-making process involved. By the end, you’ll be proficient in applying the American Dental Association’s Principles of Ethics and Code of Conduct to real-world situations, ensuring your dental practice upholds the highest ethical standards.
Learn to:
• understand the ethical reasoning behind the evaluation of these ethical dilemmas • understand the decision-making used to address the ethical dilemmas • become proficient in the American Dental Association’s Principle of Ethics and Code of Conduct
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Annual Medicaid and Government Benefit Programs Forum and Discussion Panel
Belkys Garcia, JD
Margaret Surowka, J.D.
Michele Griguts, D.D.S.
Speakers and Panel Members: MARGARET SUROWKA, ESQ., Medicaid Defense Counsel, Barclay and Damon, LLP MICHELE GRIGUTS, D.D.S.
For our 12th year of this program, we have made the presentations shorter and the discussions longer. Ms. Belkys Garcia, the lead attorney from legal aid society for the recently settled Medicaid Lawsuit and Ms. Margaret Surowka, an attorney who does Medicaid provider defense, will update us on Medicaid Policies and Administration. If you are going to attend one Medicaid/Medicare-based educational program this year, then this is the one. You will get the information you need and be able to ask questions to the leaders who shape the policies.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Oral Cavity Under Acid Attack
Restorative Dentistry
Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S.
Course #: 3350 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S.
Through this enlightening program, Dr. Geissberger will discuss various disease conditions that plague the entire dental population, and identify several at risk populations. The importance of oral pH will be discussed and strategies for altering an unfavorable oral environment will be outlined. Additionally, the dental team will learn progressive strategies to help their patients achieve oral balance and curb their disease processes. Nutrition and diet control will be discussed extensively.
Learn to:
• understand the difference between a balanced oral environment and one that is susceptible to disease • develop strategies which can be implemented in practice to help patients achieve oral balance • develop a program for caries eradication that can be easily implemented into private practice
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Oral Lesions: Diagnosis and Management Essentials
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
B. Jason Kyles, D.D.S.
Course #: 3360 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): B. Jason Kyles, D.D.S.
This course delves into the intricate realm of clinical oral pathology, focusing on the diagnosis and management of various lesions commonly encountered in clinical practice. Through comprehensive review sessions, participants will explore the epidemiology, clinical presentations, diagnostic modalities, and treatment strategies for oral HPV lesions, candidiasis, and melanocytic lesions. Expert-led discussions will elucidate the nuances of each condition, equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary for accurate diagnosis.
Learn to:
• understand the etiology and epidemiology of each entity • recognize the clinical presentations of each entity • discuss the diagnosis and management of each entity
In this course, attendees will learn about Computer Aided Designing and Computer Aided Manufacturing restorations in dentistry and how to fully incorporate it into a dental practice efficiently with profitability. The clinician will discuss how to embrace the digital workflow in scanning, designing, and milling in-office chairside restorations using a modern CAD/CAM system. Additional topics to be discussed are material selection, tooth preparation, final finish and cementation.
• to review and show how to incorporate the benefits of a digital workflow • to digitally design a functional and restoration in-office • the variety of material choices based on their indications through clinical cases • how to produce quality restorations in a single visit for efficiency and profitability
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Orthodontic Excellence for GPs and Pediatric Dentists
Dan German, D.D.S.
Course #: 3380 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dan German, D.D.S.
Master orthodontic case selection to maximize both predictability and practice profitability. Deepen your understanding of diagnostic fundamentals and treatment planning for superior patient care. Learn to collaborate effectively using orthobrain® and make informed decisions regarding braces, aligners, and orthopedic therapies for optimal treatment outcomes.
• strategic case selection: enhancing predictability and profitability • fundamentals of diagnosing and treatment planning fundamentals in orthodontics • integrative collaboration: leveraging orthobrain® for predictable braces, aligners, and jaw airway-growing therapies • optimizing treatment outcomes: know when to use braces, aligners, or orthopedics
2:00pm - 4:30pm
Safeguarding Wealth: Asset Protection and Tax Strategies
Practice Management and Human Relations
Daniel McNeff, CEO
Course #: 3390 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Daniel McNeff, CEO
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: Free Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Spouse, Doctor
Learn how to structure your practice for lawsuit protection and prevention, how to protect your professional and personal assets from lawsuits, reduce your malpractice insurance costs, how to protect your retirement plans from judgements and seizures, and how to minimize vicarious liability for the acts of other professionals and staff.
Learn to:
• maintain the focus of their medical practice on improved patient care rather than malpractice defense • structure their practices for lawsuit protection and prevention, improving overall operations management of the practice • protect practice and professional assets from lawsuits through applied risk managements techniques • understand basic practice management tools that can help decrease unnecessary loss of revenue
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Buying, Starting, Growing or Transitioning Your Dental Practice
Practice Management and Human Relations
Jarrett Mathews, B.S.
Jason McKenzie, B.S.
John Sabat
Joseph DiMarco, ChFC , CSLP
Paul Elias, Esq
Rikesh Patel, Transitions Consultant
Course #: 3400 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jarrett Mathews, B.S. Jason McKenzie, B.S. John Sabat Joseph DiMarco, ChFC , CSLP Paul Elias, Esq Rikesh Patel, Transitions Consultant
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
This seminar is designed to address the concerns of new doctors looking to start a practice from scratch or purchase an existing one and established doctors looking to sell an existing practice. This comprehensive seminar will cover everything you’ll need to know to start your new practice, run your business successfully, plan for your future as a dental practice owner, and prepare to transition away from practice ownership. Join us and get all of your questions answered in one place.
• the fundamentals of starting or buying your first practice • to understand practice financing options in today’s market • to avoid first practice “pit-falls” and learn how planning early can lead to a successful practice • to identify the right time to become a business owner
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Advanced Restorative for Children: Hands on Workshop
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss, D.D.S.
Course #: 3430 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss, D.D.S.
The clinician demonstrates advanced, innovative clinical procedures from restorative to pulp therapy, stainless steel crowns, and covers minimally invasive care. This three-hour session includes videos and hands-on preparation on typodonts of these procedures by attendees. The Hall Crown and Silver Diamine Fluoride is also discussed. A successful and profitable practice needs to care for children effectively. Get pearls of diagnosis and techniques that you never learned in dental school. This course will change the way you care for kids and make your days more predictable and fun!
Learn to:
• effortlessly prepare primary teeth • understand options and how to perform pulp therapy in children • become more comfortable in caring for children • discover new techniques for control of dental caries in children
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Equilibration - Making Teeth Work: A Hands-on Workshop
Gary DeWood, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 3500 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gary DeWood, D.D.S., M.S.
The ability to create a designed occlusion starts with visualization and ends with equilibration. This workshop provides program material about logic and concept, and an experience in trial equilibration of mounted casts to mimic equilibration of the natural dentition.
• skills and techniques for accurate dental relationship analysis • the ability to read the patient’s existing occlusion and create harmony in the designed one • techniques for getting to “dot’s in back,” and “stripes in front” - predictably and quickly on the models • the ability to take the result to the mouth
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Genius of Constant Tapered Preparations: A Hands-on Workshop
Anne Koch, D.M.D.
Course #: 3510 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anne Koch, D.M.D.
In this hands-on session, participants will learn all the benefits associated with constant taper preparations. The Blend technique, which employs both heat-treated and nonheat-treated instruments, will be introduced and fully explained. Emphasis will also be on the current use of bioceramic technology in modern endodontics. At all times, piezo electric ultrasonics will be available.
Learn to:
• predictably shape constant taper preparations • understand the advantages and limitations of heat treated files • realize the many applications of bioceramics
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Basic and Advanced Suturing: A Hands-on Workshop
Kevin Suzuki, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 3520 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kevin Suzuki, D.M.D., M.S.
This hands-on workshop is a combination of instruction, demonstration, and a hands-on (pig-jaw) workshop. Participants learn principles of suturing to implement in surgery in their office. Aspects of basics, indications, considerations, and principles are discussed.
• principles of suture shape, size, armamentarium, and basic considerations • surgical principles for basic and advanced oral surgery suturing techniques will be covered • doctors will practice and develop hands-on skills to gain experience in performing basic and advanced suturing techniques
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Hands-on Oral Surgery: Case Selection and Surgical Techniques
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Eric Wachs, D.M.D.
Course #: 3530 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Eric Wachs, D.M.D.
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $455.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students
You learned “how to” extract teeth in dental school, but you didn’t really learn “to” extract teeth. This hands-on session will enable you to increase your proficiency and efficiency performing surgical procedures while decreasing your stress and anxiety. Learn to select the “right” patient and tooth to maximize your success. Refine and advance your skills so you can grow your practice and satisfaction.
Learn to:
• select which cases to treat and how to properly prepare for surgical procedures • acquire a variety of techniques to expand your surgical treatment repertoire • gain the knowledge necessary to manage surgical cases in the peri-operative period while minimizing patient risks and complications
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Veneer Planning and Preparation: Successful Esthetics Hands-on Workshop
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Susan McMahon, D.M.D.
Course #: 3550 Date: 12/01/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Susan McMahon, D.M.D.
Appearance and self-esteem have long been intertwined. So, as our social media and selfie culture continues to grow, it’s no surprise that more and more people are seeking out cosmetic dentistry as a way to enhance their appearances. Many patients are seeking veneer enhancement. This course will cover veneer case planning, prepping, material choices and inserting. Each step from diagnosing to planning to prepping to lab communication to provisionalization to insertion for veneer cases will be shown in case studies. Apply Smile Design to combine gingival sculpting, whitening, direct restorations, and veneers.
Learn to:
• develop clinical skills for comprehensively diagnosing, preparing, placing and finishing conservative veneer restorations • give confidence to recognize and assess your patients’ cosmetic desires • attain step by step protocol for applied smile design for combination treatments that boost their confidence and boost your bottom line
This program is designed to promote inclusivity, understanding, and appreciation of diverse viewpoints across various dimensions such as culture, ethnicity, gender, age, and more. It aims to create a platform where individuals from different backgrounds can share their unique experiences, insights, and perspectives, fostering a rich tapestry of ideas and knowledge exchange.
• to broaden horizons through shared experiences • to embrace diversity, enhance creativity and innovation • how inclusivity strengthens community bonds
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2:45pm - 3:45pm
Easily Digitize Your Practice with exocad: A Guide for General Dentists
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Leading cosmetic dentist Dr. Tadros will share strategies for improving collaboration with your lab, reducing remakes, and improving patient satis-faction with more predictable results.
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8:30am - 11:00am
The Dentist's Role in Sleep Apnea Team
Sleep Apnea
Jamison Spencer, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 4070 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 8:30am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jamison Spencer, D.M.D., M.S.
In this presentation, the clinician reviews the basics of normal sleep and sleep-related breathing disorders in adults and children. Be warned that halfway through this presentation, you’ll likely think you and everyone you know have sleep apnea. But do not fear; Dr. Spencer will also explain how to get a proper diagnosis and how dentists can participate in treating sleep apnea through oral appliance therapy. He will also discuss avoiding the side effects commonly associated with oral appliance therapy.
the basics of normal sleep and sleep-related breathing disorders
to understand the pathway and protocols for diagnosis of sleep apnea
about oral appliance therapy, appliance selection and how to avoid treatment-related side effects
9:00am - 12:00pm
Enhance Your Expertise: “Implants, Soft Tissue and Bone Grafts Review 2024”
Implant Dentistry
Bernard Fialkoff, D.D.S.
Course #: 4030 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Bernard Fialkoff, D.D.S.
Delve into the certainties surrounding clinical outcomes in osseous grafting, soft tissue augmentation, and implant therapies. Discover optimal diagnostic methods and treatment planning techniques to achieve superior aesthetics, function, and stability. Elevate your practice by mastering essential strategies for successful implant procedures and comprehensive patient care.
• maximize aesthetic results • maximize success of rehabilitative results • maximize stability of rehabilitations • minimize failure and complications
9:00am - 12:00pm
Strategic Mastery in Orthodontics: Elevate to Top 1%
Dan German, D.D.S.
Course #: 4090 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dan German, D.D.S.
Gain elite finishing prowess with advanced orthodontic techniques to distinguish your clinical results. Implement innovative planning and state-of-the-art technologies for precise patient outcomes. Propel your practice’s growth with proven, cost-efficient marketing strategies, assuring a competitive edge.
advanced finishing mastery: adopting superior techniques for unparalleled orthodontic finishing outcomes
precision treatment planning: harnessing the latest innovations for meticulous orthodontic treatment strategies
clinical practice excellence: cultivating top-tier clinical practices to deliver elite orthodontic results consistently
zero-cost practice growth: effective marketing strategies with a guaranteed increase in patient acquisition
9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontic Food for Thought
Demetrick Lecorn, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 4100 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Demetrick Lecorn, D.M.D., M.S.
A tooth’s natural healing ability compared to implants cannot be ignored. Treatment planning options should first concentrate on maintaining the natural dentition, and implants should be the best alternative treatment option when all other options have been considered. This course discusses surgical endodontic procedures to preserve the natural dentition: intentional replant, apicoectomy, hemisection, transplantation, and platelet-rich fibrin as an adjunct to endodontic surgical procedures will all be discussed. Think outside the box to save more of the natural dentition.
Learn to:
• identify alternative treatment modalities to save the natural dentition • understand the interdisciplinary approach of utilizing specialists to save more teeth • understand the implications of platelet-rich fibrin and applications in endodontics to save more teeth
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9:00am - 12:00pm
What's New: Tech To Expedite Excellence Indirect Restorations
In this course, participants will learn how innovations and enhancements in intraoral scanning contribute to improved practice workflows and an enhanced patient experience. Discover how these devices can close the gap of patient communication by allowing you to easily share digital images and provide a better understanding of dental procedures to your patients. You’ll also realize the true power of digital for your practice and how it can help you work smarter, not harder.
Learn to:
• discuss the newest technology in intraoral scanning and imaging • review restorative workflows for everything from single units to full arches • maximize the return on investment for digital technology
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
I Have Become...Profoundly Numb!
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
Course #: 4150 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
Management of odontogenic pain may be accomplished through a clinical approach that successfully incorporates intraoperative local anesthesia. However, improper and inappropriate use of local anesthetic agents has the potential to produce life-threatening, systemic adverse reactions. This program will provide participants with an overview of local anesthetic agents commonly used in dental practice. Special emphasis will be placed on developing strategies and techniques essential for individualizing patient care and assessing the need for treatment plan alterations.
Learn to:
• explain the basic pharmacology of the two major classes of local anesthetic agents with respect to their mechanisms of action, adverse reactions, drug interactions and contraindications • discuss the rationale for the use of vasoconstrictors in local anesthetic solutions and their potential effects in common organ system disease states • specify the various local anesthetic agent combinations most commonly used in dentistry and the rationale for their use in specific clinical situations
It can be highly discouraging when patients continue to have cavities despite improvements in their oral health. This can disrupt their oral health philosophy and create the belief that “cavities are normal for me” or even “I just have soft teeth.” Dentists and dental hygienists have the unique opportunity to identify each patient’s specific risks and provide treatment recommendations accordingly. The best way to do this is through salivary pH testing, specifically because the pH of our patient’s saliva plays a vital role in their oral cavity’s hard and soft tissue health status.
Learn to:
• review how the pH of the mouth influences soft and hard tissue oral diseases • discover powerful communication skills to increase the patient’s ownership of their current oral health • evaluate pH testing for your office and how to implement it into a patient’s preventive visits, and compare salivary tests to test periodontal pathogens • compare chairside and homecare technologies to reduce the patients risk of hard and soft tissue disease
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Christensen Bottom Line 2025
Removable Prosthodontics
Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Course #: 4170 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Orofacial pain encompasses temporomandibular joint disorders, masticatory muscle disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, and other painful disorders. About 10-30% of patients suffer from these conditions, and the general dentist can play a key role in identifying and treating these conditions. This course will provide the dentist/dental hygienist with a review of clinical diagnosis, classification, and management of temporomandibular disorders and other Orofacial pain conditions.
Learn to:
• advanced diagnostics and how ai can assist us in our decision making • day-to-day restorative dentistry: are all materials the same? • about the diode dental laser: a true workhorse in the GP office • about scanners, printers and more: is this a need or a want?
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Spouse, Educator
Designing systems and protocols for a good production and collection foundation can be challenging. This seminar is designed to identify strategies and systems to keep your finger on the pulse of the practice and address day-to-day concerns before they become significant issues. We will determine the top 10 must-have systems that must be in place to achieve optimal results.
• key systems for a successful practice • to choreograph scheduling and collections for ultimate success • key strategies to grow your practice forward • to develop practical communication skills to assist patients in making informed decisions
9:00am - 12:00pm
Creating a Financially Successful Dental Practice
Practice Management and Human Relations
John Vento, CPA, MBA, CFP®
Course #: 4350 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Vento, CPA, MBA, CFP®
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Establishing and maintaining a successful dental practice can put you on the road to financial independence! Obtain expert advice on how to set up your practice to maximize your financial success. Topics covered include: entity choice, tax-smart strategies, choosing the right retirement plan, advanced tax planning strategies, and how to keep more of what you make. Create a financial action plan for the success of your dental practice!
Learn to:
• establish and maintain a financially successful dental practice • implement tax-smart strategies so you can keep more of what you make • ensure that you will have a financially worry-free retirement • implement a dental practice financial action plan
9:00am - 12:00pm
Armonización Facial : Bioestimuladores/Hilos Lisos de PDO/Escultura Labial
Cursos de Español
Ana Carolina Pereira Paulino , D.D.S., M.Sc.
Cristiane Ribeiro de Souza, D.D.S.
Leandro Rago de Souza, M.Sc. D.D.S.
Course #: 4470 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ana Carolina Pereira Paulino , D.D.S., M.Sc. Cristiane Ribeiro de Souza, D.D.S. Leandro Rago de Souza, M.Sc. D.D.S.
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3
BIOESTIMULADORES En esta conferencia se cubrirán los beneficios de los bioestimuladores en la estética facial, explicando desde su mecanismo de acción hasta las diferen-tes formas de aplicación, dependiendo del objetivo deseado.
HILOS LISOS DE PDO En los últimos años se han producido cambios marcados en las técnicas de rejuvenecimiento facial utilizando hilos de polidioxanona y estas han mostra-do buenos resultados. Los hilos lisos pdo, cuando se asocian al uso de toxina botulínica en la región de la glabela, son una opción segura con resultados satisfactorios para el tratamiento de las arrugas estáticas en esta región.
ESCULTURA LABIAL MÉTODO LEANDRO RAGO En esta clase se llevarán paso a paso para lograr los resultados más impre-sionantes en el relleno y esculpido de labios con ácido hialurónico, buscando siempre la naturalidad de los procedimientos. Promocionar la técnica de Escultura labial con ácido hialurónico. Presentar resultados extraordinarios de Escultura Labial utilizando únicamente ácido hialurónico.
\In this lecture, we will go through a Cariology journey. We will discuss recent caries assessment methods and principals. Considering the rapid development of early-caries detection methods, many recent caries assessment and detection methods were introduced. One of these new systems is The Inter-national Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). A new conservative philosophy called “minimally invasive dentistry” (MID) is more acceptable nowadays.
• an update about recent cariology concepts • to discuss how these recent concepts impact daily practice • about cavity preparation endpoint • essential insights about minimal invasive conservative dentistry concepts
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Lesions in the Pediatric Patient
Pediatric Dentistry
Juan Yepes, D.D.S., M.D.
Course #: 4010 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Juan Yepes, D.D.S., M.D.
Unleash your expertise in pediatric oral pathology with this engaging seminar! Utilizing interactive case presentations, you’ll delve into the captivating world of oral lesions affecting infants, children, and adolescents. This comprehensive program equips you with the latest knowledge on the entire spectrum of commonly encountered oral soft tissue lesions, ensuring you can confidently diagnose and manage young patients while staying at the forefront of this dynamic field.
• understand the importance of “building” a differential diagnosis based on the clinical presentation of oral lesions • the most common soft tissue lesions in infants, children, and adolescents • the most updated treatment for some of the most common oral conditions besides gingivitis and dental caries
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Simplified Sinus Grafting with DASK: A Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Philip Kang, D.D.S.
Course #: 4040 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Philip Kang, D.D.S.
The program offers a dynamic one-hour presentation to refine your skills in selecting appropriate sinus grafting candidates and independently performing the surgery. Following this, participants will engage in hands-on exercises that delve into the practical application of the DASK kit. This comprehensive training program is specifically crafted to equip participants with the essential knowledge and surgical expertise needed to approach sinus augmentation with confidence.
Learn to:
• use the DASK kit to prepare the osteotomy efficiently • execute precise incision and flap designs • manage Schneiderian membrane perforation • handle post-operative complications
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Analgesia: A Hands-On Workshop
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Robert Peskin, D.D.S.
Course #: 4190 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Peskin, D.D.S.
This program provides an update and review of nitrous oxide/oxygen seda-tion essentials. Topics include a historical review of the agent, a review of the pharmacology, manufacture, and safe administration of nitrous oxide, an overview of the delivery systems currently available as well as an in-depth discussion of the occupational hazards and adverse effects that have often been associated with its use in dentistry. In addition, its use is discussed in the overall context of the spectrum of anxiety and pain control modalities available in dentistry today. This hands-on workshop includes demonstrations of the safe and appropriate administration of nitrous oxide.
• a review of the pharmacology, manufacture, and safe administration of nitrous oxide • an overview of the delivery systems currently available • the occupational hazards and adverse effects that have often been associated with nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation use in dentistry • the overall context of the spectrum of anxiety and pain control modalities available in dentistry
9:45am - 12:45pm
Techno Savvy Techno Crazy You Be The Judge
Ron Kaminer, D.D.S.
Course #: 4230 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ron Kaminer, D.D.S.
Dentistry is an ever changing profession. New materials, new technology drive the way we treat our patients. While there is so much to discuss, join us as we highlight some advanced materials and technology that allow us to better highly skilled practitioners.
Learn to:
• advanced diagnostics and how AI can assist us in our decision making • day-to-day restorative dentistry: are all materials the same? • about the diode dental laser: a true workhorse in the GP office • about scanners, printers and more: is this a need or a want?
In this course, attendees will learn about Computer Aided Designing and Computer Aided Manufacturing restorations in dentistry and how to fully incorporate it into a dental practice efficiently with profitability. The clinician will discuss how to embrace the digital workflow in scanning, designing, and milling in-office chairside restorations using a modern CAD/CAM system. Additional topics to be discussed are material selection, tooth preparation, final finish and cementation.
• to review and show how to incorporate the benefits of a digital workflow • to digitally design a functional and restoration in-office • the variety of material choices based on their indications through clinical cases • how to produce quality restorations in a single visit for efficiency and profitability
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration
Botox and Dermal Fillers
Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
Course #: 4390 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark, M.D., D.M.D.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Botox and Dermal Fillers Tuition: $975.00 Credits: 6 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Nurse, Doctor
This full-day demonstration on live patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. Live demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician, a board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery, discusses clinical pearls, which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
• the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers • facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble • facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
Join us for an immersive and interactive hands-on laser training course tailored specifically for dental hygienists, focusing on safe and efficient laser utilization. Explore diverse applications of lasers in dental hygiene, covering optimal settings, procedural techniques, and insurance coding. Gain insights into effective communication of laser therapy benefits to patients, enhancing trust and informed decision-making. Leave with newfound confidence to integrate laser therapy seamlessly into daily practice, enriching patient care and staying at the forefront of dental hygiene innovation.
Learn to:
• understand the fundamental principles of laser physics and its application in dental hygiene, ensuring confident and informed utilization of laser technology while prioritizing safety measures • achieve proficiency in executing all soft-tissue procedures within the scope of practice for dental hygienists • hone communication skills to effectively convey the benefits and value of laser therapy to patients, fostering trust and facilitating informed decision-making • acquire the confidence and proficiency needed to seamlessly integrate laser therapy into daily practice, positioning yourself as a leader in dental hygiene innovation and patient-centric care
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Clinical Crown Lengthening: A Hands-On Workshop
Kevin Suzuki, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 4410 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kevin Suzuki, D.M.D., M.S.
This course is a combination of instruction, demonstration, and hands-on (pig-jaw) workshop. Participants learn principles of incisions, surgical flap reflection, clinical crown lengthening surgery, suturing, and after-care for private practice. Indications, considerations, and surgical principles are discussed.
• principles of patient evaluation, clinical, and diagnostic considerations of crown lengthening and limited flap surgery • surgical and anatomic principles for crown lengthening surgery • to practice and develop hands-on skills to gain experience in performing clinical crown lengthening surgery
9:45am - 12:45pm
Flapless Socket Grafting for Total Ridge Preservation: A Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Georgios Kotsakis, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4420 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Georgios Kotsakis, D.D.S., M.S.
Whether you’re a dentist new to single tooth-site ridge preservation or an experienced clinician seeking to refine your technique, this hands-on work-shop is for you. We’ll guide you through the entire process, emphasizing both hard and soft tissue preservation for optimal outcomes, and equip you with the skills and confidence to perform this procedure efficiently and with ease.
• the benefits of flawless ridge preservation • about membrane selection • surgical steps for socket management
9:45am - 12:45pm
Direct Composite Veneers Made Efficient and Predictable: A Hands-On Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S.
Course #: 4430 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S.
Discover the benefits of digital design for your composite bonding proce-dures. This program will explore the techniques and materials used to deliver anterior direct resin restorations using a customized 3D printed matrix. This revolutionary product combines computer-aided smile design paired with a 3D printed matrix for treating a variety of restorative situations, including veneers and diastema closures. This digitally designed patient-specific matrix system is intended to bring predictability, profitability and efficiency to ante-rior composite restorations.
• predictable techniques creating direct resin veneers • to create lifelike clinical results using sound bonding and placement techniques • how to easily close anterior diastemata • the benefits of injection molding anterior esthetic cases
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Guided Implant Surgery: A Hands-On Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4520 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
This comprehensive clinically-based hands-on workshop helps attendees review current and future trends in digital dentistry, how we utilize digital technology, and what we do to maximize the effectiveness of the latest digital technologies. The hands-on workshop focuses on clinical workflows with restorative and implant dentistry, where digital dentistry works when it falls short, and how we work around challenges.
• to understand principles, theory, and procedures of intraoral scanning and CBCT scanning for surgical case workup • about the digital workflow of the dental office and how to incorporate it efficiently into the office • hands-on implant placement with guided implant surgery systems
Arshad Mehmood Malik , B.D.S., M.D.S., M.I.C.D
Motiur Rahman Molla , B.D.S., Ph.D.
Course #: 4515 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 10:15am - 11:15am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arshad Mehmood Malik , B.D.S., M.D.S., M.I.C.D Motiur Rahman Molla , B.D.S., Ph.D.
Room: 1E21 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: Free Credits: 1 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Doctor
TMJ Disorder is a common but crucial problem for a large number of patients suffering from acute or moderate facial pain. This lecture will briefly explain the causes of various types of TMJ disorder and management principles. It will mainly focus on non-invasive procedures like Arthrocentesis with PRP and inter-maxillary elastic traction.
• the simple technique of Arthrocentesis and easy formulation of PRP in a dental clinic • the ultimate use of inter-maxillary fixation with elastic traction • the ultimate result of a sizeable number of patients by data analysis
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
You screen patients every day for oral cancer, but you haven’t started screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Did you know there are 1,000x’s more patients with obstructive sleep apnea compared to annual new cases of oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer. With an estimated 54 million patients with OSA and 80% undiagnosed, dentists are in a perfect position to help save lives by screening and encouraging patients to get diagnosed and treated. This session will present easy tools and workflows to implement into your practice to screen patients for OSA and tips to get your staff on board.
Learn to:
• describe the benefits of screening for sleep apnea in your practice • implement simple protocols to incorporate screening patients for sleep apnea into patient examinations • identify patients suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Room: 1E21 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: Free Credits: 1 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students
Orofacial clefts are the most common congenital malformations of the head and neck. They serve as sentinel for other birth defects and understanding the causes can be translated to other birth defects. The African Craniofacial Anomalies Network (AfriCRAN) was established in 2012 to include Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa. Data and samples from these countries were used for basic translational research. This presentation will highlight the practical steps we took to establish this network, the basic research studies (genetics and genomics) that we conducted and how we moved from the bench into the community to conduct translational research (mental health and photovoice).
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Dive deep into pediatric oral radiology with this comprehensive seminar! Using case presentations for interactive learning, you’ll explore the full range of pediatric dental x-rays. Master radiation safety protocols, digital radiography techniques, and the specialized use of CBCT scans in children. Furthermore, you’ll gain expertise in interpreting radiographs and identifying common radiographic lesions in infants, children, and adolescents. This seminar equips you with the knowledge and skills to confidently diagnose and manage young patients using the latest advancements in dental radiology.
• to understand the importance of “building” a differential diagnosis based on the clinical presentation of oral lesions • the most common soft tissue lesions in infants, children, and adolescents • the most updated treatment for some of the most common oral conditions besides gingivitis and dental caries
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 3:00pm
My Bark's Worse Than My Bite: Pediatric Sleep Medicine
Sleep Apnea
Mitchell Levine, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 4060 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Mitchell Levine, D.M.D., M.S.
This program will review findings from the consensus conference on the use of novel therapies in dental sleep medicine. Emphasis is placed on pediatric therapeutics, including maxillary expansion and mandibular functional appliances. Additionally, we will look at considerations of tooth extraction in both children and adults as a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea. Lastly, a review of tethered tissues and the role of lasers in OSA management are considered.
• the role of expansion in the management of obstructive sleep apnea • the current thinking behind functional devices in the management of pediatric sleep apnea • to better understand how extractions affect airway dimensions
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Dentist's Role in Sleep Dental Sleep Medicine: A Hands-On Workshop
Sleep Apnea
Jamison Spencer, D.M.D., M.S.
Course #: 4080 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jamison Spencer, D.M.D., M.S.
Attendance in the seminar “The Dentist’s Role in the Sleep Apnea Team” is strongly encouraged as this hands-on course will build on what is taught in that seminar.
In this hands-on workshop, the clinician will go through all the steps to take a patient from initial examination through final follow-up. The attendee will be able to handle and evaluate each style of an oral appliance, learn to take a proper bite registration and make a chairside device to help patients avoid bite changes.
Learn to:
• understand each step to take a patient from initial evaluation to final follow-up • work with the local medical community to get a proper diagnosis • choose an appliance that the patient is most likely to use • avoid oral appliance therapy-related side effects, such as tooth movement, bite changes, and jaw pain
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Transform Your Practice: Zero-Cost Strategies to Cultivate Raving Fans
Practice Management and Human Relations
Dan German, D.D.S.
Course #: 4095 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dan German, D.D.S.
Room: 1E09 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Discover innovative and proven methods to turn your patients into enthusiastic advocates for your dental practice. This comprehensive course will explore effective strategies that can be applied across all regions and dental disciplines, empowering you to grow your patient base without incurring significant costs. Learn to distinguish between marketing and advertising and leverage zero-cost marketing techniques to ensure sustainable practice growth and exceptional patient loyalty.
Learn to:
• identify and apply effective zero-cost marketing techniques that can be tailored to various dental disciplines and regions • create and nurture patient advocates who will actively promote your practice, leading to organic growth and increased patient retention • increase your happiness in both your practice and personal life, recognizing that positivity is contagious and a crucial element in creating raving fans • understand the key differences between marketing and advertising and how each contributes to the growth of a dental practice
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Solving Controversies In Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Course #: 4180 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
This seminar identifies the most important current controversies, relates them to the potential needs observed, and provides suggested solutions. The following and other topics are included: Do bulk fill resins work?; Are dual-cure resins better?; What is the best composite brand?; Are scanned impressions better?; Best cement for zirconia crowns?; When should a tooth be removed?; Is there an improved “all-on-X” concept?; Is 3D printing working?; Implant placement is changing; Zirconia has complicated occlusion; Are better digital sensors coming?; and Are aligners the best ortho treatment?
Learn to:
• identify current controversies in dentistry • decide which of the controversies impact you most • provide potential solutions for each • integrate the changes into your practices
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Know Before You Sign: Associate Dental Agreements For New Dentists
Room: 1E15 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $165.00 Credits: 1 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Administrative Staff, Educator
Navigating associate dental agreements and contracts can be a complex process, with significant implications for both junior doctors and dental practices. This presentation aims to clarify the key aspects of associate agreements, offering perspectives from both sides of the negotiation table. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of essential contract elements, including compensation structures, restrictive covenants, and the distinction between employee and independent contractor status. Additionally, the program emphasizes the importance of meaningful conversations prior to signing any agreement, ensuring alignment on key issues such as mentorship, practice profile, and future partnership opportunities.
• understand the critical components of associate dental agreements, including compensation, benefits, and restrictive covenants • differentiate between employee and independent contractor classifications, and comprehend the legal implications of each • explore strategies for negotiating termination provisions and the potential for future partnership tracks
Acquisition vs Start-up, Establishing a Financial Game Plan & Assembling Your Team to Become a Successful Practice Owner
Practice Management and Human Relations
Douglas Dries
Michael Lynch, M.S.
Course #: 4290 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Douglas Dries Michael Lynch, M.S.
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 3
Practice ownership is more than an office, equipment, and patients to treat. Your new business needs your leadership to navigate through change and into the future. Develop your success plan and prepare for your leadership role as you learn about the key components of practice ownership, including advisory team, demographics, financing, and operational strategies.
• startup vs. acquisitions • finance options • about site selection and negotiating with a landlord • how to build your team • how to launch and grow your practice
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Plano de Tratamento para Restauracoes de Arcos Totais na Implantodontia
Cursos de Portuguese
Alex Cabrera, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4300 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alex Cabrera, D.D.S., M.S.
Possibilitar ao profissional interessado em Implantes uma abordagem cirur-gica e restaurativa a respeito das possibilidades de tratamento para pacien-tes desdentados totais.
• classificar os tipos de Desdentados Totais • apresentar opcoes cirurgicas para resolucao de casos desafiadores • discutir opcoes proteticas para desdentados totais
The endodontic treatment spectrum is wider than just routine root canal therapy. The treatment of choice for a case is decided after a thorough diagnosis and dental history evaluation. Vital pulp therapy should be the first consideration when a treatment modality for a carious lesion is being considered based on pulpal diagnosis. The pulp is the best filling for root canal space. With the advent of newer materials, such as bioceramics, their biocompatibility and sealing ability make these procedures more predictable and successful if the case selection is accurate.
Learn to:
• understand the indications and contraindications of the procedure • know the clinical steps of treatment • evaluate how the advances in material science and technology have affected the prognosis and have an evidence-based knowledge of outcome of each of the procedure
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
What's New: Materials To Expedite Excellence Direct Restorations
Practice costs grow year by year; however reimbursement rates stay flat. In order to remain profitable, we face only one option….to increase our efficiency. Working smarter and faster is the only way. This course will help clini-cians stay fast and efficient at the most common restorative procedures.
• to review techniques and new materials for adhesion and bonding • to discuss the latest in resin composite technology • a great technique for the provisionalization of veneers
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Financing Your Dental Dreams
Practice Management and Human Relations
Danny Cammarosano, .
Course #: 4340 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Danny Cammarosano, .
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
This session explores how strategic financing serves as a cornerstone for dental practice growth. By dissecting the landscape of loans and financial tools, we delve into tailored strategies that empower dentists to launch, acquire, expand, and elevate their practices. Real-world case studies highlight the impact of adept financial planning on practice success.
• how to effectively use loans to kickstart and accelerate your practice growth • strategic financial planning to ensure sustainable expansion • critical financial indicators and benchmarks for dental practice health • techniques for leveraging financing to enhance service offerings and patient satisfaction
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Future of Removables: 2-Appointment Digital Dentures
Removable cases can be daunting and unpredictable for any dentist. Conventional workflows require numerous lengthy appointments. Furthermore, many digital dentists struggle to scan soft tissue and edentulous areas. Success is being seen by clinicians using a particular digital workflow and toolkit that eliminates those challenges. Learn how you can cut your chair time in half and provide CAD/CAM dentures that require fewer adjustments. Join Dr. Ankur Gupta and Dandy’s Head of R&D, Kenn Butler as they teach you a step-by-step digital workflow to produce dentures in 2 or 3 simple appointments.
Learn to:
• trace the evolution of denture workflows • understand the latest advancements in 3D-printed materials and CAD/CAM technologies • discover the initial challenges associated with switching to digital dentures, and how to overcome them • gain proficiency in digital workflows for immediate, copy, and new dentures • identify strategies to scan edentulous areas with precision • love the denture-making process
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Waiting to Inhale?: Is Cannabis our Next Tobacco?
Substance Abuse
Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
Course #: 4370 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola, R.Ph., C.C.P., C.D.E., C.P.M.P.
According to the DEA, cannabis is considered to have no accepted medical use and therefore is illegal to possess. Yet, almost every state has enacted legislation aimed at legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis for medical or recreational use. Public health concerns regarding the use of cannabis remain, especially among dental professionals, since the major routes of administration of cannabis, much like tobacco, involve the oral cavity. This program will introduce dental professionals to the pharmacology of cannabis, including its various dosage forms, and effects on oral and systemic health.
Learn to:
• describe the pharmacology of cannabis, mechanisms of action, routes of administration and formulations • explain clinical considerations of cannabis use, adverse reactions, drug interactions and contraindications • explore the dental considerations of cannabis, including potentially necessary treatment modifications
2:00pm - 5:00pm
A Comprehensive Approach to Periodontal Management
Identifying disease at its earliest stages is essential to prevent the progression of oral and systemic diseases. Proper classification of a patient’s risk factors and potential rate of progression enables the dental practitioner’s role to be fully maximized. This creates a practice that is in full alignment with the standard of care, resulting in raving patients and a thriving practice.
Learn to:
evaluate communication techniques to increase patient acceptance
review AAP classifications and how to differentiate treatment based off the patients risk factors
discover the latest chairside and homecare innovations to maximize treatment outcomes
review best practices for maximizing insurance, without being dictated by it
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The CBCT in General Practice
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Joseph DiDonato III, D.D.S., M.B.A.
Course #: 4440 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joseph DiDonato III, D.D.S., M.B.A.
Take your general dentistry practice to the next level with this CBCT imaging course! Through interactive sessions, you’ll master CBCT software, gain expertise in diagnosing complex cases like odontogenic sinusitis and Ludwig’s Angina, and develop the skills for precise implant treatment planning, ultimately increasing your diagnostic accuracy, treatment plan confidence and overall ability to manage even the most challenging situations.
Learn to:
• recognize radiographic landmarks on CBCT • understand the scope of the CBCT in endodontic, surgery and implant treatment planning • recognize the increased potential for diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin and early Ludwig’s Angina with the CBCT • treatment plan an implant case
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Peri-implantitis Hands-on Workshop: A Treatment Guide for the Practitioner
Implant Dentistry
Georgios Kotsakis, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4450 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Georgios Kotsakis, D.D.S., M.S.
This comprehensive hands-on workshop equips you with the knowledge to maintain implants, diagnose complications like mucositis and peri-implantitis, and manage them effectively. Through step-by-step instruction, you’ll gain the skills to perform both routine implant maintenance and peri-implantitis treatment procedures.
Learn to:
• diagnose peri-implantitis • maintain implants • to treat peri-implantitis
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Mastering Posterior Composite Restorations: A Hands-On Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S.
Course #: 4460 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Geissberger, D.D.S., M.A., B.S.
This lecture/hands-on workshop will provide step-by-step techniques and materials that allow clinicians to place beautiful, life-like posterior restorations in an efficient fashion. Several tips and tricks will be presented and practiced that will increase the practitioner’s quality and predictability on a daily basis. Clinicians will learn techniques to master Class I, II and V posterior restorations.
• self-etching principles to posterior direct restorations • placement techniques that maximize clinical performance • to create life-like posterior restorations in Class I, II and V situations • composite warming techniques
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:30pm
Armonización Facial: Armonización Orofacial/La Importancia del Análisis Facial na Armonización Orofacial/Reestructuración de la Cara Full Face con Tox
Cursos de Español
Karina doro de Miranda Pires, D.D.S.
Mario Silveira , D.D.S.
Priscilla Pereira, D.D.S.
Vanda Domingos, D.D.S.
Course #: 4480 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Karina doro de Miranda Pires, D.D.S. Mario Silveira , D.D.S. Priscilla Pereira, D.D.S. Vanda Domingos, D.D.S.
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 4 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Nurse, Doctor
ARMONIZACIÓN OROFACIAL La Armonización Facial con un enfoque sistémico e integrativo ha ganado protagonismo. Comprender cómo la inflamación subclínica puede interferir con las complicaciones y el pronóstico es fundamental en la planificación estética actual. Interpretar análisis de sangre/saliva y prescribir nutracéuti-cos para mejorar los resultados es un factor clave para el éxito de las tera-pias modernas. En Collagen Bank, por ejemplo, existe un enfoque sistémico que puede mejorar mucho el resultado final. En este concepto, el Dr. Mário Silveira, que trabaja en esta área desde hace años, presentará muchas nove-dade.
LA IMPORTANCIA DEL ANÁLISIS FACIAL NA ARMONIZACIÓN OROFACIAL Quando avaliamos uma face tanto em sua vista frontal, como de perfil, devemos aguçar nossa visão no intuito de definirmos o que verdadeira-mente é a “Beleza Facial”. Esta abordagem deve desenvolver a capacida-de de notar os detalhes que estão mais aparentes, com um olhar treinado para perceber o quão atrativo ou não esta face pode se apresentar.Cuando evaluamos un rostro tanto de frente como de perfil, debemos agudizar nuestra visión para definir qué es realmente la “Belleza Facial”. Este enfoque debe desarrollar la capacidad de notar los detalles que son más evidentes, con un ojo entrenado.
REESTRUCTURACIÓN DE LA CARA Clínicamente se han observado resultados sorprendentes en el reposiciona-miento de tejidos utilizando hilos de Polidioxanona y ácido hialurónico en el tercio medio e inferior del rostro. Con efecto significativo para el rejuveneci-miento facial. Consiguiendo un contorno y volumen adecuado con técnicas combinadas.
FULL FACE CON TOXINA BOTULÍNICA DE LO BÁSICO A LO AVANZADO También conocida como toxina botulínica, el “Botox” es una sustancia produ-cida a partir de una proteína derivada de la bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Los procedimientos estéticos y terapéuticos, como la toxina botulínica, se consideran hoy en día una parte indispensable de la planificación de nuestro tratamiento odontológico. Existen tratamientos seguros y mínimamente invasivos que buscan equilibrar las expresiones faciales y la anatomía facial.
El apoyo de este programa es proporcionado por
2:00pm - 4:30pm
The Fearless Dental Team
Practice Management and Human Relations
Kay Huff, R.D.A.
Course #: 4490 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kay Huff, R.D.A.
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: Free Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Spouse
In this course, you will learn the importance of team members and systems being in sync and working together productively. Doctors and team members will gain the confidence to let their voices be heard and express themselves in a fearless atmosphere by having a clear understanding of what needs to be accomplished.
• to identify opportunities for team members to increase interoffice communication and empower growth • to summarize what it takes to have a successful re-care system • a healthy hygiene program equals a healthy practice • to design steps to reduce cancellations and no shows
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Digital Dentistry and 3D Printing: A Hands-on Workshop
This unique hands-on course provides participants with the opportunity to create lifelike crowns, inlays, onlays, and dentures using digital dentistry technology. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the 3D printing process, including the materials and equipment used, and how these can be applied in dental practices. Participants will then develop skills in creating life-like printed restorations, and master the art of applying natural-looking stains and glazes.
• practical digital dentistry workflows to create a range of lifelike dental restorations • techniques for applying stains and glazes to achieve natural-looking aesthetics • methods for creating depth and realistic incisal effects
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
3D Printing and Guided Implant Surgery Demystified
Implant Dentistry
Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 4530 Date: 12/02/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Pilseong Kim, D.D.S., M.S.
Dentistry is going through a digital revolution. Previously, intraoral scanning was the must-have technology that massively changed clinical workflows worldwide. Currently, 3D printing is a hot topic for dentistry around the globe. In this workshop, attendees will utilize intraoral scanners and learn design concepts that will be applied by creating overlays fabricated using the latest materials and 3D printing technology.
• to understand intraoral scanning from basic to advanced applications • advanced digital lab communication • current ceramics/zirconia and their applications • real dental applications of 3D printing
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
This program will review management of the pediatric dental patient from multiple perspectives. This will include a review of current behavior management techniques, from non-pharmacologic to pharmacologic methods. We will also discuss how shifts in parenting styles have altered the way we practice dentistry.
Learn to:
• be familiar with pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management of the pediatric dental patient • recognize the indications for sedation of the pediatric patient • have an understanding of how current parenting practices shape the pediatric dental experience
Support for this program is provided by
American Society for the Advancement of Anesthesia & Sedation in Dentistry
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Room: 1E15 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $185.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Administrative Staff, Educator
The dental market is constantly changing, presenting both challenges and opportunities for dental professionals considering transitions. This presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and strategies in dental practice transitions. This program offers an in-depth view of navigating practice sales, partnerships, and affiliations with Dental Support Organizations (DSOs). Attendees will gain valuable knowledge to make informed decisions that align with their professional goals and the evolving market dynamics.
• the current M&A market trends and their impact on dental practice transitions • how to prepare a dental practice for sale or partnership, including essential steps in due diligence and valuation • to gain insights into negotiating key deal terms and employment agreements with DSOs and other entities • to analyze the pros and cons of selling to a DSO, starting a DSO, or maintaining a private practice, and understand the role of Affiliate Groups in enhancing transition value
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Room: 1E20 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $40.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Vas a aprender que es un accidente por hipoclorito de sodio, el concepto de accidente y emergencia, las causas primarias y que hacer para evitar un accidente por hipoclorito de sodio. Vas a aprender cuales son las manifesta-ciones clínicas de un accidente por hipoclorito de sodio y a saber reconocer cuando ocurre. Vas a aprender los protocolos para manejar un accidente por hipoclorito de sodio y las secuelas que pueden ocurrir debido a un accidente por hipoclorito asi como el protocolo elaborado por la Dra. Argüello y otros autores. Finalizando valoraremos un caso clínico como ejemplo.
8:30am - 10:30am
The Good Leasing Guidelines for Dental Offices
Practice Management and Human Relations
Lewis Gelmon, M.B.A.
Course #: 5040 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 8:30am - 10:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Lewis Gelmon, M.B.A.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $185.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Administrative Staff, Spouse
Dental offices are a costly physical plant. When a dentist builds out their practice, they usually do not think that their landlord could have the ability to prevent them from selling their practice, relocate them (at their cost), or terminate their lease at their discretion. In Lewis Gelmon’s seminar, dentists will learn how the value of their dental office is directly tied to having a good lease while also learning the best strategies for managing a complex negotiation. The Good Leasing Guidelines for Dental Offices is a fast paced, interactive educational seminar which will provide dentists with the right knowledge and tools they need when dealing with their office lease and landlord to gain peace of mind.
• knowledge of the Good Leasing Guidelines for Dentists • to identify key risks in dental offices leases which could negatively impact the value of a practice • to properly structure your office lease for sale and retirement • what to look for with an office lease when buying a practice
Support for this program is provided by
8:30am - 11:30am
Coping With The Ceramic Revolution
Fixed Prosthodontics
Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Course #: 5100 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 8:30am - 11:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
This presentation identifies the challenges that have emerged during the major change, discusses the ones that have been solved and the ones that are still problematic. Learn how to solve the following issues that would occur in your practice: current ceramic crown margins do not fit as well as previous crowns; crowns are coming off in service; long-span fixed prostheses often break; restorations have a thin layer of glaze and stain to provide color match which has negative characteristics; and precision attachments are a challenge with ceramics.
Learn to:
• identify current challenges with ceramic indirect restorations • list methods to solve these challenges • identify which of these involve your practice most • integrate the changes into their practices
9:00am - 12:00pm
Caries Management I: Risk Assessment and Caries Arrest/New Advances in Pediatric Caries Management II
Pediatric Dentistry
Amr Moursi, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Chelsea Fosse, D.M.D., M.P.H.
Margherita Fontana, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Scott Cashion, D.D.S., M.S.
Scott Smith, D.D.S., M.S.
Tom Ison, D.M.D.
Course #: 5010 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Amr Moursi, D.D.S., Ph.D. Chelsea Fosse, D.M.D., M.P.H. Margherita Fontana, D.D.S., Ph.D. Scott Cashion, D.D.S., M.S. Scott Smith, D.D.S., M.S. Tom Ison, D.M.D.
The Future of Pediatric Dentistry: An American Academy of Pediatric Dentsitry (AAPD) Leadership Perspective
The leadership of AAPD will deliver their perspective on the future of pediatric dentistry. The program will review the mission and vision of the AAPD. Learn from a discussion and a review of the past, present and what to expect in the future.
the mission and vision of AAPD and who we are as an organization
what the AAPD is doing to advance the profession and educate its members
what the AAPD is doing in terms of Advocacy
10:30AM – 12:00PM
Margherita Fontana, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Pediatric Caries Management I: Risk Assessment and Caries Arrest
Dental caries is one of the most prevalent chronic non-communicable diseases and most common unmet healthcare needs among children, particularly poor and minority children. Targeted healthcare delivery can be an important strategy to improve health and patient-centered outcomes, while reducing disparities and containing costs. This presentation will discuss evidence on caries risk assessment and cost-effectiveness of a risk based approach to caries management, as well as evidence supporting caries arrest strategies such as SDF.
the importance of managing caries as a chronic, life-long disease
to compare and contrast the accuracy of different tools for assessing risk for caries in children, particularly in interprofessional settings
the cost-effectiveness of a targeted risk-based approach to caries management throughout childhood
the evidence behind caries arrest strategies for caries control
Amr Moursi, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Pediatric Caries Management II: Early Detection and Incipient Lesions
This presentation discusses the newest advances and concepts in early caries detection and intervention. Management of incipient lesions is discussed with a focus on minimally invasive care. Several strategies are presented with an emphasis on those techniques and materials that are evidence-based, effective, and feasible.
Learn to:
carry out effective early caries detection
manage early caries intervention in children
evaluate the evidence for minimally invasive caries management
apply caries management strategies in children
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Stability in Orthodontics
Jim Vaden, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 5030 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Jim Vaden, D.D.S., M.S.
This course dives into achieving lasting orthodontic results by exploring the research on stability. The course will showcase successful cases, and unpack treatment planning strategies for optimal outcomes. It will delve into the extraction vs. non-extraction debate and explores methods for achieving stable Class II corrections.
• a review of the literature on stability • treatment planning for stability • the extraction/non-extraction dilemma • Class II correction for stability
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 11:00am
Managing Peri-Implantitis: What Have We Learned From Research
Implant Dentistry
Georgios Kotsakis, D.D.S., M.S.
Course #: 5060 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:00am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Georgios Kotsakis, D.D.S., M.S.
Dental professionals seeking to stay current in implant dentistry won’t want to miss this seminar on managing peri-implantitis, a growing challenge in the field. This evidence-based program dives deep into the latest research on the causes of peri-implantitis, exploring effective strategies for prevention, early detection, and current treatment options based on scientific advance-ments. By attending, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to improve implant longevity and patient outcomes while implementing effective protocols for peri-implantitis management. This seminar is your chance to gain valuable insights and enhance your clinical expertise in implant dentistry.
• the true definition of peri-implantitis • about titanium particles and discover if they are a real problem • to maintain implants
This seminar reviews the various pharmacological agents commonly used in the daily dental practice. We will discuss local anaesthetics, their mechanism of action, onset and potential complications associated with anesthetic use. Also, we will review the analgesics most commonly used in dentistry, namely, acetaminophen, NSAIDs and opioids. A discussion on the most common herbal medications will be provided and their effects on dental treatment. Finally, in this lecture, we will review special topics such as geriatrics, pregnancy, kidney failure, and liver disease, all situations requiring special caution on the part of the clinician when prescribing or administering drugs in the daily dental practice.
the basic concepts of pharmacology namely pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
the mechanism of action of local anaesthetics, the factors that affect their onset and duration and the common complications associated with their administration
to be informed of the analgesics currently used in dentistry and understand the various adverse effects and drug interactions relevant to dentistry
to understand the rational use of anti-infective agents in dentistry
9:00am - 12:00pm
Cutting Edge Materials and Techniques to Expand the General Restorative Practice
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Robert Lowe, D.D.S.
Course #: 5080 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Lowe, D.D.S.
Take your restorative dentistry to the next level! This course explores innovative techniques to “up your game.” Glass fiber direct composite bridges for natural-looking restorations, bioactive materials that promote long-lasting results, and specialized anatomic matrices for creating flawless aesthetics. Furthermore, you’ll discover how integrating digital workflows into your practice can enhance predictability and treatment success for your patients. This program equips you with the latest advancements to deliver exception-al restorative care.
• about the clinical benefits of bioactive dental materials • anatomic matrices that help create natural looking direct restorations • creative treatment planning and execution for simple to complex cases • to control the perio-restorative connection with advanced soft tissue management
9:00am - 12:00pm
Blueprint of Practice Growth - Increase Treatment Acceptance
Practice Management and Human Relations
Steven Katz, D.M.D.
Course #: 5090 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Katz, D.M.D.
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator
This presentation will highlight the most sure-fire ways to increase treatment acceptance of restorative treatment in any dental practice. Many practices fail to create clarity regarding their diagnostic criteria. This creates variance in how each clinician in the practice views restorative opportunities and it results in under diagnosis. In order to present treatment, it must first be diagnosed. The creation of uniform criteria exposes many more opportunities to recommend treatment. When combined with improved treatment presentation skills and patient-centric, benefit-oriented verbal skills, treatment acceptance markedly increases.
Learn to:
understand the most effective methods to grow your practice
understand the importance of uniform diagnostic criteria
introduce a system for communicating the benefits of treatment and incorporate benefit oriented, patient centric verbiage
overcome patient objections to treatment
9:00am - 12:00pm
Dental Traumatic Injuries: Striving for the Best Outcome
Dental professionals continue to be at the highest risk for musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) due to maintaining prolonged, awkward positions and placing undue stress on their bodies. Frequently, the common areas discussed are related to the upper body. However, abnormal postures and seating positions can also affect hips, legs, and feet/ankles, causing issues at work or play. This physical therapist-dental hygienist duo provides important knowledge on common injuries and disorders that the dental professional may encounter and, more importantly, provide prevention strategies.
• the full body anatomical overview and explain the kinetic chain • the contributing factors of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) • to identify dental instruments, equipment, and technology that may improve efficiency, enhance patient outcomes, and assist with musculoskeletal health • exercises and stretches designed for the dental professional
Support for this program is provided by
These programs are being presented by the New York City Dental Hygienists’ Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienists’ Association amd the American Dental Hygienists’ Association
9:00am - 12:00pm
Tissue Engineering of the TMJ, High-Risk Oral Lesions, and the Art of Biopsy
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Alexys Ferguson, D.D.S.
Anita Sykes-Smith, D.D.S., M.B.A.
James Cade, D.D.S.
Shirin Shahnaseri, D.D.S., M.S.
Zaid Khoury, D.D.S., Ph.D.
TISSUE ENGINEERING OF THE TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISC: CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE TRENDS This course explores the exciting potential of tissue engineering to offer new treatment options for TMD. We’ll delve into the complexities of the TMJ, contrasting its structure and function with other joints. By understanding the unique challenges of TMJ treatment, we’ll then explore the full spectrum of currently available techniques, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. We’ll also introduce you to the cutting-edge field of tissue engineering for TMD. Learn how these regenerative methods restore function and prevent complications like ossification and adhesions, which offers a potential long-term solution for TMD sufferers. Finally, you’ll gain awareness of the diverse clinical applications of tissue engineering technologies, equipping you with knowledge about the future of TMD treatment.
to understand the anatomy of TMJ and its unique structure and function in comparison with other joints
to discuss the advantages and shortcomings of all available techniques in TMD treatment
to become familiar with some of the specific tissue engineering techniques to enhance the results of TMD treatments by using regeneration methods rather than conventional methods
multiple clinical applications of tissue engineering technologies and techniques
HIGH-RISK LESIONS OF THE MOUTH Describe high-risk lesions of the oral cavity and their significance. High-risk lesions involve local manifestations and systemic manifestations of medical conditions. Early detection of lesions can prevent or decrease the consequences of lesion development and systemic effects.
Learn to:
describe the appearance of high-risk lesions of the oral cavity
determine factors contributing to high-risk lesions of the oral cavity
formulate differential diagnoses of high-risk lesions with benign or other high-risk lesions
THE ART OF BIOPSY Describe the main biopsy techniques performed in the oral cavity and the indications of each. Basic surgical and tissue management principles are presented. Adjunctive methods to intraoral biopsies and current advances are briefly discussed.
Learn to:
recognize different types of biopsies performed in the mouth
identify the indications for each of the biopsy techniques
discuss the fundamental principles for soft tissue and intraosseous biopsy techniques
recognize adjunctive techniques to surgical biopsy and available technologies
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00am
Innovación en Estética Facial y Odontología
Cursos de Español
Carolina Scagliusi, International Dentist
Lisbeth Esperanza Jerez de Gutierrez, D.D.S.
Course #: 5150 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Carolina Scagliusi, International Dentist Lisbeth Esperanza Jerez de Gutierrez, D.D.S.
Room: 1E18 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3
Esta conferencia explora las últimas innovaciones y técnicas en armonización facial y odontología estética. Nos enfocaremos en la integración de estos procedimientos para crear resultados estéticos armoniosos que valoren tanto la salud dental como la belleza facial. Abordaremos temas como rellen-os, botox, reabilitación oral, y sus aplicaciones prácticas para transformar sonrisas y mejorar la simetría facial. Descubra cómo la odontología moderna y la estética facial pueden trabajar juntas para ofrecer tratamientos comple-tos y transformadores.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Implicancias Éticas uso de Inteligencia Artificial /Hipomineralización de Molares e Incisivos/Odontopediatria: Lactancia y Alimentación Complementaria
Cursos de Español
Carmen Rosa Garcia Rupaya, International Dentist
Chiong Lam Lucy Del Pilar, MG. ESP. CD.
Gustavo Tello Meléndez , D.D.S., M.Sc, Ph.D.
Neme Portal Bustamante, D.D.S.
Roman Mendoza Lupuche, Dr.
Course #: 5460 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Carmen Rosa Garcia Rupaya, International Dentist Chiong Lam Lucy Del Pilar, MG. ESP. CD. Gustavo Tello Meléndez , D.D.S., M.Sc, Ph.D. Neme Portal Bustamante, D.D.S. Roman Mendoza Lupuche, Dr.
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
IMPLICANCIAS ÉTICAS USO DE INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL El propósito del estudio piloto fue identificar las implicancias éticas y el cono-cimiento acerca de IA en estudiantes de pregrado de odontología de una universidad pública en Lima.
HIPOMINERALIZACIÓN DE MOLARES E INCISIVOS La Hipomineralización de Molares e Incisivos (HMI) es un problema de Salud Pública que afecta los órganos dentarios. La HMI es un defecto cualitativo del esmalte, que se caracteriza por opacidades delimitadas y en casos severos se produce una fractura post-eruptiva que favorece el desarrollo de lesiones de caries, sensibilidad e incomodidad para el paciente, afectando su calidad de vida. El HMI es complejo y se relaciona a factores sistémicos (Pre, Peri y Post-Natal) y genéticos que actúan en sinergia, afectando al menos a 1 de los 1ros molares permanentes y puede o no afectar los incisivos.
ODONTOPEDIATRIA: LACTANCIA Y ALIMENTACIÓN COMPLEMENTARIA El odontopediatra se convierte en un agente indispensable como guía en el proceso de lactancia, al presentar buenos hábitos a la madre y la posterior introducción a formas de alimentación complementaria.
FITOTERAPIA ANDINA: ALTERNATIVA EN ENFERMEDAD PERIODONTAL La Organización Mundial de la Salud, indica que una de las enfermedades bucales de salud pública que afecta a las personas es la enfermedad peri-odontal, especialmente a las poblaciones más pobres. En Perú existe una prevalencia del 85%, ocupando el segundo lugar de los problemas de salud bucal. Para la OMS los efectos de las enfermedades bucodentales son alta-mente considerables y costosos, estimando que el tratamiento representa entre el 5% y el 10% del gasto sanitario de los países industrializados, y está por encima de los recursos de muchos países en desarrollo.
TECNICA PORBNEM - IMPLANTES GUIADOS La técnica PORBNEM (Implantes guiados) es una técnica rápida, sencil-la y eficaz en la cual prioriza la bioseguridad y la eficacia en la instalación de implantes dentales, en el cual ya tenemos un récord realizado de 1:30 minutos y está sustentado en el libro “Implantes Oseointegrados PORBNEM”.
Discover the Latest Insights: “Understanding the Oral and Health Effects of Vaping, CBD, Marijuana, and Opioids” - Gain in-depth knowledge based on reputable sources such as the CDC, NIH, and extensive medical literature. Learn to identify and prevent potential treatment repercussions while guiding patients towards healthier choices to avoid disease, impairment, and addiction. Elevate your practice with evidence-based strategies to safeguard oral and overall health in today’s evolving landscape.
Learn to:
• understand the implications of the nationwide emergence of vaping, CBD, medical marijuana, recreational marijuana and opioids on the dental profession • gain familiarity and understanding of the Intraoral periodontal, restorative implications, surgical and post-op healing consequences • be aware of the patient and pain management issues encountered • understand the role of the dental professional in safeguarding and educating based on science
9:45am - 12:45pm
Dentistry For People With Disabilities: If Not You, Who?
Special Needs
Allen Wong, D.D.S., Ed.D.
Barbie Vartanian, B.S.
Rita Marie Bilello, D.D.S.
Steven Perlman, D.D.S.
Course #: 5160 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Allen Wong, D.D.S., Ed.D. Barbie Vartanian, B.S. Rita Marie Bilello, D.D.S. Steven Perlman, D.D.S.
Oral health and the ability to access and receive care are the most unmet healthcare needs that children and adults with disabilities face throughout their lifespan. The course will provide the dental professional with a thorough understanding of why this problem not only exists but also, with the increasing numbers of people with disabilities and limited providers, that the problem has only been exacerbated. People with disabilities have many co-morbidities and secondary conditions which also affect their ability to obtain care. Much of this course will be devoted to behavior guidance, including advanced techniques. Providing care for this population is every-one’s responsibility. If not you, who?
to provide the dental team with the knowledge, techniques and confidence to feel comfortable in treating children and adults with disabilities
to understand the co-morbidities, secondary conditions and barriers to care that create the challenges for people with disabilities to receive dental care
to understand advanced behavioral guidance skills as the safest alternative to sedation and general anesthesia
UNIT ZERO: UNDERSTANDING THE DISABLED PATIENT As part of the Unit Zero series, this lecture introduces the dental needs of disabled patients and offers skills and tips to help the dental team treat those disabled individuals in their office. Until recently, special needs care was not consistently taught in dental schools and we want to ensure estab-lished providers get the tips they need to treat those with disabilities. Our goal is to encourage you to open your practice to those with disabilities and to enable you to have the tools to succeed.
how to introduce the dental team to the disabled patient and their dental needs
tips and tricks to allow the dental team to be successful in providing care to those with disabilities
to help clinical teams gain the confidence they need to incorporate individuals with disabilities into their practices
Understanding the challenges that families face in caring for an individual with a disability is critical to successfully deliver all types of healthcare. This course will allow you to gain insight and perspective from a parent advocate living with the ongoing barriers and inequities her child faces each day. Your eyes will be opened, your awareness will be broadened, and your perspec-tive on how you provide care to this marginalized population will be forever changed.
the daily challenges caregivers and families face in caring for an individual with disabilities
to break down bias, stigma, and diagnostic overshadowing
how changing your mindset will allow you to provide the ultimate care to your patients
SPECIAL CARE DENTISTRY CONSIDERATIONS With the growing population and aging of those with special healthcare needs, what can dental offices do to improve access to care? This portion of the program reviews dental caries risk factors with those of special health-care needs and strategies to improve their oral health.
some minimally invasive and maximally effective ways to improve oral health for patients with special healthcare needs
caries risk assessment protocols and how to use that information
how to create a team approach to take care of the patient with disabilities
the ethics of caring for those with a disability
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
3D Printing in Your Practice
George Freedman, D.D.S.
Course #: 5170 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): George Freedman, D.D.S.
3D printing is changing the dental world just as the cosmetic/esthetic revolution did a generation ago, and far more quickly. Printing is far less expensive and far more versatile than milling. The challenge lies in successfully adapting the new materials, new technologies and almost limitless applications to your existing practice. Develop the ultimate digital workflow to simplify clinical procedures, and deliver optimal oral health.
Learn to:
• compare 3D printing and CAD/CAM milling • see how 3D printing can fit into your practice • establish the simple digital workflow for your practice • print 3D dental products
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
The Search for Nicholas and Alexandra: The Romanov Investigation/Unmasking a Monster: Ted Bundy and the Bite Mark Evidence/The Assassination of JFK: D
Forensic Dentistry
Lowell Levine, D.D.S.
Michael Baden, M.D.
Stephen Michaud, B.S.
Course #: 5190 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Lowell Levine, D.D.S. Michael Baden, M.D. Stephen Michaud, B.S.
THE SEARCH FOR NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA:THE ROMANOV INVESTIGATION This lecture explores the tragic fate of the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, his family, and their retainers. Following their arrest in 1917, they were ultimately executed in Ekaterinburg in 1918. This brutal event remained shrouded in secrecy for decades until the discovery of skeletal remains near the city in 1992. This course delves into the complex identification process, where dental evidence played a crucial role. However, disagreements arose between Russian and American scientists regarding the identities of the two daughters, highlighting the limitations of skeletal analysis. The discovery of additional remains in 2007 offered further clues, but the mystery surround-ing one daughter’s identity persists due to the absence of the Court Dentist’s records. Through compelling visuals and analysis, the lecture explores the ongoing efforts to definitively identify all members of the Romanov family, showcasing the challenges and complexities of historical forensics.
UNMASKING A MONSTER:TED BUNDY AND THE BITE MARK EVIDENCE This lecture delves into the infamous Ted Bundy case, exploring the crucial role of bite mark evidence in securing his conviction for the Chi Omega soror-ity house murders. Led by Stephen Michaud, who developed a chilling proximity to Bundy, the program offers a unique perspective into the mind of a sadistic serial killer.
THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK: DENTAL ASPECTS The recent declassification of documents has reignited conspiracy theories around President Kennedy’s assassination. Dr. Baden, who led the 1978 Congressional investigation’s forensic panel, will debunk these claims. Dr. Baden will present evidence, including conclusive dental records, that disprove theories alleging the CIA’s involvement or the use of fake autopsy materials. He will definitively demonstrate that President Kennedy was indeed shot twice from behind. This lecture offers a critical analysis of the evidence, separating historical fact from ongoing speculation.
The impact of the pandemic on the dental team landscape is still a challenge to achieving practice continuity. Doctors worry about staff dependability and commitment; staff worry about guaranteed work schedules and their value to the practice. Achieving and maintaining practice stability rests on the coordinated effort of the core team of Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, and Managers (DHAM Team). Having an invigorated, cohesive team where each member’s value is explicit and critical for growing your practice. Learn the essentials for success in each team role from the panel of experts and leave with essential resources to increase patient retention, production, and case acceptance.
Learn to:
• set attainable goals • gain the benefits of team assessment tools • delineate job vs. team responsibilities • recognize derailing behaviors early
****The team day program continues with course 5235 – a doctor’s only exclusive presentation on protecting your practice****
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
This hands-on workshop is designed to train new or anticipated users of diode dental lasers. It is the second and three modules required for certification in a standard course for the Academy of Laser Dentistry. A review of laser science and safety will accompany micro-videos of actual standard procedures used in everyday practice. Hands-on sessions will allow participants expert supervised and extensive laser techniques on animal models.
• the essentials of diode laser science • to operate diode lasers in a safe environment • from an experienced expert in this field • to perform the most common laser procedures on the following practice day
3-PART CERTIFICATION PROCESS: Part 1 - Foundations in Laser Dentistry - Self-paced Online Digital Learning Program (6 CEUs). Part 2 - Hands-on Clinical Simulation & Training (in person) - Provided by an approved ALD Trainer (Dr. Edward Kusek at the Greater NY Dental Meeting 2024). Part 3 - ALD Dental Laser Standard Level Online Exam.
SUCCESSFUL STANDARD LEVEL COURSE COMPLETION In order to successfully complete the ALD Dental Laser Standard Level Course in its entirety, you must successfully complete all 3 Parts (as described above) within 90 days of your Part 2 Hands-on course date. After the 90 days have passed, the course will be closed, and anyone who has successfully completed the course will receive their continuing education record of completion and Standard Level Course certificate within 6-8 weeks from that close date.
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Laser Dentistry
Edward Kusek, D.D.S.
Course #: 5385 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Edward Kusek, D.D.S.
This hands-on workshop is designed to train new or anticipated users of diode dental lasers. It is the second and three modules required for certification in a standard course for the Academy of Laser Dentistry. A review of laser science and safety will accompany micro-videos of actual standard procedures used in everyday practice. Hands-on sessions will allow participants expert supervised and extensive laser techniques on animal models.
• the essentials of diode laser science • to operate diode lasers in a safe environment • from an experienced expert in this field • to perform the most common laser procedures on the following practice day
Attendees become CPR certified after taking this unique hands-on workshop. Attendees will be updated on the most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child, and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application;adult, child, and infant CPR
adult, child, and infant rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask
adult, child, and infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Support for this program is provided by Rescue Resucitation
9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Surgery for the General Dentist: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $390.00 Credits: 3
Oral Surgery does not need to be frightening or intimidating. This workshop reviews the most reliable techniques for identifying and treating patients with confidence and competence. We will review patient selection, case, identification, and surgical procedures.
• patient evaluation and selection • to effectively and efficiently suture • the use of surgical handpieces • to prepare your office and staff for seamless Oral Surgery
9:45am - 12:45pm
Innovations in Restorative Dentistry: Live Demonstration and Best Practices
Join Dr. Joshua Grenier for an immersive journey into the daily challenges and solutions in restorative dentistry. This program will equip dentists with efficient strategies for crown, inlay, onlay, and endodontic preparations designed for 3D printed restorations, culminating in proper cementation techniques. Through a live demonstration on a cast, participants will learn time-saving approaches to optimize efficiency throughout the restorative process.
Learn to:
• prep the ideal crown for optimal fit and longevity • enhance speed and efficiency in quadrant dentistry • integrate fast and efficient endo/crown techniques
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Predictable Molar Endo: Diagnosis to Obturation: A Hands-on Workshop
Have you ever considered root canals but become terrified at the thought of breaking a file? This hands-on workshop is designed to conquer those fears and equip you with the skills to perform root canals confidently. Through hands-on practice, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of every step, from initial diagnosis to final obturation. Learn valuable tips and tricks for case selection, access preparation, instrumentation, disinfection, and more. We’ll also explore the latest advancements in modern endodontics, ensuring you stay on top of your game.
• to improve diagnostic accuracy and case selection • effective anesthesia techniques • predictable access, cleaning, shaping, and packing
Support for this program is supported by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Precision Power Prevention: A Hands-On Workshop
Joy Void-Holmes, R.D.H.
Course #: 5520 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joy Void-Holmes, R.D.H.
Are you struggling to stay updated with clinical care techniques? Need a refresher in air polishing, ultrasonic, or hand instrumentation? The P3 - Precision Power Prevention workshop is for you. This intensive, hands-on course covers air polishing, piezoelectric and magnetostrictive ultrasonics, and hand instrumentation, all focusing on ergonomics for clinician comfort. Learn advanced techniques, refine essential skills, and integrate preventative products to protect patients’ oral health between visits. Enhance your skills, gain new knowledge, and elevate your practice with P3.
Learn to:
• demonstrate proficiency in air polishing, piezoelectric, magnetostrictive ultrasonics, and hand instrumentation • apply ergonomic principles throughout clinical procedures to enhance practitioner comfort and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. • tailor diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to meet the unique needs of each patient, ensuring personalized and effective care • incorporate cutting-edge preventive products and strategies to protect the tooth surface and maintain oral health between visits
Support for this program is supported by
10:00am - 12:30pm
Photobiomodulation: Biological Patient Management
Laser Dentistry
Howard Golan, D.D.S.
Course #: 5180 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Howard Golan, D.D.S.
Lasers have been used in dentistry for decades. Over the past 10 years the use of Low Level Laser Therapy or Photobiomodulation (PBM) has changed the way dentistry is delivered by and perceived to the public. This program will provide an overview of PBM, its science, uses in the dental practice, and how it is changing dental care across the globe.
• The physics of photobiomodulation and its place in dentistry • the uses of photobiomodulation in the practice of dentistry • the different types of lasers, their applications and how laser ablation is a more biological approach to resection • the impacts on the dental practice and its multidisciplinary uses
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Proper Use of Legal Entities for Lawsuit Protection and Tax Reduction
Practice Management and Human Relations
Daniel McNeff, CEO
Course #: 5050 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Daniel McNeff, CEO
Room: 1E07 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $185.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Spouse, Doctor
Lunch and Learn
This seminar shows you how to stop the threat of lawsuits before they ever get started by protecting your assets in time-tested and proven legal structures. These same structures allow us to help our tax attorneys save what you usually pay in income taxes. These little-known taxes have significant case history and have stood the test of time.
A smile is a universal greeting that translates into all languages! Smiling individuals are judged as more pleasant and trustworthy, and smiling releases endorphins that improve the mood of those who smile! Psychologists and scientists agree that the simple act of a smile can positively transform a person’s life, as well as the lives of others. Hence, the smile can be considered a critical component of happiness and is fundamental to perceived beauty. As dentists, we are trained to create, maintain, and protect the ideal smile, but what should our goals be in achieving that “gold standard” of beauty? This course seeks to present the current data regarding ideal smile components and highlight the importance of gingival architecture in creating a personalized road map to help patients achieve a vibrant smile.
• the components of a smile and discuss their role in optimal esthetics • to assess the importance of the gingival and soft tissue framework in achieving an esthetic smile • to understand the role of patient-based characteristics on acceptable esthetics and ideal smile components • to discuss personalized treatment options to attain ideal smile esthetics based upon the underlying diagnoses of each patient
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
UNRAVELING THE CHOICE BETWEEN FP1 AND FP3 This lecture delves into the complexities of the All-on-X dilemma in full arch restorations, focusing on the choice between FP1 and FP3 prostheses. Participants will learn the optimal number of implants and bone reduction required for successful full arch reconstruction. The discussion will highlight the advantages, disadvantages, and considerations unique to FP1 and FP3 prostheses, enabling clinicians to make informed decisions tailored to individual patient needs. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the factors influencing prosthesis selection, facilitating improved outcomes in full arch restorations.
Learn to:
investigate the optimal implant number and the amount of bone reduction essential for full arch reconstructions
compare FP1 and FP3 prostheses, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for different clinical scenarios
equip participants with the knowledge necessary to navigate the
All-on-X dilemma, enabling them to make informed decisions tailored to individual patient requirements for successful full arch restorations
THE SHORT IMPLANT SOLUTION AND SINUS ELEVATION WITHOUT BONE GRAFTING Over the last decade, the popularity of short implants has skyrocketed—but how predictable are they? This lecture will provide a comprehensive analysis of the literature regarding the definition and success of short implants in various clinical situations. Key clinical factors when considering the use of short implants will also be discussed. Additionally, we will provide a detailed examination of the scientific data and clinical steps regarding the placement of short implants in conjunction with sinus floor elevation in the atrophic posterior maxilla without bone grafting.
Learn to:
review the literature regarding clinical indications of short implants, as well as their success and survival rates
understand the evolving definition of short implants
review the effects of surface texture, implant diameter, thread pitch and crown to implant ratio as well as other key factors leading to the success of short implants
provide participants with an in depth step-by-step overview of the clinical placement of short implants especially combined with sinus floor elevation in the atrophic posterior maxilla, without any additional bone grafting
NAVIGATING IMPLANT HURDLES: COMPLICATIONS AND SOLUTIONS This program comprehensively examines biological and mechanical implant complications, offering a nuanced analysis of the underlying factors contributing to such challenges. Through a multidisciplinary approach, participants will engage with the best evidence-based strategies to mitigate risks and optimize patient outcomes. By dissecting complex case studies and delving into the latest implant technology advancements, attendees will understand the mechanisms driving complications and the innovative solutions available.
Learn to:
recognize the differences between biological and mechanical implant complications and investigate if and how they are related
identify the most common complications encountered during implant procedures and develop evidence-based solutions to address them
TREATMENT PLANNING OF FULL-ARCH IMPLANT REHABILITATIONS Explain pre-surgical and restorative factors that need to be considered when treatment planning implant reconstructions for fully edentulous patients. compare the performance and prognosis of different options and discuss the decision-making process when selecting between fixed and removable implant options.
Learn to:
understand the implant diagnosis and treatment planning considerations for fully edentulous patients
understand the key factors when selecting fixed or removable full arch implant rehabilitations
assess the performance of different full arch implant treatment options
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Oral Health and the Microbiome/Pediatric Frenectomies
Health Medicine and Nutrition
Jillian Kaye, M.S., R.D.N.
M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril , Ph. D.
Scott Rickert, M.D.
Course #: 5020 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jillian Kaye, M.S., R.D.N. M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril , Ph. D. Scott Rickert, M.D.
Room: 1E08 Topic: Health Medicine and Nutrition Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
2:00 – 3:30
M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril, Ph.D.
Jilian Kaye, M.S., R.D.N.
Oral Health and the Microbiome: The Role of Diet
In this session, there will be two presentations. The first will provide an overview of the technical aspects of the oral microbiome, highlighting its relationship with environmental factors and the daily choices individuals make while delving into the complexities of oral health and how external influences impact the oral microbiome. The second will cover the topic of nutrition and its significant influence on the oral microbiome while exploring effective communication strategies for healthcare professionals to guide patients in improving their oral health through dietary choices.
the definition of the and basic concepts like Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) and methods to assess diversity, composition, and function of the microbiome
environment, diet, and lifestyle choices that impact the oral microbiome
the gut-mouth axis and interactions between oral bacteria and the diet
strategies for effective counseling to assist patients in managing their oral health through dietary choice
3:30 – 5:00
Scott Rickert, M.D.
Pediatric Frenectomies: What’s the Evidence
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Parkman Murder Trial: Beginning of Forensic Odontology/Dental Exoneration/MS-13 Attacks, Attempted Murder and Sexual Assault/Use of Dental Evidence in
Forensic Dentistry
Ira Titunik, D.D.S.
Jared Rosenblatt, Esq.
Tom Holland, J.D., Ph.D.
Zhongxue Hua, M.D., Ph.D.
Course #: 5200 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ira Titunik, D.D.S. Jared Rosenblatt, Esq. Tom Holland, J.D., Ph.D. Zhongxue Hua, M.D., Ph.D.
PARKMAN MURDER TRIAL: BEGINNING OF FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY In 1849, George Parkman, a wealthy scion of Boston, disappeared. His dismembered and partially cremated remains were found days later in the basement of the Harvard Medical College, in a building that he had himself endowed. His murderer was none other than a respected member of the Harvard medical faculty, Dr. John Webster. The ensuing Parkman-Webster murder trial caught the attention of the national and international press in a media circus that was to foreshadow the celebrity trials of the Twentieth Century. Though largely forgotten today,this cases’s seminal contribution to history is that it represents the first use of forensic odontology in a United States courtroom.
DENTAL EXONERATION This course equips you with the fundamentals of forensic pathology, focusing on the critical role of dental analysis in both identifying remains and exonerating the wrongly accused. Through the exploration of pattern comparison techniques, you’ll gain the skills to utilize dental evidence for accurate identification and potential exoneration in forensic investigations.
MS-13 ATTACKS, ATTEMPTED MURDER AND SEXUAL ASSAULT On March 22, 2017, the defendant tried to kill a woman in Hempstead by stabbing and slashing her and then returned to his girlfriend’s apartment, where the defendant attempted to kill the woman’s two-year-old daugh-ter. Through this case study, you’ll delve into the innovative use of dental evidence for identification, the power of digital technology in interpreting complex bite and injury patterns and uncover an uncommon legal aspect that allowed dental evidence to play a crucial role in securing justice.
IRA TITUNIK, D.D.S. USE OF DENTAL EVIDENCE IN AN MS 13 CASE OF ATTEMPTED MURDER This course delves into the power of dental evidence in criminal investigations. Explore how digital technology clarifies complex bite mark analysis, Navigate the legal framework surrounding its use, and see its real-world impact through a compelling case study. Learn how exclusionary practices can lead to accurate conclusions, the importance of comprehensive data for informed opinions, and the value of clear, concise communication in forensic dentistry.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
AI: What's HOT in Dentistry Now
Peter Auster, D.M.D.
Course #: 5220 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Peter Auster, D.M.D.
Artificial Intelligence has virtually exploded in dentistry in just a few years. Dr. Auster takes you on a tour of how to benefit from AI now. From there, we will chart new ground in today’s dentistry, from injection molding and heating composites to laser curing lights, electronic anesthesia, single-shade composites, and new products that help you defy dental inflation.
• AI programs to improve your dentistry and pick-up your bottom line • to implement injection molding to phase significant cases that can start now • three ways to create six composite veneers in 90 minutes • about the newest, most exciting products to use today
Pharmacology is the study of Drugs and their effects on the human body. Chronic medical conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, and neurological conditions are very prevalent worldwide. In this course we will discuss the top 10 prescribed drugs in North America. We will review the pharmacological actions of these drugs, any reported adverse reactions and drug interactions associated with their use. We will review the effects of these medications on the oral cavity and any needed dental modifications for these patients. Specific emphasis will be given to the effects and interactions of these commonly prescribed drugs with those often given by dentists, namely, local anaesthetics, analgesics, antibiotics, and antifungals.
Learn to:
• identify the top 10 prescribed drugs • recognize the indications and contraindications of these commonly prescribed drugs • discuss the mechanism of action, adverse reactions and drug interactions of the most commonly prescribed medications • discuss the top 10 prescribed drugs and their interactions with dental treatment and commonly prescribed dental drugs
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse
Practice Management and Human Relations
Andrea Nottingham, Ed.D, M.S.Ed., M.A.
Course #: 5250 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Andrea Nottingham, Ed.D, M.S.Ed., M.A.
Room: 1E06 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Lab Technicians, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This NYSED-approved workshop, tailored for New York State professionals, addresses recent amendments to Social Services Law §413. It fulfills state requirements for mandated reporters of child abuse and maltreatment, emphasizing the importance of timely reporting to the State Central Register (SCR) when harm to a child is suspected. Additionally, the course highlights and recognizes situations where community-based services may better serve families, guiding decision-making with a commitment to reduce biases. Understand the impact of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is crucial for comprehensive assessment, and this course explores protective factors, such as parental resilience and social support networks, to mitigate the risk of abuse or maltreatment.
• to determine if a child shows indicators of maltreatment or abuse, including in a virtual setting • to recognize the impact of trauma and ACEs on children, families, and yourself • to recognize the impact of bias on your decision-making • to understand when you have a legal obligation to call the SCR
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Managing Restorative Challenges and Patient Expectations
25 Pearls to Develop Your Team and Grow Your Practice
Practice Management and Human Relations
Steven Katz, D.M.D.
Course #: 5270 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Katz, D.M.D.
Room: 1E11 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator
This presentation will describe how to attract the best team and retain them in a drama-free culture. The plan to achieve practice success and growth should include empowering the team and implementing systems that build patient confidence. It is extremely important for the doctor to create clarity in expectations so that the team can function independently and take non-clinical responsibilities off of the doctor’s shoulders. Improved systems and better leadership create a stronger culture that increases patient interest in more comprehensive care. It eliminates team turnover and makes working in the practice more enjoyable and fulfilling for the doctor and the team.
• to create a positive culture to establish clarity in expectations and develop a more empowered and motivated team • new systems to create consistency, improved success and greater patient satisfaction • the importance of time management and how it impacts the practice • how to use actionable data and analytics to constantly monitor success
Dentists see patients of all ages in practice, but for the youngest patients recognizing signs and symptoms of developmental delays can change lives. Even if you do not treat children in your practice, you encounter adults who care for children. Recognizing signs and symptoms in the pediatric patients of delays and to whom and where to refer can enable children to reach their full potential.
Learn to:
discover the characteristics of children who would be at most risk for developmental delays
explore essential components of communication and early motor skills that could signify an issue
differentiate healthcare specialties that could be appropriate for patient referrals
identify oral health risks associated with communication and motor delays along with oral healthcare products to assist
Support for this program is provided by
These programs are being presented by the New York City Dental Hygienists’ Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienists’ Association amd the American Dental Hygienists’ Association
Room: 1E20 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $125.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This seminar fulfills the mandatory infection control course for oral health-care providers required for re-licensure in New York State. In addition, attendees review PEP, PPE, managing occupational exposures, and the bloodborne pathogen standard and Covid-19 protocols.
• the risks for transmission of bloodborne pathogens in a dental setting • the methods of reducing risk of infections • the principles of managing occupational exposures in the dental setting • a review of CDC/OSHA/PEP guidelines
Periodontal disease is chronic inflammation unchecked. Why does this occur? What is the sequence? This program will explain and simplify the downward spiral of periodontal disease—from the beneficial acute inflammatory response to chronic unresolved inflammation with its direct impact on systemic health.
• the progression of periodontal disease with a clinical, cellular, and biochemical focus • to discover the local/systemic link pathway between periodontal disease and other inflammatory diseases of aging • to identify the criteria for the ideal biomarker to monitor oral disease • about a simple new chairside test to measure oral inflammation and evaluate treatment success
2:00pm - 4:30pm
New Colgate Total Active Prevention, The Future of Preventive Dentistry
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Maria Ryan, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Course #: 5350 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Maria Ryan, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Despite advancements in oral health care, the burden of oral diseases persists. Daily oral hygiene is an essential public health strategy for maintaining oral health, contributing to the well-being of individuals, and preventing the root cause of many common oral diseases associated with a dysbiotic microbiome. Active prevention through the use of advanced oral health products can play a pivotal role in reducing this burden by preventing the onset and progression of oral diseases and the development of potential systemic health issues linked to poor oral hygiene.
This symposium will focus on the evidence-based development of a unique stannous-powered formulation that has led to the improved performance benefits expected from modern oral care products. The value of preventative oral health multi-benefit regimens to ensure better whole mouth health outcomes will also be discussed.
• examine the challenges related to the formulation of stannous fluoride dentifrices and the solutions that have been developed to address these drawbacks and deliver better oral health outcomes • evaluate the evidence from clinical studies supporting the superior prevention and treatment benefits of a unique stannous fluoride toothpaste formulation compared to regular fluoride toothpaste • discuss the impact of multi-benefits regimens to deliver plaque and gingivitis reduction above and beyond that of toothpaste alone
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Oral Surgery for the General Dentist: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $390.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Oral Surgery does not need to be frightening or intimidating. This workshop reviews the most reliable techniques for identifying and treating patients with confidence and competence. We will review patient selection, case, identification, and surgical procedures.
• patient evaluation and selection • to effectively and efficiently suture • the use of surgical handpieces • to prepare your office and staff for seamless Oral Surgery
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Splatter Matters: The Latest in RDH Infection Prevention
Dental hygiene has long been described as one of the most hazardous occupations due partly to the clinician’s constant exposure to infectious pathogens. The COVID-19 pandemic only served to heighten concerns, as the introduction of a highly transmissible virus challenged previously established standards in infection control. This course will explore the pathophysiology of common contaminants found in oral fluids, their impact on the oral healthcare provider, and the latest trends in infection prevention during hygiene-specific services.
the epidemiological triad of infectious disease
the three most common bloodborne pathogens dental professionals are exposed to
to analyze various particle sizes and their distributions generated during dental hygiene procedures
to explore five new ways dental hygienists can increase their infection protection while providing patient care
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Expanding Composite Artistry in Your Aesthetic Practice: A Hands-on Workshop
Esthetics/Cosmetic Dentistry
Robert Lowe, D.D.S.
Course #: 5450 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Lowe, D.D.S.
Today, the number of aesthetic direct composite procedures continues to be on the rise. Our patients want to look better and enhance their smiles. Improved materials and technologies make it possible for all dentists to expand on the services they already provide. This hands-on workshop demonstrates techniques to artistically restore teeth with direct composite beyond what you are currently offering in your practice.
Learn to:
• fabricate a direct composite bridge using glass fiber technology • use single shade composite systems to simplify aesthetic matches in direct composite restorations • understand the benefits of heated composite • use anatomically specific matrices to improve the aesthetic contours of direct composites
Support for this program is supported by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Cerámica Dental en la Práctica Diaria/Periodoncia interrelación con otras Áreas
Cursos de Español
Alejandra Cabrera Coria, International Dentist
Course #: 5475 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alejandra Cabrera Coria, International Dentist
This presentation provides an update and review of the essentials of local anesthesia pharmacology and administration. It will also include a discussion regarding some of the untoward reactions and interactions that can result from local anesthesia administration. In addition, strategies for administering local anesthesia will be developed including an in-depth review of the more recently introduced local anesthetic agents, delivery systems and reversal agents. The presentation will also include a detailed discussion about the use of buffering agents, that when added to local anesthetics, accelerate its onset of action.
Learn to:
• have a thorough understanding of the essentials of local anesthesia pharmacology • make an optimal local anesthetic agent selection and dosing based upon the patient and the treatment being provided • understand some of the newer concepts regarding local anesthesia administration that can help facilitate optimal patient outcome • have an appreciation how medical co-morbidities may influence local anesthetic decision-making
Support for this program is provided by
New York State Dental Society of Anesthesiology
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Develop Superior Endodontic Skills And Confidence
Barry Musikant, D.M.D.
Course #: 5490 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Barry Musikant, D.M.D.
This program is a hands-on endodontic workshop that introduces dentists to safer, more effective instrumentation and obturation. Learn techniques to eliminate instrument separation virtually, debrides the canals in three dimensions, and minimize the potential for canal distortion. This workshop offers insights into both oscillating endodontic and rotary techniques, which will reduce procedural time and significantly reduce instrument costs.
• how to shorten your endo procedure while obtaining excellent results • steps to avoid instrument separation • to understand instrument properties • to preform superior obturation techniques in 3D
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Course #: 5055 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jay Malik
Room: 1E07 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $305.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This presentation is tailored for dental practice owners seeking financial management skills. It offers an introduction to The Rich Dentist System℠, strategies designed to enhance dentists’ net worth and accelerate financial independence. Participants will learn to interpret financial data effectively, enabling informed business decisions. Additionally, the course covers IRS-approved, court-tested tax reduction strategies specific to dental practices, transforming complex financial data into practical, actionable insights. This approach aims to minimize tax liabilities legally and optimize financial outcomes for dentists.
Learn to:
• establish and optimize an accounting system tailored for dental practices • produce actionable financial data to gauge the financial health of your practice • explore innovative strategies for legal tax savings • integrate effective accounting practices with tax strategies to enhance wealth accumulation
Support for this program is provided by
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Técnica de Implantes Inmediatos/Cuando No Colocar Implantes/Desinfección Actual en Endodoncia/Evolución de Los Scanner Faciales
Cursos de Español
Anna Kolesnikova, D.D.S.
Juan Bazán, D.D.S., Mg.
Mauricio González Mac Donald
Ronald Gonzáles Gonzáles, International Dentist
Course #: 5470 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 2:30pm - 5:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anna Kolesnikova, D.D.S. Juan Bazán, D.D.S., Mg. Mauricio González Mac Donald Ronald Gonzáles Gonzáles, International Dentist
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
TÉCNICA DE IMPLANTES INMEDIATOS Veremos cómo lograr la estabilización primaria, en los implantes de carga inmediata, como realizar una exodoncia realmente atraumática así como los mecanismos de osteointegración y el uso de la técnica de plasma rica en fibrina.
CUANDO NO COLOCAR IMPLANTES Durante los últimos años se han descripto ciertas entidades que impedirían la colocación de implantes dentales, por medio de diferentes reacciones que pueden perjudicar al paciente y al futuro de los implantes. Entre las más importantes podemos citar a las lesiones liquenoides (LOL), reconocida por la OMS como un Desorden Oral Potencialmente Maligno y a las osteone-crosis inducidas por bisfosfonatos (OIA), causada por drogas antideportivas. Es de suma importancia para el Odontólogo tener conocimiento de estas nosologías ya que la colocación de implantes en esta circunstancia podría traer consecuencias no deseadas pudiendo empeorar las patologías de base.
DESINFECCIÓN ACTUAL EN ENDODONCIA Soluciones irrigantes y sus actuales combinaciones. Medicamentos intracon-ductos actuales que permitan mejorar la desinfección en Endodoncia. Proto-colos de desinfección de casos clínicos de varios años de control donde se observa reparación en dientes con grandes lesiones periapicales.
EVOLUCIÓN DE LOS SCANNER FACIALES Los scanners faciales y su aplicación en la rehabilitación estética de la sonrisa. Veremos la evolución y los tipos de scanner faciales. Diferencia entre los más populares y su aplicación con programas 3D para el diseño digital de la sonrisa.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
3:00pm - 5:00pm
New Paradigms in Periodontal and Pre-Implant Disease
Accurately diagnosing the periodontal disease is of utmost importance to understanding the systemic microbial and inflammatory burden of periodontitis. The 2017 AAP/EPF World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions (WWDC) represented a paradigm shift in periodontal care and viewed periodontal and peri-implant diseases as a continuum and allowed for a common language between dental healthcare providers and their patients. This program will address incorporating the periodontal disease classification into real-world dental practice.
Learn to:
• capture and apply oral examination findings to aid in early identification and intervention of periodontal diseases • recognize modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors for periodontal disease progression • effectively stratify patients and identify therapeutic needs based on accurate diagnoses and risk assessment • apply the current diagnostic classification system to real-world clinical scenarios
Room: Exhibit Floor - Booth # Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $185.00 Credits: 2
Forensic CPA and Private Investigator David Harris will distill his 35 years of experience investigating embezzlement in dental practices into vital lessons for dental practice owners to protect themselves against employee theft. David will use case studies in this interactive multimedia presentation, where you will meet both victims and embezzlers.
Learn to:
• understand why and how embezzlement occurs • master the three important concepts of financial oversight by a practice owner • know how to respond if embezzlement is suspected or confirmed in your practice
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Surgery First y Ortodoncia: Un Cambio de Vida
Cursos de Español
Ma del Carmen Reyes Romero , D.D.S. International Dentist.
Manuel Vázquez Uribe , D.D.S., Ed.D.
Course #: 5280 Date: 12/03/2024 Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ma del Carmen Reyes Romero , D.D.S. International Dentist. Manuel Vázquez Uribe , D.D.S., Ed.D.
Room: 1E12 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $45.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Educator
En los pacientes con discrepancias esquelétales y dentales, los proced-imientos de Surgery Firts y cirugía de mínima invasión nos dan la posibili-dad de tener tratamientos exitosos en la estética facial y dental, pero mas importante en la función. En conjunto con una ortodoncia con alienadores daremos al paciente la posibilidad de tener una cambio radical en poco tiempo a diferencia de la planeación convencional y otorgan al paciente “un cambio significativo en su vida”
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Room: 1E06 Topic: Health Medicine and Nutrition Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
In this unique course, you’ll delve into the science behind the mind-body connection. We’ll explore research-backed practices like yoga, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and resilience-building skills. This powerful combination will equip you to navigate stress, cultivate inner calm, and achieve mental clarity. Through exercises that can be practiced for as little as 2 minutes or for longer stretches, you’ll learn sitting, standing, and yoga mat-based restorative practices. These practices incorporate yogic breathing, postural alignment, stretches, movements, and poses to enhance your skeletal-muscular strength and flexibility, potentially preventing or reducing joint, neck, and back problems. The beauty of this approach? You can practice it anytime, anywhere – at work, at home, or on the go!
• to integrate 2–15-minute intervals of sitting, standing, yogic breathing, posture checks, stretches, and movements to boost strength, flexibility, and potentially prevent joint, neck, and back issues • to practice gentle yoga poses on the mat to improve joint health and reduce musculoskeletal problems • a short body scan relaxation to ease tension, promote better sleep, and enhance overall well-being • to develop mindfulness techniques and resilience skills to combat stress, anxiety, and burnout. experience increased focus, productivity, and work-life balance while fostering self-care, compassion, gratitude, and overall well-being • mindful breaks anywhere: take rejuvenating yoga-mindfulness breaks for just 2 minutes or more, anytime, anywhere, to relax, recharge, and revitalize your mind and body
Why watch and wait when you can arrest and remineralize? Why drill and fill when you can infiltrate or regenerate? Help your patients delay or avoid entering the restorative dentistry downward spiral with early interventions and nonsurgical options. This course will review the latest noninvasive treatment options for managing incipient caries lesions and enamel defects like topical fluorides and remineralization agents, resin infiltration, and guided hard tissue regeneration.
• to review the evidence for noninvasive caries treatments • to discuss case selection and treatment planning • the clinical protocols for topical antimicrobials, remineralization agents, resin infiltration, and guided enamel regeneration
Tuition: $650.00 Bundle price for the interactive afternoon session.
8:30am - 3:00pm
MacLean Experience - Full Day Program
Pediatric Dentistry
Course #: 6025 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Course #: 6030 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 8:30am - 10:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): David Goodman, C.P.A.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $185.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Students, Administrative Staff, Spouse
Whether you love coming to the office or can’t get out of bed, this presentation provides some uplifting suggestions for a fun and more profitable office environment. Learn about the secret ingredient to practice success, how to bring back the passion, and the financial benchmarks to help measure success. A practice environment that puts the patient and the team first functions more efficiently, effectively, profitably, and often, with a lot of fun.
Learn to:
• get to know your team better • understand and communicate to your practice community why you are a dentist • measure practice performance using simple key performance indicators
Room: 1E06 Topic: Health Medicine and Nutrition Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
In this unique course, you’ll delve into the science behind the mind-body connection. We’ll explore research-backed practices like yoga, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and resilience-building skills. This powerful combination will equip you to navigate stress, cultivate inner calm, and achieve mental clarity. Through exercises that can be practiced for as little as 2 minutes or for longer stretches, you’ll learn sitting, standing, and yoga mat-based restorative practices. These practices incorporate yogic breathing, postural alignment, stretches, movements, and poses to enhance your skeletal-muscular strength and flexibility, potentially preventing or reducing joint, neck, and back problems. The beauty of this approach? You can practice it anytime, anywhere – at work, at home, or on the go!
• to integrate 2–15-minute intervals of sitting, standing, yogic breathing, posture checks, stretches, and movements to boost strength, flexibility, and potentially prevent joint, neck, and back issues • to practice gentle yoga poses on the mat to improve joint health and reduce musculoskeletal problems • a short body scan relaxation to ease tension, promote better sleep, and enhance overall well-being • to develop mindfulness techniques and resilience skills to combat stress, anxiety, and burnout. experience increased focus, productivity, and work-life balance while fostering self-care, compassion, gratitude, and overall well-being • mindful breaks anywhere: take rejuvenating yoga-mindfulness breaks for just 2 minutes or more, anytime, anywhere, to relax, recharge, and revitalize your mind and body
9:00am - 10:30am
Top Coding and Documentation Strategies For The Dental Practice
Greg Grobmyer, D.D.S.
Jim DiMarino, D.M.D., M.S.Ed.
Boost your practice’s profitability with this practical course! Join dental coding experts as they unveil the most impactful CDT codes every practice needs to master. Gain insider tips on coding and documentation strategies to minimize write-offs, maximize insurance reimbursement, and ultimately, supercharge your bottom line. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and transform your practice’s financial health.
Learn :
• about underutilized codes to enhance reporting • to discuss proper documentation needed for each code • to gain understanding of coding and reporting strategies to maximize reimbursement • how to involve the entire team in the process
9:00am - 11:00am
Managing Patients with Polypharmacy
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Ann Spolarich, R.D.H., Ph.D.
Course #: 6050 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 9:00am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ann Spolarich, R.D.H., Ph.D.
This program tackles the growing trend of patients with complex medication regimens, including both prescription drugs and herbal supplements (polypharmacy and polypharmacy). We’ll explore risk factors, potential health complications, and communication strategies to improve collaboration between patients and dentists/physicians. Identifying high-risk populations and practical dental practice recommendations will equip you to minimize medication errors and manage these patients safely.
Learn to:
• describe health risks associated with medical complexity, including avoidable complications such as drug and herbal and dietary supplement interactions • identify patient populations for whom polypharmacy poses significant risks • identify risk factors for polypharmacy and polyherbacy • describe communication strategies for collaborative care to reduce medication errors
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 11:00am
Anterior Esthetics of Periodontal Surgery and Implants
Implant Dentistry
Ye Shi, D.D.S.,M.S.
Course #: 6060 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 9:00am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ye Shi, D.D.S.,M.S.
Achieve stunning smiles with this informative lecture on esthetic crown lengthening and anterior implant placement! Delving into the biological factors and potential risks that can impact successful outcomes, the program utilizes current research and compelling case studies. Explore the journey from meticulous treatment planning to precise surgical execution, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to achieve optimal esthetics through both periodontal and implant surgery techniques.
• factors and risks that affect the esthetic outcome • esthetic and periodontal evaluation during the diagnosis and treatment plan phase • treatment options for the anterior esthetic zone including esthetic crown lengthening and implants • the clinical guidelines of surgical treatment
Oral signs frequently manifest and precede other symptoms of autoimmune diseases, emphasizing the importance of a thorough oral examination for early detection. Conversely, people with autoimmune conditions are more susceptible to a number of oral health issues, emphasizing the importance of early interventions for maintaining oral health. The goal of this program is to describe oral presentations, diagnosis, and treatment strategies for the most common autoimmune diseases.
IF YOU SNOOZE, DO YOU REALLY LOSE? Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are abnormalities of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth that can affect growth and development, chewing, swallowing, speech, and breathing. Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) refers to a spectrum of breathing abnormalities that occur during sleep. This program discusses the relationship between the two, defines the dysfunctions, and highlights the risks associated with undiagnosed and untreated cases, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing clinical signs to foster a comprehensive approach to whole-body health.
FINDING THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE Do you ever provide patient education, expect the patient to follow it, only to be met with resistance? Do you want to open the door to find more effective ways to talk with your patient, reduce your frustration, and increase positive health outcomes. This course will explore resistance in a motivational interviewing approach. We’ll look at possible obstacles that can increase resistance and discuss strategies that will decrease resistance.
RESISTANCE TRAINING TO PREVENT MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN With musculoskeletal pain becoming more prevalent for dental profession-als, there have been many modalities used as interventions to help reduce or prevent its onset. One emerging approach that has received less attention is resistance training. This course will review the concept of resistance training, how it may help reduce musculoskeletal pain in hygienists, as well as demonstrate examples of exercises targeting common areas of pain in hygienists.
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Importancia de una buena planificación y trabajo multidisciplinario para lograr una buena función y estética mínimamente invasive/Restauraciones Direc
Cursos de Español
Augusto César Rodrigues de Souza, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Geraldine Naveda, International Dentist
Jhon Alexander Barrios Hernandez, D.D.S.
John Alexis Dominguez, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Sílvia Amélia Lorenzetti Stoppa, D.D.S.
Course #: 6140 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Augusto César Rodrigues de Souza, D.D.S., M.Sc. Geraldine Naveda, International Dentist Jhon Alexander Barrios Hernandez, D.D.S. John Alexis Dominguez, D.D.S., Ph.D. Sílvia Amélia Lorenzetti Stoppa, D.D.S.
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
RESTAURACIONES DIRECT – INDIRECT Estaremos realizando un abordaje de diferentes tipo de restauraciones, desde lo analógico y digital, su evidencia y su desarrollo. Determinar elemen-tos de elección para restauraciones directas e indirectas. Determinar elemen-tos de elección para restauraciones bajo flujo analógico y digital. Reconocer estrategias restauradoras en diferentes situaciones.
ARMONIZACIÓN OROFACIAL FULL FACE CONCEPT Enfoque actual en las diferentes áreas de la Armonización Orofacial con planificación integrada para Perfilplastia, comenzando con el cuidado de la piel, aplicaciones de ácido hialurónico y toxina botulínica y terminando con procedimientos quirúrgicos avanzados.
REESTRUCTURACIÓN FACIAL CON RELLENOS FACIALES A través de puntos de aplicación específicos de los rellenos orofaciales, es posible conseguir un efecto lifting y soporte facial. Las técnicas actuales alin-eadas con al correcta indicación en la elección de materiales permiten el rejuvenecimiento facial mediante procedimientos minimamente invasivos.
Discutiré cómo identificar y comprender los fotoiniciadores en las resinas compuestas, así como la importancia de la intensidad de luz adecuada en nuestras lámparas de fotocurado. También abordaré los factores que pueden impedir una correcta polimerización, asegurando que podamos maximizar la eficacia de nuestras lámparas y, por ende, la longevidad de las resinas.
El apoyo para estos programas es proporcionado por
9:00am - 3:00pm
Incorporating Porcelain Veneers in Esthetic Treatment
Restorative Dentistry
Richard Trushkowsky, B.A., D.D.S.
Smitarani Panda, D.D.S.
Course #: 6210 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Richard Trushkowsky, B.A., D.D.S. Smitarani Panda, D.D.S.
Porcelain veneers can be utilized very often to create highly esthetic results. This hands-on workshop aids in the esthetic diagnosis and treatment process. A series of illustrations delineate micro and macro aspects of smile design. These principles of esthetic diagnosis can be used to formulate a wax-up to demonstrate to the patient the potential of treatment. Learn and practice veneer preparation, provisionals, and cementation.
• to understand a smile and different preparation design • proper case selection • to form putty matrices and guide preparation • to properly bond veneers
9:00am - 12:00pm
Mandated Infection Control Course for Dentistry
Infection Control
Peter Mychajliw, D.D.S.
Course #: 6240 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Peter Mychajliw, D.D.S.
NYS law requires that all healthcare professionals, including dentists and hygienists, receive training in infection control and barrier precautions every four years with at least an annual update to their infection control office practices. This course has been updated to include the newest guidelines and recommendations, including additional requirements signed into NYS law by Governor Cuomo regarding sepsis management requirements for dentists. This course may also be used to augment OSHA training in your office. Dental office practical pearls relating to compliance are illustrated.
• the use of barriers and personal protective equipment for preventing contact with infectious material (blood-borne pathogens) • an update on virus and aerosol mitigation strategies • the role of occupational health strategies in protecting healthcare workers and patients • principles and practices for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization
9:00am - 12:00pm
Elevate Your Patient Experience with Marketing
Practice Management and Human Relations
Keith Washington, CFO
Course #: 6250 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Keith Washington, CFO
Room: 1E12 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Administrative Staff
Patients today have a level of expectation around engaging and communicating with practices; therefore, becoming “tech-forward” is no longer something practices can ignore. The benefits gained from workflow efficiency to an improved patient experience far outweigh the risk of sticking with traditional methods that don’t contribute to practice growth, team well-being, or patient retention.
Learn to:
• define the impact of patient expectations, the rising need for services, and staffing shortages on practices • identify low-, mid-, and high-tech options that can be used at any stage of the patient experience • understand how technology can impact practice communication, staff efficiency, and schedule control
Support for this program is provided by
9:30am - 12:00pm
Basic Oral Surgery: A Hands-on Workshop
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Alex Greenberg, D.D.S.
Course #: 6180 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alex Greenberg, D.D.S.
This basic hands-on oral surgery workshop uses pig jaws to perform surgical dental extractions, gingival flaps, simple socket bone grafts, and suturing techniques. Participants perform these simple oral surgery procedures to gain further proficiency.
Room: 1E18 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $265.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Administrative Staff
This lecture discusses the newest and latest internal and external marketing techniques that were developed to respond to the ever-changing digital marketing strategies that your practice needs to perfect. The advent of AI tools has presented both challenges and opportunities in perfecting your marketing strategies. The lecture shows the doctor how these tools can be incorporated into their practice to help make 2024/2025 more efficient and more profitable. By incorporating these fresh new marketing techniques and by reinforcing the marketing procedures that have worked in the past, using the tools taught in this lecture can help you drastically grow your revenues and your patient base in 2024/2025 and beyond!
Learn to:
• incorporate new digital marketing plans to make their offices more efficient and their patients much happier • implement search engine marketing tools - Google ads, Facebook ads, re-targeting techniques, e-mail capture and Meta retargeting to bring new patients into the office • compare internal marketing tools and strategies to determine which will work in their practices • develop internal and external marketing strategies that will boost office income
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
The use of lasers in dentistry – both all-tissue and soft-tissue lasers – is gaining greater appreciation each year with the increased interest in providing minimally-invasive treatments for patients. In this workshop, participants learn how both all-tissue and soft tissue lasers are optimally positioned to improve all aspects of today’s modern dental practice. Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as low-level light/laser therapy, will also be discussed as a non-surgical and non-thermal application to alleviate pain or inflammation.
the advantages of using lasers on both hard and soft tissues
to discuss and understand how erbium-based all-tissue lasers are optimally positioned to improve all aspects of restorative dentistry, including soft-tissue applications
to understand how erbium-based all-tissue lasers can remove biofilm from an implant’s surface
to identify diagnostic techniques to utilize erbium-based all-tissue lasers efficiently in daily practice
Support for this program is provided by
10:00am - 3:00pm
Craniofacial Pain and TMD: A Hands-on Workshop
Orofacial Pain
Course #: 6080 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
The program allows the participant to screen and identify commonly seen TM Disorders patients in the general dental practice. It will also help the attendees understand the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions. Various treatment modalities will be discussed to understand them compre-hensively.
• to screen for TM Disorders within your dental practice • understand the diagnosis of the most common TM Disorders • understand the treatment of the most common TM Disorders
Support for this program is provided by
10:00am - 1:00pm
Develop Superior Endodontic Skills And Confidence
Barry Musikant, D.M.D.
Course #: 6170 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Barry Musikant, D.M.D.
This program is a hands-on endodontic workshop that introduces dentists to safer more effective instrumentation and obturation. Learn techniques to virtually eliminate instrument separation, debrides the canals in three dimensions and minimize the potential for canal distortion. This workshop offers insights for both oscillating endodontic and rotary techniques which will reduce procedural time and provide a major reduction in instrument costs.
• how to shorten your endo procedure while obtaining excellent results • steps to avoid instrument separation • to understand instrument properties • to preform superior obturation techniques in 3D
10:00am - 3:00pm
Orofacial Pain, TMJ Disorders, and Sleep Apnea: A Hands-On Workshop
Orofacial Pain
Amey Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D.
Course #: 6190 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Amey Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D.
This hands-on workshop for dental and medical professionals focuses on orofacial pain. Topics include diagnosing odontogenic and non-odontogenic pain, history taking, clinical examinations, pain management, headaches, TMJ disorders, sleep apnea, and psychological aspects. It covers complex craniomandibular disorder cases, restorative tools, treatment modalities, TMJ and dental sleep appliances, orofacial trigger point injections, and interdisciplinary treatment planning. This program emphasizes the “primum non nocere” principle.
• knowledge of odontogenic as well as non-odontogenic orofacial pain • to discuss the differential diagnosis of different types of headaches, TMJ Disorders, and sleep apneas • the fundamentals of fabrication of TMJ appliances and dental sleep appliances • how to administer orofacial trigger point injections in your dental practice
10:00am - 1:00pm
Diode Training for the Dental Hygienist: A Hands-on Workshop
This course establishes which lasers hygienists can use and how beneficial soft tissue dental lasers can be in their dental practices. Upon completing this course, attendees will understand and feel comfortable using a diode laser on their patients, enrolling the treatment, and taking the very best care of them.
• laser physics and identify which lasers hygienists can use • how to use diode lasers and feel comfortable with settings and techniques • how important diode lasers are in treatment plan acceptance • to implement diode laser technology into your current practice
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Course #: 6035 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jay Malik
Room: 1E07 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $185.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This presentation is designed for dental practice owners who aim to master financial management. It introduces The Rich Dentist System℠, a methodology geared towards boosting dentists’ net worth and promoting early financial independence. Participants will learn how to analyze financial data accurately to make informed decisions. The course also delves into IRS-approved, court-validated tax strategies tailored for dental practices, aimed at legally reducing tax liabilities and enhancing financial results through practical insights
Learn to:
• develop and fine-tune an accounting system specifically designed for dental practices • generate and interpret actionable financial data to assess your practice’s financial performance • discover innovative legal strategies for tax savings tailored to the unique needs of dental practices • merge efficient accounting methods with strategic tax planning to maximize wealth accumulation
Support for this program is provided by
12:00pm - 1:30pm
CDT Changes and Common Insurance Administration Errors
Practice Management and Human Relations
Greg Grobmyer, D.D.S.
Jim DiMarino, D.M.D., M.S.Ed.
Room: 1E09 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $185.00 Credits: 2 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff
Stay ahead of the curve and protect your practice’s finances with this essential course! Dental experts will guide you through the latest CDT code updates and their impact on your billing, while also demystifying the most commonly misunderstood insurance administration concepts that can lead to costly denials. This comprehensive program equips you with the knowledge and tools to ensure accurate claims submissions and maximize reimbursement, keeping your practice running smoothly and profitably.
• the recent updates to the CDT code set that will most affect your practice, including the 2025 CDT code changes you need to know • changes to the 2024 ADA Dental Claim Form • insurance administration misconceptions that put your practice at risk • to increase your revenue through clean claims submission and comprehensive documentation; clinical notes, narratives, attachments, and more!
12:00pm - 3:00pm
12 th.Simposio Multidisciplinario ROCA INTERNACIONAL/Llamado a la Acción por una Odontología ECOSOSTENIBLE/Complicaciones en Armonización Orofacial/Fa
Cursos de Español
Juan Bazán, D.D.S., Mg.
Maria Carolina Virga , International Dentist
Melania González y Rivas, International Dentist
Silvia Rubio, International Dentist
Course #: 6150 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Juan Bazán, D.D.S., Mg. Maria Carolina Virga , International Dentist Melania González y Rivas, International Dentist Silvia Rubio, International Dentist
Room: 1E16 Topic: Cursos de Español Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians
12 TH.SIMPOSIO MULTIDISCIPLINARIO ROCA INTERNACIONAL El Simposio reunirá a conferencistas de primer nivel con contenidos de educación continuada para el práctico generalista de habla hispana, cuyos programas de actualización profesional están incluidos en el programa académico 2024 del Campus Virtual ROCA INTERNACIONAL.
COMPLICACIONES EN ARMONIZACIÓN OROFACIAL El avance de la tecnología y la calidad de los materiales que se emplean en el área de la Armonización orofacial. Es imprescindible el conocimiento de estrategias y métodos que permitan el abordaje con seguridad de las compli-caciones. La prevención será siempre la elección, asegurando al paciente una mejora en su autoestima y estabilidad emocional.
FARMACOLOGIA CLINICA: AVANCES Y APLICACIONES EN ODONTOLOGÍA Conocer las drogas disponibles para el dolor. Controlar las infecciones desde el uso seguro de antibióticos. Analizar la sinergia medicamentosa en los distintos casos.
APLICACIÓN DE LOS SCANNER FACIALES El advenimiento de la nueva tecnología, permite el uso de sistemas 3D que pueden ayudar al diagnóstico y pronóstico de los tratamientos faciales en diferentes países, donde la armonización orofacial es una especialidad. Los scanner faciales ayudan a permitir una comunicación más fluida con el especialista y a la vez con el paciente para poder planificar una expectativa real de lo que se desea.
LLAMADO A LA ACCIÓN POR UNA ODONTOLOGÍA ECOSOSTENIBLE Actualmente la temática de la ecosostenibilidad es un tema aún poco abor-dado por la disciplina odontológica, por lo que es importante promover la concientización y nuevos protocolos, de buenas prácticas en la atención odontológica a nivel individual y comunitario, para lograr una odontología ecosostenible y de esta forma poder reducir el impacto ambiental de la aten-ción de salud bucal, sin comprometer el bienestar del paciente.
El apoyo para estos programas es proporcionado por\
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Whether you are a general dentist who enjoys treating children or a seasoned pediatric specialist, this small group discussion will review tips and tricks to help increase your treatment planning confidence and improve clinical outcomes. Dr. MacLean will use case studies to demonstrate how she utilizes different materials to achieve clinical success in a manner that is faster and easier for even the youngest patients to tolerate. This session will review glass ionomer sealants and restoratives, which have chemical and physical properties that help reduce recurrent caries and sensitivity, as well as indirect pulp therapy and stainless steel crowns, which have excellent long-term success rates. This unique experience will allow participants to have a more intimate and interactive discussion, focused on addressing their individual questions and challenges.
• discuss treatment planning strategies and how to present them to parents • review proper handling of glass ionomer sealants and restoratives • discuss diagnosis and treatment planning of indirect pulp therapy • strategies for efficient and effective stainless steel crown placement
Tuition: $650.00 Bundle price for the morning seminar; Course 6010.
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Caring for Patients with Heart Disease
Oral Medicine, Diagnosis, Pathology
Ann Spolarich, R.D.H., Ph.D.
Course #: 6130 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ann Spolarich, R.D.H., Ph.D.
Lifestyle choices can prevent and/or reduce risk, but heart disease remains the most common chronic health problem and killer of men and women. Advances in cardiology have increased the length of disease-free survival and improved function and quality of life for patients with cardiovascular disease. Staying current with new treatment interventions used in the management of heart disease is a daunting task. Common cardiac conditions, including hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and stroke will be reviewed. Learn practical information to treat dental patients with heart disease safely.
Learn to:
• describe the pathophysiology and related signs/symptoms of common cardiac conditions • identify factors to assess during the medical history review and information required to support clinical decision-making when planning treatment for patients with heart disease • discuss treatment interventions used to improve cardiac function and reduce cardiac complications, including drugs and devices • describe strategies for use in daily practice to manage patients with heart disease safely
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Basic Bone Grafting: A Hands-on Workshop
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Alex Greenberg, D.D.S.
Course #: 6185 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alex Greenberg, D.D.S.
This hands-on workshop begins with a lecture reviewing basic bone grafts. Participants will then be able to practice hands-on flap design and membrane coverage of simple bone grafts of extraction sites. Learn about mucoperiosteal flap design and incisions, as well as elevation techniques.
• mucoperiosteal flap design and incisions • mucoperiosteal flap elevation technique • bone graft selection and basic science • to apply bone grafting to simple extraction sockets
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Understanding Dentist and Dental Hygienist Licensure Compact
Rina Nowka, R.D.H., M.A.
Course #: 6100 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Rina Nowka, R.D.H., M.A.
Are you familiar with professional interstate licensure compacts? Interstate licensure compacts can make it easier for dentists and dental hygienists to practice in multiple states and improve licensure portability. Discussion will include the structure, benefits, and current status of the Dental Dental Hygienist Licensure Compact as well as the American Association of Dental Boards Interstate Licensure Compact.
Learn to:
• discuss the dentist and dental hygienist compact (DDH) and the American Association of Dental Boards (AADB) compact • explain the benefits of professional licensure compacts • discuss the current status of the DDH and AADB compact • describe the differences between the DDH compact and the AADB compact
Join Dental Products Report® for the 2024 Product Solution Center at the Greater New York Dental Meeting! Enjoy eight 30-minute accredited sessions every day of the show, covering exciting topics presented by top minds from across the industry. Check out the latest course lineup below.
Course #: 6045 Date: 12/04/2024 Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Aaron Gelmon, B.A. Lewis Gelmon, M.B.A.
Room: 1E07 Topic: Practice Management and Human Relations Tuition: $125.00 Credits: 1 Recommended For:
Dental offices are a costly physical plant. When a dentist builds out their practice, they usually do not think that their landlord could have the ability to prevent them from selling their practice, relocate them (at their cost), or terminate their lease at their discretion. In Lewis Gelmon’s seminar, dentists will learn how the value of their dental office is directly tied to having a good lease while also learning the best strategies for managing a complex negotiation. The Good Leasing Guidelines for Dental Offices is a fast paced, interactive educational seminar which will provide dentists with the right knowledge and tools they need when dealing with their office lease and landlord to gain peace of mind.
• knowledge of the Good Leasing Guidelines for Dentists • to identify key risks in dental office leases which could negatively impact the value of a practice • to properly structure your office lease for sale and retirement • what to look for with an office lease when buying a practice