Esthetic and cosmetic dental treatment has increased rapidly in the United States and abroad. Media attention has driven public demand to request (and expect) these types of procedures from their general dentist. The clinicians illustrate up-to-date techniques to integrate conservative esthetic treatment in the general practice. Modern materials, procedures and technology are discussed. Esthetic rehabilitation cases with an emphasis on conservation of natural tooth structure are reviewed. Introducing this type of dentistry into your practice and increasing patient acceptance requires a careful and caring team approach. This program also describes specific steps to boost team effectiveness and offer practice management techniques to increase productivity.
how to introduce cosmetic possibilities to patients
to discover the three types of treatment offered to patients
conservative clinical treatment techniques
to boost team effectiveness
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9:00am - 4:00pm
First Annual Dental Healthcare Conference
Current Dental Topics
Alan Finkelstein, Chris Hall, Hazel Harper, Dionne J. Richardson, Mark Wolff, Brian Swann,
Course #: 1020 Date: 11/24/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Alan Finkelstein, Chris Hall, Hazel Harper, Dionne J. Richardson, Mark Wolff, Brian Swann,
Room: 1D04 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 6
The Greater New York Dental Meeting brings together healthcare professionals to find innovative ways to improve oral health. Stakeholders from dentistry, academia, medicine, business and philanthropy share ideas and lessons learned on the latest dental health care trends. This unique panel discusses strategies and activities of oral health programs including state and national goals for reducing dental diseases; disruptive innovation in dental insurance; volunteer care and access to care; dental leaders as agents of change to engage and empower communities for better health; how to create best practices for preventive strategies; how to integrate oral health and overall health; and, geriatric dental health issues.
La presentación se enfoca en el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de las complicaciones trans y postoperatorias más frecuentes durante extracciones dentales. Prevenir las complicaciones en exodoncia asociadas a enfermedades sistémicas e interacciones farmacológicas. Asimismo se mencionaran los síntomas de las cuatro enfermedades dolorososas no dental más comúnmente observadas en odontología y su manejo.
Al final del Curso Aprenderan:
reconocer las complicaciones trans y postoperatorias más frecuentes en exodoncia y su manejo
prevenir las complicaciones en exodoncia asociadas a enfermedades sistémicas e interacciones farmacológicas
reconocer los síntomas de las cuatro enfermedades dolorososas no dental más comúnmente observadas en odontología y su manejo
9:00am - 4:00pm
Dental Implants Made Simple: A Hands-On Workshop Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavy Panjali
Course #: 1060 Date: 11/24/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Aeklavy Panjali
Implant dentistry has been gaining popularity in everyday dentistry. Most general practitioners have been doing the restorative implant dentistry and referring patients out for surgery. However, there has been a paradigm shift where more general dentists are now being trained in surgical implant dentistry so that they are able to keep their patient within their practice and provide patients with great service under one roof. This hands-on workshop has been designed specifically for general dentists that wish to introduce implant dentistry into their practice. The workshop covers basic anatomy, implant design, surgical principles and biology pertaining to single tooth implant supported restorations. The hands-on workshop portion includes: surgical incision design, implant placement, tissue management and suturing.
to diagnose and treatment plan single and multiple units implant supported restorations
endosteal Implant design and its importance
to understand bone biology and the osseointegration process with anatomical consideration for implant dentistry
a review of surgical principles of hard and soft tissue surgery
This hands-on workshop illustrates the versatility of using composite to create an invisible Class IV restoration. Understanding the fundamentals of color and how to decide when to use different systems are discussed. Topics to be covered include shade selection, material placement and finishing and polishing. Participants learn a systematic technique to achieve proper contour, form and texture to achieve a beautiful result. Magnification loupes are suggested.
Learn to:
understand color, translucency, opacity and simplifying the concept of hue, chroma and value
layer in a polychromatic approach to create lifelike effects
simplify tooth anatomy and contours and the role of transitional line angles
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontic Workshop: Breakthrough Shaping and Irrigation Techniques Download Handout
Gary Glassman
Course #: 1080 Date: 11/24/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary Glassman
This hands-on workshop demonstrates use of the “apex last” approach to canal shaping with nickel-titanium instrumentation. Learn how Adaptive Motion technology provides the advantages of rotary and reciprocation but minimizes the disadvantages of both. The continuous feedback loop from file to motor allows the movement of the file to self-adjust to the intracanal torsional stresses providing effective and most importantly safe root canal shaping. EndoVac™ Irrigation System utilizing apical negative pressure allowing safe and predictable irrigation to the apical terminus without the risk of extrusion is also discussed and demonstrated.
to “own the canal” and create a predictable glide path from orifice to apex
to safely use ultrasonics in endodontic treatment
to shape the root canal space using a unique Adaptive Motion NiTi system
about a new multi-setting motor utilizing Adaptive Motion Technology
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
Universidad de Columbia Colegio de Medicina Dental -Programa de Educaci Download Handout
Spanish Programs
Nurit Bittner, Elena Sanz, Luis J. Fujimoto, Carlos Castro, Cesar Cardenas,
Course #: 1050 Date: 11/24/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Nurit Bittner, Elena Sanz, Luis J. Fujimoto, Carlos Castro, Cesar Cardenas,
Avances, Controversias y Complicaciones en Rehabilitaciones Estéticas con el uso de Implantes Dentales Se destacará cómo mejorar el resultado de rehabilitaciones estéticas con implantes, simplificar el tratamiento y garantizar resultados estéticos superiores y consistentes, a través de los últimos avances tecnológicos y clínicos que están transformando la práctica de la odontología con implantes.
Elena Sanz, D.D.S.
Consiguiendo una Sonrisa Estética Mediante Técnicas Periodontales La armonía en las dimensiones entre la encía y los dientes es vital en el logro de una sonrisa estética. En esta sesión nos ocuparemos del diagnostico de los problemas que pueden llevar a una desarmonía dentro-gingival y discutiremos los diferentes planes de tratamiento desde el punto de vista periodontal.
Luis J. Fujimoto, D.M.D.
La Interface Gingival Restauradora en Odontología de Implantes La preservación de la arquitectura gingival se ve comprometida durante las fases convencionales de cicatrización. Además, la posición óptima del implante puede verse comprometida debido a requisitos provisionales. Los casos seleccionados en la zona estética anterior se presentan después de un seguimiento de hasta diecisiete (17) años.
Carlos Castro, D.D.S. and Cesar Cardenas, D.D.S.
Sinergia Ortho - Prostho en la Zona Estética - Los Detalles que Importan El manejo de espacios restaurativos en la zona estética puede ser un desafío, en particular cuando existen discrepancias en forma y tamaño. Durante esta conferencia se discutirán diagnóstico, pronóstico y plan de tratamiento de casos multidisciplinarios desde las perspectivas del ortodoncista y el Prostodoncista.
Closing diastemas can be a quick way to charge an entire smile and improve a patient’s confidence. This hands-on workshop covers the specific techniques used when creating a diastema closure. All anterior composite cases call for lifelike esthetics. This hands-on workshop includes a step-by-step demonstration and practice of the planning; composite choices; proper shade matching; and, techniques used to create a natural-looking restoration that requires no preparation with a highly predictable outcome.
Learn to:
understand specific techniques for diastema closure
understand proper interproximal embrasures and emergence profile
simplify modern composites systems properties
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
Endodontic Workshop: Innovations in Endodontic Obturation and the Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth Download Handout
Gary Glassman
Course #: 1110 Date: 11/24/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary Glassman
In this hands-on workshop, participants perform vertical condensation of thermo-softened gutta percha using The Continuous Wave of Vertical Condensation. Participants learn firsthand that the restoration of the endodontically treated tooth is paramount to its success. Each attendee experiences cementing fiber posts in custom made models and building the core up with a sonic-activated, bulk fill dental posterior composite system. Say goodbye to lining and layering, voids, gaps and seams, white lines, long procedure times, and everything else that you don’t love about posterior restorations - and say hello to making them fun again.
Learn to:
obturate the root canal system in 3D to capture the natural anatomy with the continuous wave of condensation
restore the endodontically treated tooth in the most non-invasive predictable manner possible
predictably cement fiber posts into custom made models
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8:00am - 12:00pm
Risk Management
Practice Management
Paul E. Blutman, Frederick W. Wetzel,
Course #: 2120 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Paul E. Blutman, Frederick W. Wetzel,
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
This program is a comprehensive overview of risk management for dental care providers; including a review of cases illustrating risk areas in daily practice. Recordkeeping, cyber issues and social media are discussed. New York’s Dental Practice Act, peer review, district claims, ethics and claim frequency are also covered. This seminar helps providers prevent malpractice claims, improve recordkeeping and understand risk areas in clinical practice.
how to prevent malpractice claims
to improve recordkeeping
to understand different risk areas
Dentists who complete this course are entitled to a 10% discount on their liability premiums with MLMIC. You are encouraged to check with your carrier concerning the availability of any discount. If you have not completed an approved Risk Management program within the past three years, it is necessary for you to take this course in order to continue to receive your discount. At the end of this course you will receive your certificate of completion for your records and to submit to your malpractice carrier.
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8:30am - 12:00pm
First Global Health and Technology Innovation Forum
David Castro, Darlene Kamine, Winnifred Booker,
Course #: 2530 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 8:30am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Castro, Darlene Kamine, Winnifred Booker,
Changemakers in Health Panel
The first Global Health and Technology Innovation Forum explores oral health and wellness enhancements made possible through technology and implementation of key health policies and strategies. This program highlights next generation technology, innovative solutions, and practices providing better access and availability in outcomes in care innovations. All of this with keeping an eye towards sustainability, persistence and leadership. Important use-cases demonstrating barriers and breakthroughs impacting healthcare delivery are explored by a panel of changemakers in the healthcare space.
David Castro, J.D. – Social Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker and Founder of I-LEAD (Institute for Leadership Education)
Winifred Booker, D.M.D. – CEO & Director of Development for The Children’s Oral Health Institute – Developed Lessons in a Lunch Box
Hazel Glasper, D.D.S. – Oral Health Advocate and leader of Teach Me Dental and The Comprehensive Healthcare Series
What it takes to be a changemaker in 2017 and beyond from visionaries working to change the world for the better.
How to use human centered design principles to make local change happen.
How to bring a vision to life and be inspired to bring your own vision to life after the program.
Presiding and Moderator: R. Ivan Lugo, D.M.D., M.B.A.
Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Dental Association
9:00am - 12:00pm
How are you Going to Get Him to Do That?: The 4 P’s of Pediatric Dentistry: Psychology, Pharmacology, Physiology and Phamily
Pediatric Dentistry
David L. Rothman
Course #: 2030 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David L. Rothman
Are you overwhelmed with angst when you know children are coming to your office? Do you think that all pediatric offices have nitrous plumbed through the air ducts? This seminar reveals many secrets for making the day a pleasant one with children. The program discusses what factors of a child’s growth and development and family involvement helps you plan appropriate behavior management for the child and the parent in this day of linked in, wired, overscheduled and overtired kids. This seminar also reviews the nonpharmacologic (and sometimes pharmacologic) tips and techniques needed to get the child through a dental visit despite the parents’ protestations otherwise.
to manage the behavior of the underparented, overstressed, no limits child of the new decade
to review how family and social influences are redefining and shaping the child and the family relationship
the developmental milestones and their application to appropriate behavior management
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Restorative Dental Procedures in Pediatric Dentistry Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss
Course #: 2040 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arnold Weiss
Practical and easily implemented restorative procedures for children are in demand. Dentists and parents are more interested in the newest, best, highly successful restorative materials and techniques. The clincian helps you increase your expertise in all phases of pediatric restorative dentistry and show you how to be more profitable in everyday dental procedures. This practical hands-on workshop makes your restorative procedures enjoyable, predictable and profitable
to choose the best restorative technique for each situation
to prepare each restoration in an ideal manner
to be more efficient and have less stress preparing primary teeth
Payam Ataai, Steve Carstensen, Leila Chahine, Michael Gelb, Howard G. Hindin, Jeff Hindin, Len Kobren, Steve Lambreg,
Course #: 2050 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Payam Ataai, Steve Carstensen, Leila Chahine, Michael Gelb, Howard G. Hindin, Jeff Hindin, Len Kobren, Steve Lambreg,
Unrecognized, hidden airway problems are not only expressed by poor sleep, but also as chronic disease and inflammation, learning difficulties, performance issues and behavior problems. Currently only 15% of airway problems are recognized. Dentists can and must play a “front line” role in diagnosis and treatment of airway dysfunction.
Attend the Foundation for Airway Health’s (FAH) Airway Summit and learn about the emerging paradigm of the importance of airway health and sleep in dental practice. Nineteen leading dental educators, scientific academy representatives, allied health organizations, representatives from the military and members of the public offer information about what the dental team must know and what the dental team can do to impact positive health change for patients.
Topics covered include dental sleep medicine, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, myofunctional therapy, TMD, physiological monitoring, public health initiatives and more.
Learn to:
improve treatment outcomes
battle the epidemic of chronic disease
grow your practice in these exciting areas
Payam Ataii, DMD
Steve Carstensen, DDS
Leila Chahine, DMD
Michael Gelb, DDS
Howard H. Hindin, DDS
Jeffrey S. Hindin, DDS
Leonard Kobren, DDS
Steven Lamberg, DDS
Sahag Mahseredjian, DMD
Marc Moeller, BA
Mark T. Murphy, DDS
LTC Phillip W. Neal, DMD
Barry Raphael, DMD
Nancy H. Rothstein, MBA
Jerald Simmons, MD
John Tucker, DMD
Dewitt Wilkerson, DMD
Lee Yonish, MA
The Foundation for Airway Health is dedicated to helping the public realize their maximum potential by championing the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related disorders through collaboration, awareness, research, education and access to care.
9:00am - 4:00pm
Real World Cosmetic Dentistry and Cutting Edge Smile Design Download Handout
Cosmetic Dentistry
Joyce Bassett
Course #: 2060 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Joyce Bassett
This innovative program focuses on aesthetics that are built to last. The seminar explores state-of-the-art real-time digital design and links 3D prosthetic planning with fundamental smile design principles. Systemized techniques are presented to treat every aspect involving veneers, crowns and implant restorations. Learn how to evaluate critical parameters to prevent problems prior to their occurrence. A clinical update on adhesive technology and ceramics is presented so the team knows what systems to use and their limitations. Proven solutions are also outlined dealing with communication techniques and showcasing steps in the procedures from diagnostics to wax-ups to ceramics.
real-time digital smile design for both composite provisionals and porcelain
systemized techniques to treat simple to complex cases with veneers, crowns and implants
to identify which adhesives and restorative materials work the best for maximum predictability
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Endo-Restorative Synchronicity: A Game Changing Instrumentation and Obturation System
Alex Fleury
Course #: 2070 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alex Fleury
Endo-Restorative Synchronicity (ERS) is based on minimally invasive root canal preparations and bioceramic bonded obturation that enhances the long-term prognosis of the tooth. It (ERS) is based on a biologic approach that emphasizes debridement and disinfection rather than merely shaping for obturation. This “Real World Endo” presentation utilizes a “case based learning approach.” Basic and advanced techniques are discussed. Biologic principals for successful endodontics are presented as well as the introduction of new technology and techniques. A game-changing instrumentation and obturation system are introduced that incorporates the above concepts. “Real World Endo” remains dedicated to the preservation of the natural dentition.
the biologic basis of success and practical clinical tips and tricks to improve success
to recognize the various applications of fiber-optic ultrasonics in endodontics
the use of the very efficient rotary file and instrumentation and obturation system
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Brassler USA
9:00am - 12:00pm
Common Oral Lesions and their Management
Oral Surgery
Deepak G. Krishnan
Course #: 2080 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Deepak G. Krishnan
Room: 1E07 Topic: Oral Surgery Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
This program is a guide to help attendees navigate through common oral pathologies and their management. Learn when you should biopsy, and when to refer? The oral cavity often presents with a myriad of diseases: inflammatory, metabolic, endocrine and neoplastic. It is imperative to establish a diagnosis to properly manage these lesions. Some of these lesions require expertise beyond the dental office both for diagnosis and management. This program focuses on common oral and oro-pharyngeal lesions, their diagnosis and management for the general practitioner, with practical tips on when to manage these yourself and when to refer to a specialist.
to understand common oral pathologic lesions
the management of common oral pathologic lesions
9:00am - 12:00pm
Achieving Predictable Esthetics through Design and Materials Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
Scott W. Finlay
Course #: 2090 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Scott W. Finlay
Esthetics is a mirror reflecting our health. It is our responsibility to create the least amount of invasion possible to help our patients achieve their goals of esthetics and health. This begins with a vision of smile design that is then modulated by the functional idiosyncrasies of the individual patient. The advent of modern materials allows us to be more conservative than ever in creating durable, predictable and most of all, beautiful smiles for our patients.
the foundational building blocks of smile design and the relationship to functional design
the material properties available today and their relationship to prep design
the single most important key in predictability: approved provisional restorations
While there are a lot of keys to success, there are a few keys to failure that many teams overlook that are silently eroding practice success. Regardless of practice type: solo, group, DSO, or specialty; you must navigate your team around these common traps. In this program discover: three Natural Laws for increasing your team case acceptance results every day; the one key proven to help dental teams produce more than scheduled; the four questions every member of the team must be able to answer for the practice to reach the highest levels of success; and the one document you must have in your practice to transform your culture and your practice’s success.
new methods for delivering what patients want from their dental office today
to implement new systems for increased new patient flow
specific verbal skills to improve case acceptance success
The general dentist is responsible for the total health of the patient’s mouth both restoratively as well as periodontally. Your practice should include periodontal treatment (scaling and root planning with local anesthesia) multiple times a day in addition to maintenance and restorative dentistry. Your dental hygienist can be responsible for the periodontal portion of your practice. Ultimately you will have healthier, happier patients and a happier more fulfilled staff. Not every tooth needs a graft; not every tooth needs an implant; but every patient needs a periodontal diagnosis and treatment plan.
Learn to:
make a periodontal diagnosis on every patient
perform scaling and root planning in your office every day
understand what happens to 5mm pockets
9:00am - 12:00pm
21st Century Orthodontics – What Works, What Doesn’t and Why? Download Handout
The specialty of orthodontics has been bombarded with claims of superiority of specific orthodontic appliances, treatment strategies and extravagant claims of the detrimental effects of time honored orthodontic concepts. In the absence of evidence based data, the clinician is often left without predictable and reproducible treatment outcomes in private and institutional orthodontic practices. This seminar addresses a number of orthodontic issues and revisits debates that should have been settled a long time ago. Issues such as why and how Class II malocclusions are actually successfully resolved regardless of the specific “appliance du jour” and why extraction therapy needs to be part of every orthodontist’s treatment arsenal are discussed. In addition, the real urgency of early treatment (mixed dentition or sooner) is also described.
Learn to:
recognize the types of cases that have a real urgency for treatment
understand the management of Class II cases and extraction cases
assess treatment success promises from manufacturers and orthodontic lectures
Medical emergencies occurring in the dental office can be stressful and frightening, not only for the patient, but also the entire dental team. This program is designed for dentists and staff to develop strategies to prevent, identify and respond to medical problems including syncope, allergic problems, cardiovascular abnormalities, diabetes and respiratory distress. Emphasis is placed on preparing the dental team in advance of a crisis to minimize its potential impact. Although dentists or staff benefit from attending individually, the greatest gain is achieved when the entire dental team attends together. By doing so, dental teams can develop a coordinated response to a patient’s problem.
Learn to:
establish the 6 areas in which all offices should prepare
determine the medications and equipment that is critical to have
identify and respond to the most common medical events a dental office must confront
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) encompass a multitude of conditions which involve the temporomandibular joints, muscles of mastication and/or contiguous structures. Many TMD diagnostic subgroups share common clinical characteristics. Diagnosis and management of TMD has been associated with many misconceptions and much debate. It is now recognized that multiple factors are involved with the initiation and/or perpetuation of TMD. Additionally, we now have a greater appreciation for the total pain experience including pain mechanisms/pathways and pain referral in the head and neck. The importance of individualizing diagnosis and management for optimum therapeutic outcomes is also discussed.
diagnostic criteria for commonly occurring TMD subgroups
the etiologic considerations essential for case-specific management
to facilitate the development of a “case-specific” plan of care for each patient
Although implant dentistry is considered one of the most predictable treatments we offer, guaranteeing optimal anterior implant esthetics is tricky and often feels challenging to create predictably. This program looks at the steps necessary in differentiating high risk versus low risk anterior implant cases when it comes to final esthetics. Also examined is how to optimize the esthetic outcomes starting with pre-surgical augmentation, fixture position and advanced implant prosthetic techniques to make success predictable.
anterior implant treatment planning: surgical and prosthetic
advanced implant prosthetic techniques
fabricating custom implant provisionals
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Building Your Empire: Pathway to Multiple Practice Ownership
Practice Management
Chad Widensky, Robert Malandruccolo, Jason McKenzie,
Course #: 2170 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Chad Widensky, Robert Malandruccolo, Jason McKenzie,
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
This program is designed to address concerns of dentists who are considering expanding beyond a single dental office. Have you determined the ideal business structure for your offices? Have you created a business plan that addresses the concerns of multiple practice ownership? Have you identified a team of experts to assist with your growth? If you are asking yourself these questions then join us to review the various aspects of multiple practice ownership. This presentation offers invaluable insight and information to help you ensure a successful leap from single to multiple practice ownership.
Learn to:
avoid the pitfalls of owning multiple practices
discover what a lender looks for when qualifying an owner of multiple practices
determine the best methods to properly manage and organize your business
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Bank of America
9:00am - 12:00pm
Advances in Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Surgery
Oral Surgery
Bernard J. Costello
Course #: 2180 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Bernard J. Costello
Room: 2D03 Topic: Oral Surgery Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Craniomaxillofacial surgery involves interdisciplinary treatment of a variety of congenital and acquired disorders requiring complex ablative and/or reconstructive techniques for the dental and facial complex. Recapitulating structures using the body’s own healing and developmental pathways may be the key to designing custom constructs for multiple tissue replacement. This program discusses some of the recent advances as those that show promise in the field related; specifically as it relates to implant reconstruction, orthognathic surgery, orthodontics, bone regeneration and the interdisciplinary team approach to difficult problems that all dental professionals face.
to review diagnosis and treatment of common craniofacial issues
advances of materials and techniques in craniomaxillofacial surgery
the concepts of interdisciplinary care for common issues in the craniomaxillofacial region
9:00am - 12:00pm
Dental Occlusion: It Can Make You or Break You!
DeWitt C. Wilkerson
Course #: 2190 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
DeWitt C. Wilkerson
In a world of high tech cosmetic dentistry, it is critically important that we never forget that form and function always go together. Dental occlusion has lost its appeal and appreciation in many dental practices, yet it is the most important factor of predictable success in dentistry. This program reviews in detail four critical aspects of dental occlusion that must be understood to practice dentistry successfully: key concepts of occlusal health and disease; non-functional factors of occlusion; the TM Joints and occlusion; and, the significance of parafunction/airway protective function. Several failure cases are discussed and answers are developed during the session.
Learn: to understand masticatory system dynamics an understanding of dental occlusion to make clinical decisions for managing dental occlusions how to build a healthy functional occlusion in restorative and cosmetic dentistry
Who says TMD has to be hard? The clinician leads an exciting discussion on the TMJ and disorders of the TMJ. Attendees gain a much better understanding of the anatomy associated with the TMJ along with the different disorders that can occur with the TMJ. The clinician presents the most commonly seen TMJ disorders and how to properly diagnose and treat those issues. Leave this seminar with information you can apply immediately to help improve your patient’s health.
the basic anatomy associated with the TMJ and associated areas
the most frequent TMD issues and how to treat them
to understand the connection between TMD, bruxism and obstructive sleep apnea
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Diagnosis and Management of the Worn Dentition
Worn Dentition
Gary M. DeWood
Course #: 2230 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary M. DeWood
Wear is the nemesis that destroys predictability and longevity. In many cases the risks are actually identifiable from the history present in the joints, the muscles, the teeth and the patient’s presenting condition. This program illustrates and discusses recognizing and addressing those risks.
This program is ideal if you have never used Facebook or if you have very little experience with social media. Learn what the differences are between Personal Profiles and Business Pages, and which is best for marketing your practice. Experience a basic tour of the most important social media platforms. Learn about the unique marketing benefits that each has to offer and how these tools can help enhance your reputation. Leave the program with an understanding of basic social media strategies you can put into place right away for general or specialty practices.
Learn to:
understand how advertising and internet marketing have changed and what this means for your practice
discover the benefits of marketing with social media
identify basic social media strategies and tactics
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9:00am - 4:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 2400 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
A new state-of-the-art protocol is a clinically advanced combination of hand scaling, power scaling and air polishing. This hands-on workshop provides details to explain why 3 is the magic number when it comes to creating an advanced prophylaxis protocol and how these 3 components create a trio of services that is both effective and comfortable for the patient. Attendees have an opportunity to try a piezoelectric unit on a typodont tooth to learn proper adaptation. In addition, air polishing units are on hand for a brief demonstration on proper use for both supra and sub-gingival applications.
what to expect clinically and recognize the clinical applications for each technology
both piezoelectric and magnetostrictive power scaling and how each is used clinically
the relevant clinical research and discuss the benefits of the power of 3 in advancing the prophylaxis
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9:00am - 4:00pm
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF): Innovative Solution to Grafting and More in Everyday Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Joseph Choukroun, Aeklavya Panjali,
Course #: 2420 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph Choukroun, Aeklavya Panjali,
PRF has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years due to its versatility in use. Platelet Rich Fibrin has made surgical procedures simpler and predictable. Moreover, the success rate of most surgical procedures with the addition of PRF is more predictable and cost effective for the practitioner. This program demonstrates the biologic basis of PRF, iPRF, L-PRF, and A-PRF and provides a detailed description of the most common applications in clinical dentistry. Information on the clinical process involved and different applications of the use of PRF as graft substitute, membrane, and how it enhances the entire healing process is discussed. The hands-on workshop includes a step-by-step procedure on the use of PRF in implant surgery, periodontal surgery, socket grafting and much more. The hands-on session includes venipuncture, PRF production and manipulation with clinical model simulators.
rationale and biologic basis for PRF
differences and clinical applications of PRF, iPRF, L- PRF and A-PRF
tissue grafting with PRF
venipuncture: techniques and innovations
9:00am - 12:00pm
Emerging Dental Topics Essays
Current Dental Topics
James G. Kouzoukian, Robert Weeman, John P. Demas,
Course #: 2460 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
James G. Kouzoukian, Robert Weeman, John P. Demas,
Room: 2D10/11 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
James G. Kouzoukian, D.D.S. (9:00-10:00)
Digital Intraoral Radiography and the Standard of Care Digital imaging in dentistry has advanced our diagnostic and information sharing capabilities in many ways. Attendees learn: how the two modalities in digital intraoral radiography are utilized to best serve our patients; what we must do to remain in compliance with regulatory bodies when sharing these images with our patients and other health professionals; and, what is expected of dentists with regard to the current “standard of care” in the profession to keep us safe from legal problems in our litigious environment.
Robert Weeman, D.D.S. (10:00-11:00)
Surgical Splint guided Orthodontics for Orthognathic Surgery Attendees are shown the thought process in treating a patient using reverse engineering. This case report involves multi-disciplinary treatment incorporating the ideal objectives needed by the prosthodontist, oral maxillo-facial surgeon and the orthodontist in a multi-dimensional treatment plan. Treating an ectodermal dysplastic patient involving a skeletal imbalance, tooth size discrepancies, congenitally missing teeth as well as ankylosed teeth is reviewed. This case represents the myriad of unique challenges using 3D imaging overlaying the teeth with the bone to determine tooth placement as well as a surgical guide to produce the optimum result.
John P. Demas, D.D.S. (11:00-12:00)
Dental Identification of Human Remains: Why and How This program explains the need for identification of human remains in our society as well as the manner in which those identifications are facilitated. Roadblocks and complications are discussed as well as a discussion of computer tools available to aid us. Learn to understand the need for identification of human remains and how the dental practitioner can aid in the process.
9:00am - 4:00pm
Universidad Auotonoma de Coahuila, Torreon Mexico
Spanish Programs
Linzay Nayely Leyva, Celia Ivette Gandarilla Gonzalez, Rodolfo Parada, Eduardo Osorio Ramos, Flor Maria Arias Acosta, Ferm Oca,
Course #: 2480 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Linzay Nayely Leyva, Celia Ivette Gandarilla Gonzalez, Rodolfo Parada, Eduardo Osorio Ramos, Flor Maria Arias Acosta, Ferm Oca,
Manejo de Avulsión Dentaria La avulsión es el desplazamiento completo del diente de su alvéolo. En esta lesión se produce la ruptura del paquete vasculonervioso, de las fibras periodontales, y además se ocasionan lesiones en el cemento y en el hueso alveolar. Las causas más frecuentes son golpes, accidentes automovilísticos y deportes de contacto. Los tratamientos dependen de situaciones, como el grado de formación radicular, el tiempo extraoral y el medio de almacenamiento o transporte. Existen protocolos de manejo que se deben tener en cuenta para los dientes avulsionados.
Celia Ivette Gandarilla GonzÁlez, D.D.S.
Manejo de Riesgo Médico en OdontopediatrÍa El odontopediatra y odontólogo general deben estar capacitados con conocimientos actualizados sobre las enfermedades que afectan al paciente pediátrico, así como su manejo odontológico, no sólo con respecto a la etiopatología de la enfermedad sino también en cuanto al manejo médico, tratamiento, interacciones farmacológicas, posibles complicaciones y forma de abordaje odontológico. Este tipo de paciente requiere un cuidado mayor ya que su riesgo de compromiso está aumentado.
Rodolfo Parada, D.D.S.
Preparación para Restauraciones Protesicas Actuales En los últimos años hemos visto los cambios en los materiales y la manera en que se realizan nuestras restauraciones así como también la manera de cementarlas ha evolucionado por lo que debemos adecuar nuestras maneras de preparar los dientes sin olvidar los principios básicos de Preparacion
Eduardo Osorio Ramos, M.DENT.
Restauraciones en la Zona Estética Actualmente en la odontologia restauradora contamos con numerosas opciones de tratamientos y materiales para mejorar la sonrisa de nuestros pacientes, pero es indispensable considerar los diferentes parámetros protésicos para que nuestros tratamientos sean predecibles y tengan un buen pronóstico a largo plazo. Un correcto diagnóstico y plan de ejecución son indispensables para el éxito de nuestro trabajo. Todo esto, combinado con las nuevas tecnologías, es lo que nos permite utilizar técnicas mínimamente invasivas para devolver la estética y función a los dientes, eligiendo el mejor material restaurador para cada caso en específico.
Flor Maria Arias Acosta, D.D.S.
Estetica Periodontal La recesión del tejido gingival es definida como el desplazamiento del margen gingival por debajo de la unión cemento-esmalte, con la exposición de superficie radicular, de origen multifactorial que afecta la función y la estética. En los tratamientos quirúrgicos para recesiones gingivales han sido propuestas técnicas que pueden ser agrupadas en injertos pediculados, injertos libres y regeneración tisular guiada. En esta plática hablaremos de las causas que ocasionan la recesión, sus consideraciones histológicas, su clasificación, las indicaciones y contraindicaciones para el recubrimiento de las recesiones. Además de mostrar el paso a paso de los tratamientos quirúrgicos más comunes y con disponibilidad.
Fermín Javier Ocañas Peña, D.D.S.
Variantes genéticas asociadas a la reabsorción radicular externa Se han asociado varios factores a la reabsorción radicular externa durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Además de los factores locales como la cantidad de fuerza, intensidad y duración de las mismas, los factores genéticos juegan un papel muy importante en la reabsorción radicular externa. Se ha relacionado lque existen variantes genéticas que agravan el proceso de reabsorción radicular durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Una combinación diferente en los ácidos nucleicos en el ADN del paciente, hace que se presente un polimorfismo que puede estar asociado a la reabsorción radicular externa. Los pacientes que presentan cambios en la secuenciación de ADN, asociados a la interleucina IB, puede hacerlos más susceptibles a la reabsorción radicular externa durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia.
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9:00am - 4:00pm
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Spanish Programs
Najema Al, Ang Cruanas,
Course #: 2490 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Najema Al, Ang Cruanas,
Restauraciones en la Zona Estética Actualmente en la odontologia restauradora contamos con numerosas opciones de tratamientos y materiales para mejorar la sonrisa de nuestros pacientes, pero es indispensable considerar los diferentes parámetros protésicos para que nuestros tratamientos sean predecibles y tengan un buen pronóstico a largo plazo. Un correcto diagnóstico y plan de ejecución son indispensables para el éxito de nuestro trabajo. Todo esto, combinado con las nuevas tecnologías, es lo que nos permite utilizar técnicas mínimamente invasivas para devolver la estética y función a los dientes, eligiendo el mejor material restaurador para cada caso en específico.
Flor Maria Arias Acosta, D.D.S.
Estetica Periodontal La recesión del tejido gingival es definida como el desplazamiento del margen gingival por debajo de la unión cemento-esmalte, con la exposición de superficie radicular, de origen multifactorial que afecta la función y la estética. En los tratamientos quirúrgicos para recesiones gingivales han sido propuestas técnicas que pueden ser agrupadas en injertos pediculados, injertos libres y regeneración tisular guiada. En esta plática hablaremos de las causas que ocasionan la recesión, sus consideraciones histológicas, su clasificación, las indicaciones y contraindicaciones para el recubrimiento de las recesiones. Además de mostrar el paso a paso de los tratamientos quirúrgicos más comunes y con disponibilidad.
Fermín Javier Ocañas Peña, D.D.S.
Variantes genéticas asociadas a la reabsorción radicular externa Se han asociado varios factores a la reabsorción radicular externa durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Además de los factores locales como la cantidad de fuerza, intensidad y duración de las mismas, los factores genéticos juegan un papel muy importante en la reabsorción radicular externa. Se ha relacionado lque existen variantes genéticas que agravan el proceso de reabsorción radicular durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia. Una combinación diferente en los ácidos nucleicos en el ADN del paciente, hace que se presente un polimorfismo que puede estar asociado a la reabsorción radicular externa. Los pacientes que presentan cambios en la secuenciación de ADN, asociados a la interleucina IB, puede hacerlos más susceptibles a la reabsorción radicular externa durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Laser: Para salvar la Denticion de sus Pacientes Download Handout
Spanish Programs
Jos Marcano
Course #: 2510 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jos Marcano
Ablación de tejido dental con láser capaz de cortar tejido duro y blando. Cómo restaurar la dentición de sus pacientes y evitar extracciones innecesarias. All tissue laser ablation used to save and restore your patient’s dentition while avoiding unnecessary extractions. Demostrar varias modalidades de láser usadas para salvar la dentición de sus pacientes.
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12:00pm - 1:00pm
Innovation Alley 2017
Various Speakers
Course #: 2540 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Learn and experience new breakthrough digital technology applications in education and clinical practice. Participate in digital platforms and technology immersion experiences with Q & A with targeted industry demo opportunities. The focus of 2017 is augmented with virtual reality applications to Oral Health. Dentsply-Sirona will sponsor the first business pitch competition: a 15-minute pitch by a selected startup venture and an industry panel provides feedback and insights.
How augmented reality can enhance case design
The basics of working in VR
To identify how technology can transform day-to-day practice flow
Presiding and Moderator: R. Ivan Lugo, D.M.D., M.B.A.
Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Dental Association
Sponsored in part by a grant from Dentsply Sirona
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Integrative Dental Medicine
Cosmetic Dentistry
DeWitt C. Wilkerson
Course #: 2200 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
DeWitt C. Wilkerson
Integrative medicine is a growing discipline whereby the objective is to understand cause and affect relationships of health and disease. Patients are counseled on how to prevent accelerated aging and chronic degenerative conditions, such as atherosclerosis. At the same time, patients are coached on how they can engage in a lifestyle that can turn back the clock, increase energy, sharpen their minds, make them trimmer, fitter, sexier and help them live with much more vibrancy and joy. These very same principles are discussed and can be applied through dental medicine, by addressing 4 B’s- Bite: TMJ, masticatory muscles, dental malocclusion, occlusal orthotics, headaches Bacteria: oral pathogens, salivary testing, probiotics, periodontal therapy, xylitol Breathing: sleep apnea, disordered breathing, nasal vs. mouth breathing Body: and systemic inflammation, nutrition, physical inactivity, toxins and stress.
to introduce attendees to the connection between dentistry and whole body health
to understand the relationship between dental occlusal wear, bruxism, disordered breathing and gastric reflux
about screening tests for sleep apnea, disordered breathing, diabetes and gastric reflux that can be immediately implemented in the dental office
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The Dawson Academy
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Designing an Occlusion
Gary M. DeWood
Course #: 2240 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary M. DeWood
Designing an occlusion requires a starting reference and a clear visualization of the desired outcome. What teeth contact, when do they contact and for how long do they contact? The answers to those questions depend on the patterns and habits exhibited by each patient. This program discusses the various options and their application.
the history of occlusal thought and practice
to understand the three reference positions used in dentistry
to utilize each of the three references in planning
Over 40% of potential new patients will never consider your practice unless you provide them with ample opportunity to research you online. This goes far beyond having a traditional website. Learn what top dental practices are doing today to successfully grow their practices with social media. This program will focus on specific tips and techniques to boost your efforts on the most important social media platforms. This is a non-technical program, yet you’ll walk away with secrets to grow your practice with some of the hottest dental marketing techniques today.
Learn to:
understand how social media can help enhance and protect your online reputation
define which strategies and tactics work best in creating thriving social communities
identify the top social media platforms for marketing your practice
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
Three-Dimensional Endodontic Instrumentation and Obturation
Alex Fleury
Course #: 2270 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alex Fleury
After two decades of research and experimentation with NiTi rotary instruments, an expandable rotary instrument has been created. New adaptive 3D files have produced a revolution in simplicity, efficiency and safety for you and your patients. These unique instruments expand at body temperature effectively debriding and disinfecting oval and irregular shaped canals without compromising the structural integrity of the treated tooth. This body temperature transformation allows faster and safer instrumentation using less files than conventional techniques. The improved file-dentin interface allows minimally invasive root canal preparations that can easily be obturated using bioceramics. True 3D instrumentation and obturation has arrived!
the basic foundations of endodontic success
the concepts of anatomic shaping
to triage basic and advanced cases and how to apply the correct instrumentation protocol for each case
This program is a guide for understanding the tips and tricks of dento-alveolar surgery. Skills in dento-alveolar surgery including extractions, biopsies and alveoloplasty can be mastered with understanding and applying basic techniques and rationale. Learn evidence based approaches to the current practice of dento-alveolar surgery including tips and tricks on simple uncomplicated exodontia, basic biopsy techniques and explore some of the myths and popular beliefs surrounding dento-alveolar surgery. The clinician also addresses the risk of routine dento-alveolar surgery in patients on anti-resorptive medications.
tips and tricks to efficiently perform dento-alveolar surgery
to understand the theory and mechanics of dento-alveolar surgery
While full mouth reconstruction and smile design cases are enjoyable to do both from an intellectual and financial standpoint, these cases do not just walk into most of our offices on a daily basis. Preventative care, routine adhesive dentistry, and basic crown and bridge serve as the backbone of most general practices. This program takes you on a journey through the various advances in restorative dentistry. New generation products and techniques are specifically discussed in the areas of preventative and minimally invasive dentistry, direct composite resins, new age ceramics and prosthetic cements.
Learn to:
understand the best practices with respect to various adhesive systems
place tooth colored restorations in an efficient manner
understand today’s ceramics and the best practices with respect to cementation of these ceramics
This fast-paced, clinical case presentation reviews gingival grafting, socket preservation and dental implant vs. save the tooth. Periodontal procedures are reviewed. Learn from various slides discussing clinical cases. Not every tooth needs a graft; not every tooth needs an implant. Understand how the crown lengthening procedure works and how to make better treatment planning decisions.
Learn to:
perform socket preservation
understand treatment planning decisions
understand crown lengthening procedures
1:00pm - 4:00pm
The Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of Practicing Dentistry in New York State
Margaret Surowka Rossi Esq.
Course #: 2310 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Margaret Surowka Rossi Esq.
This program utilizes real life examples, OPD discipline cases and opinions rendered by the New York State Dental Association’s Ethics Council throughout the program as well as “real-life” application and relevance to the everyday practice of dentistry.
Included are the Laws of New York Applicable to Dentistry and the Dental Practice Act; Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations; the Ethics of Practicing Dentistry in New York; and, Professional Responsibility.
A. The Dental Practice Act
scope of practice for dentists
scope of practice for hygienists
scope of practice of certified and non-certified dental assistants
supervision of all auxiliaries
Dental Anesthesia Certificate
special provisions of §6611
nitrous oxide equipment
B. Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations
access to patient records, HIV and confidentiality
Unfortunately, studies have shown that a dentist’s success has more to do with factors never addressed in dental school than it does with clinical excellence. While clinical skills are essential for success, they come into play only after the patient has said “yes” to treatment. In this program, discover success secrets that can be implemented today that take many dentists decades to uncover. Overcome the biggest obstacle to case acceptance success: why patients say yes to treatment and what you are doing to prevent it. Learn how to leverage your team for practice success and how you may be destroying it. Discover the most overlooked aspect of treatment acceptance that turns patients off instead of on.
Learn to:
increase new dentist case acceptance success
overcome obstacles that keep patients from accepting needed treatment
develop leadership skills for leveraging the team for practice success
You are entering your office, the day is about to begin…do you ‘get to go to work’ or ‘have to go to work’. Whether you are new to dentistry or a veteran, the profession needs you to grow and be excited about your work as a dental healthcare professional on a very regular basis. If you ‘get to go to work’ keeping you feeling that way is critical. If you ‘have to go to work’ it is critical to provide you the tools to regain your good feelings about your work. This program gives you and your team the necessary tools to keep your professional ‘mojo’ now, tomorrow and for years to come. Make sure you have your team attend too.
to identify the anatomy of and losing professional ‘mojo’: understanding how to maintain a career in dentistry for your lifetime
to understand the critical and changing roles that each team plays: the key factor of support by the doctor and the entire team
about technologies and systems that save time, improve efficiency, make your job more enjoyable, improve patient care and greatly enhance the financial bottom line
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
Pharmacologic Management of Postoperative Dental Pain Download Handout
Harold L. Crossley
Course #: 2350 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Harold L. Crossley
How can I maximize the effectiveness of the traditional NSAIDs? Is it safe to prescribe the NSAIDs in patients with cardiovascular disease or who have been prescribed ACE inhibitors? When is it safe to discontinue aspirin in a patient? What are the indications and contraindications for the use of opiate analgesics? How can I combine local anesthetics with analgesics to minimize post-operative pain? These questions and more are answered in this fast-interactive and highly informative program.
maximum doses for commonly prescribed pain medications
how to use non-opioid analgesics to better control dental pain
indications for NSAIDs for controlling dental pain
The masticatory system functions in a complex, integrated, orthopedic manner. Long-term orthopedic stability is dependent on many factors. A causal relationship between mechanical stresses such as those associated with bruxism has been suggested by many. Excessive forces may promote maladaptation and/or pathology. This program includes a recommended protocol for patient evaluation. Molecular biological factors currently recognized to result from excessive mechanical stresses applied to these structures are highlighted.
the basic principles of anatomy and function of the masticatory system
to recognize the clinical signs/symptoms of maladaptive occlusion
the dentist’s role in the diagnosis and management of sleep disturbances, specifically nocturnal bruxism
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Top Clinical Tips: Materials, Composites and Ceramics
Dentistry is changing at a rapid pace. Being successful and efficient is about staying on top of the newest trends and clinical tips. In this program, the clinician presents the top clinical tips and techniques she is utilizing in her practice. Some are old tried and true approaches that remain successful, while others introduce brand new materials and approaches. Clinical tips span the areas of prevention, posterior composites and indirect all ceramics.
This program reviews the application of infection control principles to create and maintain a safe environment for patient care in the dental practice setting. The seminar also reviews the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and includes an overview of barrier precautions and infection control measures for dental healthcare workers. The information presented follows the CDC Guidelines for infection control and patient safety.
Learn to:
recognize the responsibility of healthcare providers to ensure that they adhere to scientifically accepted principles
identify the engineering and work practice controls which reduce the risk of patient and healthcare worker exposure to potentially infectious material in all health care settings
create and maintain a safe environment for patient care
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
Pathway to Practice Ownership
Practice Management
Chad Widensky, Robert Malandruccolo, Jason McKenzie,
Course #: 2390 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Chad Widensky, Robert Malandruccolo, Jason McKenzie,
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
As business owners, dentists are tasked with balancing the success and growth of their practice with the responsibility of their family’s financial future and retirement. This program has been designed to address concerns of doctors considering practice ownership, whether plans are to build a practice from scratch or purchase an existing practice. This seminar covers everything you’ll need to know to open your new office, run your business successfully and plan for your future as a dental practice owner.
Learn to:
determine whether to purchase an existing dental practice or construct a new one
understand practice financing options
identify and overcome the challenges to starting a business
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Bank of America
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Stratification Techniques in Mastering Class IV Direct Restorations Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
Scott W. Finlay
Course #: 2430 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Scott W. Finlay
Mastering direct restorations in the esthetic zone requires an intimate understanding of Micro Esthetics. Replacing segments of tooth structure that harmonize and dissolve invisibly into the surrounding dentition is an invaluable tool for the clinician. In this hands-on workshop, participants have the opportunity to apply the stratification techniques using a state of the art naturally shaded composite system through the exercise of a class IV direct composite.
concepts of stratification and the effects of light refraction related to tooth form, surface finish and translucency
a predictable formula for a polychromatic direct restoration
to understand preparation design and how to effectively and quickly finish restorations
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
Medical Emergency Workshop: Practicing Your Response Download Handout
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Larry J. Sangrik
Course #: 2450 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Larry J. Sangrik
Successfully managing a medical emergency is significantly different from knowing about medical emergencies. Using a Socratic approach, this hands-on workshop offers participants the opportunity to confront a wide array of medical events in a controlled environment. Working individually and in groups, this workshop includes a series of exercises to utilize the material presented in the lecture segment.
Learn to:
load a medical syringe and apply a nasal cannula
confront a series of challenging medical emergencies
optimize your staff when responding to a crisis
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Endodontics Essays
Leigh Busch, Sahng Kim, Justin Kolnick,
Course #: 2470 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Leigh Busch, Sahng Kim, Justin Kolnick,
Endodontic Failures? Diagnosis and Treatment This program presents cases which are endodontic failures and mimic endodontic failures. It is imperative to be able to differentiate between actual failures and those which mimic failures. Only then can the proper course of treatment be decided upon. The process of differentiation must be implemented.
Sahng G. Kim, D.D.S. 2:00-3:00
Regenerative Endodontics: Challenges for Clinicians The goal of regenerative endodontic treatment is to restore the physiological functions of the dentin-pulp complex, thereby increasing the longevity of natural teeth. Regenerative endodontic treatment has yielded successful clinical outcomes. It has been postulated that the regeneration of the pulp-dentin complex requires high-level disinfection of the root canal system and the application of tissue engineering principles. This essay provides the current knowledge of antimicrobial treatment for pulp regeneration and their limitations as well as new antimicrobial therapies for enhanced disinfection.
Justin R. Kolnick, D.D.S. 3:00-4:00
Radial Apical Cleansing Successful management of the apical third of root canal systems has long been considered to be the most significant and challenging aspect of endodontic therapy. This essay reviews the importance and complexities of the apical third of root canal systems and presents a minimally invasive, laser-assisted treatment concept; Radial Apical Cleansing, for successful management of this critical area. Concepts such as apical foramen cleansing as well as the importance of achieving technical patency are addressed. Clinical cases encompassing loss of patency (due to calcification, blockages, ledging or complex canal anatomy) as well as perforations and invasive cervical resorption are also presented.
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Academia Dental Internacional Peruana
Spanish Programs
Miguel Saravia, Leonard Walter Huamani Diaz, Luis Eduardo L, Juan E. Bazan,
Course #: 2520 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Miguel Saravia, Leonard Walter Huamani Diaz, Luis Eduardo L, Juan E. Bazan,
Aproximándose a la Naturaleza Se revisarán protocolos clínicos usando resinas Bulkfill y Endocrown. Se revisará el manejo racional de sistemas adhesivos universales. Conocer nuevas rutinas clínicas en el manejo de resinas monobloque. Actualización en protocolos predecibles clínicos. Conocer la mejor manera de seleccionar el caso clínico para el uso de estos tratamientos.
Leonard Walter Huamani Diaz, D.D.S.
Estética Rosada Son muy comunes las deformidades mucogingivales en, reborde edéntulo e implantes por ausencia y disminución de encía queratinizada, deficiencia de reborde y recesiones en dientes e implantes. Por ello técnicas quirúrgicas predecibles para conseguir mejores resultados estéticos.
Luis Eduardo López, C.D.
Fotografía Clínica Dental La fotografía clínica hoy en día es la herramienta que más beneficios nos puede dar en el ejercicio de nuestra profesión. Desde mejorar nuestra comunicación con nuestros pacientes hasta poder archivar historias clínicas fotográficas, hoy en día la fotografía clínica nos da ventajas que van a la par de nuestro desarrollo en las distintas especialidades pues nos ayuda a demostrar nuestra capacidad profesional ante nuestros pacientes y colegas.
Juan E. Bazán, D.D.S.
Proporción Dorada y DDS Este análisis, involucra un trabajo en equipo, para lograr diseñar una sonrisa verdaderamente bella. Para ello se necesita algo más que técnica dental, hay que visualizar los problemas estéticos con visión artística. Se analiza cómo integrar la sonrisa con la cara y hasta personalidad del paciente. De un banco de 12 sonrisas (y su variables), se puede escoger la que permita colmar la expectativa estética y funcional, del paciente y del profesional. Esta técnica permite plasmar en el momento clínico, todo lo planeado en la computadora y el modelo. Usando la tecnología a través de software que permiten un tratamiento muy predecible. Logrando una magnifica comunicación con el paciente y culmina con una venta ética.
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
Implant Surgery Made Simple and Predictable
Implant Dentistry
Leon Chen
Course #: 2560 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Leon Chen
Implant complications (fixture and anatomical) can be easily managed. Showcasing of the logic behind how to make this process simple and not daunting is presented. The program offers an introduction to designing a full mouth implant and the advantages of an immediate implant. Using self-innovated and patented one-drill design, OsseoFuseTome sinus implants, and instruments, implant surgery is made simple, efficient, and predictable. This process eliminates excessive chair time and minimizes the chances of infection.
to manage failing and ill implants
to remove or save existing implants
to design full mouth implants and perform immediate implants
General dentists are in the unique position of seeing their patients every six months. It should be every dentist’s responsibility to screen and, when appropriate, treat their patient for the serious medical condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. Learn how to identify and treat these patients.
to understand the basics of obstructive sleep apnea and how to screen, treat and follow-up
how to deal with side effects of treating obstructive sleep apnea
pearls to help grow the amount of obstructive sleep apnea patients you see
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Technology Innovation Program: 1st Global Health Technology Innovation Forum
Lorant Sumpf-Biro, Juan Manuel Aragoneses, Ioannis Vergoullis,
Course #: 2550 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lorant Sumpf-Biro, Juan Manuel Aragoneses, Ioannis Vergoullis,
A Global Master Class in Digital Workflow Innovation introduces the reconceptualization of designing and digital workflow for clinical excellence. This first of its kind at the GNYDM offers a new frontier for the digital provider with digital opinion leaders. Start your digital journey and be in the know about the next generation smile design and innovations in emergence profile design.
Lorant Sumpf – master dental technician who is pioneering the revolution in dental digital design
David Trujillo, D.D.S., M.D. – specialist in oral surgery and implantology
Ioannis Vergoullis, D.D.S., M.S. – worldwide lecturer in the fields of periodontology, implantology and aesthetic dentistry
To redefine the role of dental professions via digital innovation in design and 3D modeling
From a workflow design case study to plan for emergence profile innovations in the dental practice
To connect and develop your own case with the masters this year to earn a certificate in digital design (One year to complete 3 CEUs modules plus this course will earn a digital badge/certificate from the H.D.A.)
Presiding and Moderator: R. Ivan Lugo, D.M.D., M.B.A.
Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Dental Association
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2:00pm - 4:00pm
Hispanic Dental Association - P&G
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 2570 Date: 11/25/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Awards Ceremony
Join Hispanic Student Dental Association members from Chapters around the country as they present videos they have written and produced on areas of prevention. Experience their passion for what they see as critical in the future of dental health.
Presiding and Moderator: Jen Blake
Chief Learning Officer, Hispanic Dental Association
This program is designed for those who want to learn more about the nuts and bolts of volunteering around the world or around the block. It is useful for those with some volunteering experience looking for new ideas or just validation of what they are doing. Topics include: the nature of volunteer activities, cross-cultural issues, comparison of service and teaching projects, how to get started either at home or abroad, the nuts and bolts of volunteering overseas and at home, as well as where to find these volunteer opportunities. This program provides ample time for interaction with the clinician and other experienced members of the audience.
Learn to:
identify why you are interested in volunteering
compare and contrast the nature of teaching and service projects with the advantages and disadvantages of each type
describe the nuts and bolts of volunteering including what to do and resources to support the project
9:00am - 1:00pm
Invisalign Academy - AM
David Galler, Ben Miraglia, Shannon Pace Brinker, Rachel Smith, Payam Ataii,
Course #: 3070 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Galler, Ben Miraglia, Shannon Pace Brinker, Rachel Smith, Payam Ataii,
Align Technology is pleased to again offer INVISALIGN ACADEMY, a half-day, intensive, educational workshop for dentists and their team members. The program begins with an exciting keynote address, The Golden Age Of Dentistry, by noted Invisalign provider, Dr. David Galler.
Digital changes in dental procedures, as well as, the advent of clear aligner technology have transformed our profession into a golden age. Dentists are now using the art of dental imaging to create world class treatment plans and cosmetic smiles every day. The combination of increased social media and the prevalence of selfies and photos make this the ideal time to be a cosmetic dentist with digital scanning and Invisalign training. The keynote speaker program is followed by your choice of three 40-minute interactive breakout sessions from Invisalign experts designed to provide each attendee with an in depth curriculum, individual attention and an opportunity to learn from others.
Join us after the breakouts for lunch, or a reception, when breakout session attendees can report on what they learned. For maximum scheduling efficiency, choose either the morning program or the afternoon program.
9:00am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 3120 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “Live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:00am - 12:00pm
New Mommies and Toothy Toddles: The Art of Perinatal and Infant Oral Care in Your Practice Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
Course #: 3150 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
This program describes why pregnancy provides a unique opportunity to provide oral health interventions for women and their infant. Learn about the disparities in early childhood caries prevalence (ECC) in underserved communities. Identify risk factors for dental disease in the infant to 5 year old age group. A discussion and review of Caries Management by Risk Assessment – CAMBRA 0-5 is also included.
to demonstrate proficiency in delivering infant and maternal oral health in different providers practices
the team approach and roles for dental providers at all levels
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Dental Sleep Medicine Overview
Sleep Apnea
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 3190 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steve Carstensen
Learn the basics of sleep apnea, snoring treatment and the physiologic consequences of bad breathing during sleep in this unique program. Gain the knowledge of how to provide therapy for this epidemic. Finding patients within the practice, how to direct them to diagnosis, and how to integrate this new service into dental practice will all be reviewed. There are more than 100 dental devices to maintain an open airway at night. Learn the common characteristics of each device to match to each patient. The entire dental team will be able to decide how this medical service can be a valuable adjunct in their practice.
Learn to:
gain an understanding of sleep and sleep breathing disturbances
know how dentists can be vital parts of the treatment team for airway management
discuss oral devices, how they work and the consequences of using them
9:00am - 5:00pm
Restorative and Adhesive Dentistry: What you're most likely to do Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
John Kanca
Course #: 3200 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
John Kanca
This program covers both restorative and adhesive dentistry with the emphasis on the kinds of efforts dentists are most likely to be doing on a daily basis. Learn solutions to everyday problems, including solving sensitivity issues and establishing contacts in posterior resin composites. Examine many of the types of materials available for indirect restorations and how one might choose among them.
how to diagnose and treat sensitivity
about different kinds of zirconia and how to choose one
how to place proper sensitivity free posterior resin composite restorations
9:00am - 5:00pm
Implant Coordinator Certification Program (ICCP)
Implant Dentistry
Karen R. Young
Course #: 3210 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Karen R. Young
Dental implants are one of the most successful treatment modalities in dentistry and the demand for dental implants is growing exponentially. However, to successfully grow an implant practice, a well-trained implant coordinator is indispensable. The implant coordinator educates the patient, explains in detail every step of the procedures, reviews and completes all consent forms and financial arrangements and oversees the case to completion. The ICCP provides an in-depth education in surgical and prosthetic procedures, case presentation, communication skills and the oversight of all phases of an evolving implant case.
Learn to:
communicate treatment plans effectively to the patient
identify your key attributes in becoming a successful Implant Coordinator
prepare a consultation area/environment with the use of visual aids and teaching aids
9:00am - 12:00pm
Smarter Endodontics/Things I Use It Everyday/Real-Life Esthetics Download Handout
Current Dental Topics
Jarom J. Ray, Peter H. Guevara, Jeff Nordin,
Course #: 3220 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jarom J. Ray, Peter H. Guevara, Jeff Nordin,
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Smarter Endodontics This program highlights clinical techniques for a smarter endodontic practice. Emphasis is placed upon tips for common areas of frustration in the practice of endodontics such as: difficult diagnostic scenarios, gaining length in calcified canals, management of odontogenic infections and achieving anesthesia in the presence of irreversible pulpits. New developments in endodontic rotary instrumentation are discussed and a new approach to endodontic treatment planning is presented.
new developments in rotary instrumentation
to apply several clinical tips chairside to increase efficiency and efficacy in their endodontic practice
to describe contemporary approaches to endodontic treatment planning
Peter H. Guevara, D.M.D.
Materials I Use Everyday This program reviews dental materials used in everyday practice. The clinician discusses bonding systems and direct restorative materials with the goal of understanding the rationale for selecting them. A look at advantages and disadvantages, as well as, economic considerations is reviewed.
bonding systems and the rationale for their use
about composite restorative materials and the rationale for their selection
about glass ionomer products and the rationale for their selection
Jeff Nordin, D.D.S., M.S.
Real-life Anterior/Posterior Esthetics The practice of Operative Dentistry has never been more exciting or challenging. Revolutionary preventive strategies allow dentists to abandon “drill and fill” paradigms of the past. The demand for aesthetic treatment grows as significant improvements are made in bonding agents, ceramics and resin composite systems. This program is designed to update the general practitioner on the clinical applications of modern restorative materials for esthetic dentistry.
clinical criteria for the selection and placement of posterior esthetic restorations
the placement and finishing of anterior and posterior direct esthetic composite restorations
how resin infiltration helps with discolored anterior teeth
Have you ever had trouble finding canals, getting down canals, or easily shaping canals for 3D obturation even with all the new endodontic technologies available to you? Don’t feel alone as many of these new endodontic technologies have actually confused not only dentists but specialists as well. Attendees learn to unravel the mystery of the secret skills needed for predictably finding, following and finishing root canal systems during this program. The clinician believes that endodontics is the fastest way to grow your practice, especially by treating the easier endodontic patients.
Learn to:
find all canals: secrets of chamber roadmaps
follow all canals: the lost art of restraint and the four manual motions
finish all canals: shaping, 3D cleaning, conefit, and 3D obturation
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Commonly Prescribed Medications: Their Dental Impact Download Handout
Harold L. Crossley
Course #: 3240 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Harold L. Crossley
This program includes the indications, contraindications and side effects of the most common physician prescribed medications. Many of these medications were not approved when you took your pharmacology course in dental school. These medications represent 30% of all prescriptions taken by your dental patients and familiarity with these drugs provides the dental practitioner with a better appreciation for the health profile of your dental patient.
why your patient is taking their medication
to recognize potential drug interaction between the patient’s medication and dental drugs
current recommendations for SBE and orthopedic prosthesis patients
Whether you are looking to become a practice owner or you are seeking the best exit strategy in your career, you need to understand the issues of practice transition from both perspectives. This seminar helps you to develop an in-depth understanding of the business, legal and practical considerations necessary to execute the ideal practice transition. It considers the position of both the prospective practice owner as well as the seller.
the current state of the market for mergers, acquisitions and sales of general dentistry and dental specialty practices
business and legal pros, cons and considerations to navigate between practice sales vs. associate buy-ins
various structures and financing options to accomplish a practice transition
Direct placed restorations are the ‘bread and butter” of most general dental practices. However, premature failures are still very prevalent. New materials and simplified techniques can make the procedure faster but are they better? Are new bonding agents better than previous generations? Do we have an alternative to composite? This program explores efficient ways to prepare, place, finish, polish and maintain beautiful restorations.
to become familiar with the classifications of composite resins and bioactive alternatives
an overview of adhesives, old vs new and how to decide
a matrix system review for anterior and posterior restorations
Would you rather perform new patient examinations on 50 people and retain 25 in your practice or do 25 new patient examinations and retain 25? Of course, you are thinking 25 of 25. This interactive program identifies the four steps that all of our new patients experience. By identifying both positive and negatives that occur throughout each of the steps in your office, you will leave this learning experience with an important ‘to do’ list. As your list is implemented, you will immediately enhance the new patient experience and grow toward total retention of all new patients. Make sure you have your team attend too.
the four key points of contact and what you can use to simplify and maximize your current systems
the aspects of the effective and comprehensive 21st century patient assessment: creating a ‘wow’ experience
what makes you look great in the eyes of the patient; financial arrangements: separating the ‘doing of’ dentistry from the ‘paying for’ dentistry; and the must-have systems to educate, motivate, contact and with re-care
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Preparing for Ownership: Acquisition or Start-up, What’s Right for You
Practice Management
Jim Baum, David J. Goodman, Patrick McGahren,
Course #: 3280 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jim Baum, David J. Goodman, Patrick McGahren,
Room: 2D03 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
Opening your first dental practice, whether you’re purchasing an existing one or starting from scratch, is one of the most significant transitions you’ll make in your career. Creating a foundation for success begins with understanding which path is right for you, your long and short term goals and how to move forward. Find out more about the tools and resources available to help evaluate the risk and rewards associated with acquiring or starting a practice from scratch.
Learn to:
define your career path by understanding what traits define your path to acquisition or starting a practice
develop your plan including assembling your team and conducting a market analysis
manage your financial profile and evaluate financing options for financing your practice
A walk down occlusion lane is not a walk that we often want to take. However, it is a necessary one for the wellbeing and overall health of our patients. What is adequate anterior guidance? Should we be concerned with condylar guidance? In this program, learn how to recognize occlusal disease and what to do about it. Understand the breakdown of occlusion, the basic components and how to use them most efficiently along with better verbal skills to communicate and educate the patient through the process.
splint construction and adjustment
CR vs. CO
adequate anterior guidance
how to make sure those big veneer cases are functioning properly
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Grow Your Practice Using Social Media Marketing: Helping New Patients Find You Through Social Media!
Social Media
Jack Hadley
Course #: 3330 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jack Hadley
Room: 2D09 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Progressive dental practices use social media marketing to attract new patients, raise top-of-mind awareness and referrals, decrease attrition, increase case acceptance and strengthen patient relationships. Effective social media isn’t something you “have;” it’s something that you do! Remarkable, share-worthy social media content helps your digital marketing strategy including Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Social media is no longer an adjunct to some other marketing plan. Learn how you navigate and benefit from this dynamic environment with the limited time and resources you have to spend on marketing.
Learn to:
create content that helps new patients find you
empower your team with a simple plan for participating
become consistent using ideas that don’t take too much time
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Common and Unusual oral Pathologic Lesions
Olga A.C. Ibsen
Course #: 3370 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Olga A.C. Ibsen
This program covers multiple lesions encountered by dental professionals plus a variety of lesions rarely seen in the clinical setting. Alphabetically presented, attendees are given a brief description of the lesion in question and asked: “What is this?” Audience answers and a detailed discussion on each will follow. The diagnostic process is applied to all lesions and conditions which will be taken from inflammatory, autoimmune and infectious diseases, genetic and developmental conditions, neoplasia and oral manifestations of systemic disease.
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9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 3490 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Sponsored by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Addressing the Global Burden of Disease and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Various Speakers
Course #: 3635 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
The Academy of Dentistry International (ADI) is an organization devoted to the advancement of dentistry throughout the world and the improvement of the oral health of citizens of every nation.
The 2015 Global Burden of Disease Studies reports that oral diseases rank among the highest of 291 studied diseases and conditions; highlighting caries in adults as the single most prevalent condition on the planet, severe periodontal disease as the sixth most prevalent; and, caries in children as the tenth most prevalent. Many countries and communities have little or no access to preventive or reparative oral health care services despite widespread need. Many dental professionals participate in voluntary service at home and overseas. Others contemplate doing so and may not always fully understand the personal and professional commitments and benefits.
the personal, emotional, cultural and professional aspects of becoming a dental volunteer
factors to consider in identifying a suitable project to join, project design and evaluation
relevant clinical and communication skills and techniques for primary and secondary prevention
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9:00am - 12:00pm
American Society for Dental Aesthetics
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Esthetic Dentistry
Marvin A. Fier
Course #: 3660 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marvin A. Fier
A Countdown of Oral Pathology Lesions This program provides a broad overview of the more common and interesting lesions in oral pathology. The presentation flows in the manner of a countdown with emphasis on clinical photos. The importance of oral pathology by reviewing lesions that may be encountered in the general practice setting.
Jill M. White, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Vesicular Viral Lesions This program covers the pathogenesis, clinical diagnosis, and treatment of common vesicular viral lesions including Herpes Simplex Virus-1, Herpes Simplex Virus-2, and Varicella Zoster Virus. It also describes the pathogenesis of the Human Herpes Virus. Review the clinical symptoms of HSV-1, HSV-2, and VZV and discusses the treatment protocol for the above vesicular viral lesions in this unique presentation.
Kenneth E. Fleisher, D.D.S.
Update on Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Bone health and maintenance of bone integrity are important concerns during comprehensive cancer care and management of osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates and denosumab are antiresorptive medications widely used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and skeletal complications associated with metastatic cancer and multiple myeloma. Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) related to antiresorptive therapy and chemotherapy is a condition that has created numerous dilemmas in patient management and may have a broad health impact. This case-based presentation will review evidence-based data that has led to paradigm shifts for pathogenesis and innovative strategies for risk assessment, prevention and management of MRONJ.
Rejuvenecimiento en Odontologia Mostrar una visión global en el tratamiento de los pacientes odontológicos, terminando con rejuvenecimiento faciales, que inician desde procedimientos quirúrgicos hasta el manejo de toxina botulínica y rellenos faciales entre otras técnicas rejuvenecedoras. Estimular a ver más allá del tratamiento dental. Mostrar alternativas de rejuvenecimiento en pacientes odontológicos.
José M. Rodríguez, D.D.S.
Plataformas Protésicas en Implantologia Nueva data sobre el comportamiento de las diferentes plataformas de implantes nos proponen un cambio en el paradigma restaurador para conseguir alta estética. Comparar la evolución de las plataformas protésicas. Definir las ventajas de la plataforma cónica.
Manuel Peña Castillo
Distracción Ontogénica Mandibular Las desarmonías dentofaciales están constituidas por un grupo de entidades que afecta a pacientes de diversos rangos de edad, lo cual implica situaciones que van desde alteraciones en pacientes en crecimiento y aquellos que sobrepasan la pubertad. Esto hace que la evaluación de cada paciente sea minuciosa a fin de proponer soluciones mínimamente invasivas y con los mayores beneficios posibles. La Distracción Osteogénica (DO) es una de las alternativas terapéuticas que brinda al paciente la ventaja de promover la formación de hueso autólogo en espacios que hubiesen requerido injertos de gran tamaño, y por consiguiente, la necesidad de una segunda zona quirúrgica o donadora. Esta ventaja es aplicable para el área.
9:00am - 5:00pm
Universidad de LaSalle Bajio
Spanish Programs
Jorge Triana, Rub Rosas Aguilar, Rosa Anto L, Luis A. Fandi,
Course #: 3730 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Jorge Triana, Rub Rosas Aguilar, Rosa Anto L, Luis A. Fandi,
Partiendo de Endodoncia Hacia la Restauración El pronóstico de una restauración es claramente influenciado por el tratamiento de endodoncia y la condición periodontal. Antes de la realización de un tratamiento de endodoncia se debe tener en cuenta la restauración y el futuro a largo plazo. La siguiente presentación está basada en los conceptos mas actuales y controversiales que son utilizados hoy en día en endodoncia y mediante ejemplos clínicos con microscopio operatorio dental haremos una revisión de las decisiones clínicas en temas como diagnóstico, diseño de accesos, estrategias de limpieza y desinfección de conductos y el tipo de restauración que se debe seleccionar de acuerdo al escenario que se nos presenta.
Rosa A. López Parada, D.D.S.
Rehabilitación Protésica El proceso de la planeación diagnóstica de un tratamiento exige una metodología de trabajo cuyos resultados puede preverse con la mayor exactitud posible. Es necesario utilizar los siguientes elementos de diagnóstico: Historia Clínica, Examen clínico-físico (extraoral e intraoral), Fotografía clínica, Radiografías, Modelos de estudio y Encerado de diagnóstico; de los cuales se obtienen los datos necesarios para elaborar un Plan de Tratamiento Interdisciplinario.
Luis A. Fandiño Torres, D.D.S.
E.max Performance El empleo de materiales cerámicos hoy en día resuelve muchos problemas estéticos que los pacientes demandan, sin embargo para su manejo clínico y técnico es importante poder identificar los pasos críticos que influyen en el éxito de nuestros tratamientos , así mismo existe una amplia variedad de materiales cerámicos libres de metal y su empleo racional debe estar fundamentado en el conocimiento de sus características ópticas y mecánicas, en la conferencia se presenta la clasificación actual de dichos materiales y a través de la presentación de casos clínicos se ejemplifica como el disilicato de litio e.max es un material muy versátil tanto para el clínico como para el técnico dental.
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9:00am - 5:00pm
Healthcare Executive Development Academy
Various Speakers
Course #: 3820 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
The course seeks to motivate and engage dental/hygiene students. Topics include: Diversity and Inclusion, Leadership Development, Dental Portfolios, Educational and Research Scholarships. The workshop will expose participants to learn about intraprofessional strategies, development, involvement and implementation.
Rosa Chaviano-Moran, DMD – Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Herminio Perez, DMD, MBA – Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
Eugenia Mejia, MA, MEd, PhD – New York University College of Dentistry
Diana Macri, RDH, BSDH, MSEd, MAADH – Hostos Community College School of Dental Hygiene
Edmond R Hewitt, DDS - UCLA
· Strategize ways to increase interest in leadership opportunities and academic dentistry
· Recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion in academic dentistry
Sponsored in part by a grant from the GIES Foundation
A New Frontier in Dental Education
Explore new delivery methods in today’s dental education. Today’s dental professionals must understand the issues facing global health, poverty, and access to care to better serve not only their patients but society as a whole.
Christian Stohler, DMD, DrMedDent – Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
Ana Lopez-Fuentes, DMD, MPH – University of Puerto Rico School of Dental Medicine
Improve your ability to inspire and lead social change
Recognize and move beyond the limitations of organizational silos
Presiding and Moderator: R. Ivan Lugo, D.M.D., M.B.A.
Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Dental Association
The General Practice Residency Fair provides dental students an opportunity to gather information regarding general practice residency and advanced education in general dentistry programs in an informal atmosphere.
Representatives from approximately 65 hospital dental residencies are present to discuss the content and nature of their programs, patient populations and treatment needs, as well as attending and resident staff and requirements. The General Practice Residency Fair enables students to review various residency programs without the logistical problems of individual site visits.
This is the 32nd annual General Practice Residency Fair, which is a joint venture of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Greater New York Dental Meeting and dental schools throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
The Greater New York Dental Meeting wishes to express its appreciation to Dr. Burton Wasserman and Dr. Scott W. Podell for their outstanding leadership in coordinating this function.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Tips and Tricks for a Daily Successful Implant Practice
To achieve a predictable and stable aesthetic outcome in implant therapies, the ideal site features should be known, in order to have a reference point on treatment planning. Many researchers are investigating how to manage the main variables that affects tissue aesthetic maturation around implants. This program analyzes the complex interactions between these factors and introduces new philosophies on tissue management from both the surgical and prosthodontic point of view. The Baobab Seed Effect and the Tissue Equation Concept are discussed. The program focuses on the tissue phenotype enhancement in order to achieve the optimal and stable shapes of the gingival tissue.
milestones in implant aesthetic dentistry
the “theory of the seeds”: phenotype modulation patterns and rules, in the aesthetic area, finalized to interact with the tissue trophism and the emergence profile
the 5 years tissue maturation pattern regarding papillas around implants including multiple affecting variables
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Clinical Use of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) Growth Factor Technology
Implant Dentistry
Robert J. Miller
Course #: 3030 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert J. Miller
This hands-on workshop focuses on the science and clinical application of L-PRF as a biologic scaffold for hard and soft tissue regeneration. Clinical cases are shown to illustrate the use of L-PRF and growth factor technologies in a wide range of cases from extraction site management to full mouth reconstruction across the specialty base. In addition, step-by-step protocols for fabricating L-PRF and PRF Block are highlighted in a “live” demonstration. Participants will then be able to individually participate in phlebotomy procedures and fabricate L-PRF matrices on models.
Learn to:
develop an understanding of the role of autologous biologics
fabricate L-PRF membranes and socket plugs
understand the clinical applications of L-PRF in all of the surgical specialties
9:45am - 12:45pm
Sagittal First: The Ultimate Success Formula
Luis Carrière
Course #: 3050 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis Carrière
Correcting the Class II or Class III malocclusion at the beginning of treatment, when patients are most compliant, provides greater efficiencies, shorter treatment times and long-term aesthetics. Learn how using the Carriere® Motion Appliance to correct the AP, reposition the mandible, and expand the airway, reduces average treatment times to 12 months or less. These ground-breaking clinical results challenge your views on the traditional practice workflow. Leave this seminar with a unique set of new tools to differentiate your practice, satisfy your patients and delight your staff, while maintaining optimal clinical results.
to correct Class II or Class III malocclusions, prior to bracketing or aligner therapy
efficient tooth movement to reduce average treatment times
strategies to differentiate your orthodontic practice in today’s competitive market
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9:45am - 12:00pm
The Predictable Crown Procedure (Part 1) – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Free - No Ticket Required
Live Dentistry
Live Dentistry
Foroud Hakim, Marc J. Geissberger,
Course #: 3090 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Foroud Hakim, Marc J. Geissberger,
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 3
One of the most common procedures done in clinical practice is the partial and full coverage crown. This program is designed to bring attendees up to date on various materials and techniques designed to streamline the clinical procedure. This “Live” patient demonstration is spread over two days. This program covers the first phase of the clinical crown procedure. Anesthesia and crown preparation protocols and materials are discussed. Concepts on correct shade selection are reviewed. The audience is also introduced to capturing both a conventional impression and a digital impression with modern materials and techniques. The final phase of this presentation introduces provisional techniques.
which materials should be utilized to maximize the crown preparation procedures
to expand your knowledge of tissue management procedures
to understand the limitations and challenges of both conventional and digital impressions
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9:45am - 12:45pm
How an All-Tissue Dental Laser Has Become the New Standard of Care
Andrew Spector
Course #: 3130 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Andrew Spector
Fewer needles, less drilling, less numbing and less bleeding: lasers in dentistry are quickly becoming the new standard of care due to their exceptional clinical performance and their impact on the patient experience. The clinician integrated the Solea, a 9.3 µm CO2 all-tissue laser into his practice because he wanted to be more efficient, give patients an unparalleled dental experience and differentiate his practice from the competition. Solea achieves this through its profound analgesic effect for hard tissue procedures and virtually bloodless soft tissue performance. During this hands-on workshop, the clinician demonstrates the laser’s underlying technology, how to successfully integrate it into your practice and the dramatic effect it’s had on practices. In the hands-on portion, attendees practice on pig jaws and use extracted teeth to learn and practice with the all-tissue laser.
to understand the benefits of anesthesia-free and blood-free dentistry
how to properly integrate a 9.3 µm CO2 laser into your practice
to review clinical cases and complete hands-on training using a 9.3 µm CO2 laser
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Convergent Dental
9:45am - 12:45pm
Restoring the Pulpotomized Primary Molars: A Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
David L. Rothman
Course #: 3170 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David L. Rothman
Confronted with a severely decayed primary tooth and don’t know which way to turn? You treat adult cases with implants and prostheses but you’re scared of a baby tooth attached to a kid? Learn to improve your pulp therapy and esthetic restorative techniques on these complicated cases in addition to learning how to anesthetize primary teeth effectively and painlessly.
about access and pulp removal on primary molars
the use of pulp medications, glass ionomer cements, bonding agents and composites that work on primary molars
to restore the pulpotomized tooth with composite, stainless steel crowns and esthetic posterior crowns
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Diagnosis and Prognosis for Implant Retained Prosthesis Download Handout
Removable Prosthodontics
Joseph Massad
Course #: 3290 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph Massad
This program describes methods to avoid common problems confronting dentists and patients when fabricating dentures, over-dentures and fixed dentures. Universal problems of patient dissatisfaction and/or dentist complaining of labs making bad prosthesis can be eliminated once and for all. Specific parameters allow optima patient communication by the use of a simple digital application that guides all the necessary patient recordings to a valid diagnosis and patient approval. Allow patients to co-discover their existing facial appearance, what can and cannot be done, determine complexity of treatment, decide if implants are optimal and decide the best treatment options.
Learn to:
digitally record a detailed assessment and examination
perform facial analysis before committing to treatment
understand the significance of the esthetic and functional space as it relates to all prosthesis
9:45am - 12:45pm
Fabrications Options for Removable Partial Dentures Appliances Download Handout
Lab Technician Courses
Anthony Sena
Course #: 3350 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Anthony Sena
This program reviews a discussion of fabrication options for removable partial dentures including conventional metal framework designs utilizing refractory model techniques and CAD/CAM options. Flexible partial denture materials available and techniques for fabrication of these materials are discussed.
to understand the functional requirements of a removable partial denture appliance
how the material choice and design will fulfill the functional requirements of the partial denture appliance
to provide a comprehensive discussion of available materials and fabrication techniques
9:45am - 5:00pm
Occlusal Equilibration: Why, When and How
Todd C. Davis, Gary DeWood,
Course #: 3500 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Todd C. Davis, Gary DeWood,
In this hands-on workshop, attendees learn the reasons why and when occlusal equilibration is needed. The program also provides hands-on exercises to help participants learn the principles and skills involved with occlusal equilibration. Attendees will feel more confident in being able to help their patients who need occlusal therapy.
reasons why and when occlusal equilibration is needed
to gain the confidence to help patients who need occlusal therapy
Anatomic root canal preparations are now a reality exposing the myth of two dimensional X-ray diagnosis. Low torque 3D preparation and bonded bioceramic obturation are synergistic modalities that improve efficiency and safety for your Endodontic procedures. During this hands-on workshop, all participants have the opportunity to validate these concepts and protocols for root canal instrumentation including conventional vs. three dimensional instrumentation tools. A new era in endodontic three dimensional instrumentation has begun!
two different instrumentation techniques for managing different canal anatomies (conventional and 3D)
the benefits of sealer based obturation using bioceramics
how to use integrated apex locator-handpiece technology
In this hands-on workshop, attendees learn a step-by-step approach to esthetics and function to plan and sequence a complex anterior case. This plan is then used to design and create a finished composite Snap-on Trial Smile. Created on a model, the composite shell incorporates proposed incisal edge and gingival positions. Finished and polished for exquisite esthetics, the shell made on a model can be snapped over the patient’s teeth so they can test-drive their new smile. Durable enough to send home with the patient, they can show friends and family as well as take it to the specialist, where it can function as a surgical guide for esthetic-perio alterations.
esthetic smile design
to create a composite snap-on trial smile
to use of a composite snap-on smile in clinical practice
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Surgical Crown Lengthening
Avi Schetritt
Course #: 3540 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Avi Schetritt
Gingival symmetry is crucial to an esthetic smile. In addition, restorative procedures require adequate supra-gingival tooth structure for long term success. Surgical crown lengthening is often required in order to achieve these restorative goals. This concise, didactic and hands-on workshop provides attendees with the practical knowledge necessary to perform surgical crown lengthening procedures in the office.
Learn to:
understand the anatomy of the tooth soft tissue interface
understand the incisions and flap design necessary for successful crown lengthening
plan and execute a crown lengthening surgery
9:45am - 12:45pm
Utilizing a Digital Workflow Powerhouse to Leverage the Specialty Practice
Steven Hernandez
Course #: 3550 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steven Hernandez
In the fast-changing world of digital dentistry, how do we manage and incorporate these changes in our practice? Learn the proficiencies of integrating 3D imaging and intraoral scanning to your practice which allows for enhanced diagnostics, simplified treatment planning and greater overall practice efficiencies. This hands-on workshop takes you through the benefits and steps of implementing key digital technologies to enhance patient experience and increases your potential for new business.
CBCT diagnostics in orthodontics/implant placement
intraoral scanning and the benefits of a digital patient record
CAD/CAM restoration production
dimensional accuracy of 3D printers
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Tips Tricks Techniques for Superior Posterior Composites
Parag R. Kachalia
Course #: 3560 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Parag R. Kachalia
The dental IQ of our patients is increasing and their expectations are growing in terms of natural looking restorations. For many years patients were content when their “silver” fillings were changed to “white” fillings. However, patients today want natural looking restorations. In this hands-on workshop, detailed information is presented and attendees learn to restore occlusal form and color in an efficient and predictable manner with new age resin technology. This hands-on workshop looks at placement techniques to allow for properly contoured natural looking restorations. Attendees are given the chance to practice various tips and tricks for composite placement success.
simple techniques that will yield properly contoured restorations
to understand the color characteristics of new materials that will lead to natural looking restorations
how to prevent sensitivity and create ideal proximal contacts
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Maximize Aesthetic New Concepts in Preparation Design Download Handout
Do you see failures and do you wonder what you could have done to prevent them and what can you do to prevent future failures? Do you ever wonder where to remove tooth structure when prepping a difficult case? Is your laboratory team frustrated at times with the preparation design of your case? Is it difficult to obtain the final esthetics because you removed too much tooth structure here and not enough there? Do you realize your preps are the guide for the final esthetic? The clinician discusses how to simplify difficult space management cases using incisal and labial reduction prep guides. Attendees in this hands-on workshop learn to prepare an eight unit difficult space management case.
to confidently manage and prepare a difficult space management case
to master the concepts of reduction preparation guides and know how and when to use the guides and integrate them with basic preparation design principals
to understand how mastering these techniques and marketing the cosmetic results can thrust your practice to the top
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Digital Solutions for Implant Prosthetics Aesthetics and CAD/CAM Techniques Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Dean C. Vafiadis
Course #: 3640 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Dean C. Vafiadis
CAD/CAM technology has the advantage of reducing clinical chair-time and reducing laboratory costs. The accuracy of these techniques has improved to the point where they are now comparable to conventional techniques. This program reviews the current technology, which allows the fabrication of anterior and posterior crowns utilizing various digital intra-oral systems. In addition, these techniques can also be used to fabricate implant restorations. Digital acquisition impressions of implant and ceramic restorations are demonstrated. Utilizing a variety of intra-oral scanners, we can plan our guided surgeries, use digital wax-ups and finalize restorations using 100% digital work flow. In addition, working with CBCT scans we can analyze Occlusal Vertical Dimension (OVD) for our patients and transfer that information through to final Full Mouth Rehabilitation (FMR).
about anterior and posterior implant crowns
CAD/CAM generated and designed implant abutments
CAD/CAM anterior provisional for ideal emergence
to utilize CAD/CAM crowns for restoring OVD in FMR case
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10:05am - 10:45am
Utilizing ClinCheck Software to Create Predictable Outcomes
Ben Miraglia
Course #: 3755 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 10:05am - 10:45am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia
Room: 1E11 Topic: Orthodontics Tuition: Free Credits: X
10:05am - 10:45am
Digital Photography as a Diagnostic Tool
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 3760 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 10:05am - 10:45am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
Room: 1E12 Topic: Orthodontics Tuition: Free Credits: X
10:50am - 11:30am
Getting Patients to "Close the Deal" - Talking Dollars and "Sense"
Rachel Smith
Course #: 3765 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 10:50am - 11:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rachel Smith
Room: 1E11 Topic: Orthodontics Tuition: Free Credits: X
10:50am - 11:30am
Navigating Seamlessly Through Restorative and Invisalign Treatment
Room: 1E12 Topic: Orthodontics Tuition: Free Credits: X
12:30pm - 5:00pm
Annual Medicaid and Government Benefit Programs Forum and Discussion Panel Download Handout
Margaret Surowka Rossi Esq., Sidney Whitman, Charles Czerepak, Allen L. Finkelstein, Dionne Richardson, George Gostling,
Course #: 3430 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 12:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Margaret Surowka Rossi Esq., Sidney Whitman, Charles Czerepak, Allen L. Finkelstein, Dionne Richardson, George Gostling,
Despite misconceptions and fears associated with being a Medicaid provider, treating this population can be rewarding. Members of the ADA’s Medicaid Provider Advisory Committee share insights, opportunities and challenges regarding program integrity, compliance, fraud, advocacy and how better to safeguard your practice while providing care to this growing population. Special emphasis is given to the importance of proper documentation of medical necessity.
efficient and productive practice protocols to enhance practice viability
to avoid fraud and abuse allegations
the value of program integrity within your practice
Recesiones Gingivales Abordaje Interdisciplinario: Periodoncia, Ortodoncia, Prostodoncia Desde 1980 las recesiones gingivales son tratables exitosamente, sin embargo, aún existe más por investigar sobre su etiología, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Las especialidades de ortodoncia y prostodoncia pueden interactuar como factores etiológicos desencadenantes y/o predisponentes, y también juegan un rol importante en el tratamiento quirúrgico de las mismas. En casos clínicos donde no se logra un recubrimiento radicular del 100% se deben evaluar más profundamente las causas. Una técnica quirúrgica mal aplicada o un diagnóstico inadecuado pueden afectar el resultado de nuestra cirugía plástica periodontal, y éste dependerá de un correcto diagnóstico que incluya la identificación y corrección de los factores.
Esteban Alvarado, D.D.S.
Planeación Quirúrgica Virtual en Cirugía Ortognática El programa consiste en Presentar el protocolo utilizado para poder realizar planeación Quirúrgica Virtual en Pacientes de Cirugía Ortognatica. En la era digital somos capaces de planear en el computador los movimientos de los maxilares que se van a realizar en el quirófano, y partir de esta planeación obtener archivos que nos sirven de guías para determinar la posición de los maxilares intraquirurgicamente. Se aprenderá desde análisis Facial y orientación del paciente hasta la confección de Splints virtuales los cuales son impresos mediante tecnología de impresión 3D. Comprender el proceso de planificación en Cirugía Ortognatica. Comprender el CAD/CAM aplicado a Cirugía Ortognatica.
Delfín Barquero, D.D.S.
Bioactividad: Cambiando Paradigmas en Adhesión Analizaremos la evolución de la tecnología adhesiva como el enlace débil entre el diente y las restauraciones. Entraremos en el mundo de la bioactividad como nuevo medio de adhesión. Aprender a comprender las limitaciones de la tecnología adhesive, comprender cómo la bioactividad puede lograr adhesión a largo plazo y analizar la evolución de la tecnología adhesive.
Javier Quiros, D.D.S.
Fantasía en Resina Compuesta! Gracias a las técnicas de adhesión que tenemos hoy en día, la Odontología Restaurativa a dado un salto al poder reparar y reponer dientes de una manera conservadora, estética y funcional. En ésta conferencia demostraremos como las resinas compuestas son un material ideal para hacer Carillas Estéticas, inlays y onlays, y restauraciones directas y semidirectas de toda índole. Compararemos a la resina compuesta con su archirrival laporcelana, y demostraremos como la resina compuesta rivaliza y en muchos casos supera a dicho material. También estudiaremos la técnica directa indirecta para hacer Carillas Estéticas y rehabilitaciones orales completas.
Mariela Padilla, D.D.S., M.Ed.
Dolor Dental Persistente El profesional en Odontología realiza tratamientos predecibles, con altos estándares funcionales y estéticos, de acuerdo con las necesidades orales de las personas, asegurando la mínima intervención y malestar para el paciente. En ocasiones, las personas sufren de dolor secundario a distintos factores etiológicos, que al ser identificados en forma apropiada pueden manejarse efectivamente. Hay casos en los cuales, en ausencia de patología dental, el paciente expresa dolor que proviene de los tejidos orales. El reto en este escenario es diagnóstico. Esta charla discute posibles causas de dolor oral persistente en ausencia de patología dental, revisando protocolos diagnósticos y de manejo terapéutico.
12:45pm - 2:15pm
From What's Now to What's Next in Root Canal Therapy: A
Free - No Ticket Required
Live Dentistry
Live Dentistry
Brett E. Gilbert
Course #: 3100 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 12:45pm - 2:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Brett E. Gilbert
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 2
This “Live” demonstration is designed to present a full root canal treatment. The aim is to teach the most up to date information and philosophies using the latest techniques and armamentarium in endodontics. This demonstration provides a real life clinical perspective on how to approach both patient treatment and new emerging technologies. The goal is to teach why the newer treatment technologies are safer and more efficient then conventional techniques. A brief presentation of the diagnostic workup and diagnosis are discussed, then a full treatment will follow with a focus on safe access and canal location. Canal instrumentation is initiated with newly developed glide path rotary instruments. Root canal preparation will be completed with Niti files using adaptive motion technology. This technology incorporates the efficiency of full rotation of the files accompanied by the safety of reciprocation. Root canal system irrigation will be completed with the apical negative pressure technique using the latest in irrigation technology with the Endovac Pure device. Three dimensional obuturation of each root canal will be accomplished using the warm vertical condensation technique.
techniques to help safely access the pulp chamber and to locate the canals using ultrasonic instruments
the advantages in safety and efficiency of using a new niti glide path file to establish the path of the canals while conserving dentin structure
to safely prepare the canals using the adaptive motion technology of the TF Adaptive file system to allow for appropriate apical enlargement of the canals while maintaining dentin conservation principles
to become familiar with the apical negative pressure irrigation technique using the Endovac Pure technology
the warm vertical condensation technique to obturate the canals effectively from coronal to apex
Every practice strives to provide dental care for patients in an effective manner with the highest quality outcome. In order to achieve that, risk and risk management associated with all treatment must be addressed concurrently using the latest principles and techniques available. When the proper protocols and policies are employed, patients can be treated safely and efficiently in a controlled risk-lowered environment. This program provides the latest claim information statistics to help mitigate risk and present cases and experiences of your colleagues who have experienced risk exposure.
management of patient communications by choosing words wisely, listening intently, earning trust and respect and creating the happy and loyal patient
to understand the basic principles of accepted chart and record documentation and the responsibilities of protecting patient health information
effective patient management regarding non-clinical issues and adverse events
the fundamentals of legal concepts, including general informed consent, vicarious liability and negligence
Dentists who complete this course are eligible for a risk management credit on their liability premiums with Professional Protector Plan (PPP). You are encouraged to check with your carrier concerning the availability of any discount. If you have not completed an approved Risk Management program within the past three years, it is necessary for you to take this course in order to continue to receive your discount. At the end of this course you will receive your certificate of completion for your records and to submit to your malpractice carrier.
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Current Dental Topics
June Harewood
Course #: 3680 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
June Harewood
Room: 2D02 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $45.00 Credits: 3
Align Technology is pleased to again offer INVISALIGN ACADEMY, a half-day, intensive, educational workshop for dentists and their team members. The program begins with an exciting keynote address, The Golden Age Of Dentistry, by noted Invisalign provider, Dr. David Galler.
Digital changes in dental procedures, as well as, the advent of clear aligner technology have transformed our profession into a golden age. Dentists are now using the art of dental imaging to create world class treatment plans and cosmetic smiles every day. The combination of increased social media and the prevalence of selfies and photos make this the ideal time to be a cosmetic dentist with digital scanning and Invisalign training. The keynote speaker program is followed by your choice of three 40-minute interactive breakout sessions from Invisalign experts designed to provide each attendee with an in depth curriculum, individual attention and an opportunity to learn from others.
Join us after the breakouts for lunch, or a reception, when breakout session attendees can report on what they learned. For maximum scheduling efficiency, choose either the morning program or the afternoon program.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
How to Manage Complications in Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR)
Prosthetically driven implant positioning requires a sufficient volume of bone in the desired position. In severely atrophic cases, vertical guided bone regeneration may achieve extraordinary results, however, the clinical operative protocol must be strictly followed. Complication rates may increase when the latter is disregarded. Complications may range from mild to severe and cause disruptive results. A thorough comprehension of the anatomical site, the biology behind GBR coupled with a thoughtful clinical surgical approach will decrease the complication rate significantly. A classification and description of the management of complications are described with an assortment of clinical cases.
an understanding of the operative site, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan to achieve successful vertical guided bone regeneration
the different classifications of complications through clinical cases
the rationale behind managing and resolving complications for GBR
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
5-In-1 Full Mouth Implant Reconstruction Technique: A Hands-On Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Leon Chen
Course #: 3040 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Leon Chen
The 5-in-1 technique includes extraction, hydraulic sinus condensing (HSC), bone graft, implant, and a provisional cross arch, stabilization immediate load. This straightforward, 5-in-1 full arch technique, from the initial implant location, including angulation and positions, is demonstrated in this hands-on workshop. Attendees have the opportunity to place 1-Drill Implant systems into sawdust mandibles, as well as, interact with related prosthetic parts and components. This is the first of its kind and the first time it is introduced to the general public.
to use the 5-in-1 full arch technique
to couple the technique with angulations and positions
to place implants efficiently and accurately
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Unique Efficiencies in Class II and Class III Correction
Luis Carrière
Course #: 3060 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis Carrière
Learn how correcting Class II and Class III malocclusions, and then transitioning to a Passive Self-Ligating system, provides treatment efficiencies over traditional mechanics. This new unique and innovative treatment approach addresses the total facial harmony of the patient. This program reviews soft tissue analysis and how to ensure long term treatment results which benefits patients as they age.
Learn to:
achieve Class II and Class III correction in an average of three to four months (shorter treatment times)
understand how to use harmonious forces resulting in minimal extractions
achieve occlusal and soft tissue results, which ensures long-term stability and optimal aesthetics
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Utilizing Today's Dental Lasers in Managing Periodontal/Soft Tissue Conditions in the Dental Practice
Samuel B. Low
Course #: 3140 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel B. Low
Give your practice a boost by harnessing laser technology that effectively manages periodontal soft tissue patient conditions. Learn how to choose the right laser and apply simple techniques that result in precision, controlled bleeding, accelerated healing, reduced post-operative issues, a shorter procedure time and a more relaxed experience for the patient. Procedures performed include non-surgical periodontics, frenectomy, gingivectomy, restorative troughing, biopsy, and fibroma removal. Implant uncovering and TMD bio-stimulation are presented including coding and patient acceptance. In this workshop, experience direct hands-on activities using a variety of laser models to practice on a hog jaw. Instructors knowledgeable in all phases of laser dentistry are present providing insight into each procedure in a step-by-step fashion to instill confidence when you return to your practice.
indications for using laser in crown lengthening and pre-orthodontic procedures including esthetics
techniques for incorporating lasers into a dental practice considering patient acceptance and third party coding
to differentiate laser technologies for periodontal indications (surgical and non-surgical)
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Infant Oral Care Model and Minimally Invasive Pediatric Dentistry Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
Course #: 3160 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
Learn to document and how to appropriately use anticipatory guidance for dental health services for young children. This program reviews the use of self-management goals for parents and caregivers. Periodicity scale related to risk assessment, clinical status, salivary markers and behavioral home strategies and interventions on the prevention of Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is explained. Learn the different care-paths or minimally invasive techniques for a disease prevention management model.
a combination therapy approach of remineralization for white spot lesions in infants to 5 year old age group
protocols on the standard of care for infants and toddlers in the USA and globally
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Baby Teeth Can Be Saved: Restoring Primary Anterior Teeth
Pediatric Dentistry
David L. Rothman
Course #: 3180 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David L. Rothman
You heard that a necrotic and decayed primary anterior tooth may not need to be extracted and now you’re confused. Can it really be restored cosmetically so Junior doesn’t look like Jaws? This workshop reviews treatment options for pulp treatment and cosmetic repair of primary anterior teeth. Learn to treatment plan and use acrylic bonded to metal crowns, composite crowns and premade porcelain crowns.
indirect pulp capping and access and pulp removal on primary anteriors
to use pulp medications, glass ionomer cements, bonding agents and composites that work on primary anteriors
to restore primary anterior teeth with composite restorations and esthetic crowns
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Airway Concerns for Kids
Sleep Apnea
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 3195 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steve Carstensen
Dentists understand that they can make oral devices to help adults with sleep breathing disorders. Is there a way to help children not grow up to need these in the first place? By recognizing developing airway issues from birth, dentists have many opportunities to help people live on a better health trajectory; one where breathing at night is never a problem. Helping families ensure that young ones breathe better creates happy children and families, lowers health care needs and even makes it easier to have a straight and beautiful smile.
Learn to:
identify children with airway problems
discuss the importance of early intervention with families
apply early intervention strategies to set the child on a path to health
How do you provide comprehensive dentistry in today’s dental climate? How do you help a patient get past their chief complaint? This program helps you connect the technical and behavioral concepts of the comprehensive exam. Discover the key concepts of the comprehensive conversation and different ways this conversation can take place. Using case reports, attendees learn from Pankey Institute goals devoted to comfort, function, health, and esthetics. Each case reviewed starts with a “chief complaint” and the comprehensive exam provides the opportunity to see the patient as a person, and discover the best avenue for diagnosis and treatment. Each process was different and the trust gained was equal.
co-diagnosis: from phone call to patient interview
six vital photos for patient communication
from case presentation and treatment planning examples
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Help New Patients Find You through Social Media
Social Media
Jack Hadley
Course #: 3340 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jack Hadley
Room: 2D09 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
There are widely held misperceptions in dentistry about how social media marketing really works in helping dental practices grow. Come learn what effective social media marketing is, and isn’t, for a dental practice. Digital marketing is no longer about turning strangers into new patients. It’s about turning existing patients and fans into advocates for your practice. Successful social media marketing always starts inside the practice, not online. Learn how to easily become effective; starting today.
from examples and case studies you will use immediately to grow your own practice
to evaluate your online footprint and set goals for better managing your reputation through social media
to start creating the kinds of posts that raise top-of-mind awareness for your practice
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Digital Landscape: From Scanning to Fabricating and Navigating through Diverse Zirconia Options
Lab Technician Courses
Daniel Alter
Course #: 3360 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel Alter
Digital Technology has evolved in restorative dentistry through a paradigm shift and is greatly enhancing the way we treat patients, the processes and fabrication protocols, as well as in zirconia options, resulting in the best restorative outcomes. With new zirconia options ranging from the high opacity/high strength zirconia for substructures, to the ultra-translucent full contour restorations and the multi-layered shaded zirconia; what and why would a clinician and/or laboratory consider when selecting the appropriate zirconia to achieve the ultimate esthetic outcome for the patients? The program further discusses digital implant supported restorations (cement retained vs screw-retained) with an understanding regarding the options and indications to achieve viable and long term restorative results.
the workflow of digital technology in restorative dentistry
the benefits of digital dentistry from scanning to production
the selection process when choosing Zirconia restorations
the implant digital workflow
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Sugar, You’re (Not So) Sweet: An Overview of Diabetes Mellitus Dental Considerations and Patient Care Planning
Thomas Viola
Course #: 3380 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Thomas Viola
It’s estimated that 29.1 million Americans, 9.3% of the population, have diabetes. Of the 29.1 million, 21.0 million are diagnosed, and 8.1 million remain undiagnosed. Diabetes remains the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. This program provides attendees with an overview of diabetes mellitus, the arsenal of medications used in its management and the impact of both the disease and its treatment on dental therapy. Specific emphasis is placed on the recommended dental treatment modifications and patient management techniques necessary for dental patients living with diabetes.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Art of Endodontics: Using System-Based Treatment Approaches to Preserve Structural Integrity
L. Steven Buchanan
Course #: 3390 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
L. Steven Buchanan
This seminar includes an understanding of Minimally-Invasive Endo-dontics (MIE) as it applies to access cavity design and execution, rotary negotiation procedures, shaping objectives and the file geometries that can satisfy that requirement. The history, the physics, and the current state of the endodontic cleaning arts with special emphasis on MIE principals, activation strategies, the gear and the times needed for each method, including two-visit RCT with calcium hydroxide between visits are discussed. The advantages of centered condensation techniques, as well as, exactly how to successfully fill root canal systems with carrier-based obturation and the Continuous Wave of Obturation Technique are reviewed.
how to choose and use the most effective tools to cut tooth structure with MIE principals to minimize loss of structural integrity of the teeth during RCT procedures
how small canal spaces present cleaning challenges and how attendees can overcome those hydrodynamic and chemical limitations
how to fill complex root canals in a fraction of the time spent before taking this course
This program helps you to identify signs and symptoms of commonly abused street drugs and how they may impact you, your family and your dental practice. Have you heard of synthetic marijuana, Flakka, gravel, shatter, or dabbing? What about e-cigarettes, can they be addictive? Attend this seminar and expand your knowledge to better prepare you for your children and your patients.
what medications to avoid with chemically dependent patients who are in recovery
to recognize and manage the “doctor shopper”
to recognize the street terms parachuting, purple drank, wippits and more
2:00pm - 5:00pm
When is the Time to Purchase a Dental Practice? Download Handout
Practice Management
Joseph McManus
Course #: 3410 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph McManus
Room: 1D03/04 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $45.00 Credits: 3
Your training is complete, now what do you do? This question has been faced by every generation of dental graduates. Today’s young dentists have the option of becoming an associate, establishing a practice, working for corporate dentistry, entering military service, academic or purchasing an existing dental practice. This program discusses the option of purchasing a practice. This choice is not for everyone but every dentist should give this option careful consideration. This program separates the facts from fiction, myths, and erroneous held beliefs about buying a practice. It may even change your mind about purchasing a practice.
what a bank looks for in the financial and personal life of a young borrower
the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a practice
the three most common methods used to establish the value (purchase price) of a practice
A free reception will follow this program at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, 6:00-7:00pm. Registration badge is required for admittance.
This interactive program excites all attendees while learning three effective steps to maximize a successful practice. The foundation is built on patient care. The next step is the organizational structure. Then the third step is reached: profitability. Understanding how each of these three steps to success is created in your office provides a lasting formula and framework that you can apply immediately next week and for years to come.
the three steps to success with the POP formula
to understand key elements to build patient trust and with it new patient referrals and treatment acceptance
the organizational structure that is critical to bridge patient care to practice profitability
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Integrate Digital Technology in Aesthetic Dentistry
Esthetic Dentistry
G. Franklin Shull, Jr.
Course #: 3440 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
G. Franklin Shull, Jr.
Today’s patient has very high expectations of the dental team. They expect highly esthetic and functional outcomes, regardless of their current dental condition. Planning complex cases is a multidisciplinary process where each specialist provides their contribution to the patient’s overall outcome. This process has been well documented and followed for many years. While the patients’ needs have not changed, the tools that we have to work with to fulfill those needs have changed drastically. This program discusses how the Dentist and lab technician team can use these new tools and how they can improve a patient’s experience and clinical outcome.
new technology and techniques for simple and complex aesthetics
the integration of photographs for facial esthetic analysis into digital design software, thus creating a “virtual patient”
the future of the Dentist and lab technician team
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Standard Prosthesis Designs vs. Prospective Engineered Prosthesis Designs Download Handout
Removable Prosthodontics
Joseph Massad
Course #: 3450 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph Massad
This program describes the differences between conventional dentures and over-denture therapy compared to the currently accepted prosthesis. One element is utilizing the neutral zone and cameograms that provide a refreshing method of fabricating implant retained dentures. The difference is in the shape of the prosthesis combined with the positioning of the posterior teeth. Discussions include impressioning, jaw recording, esthetic design and neutral zoning for dentures, overdentures and insertion of full and immediate prosthesis.
Learn to:
build a physiological prosthesis vs an anatomically designed prosthesis
understand and perform cameograms on both dentate and edentulous patients
record a center bearing device with a simple adjustable Gothic Arch Tracing device for most dental scenarios
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Chinese Program - 臨床口腔治療的技巧點滴
Chinese Program
Eric Huang
Course #: 3470 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Eric Huang
Room: 2D03 Topic: Chinese Program Tuition: $40.00 Credits: 3
While the oral-systemic relationship has its roots in ancient cultures, and was brought into the modern age by clinicians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the current emphasis on the effects of oral health on overall health is only around 30 years old. While the basic concept, what happens in the mouth can affect the rest of the body, has not fundamentally changed over this span of time, the underlying science behind what is happening has matured. This program provides a brief synopsis of the history of the relationship between oral health and overall wellness, followed by a more detailed review of where the state of the science sits today and provides a glimpse as to where the science is taking us.
the history of how oral health effects overall health has developed from the ancient Egyptians to our understanding of this relationship today
what the current research is telling us about the relationship of oral health to CVD, diabetes and other well established relationships
what new relationships are being investigated today, and how we can use what we know already to help reduce the impact of poor oral health on these new relationships
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Endodontic Skills: A Hands-on Workshop
John West
Course #: 3580 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John West
After attending this highly popular workshop, attendees are able to find all endodontic canals, learn the secrets of preparing a glidepath for safe mechanical shaping and prepare any canal for predictable 3D obturation. Attendees also learn to understand and practice the secrets of master precision shaping. These workshop skills improve endodontic consistency increasing the patient’s comfort for a newfound sense of confidence.
Learn to:
find all canals
follow all canals
finish all canals
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
50 Things You Didn’t Know Dentrix Could Do
Miranda Reed
Course #: 3590 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Miranda Reed
Learn 50 things you didn’t know Dentrix could do that simplify scheduling, treatment planning, billing, insurance claims and more. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn from a Dentrix expert who share tips and tricks to streamline the work you know is taking too long and also helps you better manage your Dentrix processes. Learn tips like: automatically creating secondary claims when the primary claim is received; sending a copy of billing statements to the document center; printing patient care instructions with walkout statements; customizing continuing care intervals for individual patients; and, refreshing Dentrix reports for real-time information.
Although implant dentistry is considered one of the most predictable treatments we offer, guaranteeing optimal anterior implant esthetics is tricky and often feels challenging to create predictably. This hands-on workshop focuses on advanced implant prosthetic techniques to overcome the greatest risk factor, poor gingival esthetics. The clinician discusses the role of emergence profile, tissue support and tissue maturation in predictable outcomes. Also discussed is how to transfer this information precisely to the lab. Attendees learn to fabricate a custom implant screw retained provisional and duplicate it to create a custom impression coping for perfect soft tissue esthetics.
emergence profile and tissue management
fixed provisionalization as a critical step
fabricating custom implant provisionals and impression copings
Gingival recession is a common periodontal finding that compromises both the esthetics and prognosis of a tooth. There are multiple soft tissue grafting procedures available that reduce recession and thickens the gingiva. This hands-on workshop reviews root coverage procedures including the use of dermis allograft. The procedures are demonstrated in a step-by-step fashion using clinical cases and then practiced on pig jaws during the hands-on portion. By the end of the workshop, participants can accurately diagnose and classify recession defects and understand the different root coverage procedures.
Learn to:
understand the different soft tissue grafting procedures for root coverage
understand the indications and use of dermis allograft
plan and execute a soft tissue graft
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Conservative and Predictable Posterior Ceramics
Restorative Dentistry
Parag R. Kachalia
Course #: 3630 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Parag R. Kachalia
The world of posterior metal-ceramic dentistry has had a good track record. However, new ceramic materials in the marketplace may ultimately serve as a predictable alternative for these restorations. This hands-on workshop looks at specific materials, proper preparation design, and a decision tree as to when all ceramic material should be considered in the posterior dentition. This program also focuses on preparation design for full coverage zirconia restorations and partial coverage glass ceramic restorations, as well as the proper cementation techniques surrounding these materials. Attendees practice preparing models for these types of restorations and utilize various cementation protocols.
the advances in ceramic dentistry over the last five years
preparation design as it relates to new ceramics in the marketplace
proper cementation technique specific to each ceramic system
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Bone Regeneration with Titanium Mesh: Rules to Turn Failures Into Success
Implantology treatments have evolved over the years concerning the rehabilitations of edentulism. Often the inappropriate bone volume is accepted as a compromise that could affect the long-term outcome and quality of treatments or limit the available prosthetic options. Ideal treatment planning should be performed to restore the bone conditions for optimal implant placement. Different strategies applied to recover missing bone volumes, are described utilizing the Ti-Mesh bone regeneration approach. Included are step-by-step techniques, limitations and complications managing the clinical experience. The program includes an analysis of mistakes in failure cases and highlights successful steps in ideal result cases utilizing long term follow-up information.
Ti-Mesh indications, surgical technique, rationale and background
tips and tricks for successful procedures
managing Ti-Mesh complications
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Periodontics, Prosthodontics and Oral Surgery Essays
Vera W.L. Tang, James R. King, Alper Çomut,
Course #: 3700 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Vera W.L. Tang, James R. King, Alper Çomut,
Perioplastics – When Gingival recession is a common finding in many patients. Some patients do not even notice the condition while others have esthetic concerns or complaints of sensitivity. This program highlights the etiology of gingival recession, the treatment options available to treat sensitivity and the surgical treatment options available to restore esthetics in patients.
James R. King, D.D.S.
Teeth, Titanium and Trouble This program presents current oral surgery concepts involving third molars, dental implants and ethical situations that Dentists face. It reviews basic concepts and presents how modern technology can enhance diagnosis and treatment. Review the indications for removal of third molars, complications and current technology for imaging. The discussions also include dental implants, diagnosis, treatment planning and modern technology and ethical issues that can arise.
Alper Çomut, D.M.D., D.M.Sc.
Neutral Zone Technique for Stable Mandibular Dentures Severe alveolar ridge resorption is a major problem when fabricating complete dentures. This becomes a bigger concern in the mandibular arch because the surface area is less than the maxilla, and muscles of the tongue, cheeks and lips can dislodge them. To aid in the stability of the mandibular complete denture, the neutral zone technique can be utilized. This program describes a step-by-step technique of how to capture the neutral zone by patient’s functional movements and then transfer to the laboratory to guide artificial tooth set up.
2:20pm - 3:00pm
Utilizing ClinCheck Software to Create Predictable Outcomes
Ben Miraglia
Course #: 3785 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:20pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia
Room: 1E11 Topic: Orthodontics Tuition: Free Credits: X
2:20pm - 3:00pm
Digital Photography as a Diagnostic Tool
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 3790 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 2:20pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
Room: 1E12 Topic: Orthodontics Tuition: Free Credits: X
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 3
This “Live” patient demonstration takes a unique look at tooth whitening techniques and discusses strategies to build your practice with the help of a whitening program. The “Live” program relies on evidence and simple techniques that should be included in any cosmetic-based dental practice. The program also reviews all whitening options available and the pros and cons of different systems. The clinician treats a patient right on the exhibit floor utilizing light-activated and alternative whitening options, which include dialogue on tissue isolation, sensitivity and safety.
the science and claims of the latest light-activated whitening technology; identify ways to prevent tooth sensitivity
how to better integrate whitening into your practice
the best whitening options for different situations and patients.
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3:05pm - 3:45pm
Getting Patients to
Ben Miraglia, Lauren Gueits,
Course #: 3795 Date: 11/26/2017 Time: 3:05pm - 3:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia, Lauren Gueits,
Room: 1E11 Topic: Orthodontics Tuition: Free Credits: X
3:05pm - 3:45pm
Navigating Seamlessly Through Restorative and Invisalign Treatment
Office Managers and Treatment Coordinators are highly influential in the decision of orthodontic treatment. A confident recommendation, coupled with a systematic approach in developing patient trust is critical to getting the patient to say “yes” to Invisalign therapy. Preparing for successful consultations, creating value for the patient, and utilizing internal marketing strategies are some of the hot topics that are discussed at this program, along with role play scenarios. The clinician shares the tips and tricks that have helped practitioners “close the deal.”
Learn to:
develop skills to increase patient acceptance
demonstrate the most advantageous methods to present financial options
understand how to leverage and implement digital technology
implement Monday morning action items
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9:00am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 4090 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This all day demonstration on “Live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:00am - 11:00am
The Digital Dental Practice: A Peek Into Comprehensive Dentistry and The Technology That Drives It
Jeff Chustckie
Course #: 4120 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 11:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jeff Chustckie
Have you ever felt like you missed jumping on the wave of innovation and that same wave ends up drowning you under water? Now is the time to grab the opportunity and separate yourself from your competition and ride on the top of the wave. Join the clinician as he shares his story of how transitioning into a digital ecosystem has transformed his practice into an ideal environment for patients and practice growth. During the program, attendees learn how digital scanning weaves seamlessly into the world of comprehensive dentistry and orthodontics. The clinician also shares the latest digital innovations in clear aligner therapy and techniques utilized to create amazing finished cases.
treatment planning strategies utilizing the ClinCheck® Treatment Planning Software
how to utilize features within the iTero Element® Intraoral scanning system
restorative techniques to create the ideal smile
how a digital dental practice can help increase patient awareness and acceptance
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Modern Pedodontic Treatment Planning and Caries Management Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Rebecca L. Slayton
Course #: 4210 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rebecca L. Slayton
Management of dental caries depends on accurate risk assessment and diagnosis. Treatment planning varies by age and is also influenced by the child’s behavior and ability to tolerate treatment. Use of a caries classification system can help inform decisions. Documentation of diagnosis and treatment is essential for ethical and legal purposes.
the key elements involved in caries risk assessment in children
how to use the ADA caries classification system to diagnosis and plan treatment
to apply risk assessment results to inform management decisions
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9:00am - 5:00pm
Do You Want to Begin Managing Patients with Snoring and Obstructive? Find out how to get started? Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Leila Chahine
Course #: 4240 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Leila Chahine
You can play an important role in identifying and treating patients with Sleep Disordered Breathing. This informative presentation will provide you with a clear understanding of all aspects of snoring and OSA and with an effective approach to identifying, evaluating and coordinating treatment for your patients. This combined lecture and hands-on program will give you the practical clinical information you need to incorporate dental sleep medicine into your practice. Participating in this program will revive your career in Dental Sleep Medicine.
the basics of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
screening, evaluation and diagnostic testing
live patient interview and comprehensive examination
protocol and guidelines of OAT; when do we treat?
how to take an accurate George Gauge bite registration for fabricating an oral appliance for OSA
Architecture, état de surface implantaire et cicatrisation osseuse
facteurs de succes
surfaces implantaire
forme des vis
chambre osseuse
forme des abutmentS
Les prothèses de recouvrement sur dent et sur Implant
La lecture explique les principes de compréhension des différentes classes d’overdenture sur dents. Les attachements et leur choix pour les dents puis pour les implants lesquels restent à utiliser en ce cas. Une classification des prothèses sur implants en fonction des différents critères est propose. Cliniquement pour chaque classe des cas clinique sont proposés et discutés.
L’après-midi (Afternoon Session)
La première lecture de l’après-midi explique et montre comment réussir l’implantation post extraction unitaire ou totale. Différentes solutions prothétiques sont montrées et une technique de pilier passif est expliquée pas à pas.
Extraction et Implantation et mise en charge immédiate unitaire ou totale
principes et discussion
l’implant post extractionnel unitaire, condition, clef du succès, cas clinique, mise en fonction, les différents choix
extraction, implantation immédiate totale maxillaire et mandibulaire principes
Les petits implants Une solution originale sans pour autant remplacer les implants de grand diamètre est proposée. Cette technique simple est à la portée de tout praticien, et est discutée avec ses avantages et ses inconvénients. De nombreux cas cliniques sont montrés.
généralités, principes, limites
les différents petits implants
cas cliniques
9:00am - 5:00pm
Обзор Современной Стоматологии, Новые технологии Download Handout
Russian Program
Rada Sumareva, Zev Kaufman, Stillman Kaufman, Rosenblum Dimitry, Karpov Maria, Maria A.,
Course #: 4270 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Rada Sumareva, Zev Kaufman, Stillman Kaufman, Rosenblum Dimitry, Karpov Maria, Maria A.,
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: Russian Program Tuition: $60.00 Credits: 6
Основополагающие принципы разработки плана лечения. Комплексные методы диагностики и лечения пациентов со сложной стоматологической патологией. Окклюзия. Алгоритм комплексной реабилитации жевательного аппарата.
овательность сбора необходимой информации.
Использование современных технологий в области пародонтологии, эндодонтии, ортодонтии, простодонтии и имплантологии. Эндодонтическое лечение при травме. Лечение трещин. Стабилизация ВНЧС и окклюзии у взрослых пациентов. Сегментарная кортикотомия. Детская госпитальная стоматология. Лечение детей с патологией развития и различными системными заболеваниями
Эта программа проводится при финансовой поддержке образовательного гранта от Русско-Американской стоматологической ассоциации.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Come In and Catch it: 25 Common Soft Tissue Lesions Download Handout
Oral Pathology
John A. Svirsky
Course #: 4280 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John A. Svirsky
This is the perfect review course that covers the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of the 25 soft tissue lesions that every dentist and hygienist should know and treat appropriately. A number of the entities only require recognition. The classic lesions that have been forgotten since school are brought back to life and your diagnostic confidence is re-energized. Learn and laugh in this entertaining program.
Learn to:
demonstrate a logical approach to the diagnosis of oral lesions
recognize and diagnose the more common soft tissue lesions/diseases found in a dental practice
integrate therapeutic regimens used to treat selected oral diseases such as aphthous ulcerations, herpes, candidiasis, angular cheilitis and lichen planus
9:00am - 12:00pm
Adhesive and Restorative Dentistry: Keys to Success Download Handout
Harald O. Heymann
Course #: 4290 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Harald O. Heymann
Confused by all the different dental adhesives? Are “universal” self-etching primers the answer? What are the keys to success with posterior composites? How do you prevent recurrent decay and sensitivity? What about: bulk-fill composites, new light curing concepts, MMPs, matrixing systems, sonic and thermoplastic insertion techniques, and bonding to zirconia and eMax? This program provides information on what works and what doesn’t in adhesive and conservative restorative dentistry along with how to prevent problems with posterior composites. Get the facts based on research, not just opinion and hype.
to distinguish among the many types of adhesive systems and describe what works and what doesn’t
the best way to use contemporary restoratives including bulk-fill composites, RMGICs, sonic and thermoplastic posterior composites
to prevent recurrent decay and sensitivity with posterior composites
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Periodontal Regeneration to Maximize the Aesthetic Clinical Outcome
The aesthetic demands of the patient have become the biggest challenge in periodontology as well as in implant dentistry. Besides functional results, it is now important to achieve aesthetic success, particularly in the anterior region where the expectations of the patients are even higher. Recently, new biological concepts: biomaterials; new surgical techniques; minimally invasive approach; growth factors; different papilla preservation techniques; and, soft tissue wall approach makes it possible to answer the patient’s demands. This also changes the prognosis of compromised teeth adding predictable long term results. Each technique, as well as, the decision making process, is analyzed during this unique program.
Learn to:
optimize the benefit of periodontal regenerative surgery
How you communicate your thoughts and ideas is the foundation of your professional success. Do you ever feel tongue tied or flustered? Learn techniques and tips for managing the most challenging situations. When your dental team members have the skills to communicate and connect with the patients he or she serves, it means better care, happier patients and higher income. This program helps your dental team learn how to communicate well and improve case acceptance by using the right words. Now your staff can confidently discuss fees and procedures with your patients to enhance your practice.
how to say the right thing in a difficult situation
to keep your emotions from running the show
how to mend relationships with a colleague, co-worker or patient
Learn how to simplify your single tooth composite bonding cases all the way up to complete smile makeovers. Bonding can be very challenging and extremely time consuming. To be consistently good at color matching, shape, texture and polish requires some fundamental concepts and tools utilized on a regular basis. This program goes through a systematic approach of how to restore anterior teeth using modern composite materials, photography, stents, wax-ups and ancillary devices, and changes your perception of bonding while dramatically improving your skills.
to recreate tooth morphology techniques
about contouring and polishing
visualization, photography and color mapping
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9:00am - 12:00pm
A Recipe for Success with Direct Composites
Douglas L. Lambert
Course #: 4330 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Douglas L. Lambert
In today’s competitive market, many patients are seeking to achieve an esthetically-pleasing smile, yet they may have limited resources. The option of composite resins may offer the patient the most simple and cost-effective way to achieve an esthetic change in the mouth. Even though composites have reached widespread use within the dental community, their proper use is not always as simplistic as it might seem. This program offers conservative solutions based on clinical fundamentals, coupled with the integration of current technologies and materials, to yield simple, reproducible and efficient techniques for composite restorations.
how to use unique matrices to improve your efficiency
to gain knowledge on the use of bulk fill composites to make your chair-time more profitable
to create a pathway for success with placement, finishing and polishing techniques to make composites fun
수술 가이드, crestal 접근 부비동 리프트 키트 및 임플란트 제거 키트를 포함한 새로운 임플란트 및 수술기구가 제공됩니다. 새로운 임플란트 시스템을 시작했습니다, 루나. 신흥 임플란트 시스템은 우월성과 신뢰성에 대한 인정을 받았으며 현재 미국, 일본, 이탈리아, 덴마크, 튀니지, 태국, 대만,이란, 필리핀, 칠레, 슬로바키아 및 말레이시아를 포함한 전세계 국가에서 전 세계적으로 사용되고 있습니다.
루나 임플란트를 복구하기 위해 CEREC 사용 1985 년에 CEREC CAD/CAM 치과가 도입 된 이래 치과 의사는 한 번의 환자 방문으로 고품질의 금속이없는 치과 수복물을 설계하고 제작할 수 있습니다. 오늘날 치과 용 임플란트를 사용하면 한 번의 방문으로 abutment crown을 복구 할 수 있습니다. 이 프레젠테이션에서 황 박사는 CEREC로 임플란트 크라운을 복원하면 정확한 정확성과 심미성으로 비용과 시간을 절약 할 수있는 방법을 논의하게됩니다.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Coping With the Ongoing Changes in Dentistry for our Patients
Current Dental Topics
Gordon Christensen J.
Course #: 4360 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon Christensen J.
Room: 1E21 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $215.00 Credits: 3
The last decade has had more changes in dentistry than ever before. There are new concepts, materials, devices and technologies coming out constantly. How do you decide what is best for your patients, your budget, your own interests and the long-term success of your practice? The following and other topics are included: “all-on-four” implant supported restorations; cone beam radiology; frequently changing cements; scanning impressions; the various types of new crowns; new perio surgery techniques; multisonic endodontic procedures; in-office milling; sleep medicine; and botox, and dermal fillers.
to compare and discuss the currently present new concepts, materials, devices and technologies
which of these major changes are best for your practice
Insurance is an important part of your office’s revenue cycle but it does not need to overwhelm your daily routine. Manage your information and your claims to minimize delays and rejections. This program is perfect for the new or uncertain coder and reviews coding trends and dental diagnosis codes.
basic coding, including explanation of the most common procedures encountered in a dental office
tips to obtain reimbursement for your practice and your patients, including writing your narratives and sending attachments
from a brief discussion of coding trends about dental diagnosis codes
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Predictability in Restorative Care
Restorative Dentistry
Todd C. Davis
Course #: 4400 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Todd C. Davis
This program presents what is involved in delivering restorative care that not only looks beautiful but has the longevity that patients deserve. Learn to provide restorative care that lasts with predictability. Identify what it takes to become confident in delivering excellent restorative dentistry.
how to provide restorative care that lasts with predictability
what it takes to become confident in delivering excellent restorative care
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Get Found: Search Engine Optimization and Online Marketing
Social Media
Rachel E. Mele
Course #: 4420 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rachel E. Mele
Room: 2D09 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Your patients are living, working and playing online. When a prospective patient seeks the Internet looking for a dentist, do they find you or your competition? Today, it is not enough to just have a practice website. It is not enough to just be on Facebook. It is not enough to have a handful of online patient reviews. To be competitive, you need a comprehensive online marketing strategy that helps ensure prospective patients find your practice, stay in your chairs and have the ability to easily and confidently refer their family and friends.
how to craft an internet road map to ensure your success online
the five most effective components of a digital marketing strategy
to identify your current search engine optimization and social media results and how to make improvements that drive results
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9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 4550 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Sponsored by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
New York Academy Section of Dentistry and Oral Health
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Current Dental Topics
Shahid R. Aziz, Michael B. Turner,
Course #: 4560 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shahid R. Aziz, Michael B. Turner,
Room: 2D02 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $45.00 Credits: 3
Medicine Review for the Dental Professional
9:00am - 12:00pm
Management and Prevention of Gingival Recession Download Handout
George K. Merijohn
Course #: 4640 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
George K. Merijohn
Is gingival recession exposing your restorative margins and root surfaces in the esthetic zone? Are you seeing it with tooth movement? Discover how to avoid recession in the first place and once it’s treated how to keep it from coming back. Learn the 5 key susceptibility factors and explore using practical chairside tools that increase practice services with gingival recession management and prevention.
the key factors associated with increased susceptibility to gingival recession
to triage, evaluate, treatment plan and communicate with patients regarding gingival recession
when and how to monitor recession and when your patient is a candidate for surgical evaluation or referral
Advances in Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation in the Aesthetic Zone Using 3D Printing Technology Contemporary patient expectations have made esthetics a major requisite of all treatment plans, especially in situations where there is a high smile line. Although new restorative materials have highly improved predictability and esthetic outcomes, soft and hard tissue management play a fundamental role when working in esthetic areas. To achieve ideal esthetics, preservation of the natural soft and hard tissue architecture is a primary clinical objective.
Teofilo F. Serafin, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Stress Distribution Comparison between Implants and Teeth The stress distribution of load in implantology compared to a tooth is dependent on the mechanical values of its components. A tooth is considered to be a graded material, composed with natural stress breakers and able to reduce forces substantially before they impact the bone. On the other hand, an Implant is not a gradient material and the distribution of load is different compared to a tooth. Understanding the distribution of a load and how it is reduced before impacting the bone is emphasized; biomechanical values are compared. Effects of the difference of these values are discussed.
Kenneth L. Allen, D.D.S., M.B.A.
Competency Based Dental Education and Dental Practice This program discusses the implementation and outcomes of competency based dental education. Competency in dental practices today is also explored. Participants learn the principles of competency based education and learn how competency and competencies applies to dental education.
9:00am - 5:00pm
Dental International Filler Neurotoxin Education (DIFNE)
Spanish Programs
Andressa Ballarin, Jo Cerveira, Lydia Graciela Moreira, Priscilla Pereira, Vanda B.T.C. Domingos, Juan E. Bazan,
Course #: 4770 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Andressa Ballarin, Jo Cerveira, Lydia Graciela Moreira, Priscilla Pereira, Vanda B.T.C. Domingos, Juan E. Bazan,
Armonización Oro Facial La importancia del planeamiento en el Diseño de la Sonrisa, con la aplicación de toxina botulínica y rellenos oro faciales a los pacientes desde el punto de vista estético usando la proporción dorada en los labios. Actualmente en la odontología moderna se analiza más que nunca el paciente como un todo, por lo tanto vamos a demostrar técnicas que visan evaluar estrudas anexas que interactúan con el sistema estomatognatico sin olvidar la armonía estética y funcional. Desde la postura del paciente que puede llevar la desarmonía oclusal hasta la relación de los labios con los dientes. Como ejemplo la Técnica Ballarin 3d que proporciona una perfecta armonía escultural de los labios en conjunto inseparable con estructuras anexas sin abrir mano de la función y belleza.
Lydia Graciela Moreira
La Sonrisa y El Entorno Facial Procedimientos estéticos como el Botox y los rellenos faciales, son considerados hoy día parte indispensable de nuestra planificación de tratamiento Odontológico. Con ello se trata de recapturar la juventud y la belleza de manera poco invasiva y prácticamente con resultados inmediatos y muy naturales. A través de una serie de presentación de casos clínicos y videos, nos enfocaremos al uso exitoso de estas herramientas que nos permiten definir los nuevos límites de la Odontología.
Vanda B.T.C. Domingos, D.D.S.
ActualizacÍon en el diagnostico y tratamiento de las disfunciones de ATM con toxin botulin Atualización en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las disfunciones de ATM- Ortodoncia, Ortopedia y Toxina Botulínica” En esta conferencia se discutirán los modernos medios de diagnóstico, nuevas conductas en el examen clínico de los pacientes con disfuncione temporamandibular (TMD), con el comprometimiento muscular y articular. Dolor miofacial, Desplazamiento de disco articular. Aplicacion de las técnicas Ortodonticas y Ortopediicas, en el tratamiento de las disfunciones de sus ATMs, bruxismo, trastornos del sueño, utilizando placas interoclusales, dispositivos ortopédicos y ortodonticos, y el uso de la Toxina Botulínica como el apoyo en El Tratamiento de modulación de las Fuerzas de apartamiento y masticación.
Andressa Ballarin, D.D.S.
Escultura Labial con Ácido Hialurônico Consagrada internacionalmente como la técnica más completa y objetiva, la técnica Ballarin 3D tiene visa obtener los labios perfectos, naturales y armonioso con todas las estructuras adjuntas. La técnica se basa en el análisis de las características naturales de los labios, los detalles de posicionamiento, la estabilización y la angulación de la aguja en cada región para ser llenado, también describe las áreas en las que no deben aplicarse rellenos. La volumización se obtiene através del uso del ácido hialurónico, muy recomendable porque es un procedimiento previsible, seguro y reversible.
Juan E. Bazan, D.D.S.
DiseÑo de la sonrisa en la Armonizacion oro Facial La importancia del planeamiento en el Diseño de la Sonrisa, con la aplicación de toxina botulinica y rellenos orofaciales a los pacientes desde el punto de vista estético usando la proporción dorada en los labios.
Priscilla Pereira, D.D.S.
ArmonÍa estetica facial con toxina botulÍnica La importancia de la armonización facial está relacionado con una serie de procedimientos estéticos que tiene por objeto armonizar los dientes y funcionalmente con la boca y la cara. Ahora, con la herramienta de neuromodulación de los músculos faciales, con el uso de la toxina botulínica y el relleno con ácido hialurónico puede ofrecer la armonía facial. Conozca Toxina Botulínica, Ácido Hialurónico, y Armonización Orofacial.
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Academia Mexicana de Odontologia Pedi
Spanish Programs
Cecilia E. Lara Olivares, Patricia Herrera, Jorge F. Casian Adem,
Course #: 4780 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Cecilia E. Lara Olivares, Patricia Herrera, Jorge F. Casian Adem,
Dientes Primarios no Vitales Con Técnica Instrumentada En los dientes primarios, la morfología intraradicular se ve afectada por el grado de reabsorción fisiológica; ésta es un reto para el Odontopediatra. Pero, el trabajo instrumentado durante la pulpectomia es su mejor aliado para acercarnos al éxito en este tratamiento.
Cecilia E. Lara Olivares, D.D.S.
Aplicaciones e Indicaciones en Odontopediatria del MTA Después de mucho años de investigación y de utilización clínica del MTA como material reparador en endodoncia se ha visto la eficacia del MTA por ser un material biocompatible y proveer un buen sellado, tanto en dentición primaria como permanente joven, aún muchos profesionales desconocen cómo utilizarlo y aplicarlo, Aquí les mostraremos clínicamente sus usos y aplicaciones dentro de la odontología pediátrica.
Jorge F. Casian Adem, D.D.S.
Zirconia y materiales bioactivos en Odontopediatria Restauraciónes estéticas en dentición primaria. Actualización en el uso de las coronas pediátricas de Zirconia. Solución de casos poco comunes con coronas pediátricas de Zirconia.
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9:00am - 12:00pm
First Global Health and Technology Innovation Forum - Well being of the Population
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 4840 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
This unique interactive program discusses surgical and prosthetic complications from the most common to the rarest and from the simplest to the most severe. Complications with several plausible reasons are presented to attendees, who are able to interact by voting and to ranking diagnoses and treatment plans. Different opinions and treatment options are presented.
the etiology, clinical appearance and diagnosis of technical and biological complications
to avoid prosthetic complications
to manage surgical complications
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9:45am - 12:45pm
In Office 3D Printed Implant Surgical Guides
Implant Dentistry
Rick Ferguson
Course #: 4040 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rick Ferguson
With the advent of accurate low cost 3D printing technology, the in-office fabrication of dental implant surgical guides is now within the reach of most dentists. The cost for in-office guides can be as low as $20. The steps necessary to fabricate a prosthetically driven surgical guide are outlined and demonstrated. Selection of a 3D printer is discussed. Live 3D printing demonstrations are performed. In this hands-on workshop, all attendees perform the steps necessary to post and process 3D printed surgical guides to ensure proper fit and accuracy. Use of various dental implant surgical guide techniques is discussed and tips are given to achieve maximum accuracy and implant placement success.
the datasets necessary for surgical guide fabrication and what equipment is necessary to acquire that data
if in office surgical fabrication is right for your practice
the importance of using surgical guides on most cases to avoid complications in implant placement
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9:45am - 5:00pm
Clinical Efficiency and the Business of Orthodontics
Jeff Kozlowski
Course #: 4060 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Jeff Kozlowski
This all-day seminar covers a wide range of orthodontic topics including efficient early treatment; the use of braces in the mixed dentition passive self-ligation; top quality results with a focus on mechanics and clinical efficiency digital orthodontics; combining PSL with digital technology to envision the end result prior to starting treatment clinical and office systems; and, how to make your time in the office more effective and efficient.
when to start or refer for early treatment
to review efficient and effective mechanics for beautiful results in fewer appointments
how to enhance your clinical and office systems and develop a winning culture
how to provide great results
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Utilize Lasers in Periodontal Soft Tissue Conditions
Samuel B. Low
Course #: 4070 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel B. Low
Are you ready to enter the laser world? Do you have an “unused” laser in the closet? Give your practice a boost by harnessing laser technology with a positive result that manages effectively day-to-day periodontal soft tissue patient conditions. The program teaches attendees how to choose the right laser and apply simple techniques that result in precision, controlled bleeding, accelerated healing, reduced post-operative issues with shorter procedure time and a more relaxed experience for the patient. Procedures include non-surgical periodontics, frenectomy, gingivectomy, restorative troughing, biopsy, fibroma removal, implant uncovering and TMD bio-stimulation.
Learn to:
investigate laser utilization including wavelengths and respective techniques
determine the appropriate laser equipment for the individual practice
develop techniques for incorporating a laser into a dental practice considering patient acceptance and third party coding
Explore the world of digital dentures with this free-flowing panel conversation. Learn how technology is changing the removable world, and how new advances in materials, milling, 3D printing, software and scanning are enabling possibilities no one could have imagined. The future of dentures is digital, so come find out more about it.
the role technology plays in the creation of dentures
what denture materials are coming (or already here)
how software can allow technicians to bring their expertise into the digital world
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9:45am - 12:00pm
The Predictable Crown Procedure (Part 2) – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Free - No Ticket Required
Live Dentistry
Live Dentistry
Foroud Hakim, Marc J. Geissberger,
Course #: 4180 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Foroud Hakim, Marc J. Geissberger,
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 3
One of the most common procedures done in clinical practice is the partial and full coverage crown. This program is designed to bring clinicians up to date on various materials and techniques designed to streamline the clinical procedure. This “Live” patient demonstration is spread over two days. This session covers the second phase of the clinical crown procedure. Anesthesia and crown fabrication protocols and materials are discussed. The audience is introduced to delivering crown restorations with modern materials and techniques. During the final phase of this presentation, audience members are introduced to efficient and predictable bonding and cementation protocols and materials. This program is a continuation of the “Live” presentation on Sunday, which demonstrate various materials and techniques in crown preparation and digital impressions.
contemporary material choices for ceramic partial and full coverage crowns
to expand your knowledge of various cementation vs. bonding options and protocols
to understand the limitations and challenges of various delivery techniques
This program discusses aspects of conventional endodontics from the use of the microscope, access design, canal location, cleaning, shaping and obturation. The instruments for cleaning are a biological system of rotary files as well as new 3D instruments, which allows for better cleaning of the entire root canal system with fewer files. After instrumentation with the new 3D instruments, obturation becomes easier and there is a shift in the concept of “single cone” obturation techniques.
the advantages of the microscope
the new 3D Endo cleaning/shaping and finishing files
As dentists, we hear a lot about implants, sinus lifts and ridge grafting. However, extraction socket preservation has not been given the attention it deserves. This program includes a hands-on workshop with pig jaws and answers your questions about atraumatic extractions, instruments to use and grafting technologies. This workshop is designed so you will be able to start doing socket preservation in your office tomorrow.
atraumatic extractions on pig jaws
principles behind socket grafting for ridge preservation
how to select an appropriate graft and other regenerative materials
hands-on techniques, including grafting, membrane placement and suturing
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Access through Obturation with a System-Based Approach: A Hands-on Workshop
L. Steven Buchanan
Course #: 4590 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
L. Steven Buchanan
This hands-on workshop uses TrueTooth printed replicas to practice minimally-invasive endodontics. The program includes Centered Condensation Techniques and how to successfully fill root canal systems with carrier-based obturation and the Continuous Wave of Obturation Technique. Techniques taught include access, negotiation, shaping, and obturation variations including carrier-based obturation and the Continuous Wave of Obturation. Practice how to safely and successfully clean root canal systems during irrigation procedures during this unique workshop. Learn how to create ideal preparations that speed all procedures that follow.
how to preserve the structural integrity of teeth while cutting access cavities into their pulp chambers
to use hand and rotary files to negotiate small tortuous canals to their terminal points
to three dimensionally obturate root canal complexities in less than a minute
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Cementation Simplified
Restorative Dentistry
G. Franklin Shull, Jr.
Course #: 4610 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
G. Franklin Shull, Jr.
Dentistry has recently exploded with tooth colored materials suitable for crowns, veneers and onlays. This, unfortunately, makes the cementation process even more confusing. This hands-on workshop focuses on materials, prep design and techniques for preparing the restoration and tooth for optimum seal and retention.
how prep design effects cementation options
to eliminate “de-bonds”
to properly treat ceramic, zirconia and hybrid materials prior to cementation
This hands-on workshop discusses and illustrates all of the suturing thread sizes and suture thread types, suture needles and suturing techniques to use in various clinical situations. The program discusses which suture knots to use with each suturing thread material and suture needles. The program also teaches you which material and needle is appropriate for each clinical scenario. The goal is for each attendee to be able to see how much suturing is needed to create proper healing, resulting in more predictable outcomes.
suturing threads, suturing thread sizes, suture needles and suture knots
If you are a dentist seriously interested in adding additional profit to your bottom line while building a practice that your patients rave about, then this is a must attend program. This hands-on workshop helps you elevate your standard of care and double your hygiene production. The clinician has coached more than 4,000 dental teams in 13 countries and is now offering her secrets.
the nine words to ensure a 99% acceptance of your treatment plan
why current setup may be costing you money without you even knowing
a simple trick that enables you to add 30% to your daily production
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Diagnostic Considerations in Designing Various Prosthesis: Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Removable Prosthodontics
Joseph Massad
Course #: 4650 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph Massad
Attendees pair up to share a tablet with a pre-loaded application utilizing dental software. Participants learn to perform a full examination including the use of lab models with dental rulers for this exercise. Patient radiographs and exam photos automatically populate the application and allow co-diagnosis between patient and dentist. Participants perform the application while examples are displayed on screen.
Learn to:
apply current diagnostic methods to determine outcome
utilize an edentulous lip ruler and dentate ruler to determine both functional and esthetic space
transfer measurements from patient to determine space for implants
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Hands-on Workshop Introduction to Lasers
Laser Dentistry
Edward R. Kusek, Charles Hoopingarner,
Course #: 4660 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Edward R. Kusek, Charles Hoopingarner,
“Laser Tech Talk” provides an overview of clinical applications of lasers in contemporary dental practice. This hands-on laser experience promises to be interactive and enjoyable. Interactive discussions will provide a balanced view of dental laser wavelengths, techniques and applications. Various laser manufacturers are present during the workshop to demonstrate the best of their products in a workshop forum. Attendees listen to each 10-minute “Tech Talk”; then rotate to demonstrate hands-on exercises specific to different lasers led by course faculty.
a basic understanding of dental laser wavelengths for hard and soft tissue procedures, diagnosis and treatment
laser tissue interaction, its effects and results
basic laser physics, how lasers work and brief laser safety considerations
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Practical Dental Sleep Medicine: A Hands-On Workshop Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 4670 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steve Carstensen
Attendees are given rationale for matching the patient to the right choice of Mandibular Advancement Device. Learn to troubleshoot problems they have had in their sleep practice, experience taking records for making excellent appliances, see what to look for on sleep reports and take home a semi-custom temporary sleep appliance of their own. This hand-on workshop helps you create an appliance and teaches you how to manage your patients
Learn to:
be familiar with what data needs to be found on sleep reports
describe the various types of mandibular advancement devices and which patients they might be most appropriate for
fit and discuss the rationale for use of temporary appliances for Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB)
11:30am - 4:00pm
International College of Dentists (Spanish Program)
Spanish Programs
Daniel F. Galindo, Diana Pardo, Ignacio Urbeola-Alis, Martha J. Mutis, David Okuji,
Course #: 4800 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 11:30am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Daniel F. Galindo, Diana Pardo, Ignacio Urbeola-Alis, Martha J. Mutis, David Okuji,
El Dilema de la Carga Inmediata El concepto de función inmediata se ha convertido en una modalidad de tratamiento común en el manejo de pacientes edéntulos o en aquellos pacientes a punto de convertirse en edéntulos. Esta presentación se centrará en las variables que dictan función inmediata, tales como el contorno y el tamaño del implante, el lugar de implantación y limitaciones anatómicas, la estabilidad primaria, la distribución anterior-posterior y la biomecánica y su papel en la consecución de oseointegración exitosa en el marco del protocolo de función inmediata. El entendimiento del fundamento biológico y clínico para estas variables permitirá entender cuándo se puede proseguir con función inmediata.
Diana Pardo, D.D.S.
Sección XX de la CIE - Región 50 en general TFC Esta sesión de la CIE se enfocará para traer una mejor comprensión de cómo los clínicos podrían estar activos en las diferentes posibilidades de apoyar actividades comunitarias, proyectos internacionales e iniciativas clínicas de nuestra práctica. Promover el conocimiento en Proyectos Humanitarios Dentales. Un enfoque de la Salud Oral Comunitaria de la práctica privada. Construcción Dental International Collaboration.
Ignacio De Urbeola-Alis, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Sección de la CIE: Región 50 en general TFC Esta sesión de la CIE está enfocada a traer un mejor entendimiento sobre cómo los médicos podrían ser más proactivos para apoyar las actividades comunitarias, los proyectos internacionales y las iniciativas clínicas de la práctica. Aprender a promover el conocimiento en Proyectos Humanitarios Dentales y cómo construir la Colaboración Dental Internacional.
Martha J. Mutis, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Salud Dental Humanitaria: Task Force Colombia, ICD Section XX, Region 50 at Large
Esta sesión del ICD estará enfocada en brindar diferentes experiencias de expertos que han logrado estar activos en sus prácticas clínicas y a la vez, en el apoyo de actividades para sus comunidades, proyectos internacionales humanitarios e iniciativas clínicas sin ánimo de lucro. Como objetivos esta sesión promueve el conocimiento en proyectos dentales humanitarios, un abordaje de la salud oral comunitaria desde la práctica privada y una construcción de la colaboración dental internacional humanitaria.
David Okuji, D.D.S., M.B.A., M.S.
Los Embajadores Dentales Globales: Un Programa Misional El grupo Embajadores Dentales Globales - The Global Dental Ambassadors (GDA por sus siglas en ingles) es un grupo liderado y dirigido por voluntarios profesionales de la odontología que comparten la misión de participar en intercambios académicos y culturales con la interacción de profesionales de la salud oral y Instituciones alrededor del mundo. GDA no está patrocinado por ninguna institución y está organizado únicamente como una comunidad de voluntarios que desean participar en misiones académicas y culturales con organizaciones anfitrionas de todo el mundo.
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12:00pm - 2:00pm
Celebrity Luncheon Ft. Bernie Williams
Special Event
Bernie Williams
Course #: 4010 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Bernie Williams
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Tuition: $85.00 Credits:
Bernie Williams, Jr.
New York Yankee (1991-2006) & Grammy Award Nominated Musician
Born September 13, 1968, Bernie is a Puerto Rican former professional baseball player and musician. He played his entire 16-year career in Major League Baseball MLB) with the New York Yankees from 1991 through 2006. A center fielder, Williams was a member of four World Series championship teams with the Yankees. He ended his career with a .297 batting average, 287 home runs, 1,257 runs batted in (RBI), 1,366 runs scored, and 449 doubles. He was a five-time MLB All-Star and won four Gold Glove Awards. He also won the Silver Slugger Award and American League Championship Series Most Valuable Player Award. Known for his consistency and post-season heroics, Williams is one of the most beloved Yankees of all time and his number, 51, was retired by the Yankees in May 2015.Williams is also a classically trained guitarist. Following his absence from baseball, he has released two jazz albums. He was nominated for a Latin Grammy in 2009.
EARLY LIFE Bernie was born to Bernabé Williams Figueroa Sr., a merchant marine and dispatcher, and Rufina Williams, a retired principal and college professor. The Williams family lived in the Bronx until Bernie was one year old, when they moved to Puerto Rico.Growing up, Williams played classical guitar as well as baseball. He was also active in track and field, winning medals at an international meet at the age of 15. At the 1984 Central American and Caribbean Junior Championships in Athletics in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Williams won gold in the 200 metres (m), 400 m, 4 × 100 m relay, and 4 × 400 m relay events for competitors under the age of 17, and the silver medal for the 4 × 100 m relay among competitors younger than 20.
GRAMMY AWARD NOMINATED MUSICIAN Bernie is a classically trained guitarist and plays and composes music with influences that include jazz, classical, pop, Brazilian, and Latin sounds. Following his career with the New York Yankees, he studied guitar and composition for a year at the State University of New York at Purchase in preparation for his album, Moving Forward. Williams signed with Paul McCartney’s publishing company, MPL Communications, and his major label debut, The Journey Within, was released on June 22, 2003. In addition to playing lead and rhythm guitar, Williams composed seven songs for the album. Tracks like “La Salsa En Mi” and “Desvelado” mix Bernie’s love of jazz with the sophisticated Latin rhythms of his Puerto Rican heritage. The first single was a remix of his “Just Because”, featuring David Benoit. Other highlights include Williams’ heartfelt tribute to his father, “Para Don Berna”, a reworking of the Baden Powell song, “Samba Novo”, and “La Salsa En Mi,” featuring background vocals from 2003 Grammy Award winner Rubén Blades and salsa legend Gilberto Santa Rosa. Also joining Williams is an all-star ensemble of musicians including multiple Grammy-winning banjo player Béla Fleck, keyboardist David Sancious, percussionist Luis Conte, bassistLeland Sklar, guitarist Tim Pierce, and drummers Kenny Aronoff and Shawn Pelton, among others. Williams’ second major album, Moving Forward, was released on April 14, 2009 under the Reform Records label. The album features fourteen tracks and includes some collaborative tracks with other artists such as Bruce Springsteen, Patti Scialfa, Jon Secada and Dave Koz. Williams was nominated for a Latin Grammy Award for Moving Forward!
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12:30pm - 2:30pm
ClinCheck® and Case Review – A Peer-To-Peer Learn with and Invisalign Expert
Ben Miraglia
Course #: 4130 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia
This interactive course is designed to provide one-on-one support with an Invisalign expert to review ClinCheck, case troubleshooting and monitoring. Leave this program feeling confident to treat aligner only cases and set up future cases with consistency and ease. Attendees are encouraged to submit their own case to review or learn from other attendees’ cases.
to demonstrate proficiency in utilizing ClinCheck software
proficiency in setting up and reviewing ClinCheck treatment plans for desired results
to gain confidence in utilizing ClinCheck software
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12:45pm - 2:15pm
The Golden Age of Restorative Dentistry: Invisalign Download Handout
Free - No Ticket Required
Live Dentistry
Live Dentistry
David Galler
Course #: 4190 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 12:45pm - 2:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Galler
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 2
Creating an ideal smile can at times require a multi-disciplinary approach to achieve the goals of both patient and dentist. Gone are the days of shaving down teeth to achieve only a cosmetic solution. Welcome to the new age of dentistry combining cutting edge digital precision throughout the entire program. Join this “Live” demonstration combining clear aligner orthodontics with restorative dentistry “Live” demonstration of digital scanning and understand the benefits of utilizing this emerging technology in your practice. Treatment planning strategies are discussed along with understanding how advancements in clear aligner therapy have improved patient outcomes dramatically over the last 20 years. The program concludes with a “Live” placement of restorations and a final digital scan of the patient. If you want to create a complete restorative solution for your patients without compromising the foundational principles of occlusion, be sure to attend this dynamic “Live” patient demonstration.
optimal restorative treatment planning strategies for combination cases
Elevate Higher is a four-hour advanced course for GP Invisalign providers who have attended the Invisalign Elevate Course. Elevate Higher provides clinical and business strategies to take a practice to a higher level of effectiveness and profitability while enhancing the doctor’s clinical confidence. Key areas of focus include a deeper dive into ClinCheck® software functions to address aligner clinical challenges. Understanding of the purposes and how to use various precision attachments and auxiliaries proven to be effective with clear aligner therapy. With this new knowledge, doctors are able to increase the scope and difficulty of the cases they are willing to accept.
Elevate Higher also teaches the general practitioner how to have face-to-face communication with patients to resolve concerns that a typical orthodontic patient may have which may be different than non-orthodontic treatments seen regularly in the GP practice.
The Elevate Higher also shows attendees how to build strong marketing strategies to ensure continued Invisalign success. In addition, the clinician explains how to combine restorative, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Invisalign treatment which can optimize the practice process flow and increase practice profitability.
The program also includes clinical peer review of the attendees’ ClinCheck treatment plans and case evaluation in a roundtable setting. Dentists are encouraged to share their success and help avoid implementation failures.
Learn to:
dive deeper into ClinCheck Software to use enhanced and often overlooked features and functions to create predictable outcomes
create “movement magic” with attachments and auxiliaries
troubleshoot aligner tracking challenges
optimize digital technology such as iTero Element Intraoral Scanner into practice protocols for occlusion, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), including updated current dental terminology (CDT) billing and coding
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1:30pm - 4:30pm
Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Program
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 4820 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Join the Hispanic Dental Association Foundation (HDAF) as it celebrates the meritorious work of students who seek to develop their scientific and applied knowledge as they enter the oral health profession. This 2017 scholarship awards ceremony will honor dental, hygiene and assisting students.
Scholarships are awarded through contributions from Colgate Palmolive, Crest Oral-B, A-dec and HDA members.
Following the ceremony, the HDA Foundation will be presenting information to further its MISSION: “to build healthier communities” and its VISION: “to connect partners and develop leaders who impact transformational strategies for education, scholarship and research.”
From the successes of Hispanics and their careers in dentistry as a result of the HDAF Scholarship Awards.
To identify ways to work with the HDA Foundation to continue to increase Hispanics in the practice of dentistry.
To engage with like-minded individuals passionate about oral healthcare for underserved areas.
Presiding: Sarita Arteaga, D.M.D., M.A., MAGD
President, Hispanic Dental Association Foundation
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Implant Prosthodontics: A Step-by-Step Approach Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Natalie Y. Wong
Course #: 4030 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Natalie Y. Wong
An optimal implant prosthetic restoration requires the practitioner to be highly responsive to the functional and esthetic needs of the patient. Various implant prosthetic options, from single tooth to full arch are discussed along with their indications for use. The implant restorative prosthodontic workflow will be detailed by each appointment including the lab phases from the healed implant stage to the delivery of the final restoration.
the indications and differences between direct and indirect restorative techniques
a step-by-step approach to fabricate an implant prosthesis using the direct or indirect approach
how to select occlusal materials for implant prostheses
the advantages and disadvantages of implant overdentures compared to fixed prostheses
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
A Hands-On Workshop for Management of Anterior Alveolar Defects: Challenging Cases in the Aesthetic Zone
Osseointegrated oral implants have been successfully reported for over 40 years. Prosthetically driven implant positioning requires a sufficient volume of bone in the desired position. However, sufficient bone volume is frequently lacking as a result of trauma or infectious diseases such as advanced periodontitis. Regardless of the numerous surgical techniques described in the literature that aim at regenerating bone in a vertical and horizontal dimension, clinicians still struggle when faced with challenging vertical defects. The use of autogenous bone could be a viable option but clearly causes discomfort to the patient, increases the morbidity and undergoes a rapid degree of resorption. Advances in digital imaging and 3D reconstructions offer dramatic improvement in diagnostics when faced with severe vertical jaw defects. The use of guided bone regeneration (GBR) associated with non-autogenous scaffolds constitutes the next generation of bone augmentation in all alveolar defects with or without implants.
to understand the biological principle of GBR in its clinical applicability
tips and tricks on how to perform Vertical GBR in severe defects
the use of growth factors in GBR
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
To Scan or Not To Scan: Cone-Beam CT Scan (CBCT) Download Handout
Daniel P. Turgeon
Course #: 4080 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel P. Turgeon
This program reviews some basic notions of cone-beam CT (CBCT), including the physics behind it and the dosimetry in a way you and the patient can understand. It focuses on its use in multiple facets of dentistry. Also reviewed of why and when it should be prescribed, what effects it can have on your diagnoses, as well as, the changes it can bring to your treatment plan. A variety of cases are used to demonstrate the various aspects of its usage in today’s dentistry. These cases are related to implants, impactions, endodontics, and pathology and provide the practitioner with a guide on when prescribing a CBCT and how it would be beneficial for the patient.
when to obtain a CBCT to complete your diagnosis or treatment planning
to understand how a CBCT functions
how to talk about dosimetry so that your patients understand
2:00pm - 5:00pm
How to Take your Dental Work from Traditional to Digital
Dental Laboratory
Gary Kaye, Mark Hartsliff,
Course #: 4110 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary Kaye, Mark Hartsliff,
This program walks the attendee through an actual case showcasing digital planning and execution. While dentists and dental technicians have been getting beautiful esthetics for years using analog tools, digital dentistry has advanced in both tools and materials. With these advances, stunning digital restorations and prosthetics are now possible. Learn how the digital workflow works in the real world.
a practical glimpse at what is possible from a digital workflow
how digital tools and materials have advanced
what digital dentistry means for the future of esthetic outcomes
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries in Children Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Rebecca L. Slayton
Course #: 4220 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rebecca L. Slayton
Traumatic dental injuries are common in children and often lead to poor prognosis for teeth if not managed properly. Between 30% - 50% of children suffer trauma to primary dentition. Most injuries to primary teeth occur prior to 3 years of age. By the time they reach adolescence, at least 20% of children have suffered trauma to permanent teeth. The most common teeth affected are maxillary central incisors. Guidelines for management of traumatic injuries are designed to improve the prognosis following injury.
the guidelines to manage traumatic injuries to the primary and permanent dentition
how traumatic dental injuries affect the long and short term prognosis of the teeth
to differentiate between emergencies and urgencies related to traumatic injuries
Practical and easily implemented restorative procedures for children are in demand. Dentists and parents are more interested in the newest, best, highly successful restorative materials and techniques. The clinician helps you increase your expertise in all phases of pediatric restorative dentistry and shows you how to be more profitable in everyday dental procedures. This practical program is will make your restorative procedures enjoyable, predictable, and profitable.
the ability to choose the restorative technique for each situation
to prepare each restoration in an ideal manner
to be more efficient and have less stress preparing primary teeth
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Selecting the Best Crown Materials for 2017
Current Dental Topics
Gordon Christensen J.
Course #: 4370 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon Christensen J.
Room: 1E21 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $215.00 Credits: 3
Some crowns are esthetically pleasing, some are breaking, some can’t be used in multiple units and some are coming off in service. This comparative presentation of materials and techniques is based on in-vitro and long-term clinical research by Clinicians Report Foundation. Included in the presentation are full-Zirconia; “Esthetic-Zirconia;” polymer hybrids; IPS e.max; IPS e.max press multi; porcelain-fused-to metal; and, full-metal.
to compare and discuss the currently popular crown types
Join your peers in a fun, interactive, roundtable event where dental practice management professionals share best practices with one another in an informal discussion. Share ideas and learn from others who do what you do. This program is professionally facilitated and is beneficial to both novice and experienced practice administrators. There is no better way to improve your role within your practice than by learning from other practice administrators and front office professionals who face the same challenges you do. Bring your toughest questions and be ready to go back to your office with solutions!
Learn to:
share best practices with peers
tap into peer resources to solve current challenges you face in practice management
brainstorm with other practice administrators for ways to make your practice more efficient
Creating great case acceptance allows you to consistently provide the dentistry you desire and your patients deserve to receive. Many dentists have spent a considerable amount of time and money training to deliver excellent clinical care only to be disappointed because they are unable to use those skills on a daily basis. Attendees learn the unique way of providing their “best stuff” routinely and have their patients pay them for it with gratitude and appreciation.
to help patients develop ownership of their present condition
how to get your patients to ask for help
what really gets in the way of your patients making the best choices for themselves
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
365 Days of Social Posts and Online Marketing
Social Media
Rachel E. Mele
Course #: 4430 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rachel E. Mele
Room: 2D09 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Expand your knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), marketing and social media. Turn your social media presence into a source of new patients. On average, practices that implement the strategies in this program experience an increase of 21 new patients per month.
what to say and when to say it on social media
how to get patients and prospective patients to comment on your social media posts
to receive resources to implement office protocol to ensure your social media sites stay up-to-date
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Root Membrane/Root Shield for Enhanced Implant Esthetics Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Isaac D. Tawil
Course #: 4450 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Isaac D. Tawil
This hands-on workshop provides the attendee an in-depth review of a new innovative armamentarium and techniques utilized for root membrane (otherwise known as socket shield for tooth replacement with dental implants. The actual step-by-step design and utilization of each bur and tool are highlighted, as well as, a biological rationale supported by current literature and histology. The new Megagen root membrane kit is thoroughly reviewed, as well as, to its simplicity and effectiveness in contemporary dentistry today. This hands-on workshop utilizes pig jaws, models, high speed motors and specifically designed burs to highlight each step in the process.
history and biology and benefits of partial tooth removal
the rationale for incomplete extraction of a root
techniques for the atramatic removal of part of the tooth
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Radiology Review of Common Radiolucent and Radiopaque Lesions Download Handout
John A. Svirsky
Course #: 4460 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John A. Svirsky
This radiology review course has a number of common cases in addition to some interesting unusual cases thrown in to keep the audience on their “toes.” The emphasis is a review of common radiolucent and radiopaque lesions. Get ready to learn, laugh and make a difference in the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases.
a logical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of common radiolucent lesions found on radiographs
a logical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of common radiopaque lesions found on radiographs
the common radiographic lesions found in dental practices
How can you achieve optimal esthetics with minimal intervention? Are no-prep veneers the way to go? What tooth whitening procedures are best? How can you conservatively prevent and treat white spots? What about novel bonded bridges? This program provides sensible answers to these and many other questions regarding conservative esthetic dentistry. Review the latest whitening materials and techniques, step-by-step clinical procedures for preparation, temporization and delivery of esthetic porcelain veneers. Learn about all-porcelain bonded pontics and the pitfalls to avoid with bonded bridges. Numerous products are reviewed in light of the latest clinical research.
Learn to:
identify the various types of vital bleaching products and procedures and the prevention and treatment of white spot lesions
relate keys to long-term clinical success for placing and temporizing for etched porcelain veneers
describe the indications, contraindications and clinical technique involved in placing successful all-porcelain bonded bridges
The attention of the clinician on soft tissue is increasing every day. This is true in both the natural dentition and also in the case of implants. Function, aesthetics and long term success are the goal of the treatment and soft tissue has a terrific impact on it. The ultimate goal of root coverage procedures should be complete shielding of the recession defect with a pleasing color and tissue blend between the treated area and adjacent tissues. This achieves both biologic and aesthetic success. It is important to select the most predictable and easy-to-perform surgical technique according to a careful evaluation of several factors. In this program, the decision making process is discussed and the different techniques are analyzed in detail. Soft tissue management around teeth and implants are also discussed.
to optimize the aesthetic and stability of the soft tissue margin
The common plagues of dental practices are broken appointments and last minute cancellations. How do we change this behavior when we’re dealing with real people? This realistic, fun program covers very important topics. Can we fix this issue 100%? No, but you can make a huge difference in getting your patient to show up. Clearly defined policies within your office can improve customer service. Get the entire team on board with creating value for your practice.
how to get over: “it’s just a cleaning”
office policies: a clear system
five reasons for the narrative at the time of service
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Gingival Grafting on the Mandibular Anterior Lingual; Minimally Invasive Harvesting
George K. Merijohn
Course #: 4500 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
George K. Merijohn
Gingival recession on the lingual aspect of mandibular anterior teeth is often neglected and infrequently treated. Autogenous grafting is the gold standard but you want less patient fear, bleeding and pain with harvesting. Are you looking for ways to energize and expand your practice? This program is recommended for dentists experienced in root coverage surgery for multiple contiguous teeth via a coronally advanced flap with subepithelial palatal graft harvest. Learn special techniques to help you exceed your patients’ expectations.
Learn to:
understand predictable, practical, and systematic approaches for recipient site preparation
discover 3 techniques for minimally invasive tuberosity harvesting and 2 techniques for non-palatal harvesting
understand effective and practical suturing techniques
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Posterior Direct Restorations- Contacts, Complications, and Occlusion Download Handout
Simplify your restorative practice when placing direct restorations. This program is unlike any other course on direct restorative materials in that it looks at complications and addresses them before they happen. Learn treatment planning and diagnosing for proper materials and placement of direct vs. indirectly fabricated restorations. Learn steps for posterior direct composites that can be taken prior to ever treating the patient which avoids postoperative complications. Never have a loose contact again by knowing what types of matrices are available and when to use them. Finally, learn how to place restorations with no sensitivity.
to use modern diagnostic tools
about adhesion concepts
about interproximal matrix systems
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Digital Images that Enhance Laboratory Collaboration Download Handout
George Priest
Course #: 4520 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
George Priest
Digital dentistry is becoming the norm and digital photography is an integral piece of this evolving workflow. Simple programs for adding text and shapes and even digital drawing tools to demonstrate the concept of “scripted digital images” for detailed lab communication are presented. Nearly all the necessary laboratory information can be accurately incorporated in a few images, with little need for prescription forms. These methods help the clinician stay involved in the process through continuous feedback from the laboratory. Examples include: the use of images in restorative dentistry; complex shade matching; contours of veneers and crowns; smile design for esthetic zone rehabilitation; and, tooth arrangements for edentulous patients.
inexpensive programs that allow addition of text, shapes and direct drawing on digital images
to communicate clearly with the laboratory concerning color, shape, translucency and other optical effects for difficult shade matching in the esthetic zone
to use digital tools for smile design for dentate and edentulous patients
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Complications in Endodontics and the Use of Bioceramics
Samuel I. Kratchman
Course #: 4530 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel I. Kratchman
This program discusses various complications that can occur in endodontics and includes troubleshooting techniques to solve these dilemmas. The prevalence of cracked teeth and the advantages of CBCT technology are shown. Complications such as sinus involvement, paresthesia, and the treatment of otherwise helpless teeth are discussed, along with the many uses of bioceramics to aid in these treatments. The program concludes with several cases in which intentional replantation saved otherwise hopeless teeth.
to troubleshoot many complications that can occur during endodontic therapy
the use of CBCT for diagnosis and treatment planning complicated cases
how bioceramics aid in the treatment of complicated cases
This hands-on workshop describes negative pressure irrigation devices and methods; centered condensation root canal filling techniques; and, equipment. This program offers attendees the opportunity to use current 3D technology to obturate root canal systems with the Continuous Wave of Condensation as well as with carrier-based obturation. Negative pressure irrigation devices and methods and Centered Condensation root canal filling techniques and equipment are demonstrated and learned in this hands-on workshop.
why negative pressure irrigation is a safe and effective method of cleaning root canal spaces and how to use it
to use current technology to 3D obturate root canal systems with the Continuous Wave of Condensation technique
to use current technology to 3D obturate root canal systems with carrier-based obturation devices
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Creating Success with Direct Posterior Composites: A Hands-on Workshop
Douglas L. Lambert
Course #: 4700 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Douglas L. Lambert
It has been over forty years since direct posterior composite resins were introduced as an alternative to metallic restorations, most specifically amalgams. Poor wear resistance, micro-leakage, bodily fracture, marginal breakdown, recurrent decay, post-operative sensitivity, inadequate interproximal contacts and contours, color degradation and inability to polish or maintain polish have been its criticisms. Obtaining a good marginal seal, the role of bases and liners, creating tight interproximal contacts and the dreaded “post-operative” sensitivity are discussed. This workshop combines science and practicality to streamline and improve your posterior composite technique.
to manage shrinkage and sensitivity in posterior composites
to explore the concept of layering vs. bulk fill
about the importance of bases and liners and which bonding agents to use
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Gums-R-Us: A User Friendly Gum Grafting Hands-on Workshop Using Alloderm
Lee H. Silverstein
Course #: 4710 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lee H. Silverstein
This user-friendly hands-on pig jaw workshop teaches how easy it is to perform gum grafting around natural teeth and or dental implants. The why to graft and the when to graft are discussed. Surgical techniques for grafting to increase a zone of attached keratinized gingival tissue are discussed as well as the techniques to increase the zone of attached keratinized gingival tissue to create a soft tissue prominence and convexity. A step-by-step demonstration is shown, followed by each attendee preforming the procedure.
surgical techniques to increase the zone of attached keratinized gingival tissues
to create a soft tissue convexity over the root surface
the needed suturing technique
the proper patient post-op instruction
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Dental Office Design – Transform Your Practice and Enhance Your Health
Learn how transforming your practice through a remodel or new construction can reignite your passion for dentistry while enhancing your practice success and patient experience. Discover the benefits that a streamlined workflow and seamless technology integration can have on practitioner health and patient care. Take steps to set your ideal practice in motion.
how to create your unique practice vision
how to set your practice apart from your competition
recognize how office image reflects quality of service, case acceptance and productivity
understand how critical principles of design can transform your practice image,
create efficiency and enhance ergonomics
create an outline for getting started on an office update or new build to create your ideal practice
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Provisional Leads the Way for Easy Delivery: Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
James Braun
Course #: 4730 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
James Braun
The provisional restoration is the key to stabilizing the restorative case while it is at the laboratory stage. Without adequate temporaries, changes that occur in vivo create situations of increased adjustments during the delivery of the final restoration. This hands-on provisional workshop deals with the great value of proper provisional restorations. Each attendee fabricates a single crown and also a 3-unit fixed bridge including finishing and polishing.
to review options of provisional materials and cements
problems that occur with inadequate temporaries
methods to fabricate and finish provisionals
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Get the Most Out of Diode Laser: Hands-on Workshop
Laser Dentistry
Edward R. Kusek, Charles Hoopingarner,
Course #: 4740 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Edward R. Kusek, Charles Hoopingarner,
This hands-on program covers safety protocol with the Diode laser. Attendees gain confidence by practicing procedures which can be applied as soon as they return to their office. This hands-on workshop utilizes videos to illustrate the procedure followed by the clinician’s demonstration of the procedure on pig’s jaw.
to perform: biopsy, create ovate pontic space, LAPT, removal of venous lake, aesthetic gingival recontouring, tissue troughing and implant uncovering
to understand the correct energy levels to use a Diode laser to perform previous listed procedures safely
to understand proper use of a Diode for Medical/Legal purposes
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Treating the Medically Compromised Patient Essays
Special Needs
Angela R. Kamer, Ricardo Osorio, Kathleen L. Agoglia,
Course #: 4760 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Angela R. Kamer, Ricardo Osorio, Kathleen L. Agoglia,
Room: 2D10/11 Topic: Special Needs Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
Angela R. Kamer, D.M., M.S., Ph.D.
Peripheral Inflammation and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Worldwide, more than 31 million persons suffer from dementia, with 50-60% having AD and these numbers are estimated to double by 2030 and double again by 2050. It is accepted that Inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of AD, but it remains unknown to what extent peripheral inflammation and infections and dysbiotic conditions play a role. Periodontal disease could contribute to the pathogenesis of AD by increasing brain amyloid load and promote cognitive dysfunction. This presentation critically reviews the evidence supporting a link between periodontal disease and AD.
Ricardo Osorio, M.D.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): A Bidirectional Relationship’ Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a major health problem in the aging population (estimated prevalence of about 30-80%). Severe OSA is a risk factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease in middle aged men. OSA has also shown to increase the risk of developing dementia in late-life. Studies suggest that OSA may be a new contributor to cognitive decline in the elderly population. This program addresses the detrimental consequences of OSA in patients with a neurodegenerative condition, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Kathleen L. Agoglia, D.D.S.
Dental patients with Complex Medical Conditions Medically compromised patients need to maintain their oral health. Therefore, a working knowledge of the plethora of medically complex conditions is a critical necessity for the practicing dental professional. This program identifies some of the most common medical disorders encountered in a dental practice and provides practical information to minimize or prevent potential problems which are related to the patient’s general health and dental care.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Puerto Rico Dental Asociaci
Spanish Programs
Gillberto L
Course #: 4790 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gillberto L
ColocaciÓn de un implant dental en 6 minutos: Sin bisturo En el programa se podrá conocer una forma efectiva, económica y segura de colocar implantes con el uso de guías quirúrgicas impresas en 3D, que puede ser utilizado por odontólogos de práctica general y especialistas, disminuyendo el dolor en el paciente, sin el uso de bisturí, con este procedimiento en un tiempo aproximado para la colocación de un implante es de 6 minutos. Se conocerán las ventajas y desventajas de estas técnicas, así como las indicaciones en cada paciente.
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Creating the Ultimate Invisalign Experience
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 4140 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
Meaningful, memorable and unexpected experiences can be a big influence on patients. Tony Robbins said, “we remember only 80 percent of what we experience.” Creating the ultimate experience helps your patients remember. How patients perceive your practice and your team is very important. Small details such as coffee, warm towels, blankets and music can give them that experience, but patient communication and patient perception is the most important. The more skillful communicators and leaders that you and your team become, the more effective this process becomes. The more you can connect with patients, the faster you will build a relationship of trust. Little details can cause a patient to rationalize paying more because they perceive that they are receiving more. Anyone can do the big things right. However, it’s the little things that differentiate one business from another and which influence patients to choose your practice.
how the first point of contact with your team sets the stage for their continuum of care
the importance and methods for standing out in the patient’s mind for excellent customer service and exceeding expectations
effective patient communication skills and simple phrases to “wow” patients and convey value of doing business with you and your practice
how to get patients to be more receptive to treatment with the use of visual aids and digital technology to help them feel they are involved with a top-notch, state-of-the-art practice
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 3
Guided Surgery has revolutionized and simplified implant dentistry for clinicians that thrive for perfection. With a combination of cone beam, CBCT and CAD/CAM technology, we are now able to prepare an entire workflow with great clinical outcome as well as predictability of the final restoration. Most practitioners are involved in the restorative phase of implant dentistry and referring patients out for surgery due to the lack of confidence or fear of surgical complications. Today surgical placement has become easy and predictable with guided surgery and more general dentists are utilizing surgical templates to overcome their fears. This “Live” demonstration outlines some of the great features of implant technology goes over step-by-step protocols for diagnosing, planning and performing surgery with appropriate use of implant systems and surgical guides. In addition, a groundbreaking technology for anesthetizing the maxillary arch without causing any pain to the patient during anesthesia.
surgical principles utilized in guided surgery
step-by-step protocols for guided surgery
to gain confidence performing guided surgeries in your everyday practice
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6:00pm - 7:30pm
International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Current Dental Topics
Joseph Markenson, David L. Hoexter, George Freedman,
Course #: 4580 Date: 11/27/2017 Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph Markenson, David L. Hoexter, George Freedman,
Room: The Harmonie Club Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $45.00 Credits: 3
Checkpoint Inhibitors to Fight Cancer
8:00am - 12:00pm
The Comprehensive Restorative Solution: Utilizing Digital Treatment Tools to Conquer Challenging Cases
Steven Glassman
Course #: 5070 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steven Glassman
As technology continues to evolve along with the demands of a changing consumer, it’s imperative to master the latest that technology has to offer. Combining accurate digital impression technology, innovative orthodontic treatment planning along with advanced restorative techniques gives practitioners the ability to deliver dynamic finishes. The clinician unlocks the secrets to creating beautiful smiles from the digital ecosystem in their practice. During the presentation, attendees learn the most recent innovations that practitioners can utilize to create beautiful smiles for their patients. The clinician also shares his experience and techniques that he employs throughout the treatment process. ClinCheck® Treatment Plan strategies are discussed along with utilizing scanning technology to evaluate progress throughout treatment.
ClinCheck treatment plan strategies
restorative techniques to create the ideal smile
how to utilize features within the iTero Element® Intraoral Scanning system to enhance treatment planning and patient acceptance
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9:00am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 5120 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers: selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pediatric Airway in the Dental World, Challenges & Controversies/The Genetic and Social Determinants of Behavior
Pediatric Dentistry
Scott M. Rickert, Amr Moursi,
Course #: 5140 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Scott M. Rickert, Amr Moursi,
Challenges/Controversies Pediatric airway and sleep has long been a challenge for the pediatric subspecialist as it impacts the child in many different ways in their physical and mental development. This program helps identify some key aspects of pediatric airway, and describes how this can impact pediatric sleep, breathing, pediatric facial growth and pediatric development. Several different aspects of airway and development are highlighted. Case based discussions and challenges and solutions are addressed, from the most basic to the most complex. Practical advice and basic screening tools are emphasized to help all practitioners with this important role within airway and dentistry.
The Genetic and Social Determinants of Behavior This program discusses the etiology of pediatric behavior, including genetic and social determinants. Understanding these factors will form the basis for methods of accurately assessing a child’s development, temperament, personality and fears. Such an assessment allows for prediction of, and preparation for, a child’s behavior and response to dental treatment.
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9:00am - 5:00pm
The Art of Oral Appliance Therapy: Calibration and Beyond - Which Appliance and When Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Leila Chahine
Course #: 5180 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Leila Chahine
Attendees are in a position of wondering which oral appliance to use for a patient with sleep disordered breathing. This program offers you the opportunity to actually hold, manipulate, and discuss the pros and cons of each appliance. Attendees leave understanding both WHICH and WHY a specific appliance is appropriate to a specific patient. This Hands-On workshop is ideal for dentists who have a basic understanding of Dental Sleep Medicine.
Learn to:
become familiar with the guidelines for oral appliance therapy
understand the mechanism of action, design and features of oral appliances
choose the best oral appliance for your patient
understand how to deliver and calibrate an oral appliance
become familiar with mechanical failures of oral appliance therapy
9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontics for GPs: Faster, Better, Safer Root Canals Download Handout
This program is full of honest tips, tricks and advice and is tailored for novice and experienced dentists who want to perform better root canals with less stress. This presentation discusses how to locate canals more efficiently in just one appointment using fewer steps. Learn to separate less files, avoid canal ledging and reduce post-op pain.
Learn to:
more efficiently locate canals (including MB2), instrument and obturate with fewer steps
better access teeth, locate and instrument canals, follow canal curvatures, anesthetize (hot) teeth and improve intra-canal medications
to separate less files, prevent perforations, avoid canal ledging/blocking, prevent obturation extrusion and reduce post-op pain
This interactive program presents a potpourri of interesting cases seen by the clinician over the past few years. Participants learn how to describe a lesion, develop a differential diagnosis and treat the condition. The clinician demonstrates how he approaches cases and arrives at a diagnosis. The audience participates in the diagnosis process.
a logical approach to the diagnosis of oral lesions
to describe and develop a differential diagnosis of various clinical cases
to treat selected oral diseases and distinguish “good from bad”
Posterior composite resin restorations have become mainstream. However, dentists complain that Class II composite restorations are tedious, time consuming, somewhat complicated, and aren’t always predictable. In addition, clinicians can sometimes be confused by the vast choice of adhesives in the marketplace all claiming to be the best. This program shows a greatly simplified and efficient procedure for placing posterior composite restorations based on new materials and technology. The predictable, standardized protocol clearly shows a significant reduction in both time and effort when placing these restorations.
Learn to:
examine current matricing techniques that insure predictable quality contacts
understand adhesion: making the right choice and doing it right
achieve significant time savings without compromise, using bulk fill composite technology
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Innovative Crown Protocols that Challenge Old Standards Download Handout
George Priest
Course #: 5220 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
George Priest
Innovative materials and procedures have dramatically altered longstanding practices of crown restoration. The techniques and materials presented today allow clinicians to better achieve the goal of esthetically pleasing smiles while preserving tooth structure. Current ceramic systems that provide ideal optical properties while nearly eliminating the need for metal alloys are explored. Topics of discussion include: the influence of esthetics on jaw relations and smile design; diagnostic waxing; scripted digital imaging for precise color and contour communication; provisional restorations as the esthetic template; retraction and impression/scanning procedures; and, coherent steps to restoration techniques that simplify the process of complete rehabilitation with crowns.
Learn to:
implement tooth sparing techniques of crown restoration
create scripted digital images for accurate laboratory color and contour communication
choose the appropriate ceramic material for individual teeth
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9:00am - 12:00pm
The Standard of Care for Infection Control (IC) Download Handout
Infection Control
Jessica S. Wilson
Course #: 5230 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jessica S. Wilson
Room: 1E10 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
This program reviews the application of IC principles to create and maintain a safe environment for patient care in the dental practice setting. The program also reviews the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard for dental healthcare workers. This unique presentation is also approved by the New York State DOH and follows the CDC Guidelines for infection control and patient safety.
scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection control in the dental practice
how infection control concepts for cleaning, disinfection, sterilization and barrier protection are applied in professional practice
how bloodborne pathogens may be transmitted in the work environment and apply work practice controls to reduce opportunity for exposure of potentially infectious materials
You have so many companies pounding you about what you must do to gain new patients. Internal, external and interactive marketing are hot topics. Do you really need to market? This program gives you valuable information about the current trends in marketing. You’ll walk away with statistics to use in determining your needs for growth and your budget. Every team member should be involved in the marketing discussion and goal accomplishment; not just setting goals. It’s all about achievement in this interactive program.
different kinds of marketing and what they mean for your practice
about print advertising including newspaper, magazines and town mailers
The effect of orthodontic therapy on periodontal tissue and the combined ortho-periodontal approach is reviewed using actual clinical cases. Patients with periodontal disease can present with pathological teeth migration, due to occlusal trauma and reduction of the bone support accompanied with intrabony defects. Unfortunately, this can also be associated with esthetic damage of the smile line. It is often necessary to combine a perio-ortho treatment in order to solve both issues. However, the clinical perspective of orthodontic movement in patients with severe intrabony defects has not been analyzed with clinical controlled trials; so there are only limited reports with different results. The aim of this prorgram is to analyze the possibilities, limitations and the operative sequences of periodontal surgery in patients with severely compromised dentitions.
to save teeth with a combined periodontic and orthodontic therapy
the synergic positive effect of an interdisciplinary approach
This fast moving “bottom line” course includes the areas of dentistry with the most activity and change in any given year. It is easily understood and has numerous summaries that help attendees interpret the ongoing advancements in the profession. The program encourages audience participation, questions and answers and is presented in an enjoyable and humorous manner. The hottest topics are discussed along with the interests of the participants attending today.
the most important and useful new techniques in dentistry today
useful new concepts you could apply tomorrow
to implement those aspects of the program most applicable to your practice
9:00am - 12:00pm
Techniques for Pink and White Composites Restorations Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
Frank J. Milnar
Course #: 5280 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Frank J. Milnar
Developing treatment strategies for mid-anterior restorations can be challenging. Materials used for these restorations must be easy to handle, exhibit beautiful aesthetics and have the ability to reproduce missing tooth structure or gingival tissue. In this program, learn how to enhance your skills and gain confidence using pink and white bioactive composites that utilize minimally invasive concepts.
about a new generation of bioactive materials that address pink and white components of the smile
to understand the mechanics of building teeth from the inside out using a new generation of pink and white nanohybrid composites
the proper sequence for finishing and polishing composites
Movimentando Decíduos com Autoligados Bidimensionais Apresentação da Filosofia PDM, onde movimenta-se os dentes decíduos da mesma forma que os permanentes na técnica autoligada. Apresentação do Conceito de Interface da Risólise que contém células tronco ou madres, e ao serem movimentadas para as áreas em que se necessita osso alveolar, são estimuladas a se replicarem e se transformar osteoblastos para formar osso alveolar. Apresentação do uso de pistas diretas Twin Block em resina, que são coadjuvantes à Filosofia PDM e build up´s em molares decíduos, além da ação do sistema bidimensional complementam o protocolo de tratamento na dentição mista e decídua, eliminando ou minimizando o uso de aparelhos móveis.
Liliana J.P. Donatelli, B.S., M.P.H.
7 erros em Biossegurança em Odontologia Após essa palestra o profissional estará apto a reconhecer não conformidades comuns relacionadas ao controle de infecção e Biossegurança encontradas nos consultórios odontológicos. Dicas práticas e material de referência serão oferecidos para que o profissional possa se atualizar permanentemente. A base para ess apresentação são as normas de controle de Infecção em Odontologoa do CDC atualizadas com o check- list de 2016 da mesma organização, OSAP e a legislação brasileira
Regina L.S. Queiroz, D.D.S.
Odontologia Esportiva Odontologia esportiva é um dos mais recente e próximo campo em odontologia. Inclui principalmente a prevenção e gestão de lesões orofaciais relacionadas ao atletismo e doenças orais associadas. O dentista de esportes ou equipe auxilia atletas na prevenção, tratamento e diagnóstico de lesões orais. O objetivo do seminário é aumentar o interesse profissional pela orientação para a odontologia esportiva.
Roberto Caproni, D.D.S.
Gestão Como ganhar tempo, dinheiro, qualidade de vida e prestígio social através das modernas ferramentas de gestão e de Mercado. Gerenciar consultórios e clínicas. Otimizar resultado financeiro. Melhorar a qualidade de vida do profissional da saúde.
Vera H. Terra, M.S.D.
“Sorriso” Responsabilidade da Odontologia e Fonoaudiologi Há alguns Congressos venho lembrando ao ortodontista que O perfil dos pacientes que buscam o tratamento ortodôntico vem se alterando ao longo dos últimos anos. Pacientes adultos representam hoje a maioria nos consultórios. A busca e a exigência de finalizações estéticas marcam o maior número de diagnósticos e tratamentos realizados. Estabilidade de resultados não é mérito do profissional e sim uma obrigação! Sucesso do tratamento só será atingido, se ideais tanto do profissional, como principalmente do paciente, forem rigorosamente alcançados. O sorriso é um grande responsável para que o sucesso no término do tratamento.aconteça. Éuma das expressões mais agradáveis que demonstram simpatia, alegria, amor.
Rich Cohen, Paul L. Durham, Eddie Sall, Matt Lark, Donald Tanenbaum,
Course #: 5320 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Rich Cohen, Paul L. Durham, Eddie Sall, Matt Lark, Donald Tanenbaum,
Orofacial Pain and TMD problems continue to be a mystery for many practicing dentists. Amongst the many risk factors prompting the emergence of these pain problems, sleep disturbances must be seriously considered. From this perspective, the focus of this full day program is to expose the attendee to a system of evaluation that will undoubtedly help assess and manage these complex problems. Therapies for TMD/Orofacial pain and Sleep disturbances that are well within the dental practice guidelines are discussed. The program concludes with four case studies that highlight the complex relationship between sleep and pain.
the most common risk factors for orofacial pain and TMD problems
the latest concepts regarding chronic pain physiology
about sleep disturbances and the impact on a patients’ pain experience
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Essential Online Marketing Strategies to Attract New Patients
Social Media
Leonard F. Tau
Course #: 5340 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Leonard F. Tau
Room: 2D09 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
A patient’s journey begins with a Google search. In order to be found, you need to be at the top of that search. There are many methods to become more credible and more visible. Online reviews, website design, search engine optimization (SEO), Google Adwords, Social Media and Blogging are just some of the topics emphasizing the most important ways to differentiate yourself and gain trust from not only Google but the most important person...the online searcher looking to become your patient. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop or tablet for a more interactive program.
to attract more new patients by getting to the top of a Google search
why online reviews are the easiest and most effective way to get on page one of Google search results
why social media is not the next best thing to attract new patients
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 5490 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
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Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Orofacial Pain & Acute Emergencies Essays
Orofacial Pain
Nojan Bakhtiari, Raid S. Sadda, Edward Miller, Jr.,
Course #: 5660 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Nojan Bakhtiari, Raid S. Sadda, Edward Miller, Jr.,
This program updates the clinician with current standards in oral and facial pain diagnosis. Particular focus is placed on how to avoid common misdiagnosis of orofacial pain conditions and TMD. Sources of pain mimicking a toothache and TMD are discussed, along with red flags on how to detect them. Learn how to recognize sources of facial pain and toothaches other than TMD.
Raid S. Sadda, D.D.S., M.S. 10:00-11:00
Surgical Extraction of Mandibular Impacted Third Molars: Prevention
and Management of Nerve Damage
This discussion offers attendees information in the prevention of nerve damage during surgery. Diagnostic methods prior to surgery include cone bean computerized tomography (CBCT). Surgical procedures that may be applied in order to prevent nerve damage include coronectomy and forced eruption, which are superior sometimes to complete extraction. Diagnostic methodology in locating the inferior alveolar nerve in proximity to the roots is also included.
Edward J. Miller, Jr., D.M.D. 11:00-12:00
Medical Emergencies for the Dental Team
This program reviews medical emergency assessment and treatment for the dental team. A review of the necessary equipment and treatment protocols are addressed throughout the discussion. Attendees will become comfortable in treating common medically related emergencies. Ample time will be available for further discussion and questions.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Academia Internacional de Odontolog
Spanish Programs
Pablo H. Palmieri, Sergio Hiskin, Luis Kaver, Sandra Regian Bor Men,
Course #: 5680 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Pablo H. Palmieri, Sergio Hiskin, Luis Kaver, Sandra Regian Bor Men,
Estetica & OclusiÓn : El Exito de la RehabilitaciÓn
Se dara una conferencia basada en los principios oclusales tan importantes para entender como funciona una boca. Se va a hablar de alineacion tridimencional, individual y de conjunto como tambien la forma y el tamaño de las piezas dentarias, sus lineas de referencia impresindibles para poder ordenar una rehabilitacion Oral. Tambien hablaremos de las nuevas ceramicas que exitrn en el mercado, la ventajas y desventajas de cada una de ellas, y todos los parametros esteticos que utilizamos en rehabilitacion oral.
Sergo Hiskin, D.D.S.
La Periodoncia en la Interdisciplina
La conferencia coloca al tratamiento periodontal como eje de todas las disciplinas odontológicas. Las encías son el Banco de prueba de todo tipo de restauración ya sea estética o funcional. Relacionaremos el tratamiento periodontal con las prótesis, como coronas de porcelana pura y laminados mínimamente invasivos, además veremos cómo influyen en el ligamento periodontal las fuerzas horizontales ortodóncicas lesivas y varios casos clínicos al respecto. Veremos también las secuelas del tratamiento periodontal, como las reseciones gingivales generalizadas, y comprobaremos que con diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas simples podremos devolver casi íntegramente la estética de los tejidos periodontales. Por último relacionaremos los tejidos blandos con la implantología y veremos varios casos clínicos de regeneración ósea por actividad de fuerzas axiales sobre los maxilares.
Luis Kaver, D.D.S.
Preparar o no. Dilema en Odontología
El tener una agradable sonrisa, dientes blancos y bienestar son exigencias del paciente y de la sociedad hoy en día. Los mitos siempre van de la mano con nuevas prácticas y procedimientos. Para tomar la decisión en qué casos se indica ¨preparar o no¨, se conocerán los principios básicos de estética y función, la aplicación de diferentes técnicas y materiales dentales y así, poder ofrecer al paciente tratamientos conservadores y satisfactorios.
Sandra Regina Bor Menéndez
Ortodoncia lingual una visión del futuro
Creemos que en un futuro muy cercano,la ortodoncia lingual será la técnica más utilizadas en todas las oficinas dentales del mundo ,por ser completamente invisible ,cómodo para el cliente y el tiempo de tratamento reduzido. Prepare-se para esta nova realidade! Importancia de la ortodoncia lingual. Casos clinicos en ortodoncia lingual.
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9:00am - 5:00pm
Simposio Multi-Disciplinario ROCA Internacional
Spanish Programs
Juan E. Bazan, Adriana M. Pascual, Eduardo J.L. Bava, Nicol Rubio, Lalama Cacciacane Entre-Rios, Gonzalez y Rivas Julio, Melania L.,
Course #: 5700 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Juan E. Bazan, Adriana M. Pascual, Eduardo J.L. Bava, Nicol Rubio, Lalama Cacciacane Entre-Rios, Gonzalez y Rivas Julio, Melania L.,
Diseño Digital de Sonrisa.- es una filosofía que el Dr. Juan Enrique Bazán la viene presentando desde 1990 y en la actualidad ha tomado un protagonismo acelerado por la facilidad en el uso de los sistemas informáticos, hoy incorporada por Christian Coachman y otros. Este análisis, involucra un trabajo en equipo, para lograr diseñar una sonrisa verdaderamente bella. Para ello se necesita algo más que técnica dental, hay que visualizar los problemas estéticos con visión artística.
Adriana M. Pascual, D.D.S.
Ortodoncia en 3D
Se explorarán las muchas formas en que el acceso a la tecnología de 3D (en cuanto a la disponibilidad de imágenes y modelos constructivos de toda la estructura craneofacial) ha modificado el paradigma en Diagnóstico, Pronóstico, Planificación y ejecución de la Mecánica de tratamiento en la práctica moderna de la Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Maxilar. A su vez se relevará el impacto que, en términos sociales y profesionales significa este cambio. Por último, se explorarán las claves del éxito en la implementación de esta nueva herramienta.
Eduardo J.L. Bava, D.D.S.
Alcances y limitaciones de injertos en Implantologia Oral
Diferentes tipos de injertos que pueden ser utilizados para reconstrucción de rebordes atróficos. Ventajas y desventajas de los injertos. Describir los tipos de injertos. Planificar y resolver casos clínicos de diferente complejidad
Nicolás A. Rubio, O.D.
Planeamiento Protético en Pacientes Desdentados
Paso a paso en el planeamiento protético para el tratamiento de pacientes desdentados con tratamientos de Implantes. Prótesis Fijas vs Híbridas vs Sobredentaduras. Comprender la secuencia clínica para el tratamiento del desdentado. Diferenciar el tipo de prótesis a utiizar (fija, híbrida o sobredentadura).
Sergio H. Cacciacanne Entre-Rios, D.D.S.
Mantenimiento Hueso Marginal en Implantes con Compromiso EstÉtico
Trataremos de darles los protocolos adecuados para realizar una cirugía donde nuestro implante cumpla con las condiciones adecuadas para el mantenimiento de hueso marginal a través del tiempo. Hacer conocer un prototipo de trabajo. Una cirugía inicial mque nos marque el camino. Enseñanza de la Rehabilitación y Provisionalizacion.
Gabriela Scagnet. D.D.S.
Tratamiento odontológico en niños con Trastornos del Espectro Autista
La atención odontológica en niños con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA) se basa actualmente en los cambios incorporados en la quinta edición del DSM V Edición en el cual se han eliminado criterios diagnósticos utilizados desde hace décadas para el diagnóstico del autismo y de los trastornos asociados. Los pacientes con estos trastornos pueden o no presentar anomalías dentales específicas y la mayoría se relaciona con los patrones de comportamiento. La atención en niños con TEA seguirá un protocolo odontológico personalizado y adaptado a la signo sintomatología médico-social.
Julio Lalama, D.DS.
Ortodoncia Autoligable Simplificada
La ortodoncia autoligable es la ortodoncia del siglo 21, nuestra técnica consta de un protocolo de implementación sencillo de pocos pasos, a su vez la mecánica utiliza dos arcos solamente, gomas de uso nocturno, sin utilizar arcos internos, resultando así en un tratamiento confortable, a corto plazo, reduciendo al máximo las extracciones, brindando una mayor estética durante el tratamiento con sus brackets transparentes y alambres térmicos biológicos de baja carga y estéticos, a su vez logrando una correcta oclusión funcional y sonrisa final de excelencia. Por su simplificación de trabajo y eficacia se convierte en una técnica ortodoncia de elección en los momentos actuales .
Melania L. Gonzalez y Rivas, D.D.S.
Avances en Cariologia Clínica
Identificar las lesiones de caries, distinguiendo su progreso y actividad. Evaluar los factores de riesgo cariogénico de mayor poder predictivo para el reconocimiento de las causas del proceso de caries e indicación de su terapéutica correspondiente. Actualizar sus conocimientos acerca del rol de la saliva, biofilm cariogénico y los procesos de des/remineralización en los tejidos dentales duros.
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Spanish Programs
Maria A. Lipari Valdes, Francisco J. Hern, Paulo Ceasar Barbos Redua, A. Carolina Medina,
Course #: 5710 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Maria A. Lipari Valdes, Francisco J. Hern, Paulo Ceasar Barbos Redua, A. Carolina Medina,
La Asociación Latinoamericana de Odontopediatría ALOP une a todas las Sociedades de Odontopediatría de Latinoamérica. Creamos acciones para la capitación y la actualización científica, investigación, difusión de información gratuita y el abordaje social en salud para las poblaciones vulnerables de nuestros países. En este Programa abordaremos la práctica de la Odontopediatría en Latinoamérica, incluyendo datos epidemiológicos en nuestra región, así como el desarrollo e implementación de diversos programas preventivos y actividades de tipo social. Destacaremos la importancia de la Odontología Materno-Infantil, y diferentes técnicas clínicas en el abordaje y tratamiento integral en nuestros niños.
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Grupo Vásquez - México - Ortodoncia Anclaje Absoluto y Ortoimplantes
Spanish Programs
Manuel Vazquez Uribe
Course #: 5720 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Manuel Vazquez Uribe
Ortodoncia Anclaje absoluto y terminado estético post ortodoncia. Se hará un workshop y hands-on. Utilizando mecánica vanguardista, lograremos obtener de manera más rápida y con mayor eficiencia los objetivos planteados de un diagnóstico adecuado. Ir más allá de los límites tradicionales en los tratamientos de ortodoncia y así evitar que muchos pacientes que podrían ser quirúrgicos, hoy no lo sean.
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9:00am - 12:00pm
New York State Dental Society of Anesthesiology
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Robert Peskin
Course #: 5750 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert Peskin
This program includes basic life support skills, including effective chest compressions; use of an Ambu Bag, (bvm) and use of an AED; recognition and early management of Respiratory and Cardiac Arrest; recognition of early management of peri-arrest conditions such as symptomatic bradycardia; airway management, related pharmacology, along with management of ACS/ Stroke; and, communications as a member and leader of a resuscitation team.
airway management
relaxed pharmacology
management of ACS and stroke
effective communication as a member and leader of a Resuscitation Team
Note: This is the 1st Part of the Advanced ACLS Certification program. Attendees must take Part 2 offered on Wednesday (course 6790).
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Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Healthcare Executive Development Academy - Leadership is Action
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 5800 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Develop leadership skills essential to lead the dental team, dental associations and in academics. Culturally competent leadership education is essential. Speakers will discuss themes as leading teams, building trust, balancing democracy vs. control and how to sustain team engagement. Discover tips on how to maximize your energy, focus, reevaluate expectations and letting go. How to develop competencies and get tools to create an inclusive environment fueled by diverse engagement and innovation will be discussed.
To apply a roadmap that ensures all are heard, recognized and appreciated.
Identify your leadership style.
Become a more inclusive leader.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Extraction Socket Grafting
Implant Dentistry
Avi Schetritt
Course #: 5010 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Avi Schetritt
The success of implant therapy is dependent on appropriate bone volume for restoratively driven implant placement. As such, extraction socket grafting is an essential part of implant therapy. This program demonstrates extraction socket grafting for implant dentistry and reviews the biology of socket grafting healing, bone graft selection and membrane selection.
the biology of socket wound healing
to understand bone graft selection for socket grafting
to understand membrane selection for socket grafting
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Sinus Augmentation Techniques
Implant Dentistry
Joseph Leonetti
Course #: 5030 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph Leonetti
Lack of bone mass to support dental implants is common in the posterior maxillary quadrant. Vertical augmentation of the sinus cavity for dental implantation is a predictable technique for dental rehabilitation. Sinus anatomy, function and surgical approaches for successful vertical augmentation are reviewed. Indications for both lateral and crestal techniques are discussed. Lowering the risk of complications with pre-operative analysis as well as identifying and treating intra-operative and post-operative complications are outlined. Attendees in this hands-on workshop learn on models using microsurgical sinus instruments, osteotomes, and graft/membrane materials. Lateral and crestal techniques for bone augmentation are reviewed in this unique hands-on workshop.
bone grafting techniques and the use of barrier membranes
to review graft materials for optimal outcome
to manage intra-operative and post-operative complications
decision making for crestal osteotome versus lateral window approach
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9:45am - 5:00pm
Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Rational Approach to Treatment Download Handout
Max M. April, Kenneth Fleisher, George J. Cisneros, Rose Sheats,
Course #: 5050 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Max M. April, Kenneth Fleisher, George J. Cisneros, Rose Sheats,
Sleep apnea has been part of the human experience for centuries before Charles Dickens’ ‘Pickwick Papers’ actually made it part of our culture in the 19th century. However back then, most of the focus was on one of the character’s obesity rather than the sleeping disorder associated with it. It wasn’t until the early ‘80s that the complexity and variability of expression associated with sleep disorders was more fully appreciated as the use of polysomnography made it possible to fully document apneas during sleep. Soon we were able to begin to effectively address the disorder’s etiologies thanks to the proliferation of Sleep Centers around the globe. As a result, all sorts of therapeutic approaches evolved ranging from drug and inhalation therapies, to various surgical and appliance methodologies. This seminar discusses what surgical therapeutic approaches work best; when and if to refer patients for tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies; what you might be missing in your practice; and where to best focus your efforts.
the accomplishments achieved in sleep medicine
about the practicality of appliance therapy
to manage patients with sleep disordered breathing
surgical therapeutic approaches and how to apply them
Dental caries continues to be a significant problem for children, adolescents and individuals with special health care needs. Frequently, traditional restoration of carious teeth is challenging due to young age, developmental disabilities or anxiety that require use of general anesthesia to manage behavior. This is a costly resource with limited availability. Recent FDA approval of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) has provided an option to arrest caries lesions without the use of invasive procedures. The combination of SDF and glass ionomer cement provides a transitional restoration that manages the caries process and improves function.
the indications and contraindications for silver diamine fluoride
the proper placement technique of both SDF and GIC through hands-on training
the elements of informed consent when communicating with parents regarding treatment options
9:45am - 12:45pm
Gaining the Most from Your Panoramic Radiograph Download Handout
Daniel P. Turgeon
Course #: 5300 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel P. Turgeon
This program reviews the basics of a panoramic radiograph, from acquisition to interpretation. By using several varied clinical examples, attendees learn all the steps for a complete interpretation of the panoramic radiograph along with key elements to diagnosing maxillary lesions. This seminar allows you to fully exploit the information provided by the panoramic radiograph, to make the link between your observations and the possible diagnoses and then to understand what the next steps would be in the diagnostic or treatment sequence.
how to use all the information on your panoramic radiograph
what other diagnostic tests could be needed to refine your differential diagnosis
to understand how its acquisition can affect one’s diagnostic capacity
Attendees learn the basics necessary information to run a successful implant office. Learn the systems, team and the mindset required to have their office run efficiently and practice the kind of dentistry that they love. The clinician discusses what causes burnout and shows how to avoid it. Attendees leave with a foundation to start incorporating implants successfully into their offices and changing their patient’s, their office’s and their own lives.
to create intentional success
systems necessary to run an efficient office
the largest impediment to success
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9:45am - 5:00pm
A Diode Laser Basic Competency Course
Laser Dentistry
Edward R. Kusek, Charles Hoopingarner,
Course #: 5500 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Edward R. Kusek, Charles Hoopingarner,
This 6-hour program includes both lecture and hands-on application covering a comprehensive overview and basic understanding of the Diode dental laser. This program focuses on laser tissue interactions and safety and operation of a variety of diode lasers that are provided by numerous companies. Attendees are given a list of procedures to complete during this workshop. This program satisfies the Academy of Laser Dentistry’s basic competency course.
popular Diode laser procedures such as tissue troughing, frenectomies, laser sculpting in smile design, photobiomodulation to aid in would healing, removable of redundant tissue for orthodontics and non-invasive periodontal procedures
correct safety procedures for staff, clinician and patient
how Diode lasers interact with soft tissue dental tissues
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Workshop for 3D Endodontic Cleaning /Shaping and Obturation
Samuel I. Kratchman
Course #: 5520 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel I. Kratchman
This hands-on workshop demonstrates the use of a biologic system of nickel titanium rotary instrumentation followed by the introduction of the new XP Endo Shapers and XP Finishers to clean and shape the root canal system. For obturation, the workshop demonstrates a “single cone” technique with Bioceramic Sealer and Bioceramic impregnated gutta percha cones. Attendees have the opportunity to use all of these instruments and materials themselves.
Learn to:
become familiar with the new XP Endo Shapers and Finishers
see the benefits of obturation using Bioceramic Sealer
use new techniques that you can implement into your practice
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Cement Bond Glue: Learn What to Do
Cosmetic Dentistry
Douglas L. Lambert
Course #: 5530 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Douglas L. Lambert
Patients continue to come into our practices specifically requesting ceramic restorations and porcelain veneers, and as a result, new materials and techniques are constantly evolving. However, this can lead to confusion and worry over what luting or cementation media should be used for the best long-term results. Do I bond? Do I cement? Does it matter? This hands-on workshop explores various substrates including lithium disilicate and zirconia and how to pair them with the latest resins, RMGI, self-etch resin, self-adhesive resin and bioactive options in order to simplify your office protocol. The workshop offers the participant an opportunity to bond and/or cement a veneer, an onlay and a full crown using various adhesive materials.
to evaluate the science of today’s cements and bonding options
to explore adhesives and luting resin selection and step-by-step bonding protocol
which techniques help you in your practice
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Dental Assistant Products Showcase: A Hands-On Participation Program
Dental Assistants
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 5540 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
Any assistant who desires the most current, up-to-date information on the latest dental products and their application should plan to attend this program. The clinician guides you through the most current information available on today’s popular esthetic materials. Share ideas with other Assistants. Evaluate new products and techniques that will benefit your practice. The world’s best manufacturers provide their products and materials to showcase. Leave this program with each product demonstrated for a value of over $1,000. Manufacturers donate materials for each attendee to take back to their practice.
alginate vs. polyvinyl, bite registrations, polishing pastes and dentin desensitizers
direct and indirect composite materials, flowables and bonding adhesives, finishing and polishing instrumentations
laboratory burs and instruments, provisional cements (ionomers and resins), bleaching systems and topical fluorides
9:45am - 12:45pm
Dentistry 20/20 Hands-on Workshop: A Vision for the Future of Your Practice
Current Dental Topics
Eric Nuss
Course #: 5550 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Eric Nuss
Are you facing declining revenue and increased competition? Tired of going to seminars where the only interaction is during the question and answer session? Take the first step in creating a strategic business plan for your future success by attending this hands-on, interactive workshop.
the basics of business planning
leadership skills to facilitate effective change in your practice
how to develop the infrastructure required for growth, including technology, personnel and physical space
how to apply “lean” principles to maximize patient value and minimize waste
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9:45am - 12:45pm
George K. Merijohn
Course #: 5560 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
George K. Merijohn
Gingival recession presents challenging treatment considerations dentists face every day. Fear of postsurgical pain, bleeding and sometimes unpredictable results associated with conventional grafting surgery can cause dentists to hesitate in treatment. The KIWImethod® Workshop is the engine for change you’ve been looking for to learn minimally-invasive, practical and proven gingival grafting for root coverage and non-root coverage. It’s a proven approach used to train postdoctoral periodontal residents in precision grafting techniques. Autogenous gingival grafting is the gold standard and KIWImethod minimally invasive recipient site prep and non-palatal tissue harvesting lessens postop bleeding/discomfort and improves outcomes. Allergy Alert: fresh kiwi fruit is used in this workshop.
Learn to:
understand practical recipient site preparation
know special techniques for minimally invasive graft harvest and preparation
understand predictable suturing techniques and time-tested postop protocols
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9:45am - 12:45pm
Posterior Direct Composites: Hands-on Workshop
James Braun
Course #: 5570 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
James Braun
Successful posterior direct composite restorations require adherence to basic principles. There are a number of components that must be addressed to eliminate technique and material problems. The workshop deals with the placement of two posterior composite restorations. One involves a Class II layered build up with matrix system and the second deals with placement of bulk fill Class I restoration. All finishing and polishing technique is included in the program.
Learn to:
address issues regarding post-op sensitivity
highlight premier matrices to utilize
identify the technique and equipment for rapid finishing
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10:00am - 12:30pm
The Laser LANAP Protocol for Treatment of Periodontitis – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Free - No Ticket Required
Live Dentistry
Yetta G. McCullom
Course #: 5100 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Yetta G. McCullom
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 3
Periodontal therapy is often a patient’s first experience in a dental practice. Seeing the steps of the LANAP protocol will demonstrate why this technique is ideal for both clinicians and patients. Treating periodontal disease with this procedure increases the odds for optimal control of your patient’s periodontitis, improvement of their overall health, and patient acceptance of additional care. The steps of the LANAP protocol are demonstrated and the reasoning behind each will be explained in detail.
the steps of the LANAP protocol
why the LANAP protocol is a preferred option for the initial treatment of periodontitis
why case acceptance increases when the LANAP procedure is presented as a treatment option
El Curso Intermedio de Invisalign, diseñado por odontólogos con experiencia interesados en tratar los casos más difíciles con Invisalign, complementa las destrezas adquiridas en el programa introductorio y presenta las técnicas, sugerencias y principios avanzados de Invisalign. Este curso, de cuatro horas, proporciona los puntos de vista de otros colegas para ayudar a los odontólogos a aumentar su confianza clínica con el uso de Invisalign, y presenta sugerencias para lograr óptimos resultados clínicos aumentando su conocimiento general del sistema Invisalign.
Durante este curso, los asistentes revisarán los casos más comunes que pasan por un consultorio odontológico de atención general, y se concentrarán en cómo beneficiarse de las posibilidades del tratamiento con el sistema Invisalign Full para lograr excelentes resultados clínicos.
Al concluir el programa, los asistentes podrán:
definir un plan de tratamiento con ClinCheck® más eficaz
tratar con confianza la mayoría de los casos más comunes que se presentan en su consultorio
manejar los casos durante el tratamiento
entender cómo usar eficazmente el sistema Invisalign Full y las herramientas avanzadas de ClinCheck®
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1:00pm - 4:00pm
American Society for the Advancement of Anesthesia and Sedation in Dentistry
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Dominic P. Lu, David Crystal,
Course #: 5760 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Dominic P. Lu, David Crystal,
Pre-surgical planning of implant patients, implant surgery and soft tissue management in the aesthetic zone are reviewed. Several steps have to be considered prior to implant placement. In this program, the seven steps of pre-surgical planning are presented and discussed. Implant surgery and soft tissue management in the aesthetic zone are presented step-by-step utilizing a prosthetic driven approach.
the seven steps of pre-surgical planning
implant treatment in the esthetic zone: a predictable approach
indications and timing for soft tissue management
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Implants-Teeth-Printing-Milling and Everything In Between Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Jonathan M. Abenaim
Course #: 5040 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jonathan M. Abenaim
Digital dentistry is rapidly becoming a standard in everyday dental practice. The applications of digital dentistry are endless and proper education for its boundaries is needed. Intraoral scanning, 3D scanning, digital printing and In-house milling can be done correctly, profitably and more importantly it can be done while having fun. Learn how to practice the highest standards in dentistry while utilizing digital technology in the dental office. Discussions include the Trios Scanner, multiple 3D printer manufacturers, dental milling and its applications and digital design from surgical guides to digital waxups to full mouth digital workflow.
to understand the need and use for digital dentistry in 2017 and the future
how to incorporate in-house printing for digital waxups, surgical guides, complete dentures and verification jigs
the full mouth reconstruction digital Workflow Zirconia and its indications for in house milling
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2:00pm - 4:30pm
Implant Surgery and Provisionalization: The “Live” Digital Experience
Free - No Ticket Required
Live Dentistry
Michael Klein
Course #: 5110 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Michael Klein
Room: Exh. Floor Booth #6230 Topic: Live Dentistry Tuition: Free - No Ticket Required Credits: 3
Dental implants have become part of everyday dental care. Technology such as oral and laboratory scanning; CBCT scanning; surgical and restorative diagnostic and design software; real-time workflows with the digital laboratory; and, computerized milling and 3D printing have made implant planning, surgical implant placement and provisionalization easier, faster and more predictable than ever before. Come see and learn in our “Live” demonstrations and “Live” implant surgery, what this technology can do and how you can use it in a cost-effective manner for diagnosis, treatment planning, implant surgery and provisionalization.
what new technology there is and how to use it to simplify implant surgery and provisionalization
how to effectively work with the digital laboratory
how to efficiently and cost-effectively utilize digital technology in implant surgery
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Science of and the US Cultural Influence Contributing to Dental Erosion Download Handout
The incidence of dental erosion is increasing in the permanent dentition. This program explains the etiology of dental erosion and explores the diagnostic skill needed to identify it. This program discusses U.S. cultural influences which are increasing the risk for dental erosion.
Please note: This program is approved for credit by the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, Inc. This program is recommended for the entire dental team.
The Hygienists’ Hospitality Suite is located in Rooms 2D12 and 2D13 and is open Sunday through Wednesday from 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.This program is presented by the Dental Hygienists’ Association of the City of New York, Inc., a component of the Dental Hygienists’ Association of the State of New York and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Nutrition and Dentistry: Fostering Partnerships for Healthy Patients/Establishing Essential Behavior in Children with Challenging Behavior/Orthodontic
Pediatric Dentistry
Christie L. Custodio-Lumsden, Purnima Hernanez, Christina Carter,
Course #: 5150 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Christie L. Custodio-Lumsden, Purnima Hernanez, Christina Carter,
Nutrition and Dentistry: Fostering Partnerships for Healthy Patients
This program provides an overview of the synergistic relationship between pediatric oral health, diet and nutrition. Attendees will learn about how interdisciplinary partnerships between dentists and nutritionists can both support the health of their patients and advance the field of oral health research.
Establishing Essential Behavior in Children with Challenging Behavior
This program demonstrates how to establish essential behavior necessary to deliver a life-time of simple dental procedures without the use of restraint. The clinician showcases this via case presentation of an individual with special needs engaging in challenging behavior. The discussions include an understanding of behavior and behavioral procedures beyond tell-show-do.
Orthodontic Treatment for Special Needs Patients
This program establishes ways to evaluate special needs patients and their orthodontic needs. Learn about early orthodontic treatment, early identification and diagnosis of developing malocclusion. In addition, treatment of Phase I interceptive orthodontic cases are reviewed.
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Complex Pediatric Patients Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Rebecca L. Slayton
Course #: 5170 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rebecca L. Slayton
Children and adolescents present unique challenges in dentistry due to behavioral and developmental characteristics. Early loss of a permanent tooth or developmental agenesis of teeth requires creative solutions to maintain function and esthetics and to maintain options for when they reach adulthood. Other developmental anomalies such as hypoplastic molars, ankylosis, dentinogenesis imperfecta and amelogenesis imperfecta, benefit from a team approach to develop the best short term and long term solutions.
the etiology of various dental developmental anomalies and options for treatment
about resources available for patients with developmental dental anomalies
to develop and discuss treatment options for patients with developmental dental anomalies
This hands-on workshop demonstrations the safe and appropriate administration of nitrous oxide/oxygen. The program provides an update and review of the essentials of nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation. Topics include a historical review of the agent; a review of the pharmacology, manufacture and safe administration of nitrous oxide; an overview of the delivery systems currently available as well as an in-depth discussion of the occupational hazards and adverse effects that have oftentimes been associated with its use in dentistry. In addition, the overall context of the spectrum of anxiety and pain control modalities available in dentistry today are reviewed. Attendees learn by using a nitrous oxide/oxygen system on each other.
the safe, effective and appropriate use of nitrous oxide/oxygen
an overview of the delivery systems currently available for nitrous oxide/oxygen
occupational hazards and adverse effects associated with nitrous oxide/oxygen use in dentistry
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Google and Internet Presence: Juice for Dentists Download Handout
Social Media
Larry Emmott
Course #: 5350 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Larry Emmott
Room: 2D09 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Like it or not, people will judge you based on your Internet presence and online reputation. No one uses a phone book; they Google. Learn the three purposes of a dental website and how 93% of the people will find it. Understand how to generate positive user reviews and guard your online reputation. Take a ten point test to determine your online footprint. Discover the top three pages that patients choose to visit most. This program includes live examples, including online searches, website visits and specific step-by-step examples of effective web design.
In 2011 reciprocating instrumentation was reintroduced to endodontics. Due to its simplicity of use and the lack of procedural errors during cleaning and shaping, it has gained tremendous confidence and acceptance among the profession. With new metallurgy technology to improve the performance of NiTi instruments, this program demonstrates how the golden era of root canal instrumentation will continue changing the way we perform root canal therapy.
the advantages of different alloy treatments in endodontic files
the advantages of one single file NiTi system over the other ones
to understand the ability of a single file system over multiple files systems in preparing canals without procedural errors
An American dies every hour from oral cancer, but there is little publicity in the United States regarding this deadly disease. The key to survival is early diagnosis. Studies have shown that the dental profession is the key to early detection but often do not think of oral cancer. This program is a comprehensive overview of oral cancer management from assessment, biopsy, risk factors surgery and adjunctive treatment.
to understand identification and staging and why most patients present late
treatment planning and surgical management with additional considerations of survival and quality of life
This program is packed with intriguing and important information on the practice of hypnosis, and its application and practical use in Dentistry. Learn why you need to start including hypnotic language in your practice today. The clinician gives you easy access to this powerful tool and you will leave having experienced a potential life-changing transformation: or watched one. Walk out of this program feeling enthusiastic incorporating hypnosis into your practice and the positive results that will follow.
to understand how hypnosis works and its use in the dental chair
to become enthusiastic about adding hypnosis into your practice
by engaging in demonstrations
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Progressive Veneer Techniques: New Materials and New Practices Download Handout
George Priest
Course #: 5410 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
George Priest
Ceramic veneers are conservative options for oral enhancement that can significantly transform a patient’s appearance. Materials and techniques have evolved that simplify restorative protocols and maximize esthetic results. Learn the indications; progressive tooth preparation; predictable retentive provisional restorations; impression and scanning procedures; tooth arrangements for accurate smile design and facial esthetics; and, luting materials and techniques. Close collaboration with the orthodontist and periodontist are also explored. The clinician recommends materials that have proven to be effective over long-term use. The close association between preparation and prosthetic excellence are emphasized.
conservative and simplified tooth preparation
to design proportionate veneers for optimum smile line esthetics
to incorporate highly accurate impression and scanning techniques
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Top 5 Traits of Successful Dental Front Desks Download Handout
Practice Management
Rhonda R. Savage
Course #: 5430 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rhonda R. Savage
Room: 1E15 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Patients can’t put their finger on it, but they know and appreciate a smooth running front desk. What is it that patient’s feel during their dental appointment? Professionalism, great customer service and awesome communication skills are keys to your patient’s experience. When your patients arrive and leave your practice, they are in a ‘customer’ mode and expect a higher level of service than they often expect in the back. This lively, informative and timely program can both improve your patient’s feelings about your office and also improve your bottom line.
clear financial arrangements leading to a higher case acceptance and no surprises for the patient
a systematic approach for past due insurance and patient accounts
to recare and reactivate
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
The New Occlusal Relationship
Steven H. Feit
Course #: 5440 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steven H. Feit
A biomechanical and anatomical approach to understanding what characteristics and parameters are necessary for a functional, stable and comfortable occlusion is discussed. This information has been applied in multiple practice sites for the past 25 years and has stood the test of time. Hinge axis can be located by using easily identifiable anatomic landmarks. Dental casts can simply be oriented on hinge axis of any articulator. Utilizing these easy to master techniques results in minimal adjustments when inserting a prosthesis.
to easily identify valuable anatomical landmarks
how the mandible moves and functions relative to hinge axis
to locate hinge axis, simply and predictably
how to mount, orient dental casts on hinge axis
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Clearing the Nutrition Mystery: Paleo, Keto, Atkins Download Handout
Fotinos S. Panagakos
Course #: 5450 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Fotinos S. Panagakos
Over the past few years, the news has been flooded with stories about various nutritional approaches which are based on a lower carbohydrate/higher healthy fat/moderate protein approach, as well as, those that promote a more ancestral or Paleo approach. With so much conflicting information being delivered on these various “diets,” it is challenging for clinicians to understand what these approaches entail, what the data actually says, and how any of these approaches to nutrition can impact oral health as well as overall wellness. This program cuts through the noise and provides evidence-based information on why it is important for dental clinicians to understand these nutritional approaches.
the similarities and differences between the various ancestral and low carb nutritional approaches
why some of these approaches may be better for overall wellness, and oral health vs. the standard American diet
to use this information when either confronted with questions from patients on any of these approaches, or how to take what was covered in this course and apply it to every day practice
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
R2GATE Guided Full Arch Immediate Implant Reconstruction/The DONT's of Implant Dentistry: A Bird’s Eye View from the Lab Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Jonathan P. Kang, Roger Dawson,
Course #: 5480 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jonathan P. Kang, Roger Dawson,
Immediate Implant Reconstruction This program introduces the integration of surgical, prosthodontics and laboratory disciplines, combined with state-of-the-art digital technologies that will provide a seamless approach for totally guided full arch and full mouth immediate implant reconstruction. A comparison to the conventional conversion denture protocol is also discussed.
about the current digital dental technologies that clinicians can immediately benefit from
about the objective ways to determine and decide immediate loading protocol
the protocol for a unique, R2GATE planned, fully guided surgical, restorative and laboratory approach for immediate full arch implant reconstruction (All on 4/6)
The Dont’s of Implant Dentistry: A Bird’s Eye View from the Lab
This program identifies what laboratories see daily with their doctors Implant cases. The clinician shows the result of not using guides and the benefit that would have resulted if a guide had been used. R2gate is now the new streamlined planning system that will help clinicians and labs plan and place implants to ideal restorative locations. No more guessing will be the standard with R2gate planning software and surgical guides.
what have you been sending to the lab and the result of these poor placements
what the results could have been with proper planning and guides
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Henry Schein Dental Handpiece and Equipment Repair Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Various Speakers
Course #: 5580 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Learn how to make basic dental equipment repairs in your office. Henry Schein ProRepair and ProService demonstrates how the pros do it. From fixing the leaky water syringe to making air pressure adjustments, participants gain a better understanding of how to maintain equipment and save money. The best part is that you are actually performing the repairs with your own hands. Whether you own your practice for years or are just beginning your career, all attendees benefit from this unique hands-on workshop.
practical, working knowledge of dental equipment
how to make simple handpiece and equipment repairs yourself
hands-on experience practicing the repairs taught during the workshop
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Endodontics Hands-on Workshop for GPs: Locate, Instrument and Obturate Download Handout
This hands-on workshop is tailored for general dentists and is full of clinical tips and tricks. Participants perform exercises on acrylic and extracted teeth, how to locate and negotiate canals, instrument and obturate more efficiently and safely.
the essentials in stainless steel and NiTi file handling and canal preparation
to locate and negotiate calcified and curved canals (including MB2) using efficient NiTi files
how to obturate the workshop’s instrumented teeth in 3D, predictably and efficiently
In this workshop, attendees learn a fast, easy and practical placement technique for placing Class II composite resin restorations using SonicFill™ (Kerr), a new advanced composite material and placement technology. Participants have the opportunity to place and finish a Class II and a Class V composite restoration. Dentists discover that this system not only delivers an efficient, true single fill aesthetic restoration, but one with superior density and adaptation.
current adhesives and matricing techniques for placing predictable Class II composite restorations
understand the science and technology of SonicFill™
to achieve total fill with total adaptation in seconds
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Predictable Techniques to Create Life-Like Provisionals
Dental Assistants
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 5610 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
High quality provisional restorations are essential in a dental practice dedicated to esthetic dentistry. This hands-on workshop teaches each participant how to create esthetic transitional restorations using both a simplified and complex techniques. The step-by-step techniques coupled with proper support concepts allow both dentists and auxiliaries to fabricate exceptional provisionals, which in turn become the blueprints for a successful case.
how to create a single crown, temporary veneers and a bridge
a step-by-step approach to create life-like provisional restorations
to develop provisionalization methods to minimize problems and preserve tissue health
2:00pm - 5:00pm
6 Boarded Oral Surgeons at Your Service: Hands-On Oral Surgery Workshop for the GP
Oral Surgery
Robert Edwab, Clifford E. Salm, John S. McIntyre, Anthony DiMango, Edward Miller Jr., Maurice Edwards,
Course #: 5630 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert Edwab, Clifford E. Salm, John S. McIntyre, Anthony DiMango, Edward Miller Jr., Maurice Edwards,
Step-by-step techniques to broaden your scope of practice and make oral surgery more enjoyable and income-producing are performed on a fresh pig mandible. The clinicians demonstrate the procedure in front of you and the attendee performs the surgical procedure on his or her own pig mandible. Learn to perform a frenectomy, biopsy, flap techniques and an Incision and Drainage (I&D). Learn about suturing techniques as you work. Proper use of the cowhorn and Ash forceps are demonstrated as you extract anterior and posterior teeth along with the use of a rongeur when doing alveoplasties and root removals.
proper instrumentation
suturing and extraction techniques
surgical removal of a frenum
excisional biopsy techniques
2:00pm - 5:00pm
A User Friendly Socket Grafting Course
Lee H. Silverstein
Course #: 5640 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lee H. Silverstein
This hands-on workshop teaches attendees how to atraumatically extract both single and multi-rooted teeth. The program also discusses the why to socket graft, the indications for a delayed socket graft, and the when to and when not to perform an immediate socket graft. Discussions include how to prepare a socket for a bone graft; barriers; when to graft with and in what clinical situation; and, when to wait and do a delayed socket graft. A discussion about post-operative instructions is also included.
to remove atraumatically single rooted teeth
to remove atraumatically multi-rooted teeth
how and when to graft
what material to graft with and for which clinical situations
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Techniques for Pink Composites Giomer Restorations: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Frank J. Milnar
Course #: 5650 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Frank J. Milnar
The gingival architecture represents the frame for the teeth. If it is not restored correctly, either surgically or prosthetically, it will impair the final three dimensional esthetic outcomes. This workshop teaches you how to enhance your skills and gain confidence using pink composites that utilize minimally invasive concepts. Workshop modules include restoring multiple gingival recessions with sulcus reproduction and surface characterizations
the mechanics of building “prosthetic gingival restorations” with Giomer pink composite
how prep, layer and finish/polish pink composites
the art of “sulcus reproduction” including gingival micro-texture
Incorporating the Hard and Soft Tissue Laser into a Dental Practice
This program discusses the 9.3 CO2 Solea laser. Topics covered include: simple, anesthesia free operative dentistry; soft tissue topics; anesthesia free biopsies; implant uncovering; gingivectomies; frenectomies; and, exposure of impacted canines. This essay also discusses how the laser can be used to expand your practice.
Amey G. Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D. 3:00-4:00
TMJ Disorders and Smile Design
History taking is a magic tool in the diagnosis of TMJ disorders, interdisciplinary aesthetic treatment planning and when to use restorative tools or when to leave it. Prosthodontics, orthodontics, periodontics, or TMJ Specialist or combination of these four might be required. Maximum and predictable communications between specialists are discussed along with functional and aesthetic dental treatment.
Leora Walter, D.D.S. 4:00-5:00
Treatment of the Worn Dentition
Treatment of the worn dentition patient often presents needing ‘just one tooth fixed,’ but when you look in their mouth a collapsed vertical dimension leaves no space for a restoration. One tooth becomes a whole mouth and instantly the entire case escalates. How do we recognize the signs of a worn dentition? What if the teeth can’t be utilized in the final restoration? This program reviews how to properly analyze the worn dentition, suggest a new classification system and execute a full mouth rehabilitation.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Academia Internacional de Odontolog
Spanish Programs
Moacyr E. Men, Alejandro Vivas-Rojo, Marco A. Abanto,
Course #: 5690 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Moacyr E. Men, Alejandro Vivas-Rojo, Marco A. Abanto,
Estrategias con NeuroMarketing, Gestión, Redes Sociales
No te la pierdas. Asista y obtenga respuesta para estas dudas: Vendemos Productos o Servicios? Cómo agregar valor a su negocio Que son unidades de negocio y cómo influencian en sus ganancias Aprenda a fijar sus objetivos y alcanzar sus metas con tips muy útiles. Cómo motivar su equipo de trabajo y conseguir la excelencia en el atendimiento? Concepto «Disney» de atendimiento Cómo vender más y mejor usando la neurociencia, Qué es Neuromarketing? Cliente no se importa con precio. Trataremos de temas como motivación, coaching, liderazgo, gestión, mercadeo, benchmarking y administración. Cómo utilizar Facebook, Instagram, YouTube y Whatsapp para hacer tu publicidad. Descubre cómo tener más suceso y calidad de vida
Alejandro Vivas-Rojo, D.D.S.
Injertos Óseos en ImplantologÍa Oral
La reconstrucción ósea tridimensional, previa o simultánea a la colocación de implantes oseointegrados es uno de los factores principales en el resultado final estético - funcional. Los estudiantes entenderán distintos tipos de injertos, intra, extra orales, así como injertos alogeneicos y alopáticos, desde el punto de vista biológico y sus aplicaciones y contraindicaciones. El curso, será desde el punto de vista clínico, tanto teniendo en base la evidencia científica actualizada.
Marco A. Abanto, Ph.D.
De la Planificacion a la Cementación
Protocolo de cómo realizar restauraciones mínimamente invasivas en el sector anterior con porcelana EMAX veremos el paso a paso de esta técnica adhesiva, en 10 pasos aprenderemos con conseguir grandes resultados, todo con evidencia científica que demuestran el éxito de esta técnica en el sector anterior.
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
Grupo V
Spanish Programs
Benjamin Dibene
Course #: 5730 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Benjamin Dibene
La mayoría de los pacientes con una maloclusión sufren interferencias o puntos prematuros de contacto, lo que ocasiona pérdida de sustancia dentaria. Al finalizar el tratamiento habrá que hacer restauraciones para devolverles la función y estética.
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2:00pm - 5:00pm
NYU Langone Hospital - Brooklyn
Spanish Programs
Omar Suarez, Nereyda P. Clark,
Course #: 5740 Date: 11/28/2017 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Omar Suarez, Nereyda P. Clark,
Conceptos Con temporÁneos en el manejo del dolor orofacial
Aprender conceptos contemporáneos en el manejo del dolor orofacial y los trastornos temporomandibulares y la manifestación orofacial de la enfermedad inflamatoria sistémica; Conceptos contemporáneos en el manejo del dolor orofacial; Y, manifestación orofacial de la enfermedad inflamatoria sistémica.
Nereyda P. Clark, D.M.D.
Un simple examen de cáncer oral
El cáncer oral es una de las más severa amenaza de todos las condiciones orales y más de mita están moderadamente avanzadas cuando se hace el diagnosis. HPV ha surgido como un factor de riesgo para las amígdalas y la base de la lengua. Muchas veces, el diagnosis en esta área se retrasa hasta que se descubre en los ganglio linfáticos. Por este motivo, en examen con preguntas relacionado a las síntomas pueden dar una advertencia sobre el desarrollo del cáncer el la región. No hay ningún examen oral más sencillo que chequear el paciente con los ojos y las manos. Una técnica será ofrecida que es fácil incorporar en la práctica. También, una lista de preguntas para los pacientes será presentada.
Invisalign Fundamentals Course is designed to provide general practitioner dentists and their teams with the essential education and tools needed to start treating patients with Invisalign. Invisalign Fundamentals Course focuses on clinical education and training to cover the basics needed to start an Invisalign case. This program features engaging instruction to foster efficient work flow and synergy for integrating Invisalign into the practice. This exciting, in-person, half-day course provides participants with the clinical and operational training necessary to begin treating a broad range of patients with Invisalign clear aligners.
Learn to:
identify ideal case types for Invisalign treatment
integrate all aspects of the Invisalign process into the practice
use the ClinCheck® software that depicts a virtual set up of your planned treatment
This program provides the basic principles of orthodontics, functional occlusion and how this relates to patients’ overall health and wellbeing. Orthodontic solutions are addressed to prevent and solve every day dental problems caused by occlusal traumatism. Attendees leave empowered to uncover the many hidden opportunities that await them to provide this comprehensive approach to their patients.
Learn to:
recognize value of a healthy, functional occlusion vs. occlusal disease
minimize IPR/enamel reduction while simultaneously shortening case treatment time
describe how proper tooth alignment may be the solution to many common dental problems
integrate Invisalign therapy as an essential first step in TMD treatment and open airway dentistry
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9:00am - 4:30pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 6100 Date: 11/29/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:00am - 4:30pm
Oral Appliance Therapy for Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Avoiding Side Effects and Improving Case Acceptance Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Leila Chahine
Course #: 6180 Date: 11/29/2017 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Leila Chahine
This program introduces an understanding of side effects of oral appliance therapy, medical reimbursement and administrative protocol. It offers a unique and exciting hands-on experience for attendees interested in treating patients with snoring and OSA that you should not miss. Attendees learn how to minimize side effects and how to improve outcome by the clinical choices you make. Practice how to take a bite registration and fabricate a morning repositioner. Management of the patient’s care and medical insurance reimbursement protocol are reviewed. This hands-on workshop is ideal for dentists who have a basic understanding of dental sleep medicine.
Learn to:
understand side effects of oral appliance therapy
practice taking a bite registration for oral appliance therapy
fabricate a morning repositioner
understand medical treatment options and coordination of care with the sleep medicine physician
become familiar with medical insurance reimbursement
9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontic Advances and Controversies: Updates GPs Should Know Download Handout
This honest and practical program covers only clinically relevant and hot topics in endodontics. These include the good and the bad behind various new files, obturation systems, intra-canal medications, one appointment endodontics and the role of analgesics and antibiotics. Significant advances in endo diagnosis, instrumentation, obturation and medication are reviewed. Also included is a discussion on when and why to save or extract and when to post/crown.
advances in instrumentation and obturation, apex locators, 3D imaging/diagnosis and intra-canal meds
controversies: pros and cons of new NiTi files and obturations, one visit endodontics and endodontics vs. implants
the facts behind advances and controversies that benefit your patients and reduce your stress
Red and white lesions are relatively common, but which ones are a problem and which ones can you ignore? This program reviews lesions, assessment, biopsy techniques and management. This program shows you how to recognize reactive and benign lesions from pre-cancer and cancer. Learn management techniques and follow-up protocols so your patient can become more comfortable and at ease.
to recognize reactive and benign lesions from pre-cancer and cancer
the do’s and don’ts of biopsy as related to white and red lesions of the oral mucosa
management techniques and follow up protocols
9:00am - 12:00pm
How Low Should You Go? Treatment of Deep Caries Lesions Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
John J. Maggio
Course #: 6230 Date: 11/29/2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John J. Maggio
What’s the best way to approach a large carious lesion? Can we avoid pulp exposure and endodontic therapy in a vital and asymptomatic tooth? What will happen if we leave some soft dentin under a well-sealed restoration? What does the scientific evidence tell us? The clinician provides a literature review as a framework for rethinking our approach to caries as a disease. Specific guidelines are developed for treatment of very deep lesions, small and moderate lesions, root lesions and recurrent lesions. Various clinical cases are presented to directly apply this information to the dentist’s daily routine.
to choose between indirect pulp caps, “stepwise excavation” and “ultraconservative caries removal”
the indications for, and advantages of, glass ionomer materials, including the “open sandwich technique”
about “atraumatic” caries removal and the use of silver diamine fluoride
Conferencia de 1hr-1hr30min en la que Se presenta soporte histórico, la evolución de los implantes a través del tiempo. Se muestran algunos casos clínicos, incluyendo implantes dentales cortos e implantes dentales largos (Zigomáticos). Ventajas de los implantes dentales a través de tiempo. Implementación de los implantes zigomáticos en las alternativas de tratamiento
9:00am - 12:00pm
Collections and Accounts Receivables Strategies Download Handout
Collections and accounts receivables strategies that work are presented. Are your accounts receivables out of control? Does your insurance claims report weigh more than your desk? Learn to develop proven systems to track A/R more effectively and follow up on past due claims more efficiently without stressing yourself to the max. A design system for collecting from patients without being perceived as the “bad guy” is explained.
Discussions of the general elements that lead to malpractice claims are reviewed. A variety of cases and files are presented from the Medpro Group. This program helps attendees avoid malpractice claims and lends awareness of the current trends in malpractice. The program also provides an in-depth examination of a number of claims that are occurring with increased frequency, and allows the audience to engage in an open dialogue with the clinician to analyze the underlying causes, as well as, a discussion of preventive measures to be taken to avoid similar situations.
an awareness of current trends
to demonstrate actual cases
how to avoid malpractice claims
Dentists who complete this course are eligible for a risk management credit on their liability premiums with MedPro Group. You are encouraged to check with your inidividual carrier concerning the availability of any discount. If you have not completed an approved Risk Management program within the past three years, it is necessary for you to take this course in order to continue to receive your discount. At the end of this course you will receive your certificate of completion for your records to submit to your malpractice carrier.