Restorations must be placed without post-op sensitivity, contacts must be properly formed, and they must be durable. These principles in the placement of restorations remain inviolate. There are methods for placement which are successful nearly 100% of the time with cements which are incredibly reliable and crowns which will rarely fracture. This program covers all the topics needed for everyday successful dentistry including resin adhesives, cements, crowns, direct and indirect restorations, the relationship between occlusion and sensitivity.
to provide current information on adhesive dentistry
to enhance the outcomes for clinicians
principles involved in the placement of restorations
new methods for success
9:00am - 12:00pm
Dental Insurance Reimbursement: It's My Paycheck
Tom M. Limoli
Course #: 1020 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Tom M. Limoli
This program provides the basic skills and information needed to cope with as well as profit from market changes. Benefit plan provisions, limitations, exclusions and carve outs of coverage can have a direct correlation with the patient accepting comprehensive treatment. Learn to work with and understand the patients’ plan. The clinician’s “Seven Keys to Reimbursement Success” is a winning strategy for every dental office team.
Learn to:
secure documented diagnostic specifics in order to obtain more comprehensive reimbursement
establish sound financial arrangements to help the patient make the most of their benefits
9:00am - 12:00pm
Universidad Columbia Colegio de Medicina Dental - Programa de Educación Continuada Download Handout
Portuguese Program
Cleber Silva, Andre Chen,
Course #: 1040 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Cleber Silva, Andre Chen,
Room: 1D06 Topic: Portuguese Program Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Cirurgia Guiada-Acquisicao de Data, Planejamiento de implantes e Design do Guia
A utilidade de tomografia computadorizada Cone Beam (CBCT) na rotina de tratamentos dentários tem sido expandida gracas a tecnologias avançadas que facilitam a execução de tratamentos dentários com maior precisão e melhor expectativa de resultados. Esta apresentação discute technologias periferais que podem ser utilizadas para cirurgia guiada e plano de tratamento virtual. O espectador entenderá como cirurgia guiada é planejada, como guias cirúrgicos são desenhados e pós-processados. Uma breve apresentação da literatura histórica e atual sobre o tópico de cirurgia guiada será apresentada.
Andre Chen, D.D.S., M,Sc., Ph.D.
Fatores críticos na reabilitação com implantes cerámicos
Os implantes dentários feitos de titânio e ligas de titânio são considerados o “gold standard” em implantologia, mas a crescente demanda por implantes dentários livres de metal e o desenvolvimento de materiais cerâmicos refinados, mais resistentes e fortes levou a sistemas cerâmicos fortes como uma alternativa para titânio. O estado da arte digital visa essencialmente simplificar os atos clínicos com maior previsibilidade e rapidez, com claro benefício para o paciente. A parte mecânica dos protocolos de implante de zircônia é, sem dúvida, importante, no entanto, é na área de Biologia e Fisiologia que essas tecnologias de zircônia fazem diferença em relação às convencionais. Com a introdução destes implantes de zircônia de 2ª geração, existem fatores críticos biológicos e mecânicos que temos que entender para dominar a técnica. Esta palestra irá destacar os prós e contras da terapia com implantes de zircônia, bem como mostrar as indicações em cada situação clínica.
9:00am - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium - Friday
Oral Cancer
Deepak Kademani, Sid B. Eisig, Edward J. Miller, Jr., Elizabeth Philipone, Salvatore M. Caruana, Elcin Zan, Evan R. Rosen, Deepak Kademani, Babak Givi, David Hirsch,
Course #: 1060 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Deepak Kademani, Sid B. Eisig, Edward J. Miller, Jr., Elizabeth Philipone, Salvatore M. Caruana, Elcin Zan, Evan R. Rosen, Deepak Kademani, Babak Givi, David Hirsch,
Room: 1C04/05 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $315.00 Credits: 7
Participating Institutions
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Hennepin Healthcare Minneapolis Hispanic Dental Association Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Mount Sinai Medical Center New York National Dental Association New York University College of Dentistry New York University Langone Health New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia University Medical Center North Memorial Health Center Minneapolis Rawle & Henderson LLP University of Pennsylvania School Dental Medicine University of Rochester Medical Center Vassar Brothers Medical Center Poughkeepsie White Plains Hospital Center Boston University School of Dental Medicine Lenox Hill Hospital
This 2-day program specifically covers all aspects of Oral Cancer from diagnosis to treatment to reconstruction and dental prostheses. The program begins with a live patient testimonial of a patient’s actual life experience with oral cancer. The clinicians in this Oral Cancer care program cover epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, HPV relationship to oropharyngeal cancers, and, screening and vaccination, dental considerations for the oral cancer patient, imaging modalities for the oral cancer patient, radiation and chemotherapy treatment for oral cancer, surgical treatments, and, reconstructive treatments including dental prostheses. Also included is a discussion on the medico-legal considerations in follow up of oral cancer patients. Question and answer sections are included after each group of speakers and Tumor Board sessions are included.
Pre-Malignant Lesions Elizabeth Philipone, D.M.D.
Evaluation of the Oral/HNK Cancer Patient Salvatore M. Caruana, M.D.
Imaging Modalities in Oral/HNK Cancer Elcin Zan, M.D.
10 Minute Break
Dental Considerations for Advanced Disease Evan B. Rosen, D.M.D., M.P.H.
Lunch: 12:30 – 1:30 PM
Early treatment Oral Cancer Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D.
Surgery for Advanced Oral Cancer Babak Givi, M.D.
Patient Specific Reconstruction David Hirsch, M.D., D.D.S.
10 Minute Break
Tumor Board Case
9:00am - 12:00pm
Systematic Approach to Successful Endodontics: Hands-on Workshop
Ralan Wong
Course #: 1070 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ralan Wong
Technological advancements in dentistry have exploded the field of Endodontics. Root canal therapy has become easier in the clinician’s hand but more complicated to gain success. This workshop provides step-by-step guidelines to achieve complete endodontic therapy for 70% of garden variety cases; including mechanical instrumentation, dynamic irrigation, and air tight sealing of the root canal system.
Learn to:
understand full irrigation and disinfection of the root canal system
step-by-step guidelines to achieve complete endodontics therapy
about mechanical instrumentation
hermetically seal the apex and entire root canal system
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Implant Placement and Provisionalization Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Bobby Birdi
Course #: 1080 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Bobby Birdi
During this workshop, participants learn to place a dental implant and learn various methods of temporizing the implant. The need for proper 4D implant placement and implant position will affect the restorative aspect of therapy is discussed. Participants learn to use various materials, abutments, and methods to create provisional restorations on the implants they place. This workshop provides implant therapy demonstrations with immediate provisional restoration practices.
to place a dental implant properly
the consequences of improper implant placement
to use various materials, abutments and methods
how to create various provisional restorations and address occlusion
9:00am - 12:00pm
Invisible Class IV Fracture Repair: Hands-on Workshop
Esthetic Dentistry
Dennis Hartlieb
Course #: 1090 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Dennis Hartlieb
Attendees learn a step-by-step application of direct resin for fractures of anterior teeth in this hands-on workshop. The appropriate preparation techniques for fractured incisors to help camouflage the restoration and maximize retention are reviewed and practiced. Concepts to create and utilize a customized lingual incisal matrix are used in the hands-on exercise. Utilizing opaquing techniques, and a combination of appropriate Nanofilled and Microfilled composites, the attendees overcome the problem of ‘shine-thru’ commonly seen with other composite systems.
to master the skills needed to create a seamless Class IV composite that blends with the tooth structure
how to block outshine thru with Class IV fractures
opaquing techniques
the application of direct resin for fractures of anterior teeth
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Procedure Coding is More Than Just Numbers
Tom M. Limoli
Course #: 1030 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Tom M. Limoli
Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT) was supposed to make our lives easier. Is it? Do more redefined codes make the plan now pay more for the procedure? This program focuses on the most common as well as challenging sections of the coding sequence. Clinical scenarios are discussed from both the clinical as well as administrative perspectives. The clinician helps your office eliminate barriers and improve billing communication to all parties involved. Appropriate coding will take the mystique (as well as headache) out of the reimbursement process.
Learn to:
accurately document, code, bill and collect for today’s completed treatment
support the doctor’s clinical findings as well as the subsequent treatment plan
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Universidad de Columbia Colegio de Medicina Dental -Programa de Educación Continua Download Handout
Programas en Español
Elena Sanz Miralles, Ioana Matei, Elena Cerviño, Claudia L. Cruz,
Course #: 1050 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Elena Sanz Miralles, Ioana Matei, Elena Cerviño, Claudia L. Cruz,
Room: 1D06 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Manejo De Los Tejidos Blandos en Periodoncia e Implantología
La calidad y cantidad de tejido blando dictará los resultados de los diferentes tipos de rehabilitaciones orales. El análisis pre-operatorio y el manejo adecuado de los tejidos durante las diferentes fases del tratamiento, asegurará la obtención de los resultados esperados. Durante esta presentación, las técnicas más actuales serán discutidas en base a distintos escenarios clínicos con especial énfasis en los principios biológicos de cicatrización y maduración.
Ioana Matei, D.D.S.
Aumento Óseo. Selección de Biomateriales y Técnicas En Base a Los Distintos Escenarios Clínicos
Durante esta presentación se expondrán las diferentes técnicas utilizadas para el aumento óseo en zonas edéntulas que serán restauradas mediantes estructuras soportadas por implantes. El empleo de los diferentes biomateriales se discutirá en base a la evidencia científica y el análisis histológico de muestras obtenidas en el momento de la colocación de los implantes.
Elena Cerviño, D.D.S.
Avance Mandibular con el Sistema de Alineadores Transparente Basado en la Técnica Invisalign
La Retrognacia Mandibular es una condición esquelética que padecen una gran mayoría de nuestros paciente que acuden a nuestras consulta buscando tratamiento ortodóntico. Esta condición es mucho más predecible y simple de corregir en paciente en crecimiento que en pacientes adultos. Podemos encontrar una gran variedad de aparatos llamados propulsores mandibulares para corregir específicamente éste tipo de condición. El problema común de estos aparatos siempre es la misma, el tamaño es muy grande y en los aparatos que son removibles la falta de colaboración de los pacientes. La empresa Invisalign desarrollo una alternativa que reúne las ventajas que tienen muchos de estos aparatos con un tamaño mucho más reducido y muy fácil y cómodo de usar para los pacientes en crecimiento. Desde 2015 uso el sistema invisalign para mis pacientes y desde mediados del 2017 comencé a usar el Invisalign Teen con Avance mandibular obteniendo resultados magníficos y con la colaboración de mis pacientes adolescentes. Es necesario saber seguir los protocolos y con enorme placer comparto mi experiencia con éste tipo de aparatos.
Claudia L. Cruz, D.D.S., M.P.H., M.S.
Aspectos Relevantes a la Precisión Ultimada Durante el Diagnostico Digital Personalizado en Ortodoncia
En la era de la medicina de precisión y la atención individualizada, la tecnología digital juega un papel fundamental. Los planes de tratamiento personalizados de alta precisión mecánica deben coordinarse con los tiempos de tratamiento y ajustarse a las características específicas de cada caso, adaptándose a su grado de complejidad. Todo ello exige la identificación de una serie de elementos que determinarán el diagnóstico y nos permitirán alcanzar una máxima precisión en el plan de tratamiento. El objetivo del uso de esta tecnología es lograr un resultado terapéutico ideal mediante el uso de un software que nos permita la visualización de los efectos de las terapias en la ATM, el torque coronal y radicular, el uso de fuerza controlada y el resto de elementos que permitan planear y monitorizar el tratamiento, estrictamente del punto de vista del ortodoncista. Esta presentación discutirá mediante el uso de casos clínicas y en base a la evidencia científica actual, las ventajas y desventajas de los diferentes sistemas, así como los beneficios que el uso de un software ideal nos aporta.
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Everyday Root Canals: Hands-on Workshop
Ralan Wong
Course #: 1100 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ralan Wong
With the introduction of NiTi alloy into dentistry and the development of different file designs from the manufacturers, the dental clinician has been able to provide conventional routine endodontics in the office at increasingly efficient rates. This hands-on workshop deals with the complexity of locating canals; choosing methods to mechanically instrumenting 80-90% of teeth in an efficient manner; biologically cleansing the entire root canal system; and, hermetically sealing the apex and canal system to prevent failure.
tips for accessing, locating, and negotiating canals
the rationale behind the utilization of hybrid techniques and perform them in a clinical setting
to understand biologic objectives and disinfection of the root canal system
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Simple Socket Graft and PRF Hands-on Workshop
Bobby Birdi
Course #: 1110 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Bobby Birdi
During this workshop, participants create Platelet-Rich-Fibrin (PRF) membranes and plugs to use in all surgical modalities. They learn the benefits of biologic materials when added to graft materials and overall therapies. The utilization of surgical materials in various ways to complete socket graft procedures is demonstrated. Understanding a treatment decision tree to utilize for socket grafts are essential. Overall, participants learn how to create predictable surgical sites for a future implant or pontic space use. PRF is key.
multiple different methods to socket grafting
to create PRF membranes and plugs
benefits of biological materials when added to graft materials and overall therapies
benefits of PRF and its utilization in surgical procedures
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Composite Veneering: Layering, Contouring and Polishing in a Hands-on Workshop
Esthetic Dentistry
Dennis Hartlieb
Course #: 1120 Date: 11/29/2019 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Dennis Hartlieb
Participants learn a step-by-step application of direct resin for creating a composite veneer. Layering the composite with appropriate materials to create the strongest, but most polishable restoration is taught and practiced during this hands-on workshop. Learn to understand the techniques with tooth morphology and contour when treating rotated teeth, diminutive teeth, and teeth that need to be brought into the dental arch.
about layering principles
what materials are critical for success
about polishing
how to make your composite restorations vibrant
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Treatment: Silver Diamine Fluoride and GIC
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Pediatric Dentistry Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a revolutionary approach to combating caries in a non-invasive manner. Learn the principles of case selection, informed consent, treatment planning, and a clinical protocol for SDF. Learn how to restore cavities in a quick, effective, and painless way using Glass Ionomer Cement, stainless steel crowns, and SDF, known as Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (SMART) and the Hall Technique.
Learn to:
describe the evidence for using SDF, SMART, and Hall Technique to treat caries
review case selection, materials, and the clinical protocol for each procedure
Deepak Kademani, Sid B. Eisig, Edward J. Miller, Jr., Arthi M. Kumar, Eileen Crespo, Daniel E. Sammartino, Brian K. Yeh, Antonia Kolokythas, Richard L. Rausch, Robert Fitch, Esq., Steven Caldroney, Candice B. Zemnick, Al Haitham Shetawi,
Course #: 2040 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Deepak Kademani, Sid B. Eisig, Edward J. Miller, Jr., Arthi M. Kumar, Eileen Crespo, Daniel E. Sammartino, Brian K. Yeh, Antonia Kolokythas, Richard L. Rausch, Robert Fitch, Esq., Steven Caldroney, Candice B. Zemnick, Al Haitham Shetawi,
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine Hennepin Healthcare Minneapolis Hispanic Dental Association Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Mount Sinai Medical Center New York National Dental Association New York University College of Dentistry New York University Langone Health New York-Presbyterian Hospital Columbia University Medical Center North Memorial Health Center Minneapolis Rawle & Henderson LLP University of Pennsylvania School Dental Medicine University of Rochester Medical Center Vassar Brothers Medical Center White Plains Hospital Center Boston University School of Dental Medicine Lenox Hill Hospital
This 2-day program specifically covers all aspects of Oral Cancer from diagnosis to treatment to reconstruction and dental prostheses. The program begins with live patient testimonial of a patient’s actual life experience with oral cancer. The clinicians in this Oral Cancer care program cover epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, HPV relationship to oropharyngeal cancers, and, screening and vaccination, dental considerations for the oral cancer patient, imaging modalities for the oral cancer patient, radiation and chemotherapy treatment for oral cancer, surgical treatments, and, reconstructive treatments including dental prostheses. Also included is a discussion on the medico-legal considerations in follow up of oral cancer patients. Question and answer sections are included after each group of speakers and Tumor Board sessions are included.
Biopsy Principles and Technique Arthi M. Kumar, D.D.S.
A New Frontier: Cancer Prevention with the HPV Vaccine Eileen Crespo, M.D.
Break: 10:45 – 11:00
Chemotherapy for Oral Cancer Daniel E. Sammartino, M.D.
Radiation Oncology in Oral Cancer Brian K. Yeh, M.D.
Role of Neck Dissection Antonia Kolokythas, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Tumor Board Case
Closed Claims Review of Intriguing Oral Cancer Cases Richard L. Rausch, D.D.S.
Legal Aspects of Oral Cancer Robert Fitch, Esq.
Maxillary Surgical Reconstruction Steven Caldroney, D.D.S., M.D.
Maxillofacial Prosthetic Reconstruction Candice B. Zemnick, D.M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Mandibular Reconstruction Al Haitham Al Shetawi, m.d., D.M.D.
9:00am - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium - Friday and Saturday
Oral Medicine/Diagnosis/Pathology
Course #: 2045 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
A Collaborative Approach to Sleep/Airway Disorders Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Kathleen Carson, Steve Carstensen, Michael Gelb, Jeffrey Hindin, Cyndee Johnson, Richard Klein, Steve Lamberg, Jill Meyer, Ben Miraglia, Marc Moeller, Mark T. Murphy, Barry Raphael, Ben Waldman, Julia Worrall, Kathleen Carson,
Course #: 2050 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Kathleen Carson, Steve Carstensen, Michael Gelb, Jeffrey Hindin, Cyndee Johnson, Richard Klein, Steve Lamberg, Jill Meyer, Ben Miraglia, Marc Moeller, Mark T. Murphy, Barry Raphael, Ben Waldman, Julia Worrall, Kathleen Carson,
Screening for Airway and Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders is becoming the standard of practice for dentistry. In October 2017, the ADA approved a policy statement emphasizing dentistry’s role in screening for sleep-related breathing disorders. Learn what you need to know to meet this new standard of care or to exceed it and provide more for your patients and practice. Whatever your goal this presentation is for you and your entire team.
Sleep Related Breathing Disorders (SRBDs) are a set of potentially serious medical conditions – snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and others are characterized by disruptions in normal breathing patterns. Metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, dental and other diseases have been found to be related to SRBD. Dentists are the only health care provider with the knowledge and expertise to provide oral appliance therapy (OAT).
This program covers dental sleep medicine, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, myofunctional therapy, TMD, physiological monitoring, public health initiatives and more. Learn how to provide OAT for mild and moderate sleep apnea when a patient does not tolerate a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device; recognize and managing OAT side effects, and continually update dental sleep medicine knowledge and training at the Airway Summit.
Leading dental educators, scientific academy representatives, allied health organizations, representatives from industry and members of the public will offer information about what the dental team must know and can do to impact positive health change for patients. Learn from not one but 18 presenters. This is an excellent place to begin your sleep education as well as to expand it to new levels.
the scope of and prevalence of SRBD
to assess a patient’s risk for SRBD as part of a comprehensive medical and dental history
to refer affected patients to appropriate physicians
how to evaluate the appropriateness of OAT as prescribed by a physician
about other dental and nondental collaborative treatments for SRBD
The Foundation for Airway Health is dedicated to helping the public realize their maximum potential by championing the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of airway related disorders through collaboration, awareness, research, education and access to care.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Behavior Guidance: What Defines Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss
Course #: 2060 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arnold Weiss
Specific clinical techniques that enable the practitioner to give the standard of care treatment to all children using nonpharmacological behavior guidance techniques are discussed. This program includes information for the practicing dentist to understand the rationale for treating all ages of children and to learn the appropriate techniques for obtaining the optimal behavior from infants and toddlers.
to complete clinical pediatric dental procedures under optimal conditions
the appropriate behavioral approach to an individual child
9:00am - 12:00pm
Understanding and Management of Pulpal Pain
Ralan Wong
Course #: 2070 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ralan Wong
Dental pain has plagued the general population and professional team for ages. It is important to understand how pulpal pain manifests itself and how to deal with it accordingly. This course offers the basic principles and understanding of pulpal pathosis and its relation to dental pain, treatment of the acute emergency patients as well as unrelated dental pain.
Learn the:
relationship of perceived dental pain and its correlation to pulpal pathosis
basic principles and understanding of pulpal pathosis
progression of a normal vital pulp and its deterioration to pulp necrosis and ultimately an abscess
treatment of acute emergency patients as well as unrelated dental pain
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Mastering Adhesion and Posterior Composites
Restorative Dentistry
Alan M. Atlas
Course #: 2080 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alan M. Atlas
There are key fundamental concepts that will determine the long-term favorable outcome of direct composite resin restorations. This seminar provides a current scientific update of adhesive systems and direct esthetic materials with indication of which systems and composite materials to utilize for specific cavity preparations. Evidenced-based step-by-step protocols for preparation, placement and finishing techniques to achieve precise margins, consistent contacts and eliminate post-operative sensitivity are demonstrated with the Dental Microscope HD Video.
Learn: to utilize simplified protocols for preparation, placement and finishing to achieve precise margins, consistent contacts and eliminate post-operative sensitivity an update of adhesive systems about direct esthetic materials
Do you want higher performance from your employees? You can have fun in your dental office and still be respected as a leader. Learn how to set goals in your practice and work as a team to meet those goals. This program discusses how to overcome maintenance and change.
Learn to:
clearly define expectations and more
have fun in your dental office while still being respected as a leader
This program explores state of the art real-time digital design and links 3D prosthetic planning with fundamental smile design principles. Learn how to evaluate critical parameters to prevent problems prior to their occurrence from diagnosis to wax up and final fabrication of the ceramics. The goal of this program is to decrease dentist chair time and decrease ceramic remakes.
real-time digital smile design for both composite provisionals and final porcelain restorations
to integrate sound occlusal principles to create synergy between form and function
to understand distinctive steps to identify and address difficult clinical situations and verbiage to control your patients’ expectations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Lumps and Bumps in the Gum 2.0
Oral Medicine/Diagnosis/Pathology
Samson Ng
Course #: 2110 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samson Ng
This interactive program is designed to review oral lesions and dental therapeutics that oral care providers commonly encounter in a community-based practice. The discussion reinforces the chair-side techniques for head and neck and intra-oral examinations. Techniques for written and photo documentation of oral lesions is also reviewed. The visual presentation and hands-on demonstrations of adjunctive evaluation tools supplement the program and includes common benign oral lesions, microbial infections, and oral pre-cancerous lesion.
the clinical techniques of performing an extra-oral and intra-oral soft tissue examination
to diagnose and treat non-odontogenic oral lesions commonly identified in a community setting
a review of oral lesions and dental therapeutics that are commonly encountered
a review of techniques for written and photo documentation of oral lesions
TMJ disorders are one of those areas where almost every dentist feels uncomfortable. In dental school, we didn’t get much classroom information, and little or no clinical experience. Our treatments in practice are often hit and miss, without clarity on why sometimes we hit, and other times we miss. The clinician reviews the relevant anatomy and discusses simple examination, diagnosis and treatment techniques that will stun your next TMJD patient with your understanding of their issues and will allow you to help many more people.
Learn to:
review and remember the relevant anatomy of the head and neck
understand principles of examination and evaluation for TMJ
diagnosis and treatment techniques
help more patients by better understanding their issues
9:00am - 12:00pm
Today's Treatment Planning: Simple to Complex
Bobby Birdi
Course #: 2130 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Bobby Birdi
The program is designed to help the clinician (generalist or specialist) realize current concepts, techniques, and technologies in dentistry that allow predictable and practical delivery of complex therapy in private practice. The presentation outlines patient selection, treatment planning, sequencing, and decision making in the execution of comprehensive dentistry for consistent functional and esthetic results. The use of technology, digital workflow, guided surgery, and 3D planning are highlighted, including tips and tricks to use when you return to your practice.
how to develop restoratively driven treatment plans, simple-to-complex, as well as treatment timing and sequencing for complex and simple cases
smile design and achieve results that are aesthetically and functionally pleasing
the benefits of utilizing cone-beam technology and digital workflow
about 3D planning including tips and tricks
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of Practicing Dentistry in New York State
Ethics in Dentistry
Margaret M. Surowka, Esq
Course #: 2140 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Margaret M. Surowka, Esq
Room: 1E15 Topic: Ethics in Dentistry Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
This course is required for re-licensure and has been approved by the New York State Education Department.
This program utilizes real life examples, OPD discipline cases and opinions rendered by the New York State Dental Association’s Ethics Council throughout the program as well as “real-life” application and relevance to the everyday practice of dentistry.
Included are the Laws of New York Applicable to Dentistry and the Dental Practice Act; Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations; the Ethics of Practicing Dentistry in New York; and, Professional Responsibility.
A. The Dental Practice Act
scope of practice for dentists
scope of practice for hygienists
scope of practice for certified and non-certified dental assistants
supervision of all auxiliaries
Dental Anesthesia Certificate
special provisions of §6611
nitrous oxide equipment
B. Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations
access to patient records, HIV and confidentiality
attendees learn how their offices need to be in compliance with state law and the rules of professional/ethical responsibility.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Practical Concepts and Applications for Office Oral Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
John L. Alonge
Course #: 2150 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John L. Alonge
Room: 1E21 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
The clinician demonstrates how to predictably perform routine extractions and surgical procedures using tried and true methods, as well as how to incorporate contemporary minimally invasive atraumatic techniques and armamentarium into your practice. Come away from this program with useful clinical tips to enhance your knowledge base to perform office dental surgery with new-found confidence.
Third Party Reimbursement - Are We Getting Paid Adequately?
Practice Management
Tom M. Limoli
Course #: 2160 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Tom M. Limoli
Room: 1E18 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
All too often, insurance challenges originally appear to be rooted in some form of an outside reimbursement complication. Many facets of the dental market respond to both the economy and its reflective technologies. In the questionable uncertainty of this ever-changing political reality, the clinician shares his perspective and the immediate insurance reimbursement markets.
Learn to:
see the past, present and immediate future of healthcare reimbursement
bring the doctor-patient relationship back to the center of decision making
9:00am - 12:00pm
Predictability in Restorative Care
Restorative Dentistry
Todd C. Davis
Course #: 2170 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Todd C. Davis
This program presents what is involved in delivering restorative care that not only looks beautiful but has the longevity that patients deserve. Participants learn how to provide restorative care that lasts with predictability. Attendees learn what it takes to become confident in delivering excellent restorative dentistry.
how to provide restorative care with high predictability
what it takes to become confident in delivering excellent restorative care
Support for these programs are provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Functional Esthetics: Design, Develop, Deliver and Repeat
Often, patients present with chipped, broken and worn teeth that have become unsightly over time. How do we achieve beautiful esthetic results that will last long-term? Through the process of a complete exam, systematic treatment planning and predictable systems, a general dentist can develop a plan to not only achieve a beautiful smile, but to have one that is able to withstand the test of time. This program is designed to help attendees understand how to design, develop and deliver functional esthetic cases.
the role of occlusion in treatment planning functional esthetics
to understand four key steps to achieving predictable esthetic results
Room: 1E13 Topic: Special Event Tuition: Free Credits:
Join the Hispanic Dental Association as President Dr. Ricardo Mendoza celebrates the accomplishments of 2019. We are honoring HDA award winners and the support of our corporate sponsors.
Room: 1E16 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
Patients have more access to information than ever before, giving them many choices when it comes to finding a dentist. Learn the elements of what makes a website appeal to patients, utilization of the right social media efforts to increase patient engagement and how to stand apart from your competition to get patients to choose you.
Learn to:
understand and apply the latest and greatest in website design trends and what makes a great patient appealing website
implement strategies to increase online engagement and learn the fundamentals of SEO and citation management to help get your website found
9:00am - 12:00pm
Modern Materials in a Digital Era
Justin Chi
Course #: 2250 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Justin Chi
Advancements in technology have brought a wave of digital solutions from the laboratory to the clinical environment. With intraoral scanners and new milling capabilities, there has never been a greater opportunity for dentists to control the restorative process while boosting productivity and maximizing patient comfort and convenience.
Learn to:
understand the requirements and techniques for digitizing the clinical workflow
digitally design a functional and esthetic restoration
make material choices based on specific indications
produce quality restorations with chairside milling
Support for these programs are provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Advanced Pediatric Life Support
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 2370 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child and infant instruction.
pediatric CPR, choking, respiratory distress and failure
to use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Support for this program is provided by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 4:30pm
Pediatric Advance Life Support
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 2375 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child and infant instruction.
pediatric CPR, choking, respiratory distress and failure
to use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Support for this program is provided by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 4:00pm
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF): Innovative Solution to Grafting and More in Everyday Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali
Course #: 2380 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Aeklavya Panjali
PRF has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years due to its versatility in use. Platelet Rich Fibrin has made surgical procedures simpler and predictable. Moreover, the success rate of most surgical procedures with the addition of PRF is more predictable and cost-effective for the practitioner. This program demonstrates the biologic basis of PRF, iPRF, L-PRF, and A-PRF and provides a detailed description of the most common applications in clinical dentistry. Information on the clinical process involved and different applications of the use of PRF as graft substitute, membrane, and how it enhances the entire healing process is discussed. The hands-on workshop includes a step-by-step procedure on the use of PRF in implant surgery, periodontal surgery, socket grafting and much more. The hands-on session includes venipuncture, PRF production, and manipulation with clinical model simulators.
the rationale and the biologic basis for PRF
differences and clinical applications of PRF, iPRF, L- PRF, and A-PRF
tissue grafting with PRF
venipuncture: techniques and innovations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Hands-On Composites for Better Outcomes
Restorative Dentistry
Pamela M. Maragliano-Muniz
Course #: 2390 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Pamela M. Maragliano-Muniz
Getting composites right in a predictable manner is hard work. Fortunately, new materials have emerged to help produce beautiful outcomes without having to maintain an enormous arsenal of inventory. In this hands-on course, participants practice a new and innovative composite material that utilizes new technology for optimal shade matching using only one composite for most indications. When composite layering is necessary, participants learn tips and practice predictable techniques for beautiful, predictable layered composite restorations.
the latest in shade matching technology and experience this technology with a new universal composite material
tips and tricks for creating lifelike anterior composite restorations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontics Three Critical Skills: Hands-On Workshop
John West
Course #: 2410 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John West
This hands-on workshop reveals the secrets of taking your endodontic skills beyond the next level. You will leave this workshop with newfound control, consistency, and confidence. Learn when and how to use advanced mechanical Glidepath enhancements. In this hands-on workshop, participants practice shaping and finishing.
Learn to:
apply the rules of successful access cavity design
prepare manual and mechanical Glidepaths for safe mechanical shaping
know the different skills of rotary vs. reciprocation mechanical shaping for easy 3D obturation
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Orthodontics Essays
Timothy P. Levine, Jorge A. Matos, Yon H. Lai,
Course #: 2430 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy P. Levine, Jorge A. Matos, Yon H. Lai,
Orthognathic Open Bite Correction Skeletal open bites are widely misunderstood, frequently treated with mechanics appropriate only for dental open bites. While adjuncts, such as TADs, or traditional orthodontic mechanics may successfully treat mild skeletal open bites, evidence shows that orthognathic surgery will lead to better aesthetics and long-term stability, especially for more extreme cases. By using an evidence-based algorithm, a diagnosis with an optimal treatment plan can be developed. A series of cases are shown to illustrate the techniques discussed.
Jorge A. Matos, D.D.S. 10:00 - 11:00
Allied Forces: Restorative Dentist and Orthodontist An overview of orthodontic diagnostic procedures as they relate to combined orthodontic/restorative care is presented. This review demonstrates opportunities for orthodontists and restorative dentists to work as allied forces to restore form and function. Situations that are encountered on a daily basis are illustrated with actual cases, how orthodontic therapy can be an invaluable tool in optimizing the function and esthetics of restorative dental procedures is discussed. This program is presented in a case-by-case format, breaking down the existing problems, treatment goals for each individual, treatment rendered and results attained.
Yon H. Lai, D.D.S. 11:00 - 12:00
Trends in Orthodontics: Have we learned anything new lately? A brief history of Orthodontics is introduced and followed by milestones in appliances and techniques. Discussions include the recent availability of new appliances and techniques. Should we invest a large amount of funds or take out loans to purchase fancy hardwares and softwares which may or may not give us returns in patient care and/or financially? Let’s find out more.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Torreon, Mexico
Programas en Español
Enrique E. Diaz, Rodrigo Escalante,
Course #: 2450 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Enrique E. Diaz, Rodrigo Escalante,
Room: 1E19 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Enrique Díaz, D.D.S.
La Importancia del Encerado Diagnóstico en La Odontología Restauradora La Odontología Restauradora puede crear una expectativa por medio de un encerado de Diagnóstico en los pacientes que, por alguna razón, han perdido las condiciones ideales en su aparato masticatorio, en la cual ellos pueden tomar la decisión de que se realicen procedimientos restaurativos en su sistema estomatognático; involucrando una odontología interdisciplinaria para devolver los principios biológicos, estéticos y funcionales que otorgarán una estabilidad en el tratamiento restaurador a largo plazo.
Rodrigo R. Escalante, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Restauraciones con ADN Humano ¿Cuántas veces hemos recibido del laboratorio, o colocado restauraciones en la boca de nuestros pacientes que parecen humanas, pero que no estás completamente satisfecho con el resultado estético? La razón de esto, el porqué carecen de ADN humano. Que es el ADN?: es un ácido nucleico que contiene toda la información genética que determina las características que hacen a un diente humano! Cuando una restauración carece de una o más de estas características no producirá un resultado estético natural!
Room: 1E13 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $105.00 Credits: 2
The changing population dynamics in the U.S. has an impact on the future composition of the healthcare workforce. Racial and ethnic composition along with the growing number of women in dentistry influences the configuration of the future leaders in our profession. There is a need to stimulate pathways for growth and development in leadership for everyone that has the desire and potential to continue that path. In this program, listen to women leaders in our profession, their pathways and the opportunities available for all.
Learn to:
describe how the changing demographics and growth of the Hispanic population in the U.S. creates new leadership opportunities and how its members can embrace them
demonstrate how your pathway and experiences helped shape the leader of today
mention the different leadership opportunities in your organization and/or the ones you have experienced
Room: 1E13 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 2
Learn from the Case Study Presentations of the award winners of the Student HDA/Colgate Nuestros Niños Competition. This student-focused award program honors two exceptional case studies from Hispanic Student Dental Association (HSDA) Chapter students that address oral health care issues, including prevention and oral care strategies for Hispanic children under 18 years of age. As the students present their findings, attendees can interact with the winners and enjoy a box lunch.
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Pediatric Dentistry Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
This seminar reviews three simple and painless options to manage enamel defects. Minimal Intervention (MI) Paste, Icon Resin Infiltration (ICON), and etch, bleach, and seal can improve or even completely reverse the appearance of congenital enamel defects and white spot lesions while preserving tooth structure and repairing the patient’s natural enamel.
Learn to:
review the evidence for using MI Paste, ICON, etch, bleach, and seal
describe case selection, materials, and clinical protocol for each procedure
Room: 1E08 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
The number of patients who are edentulous in one or both arches is increasing, creating an opportunity for clinicians who are prepared to treatment plan and treat this condition. With the popularity of implant-supported fixed prosthetic approaches, it seems many clinicians have relegated removable options to a second tier. Despite the popularity of fixed reconstructions, these designs are not without complications and in fact, there are many patients that may experience an equal or better treatment outcome with a removable design.
to identify which edentulous patients have the most to benefit from implants, as well as, those patients whose prognosis is good without implants
restorative options available for edentulous patients when implant-supported fixed reconstruction is not possible or not desirable
Designing comprehensive treatment plans that will address occlusal, esthetic, and biologic issues are essential for the success of a restorative dental practice. However, there can still be financial, emotional, or physical limitations that prevent a patient from accepting a complex restorative treatment plan. By understanding the importance of biologic and occlusal stability, the dentist can then begin to complete treatment in smaller increments and break down those case acceptance barriers.
Learn to:
review the five requirements of occlusal stability
discuss the diagnostic data points and records that are needed to properly plan complex restorative cases
Room: 1E16 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
In today’s digital age, it’s just not enough to have a website, you now must consider SEO, social media, search engines, reviews, and all the different technology platforms. This program focuses on the patient journey and social media engagement.
Learn to:
understand how patients are researching and finding your practice online and how to engage with them along the way
implement strategies to keep the engagement going to stay connected
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Modern Materials in a Digital Era
Justin Chi
Course #: 2260 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Justin Chi
Advancements in technology have brought a wave of digital solutions from the laboratory to the clinical environment. With intraoral scanners and new milling capabilities, there has never been a greater opportunity for dentists to control the restorative process while boosting productivity and maximizing patient comfort and convenience.
Learn to:
understand the requirements and techniques for digitizing the clinical workflow
digitally design a functional and esthetic restoration
make material choices based on specific indications
produce quality restorations with chairside milling
Support for these programs are provided by
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Advances in Anatomical Instrumentation
Frank Setzer, Meetu R. Kohli,
Course #: 2270 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Frank Setzer, Meetu R. Kohli,
Endodontic shaping has evolved from stainless steel to Nickel-Titanium rotary instrumentation. Classic file designs, however, typically do not address the irregularities of the root canal system, leaving many portions of the walls untouched, and biofilm unremoved. Today, changes in file geometry and alloy modifications allow for better mechanical cleaning of the true anatomy of the root canal system. The program discusses the evolution of endodontic instrumentation, as well as, the implications of these novel instrument systems on preparation and disinfection of the root canal system.
Learn to:
understand the complexity of root canal systems
utilize modern instrumentation techniques for better canal shaping and disinfection
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Impress With Success! Prep, Impress and Cement Techniques for Ceramics
Esthetic Dentistry
Alan M. Atlas
Course #: 2280 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alan M. Atlas
This seminar demonstrates concise step-by-step treatment planning guidelines that fulfill esthetic demands and integrates current restorative materials with digital technology, as well as, conventional clinical protocols. Procedures and techniques for esthetic and functional success with high strength ceramics and CAD/CAM technology are reviewed and demonstrated with the Dental Microscope HD Video, based on the most current scientific evidence, to assess what factors most influence clinical outcomes for ceramic crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and veneers.
clinical protocols for anterior and posterior ceramic based restorations from preparation to cementation
step-by-step precision preparation techniques with Dental Microscope HD Video
to use specific diamonds for perfect finish lines for all-ceramic crowns, veneers, inlays, and onlays
to integrate current restorative materials with digital technology
The common plague of dental practices is cancellations. How do we change this behavior when we are dealing with real people? This realistic and fun course helps to make a huge difference in getting your patients to show up. Learn the five reasons for the narrative at the time of service and the things you should never say to a patient.
to clearly define policies within your office to improve customer service
improve phone skills for a 60% conversion rate
to get over “it’s just a cleaning”
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Real World Cosmetic Dentistry: Faults Failures and Fixes Download Handout
Systemized techniques are presented to treat every aspect from simple to complex cases involving veneers, crowns and implant restorations in the aesthetic zone. Attendees learn new concepts in preparation design and create predictability for the ceramist while minimizing tooth preparation for the patient. The clinician clears up the confusion and identifies which adhesives and restorative materials work best for maximum predictability. There are no unintended consequences, only things that were not well thought out.
to master basic preparation design principles by using composite provisional augmentation, followed by depth cutters across the facials to facilitate preparation and attain minimal tooth reduction
an understanding of adhesives and restorative materials so the team knows what systems to use and their limitations
specific steps in customization of a screw-retained implant provisional in the aesthetic zone
impression techniques and obtain imperceptible implant restorations
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Early Detection of Oral Cancer in Dental Practice
Oral Medicine/Diagnosis/Pathology
Samson Ng
Course #: 2310 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samson Ng
This program discusses various aspects of oral cancer important to an oral care provider. It introduces technologies such as visualization devices and quantitative cytology, as well as conventional histopathology for assisting oral care providers in early detection and diagnostic workup of patients with suspicious oral (pre-)malignant lesions. Visual demonstrations of these chair-side procedures are also provided.
epidemiology of oral cancer
clinical science and presentation of oral cancer
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Practical Guide to Nightguards, Splints, Snore Guards and Sleep Apnea Appliances
Most dentists have very limited training in dental school regarding the proper use of oral appliances for bruxism and virtually no practical training regarding appliances for TMJ problems, snoring or sleep apnea; yet, our patients want and need these treatments. In this program, the clinician discusses the latest science involving appliance therapy and gives a step-by-step approach to the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment planning that will allow the attendee to know what type of appliance to use, when to use it, how to fit it, what to look for in follow up, and how to adjust it.
to review the various appliances available for TMJ problems, snoring and sleep apnea
to recognize which type of appliance may be best for specific circumstances
a step-by-step approach to evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment
what type of appliance to use, when to use it and how to fit it
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Sexual Harassment Training for the Dental Practice
Practice Management
Margaret M. Surowka, Esq
Course #: 2330 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Margaret M. Surowka, Esq
Room: 1E15 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
This seminar discusses what dental practices need to do to train employees and protect them from sexual harassment claims from patients and liability. Special emphasis is on New York State’s new Sexual Harassment Law and requirements for every employer in the state. The program covers what is required under your policy and training including what constitutes illegal harassment under the law and how to investigate. Learn how third-party vendors, patients, and dentists must comply. Different dental office scenarios are discussed, and responses reviewed.
legal requirements
to create policies for the office
1:00pm - 4:00pm
DSO vs. CEO: The Path to Practice Ownership
Practice Management
Robert Malandruccolo, Jason A. McKenzie,
Course #: 2340 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert Malandruccolo, Jason A. McKenzie,
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
As corporations expand their footprint, dentists at all stages of their career are concerned over the future viability of individual dentists owning practices. This program has been designed to address these concerns and to provide a roadmap for those interested in purchasing an existing practice or building a practice from scratch. This discussion includes everything you’ll need to know to open your new office including what healthcare lenders require from clients, managing debt and current changes in the dental industry and its impact on practice ownership. Plus, first-hand experience and insight from doctors that have taken on practice ownership in the metro market.
about today’s dental marketplace
to effectively manage debt and prepare for practice ownership
a roadmap for purchasing an existing practice or building a practice from scratch
from your peers with established doctors’ perspectives
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Differential Diagnosis of Oral Lesions
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
John L. Alonge
Course #: 2350 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John L. Alonge
Room: 1E21 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
For some clinicians, the development of a working differential diagnosis for an oral lesion is one of the more difficult tasks in the diagnostic sequence. This unique program uses an interactive audience response system designed to increase the skills necessary to successfully formulate a differential diagnosis. A review of a variety of cases enhances your ability to formulate a clinical diagnosis which helps the clinician to decide to refer or treat.
pertinent diagnostic terminology
the diagnostic sequence to formulate a differential diagnosis
to formulate a differential diagnosis based on soft tissue and radiographic lesions
to enhance your understanding of oral pathology from a review of cases
Receive personal comprehensive tax-smart wealth management advice, tailored specifically for dentists. This program discusses practical tips based on the most recent tax reform and helps draw a roadmap to your own “point X,” the point at which you stop working for your money, and your money starts working for you. Topics covered include committing to living within your means, understanding taxes, determining your financial position, managing debt, insuring your health and life, protecting your property with insurance, paying for college, planning for retirement, managing your investments, and preserving your estate. Discover the secret to accumulating wealth through “the power of compounding.”
Learn to:
follow a financial roadmap to achieve your personal financial goals
identify the 10 key wealth management issues and strategies for success
manage debt and insure your health and life
determine your financial position
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Implant Dentistry Essays
Implant Dentistry
Ira M. Langstein, Michael E. Abrams, Charles Kaner,
Course #: 2440 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ira M. Langstein, Michael E. Abrams, Charles Kaner,
Digital Workflow in Implant Dentistry This program provides a roadmap to plan dental implant cases using digital technology. Merging cone beam and digital clinical scanning, a comprehensive treatment plan, surgical, and restorative workflow can be achieved. In addition, a variety of restorative materials and techniques, such as angulated screw technology are discussed.
Michael E. Abrams, D.D.S. 2:00 – 3:00
Less Incision, More Precision The era of digital dentistry is in full swing. Guided and non-guided implant dentistry based on CT scan data and planning has become the standard of excellence. Several cases are presented with an emphasis on digital planning and minimally-invasive clinical implementation. This program familiarizes the attendee with CT based digital planning with and without guided surgery. Learn about the use of digital planning for advanced cases.
Charles Kaner, B.S., D.D.S. 3:00 – 4:00
An Introduction to Advanced Bone Grafting When an insufficient amount of bone is present to allow for implant placement, there are various options of bone grafting procedures that are available to obtain a successful predictable outcome. This program familiarizes you with techniques to help you obtain a successful result. Conservative tunneling with bone grafting, vertical and lateral augmentation, ridge splitting, ramus grafts, sinus grafts, nasal grafts, zygomatic implants, lateral nerve repositioning, and when and which materials to use for guided bone regeneration are discussed.
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Academia Internacional de Odontologia Integral
Programas en Español
Luis Carbajal Bello
Course #: 2460 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis Carbajal Bello
Room: 1E19 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Luis Carbajal Bello, C.D., C.M.F.
Complicaciones Hemorrágicas y Neurologicas Cirugia oral Se analizan las complicaciones hemorrágicas y neurológicas relacionadas con procedimientos de Cirugía Oral en la consulta dental cotidiana. Asimismo se discutirán también los protocolos de atención de pacientes que ingieren anticoagulantes con especial atención a los nuevos anticoagulantes y antiagregantes plaquetarios. El asistente aprenderá a identificar las complicaciones hemorrágicas más comunes en cirugía oral y exodoncia en la práctica general. Aprenderá el manejo de las complicaciones hemorrágicas más frecuentes, trans y postoperatorias en cirugía oral en la práctica general. Aprenderá los protocolos de manejo de pacientes que reciben terapia anticoagulante a base de Coumadin y antiagregantes plaquetarios de uso común.
Glass ionomers have come a long way over the years; beginning a few decades ago as a short-term pediatric restoration to now having a wide array of indications, including luting agents, sealants, bases, and final restorations, just to name a few. This hands-on workshop describes the mechanism of action of glass ionomers and the many ways we can use them in practice. Attendees place glass ionomer-based sealants and restorations, including using the open and closed sandwich techniques. Glass ionomers provide many options for a variety of clinical situations and this course describes them all.
the clinical indications for glass ionomer luting agents, sealants, direct restoratives, and glass hybrid restoratives
to demonstrate the proper handling of glass ionomers in various clinical situations
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Endodontics Three Critical Skills: Hands-On Workshop
John West
Course #: 2420 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John West
This hands-on workshop reveals the secrets of taking your endodontic skills beyond the next level. You will leave this workshop with newfound control, consistency, and confidence. Learn when and how to use advanced mechanical Glidepath enhancements. In this hands-on workshop, participants practice shaping and finishing.
Learn to:
apply the rules of successful access cavity design
prepare manual and mechanical Glidepaths for safe mechanical shaping
know the different skills of rotary vs. reciprocation mechanical shaping for easy 3D obturation
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Endodontics and Saving Teeth: Pushing the Limit of Business as Usual
Mario Abdennour
Course #: 2225 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mario Abdennour
This program illustrates conventional and surgical endodontic options to treat and retain severely compromised teeth otherwise destined for extraction and implant therapy. The focus is on advanced endodontic techniques that preserve the compromised dentition. Methods to improve endodontic success are discussed. Advanced endodontic repair options make you take a second look at implant therapy.
Learn to:
identify methods for immediate obturation of the immature irregular open apex
review options in treating radicular fractures before extraction and implants are considered
define effective repair procedures on new and existing perforations
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Implementación Clínica de Tecnologías en la Medicina Dental Implants
Room: 1E20 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 2
Las tecnologías digitales han sido progresivamente adoptadas en el campo de la implantología oral. Desde sus orígenes en la década de los años sesenta, las diferentes tecnologías han sido desarrolladas para ser fácilmente implementadas en nuestras clínicas odontológicas. La utilización de la tecnología de haz de cono, escaners intra y extraorales, máquinas de impresión y fresado en tres dimensiones ha creado nuevas fronteras en la práctica odontológica diaria. Esta presentación explica los orígenes históricos de las diferentes tecnologías digitales, su fundamentación básica, el proceso de decisión al escoger diferentes artefactos digitales y su utilización clínica.
Aprender a:
orígenes de las tecnologías digitales y sus fundamentos
aprender diferentes aspectos para hacer una decisión de adquisición de aparatos digitales basados en las necesidades específicas de su clínica odontológica
entender el flujo digital para implementación de las tecnologías digitales
3:30pm - 5:00pm
Patient Centered Care, Empowering our Patients to Health
Oral Health
Phyllis Martina
Course #: 2475 Date: 11/30/2019 Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Phyllis Martina
Room: 1E20 Topic: Oral Health Tuition: $105.00 Credits: 2
We have done a great job of informing the public about the need for oral preventive care. They know to come to the dental office to get their teeth “cleaned” and checked for cavities. We cannot stop there! We need to keep going to help our patients think of ways to protect their mouths for the health of the teeth, gingiva, and other structures and understand how their oral health is involved in their physical health. That is why we should look for Whole Mouth Health. In this program, we review what Whole Mouth Health means. The clinician discusses oral microbiome balance on hard and soft oral tissues and maintaining equilibrium. The program includes assessments for caries, periodontal disease, the new AAP periodontal disease classifications, oral cancer, and how oral inflammation may affect the body. Also included are strategies to engage patients in their oral care and develop treatments to manage the oral flora to promote not just oral health but Whole Mouth Health.
Learn to:
review global oral health status and the oral health link to systemic health
recognize appropriate dental management interventions to promote Whole Mouth Health in your patients
discuss the patient’s active participation in the risk assessment process to identify opportunities for positive behavior change to minimize their risks for oral disease and to improve their oral health
Room: Guantanamera Restaurantn - 939 8th Ave Topic: Special Event Tuition: Free Credits: X
A reception honoring new dental professionals and students. Connect with new dentists, hygienists, assistants, and students in a casual fun environment. Meet your colleagues from around the country and the world.
Guantanamera Restaurant
939 8th Ave
New York, NY
7:00 PM - 11:00 PM
2:00am - 5:00pm
Make Impossible Treatment Plans Possible
Implant Dentistry
Ole T. Jensen
Course #: 3020 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ole T. Jensen
This program discusses difficult treatment planning problem-solving. Topics include the maxillary short alveolar arch length, sinus grafts, and zygomatics; treating patients to ortho alveolar form is also reviewed versus biomechanical support for prosthetic restoration. Also reviewed is tried and true bone augmentation: doing what is needed.
tried and true methods of alveolar bone grafting
maxillary atrophy: treating the short alveolar arch length, sinus grafts, and zygomatic implants
ortho alveolar form versus biomechanical support of a prosthesis: when to punt on alveolar reconstruction
2:00am - 5:00pm
The Digital Workflow in Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Robert E. Weiner
Course #: 3040 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert E. Weiner
The use of digital technology has had a profound effect on the diagnosis, treatment planning, surgical protocol and restorative techniques used in implant dentistry. This workshop discusses and demonstrates the use of Cone Beam Tomography and Intra-Oral scanners, digitally generated surgical guides, and CAD/CAM technology for the placement and restoration of dental implants. Participants perform digital scans of models and merge the scans to CBT scans in order to design surgical guides and plan implant placement and restorations.
Learn to:
become familiar with the digital workflow protocols and the procedures involved
become knowledgeable in using Intra-Oral Scanners on models to execute dental implant procedures
Support for this program is provided by
7:45am - 4:30pm
Utilizing The Invisalign System for Minimal Restorative Preparation and Optimized Smile Design
Danielé Larose
Course #: 3180 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 7:45am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Danielé Larose
This full-day, hands-on course for doctors will take attendees through a simple step-by-step process of how to approach combination restorative cases with the Invisalign system. This program also provides doctors with pearls from Digital Smile Design, and final direct bonding techniques in order to boost case acceptance and complete interdisciplinary aesthetic treatment with minimal tooth preparations. Attendees learn how to use the Invisalign digital workflow, including the iTero® Element scanner, to treatment plan comprehensive cases that are minimally invasive but maximally beautiful. This program includes a hands-on workshop from iTero with simulations for utilizing case finishing and direct bonding techniques.
Learn how to:
help patients emotionally connect with the result before they accept treatment
set up Invisalign ClinCheckTM treatment plans effectively for minimal prep design and case finishing
use the iTero scanner tools to educate patients and boost case acceptance
perform direct resin techniques at the end of Invisalign treatment for optimal function and aesthetics
8:00am - 12:00pm
Pulse Oximetry for Screening OSA and OAT Titration/Get Ready to Practice Dental Sleep Medicine Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Steve W. Carstensen, James Metz, Mark T. Murphy, Barry N. Chase, John A. Carollo,
Course #: 3200 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steve W. Carstensen, James Metz, Mark T. Murphy, Barry N. Chase, John A. Carollo,
Pulse Oximetry for Screening OSA and OAT Titration Dentists can use screener questions to identify patients at risk, but the specificity and communications go way up with objective data. If a traditional home sleep apnea test is used on undiagnosed patients, it can be a burden to the dental office, can have a significant cost, and can put the office in jeopardy of being accused of crossing the line between practicing dentistry and medicine. Using oximetry, however, provides a way to gather sophisticated data without any of those barriers and OSA can be effectively treated with a Mandibular Advancement Device at any severity level. The high-resolution pulse oximetry provides critical information to guide oral appliance titration.
Learn to:
understand how pulse oximetry works
know the difference between traditional and high-resolution pulse oximetry
create a system within their dental practice to know your appliance is optimally titrated, prior to PSG validation
Mark T. Murphy, D.D.S. 10:00 – 12:00 John A. Carollo, D.M.D. Barry N. Chase, D.D.S.
Get Ready to Practice Dental Sleep Medicine: Effectiveness of OAT and CPAP; Choosing the Best Therapy for Patients
This program compares and communicates the effectiveness of OAT and CPAP utilizing research for the best therapeutic choices in treating patients. This program includes recent research, positioning airway as a practice priority and an overview of the complexity and solutions necessary to manage OSA. Improving physician acceptance includes demonstrating efficacy, better patient comfort and compliance, mitigation of side effects and improving insurance coverage. This cross-sectional team of dental, medical and academics help to prepare you for these conversations with patients and physicians.
Learn to:
review preliminary results from the SARAH Study on OAT effectiveness and outcomes
understand the epidemiology and socio-economic impact of OSA
strengthen the public health by adding qualified sleep dentists integrated with Medicine
Join us for dynamic presentation featuring a new diode laser exclusively built for the Dental Hygienist. Learn about exciting new features and benefits intended to improve patient outcomes, practice efficiency and profitability. Build confidence and a clinical understanding in the delivery of treatment protocols via doodle laser, harnessing the power of new technology
8:30am - 11:30am
International Volunteer Projects - Start Your Adventure Here Download Handout
Francis G. Serio
Course #: 3300 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 8:30am - 11:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Francis G. Serio
This program is designed for dentists, dental hygienists, and other healthcare professionals who want to learn more about the nuts and bolts of volunteering around the world or around the block. It is also useful for those with some volunteering experience looking for new ideas or just validation of what they are doing. Topics include the nature of volunteer activities, cross-cultural issues, comparison of service and teaching projects, how to get started either at home or abroad, the nuts and bolts of volunteering overseas and at home and where to find these volunteer opportunities. There is ample time for interaction with the presenters and other experienced members of the audience.
Learn to:
compare the nature of teaching and service projects with the advantages and disadvantages of each type
outline the steps necessary to get started including needs assessment, goal setting, and team assembly
describe the nuts and bolts of volunteering including what to do and resources to support the project
8:30am - 11:30am
Filling the Gaps In Dentistry
Current Dental Topics
Jeffrey S. Nordin, Ryan R. Sheridan,
Course #: 3310 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 8:30am - 11:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jeffrey S. Nordin, Ryan R. Sheridan,
Room: 1D05 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $225.00 Credits: 3
9:00am - 12:00pm
A Look at the Future of Dentistry: From Curing Lights to Current Issues Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Jed M. Best
Course #: 3080 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jed M. Best
Are curing lights simple devices that we aim at materials that cause them to get hard? Well, they are not that simple. In this program, we discuss the two major types of wavelengths and their specific effects. Learn how they can be used to reduce the setting time of pure Glass Ionomer Cements, and the harmful medical effects if not used properly. Darkness: The recent trend in dentistry is for fewer private practice purchases. This program discusses the average debt of graduating dentists and how that affects the attractiveness of corporate versus private practice. The proposed increase of pediatric dentists will dramatically affect competition, the acceptance of insurance and the future of boutique practices.
to understand curing lights and the curing process
the current issues impacting the future practice of pediatric dentistry
Dental professionals must frequently draw upon their knowledge of pharmacology for optimal care of today’s medically complex dental patients. However, armed with relatively brief exposure to such a vast subject during formal educations and faced with ever-changing medication therapy guidelines, many dental professionals simply cannot keep up with the latest trends in disease state management. This program provides an overview of the dental implications of the prescription medications, nonprescription medications, herbal products, nutritional supplements and substances of abuse most frequently used by patients. Special emphasis is given to delivering this essential information in a format which makes it practical and useful for all members of the dental team.
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Invisalign Clinical Learn for Dental Hygienists and Dentists
This program introduces the pivotal role of the hygienist and doctor. Learn to identify occlusal issues and provide guidelines for how to create patient value from the hygiene chair. Attendees will have a fundamental understanding of the health benefits of Invisalign therapy and subsequent consequences malocclusion may impose: occlusal trauma/wear, abfractions, incipient decay, and periodontal disease. Evidence based research is presented and translated into an easy to adopt patient friendly manner. This information is crucial for doctors to engage in successful consultations, ultimately providing increased health for both patient and practice.
Learn how to:
understand the connection between malocclusion and overall health
identify the consequences of malocclusion as it relates to the periodontium and oral health
differentiate between abrasion and abfraction
recognize the benefits of a Perio-Ortho-Restorative clinical protocol
translate evidence-based research into effective patient/practitioner communication
identify candidates for orthodontics/Invisalign clear aligner therapy
optimize patient education through digital and visualization technology
9:00am - 4:30pm
Restoring the High-Risk Functional Patient
Restorative Dentistry
Lee Ann Brady, Kelley Brummett,
Course #: 3210 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lee Ann Brady, Kelley Brummett,
It can be daunting to think about restoring patients that have damaged their teeth through parafunction. This program determines who these high functional risk patients are, how to manage their risk, and how to restore the patient dentition and design an occlusal scheme that creates the greatest longevity for their restorations.
Long-term success is the goal of any dental procedure. This program uses the current literature to define “long-term success” in Endodontics, as well as explore the best treatment options for each case using current scientific knowledge to achieve such success. This seminar involves the evidence available today and modern techniques for a more conservative approach to endodontic access, cleaning, shaping, and obturation. This program introduces the concept of anatomical (3D) instrumentation and obturation using the XP-3D family of instruments and bioceramic obturation.
Learn to:
apply a more conservative approach to endodontic treatment
achieve long term success using minimally invasive endodontic preparation techniques
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Caries Management for the Private Practice
Restorative Dentistry
Pamela M. Maragliano-Muniz
Course #: 3240 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Pamela M. Maragliano-Muniz
If you have had trouble or are interested in implementing a caries management program in your practice, this is the course for you. This seminar identifies and describes important caries risk factors and risk management strategies. Dental hygienists are vital for the success of a caries management program and using the latest advancements in technology and dental materials will help keep your patients healthy.
the benefits, both clinical and financial, of a caries management program
a step-by-step, practical approach for seamless implementation of caries management into practice
Professionalism, great customer service, and awesome communication skills are key to your patient’s experience. When your patients arrive and leave your practice, they are in a ‘customer’ mode and expect a higher level of service. Learn an easy follow-up system for patients who say, “I need to think about it.” The latest in customer service, including great phone skills, is discussed.
a systematic approach to past due insurance and patient accounts
to clear financial arrangements, leading to higher case acceptance and no surprises for the patient
Medical emergencies can, and do, occur in the practice of dentistry. The clinician reviews the preparation of the office and staff to recognize and treat the most common life-threatening situations, including seizures, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis, myocardial infarction, and cardiac arrest. This program is designed for all office team members.
about the 8 drugs in the bare-bones emergency kit
to describe the basic management of all medical emergencies
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Aesthetic Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Esthetic Dentistry
John R. Nosti
Course #: 3280 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John R. Nosti
Full mouth rehabilitation is one of the most difficult types of cases to handle in practice today. Many times, these patients have advanced occlusal breakdown, along with the presence of a Temporomandibular Joint internal derangement. Learn how these internal derangements are classified and how they affect the long-term prognosis of your case. The clinician details the diagnostic records necessary and steps he completes in performing a full mouth rehabilitation including understanding vertical dimension and how and why to make changes. Also discussed is “how to” in completing the bite records necessary in increased vertical dimension cases both prior to and during the preparation appointment. Preparation sequencing is key in full mouth reconstructions, and the clinician gives you a simplified approach to tackling these complex cases.
to understand the role of the Temporomandibular Joint in full mouth rehabilitation and “occlusal stability”
how to categorize and diagnose different TMJ internal derangements
several bite records that provide a more predictable occlusion in the final restorations
to understand Vertical Dimension and learn guidelines for re-establishing norms
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Esthetics and Success in Implant Dentistry
Current Dental Topics
Yakir A. Arteaga
Course #: 3320 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Yakir A. Arteaga
Room: 1E13 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $30.00 Credits: 3
Thorough treatment planning between the surgeon, laboratory technician and the restorative doctor is one key component to achieving the desired final restorative result. Predictable treatment success in the esthetic zone depends on comprehensive assessment and planning, the quality of the implant site and tissue response, and selection of appropriate implants and restorative components. This program emphasizes the traditional methods for treatment planning (x-rays, bite registration, model evaluations, etc.) and concentrates on communications across the implant team.
Learn to:
discuss the team approach and importance of communication to implant therapy
consider the desired position of implants from an esthetic and functional perspective
9:00am - 12:00pm
Short Talks: The Latest's in Geriatrics and Restorative Dentistry
Geriatrics Dentistry
Maria G. Ambrosio, Donald P. Lapine,
Course #: 3330 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Maria G. Ambrosio, Donald P. Lapine,
Short Talks: The Latest's in Geriatrics and Restorative Dentistry
9 - 10:30am
Donald P. Lapine, D.M.D.
The Synergy of Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry In this fast-paced world full of technology, today’s dental patient is well versed in techniques, methods, and results of esthetic dentistry. This program reviews proven methods of achieving predictable esthetic results while keeping the foundation in sound principles of restorative dentistry. New technologies that aid in predicting and producing results are reviewed. Attendees gain the confidence to treat simple to complex esthetic cases with essential pearls of esthetic and restorative knowledge combined with patient management.
Learn to:
identify methods and materials available to treat esthetic cases ranging from simple to complex
describe how predictable esthetic cases maintain their foundation in proven restorative dentistry methods
compare new technologies available to help make esthetic cases more predictable and enduring while managing patient expectations and desires
10:30 - 12:00pm
Maria G. Ambrosio, D.M.D.
El Mundo de la Estética en Odontologia Como el blanqueamiento, las carillas de porcelana, y curaciones de resina han cambiado el mundo de la estética.
presentar diferentes tipos de tratamiento estético
indicaciones de las carillas de porcelana
indicaciones de las resinas posteriores y mucho mas
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Mark K. Reilly
Course #: 3500 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Mark K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child, and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; a systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, and infant CPR
adult, child, and infant rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, and infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Support for this program is provided by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Mark K. Reilly
Course #: 3505 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Mark K. Reilly
Customized Esthetics: The Ideal Goal Important factors relative to delivering excellence and long-term success from simple to complex esthetic treatment are presented. Treatment planning and case presentation are examined with an emphasis on communication skills between the dentist and technician. Providing natural esthetics and the integration of prosthetics with natural teeth is discussed.
Christine Skordeles, D.D.S. 10:00 – 11:00
Acid Wear and Conservative Treatment Acid wear from GERD, Vaping, and medications is devastating to the oral cavity. Our teeth, the hardest bone in our body, are being melted from Acid Wear which can happen in a few short months in acute cases. Learn how to identify the etiology of the wear and learn conservative techniques to restore the dentition utilizing traditional and integrative technology techniques. Learn how to advise patients on post-treatment oral care options. A fast-paced lecture with different types of cases with before, during and after treatment photos.
Todd H. Lerner, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00
Prosthodontic Pearls for the General Practitioner This essay focuses on prosthodontic pearls that will help the general practitioner in everyday practice. From operative and fixed to removable and implants, these should help the clinician be more productive and thorough in their patient treatments. Digital and conventional procedures are also discussed, and attendees leave with new techniques to incorporate into their private practice.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Día de Centro America
Programas en Español
Sergio Castro Mora, Joseph Ulate Jiménez, Adrián Gómez,
Course #: 3700 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Sergio Castro Mora, Joseph Ulate Jiménez, Adrián Gómez,
Room: 1E19 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Sergio Castro Mora, D.D.S.
Joseph Ulate Jiménez, D.D.S.
Manifestaciones Bucales del Abuso Infantil Hace mucho tiempo que la definición de abuso dejó de ser el mal trato físico únicamente, desde que éste paradigma amplió sus límites, los profesionales en salud han identificado otra manifestaciónes clínicas sque leídas en el contexto adecuado se interpretan como abuso infantil. La presentación recoge una serie de datos epidemiológicos y clínicos que revelan a la cavidad oral como un aliado inesperado e importante en la identificación de casos de abuso en la niñez y la adolescencia. Se realiza una descripción de los diferentes tipos de abuso y de las condiciones patológicas y características que presentan los tejidos duros y blandos de la cavidad oral y maxilofacial, pasando además por las actitudes y comportamientos que presentan quienes están expuestos a las formas de abuso infantil.
Adrián Gómez, D.D.S.
Discapacidad y Odontología: ¿Hasta Dónde Podemos llegar? Las personas con discapacidad son una población que no siempre recibe una adecuada atención odontológica debido en ocasiones al desconocimiento de parte del profesional en odontología o su equipo de apoyo, por lo que es necesario capacitar a los profesionales sobre los ajustes que se deben realizar según la discapacidad que presenta la persona y las recomendaciones individuales que se deben hacer para mejorar su calidad de vida.
El soporte para éste programa lo proporciona el Día de Centro America
9:00am - 5:00pm
Greater NY Dental Meeting Women's Dentists' Leadership Conference
Current Dental Topics
Grace Meng, Lenore Champagne-Beirne, Brittany Bergeron, Charlene S. Berkman, Patricia L. Blanton, Teresa A. Dolan, Maxine Feinberg, Daphne Ferguson-Young, Theresa S. Gonzales, Juliana J. Kim, Maria C. Maranga, Andi-Jean Miro, Stacy Spizuoco, Yvette Clarke,
Course #: 3750 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Grace Meng, Lenore Champagne-Beirne, Brittany Bergeron, Charlene S. Berkman, Patricia L. Blanton, Teresa A. Dolan, Maxine Feinberg, Daphne Ferguson-Young, Theresa S. Gonzales, Juliana J. Kim, Maria C. Maranga, Andi-Jean Miro, Stacy Spizuoco, Yvette Clarke,
Room: 1C04/05 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 6
The number of women dentists has increased exponentially over the last forty years. Our first Women Dentists Leadership Conference was created to empower and mentor current and future women dentists to utilize their talents and reach their full potential. It is designed to develop the skills that we did not learn in dental school. This program features testimonials from prominent women leaders in politics, business and dentistry presenting their paths/lessons to leadership in the morning session; a networking lunch with a presentation on social media to follow.
The afternoon session is devoted to the development of leadership skills. Topics include how to build consensus, professional and conflict resolution. There is also a panel of leaders from the American Association of Women Dentists discussing their experiences. Our Leadership Conference promises to be an inspiring gathering of current and future leaders. It is a unique program that goes beyond the usual work/life balance issues. The experiences of a multigenerational group of speakers and the expertise of business professionals make this conference not to be missed if you have leadership as part of your career pathway.
leadership skills that help you excel in your career
the “roadmap for success” by recognized leaders in all aspects of the profession
useful social media skills to make your mark in your industry
Room: 1C03 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 1
La colocacion quirurgica y restauracion de los implantes de Titanio es un procedimiento practicado mundialmente con mucho exito, sin embargo existen limitaciones y hay pacientes que no los toleran o no los aceptan por diferentes razones. Los implantes de Zirconia surgieron como una alternativa cosmetica y biologica para aquellas personas que han perdido un diente o un grupo de dientes y quieren rehabilitarlos sin tener que utilizar implantes de Titanio.
Estos implantes, que eran inicialmente de una pieza han evolucionado a travez de los anos y hoy en dia tienen disenos muy similares al diseno de los implantes de Titanio. Los componentes protesicos han sido perfeccionados asi como los tratamientos de superficie del implante.
Podemos decir que hoy en dia un implante de Zirconia es comparable a un implante de Titanio y es el mejor implante que podemos seleccionar para obtener resultados cosmeticos excelentes. Esta presentacion ilustra la evolucion de los implantes de Zirconia, sede el implante de una pieza hasta los disenos modernos con componentes atornillados.
Learn to:
Conocer por qué los implantes de Zirconia son un alternativa a la de implantes de Titanio.
Conocer las indicaciones y contraindicaciones de los implantes de Zirconia.
Discutir las estratégias en la planificación, colocación y restauración de los implantes de Zirconia.
The clinician discusses rescue procedures and strategies to maintain bone over time. Treatment planning with short implants versus vertical bone graft augmentation is reviewed. What happens to bone grafts over time? Included is a discussion about how nitinol abutments use changes in implant placement protocols and enhance periodontal access for hygiene and maintenance.
strategies to avoid peri-implantitis
surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
short versus long implant treatment planning: when to go long
nitinol abutment advantage for peri-implant maintenance for single crowns or complete arch restorations
9:45am - 12:45pm
Soft Tissue Management Around Natural teeth and implants
Soft tissue plastic approaches to improve the quality and stability of the soft tissues around natural teeth and implants are demonstrated and performed by attendees on models. Key factors in mucogingival surgeries are soft tissue thickness of 1mm; tension free flap; and repositioning of the gingival margin 2, 2.5 mm coronal to the CEJ. All the surgical approaches practiced in this hands-on workshop should satisfy these parameters. Coronally advanced flap for single and multiple recession are shown, as well as, a tunneling technique. A technique of palatal connective tissue graft harvesting is also shown.
the clinical needs in each case and select the best approach for each
the main surgical procedures and the use of connective tissue graft or collagen matrix
9:45am - 12:45pm
Clinical Orthodontics in the Digital Age
Cory J. Costanzo
Course #: 3050 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Cory J. Costanzo
The digital age has brought computerized treatment design to the forefront of orthodontic care. This seminar describes the application of the SureSmile Ortho system in clinical practice. We discuss both limited and comprehensive treatment using SureSmile aligners, using the system to fabricate optimized retainers, and digitally designing trays for indirect bonding in this seminar.
the design and use of SureSmile aligners in clinical practice
the design and use of SureSmile indirect bonding in clinical practice
Support for these programs are provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Restorative Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry: Hands-On Workshop
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss
Course #: 3100 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arnold Weiss
With more and more children being covered by dental insurances, every practitioner needs to know how to care for children effectively. In this hands-on workshop, attendees learn how to prepare primary teeth and get tips and secrets from giving local anesthesia to isolating and preparing primary teeth. Hands-on preparation of Class II composites to pulp therapy including pulpotomies, and stainless-steel crowns are reviewed and practiced. You are guaranteed to learn new diagnoses and techniques, as well as, tips on managing the behavior of children.
Learn to:
ideally prepare primary teeth
become comfortable managing children as your patient
Support for these programs is provided by
9:45am - 11:45am
Simplifying Posterior Composites– A “Live” Patient Demonstration: Bring the Heat
Live Dentistry
Ron Kaminer, Marc Geissberger,
Course #: 3120 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 11:45am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ron Kaminer, Marc Geissberger,
For years dentists have been restoring posterior teeth with incremental layering in a slow, laborious process with mixed results. This “Live” patient demonstration explores the use of two modern concepts in resin delivery and combines them into one simple, predictable clinical technique. The concept of bulk filling a restoration and the techniques required for success, along with the concept of warm composite to improve handling and cavity adaptation is explored. At the conclusion of this “live” demonstration attendees will understand the principles of bulk filling, appropriate preparation design and matrix placement of posterior restorations; understand the physical changes that occur to composites when warmed; and lastly, how to place anatomy and polish a bulk fill restoration.
an introduction to heated composites
the newest restorative materials and show how it can impact day--to-day care
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 3150 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:45am - 12:45pm
Mergers, Acquisitions, Associateships, and Transitions
Practice Management
William S. Barret, Esq.
Course #: 3270 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
William S. Barret, Esq.
Room: 1E14 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $225.00 Credits: 3
Whether you are looking to become a practice owner, grow your existing practice through acquisitions, or you are seeking the best exit strategy in your career, you need to understand the issues of practice transition from both perspectives. This seminar helps you develop an in-depth understanding of the business, legal and practical considerations necessary to execute the ideal “win-win” practice transition. It considers the position of both the practice owner or buyer as well as the seller.
the current state of the market for mergers, acquisitions, and sales of general dentistry and dental specialty practices
business and legal pros, cons and considerations to navigate between practice purchase/sales vs. associate buy-in partnership transactions
Periodontology techniques have changed greatly over the last 50 years and we are now able to grow bone in edentulous areas and sinuses for the replacement of teeth with root-form dental implants and perform root coverage grafts for esthetics and function. However, there are many questions that we still must answer. This seminar is a snapshot of practiced periodontology treatments that have been done over the last 50 years. Actual procedures are illustrated and reviewed. A discussion of how the practice of Periodontology has evolved, and at the same time the basics have remained the same are presented.
Learn to:
identify how to utilize basic therapy in current-day periodontal therapy
understand the importance of correct preventative techniques that dental patients must perform in order to have successful therapy
9:45am - 12:45pm
Discover Robotic Guidance for Dental Implants
Implant Dentistry
Eddie M. Kotary
Course #: 3350 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Eddie M. Kotary
Robotically-guided surgery transformed the medical field and has now arrived in implant dentistry. The clinician shares his experience in implementing a surgical robotics dental implant program (Yomi-Enabled Surgery) into his private practice from a clinical and cost-benefit perspective. This program introduces the functional capabilities of robotic guidance, demonstrates efficient robotic workflows through surgical video, recommends strategies to achieve clinical benefits and practice growth, and provides hands-on experience demonstrations with Yomi robotic guidance for dental surgery.
Learn to:
introduce the functional capabilities of robotic guidance for dental implant placement, including hands-on experience demonstrations with physical guidance through robotic haptics
understand critical steps for clinically- and economically-successful implementation of a surgical robotics program into private practice implant dentistry
9:45am - 5:00pm
Minimal Invasive Dentistry and All-Ceramic Solutions
Dental Laboratory Programs
Von M. Grow
Course #: 3370 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Von M. Grow
This seminar reviews how cosmetic veneer cases can be completed with minimal prep or no prep at all. Imagine little glass slippers that go over natural teeth to change shade and shape, and achieve beautiful esthetic results. The clinician shows traditional prep cases and all ceramic solutions including Pressed Lithium Disilicate and Zirconia. We also discuss changes happening in dentistry and how you can decide which way you would like to shape your practice.
to look for minimal prep and non prep cosmetic veneer cases in your practice
to stop settling for mediocre dentistry
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Overcoming Obstacles to Treating Complex Cases
Current Dental Topics
Darin Dichter, Adam D. McWethy,
Course #: 3510 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Darin Dichter, Adam D. McWethy,
Room: 1D04 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $395.00 Credits: 6
Over the last decade, dentistry has seen a dramatic decline in insurance reimbursement rates. For a clinician to be successful it is essential to be able to successfully execute larger complex cases. The doctor needs to be able to execute clinically and the whole office must help patients value treatment which is becoming increasingly more challenging in today’s consumer-driven environment. During this workshop, the team works through a case using templates and other guides to devise a treatment plan using a systematic approach. The whole office constructs an ideal patient journey creating and building specific scripting for each role in the office. All of this is completed in a workbook that participants bring back to the office with them giving them a playbook for treating larger cases.
a systematic approach to complex cases that helps take the guesswork out of diagnosis and treatment planning
to apply new concepts on actual cases creating a playbook that the office can implement
a clear research-based strategy for your office to communicate with patients that will help increase case acceptance
to build a patient journey that will become the practices roadmap to larger cases
Attendees use anatomical instrumentation with XP Shaper and bioceramic root filling using BC sealer in this hands-on workshop. Expandable file technology for the instrumentation of plastic blocks and 3D printed teeth is demonstrated and practiced. Participants use bioceramic materials for sealer based obturation on 3D printed teeth.
Learn to:
handle anatomical instrumentation with expandable files
When you look at your treatment plan cases, do you know whether they have been accepted or rejected? Can you tell if the patient has provided consent for treatment? Are you confident that the treatment plan fees are correct? There is much more to treatment planning than just entering procedures in Dentrix and organizing them into cases. Attend this program and learn practical tips to help manage treatment plan fees, make case printouts easier for patients to understand, and monitor case acceptance statistics.
how to update case statuses and add case notes
when to update treatment plan fees and how to set fee expiration dates
which options to use to create detailed treatment case reports to present to patients
how to monitor your case acceptance totals and measure them against your goals
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
9:45am - 12:45pm
Ceramics: Mastering Preparation Design, Material Selection, and Cementation
This clinical update on adhesive technology and ceramics is presented so the entire team knows what systems to use and their limitations. The clinician clears up the confusion of which products and techniques to use when cementing veneers, all ceramic and zirconia restorations. An understanding of preparation design and a proven step by step approach to identify and address difficult clinical situations, including shade challenges and when preparation modifications may be necessary. These protocols increase profitability by preventing failures that occur day-to-day in your office.
Learn to:
develop the knowledge to confidently manage and prepare a difficult space management case
master the concepts of reduction preparation guides and know how and when to use the guides and integrate them with basic preparation design principles
identify which adhesives and restorative materials work the best for maximum predictability
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Minimally Invasive Exodontia Techniques: A Hands-On Workshop
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
John L. Alonge
Course #: 3550 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John L. Alonge
Room: Exhibit Floor Room #6018 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $455.00 Credits: 3
Improve your surgical technique through hands-on training using custom models. Become more proficient with specialty instrumentation, less traumatic techniques, and socket preservation bone grafting. The clinician guides you through hands-on exercises allowing you to become more proficient with surgical instrumentation, routine dentoalveolar procedures, and third molar extractions. You will return to your office with new skills to perform your surgical procedures with greater efficiency and predictability.
about position specialty instruments
to accomplish proficient routine dentoalveolar procedures
to utilize surgical burs, handpieces, and elevators for rapid tooth removal, including third molars
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
A 9.3 μm CO2 All-Tissue Laser: The New Standard of Care
Seminar Demonstration
Laser Dentistry
Andrew M. Spector
Course #: 3560 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Andrew M. Spector
CO2 all-tissue lasers are quickly becoming the new standard of care due to the exceptional clinical performance and completely different experience that they deliver for dentists and their patients. A 9.3 μm CO2 all-tissue laser enables anesthesia-free hard tissue procedures and virtually bloodless soft tissue performance. By eliminating anesthesia, dentists become more efficient and productive while enjoying a more manageable workday and providing the unique anxiety-free experience to their patients
Learn to:
• understand the science behind the 9.3 μm CO2 all-tissue laser, and learn about its applications for hard and soft tissue procedures
• uncover the possibilities for anesthesia-free dentistry, and learn how the 9.3 μm CO2 all-tissue laser enables clinicians to perform over 90% of operative procedures without injections
• discover how the 9.3 μm CO2 all-tissue laser can be utilized for indirect restorations
• integrate the 9.3 μm CO2 all-tissue laser and achieve exponential growth through laser dentistry
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Creating Beautiful Predictable Porcelain Veneers from Start to Finish
Esthetic Dentistry
John F. Weston
Course #: 3570 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John F. Weston
Porcelain veneers are one of the most reliable restorations in dentistry. This program demonstrates how to improve accuracy, efficiency, and predictability for all your anterior cases. See how smile design relates to proper prep design and how fabrication of trial smiles helps motivate patients and the clinician to verify esthetic and occlusal planning. Understand current trends for tooth preparation and bonding of veneers and how the accuracy of modern impression materials helps to easily deliver more predictable and beautiful anterior restorations.
how digital photos and basic digital smile design relates to case acceptance, case planning, and excellent lab communication
simple methods of using mock-ups and trial smiles for proper esthetic and occlusal evaluation
how to fabricate reduction guides to use when preparing teeth for “minimal prep” porcelain veneer restorations
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Occlusal Equilibration...Why, When, and How: A Hands-On Workshop
Todd C. Davis
Course #: 3580 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Todd C. Davis
Participants learn the reasons why and when occlusal equilibration is needed. This workshop also provides hands-on exercises to help participants learn the principles and skills involved with occlusal equilibration. Participants will feel more confident in treating their patients who need occlusal therapy.
the reasons why and when occlusal equilibration is needed
to feel more confident in treating their patients who need occlusal therapy
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Working With You Is Killing Me
Dental Assistants Programs
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 3590 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
Nothing is more crucial to a successful dental practice than the dental team; mistakes, misunderstandings, and how as a team, we grow. Not every office is perfect and somehow we all have similar stories and situations. Get ready to laugh, cry and have fun as we collaborate past experiences to collectively unite for practice prosperity from every perspective of the dental practice.
Learn to:
provide powerful instruction to inspire team excellence
have a great winning attitude, uplift others, and actively make a difference in the work day
take personal responsibility and Improve your own participation
consider key communication barriers, and how to overcome them
Room: Front of Special Events Hall Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 1
Scientific Poster Sessions
Time: 10:00 - 2:00
Course: 3730
Location: Outside of Special Events Hall - Lower Level 1 Credit: 1 CEU
10:00am - 12:00pm
Ortodoncia Predecible: Maniobras que nos Permiten Lograr Tratamientos Exitosos en Menor Tiempo
Programas en Español
Maria Noel Strada Maria Noel
Course #: 3820 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Maria Noel Strada Maria Noel
Room: 1C03 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 2
Convencidos que mediante un correcto diagnóstico, una protocolizada planificación y un cementado digital de brackets, proponemos transformer su práctica de ortodoncia en predecible y eficaz.
Presenter herramienta innovadora para un correcto diagnóstico
Establecer protocol de planificación y mecánica de tratamiento
Fomenter el empleo del indirect bonding
11:30am - 1:30pm
International College of Dentistry
Current Dental Topics
Gordon Chang
Course #: 3220 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon Chang
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 2
Join with Hispanic Student Dental Association (HSDA) members from chapters throughout the country as they present videos on what they have written and produced in the area of oral health prevention. Enjoy some lunch as you experience their passion, creativity and sometimes humor as they share their video presentations.
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Assessing and Treating Pediatric Sleep Airway Disorders while Straightening Teeth without Braces/Using Technology in Treatment
Sleep Apnea
Leslie Stevens, Steven R. Olmos,
Course #: 3205 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Leslie Stevens, Steven R. Olmos,
Giving Children a Healthy Start: Assessing and Treating Pediatric Sleep/Airway Disorders while Straightening Teeth without Braces Sleep-related Breathing Disorders (SRBD); a silent epidemic affecting 9 out of 10 children is often ignored and many times misdiagnosed but manifests itself in outward symptoms such as ADD/ADHD, allergies, snoring, mouth breathing and more. The connection between dental conditions, poor oral habits, and SRBD have been well established. For this reason, sleep, breathing and airway health has become the #1 interest in the dental community and can expand practices tremendously. It is the dentist’s responsibility to screen, identify, evaluate and provide treatment. HealthyStart® is a progressive system that improves the health and well-being of children by treating the root cause of SRBD. Every child deserves a healthy start and can with a three-dimensional type of oral appliance therapy.
the relationship between Sleep-related Breathing Disorders, early childhood growth and development, jaw development, arch expansion, and creating proper and eliminating improper oral habits
to determine and evaluate the underlying root causes
the HealthyStart® Treatment using natural forces to develop and correct, built in myofunctional therapy to create proper habits and expanding arches all while providing stable results for a lifetime
Steven R. Olmos, D.D.S. 3:00 – 5:00
Using Technology in Treatment of Chronic Face/Jaw Pain and Sleep Breathing Disorders A review of the technology that is available to you in the treatment of sleep breathing disorders and craniofacial pain is discussed. Learn what works and how to best utilize the equipment, oral appliance, and surgeries for the most effective outcome for your patients. This program discusses the relationship between the nose and craniofacial pain, and how you can measure how well it functions. Learn why jaw locking and primary headaches are related to sleep breathing disorders, and how you can measure this relationship.
Learn to:
understand the role of low-level laser therapy in the treatment of chronic pain and breathing disorders
recognize how 3D imaging can be beneficial for evaluation of chronic pain and breathing disorders
identify patients that will benefit from nasal surgery
measure airway volume and flow rates with the latest equipment
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Creating a Financially Successful Dental Practice Download Handout
Practice Management
John J. Vento, Eric S. Studley, Robert Malandruccolo, Eric J. Ploumis, John Masserano,
Course #: 3460 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John J. Vento, Eric S. Studley, Robert Malandruccolo, Eric J. Ploumis, John Masserano,
Room: 1E13 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $30.00 Credits: 4
Establishing and maintaining a dental practice can put you on the path to financial independence. Obtain expert advice on how to set up your practice to maximize your financial success. Topics covered include entity choices, office design and construction process, financing options, practice insurance, contract law, hiring staff, and choosing the right retirement plan. Learn the latest tax saving strategies to minimize your tax liability under the new law so that you can keep more of what you make. Interact with dental industry experts to guide you through the next steps in your profession.
Learn to:
establish and maintain a financially successful dental practice
implement tax-saving strategies so you can keep more of what you make
This program is only for Dentists in practice less than 10 years. Proper Credentials will be checked on-site.
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Management of Dental Risk and Liability
Risk Management
Anthony E. Chillura
Course #: 3470 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Anthony E. Chillura
This seminar provides the latest information and trends in the management of dental liability and risk. It provides the best protocols and processes that can be incorporated into daily practice to mitigate and control such risks. By following these protocols, the likelihood of adverse events, unanticipated results, and unmet patient expectations are greatly reduced.
Learn to:
prevent claims and litigation
provide information for a safer and stress reduced dental practice
Practice Management/Risk Disclaimer This program is not intended as legal advice. The sponsor has found that the use of such information/forms contained in this program reduces the risk of medical malpractice claims and/or improves the practice process.
Dentists who complete this course are eligible for a risk management credit on their liability premiums with Professional Protector Plan (PPP). You are encouraged to check with your carrier concerning the availability of any discount. If you have not completed an approved Risk Management program within the past three years, it is necessary for you to take this course in order to continue to receive your discount. At the end of this course you will receive your certificate of completion for your records and to submit to your malpractice carrier.
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Pain Management and Restorative Driven Endodontics: Is Less Really More
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Pain Management
Marcus Johnson
Course #: 3720 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marcus Johnson
Tooth whitening has become easy, rewarding and profitable. In this “Live” presentation, the different systems on the market are reviewed. The pros and cons of bleaching are discussed as well as the use of different light sources to speed up the whitening process. Issues of sensitivity, mechanism of action and longevity are also reviewed. Materials in this program will rely on scientific evidence from the literature and clinical experiences. This program includes a “Live” patient whitening procedure so you can see the result in real time.
the science behind tooth whitening
different whitening systems and see live whitening treatment results
the best whitening options for different situations and patients
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Technology Checkup - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You and Your Patients! Download Handout
Ann-Marie C. DePalma
Course #: 3170 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ann-Marie C. DePalma
Many practices utilize practice management software to enhance the patient experience and improve overall care. Dental teams, however, are only surviving in its use. As dentistry moves towards the medical model of care, technology and software will become a more integral part of the hygienist’s practice and patient care. As a hygienist or team member do you understand your software and technology or are you just surviving with it? This program reviews what you need to know about software, and what data and products are important to the hygiene practice and patient care.
This program is not a training program for any specific practice management software
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Amplify Your Invisalign Practice
Ben Miraglia
Course #: 3195 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia
This dynamic program provides both doctors and their teams with the clinical knowledge of the basic principles of orthodontics, functional occlusion and how this relates to the patient’s overall health and wellbeing. Attendees will leave empowered to uncover the many hidden opportunities that await them to provide this comprehensive approach to their patients, ultimately benefiting both patient and practice health.
If requested in advance, the course includes the attendance of the dentist and up to 3 registered staff members
Additional team members may attend for $50 each*
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Sure Smile: The Complete Digital Orthodontic Solution
Edward Lin
Course #: 3060 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Edward Lin
The clinicians have seen first-hand the evolution in SureSmile with robotically bent wires for both labial and lingual treatment, SureSmile aligners, 3D printed SureSmile indirect bonding trays, and hybrid treatment with a combination of SureSmile fixed and aligners treatment. With in-house aligners, you can offer SureSmile aligner treatment at a much more affordable cost and increase significant growth.
the digital workflow within SureSmile for incredibly efficient clinical management for all case types
how to create in-house aligner systems with SureSmile
Early orthodontic treatment (orthodontic treatment in either the mixed or primary dentition) can be very challenging and confusing for the clinician. Factors that help the clinician decide which patients require such early treatment, the timing of treatment, and the objectives of early treatment are presented. The use of orthodontic appliances traditionally not used in the permanent dentition is also shown.
to develop a sense of urgency in recommending early orthodontic treatment for individual patients
why chronological age, as opposed to dental developmental age, might not be helpful in planning treatment in the mixed dentition
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Restorative Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry: Hands-On Workshop
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss
Course #: 3110 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arnold Weiss
With more and more children being covered by dental insurances, every practitioner needs to know how to care for children effectively. In this hands-on workshop, attendees learn how to prepare primary teeth and get tips and secrets from giving local anesthesia to isolating and preparing primary teeth. Hands-on preparation of Class II composites to pulp therapy including pulpotomies, and stainless-steel crowns are reviewed and practiced. You are guaranteed to learn new diagnoses and techniques, as well as, tips on managing the behavior of children.
Learn to:
ideally prepare primary teeth
become comfortable managing children as your patient
Support for these programs is provided by
2:00pm - 4:30pm
Achievements and Expectations of Oral Health Programs in the 21st Century
Room: 1E20 Topic: Oral Health Tuition: $105.00 Credits: 3
Oral Health outcomes have improved for different populations throughout the last century, however oral health programs among disadvantaged populations remains a major priority for leaders in dental public health. This program shows the different achievements in oral health at local, state, federal and global levels. This is a great opportunity to connect the dots for better access in dental health services, increased life expectancy, changing population dynamics and the new tendencies in private or public dental health.
Learn to:
understand the overall approach and the principle achievements in oral health and dental public health during the 20th century
present success stories of dental health programs and leadership initiatives at local, state, federal, and worldwide levels in dentistry
recognize how future dynamics in dentistry affect or change private and community dental practices in the U.S.
As dentists, we are ultimately looking for solutions to treat our patients better and more efficiently. Digital technology can facilitate this, but entry can be daunting. Deciding what to incorporate into your practice, and how to benefit can be difficult. This program is an overview including digital smile and restorative design, CAD/CAM, 3D imaging, implant planning, guided surgery, and 3D printing. We review the current state of the technology and consider advanced applications showing how complex surgical and restorative cases can be more predictably treated in-office during this program.
Learn to:
demonstrate the range of digital technologies and applications in practice
discuss advanced applications of digital technologies for complicated case planning and treatment
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
New Digital Technologies for 2020
Dean Vafiadis
Course #: 3390 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Dean Vafiadis
This program identifies new technologies that are being used for restorative dentistry, orthodontics, implant dentistry and smile designs. Utilizing these efficient modalities can help all clinicians in everyday practice. New software programs are used to simplify our daily patient treatments that are cost effective and easy to use and implement into your practice. Photography, simulation and merging files allow the new dentist and experienced dentist to become a “Dental Superstar” with just a few clicks on their computer. Please join us for an inspiring day of innovation.
The objective of this hands-on workshop is to establish clinical comfort with the placement of dental implants, manipulation of surgical flaps, obtaining of tension-free surgical closure with proper suture materials and suturing techniques, followed by a step-by-step guide to restoring the implant. This hands-on workshop includes the learning of the fundamentals of biomechanics, the biology of bone, as well as, the rationale for the diagnosis, treatment planning, and the clinical practice of placing root form dental implants.
the current and future status of implants
endosteal implant design and its importance
to understand bone biology and osseointegration
anatomical considerations and limitations in relation to implant placement
hands-on, step-by-step evaluation in establishing diagnosis and treatment
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Safety and Simplicity in Root Canal Instrumentation: Myths, Metal, and Motion Download Handout
Anne L. Koch
Course #: 3420 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Anne L. Koch
Nearly 25 years after the introduction of Nickel Titanium Rotary Instrumentation to endodontics, we’ve learned much about the clinical strengths and limitations of these great instruments. With recent improvements in metallurgy, enhanced designs, and innovative rotary file motions, we need to understand how these changes affect clinical instrumentation. Furthermore, we must take advantage of these improvements to create an instrumentation protocol that combines safety with simplicity. In this program, a new “blended technique” is introduced that results in safe, efficient instrumentation for all root canal types. Get ready to improve your instrumentation predictability while dramatically reducing instrument separation.
Learn to
discover the most effective instrument motions available for shaping root canals and their advantages and limitations
understand the need to combine the latest technology with long-established, evidence-based endodontic principles
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Five Steps for Exceptional Anterior Composite Restorations
Resin composite restorations provide patients with minimally invasive restorations that preserve tooth structure while providing esthetics, longevity, and function. They are personally rewarding and cost-effective. However, dental practitioners face difficulties while placing these restorations. This program discusses five steps to obtain exceptional restorations in daily practice.
Learn to:
select shades for anterior resin composites
contour and polish anterior resin composites
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Seasons Change and So Did I
Practice Management
Mark E. Hyman
Course #: 3440 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mark E. Hyman
Room: 1E10 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $225.00 Credits: 3
After a 40-year journey in dentistry, starting as a 19-year-old volunteer dental assistant and becoming a seasoned veteran of a booming real-world private practice, how does one successfully and predictably transition a beloved practice, long time loving patients, bull-dog loyal teammates, and your identity to a young superstar? Review and imagine how the three key phases of a practice transition can be mastered.
steps to integrate the new doctor into your team
to introduce the new doctor to your patient and referral family
In this program, the clinician presents an in-depth discussion of the problem of achieving profound mandibular anesthesia. The traditional ‘mandibular block’ (IANB) has one of the lowest success rates of major nerve blocks administered in the human body. Newer techniques, such as the Gow-Gates mandibular NB; Akinosi-Vazarani NB; PDL; intraosseous; and, intracrestal are viable alternatives. Additionally, buffering local anesthetics increases their efficacy, comfort, and speed of onset. Is the IANB passe? Come hear for yourself and decide.
5 alternatives to the IANB
three benefits of buffering of local anesthetics
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Comprehensive Planning for Edentulous Maxillary Arch
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
John R. Nosti
Course #: 3480 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John R. Nosti
Room: 1E15 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $225.00 Credits: 3
Over 60 million people in the United States have denture(s) and recent surveys demonstrate a significant amount of the denture wearers reported household incomes over six figures. Patients’ desires to no longer have a removable prosthetic, along with the public’s increased knowledge of implants, mean that more patients are electing implant retained prosthetics over their conventional denture counterpart. Learn the processes in determining the treatment plan rationale for implant prosthetics in the maxillary partial and fully edentulous patient.
a step-by-step process in treatment planning maxillary edentulous patients
to understand Key Implant Position
the rationale to choose the number of implants required
to determine if implant supported removable, fixed removable, or fixed is best for your patient
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Best Practices: Periodontal Debridement Protocol
Timothy P. Donley
Course #: 3490 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy P. Donley
There is a better way to achieve consistently adequate periodontal results, it does not have to be confusing. Learn the new goal of periodontal debridement therapy along with the best ways to achieve that goal. A priority patient and priority site approach is presented which you can use chairside when evaluating your patients. All the mystery of deciding what to do is finally eliminated. Which therapies work best, what order do you use them in, how to tell if it worked and what to do if it did not, is all covered. Emphasis is also placed on developing a debridement approach that is comfortable for your patients and efficient for your practice.
to develop a realistic chairside protocol for consistent debridement outcomes
to master the new two-step approach to debridement
solutions to the typical patient objections
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Dental Assistant's Role in Creating The Esthetic Periodontal Environment
Dental Assistants Programs
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 3600 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
True esthetics come from a balance of morphology and color of the dentition against the backdrop of the healthy periodontium in a functionally sound occlusion. A major challenge is to reconstruct natural biologic parameters when teeth are lost. Tooth loss in the esthetic zone can be handled by the placement of dental implants or by conventional crown and bridge procedures. Whichever route is chosen, the key to esthetic success lies in the preservation of facial and interproximal alveolar bone and symmetry of the soft tissue envelope that surrounds and frames the teeth. Only then can the contours and color of the dental units be exploited to create a maximal esthetic dental reconstruction.
to understand techniques to maximize esthetic outcomes for ridge socket preservation with dental lasers
specific cases where dental lasers (hard and soft tissue) can be used to create an esthetic periodontal environment
how utilizing a tissue laser can shorten and deliver a more predictable healing time with less post-operative discomfort
to construct a beautiful provisional restoration with pontic design that supports periodontal tissues during the healing phase of treatment
This hands-on workshop focuses on the practical application of the XP-3D family of instruments which allows a more conservative and anatomically oriented root canal preparation. It also focuses on the concept of removing the pulp tissue more efficiently without having to remove too much dentin, ensuring a better chance of long-term success. This workshop also involves the application of bioceramic materials for root canal obturation, and root repair.
Learn to:
incorporate the use of the XP-3D family of instruments into their daily practice
apply bioceramic technology into root canal obturation techniques
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
How To Implement Three Simple Workflows that Power the Most Profitable Practices
Current Dental Topics
Benjamin Jump
Course #: 3620 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Benjamin Jump
See how integrating sleep medicine, orthodontics and implants can increase your office revenue. Dental practices across the country face similar challenges, more competition, more demanding patients and decreasing profit margins. To succeed in this environment, doctors are turning to new procedures that can unlock additional revenue streams and differentiate their practice. Sleep medicine, orthodontics, and implants are three such procedures that, with advances in digital impressioning and 3D imaging, are easier than ever to implement.
about the new areas of dentistry that can drive revenue
how to implement these processes and the technology that makes these treatments possible
Support for this program is provided by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Smile Creation Using No-Prep Veneers: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Gary M. Radz
Course #: 3630 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary M. Radz
See how integrating sleep medicine, orthodontics and implants can increase your office revenue. Dental practices across the country face similar challenges, more competition, more demanding patients and decreasing profit margins. To succeed in this environment, doctors are turning to new procedures that can unlock additional revenue streams and differentiate their practice. Sleep medicine, orthodontics, and implants are three such procedures that, with advances in digital impressioning and 3D imaging, are easier than ever to implement.
about the new areas of dentistry that can drive revenue
how to implement these processes and the technology that makes these treatments possible
This hands-on workshop provides the participant with an in-depth format for providing effective disease control periodontal therapy, including hands-on techniques in periodontal probing and calculus detection. This workshop discusses the etiology of periodontal diseases and the motivation of the periodontal patient to control plaque along with the relationship between periodontitis and systemic disease. Hands-on diagnostics are provided, using the Kinoshita Dental Model; hands-on use of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric power scalers; and, tip design selection. The goal of the workshop is to explain how to implement a successful non-surgical disease control hygiene program, and the rationale behind it, and to provide the participant with knowledge in diagnostics of periodontal problems and up-to-date techniques in removing the etiology of periodontal disease.
scaling and root planing with hand and power instruments
new skills in examination and diagnosis of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Utilize Dental Lasers in Managing Peri-Implantitis
Laser Dentistry
Samuel B. Low
Course #: 3650 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel B. Low
Give your practice a boost by harnessing laser technology that manages effectively day-to-day periodontal to soft tissue patient conditions with a positive result. Learn how to choose the right laser and apply simple techniques that result in precision, controlled bleeding, accelerated healing, reduced post-operative issues, shorter procedure time, and relaxed experience for the patient. Procedures include non-surgical (laser bacterial reduction and curettage) surgical periodontics, frenectomy, gingivectomy, implant uncovering, and implantitis. Topics include coding and patient acceptance. Attendees experience direct hands-on activity with various lasers on a variety of models including the pig jaws.
Learn to:
differentiate laser technologies for periodontal indications (surgical and non-surgical)
develop techniques for incorporating laser into a dental practice considering patient acceptance, third party coding
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Creating Beautiful Predictable Porcelain Veneers from Start to Finish
Restorative Dentistry
John F. Weston
Course #: 3660 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John F. Weston
Porcelain veneers are one of the most reliable restorations in dentistry. This program demonstrates how to improve accuracy, efficiency, and predictability for all your anterior cases. See how smile design relates to proper prep design and how fabrication of trial smiles helps motivate patients and the clinician to verify esthetic and occlusal planning. Understand current trends for tooth preparation and bonding of veneers and how the accuracy of modern impression materials helps to easily deliver more predictable and beautiful anterior restorations.
how digital photos and basic digital smile design relates to case acceptance, case planning, and excellent lab communication
simple methods of using mock-ups and trial smiles for proper esthetic and occlusal evaluation
how to fabricate reduction guides to use when preparing teeth for “minimal prep” porcelain veneer restorations
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Special Patient Care Essays
Special Patient Care
Miriam R. Robbins, Edward L. Perlow, James D. Toppin,
Course #: 3690 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Miriam R. Robbins, Edward L. Perlow, James D. Toppin,
Room: 1D03 Topic: Special Patient Care Tuition: $125.00 Credits: 3
2:00pm - 4:30pm
Restorative Dentistry for the Pediatric Patient
Pediatric Dentistry
Juan F. Yepes
Course #: 3830 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Juan F. Yepes
This course will cover the entire spectrum of restorative dentistry in the pediatric patient. It will cover the use of silver diamine for the control of dental caries, the use of glass-reinforced ionomers, the use of and indications of sealants, the hall technique, etc. Evidence-based dentistry will be the frame used to develop the course.
Learn to:
· Understand the fundamentals of the most common restorative materials and techniques used in pediatric dentistry.
· Discuss the main advantages, and disadvantages of restorative dentistry techniques used in the pediatric patient.
· Understand the indication for the use of silver diamine, hall technique, as well the correct use of sealants and glass ionomers.
Room: 2D02 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
Keeping your practice up to date with the latest equipment and technology in an office that accommodates patients and staff is one way to stay competitive and keep growing. But how do you know when it’s time to update or expand and how much you can afford to invest? One powerful indicator is “practice cash flow.” While it provides a snapshot of how you’re doing financially, cash flow also plays a critical role in your ability to secure financing. Learn from a lender’s perspective on how to evaluate your practice’s potential and plan the next steps as you consider where you are now and where you want to be in the future.
Learn to:
determine when the time is right to upgrade
analyze your opportunities and create a timeline
understand how to assemble a team of advisors
Support for this program is provided by
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Nacho-Ordinary Real World Special Event
Current Dental Topics
Hemali Ajmera, Elaine Bylis, Robert Montgomery, Paul Goodman,
Course #: 3790 Date: 12/01/2019 Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Hemali Ajmera, Elaine Bylis, Robert Montgomery, Paul Goodman,
Room: Exhibit Floor Room #6232 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: XX
Interactive Panel Discussion with Q&A with “Free Nacho & Vegetable Bar”
o Value of Trade Show Floor & New Technologies that will make your life easier?
o Getting a Good Associates Position & What to ask in a job interview?
o When to Buy a Practice?
o Understanding the Wacky World of Dental Insurance
This program is geared for New & Young Dentists (10 years or less from graduation).
Reparación Apical Posterior a la Endodoncia El trabajo en endodoncia no termina con la simple obturación del conducto, para medir su éxito o fracaso se hacen necesario una serie de controles inmediatos y mediatos y ver el avance o reparación de la lesión, adicionalmente a esto realizar las pruebas clínicas pertinentes a alguna sintomatología que pudiera referir el paciente, así como también la rehabilitación de éste diente tratado que complementa el éxito del tratamiento. Se intenta responder a una serie de cuestiones clínicas que se presentan durante la preparación biomecánica de conducto radiculares, morfología apical variada, exacerbación apical posterior al tratamiento endodóntico y sus complicaciones con órganos o estructuras adyacentes todo esto visto desde el análisis causal del grado de efectividad de los tratamientos del sistema de conductos radiculares según criterios y estándares actuales.
Sabina Avila Jimenez
Micro implantes en Ortodoncia En el tratamiento de ortodoncia el anclaje, es la etapa más desafiante de la terapéutica, debido al efecto de la fuerza de reacción. En la mayoría de los anclajes intraorales, tienden a perderse un 1/3 del espacio creado por extracciones, desgastes, expansiones o distalizacion, en el anclaje extraoral que por lo general se utiliza para reforzar el intraoral, esto trae como resultado menos eficacia en dichos tratamientos. El avance de la odontología ha colocado en nuestras manos los Dispositivos de Anclaje Temporal, de los cuales discutiremos y presentaremos casos clínicos concluidos exitosamente.
Teresa J. Bello-Burgos, D.M.D.
Conviértete en un Dentista Cosmético Éste curso es una introducción a la odontología cosmética. Cubrirá tópicos que incluyen conceptos de macro y micro análisis de la estructura del diente, tejidos blandos y un completo análisis facial del paciente. Presentaremos también estrategias y protocolo para llevar nuestras oficinas a otro nivel. Análisis de los aspectos relevantes en cosmética dental. Estrategias y protocolos en el manejo de una oficina dental cosmética.
El soporte para éste programa lo proporciona elColegio Dominicano de Odontologos
3:30pm - 5:15pm
Today’s Digital Implant Workflow – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Digital Dentistry is changing how therapy is offered to patients. From data acquisition, diagnosis and planning, to execution of treatment, technology rapidly expands the possibilities clinicians can offer while at the same time bringing efficiencies, predictability, and cost savings to everyday implant dentistry. This live patient demonstration highlights some of the newest innovations that allow clinicians to deliver successful care in implant dentistry while utilizing every aspect of the digital workflow.
innovative technologies used in everyday implant dentistry
to understand the digital workflow and how to implement it easily and predictably
Support for this program is provided by
8:00am - 12:00pm
Invisalign Fundamentals Course (IFC) - The First Step to Becoming an Invisalign Provider
Ben Miraglia
Course #: 4140 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia
Invisalign® Fundamentals is an introductory program for new Invisalign GP providers and their teams. This program is comprised of:
live lecture/clinical education course for doctors live lecture/participation training course for team members Invisalign Fundamentals course overview an in-person half-day course provides doctors with the clinical and operational education necessary to begin treating a broad range of Invisalign patients a separate session exclusively for team members covers relevant case submission topics and provides attendees practical experience
At the conclusion of the program the participants will understand how to:
identify ideal case types for Invisalign treatment
integrate all aspects of the Invisalign treatment process into the practice
use the software that depicts a virtual set up of your planned treatment
If requested in advance, the course includes the attendance of the dentist and up to four registered staff members
Additional team members may attend for $50 each.*
8:00am - 12:00pm
Restorative in Airway Health and Pediatric Sleep Disorders, TOTS, Laser Frenectomies, and More
Sleep Apnea
Samuel E. Cress, Scott Siegel, Martin Kaplan, Maxim Sulla,
Course #: 4170 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel E. Cress, Scott Siegel, Martin Kaplan, Maxim Sulla,
Patients who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) not only suffer from comorbidities such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease but also suffer from occlusal disease. Occlusal disease is sometimes noted as the “silent” oral disease that many individuals especially dentists overlook. Occlusal disease has been associated with natural aging or wearing of the detention but, it is the overworking of one’s pathological bite to protect one’s airway. This seminar assists you in screening and treatment planning with predictable results in patients with OSA.
about screening patients
the ins and outs of treatment planning
how to achieve predictable results
Scott Siegel, M.D., D.D.S. 10:00 - 12:00 Martin Kaplan, D.M.D. Maxim Sulla, D.D.S.
Pediatric Sleep Disorders, TOTS, Laser Frenectomies, and More Learn about the tongue, lip and buccal tie releases in infants and children with CO2 lasers. Learn about the impact of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) on sleep, breathing, feeding, speech and other disorders in pediatric patients. Learn that the depth of the CO2 laser incision during frenectomies can be adjusted to a fraction of a millimeter, while the depth of coagulation can be maintained under 100 µm for the utmost control and for the minimum collateral damage. Learn about implementing laser frenectomies at your pediatric dental practice with the multidisciplinary approach to treating TOTS.
about the impact of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) on sleep, breathing, feeding, speech, and other disorders in pediatric patients
about the tongue, lip and buccal tie releases with CO2 lasers
about implementing laser frenectomies at your practice as a part of the multidisciplinary approach to treating TOTS
9:00am - 12:00pm
Medical Management of Caries - The Future Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Joel H. Berg
Course #: 4080 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joel H. Berg
This seminar provides the attendee with the most up-to-date information regarding emerging technologies in caries detection and caries risk assessment. Dental caries, the most prevalent disease in humans, affects 97% of the population in their lifetime. Recently, new ways of assessing and dealing with dental caries as an infectious disease have been proposed, and new products have been introduced. This seminar reviews the science behind these developments and introduces clinically relevant information.
about caries detection devices that are currently available
about the use of caries detection technologies
9:00am - 4:30pm
Implants et Prostheses
French Program
Guy-Michel Kadouch
Course #: 4180 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Guy-Michel Kadouch
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: French Program Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 5
Etude de l architecture, des états de surfaces implantaire et de la cicatrisation osseuse, les facteurs de succès.etude des formes des vis de la chambre cosseuse. Les prothèses de recouvrement sur dents puis sur implants: principes des différentes classifications des overdentures pour implants, les choix des attachements. Extractions, implantations et mises en charges immédiates unitaire ou totale, les clefs du succès, utilisation du LPRF. Les mini et petits implants sont il d actualité en 2019?
acceder a un choix prothétique facile
permettre une rationalisation des solutions implantaire
9:00am - 5:00pm
Russian Program - Обзор Современной Стоматологии, Новые технологии
Russian Program
Rada Sumareva, Zev Kaufman, Dimitry Stillman, Maria Rosenblum, Maria A. Karpov,
Course #: 4190 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Rada Sumareva, Zev Kaufman, Dimitry Stillman, Maria Rosenblum, Maria A. Karpov,
Room: 2D08 Topic: Russian Program Tuition: $60.00 Credits: 6
Основополагающие принципы разработки плана лечения. Комплексные методы диагностики и лечения пациентов со сложной стоматологической патологией. Окклюзия. Алгоритм комплексной реабилитации жевательного аппарата. Последовательность сбора необходимой информации.
Использование современных технологий в области пародонтологии, эндодонтии, ортодонтии, простодонтии и имплантологии. Эндодонтическое лечение при травме. Лечение трещин... Стабилизация ВНЧС и окклюзии у взрослых пациентов. Сегментарная кортикотомия. Детская госпитальная стоматология. Лечение детей с патологией развития и различными системными заболеваниями
Эта программа проводится при финансовой поддержке образовательного гранта от Русско- Американской стоматологической ассоциации. Rada
9:00am - 12:00pm
Interdisciplinary Dentistry - The Restorative Quarterback
The restorative dentist serves as the “quarterback” when establishing a comprehensive dental treatment plan. Spectacular results can be achieved by meticulous treatment planning allowing the patient’s face to dictate the treatment. Once the restorative “quarterback” establishes the vision of the desired end-result a treatment plan is established. The treatment team then works together to achieve long-lasting, aesthetic and maintainable results that satisfy today’s demanding patient expectations.
Learn to:
create aesthetic vision
lead an interdisciplinary team
9:00am - 12:00pm
Simplifying Endodontics Without Compromising Results
Barry Musikant
Course #: 4210 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Barry Musikant
This program details how to prevent instrument separation, sacrificing less dentin while removing more pulp tissue, dramatically reducing costs in the process. The instruments adapt to the tooth rather than the tooth adapting to the instruments’ cleaning, shaping and obturating the canals in three dimensions via a simplified technique that produces predictably superior results.
that instrument separation can be entirely eliminated while producing superior results more safely and efficiently
to gain superior results without increasing costs or complicating your practice
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for the Esthetic Based General Dentist
Esthetic Dentistry
Gary M. Radz
Course #: 4220 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary M. Radz
Current materials, techniques, and technology provide patients with opportunities for esthetic satisfaction. This fast-paced program is designed to share many useful materials now available as well as the tips and techniques to add speed and predictability. Additionally, new technologies are discussed with a focus on the practical application and integration of these technologies to increase profitability and maximize satisfaction.
a review of esthetic options that can be commonly used in any general practice
about the newest technologies that can benefit the cosmetic focused practice
to discuss materials and techniques to increase your efficiency and profitability
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Secret Sauce: The Hidden Ingredients of Highly Successful Teams
Practice Management
Mark E. Hyman
Course #: 4240 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mark E. Hyman
Room: 1E10 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
What is it that differentiates the top practices from the average? What is their “secret sauce?” That formula that leads to extraordinary production, collection, overhead control, team retention, and fun. Laugh and learn as we reveal the formula, discuss action steps to take today, and see your team re-engage and thrive during these exciting times.
the five key ingredients that comprise the secret sauce
how to capitalize on the individual skills of each dental teammate
This program provides an update on occupational bloodborne and respiratory infection risks for dental health-care professionals, as well as, a practical discussion of current infection prevention regulations and recommendations for dentistry. The most recent CDC recommendations concerning bloodborne pathogens and infection control are presented, along with updates on OSHA regulations as they pertain to dental settings. Hand hygiene, vaccinations, and other preventive measures (i.e. personal protective equipment, instrument reprocessing, disinfection, and dental water asepsis) are frameworks for this presentation. Infectious disease challenges and prevention strategies are used to reinforce the application of standard precautions during patient treatment. Discussions include perceptions and misuse of infection control procedures and products which conflict with scientific and clinical knowledge.
to understand the most recent updates for CDC infection control recommendations
technological advances and protocols to promote compliance for infection control recommendations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
MythBusters: Laser in Periodontics
Laser Dentistry
Laura Day Braswell
Course #: 4260 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Laura Day Braswell
There is much conversation about the recent publication by the American Academy of Periodontology regarding the use of lasers in periodontal therapy. This seminar reviews the current literature, discusses techniques and shows successes and failures that we all see in our practices. Let’s take-a-look at lasers, what is real and what is not exactly practical for our patient care.
Learn to:
review current and much needed research on lasers in periodontal therapy
show clinical cases and successes with soft tissue and bone regeneration
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Differentiate Yourself: Stand Out from The Crowd Download Handout
Today’s dental market is as saturated as it has ever been. Many dentists have at least one competing office within 1 mile. How can we stand out from the crowd? We need to find ways that can differentiate ourselves. We need to attract the patients that we want. How can that be done? From a marketing perspective, we examine ways to attract the patients you want from the different generations that surround our practices. From a clinical perspective, learn techniques, tips, tricks, materials and equipment to separate you from the other dentist down the street.
Learn to:
review several different clinical differentiating factors that can help a patient choose you
nail down systems that we can institute that will keep new patients flowing in
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
A Microscopic Warfare Approach to Oral Hygiene
Timothy P. Donley
Course #: 4280 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy P. Donley
Stop telling your patients to brush and floss. In this new era of serious dental medicine, the age-old approach to oral hygiene recommendations must change. It is no longer just about removing plaque. Successful maintenance of oral health involves giving patients the best chance to maximally interrupt microscopic biofilm and to create tooth surfaces that allow the patient to remain inflammation-free. In this program, attendees learn how to do just that by redefining daily hygiene goals. A clear strategy for what to recommend is developed; learn how to take a smarter approach.
Learn to:
develop a realistic chairside site-specific approach to oral hygiene assessment
recommend and how to encourage compliance
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Univ of Pennsylvania Dental Perspectives: A Day of CDE at GNYDM (Morning)
Current Dental Topics
Mark S. Wolff, Eric J. Granquist, Thomas P. Sollecito,
Course #: 4290 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mark S. Wolff, Eric J. Granquist, Thomas P. Sollecito,
Room: 1E21 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Mark S. Wolff, D.D.S., Ph.D.
If Fluoride Is So Good Fluoride has been the primary prevention agent for tooth decay for nearly 60 years. Though we are saving teeth for more than 60 years ago, tooth decay is still a common problem in adults and aging adults. This program reviews the etiology of dental caries and expands upon the therapeutic methods to control the decay.
to understand the caries process
the therapies beyond fluoride available to manage caries
Thomas Peter Sollecito, D.M.D.
Oral Cancer and Potentially Malignant Oral Disease This discussion reviews the epidemiology of oral and pharyngeal cancer and oral potentially malignant disease encountered in a dental practice. The program focuses on the latest, evidence-based guidelines regarding diagnosis and management strategies and introduces strategies for the future.
about oral cancer epidemiology and risk factors
to understand the diagnosis and management of potentially malignant conditions of the oral cavity
Eric J. Granquist, D.M.D., M.D.
Evidence-Based TMJ Surgery Recent outcome studies and future directions from the Penn Center for Temporomandibular Joint Disease are discussed. This program reviews the evaluation and management of temporomandibular joint disorders, with an emphasis on surgical management. The history of TMJ surgery is fraught with poor outcomes and iatrogenic injury. Recent large clinical outcomes studies are presented, re-evaluating the role of surgery in the TMJ. This program also explores future directions in clinical research in this patient population.
recent advances in alloplastic joint reconstruction
future directions in patient-reported outcome studies
9:00am - 12:00pm
Numb, Number, Numbest: Local Anesthesia Pharmacology Download Handout
Anesthesia and Sedation
Alan W. Budenz
Course #: 4295 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alan W. Budenz
Room: 1E08 Topic: Anesthesia and Sedation Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
How do local anesthetics work, and why don’t they always work? Safe dosages and possible interactions of local anesthetics with patient medical conditions and medications are presented. The controversy surrounding the use of articaine and prilocaine, and management of possible complications, including nerve paresthesia, are discussed. New anesthetic buffering for faster onset, reversal agents, and delivery devices are also reviewed in the context of daily practice practicality.
the advantages and disadvantages for use of the available local anesthetic agents with and without vasoconstrictor additives
the potential adverse reactions to local anesthetics, such as syncope, allergy, and toxicity
how to minimize the risk of adverse reactions
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Important Useful Concepts, Techniques and Materials for the Modern Dental Office
Current Dental Topics
Gordon J. Christensen
Course #: 4300 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon J. Christensen
Room: 1E14 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $250.00 Credits: 3
Each year important new concepts are introduced into the profession. Some are adopted immediately, and others are not. This presentation includes the most notable concepts, techniques, and materials that are being promoted. Among those topics included are: effectiveness of the mono and reduced colors of the composite; the clinical success of the “esthetic” zirconias; can cone beam replace all other radiographic devices?; is the new crown classification working?; can failing implants be rescued?; are “bulk filling” composites working?; and is the “all-on-four” technique living up to the ads?
the new concepts emerging in the profession
the new techniques and their effectiveness
9:00am - 5:00pm
Christensen Morning and Afternoon Package
Current Dental Topics
Gordon J. Christensen
Course #: 4315 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon J. Christensen
Room: 1E14 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $450.00 Credits: 6
Important Useful Concepts, Techniques, and Materials for the Modern Dental Office
Each year important new concepts are introduced into the profession. Some are adopted immediately, and others are not. This presentation includes the most notable concepts, techniques, and materials that are being promoted. Among those topics included are: effectiveness of the mono and reduced colors of the composite; the clinical success of the “esthetic” zirconias; can cone beam replace all other radiographic devices?; is the new crown classification working?; can failing implants be rescued?; are “bulk filling” composites working?; and is the “all-on-four” technique living up to the ads?
Making Complete Dentures a Win-Win Service
Most dentists dislike making complete dentures. It is probably because many techniques are laborious, time-consuming, and relatively ineffective. This program shows simple techniques that are optimal for patients and enjoyable for you. Use of implants and non-implant procedures are demonstrated. Rebasing previous dentures to include simple implants is encouraged.
9:00am - 10:30am
Healthcare Executive Development Academy: Oral Health in America – A Forthcoming Surgeon General’s Report
Oral Health
Timothy L. Ricks
Course #: 4330 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 10:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy L. Ricks
Room: 1E20 Topic: Oral Health Tuition: $105.00 Credits: 2
This presentation describes the major outcomes of the 2000 Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General. It details the many changes that have occurred in oral health and in the profession of dentistry over the past 20 years, laying the foundation for the creation of the current report. This program describes the Surgeon General’s report chapters, time frames, and who is involved in creating the report.
Learn to:
define the main theme of the 2000 Surgeon General’s Report on oral health
list and describe in detail four changes that have occurred with oral health and in dentistry since the 2000 report was published
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Mark K. Reilly
Course #: 4500 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Mark K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child, and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; a systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, and infant CPR
adult, child, and infant rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, and infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Sponsored by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class (Staff)
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Mark K. Reilly
Course #: 4505 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Mark K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child, and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; a systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, and infant CPR
adult, child, and infant rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, and infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Sponsored by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Oral Surgery Essays
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Marten N. Ladman, Shahin Shahgoli, Boris Zats,
Course #: 4660 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marten N. Ladman, Shahin Shahgoli, Boris Zats,
Room: 1D03 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $95.00 Credits: 3
Marten N. Ladman, D.M.D. 9:00 – 10:00
Oral Surgery in the Era of CBCT Since the introduction of in-office 3D imaging early, the ability to visualize the dental and Maxillofacial structures preoperatively has facilitated diagnosis and treatment planning. This program presents what can be routinely revealed preoperatively with 3D imaging and currently available advanced software.
Shahin Shahgoli, D.D.S. 10:00 – 11:00
Medical Emergencies in The Dental Office Dental practitioners need to be able to diagnose and treat medical emergencies that may present themselves in the dental office setting. This presentation provides an overview of the most likely scenarios that one might encounter and goes over diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the situations. The presentation also goes over the most common medical conditions that are likely to precipitate such emergencies. The presented scenarios are best treated with a team approach; therefore, office staff is also encouraged to attend.
Boris Zats, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00
Advances in Implant Dentistry Attendees learn about advances in implant materials available today. Information covered includes materials that improve cosmetic outcomes. Both scientific and clinical data on new implant design to aid in integration timing allowing early permanent restorative options is discussed. Attendees learn new implant strategies including All-On-4 vs. Trefoil allowing to avoid previously required graft, shortening treatment time, improving the success rate and significantly improving overall treatment costs.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Dental International Filler Neurotoxin Education (DIFNE)
Programas en Español
João Cerveira, Priscilla Pereira, Andressa Ballarin,
Course #: 4680 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
João Cerveira, Priscilla Pereira, Andressa Ballarin,
Room: 1E19 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
João Cerveira, D.D.S.
Armonización Orofacial, Clave Odontología Moderna ¿Por qué la armonización orofacial es la clave para la odontología moderna? RESUMEN En esta presentación mostraremos que el objetivo de la armonización orofacial es establecer y mantener el equilibrio estético funcional entre las estructuras intra y extraorales a través de la sinergia de los parámetros dimensionales consagrados en la literatura científica. Por ejemplo, el cirujano dental que enfrenta su trabajo de rehabilitación intraoral puede eventualmente encontrar pacientes con asimetrías faciales de tejidos tegumentarias en relación con los dientes, ya sea debido a desarmonías faciale.
Priscilla Pereira, D.D.S.
Armonización Orofacial Una sonrisa hermosa y saludable se debe dar a partir del equilibrio de los labios, los músculos y la armonía facial del paciente. Nunca se conoció tanto, nunca hubo tantas posibilidades de sentirse bien, de tener una apariencia mejor en la Odontología. Existen tratamientos seguros y mínimamente invasivos que buscan el equilibrio de las expresiones faciales y la anatomía facial. Ahora también tenemos una nueva herramienta que permite la neuro modulación de los músculos faciales, a través del uso de toxina botulínica y el llenado con ácido hialurónico que podemos ofrecer a nuestros pacientes.
Andressa Ballarin, D.D.S.
Labios B3D Una Escultura en Movimiento Los labios atractivos están asociados a la juventud y la belleza y por lo que han sido deseados por muchos pacientes. Debido a esto, la voluminización de los labios es un procedimiento cosmético muy buscado. El relleno labial con ácido hialurónico (AH) es altamente recomendado por tratarse de un procedimiento reversible. El protocolo Ballarin 3D tiene varias características técnicas de relleno labial, con el objetivo de aumentar el volumen preservando el diseño labial natural a partir de un análisis y planificación cuidadosos de cada caso. Al final, el gran desafío del procedimiento de llenado labial es conseguir resultados naturales. La técnica detalla el posicionamiento, estabilización y la angulación de la aguja en cada región a ser llenada, describe también las regiones donde no se deben aplicar rellenos, pretende esculpir los labios de tal forma que el resultado es una bella visión tridimensional. Aunque no existe una receta única para “labios perfectos”, la técnica que se presentará será un modelo para volumizar los labios de forma natural, así como sus variaciones podrán corregir asimetrías, tratar labios seniles, promover el rejuvenecimiento perioral, o para alteración de la forma labial inexistente.
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por Dental International Filler Neurotoxin Education (DIFNE)
9:00am - 12:00pm
Predictable and Profitable Procedures to Improve Practice Success
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Esthetic Dentistry
Marvin A. Fier
Course #: 4720 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marvin A. Fier
Incorporating narrow-body implants into the contemporary implant practice will help you manage challenging tooth replacement situations. The clinician discusses the use of narrow-body implants with an immediate tooth replacement approach regarding congenitally missing laterals, compromised inter-tooth spaces, mandibular incisors, immediate full-arch denture conversions and immediate stabilization of full arch restorations. Clinical case examples highlighting the nuances of these treatment plans are presented.
the use of immediate restoration techniques using narrow-body implants in high-demand esthetic zones
the advantages of narrow-body implants
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Guided Surgery Simplified: A Hands-On Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Pilseong Kim
Course #: 4040 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Pilseong Kim
This hands-on workshop is the introduction to digital dentistry. Each participant learns the latest technology in dentistry. Learn how to incorporate 3D digital workflow and a Unique Guided Surgery System. Attendees learn to make a provisional prosthesis after utilizing a digital guided implant surgery system.
about the digital workflow of the dental office and how to incorporate it efficiently into the office
an introduction of digital implant dentistry and unique guided surgery system
hands-on implant placement with guided implant surgery system
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
After 45 Years - The Best Things I Have Learned in Orthodontics
Ron M. Roncone
Course #: 4060 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ron M. Roncone
Over the last half-century, orthodontics has in many ways advanced beyond what we never could have envisioned. This program discusses management, diagnosis, clinical mechanics and technology in orthodontics. Learn about malocclusions and CBCT.
the most important technologies in orthodontics
what are we missing in the diagnosis of malocclusions
are we underestimating the importance of CBCT in everyday orthodontics
9:45am - 11:45p
Blending New Technology for Predictable Dentistry– A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
Ron Kaminer
Course #: 4110 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 11:45p Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ron Kaminer
There are so many new technologies for us to incorporate into everyday practices. Join us as we explore two different technologies and how they can fit into your every day practice. Look at how simplified photography can impact treatment from patient communication to final execution. Also learn how to evaluate and utilize a new restorative material for every day predictable restorative dentistry.
to improve the doctors case acceptance using photography and new communications
the true benefits of a unique flowable composite
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 4160 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. Dr. Clark, a board certified plastic surgeon, discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:45am - 12:45pm
New Materials and Products You Need to Be Purchasing
Current Dental Topics
Howard S. Glazer
Course #: 4230 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Howard S. Glazer
The program is about real dentistry for real people by a real dentist. The clinician presents a potpourri of the materials and techniques that he uses to make the day more productive, easier and fun. The entire dental team benefits from learning together about the latest products and how they benefit their patients.
the different types of materials in various product categories
what is faster, easier, and better in a dental office
Do you want to look like a rock star at your next performance review? This program shows you how smart office managers create their ROI and grow their practices. Attend this session and learn how to produce more, save more and earn more. Find incredibly savvy ways to save money and knock the socks off of your boss. Are you ready to grow your practice?
Learn to:
identify the five keys to grow your practice by 25% or more, making your case presentations more like Disney and less like the IRS
conquer the compliance issue that 60% of practices are being fined for and don’t even know it
spot hidden errors on your merchant statement that are sucking the profit out of your collections
Support for these programs is provided by AADOM
9:45am - 12:45pm
Practical Chairside Success: Digital Dentistry Can Be A Trap, Don't Let it Be
Overwhelmed with information about “open” CAD/CAM systems? Are you worried about buying hardware when it’s obsoleted the first year you own it? This program helps you to integrate CAD/CAM and CT technologies into your dental practice. Laptops are provided to attendees to practice during this program. By the end of this seminar, you should be able to design a crown chairside, and either send the case to a lab or mill/print it yourself.
to stay modular and flexible, so you can replace, upgrade and add components individually to grow your business
to make your investments patient driven, not dictated by the industry or manufacturer’s interests
how you can utilize any digital impression system you want with any CT X-ray machine, producing a wide variety of restorations and implant-related prosthesis/components
Support for these programs is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
The Power of 3D Printing in Dentistry
Dental Laboratory Programs
Marko Tadros
Course #: 4380 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marko Tadros
3D Printing is now more affordable than ever. It has changed many major industries making them more efficient and productive. Dentistry is no different, now is the time for you to embrace the change. This seminar focuses on different 3D Printing technologies, and which one is best for you. This seminar covers how it can make your practice or laboratory more efficient and productive. Learn about same day digital dentistry with 3D Printing.
Learn to:
understand the basics of 3D Printing
integrate 3D Printing in daily practice
9:45am - 12:45pm
Safety and Simplicity in Root Canal Instrumentation: Hands-On Workshop Download Handout
Alex Fleury
Course #: 4510 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alex Fleury
In this hands-on workshop, our new “blend technique” is introduced and participants learn how to use it effectively in all root canal types. After attending this workshop, you will improve your instrumentation predictability while dramatically reducing instrument separation. Furthermore, a simple yet effective obturation method is introduced that combines the latest in material science with endodontic synchronicity for passive, bonded root canal obturation. Get ready to improve your instrumentation predictability and gutta-percha cone-fit while dramatically reducing instrument separation.
Learn to: utilize piezoelectric ultrasonics in both access and three-dimensional irrigation the benefits of bioceramic obturation and the incorporation of matching posts
This unique program describes simple ways to bring your office into compliance with OSHA and infection control regulations making your facility safer and avoid the liabilities associated with non-compliance. This program shows you how to react to and easily pass an OSHA inspection by conducting a mock OSHA and infection control audit in your office.
to know the regulations that affect your business
how to comply with OSHA laws
how to comply with infection control rules
to be aware of your liabilities, potential fines and how they can affect your dental business
Support for this program is provided by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
9:45am - 12:45pm
How to Achieve Predictable and Optimal Esthetic Results in Anterior Composites: Hands-on Workshop
Direct resin composites are a very important part of any dental practice nowadays. These restorations provide patients with minimally invasive restorations that preserve tooth structure while providing esthetics, longevity, and function; plus, they are personally rewarding and cost-effective. However, dental practitioners face difficulties while bonding and placing these restorations. This hands-on workshop provides tips and techniques for predictable and sensitivity-free bonded restorations in providing daily practice. Guidelines for shade selection, cavity preparation, layering style, how to achieve proximal contacts as well as contouring and polishing to obtain functional and esthetic restorations are discussed.
Learn to:
optimize esthetic results
produce ideal proximal contact in anterior restorations
This hands-on workshop provides the participant with an in-depth format for providing effective disease control periodontal therapy, including hands-on techniques in periodontal probing and calculus detection. This workshop discusses the etiology of periodontal diseases, motivation of the periodontal patient to control plaque, and the relationship between periodontitis and systemic disease. Hands-on diagnostics are provided using the Kinoshita Dental Model. With hands-on use of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric power scalers; tip design selection; and, air polishing for natural teeth and dental implants. The goal of the workshop is to explain how to implement a successful non-surgical disease control hygiene program and to provide the participant with knowledge in diagnostics of periodontal problems and up-to-date techniques in removing the etiology of periodontal disease.
scaling and root planing with hand and power instruments
new skills in examination and diagnosis of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Utilizing Lasers to Treat Soft Tissue Conditions: Hands-On Workshop
Laser Dentistry
Samuel B. Low
Course #: 4550 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel B. Low
Ready to enter the laser world? Have an “unused” laser in the closet? Lasers offer a safe and effective alternative for a wide range of soft tissue dental procedures especially facilitating quality restorative dentistry. Advantages include increased precision, controlled bleeding, accelerated healing, reduced post-operative issues, shorter procedure time, less pain, greater case acceptance and more relaxed experience for the patient. Roll up your sleeves and get direct hands-on experience in this workshop with diode and all tissue lasers from frenectomy, biopsy, aphthous ulcers and gingivectomy for restorative access.
various laser wavelength therapies with attention to five of the most common easy and effective procedures
techniques for incorporating lasers into a dental practice considering patient acceptance and third-party coding
Learn the do’s and don’ts of veneers in this hands-on workshop. From planning and consideration of alternative approaches to execution, the necessary steps are presented. Many practice tips are provided. to help participants efficiently achieve desired clinical results. This workshop provides a comprehensive and practical demonstration on how to execute porcelain laminate veneers, including the most common problems and how to avoid these in practice. Hands-on practice includes three different patient indications, reduction guides, fabrication of temporary restorations and cementation.
Learn to:
recognize and avoid preparation and cementation pitfalls
practice techniques involved in the preparation, temporization and cementation processes
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Smarten UP and Sharpen UP: A Hands-On Workshop
Judy Z. Bendit
Course #: 4570 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Judy Z. Bendit
Why is it that no one ever wants to sharpen hygiene instruments? Yet, we want them to have that new, just “out-of-the-package” feel? This hands-on workshop demonstrates how easily and effectively you can sharpen scalers and curettes once you find the method that works best for you. Please join us for a relaxed, informal program that highlights some of the latest and greatest guides, aids and devices to help you achieve sharp cutting edges on your hygiene instruments every time!
Learn to:
distinguish a “dull” cutting edge from a “sharp” edge
select an appropriate sharpening method for your individual situation
Support for this program is provided by
10:30am - 12:30pm
Programas Internacionales y Otras Oportunidades en Salud OralDesarrollando a los Futuros Lideres en la Nación y a Nivel Global
Programas en Español
Rosa Chiviano-Moran, Ana López-Fuentes, Eugenia Mejia, Martha J. Mutis, Herminio Perez,
Course #: 4320 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rosa Chiviano-Moran, Ana López-Fuentes, Eugenia Mejia, Martha J. Mutis, Herminio Perez,
Room: 1E13 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 2
Los cambios poblacionales en EU tienen un impacto directo en la composición de las profesiones de la salud. La composición racial y étnica unida al crecimiento de la diversidad en la medicina dental va a influenciar directamente en la composición de los futuros dentistas y líderes de nuestra profesión. Existe una necesidad de incentivar y crear oportunidades de estudios para dentistas hispanos. Vamos a escuchar a líderes en la profesión presentar las oportunidades existentes para estudios de Ubicación Avanzada en Programas Internacionales, pasantías y estudios graduados por especialidad. Se presentarán oportunidades y retos para estudiantes hispanos.
presentar las diferentes oportunidades de estudio en Estados Unidos para estudiantes/dentistas internacionales
presentar historias de éxito de hispanos en los diferentes programas como el de Programa Internacional de Ubicación Avanzada, pasantías y programas de internado disponibles
Support for this program is provided by
10:30am - 12:00pm
Raising the Reimbursement Roof while Reducing Regulatory Risk
Practice Management
Ray Shelbourne
Course #: 4335 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ray Shelbourne
Room: 1E20 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $105.00 Credits: 2
When the practice is paid rapidly and appropriately, things are good; however, when there are delays, denials, and requests for additional information, then things are not quite so good. Mistakes can be devastating to the practice. The proper use of codes and documentation results in maximum legitimate reimbursement, reduces risk, and lowers the stress in your practice and keeps you out of jail all while having fun in the process.
Learn to:
know the most commonly misused codes
correct common coding mistakes and eliminate reimbursement delays
Support for this program is provided by
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Celebrity Luncheon ft. John Quiñones
Special Event
Special Event
John Quiñones
Course #: 4010 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John Quiñones
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Special Event Tuition: $125.00 Credits: XX
John Quiñones
ABC News Veteran, Creator & Host, What Would You Do?
Combining a moving life story, an exceptional career, incomparable insights, and a powerful presence, John Quiñones has emerged as one of the most inspiring keynotes in the speaking world today. His moving presentations focus on his odds-defying journey, celebrate the life-changing power of education, champion the Latino American Dream, and provide thought provoking insights into human nature and ethical behavior.
A lifetime of “never taking no for an answer” took Quiñones from migrant farm work and poverty to more than 30 years at ABC News and the anchor desk at 20/20 and Primetime. Along the way, he broke through barriers, won the highest accolades, and became a role model for many.
Known for truly connecting with audiences and leaving them uplifted and inspired, Quiñones delivers a powerful message of believing in one’s self, never giving up, and always, always doing the right thing. As host and creator of What Would You Do?, the highly-rated, hidden camera ethical dilemma newsmagazine, Quiñones has literally become “the face of doing the right thing” to millions of fans. It’s a role that he has enthusiastically embraced off camera, with a popular book and keynote presentations that challenge both business and general audiences to examine the “What Would You Do?“ moments we face every day. This work and his many achievements were recently recognized with honorary Doctorate degrees from Davis & Elkins College in West Virginia and Utah Valley University.
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Achieving Cosmetic Results While Treating Patients with Sleep Disorders Download Handout
Now more than ever, it is important to attract new patients and deepen your relationships with existing patients. Screening and treating sleep apnea utilizing combo treatment protocols is a key way to differentiate your practice. OSA treatment options are reviewed along with patient cases of the combined orthodontic clear aligner and sleep treatment. Sleep appliance selection, delivery and adjustment protocols utilizing digital documentation tools are discussed for the doctor and team member. Sleep treatment stater kit is provided to attendees.
how to incorporate sleep into every patient’s treatment plan for comprehensive care
appliance selection for combo or mono-treatment of sleep apnea
gain the confidence you need to andd dental sleep to your practice
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Guided Veneer Delivery System – A “Live” patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
Frederick E. Solomon, Cyrus Tahmasebi,
Course #: 4120 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 1:30pm - 2:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Frederick E. Solomon, Cyrus Tahmasebi,
FirstFit is a Guided Prosthetics Delivery System that utilizes the latest digital technology to provide you with 3D printed prep guides and the final ready-to-seat restoration at the same time. The 3D printed guides enable you to provide predictable and consistently esthetic restorations while reducing the patient’s time in the practice. See live how to use FirstFit’s Guided Prosthetic Delivery System.
how to do conservative veneer cases without temporaries
the latest digital technology using 3D prep guides
This fast-paced program delves into the rationale behind ridge preservation, extraction, immediate placement, and grafting in the sinus utilizing Osteogen strips and plugs. Attendees learn the theory behind the choice of grafting and understand why there is an alternative to traditional graft materials. By demonstrating the versatility of the Osteogen products, its use is re-enforced in a wide range of implant-related grafting scenarios from ridge preservation to sinus elevation.
to understand the basics of grafting
simplified techniques for grafting
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Managing Challenging Situations with Narrow Body Implants
Implant Dentistry
Paul S. Petrungaro
Course #: 4050 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Paul S. Petrungaro
Incorporating narrow-body implants into the contemporary implant practice helps to manage challenging tooth replacement situations within your practice. This immersive hands-on workshop provides attendees with hands-on experience placing narrow-body implants into edentulous models. Participants also gain experience with denture conversion, using the dentatus tuflink silicone reline material. Clinical case examples highlighting the nuances of these treatment plans are discussed.
hands-on experience placing narrow-body implants into edentulous models
the steps for denture conversion using the dentatus tuflink silicone reline material
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Efficient, Effective Orthodontics: Can Function, Esthetics and Speed Co-Exist?
Ron M. Roncone
Course #: 4070 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ron M. Roncone
Basic research on the speed of tooth movement has not advanced very far. We hear claims of one appliance being faster than another; twin brackets and self-ligating brackets being no different; passive vs. active brackets; what are optimal forces for efficient, safe tooth movement; and, does undermining bone resorption equal slow tooth movement. Learn how to quickly move teeth in a safe manner and the real advantages of self-litigating brackets.
how to quickly move teeth in a safe manner
the real advantages of self-ligating brackets
ideal wire forces: they are not what you think
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Management of Dental Caries - Restoration
Pediatric Dentistry
Joel H. Berg
Course #: 4090 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joel H. Berg
Recently, new ways of assessing and dealing with dental caries as an infectious disease have been proposed, and new products have been introduced. This seminar reviews the science behind caries management developments and introduces clinically relevant information to practitioners to prepare them to understand related new information as it is introduced to the professionals and consumers. Also, the proper selection and use of restorative materials and techniques including glass ionomer materials and their proper use are described.
to understand biofilms and their treatment
the use of glass ionomer materials in pediatric dentistry
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Making Complete Dentures a Win-Win Service
Implant Dentistry
Gordon J. Christensen
Course #: 4310 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon J. Christensen
Most dentists dislike making complete dentures. It is probably because many techniques are laborious, time-consuming, and relatively ineffective. This program shows simple techniques that are optimal for patients and enjoyable for you. Use of implants and non-implant procedures are demonstrated. Rebasing previous dentures to include simple implants is encouraged.
a simple and effective procedure for complete dentures
to describe and discuss a simple implant-supported technique for complete dentures
2:00pm - 4:30pm
Microbiología de la Dental Caries: Nuevos Horizontes y Conceptos
Programas en Español
Juan F. Yepes
Course #: 4325 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Juan F. Yepes
Room: 1E13 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Éste curso es una actualización de los conocimientos actuales en la microbiología y etiología de la caries dental. Las nuevas hipótesis in la generación de la caries dental serán discutidas en detalle. También el papel del flúor en la prevención de la caries dental será incluido en el programa.
después del curso, los participantes entenderán la complejidad de la microbiología de la caries dental
después del curso, los participantes entenderán las hipótesis actuales de la etiología de la caries dental
Calling all dental office managers and practice administrators! Don’t miss this educational and networking opportunity to address your toughest management challenges. With your peers, we will tackle each challenge and develop solutions that you can take back to your office. This fun and interactive roundtable program provides an opportunity for management professionals to learn from each other and from real life situations. The program is recommended for both novice and experienced practice management professionals.
Learn to:
utilize a peer network to develop solutions to your toughest management challenges
develop an action plan to share with your doctor that addresses your challenge
Support for these programs is provided by AADOM
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Started Here: Digital Dentistry in The Dental Office Using Exocad ChairsideCAD
Christopher M. Silvoy
Course #: 4370 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Christopher M. Silvoy
Digital Dentistry is here! It’s time to get on board. Experience what stepping into digital dentistry is all about with an introduction to workflows in a general dentist environment. Learn what tools are available for you to capture and manipulate. Learn to use scanned data with Exocad ChairsideCAD. Best of all, you’ll be able to try your hand at the software to design 3 common dental indications.
about the impact of digital dentistry on the dental office
how to use new software
to understand digital dentistry and how it can fit into your office
Support for these programs is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Dental Photography and Digital Smile Design
Dental Laboratory Programs
Marko Tadros
Course #: 4390 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marko Tadros
Often times we use previously documented photos of a past dental treatment to show to a new patient and increase treatment acceptance rate. As dentists and lab technicians, we often lack high-quality dental photograph skills. This program teaches the key factors in achieving high-quality photography. This program discusses digital smile design protocol and how to use it to communicate with dental laboratories. The clinician demonstrates the 3shape and Exocad Smile design abilities.
key factors of photography
the importance of Digital Smile Design
2:00pm - 5:00pm
An Update on Ceramics, Bonding,CAD/CAM and Implants
Esthetic Dentistry
Markus B. Blatz
Course #: 4400 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Markus B. Blatz
The recent evolution in ceramic, adhesive and CAD/CAM technologies offers a whole new range of esthetic, less invasive, and long-lasting treatment options. However, there are still many questions like, what are the best materials considering the large variety of ceramics available today? What ceramics can be used with chairside CAD/CAM systems? Do different ceramics require specific laboratory and clinical treatment? Is all zirconia the same? What are the best materials for implants? And where is the scientific evidence on all these topics? This program answers these questions and many more.
to differentiate modern ceramic materials and their indications
about CAD/CAM technology and its diverse applications in esthetic dentistry
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Endodontic Update for General Dentists
Robert Salehrabi
Course #: 4410 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert Salehrabi
This seminar will discuss the latest practical information regarding endodontic diagnosis, treatment, case selection and new game-changing materials. Rational, evidence-based case selection, Endo-perio interrelationship, procedural errors and their prevention, and canal irrigation techniques are discussed. Many clinical cases are presented.
about the new advances in endodontics
about standard of care in endodontics
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Myths, Controversies, and Concepts of porcelain Veneer Options: No Prep, Minimal Prep or Conventional Prep
Restorative Dentistry
Gary M. Radz
Course #: 4420 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary M. Radz
There are many ways to prepare a tooth to receive a veneer and change a patient’s smile. This program reviews the many indications and options to help the dentist better understand the most conservative way to get the desired smile enhancement. Case selection, lab communication, prep design, temporization, and cementation are included in this discussion.
to understand how each case and each tooth needs to be analyzed as to how much preparation is required to get the desired veneer result
about case selection and technique to ensure that the final esthetic result is achieved
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Infection Control in the Dental Practice: New York State Compliance Course
Infection Control
Jessica Wilson
Course #: 4430 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jessica Wilson
Room: 1E08 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
This program reviews the application of infection control principles to create and maintain a safe environment for patient care in the dental practice setting. The program also reviews the OSHA Bloodborne pathogen standard for dental healthcare workers. This presentation is approved by the New York State DOH and follows the CDC Guidelines for infection prevention and safety.
Learn to:
review scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection control in the dental practice
understand how cross contamination occurs and apply work practice controls to reduce opportunity for exposure to potentially infectious materials
Tired of investing your time and energy into a treatment presentation only to have the patient say, “I’ll think about it.” In today’s economy, money is the dental professional’s primary obstacle for a patient to move forward with the recommended treatment. Have you found this to be true in your practice? Are you finding that no matter how great your dentistry is you just can’t seem to get your patients over the financial hurdle? If so, discover, develop and implement the techniques and skills needed to get patients to say “yes” to treatment.
to understand each team member’s role in creating an impactful patient experience
how to make financial arrangements and how to find financing options that work for your patients and your practice
Infectious diseases described over the past four decades include those caused by newly discovered microbial pathogens, re-emergent infections with drug-resistant strains, and infections which have become increasingly resistant to previously successful antimicrobials. This program considers challenges presented by the emergence of recent infections as challenges to global health. Current epidemiology and scientific evidence addressing ongoing health-care challenges from blood-borne pathogens (hepatitis viruses and Human Immunodeficiency Virus), respiratory infections (influenza viruses, tuberculosis), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and waterborne infections in health care settings are reviewed.
major global and epidemiological factors which can lead to the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases
the challenges representative blood-borne, airborne, contact, and waterborne infections present to healthcare workers and the population
Currently one of the biggest crises facing health care is the opioid problem. This seminar discusses how Photobiomodulation (PBM) Low-Level Lasers can dramatically reduce opioid use. The seminar also discusses the science behind PBM as well as the numerous applications in a dental practice. Some of these include pain reduction after surgery; improved healing of soft tissue lesions such as cold sores and aphthous ulcers; creating analgesia in teeth so fewer teeth need a local anesthetic; managing mucositis in cancer care; nerve regeneration; and, treating facial pain.
Learn to:
understand the magnitude of the opioid crisis and how PBM can contribute to preventing patients from starting on opioids
how to help those already taking opioids to get away from needing them
understand the science behind PBM, its uses in a dental practice and to be able to immediately implement it
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
#Reputation Matters: Grow Your Practice for Free Download Handout
The rise of online review sites has enabled the individual consumer to share their experiences with the world. What story about you are they telling? This fun, fast paced program examines the psychology of online reviews regarding patients and former patients as well as helping you form practice systems for generating more great reviews. The program covers steps to dealing with a bad review. Be prepared to laugh and have fun as we gather for catharsis from this world of internet savvy, demanding patients.
to develop a system for generating more great reviews in your practice
The maintenance of peri-implant health begins with the understanding of the prosthetic design of the restoration. The three-dimensional positioning of an implant must be taken into consideration when the implant is being placed, which might require ridge modification. These concepts are discussed in the seminar along with the techniques needed by the dental clinician and by the patient to debride and clean the biofilm from the implant prosthesis. Special attention is emphasized to inform the patient about implants and to motivate them to be concordant and thorough with their plaque removal.
Learn: considerations to be taken prior to placing implants including bone morphology the importance of correct preventative techniques that dental patients must perform in order to have successful therapy how to help preserve peri-implant health
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Univ of Pennsylvania Dental Perspectives: A Day of CDE at GNYDM (Afternoon)
Current Dental Topics
Samuel Kratchman, Julian Conejo, Hector L. Sarmiento,
Course #: 4490 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel Kratchman, Julian Conejo, Hector L. Sarmiento,
Room: 1E21 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Samuel Kratchman, D.M.D.
Complications and Healing of Endodontic Microsurgery When performing endodontic microsurgery we often encounter issues such as management of the mental nerve, maxillary sinus, palatal approach, and endo/perio lesions. This discussion focuses on solving these obstacles as well as when to graft or not to graft. 3D healing in this era of CBCT technology is also reviewed.
Learn to:
overcome several obstacles with endodontic microsurgery
incorporate grafting with endo/perio lesions during surgery
Julian Conejo, D.D.S., M.Sc.
The Chairside Digital Workflow Intraoral scanners and dental materials are constantly changing and with the advancement of research, clinicians have more alternatives to choose from. This program describes the latest ceramic materials available for Chairside CAD/CAM technology, with different clinical workflows. From partial coverage restorations, single-unit implant and tooth-supported restorations to monolithic FDP’s their respective adhesive cementation concepts and clinical tips are presented.
to update clinicians in the latest material for chairside CAD/CAM restorations
the best bonding protocols for all types of ceramic restorations
Hector L. Sarmiento, D.M.D., M.Sc.
Are Implants Forever? Managing Peri-Implantitis Over the years we have relied on dental implants for the long-term correction of edentulous areas. However, we continue to see trends of different diseases that affect the peri-implant hard and soft tissues. This program helps you identify different types of peri-implant lesions and how to manage them non-surgically, surgically and with long term maintenance. Dentists and hygienists are encouraged to attend this unique program.
Learn to:
identify and classify peri-implantitis
manage peri-implant diseases non-surgically vs surgically
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Making Endodontics Far More Predictable: Hands-On Workshop
Barry Musikant
Course #: 4580 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Barry Musikant
Eliminating instrument separation, removing pulp tissue three dimensionally while preserving more dentin and maintaining a stronger tooth after endodontics is demonstrated and practiced in this hands-on workshop. These techniques are more efficient and cost effective. The techniques employed emphasize simplicity without making them simplistic.
Learn to:
adapt instruments to the tooth rather than the tooth adapting to the instruments
sacrifice less tooth structure to improve the long-term success of endodontic treatment
Learn the latest design trends for dental offices which allow for greater practice efficiency and patient satisfaction. This exciting program takes you through design tips and tricks that you can implement into your current office to increase productivity. Take a tour of design options to think about when starting a remodel or building a new office.
the latest dental practice design trends
to review design elements and features to enhance practice efficiency
to discover tips and tricks in practice design to increase patient satisfaction
Support for this program is provided by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Creating Success with Anterior Resin Composites: Hands-on Workshop
Direct resin composites are a very important part of any dental practice. These restorations provide patients with minimally invasive restorations that preserve tooth structure while providing esthetics, longevity and function. They are personally rewarding and cost effective. However, dental practitioners face difficulties while bonding and placing these restorations. This workshop provides tips and techniques for predictable and sensitivity-free bonded restorations in daily practice, and provides guidelines for shade selection, cavity preparation, layering style, how to achieve achieving proximal contacts and contouring and polishing to obtain functional and esthetic restorations.
Learn to:
select the adequate layering style for every situation
produce lifelike anterior composites
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Mastering Ultrasonics: A Hands-On Experience
Timothy P. Donley
Course #: 4610 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy P. Donley
There is no mystery to consistently adequate debridement. There is a right way and a wrong way to predictably achieve maximum results. This hands-on workshop presents evidence-based protocols and provides an opportunity for attendees to become a master clinician in just a few hours. Learn how to do it the right way and the best way. Participants leave with renewed confidence and the ability to maximize the result of periodontal therapy for their patients.
hands-on training for how to use ultrasonic inserts
practice techniques to make biofilm interruption predictable and efficient
Support for this program is provided by Parkell
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Basics and Case-Based Discussion: Diagnosis of Anatomical Variations and Pathosis of Jaws Including Applications
Hugo César Campos, Aruna Ramesh,
Course #: 4620 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Hugo César Campos, Aruna Ramesh,
This hands-on workshop begins with an overview of CBCT technology including components of Image production, radiation dose considerations, strengths and limitations, and image artifacts. A brief comparison of conventional CT and CBCT technology is discussed. Learn about the principles of CBCT interpretation including pathosis of jaws, abnormalities relating to endodontics, oral surgery and orthodontics through review of multiple cases; 2D and 3D comparisons of images addressing anomalies of the jaws are made. The hands-on portion of this program gives attendees an opportunity to work with various CBCT software and machine specific software through viewing CBCT data reflecting pathosis of jaws, plus its use in endodontics, oral surgery, and orthodontics.
the components of image production, patient selection criteria, and factors controlling CBCT image quality and radiation dose considerations
variations of anatomy and abnormalities such as pathologic lesions through a systematic review of CBCT images
case discussions and hands-on experience with various CBCT software related to endodontics, oral surgery, and orthodontics
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Adhesive Bonding and Composite Resin Hands-On Workshop
There is a plethora of bonding agents and composite resins on the market. This hands-on workshop reviews the science and testing of these new materials and techniques to help improve treatment outcomes and bonding results. Questions are arising as to the longevity of our current resin material systems and bonding agents. Bioactive dental materials are considered as alternatives to help with the limitations we see with restorations. Hands-on exercises provide attendees the opportunity to gain experience with bioactive materials and practice esthetic composite layering.
to improve the bonding technique and avoid post-operative problems
what bioactive materials are and how to work with them
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Effective and Predictable Local Anesthesia: Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Anesthesia and Sedation
Alan W. Budenz
Course #: 4640 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alan W. Budenz
Room: 1D04 Topic: Anesthesia and Sedation Tuition: $295.00 Credits: 3
This hands-on workshop is an opportunity to develop and practice clinical techniques with special emphasis on the mandible, including the Gow-Gates and the Vazirani-Akinosi mandibular division block techniques, tips and tricks for conventional IA regional nerve blocks, and single tooth anesthesia without a nerve block injection. A complete maxillary division block is also presented. Each technique is described and discussed with slides and demonstrated on skulls. Attendees work in pairs to identify intraoral landmarks and needle insertion points on each other. No actual injections are administered in this course.
to perform Gow-Gates, Akinosi, and IA mandibular, and maxillary quadrant block techniques with comfort
techniques for anesthetizing permanent mandibular first molars using buccal and lingual infiltration injections rather than performing a nerve block injection
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Positioning for Life-Ergonomics Advancements in Dentistry: Hands-On Workshop Download Handout
Judy Z. Bendit
Course #: 4650 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Judy Z. Bendit
Let’s take a closer look at all the ways that you can make your job easier, and then say “Goodbye” to pain with smarter working techniques. This half-day workshop focuses on practical principles to enhance your dexterity, preserve your strength, and increase your confidence when confronting clinical challenges. Included in the discussion are your room layout, gloves, instruments, loupes and a lot of other great tips to make your clinical experience more effective. Join us for better vision, better access, better technique and ultimately a better career. One lucky attendee takes home a new, ergonomic chair from Crown seating, a $900 value.
Learn to:
recognize clues and signals that identify potential physical problems and eliminate them before they cause permanent damage
review newly designed instruments with the goal of reducing “repetitive motions,” minimizing wrist flexion and/or extension, and relaxing instrument grasp
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology Essays
Oral Medicine/Diagnosis/Pathology
Maureen Archer-Festa, Christopher W. Bowers, Sonal S. Shah,
Course #: 4670 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Maureen Archer-Festa, Christopher W. Bowers, Sonal S. Shah,
Visceral Fat’s role in Chronic Disease Visceral fat was previously viewed as inert adipose tissue. Through scientific research, it is now understood that once excessive visceral fat accumulates it becomes an endocrine disruptor. Visceral fat as an endocrine disruptor is implicated in the etiology of several systemic chronic diseases including periodontal disease.
Christopher W. Bowers, D.M.D., M.S. 3:00 – 4:00
HPV and Oral Cancer This program discusses the relationship between human papillomavirus (HPV) and oropharyngeal cancers. The epidemiology, clinical appearance, and pathogenesis of HPV-related malignancies are covered. The current vaccine recommendations and addressing patients’ most frequently asked questions on the subject are also reviewed. Understand the relationship between HPV and oral cancer and review the latest vaccine recommendations
Sonal S. Shah, D.D.S. 4:00 – 5:00
Diagnosis and Management of Oral Mucous Membrane Diseases The diagnostic process and management of several important diseases affecting the oral mucous membranes are presented. Aphthous ulcers and herpetic ulcers are discussed. The various presentations of oral candidiasis are described. An overview of autoimmune diseases affecting the oral cavity, including lichen planus, mucous membrane pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris and erythema multiforme will be presented. Attendees learn to identify/diagnose common oral mucous membrane conditions and diseases, as well as, gain an understanding of the management and treatment of significant oral mucous membrane diseases.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Academia Mexicana de Odontologia Pediátrica, A.C. Download Handout
Tratamiento dental paciente Oncológico Infantil Presentar propuesta de protocolo de Atención dental en el paciente Oncológico Infantil, y una revisión bibliográfica de los protocolos ya existentes, para la mejora de la atención dental de éste grupo de pacientes con capacidades especiales. Identificar las necesidades de atención dental del Paciente Oncológico. Guiar en la formación de nuevos protocolos de atención dental
Sonia Ivonne Segovia, D.D.S. M.Ed.
Traumatismos Dentales en Pacientes Pediátricos Los traumatismos dentales son comunes entre niños y adolescentes en muchas sociedades que presentan problemas de salud y sociales. Dentro de la práctica odontológica el conocimiento sobre la prevalencia, la etiología, los tipos y otros aspectos epidemiológicos del trauma dental en niños y adolescentes. Ante una consulta para valoración de traumatismos dentales, surgen dos grandes preguntas: ¿Qué debo hacer? ¿Y por qué? Es importante que los odontólogos conozcan el manejo adecuado de los traumatismos de. Aprender como actuar ante un traumatismo dental en pacientes pediátricos. Conocer la clasificación de traumatismos dentales, así como los distintos tipos de tratamientos
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por la Academia Mexicana de Odontologia Pediátrica, A.C.
Course #: 4700 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Adan Yañez Larios, Francisco Garcia Torres,
Room: 1E11 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Adan Yañez Larios, D.D.S.
Calidad de Vida en el Odontologo En esta conferencia mostramos un trabajo de investigación y comprobamos plenamente que nuestra profesión es una de las más estresantes a nivel mundial, motivo por el cual deberemos tener primero el conocimiento y después un protocolo que combata el impacto de ese estrés en nuestras vidas. También mostramos como tenemos un periodo de vida productiva de aproximadamente 15 años a partir del egreso de la licenciatura al 100% de nuestras capacidades y destrezas. Y por último mencionamos el terrible síndrome de burnout (desgaste profesional) y en donde nuestra profesión, la odontología, está en los primero lugares según la OMS.
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por la Federación Dental Ibero Latinoamericana (FDILA)
Francisco García Torres, D.D.S.
Prostodoncia E Implantología Interdisciplinaria Durante la rehabilitación oral de un paciente enfrentamos diferentes desafíos; debido a esto, debemos tomar un enfoque global del caso y guiar cada tratamiento a las necesidades individuales del paciente. En esta conferencia, se analizarán las pautas propuestas para el de diagnóstico y tratamiento haciendo un análisis global de cada paciente. Se cubrirán diferentes temas relacionados con implantes y odontología restauradora. Entre estos temas; se discutirán los procedimientos de diagnóstico, acondicionamiento, regeneración, colocación de implantes, selección racional de materiales restaurativos y protocolos de cementación en pacientes con dentición severamente comprometida.
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por la Asociación Dental Mexicana
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Puerto Rico Dental Association, USA
Programas en Español
Rodrigo R. Escalante, Luis Carbajal Bello,
Course #: 4710 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rodrigo R. Escalante, Luis Carbajal Bello,
Room: 1E07 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Rodrigo R. Escalante, D.D.S., D.M.D
Estética Dentofacial
Cuántas veces hemos recibido del laboratorio, o colocado restauraciones en la boca de nuestros pacientes que parecen humanas, pero que no estás completamente satisfecho con el resultado estético? La razón de esto, por qué carecen de ADN humano. Que es el ADN?: Es un ácido nucléico que contiene toda la información genética que determina las características que hacen a un diente humano!. Cuando una restauración carece de una o más de estas características no producirá un resultado estético natural!. En esta presentación explicaremos a través de de la presentación de casos clínicos cuáles son y cómo lograr que nuestras restauraciones tengan las características que el ADN le confiere a los dientes humanos, y la importancia de esto en la estética dentofacial.
Luis Carbajal Bello, C.D., C.M.F.
Diagnóstico/tratamiento Dolor no Dental La región oral y maxilofacial son asiento de múltiples condiciones patológicas muchas de ellas dolorosas y no siempre de origen dental. La conferencia analiza las condiciones de dolor oro facial más frecuente de origen no dental y su etiología así como los protocolos de diagnóstico y tratamiento actual (Dolor Miofascial, TMJ Internal Derangements, Neuralgia Trigeminal, Neuritis, Migraña, Sinusitis Maxilar Aguda y Crónica). El asistente aprenderá que no todos los cuadros dolorosos de la región oro facial son de origen dental. Aprenderá a distinguir los síntomas característicos de enfermedades dolorosas de la región oro facial como: Dolor Miofascial, TMJ Internal Derangements, Neuralgia Trigeminal, Neuritis, Migraña, Sinusitis Maxilar Aguda y Crónica.
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por la Asociación Dental de Puerto Rico, USA
2:00pm - 4:30pm
New York Chapter of the American Society of Geriatric Dentistry
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Geriatrics Dentistry
Fred S. Ferguson, Terry E. Grant,
Course #: 4730 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Fred S. Ferguson, Terry E. Grant,
CBCT is the cornerstone for a complete dental examination and the new patient experience. Enhanced diagnosis with the 3D difference to reveal, identify, educate and treatment plan with an efficient streamlined digital workflow is reviewed. Learn to quickly and effectively gain the trust of our new patients during a dynamic and enhanced initial visit thereby improving case acceptance and treat more patients with ideal treatment plans. Capture the patient’s attention while overcoming the inherent limitations of 2D imaging. Cone Beam CT imaging allows the clinician to gain a complete understanding of the patient’s maxillofacial anatomy, dentition, boney architecture, pathologies, and any incidental findings that are revealed.
to improve diagnosis, treatment plan and case acceptance with enhanced 3D imaging and the creation of the virtual patient, a blueprint for success
the benefits of expanded indications for the use of CBCT imaging and how-to interpret maxillofacial radiology and anatomy
Support for this program is provided by
3:30pm - 5:00pm
A Dynamic Live Dentistry Event: The Light Dentistry Concept - Invisalign Go and DSD Direct
Live Dentistry
Karla Soto, Christian Coachman,
Course #: 4130 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Karla Soto, Christian Coachman,
The clinicians take you on a journey demonstrating the implementation of digital smile design and the impact it can have in your practice and in your patient’s life. Learn how to enhance your Invisalign practice using facially-driven interdisciplinary dentistry to seamlessly deliver the highest level of predictable, comprehensive and truly satisfying patient care. A “live” demonstration of the latest digital technology and restorative techniques that include easy aligner and injected composite restorations; a simple, beautiful, inexpensive, minimally invasive way to recover smiles is presented.
pre-restorative alignment with the end result in mind
cutting edge technology to elevate patient communication and experience
predictable and efficient comprehensive dentistry through digital solutions
minimally invasive restorative techniques through interdisciplinary treatment
to implement facially driven treatment plans to enhance health, function, and aesthetics
Facial aesthetics is becoming increasingly popular among the dental industry across America. Today we find that many of our patients are seeking out a vast array of aesthetic services to complement their smiles and dental regimes. High aesthetic demands are ranging from treatments such as neurotoxins, dermal fillers, Sculptra, Kybella, PRP, and micro-needling. By providing these services in our dental offices, we can grow upon our skill set and expand our practices. The nurse injectors perform a live demonstration on a collaborative model from Advanced Dental Care. The hands-on demonstration includes neurotoxin and dermal filler injection treatments such as; crow’s feet, gummy smile, lip flip, pebble chin, and lip filler.
5:45pm - 8:30pm
International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Current Dental Topics
Chad Gehani, David L. Hoexter, George Freedman,
Course #: 4740 Date: 12/02/2019 Time: 5:45pm - 8:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Chad Gehani, David L. Hoexter, George Freedman,
Room: The Harmonie Club, NYC Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 3
Chad Gehani, D.D.S. Course: 4740 5:45 – 8:30 Tuition: Free
3 CEUs Location: The Harmonie Club (4 East 60th Street, New York, NY)
Scientific Session
Journey of Achieving Life’s Happiness
Moderators David L. Hoexter, D.M.D. George Freedman, D.D.S.
7:45am - 4:30pm
Invisalign Go Practice Essentials
Eddy Sauer
Course #: 5120 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 7:45am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Eddy Sauer
The Invisalign Go Practice Essentials is a hands-on, full-day course providing doctors and their teams with the clinical and operational training needed for successful Invisalign digital integration into the general practice.
Learn how to: utilize the Invisalign Go product to achieve optimal Invisalign practice workflow efficiency and clinical confidence
identify and treat ideal case types for predictable Invisalign treatment
optimize and simplify patient diagnosis and treatment planning through iTero digital solutions and Invisalign Go treatment planning software
integrate and optimize Invisalign systems and processes for efficiency and profitability
systematically and effectively educate patients on the benefits of Invisalign treatment through digital technology
If requested in advance, the course includes the attendance of the dentist and up to 3 registered staff members
Additional team members may attend for $50 each*
7:45am - 4:30pm
Invisalign Go Practice Essentials - Staff
Eddy Sauer
Course #: 5130 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 7:45am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Eddy Sauer
In this program, craniofacial sleep medicine and the new paradigm for addressing sleep-disordered breathing, a medical problem with a dental solution is discussed. The clinician covers a brief history of dental sleep therapies and uncovers the missing link which enables dentists to address the underlying condition with a protocol which may correct the underlying underdevelopment of the cranial base to resolve sleep-disordered breathing without the need for ongoing intervention and therapy. The fundamental approach and recent findings are outlined and discussed.
new advancements in Biomimetic Pneumopedics®
transduction signaling
practice integration and patient flow
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pediatric Restorative Dentistry: What is New and Trendy
Pediatric Dentistry
Kevin J. Donly
Course #: 5050 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Kevin J. Donly
This seminar discusses the early diagnosis of tooth demineralization. Intervention with fluoride (including fluoride varnish), glass ionomer surface protectants, sealants and minimally invasive products and procedures are presented including CPP-ACP paste, xylitol and chlorhexidine. Risk assessment in decision-making for restorative care is discussed and related to recommendations made by the AAPD for restorative dentistry care in children, including the use of amalgam, glass ionomer cement, resin-based composites, stainless steel crowns, strip crowns and zirconia crowns.
the early diagnosis of enamel demineralization
to understand preventive regimens available, as well as appropriate intervention with these agents, using minimally invasive techniques
about the use of resin-modified glass ionomer cement, resin-based composites, stainless steel crowns and zirconia crowns
9:00am - 12:00pm
What All Health Professionals Need to Know to Succeed in 2030
Public Health
Allen Finkelstein, David Gesko, Hugh Silk, Patty Braun, Jack Dillenberg,
Course #: 5100 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Allen Finkelstein, David Gesko, Hugh Silk, Patty Braun, Jack Dillenberg,
Room: 1E21 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
The pathway to improved health in 2030 begins with technology innovation and collaboration among payers, providers, educators, patients, and regulators. Good oral health in 2030 is essential to overall health. Integrating oral health into electronic health records and bundles require a new approach to medical, dental and nursing education, practice, and reimbursement.
Learn to:
understand the complexity involved in creating an effective U.S healthcare delivery system
recognize and address the difficulties in integrating oral health into primary care
understand the value and importance of oral health as a benefit in Medicare
Support for these programs are provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Standard of Care in Infection Control: New York State Education Department Approved
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 3
This seminar reviews the application of Infection Control principles to create and maintain a safe environment for patient care in the dental practice setting. The program also reviews the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard for dental healthcare workers. This program is approved by the New York State Education Department. Materials included are required by Chapter 786 of the New York State Laws of 1992 regarding barrier precautions and infection control measures and follows the CDC guidelines for infection control and patient safety.
Learn to: recognize the responsibility of healthcare providers to ensure that they adhere to scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection control and monitor the performance of personnel for whom the professional is responsible identify the engineering and work practice controls which reduce the risk of patient and healthcare worker exposure to potentially infectious material in all health care settings
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Restorative Focused Endodontic Treatment: An Endodontist View
Robert Salehrabi
Course #: 5160 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert Salehrabi
This program discusses the advantages of pre-endodontic and post-endodontic restorative approaches in order to achieve long term successful endodontic outcomes, reduce microleakage, and significantly reduce post-op flareups. Adhesive bonding techniques are discussed to enhance longevity and predictability of endodontic treatment. The significance of cracks and options for addressing them are discussed in detail.
Learn to:
perform treatment with a lasting outcome
address issues with cracked teeth
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Preserving Teeth for Better Long-Term Results
Restorative Dentistry
Gregori M. Kurtzman
Course #: 5170 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gregori M. Kurtzman
Long-term prognosis, especially with endodontically treated teeth, relates to how much native tooth structure remains. There is a balance between what tooth structure needs to be removed to access the canals and what tooth can and should be conserved when possible. This program discusses various related topics which include understanding the restoration of endodontically treated teeth; treatment planning decisions; cementation metal; ceramic and zirconia-based restorations; conservative tooth preparation for direct and indirect restorations, as well as, dental adhesives: total-etch, self-etch and selective-etch when, where and how.
direct resin restorations: simple steps for better results
glass ionomers: when, where and how best to utilize
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Do Dentistry, Not Prison Time
Practice Management
Roy S. Shelburne
Course #: 5180 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Roy S. Shelburne
Room: 1E10 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
The clinician went to prison on August 20, 2008, and was released on May 14, 2010, and learned a series of lessons the hard way. Know that if it’s not in your clinical record, you didn’t see it, you didn’t say it, you didn’t do it, it didn’t need to be done, and it doesn’t exist....from the legal perspective. To be prepared for any challenge the whole dental team must be careful, concise, complete, and diligent, not just the doctor because, the whole team is potentially at risk. The clinician’s no nonsense team approach to record keeping could mean the difference between success and failure in the event of action or challenge to your practice. The lesson taught results in maximum legitimate reimbursement.
Learn to:
appreciate there are dangers associated with inadequate clinical records
This program focuses on the innovations and advancements in remineralization products and technologies that influence and change the delivery of care we provide to our patients. Case studies illustrate how CAMBRA can be used to help develop a treatment plan that incorporates appropriate modalities, including Silver Diamine Fluoride and patient applied practices to diagnose and arrest early caries patterns.
Learn to:
define the mechanism of action and benefits of Silver Diamine Fluoride
review protocols and techniques for SDF placement including a mini workshop for application of SDF to extracted teeth
A wide range of maxillary and mandibular injection techniques are emphasized, including discussion of the Gow-Gates, the Vazirani – Akinosi complete mandibular block techniques, and a complete maxillary quadrant nerve block technique. Techniques for recognizing and anesthetizing accessory nerve pathways are presented along with a comprehensive review of anatomical landmarks and structures pertinent to the delivery of successful dental local anesthesia.
the anatomy and landmarks commonly used for numerous local anesthesia block and infiltration injections of the maxilla and mandible
to present a rational protocol for troubleshooting and solving difficulties in achieving profound local anesthesia
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
A New Look at Composite Resin Restorations
Restorative Dentistry
Gordon J. Christensen
Course #: 5210 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon J. Christensen
Composite resins are the most commonly accomplished procedure in most general practices. However, the quality of these restorations varies considerably. This presentation shows the most effective proven and predictable techniques, the most adequate conservative tooth preparations, the best composite materials, and encourage staff support. Discussions include class 1-6 restorations resin veneers and a comparison of the best composite materials on the market.
Learn to:
describe and discuss the best composite techniques for class 1-6 and resin veneers
discuss and compare the best composite materials
9:00am - 12:00pm
Expedited Excellence: Faster and Better Restorative Dentistry Download Handout
This program addresses the current trends in dental materials and technologies. How have materials changed and evolved over the past few years and how do those changes affect your procedures and your practice? This fast-paced program helps catch everyone up to the dental materials and technologies of today’s modern dentistry.
to explore bulk fill composites and universal adhesive work flows
the use of modern glass ionomers in restorative dentistry
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Advanced Surgical Extractions for the General Practitioner Download Handout
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Karl R. Koerner
Course #: 5230 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Karl R. Koerner
Room: 1E12 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
New instruments and techniques have transformed exodontia to become faster, smoother, and more streamlined while lessening bone removal. This more conservative surgery also mitigates pain and the need for opioids. The speaker presents algorithms for surgical extractions guiding the clinician to the best choices to use for the removal of difficult teeth such as 1st molars and canines. Also covered is preventing or managing common complications associated with these surgical procedures. All general dentists need these more modern methods to better serve their patients.
Learn to:
perform difficult extractions more easily and in a predictable timeframe
perform difficult extractions with less bone removal and fewer complications
9:00am - 12:00pm
Mastering Treatment Acceptance/Mastering Practice Phone Skills
Practice Management
Steven M. Katz, Lucrezia Lentini, Jamie Mantagas, Kelly Fox-Galvagni, Kay Huff, Donna Cates,
Course #: 5240 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steven M. Katz, Lucrezia Lentini, Jamie Mantagas, Kelly Fox-Galvagni, Kay Huff, Donna Cates,
Room: 1E20 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Steven M. Katz, D.M.D.
Lucrezia Lentini, R.D.H. Jamie Mantagas, R.D.H.
Mastering Treatment Acceptance Treatment acceptance should begin the moment a patient first contacts a practice. Creating a relationship and establishing understanding must occur first. Simplifying the discussion of the presenting condition, emphasizing consequences of not receiving treatment and focusing on the benefits of the care result in much higher treatment acceptance. Learning the skills to overcome objections to treatment takes the patient from “Should I?”, through “Can I” and up to the point of saying “I will!” when it comes to accepting treatment recommendations.
how to communicate the benefits of treatment
how to overcome the five basic objections to accepting treatment
Kelly Fox-Galvagni, C.D.A. Kay Huff, R.D.A. Donna Cates, R.D.H.
Mastering Practice Phone Skills, Scheduling, and Financials This seminar focuses on a review of different phone skills to welcome new patients; how to schedule appointments for productivity; and how to develop flexible, but definitive financial arrangements to enable patients to accept a higher percentage of the treatment presented. Various scenarios are presented, and attendees are encouraged to engage in role-playing to help them master the skills. Bring your challenges and have the experts help you solve them.
Learn to:
improve communication with patients
schedule smarter and achieve higher treatment acceptance
Support for this program is provided by SolutionReach, DigiDoc and Doctor’s Internet
9:00am - 12:00pm
Become a Detective: Why you Should Submit Claims to Medical Insurance Plans Download Handout
Dental practices can, and should, help protect patients from dangerous medical conditions. Behaving more like a Wellness Center not only changes your relationship with your patients, but your practice can bill for increased wellness benefits through dental insurance and medical insurance just like other dental specialists have done for decades! Do you know the risks associated with the oral cavity? By understanding these facts, you will learn how to become an investigative agent. An agent never writes up a report that does not include the why. The why is the diagnostic reason for treatment and the medical necessity needed to bill advanced dental and medical plans.
Learn to:
incorporate options for comprehensive treatments and get billing tips for wellness services
understand how to update the medical history intake system with clues to the oral-systemic links
understand diagnosis codes and how to implement them on dental and medical claim forms
9:00am - 12:00pm
Programa em Português
Portuguese Program
Beatriz G. Testa Lindman, Joy Martins, Alysson Martins Correa, Ines Castro Barbosa,
Course #: 5260 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Beatriz G. Testa Lindman, Joy Martins, Alysson Martins Correa, Ines Castro Barbosa,
Room: 2D08 Topic: Portuguese Program Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Beatriz G. Testa Lindman, D.D.S.
Cirurgia De Tórus Mandiblar com Hipnose Eliminação de um excesso ósseo da parte interna do ramo e corpo da mandíbula principalmente no corpo mandibular denominado tórus mandibular. Desvelar uma nova ferramenta de trabalho. Despertar o interesse dos colegas dentistas nesta nova técnica.
Joy Martins, D.D.S.
Avanços Digitais no Escaneamento Facial Apresentaremos os protocolos de escaneamento facial com os diversos softwares de planejamento e suas aplicabilidades. Planejamento facial em harmonização oro facial e em reabilitações orais. Casos clínicos e a correlação entre o escaneamento facial, intra oral e tomografias. Capacitar os profissionais em escaneamento facial. Capacitar os profissionais nos softwares de correlação de arquivos stl e dicim.
Alysson Martins Correa, D.D.S.
Planejamento em Reabilitação Estética Será apresentado uma forma de planejamento para diagnóstico e plano de tratamento para casos de reabilitação estética com e sem cirurgia. Será abordado a técnica de planejamento digital estético e sua aplicabilidade para cirurgias periodontais estéticas, reabilitação com facetas cerâmicas e de resinas e também como utilizar éste planejamento para ter previsibilidade do resultado final e como ferramenta de marketing.
Ines Castro Barbosa, D.D.S.
Isolamento Absoluto - Truques e Dicas Nos dia de hoje, na Era da Dentisteria Adesiva, reconhecemos a necessidade de utilizar o isolamento absoluto de maneira a alcançar resultados mais precisos e duradouros. O objetivo desta aula é fazer entender, não só a necessidade da sua utilização, mas também, como o integrar de uma maneira rápida e previsível no seu workflow diário. Iremos falar do passo a passo, desde a identificação de obstáculos pre-operatórios até á escolha dos materiais corretos.
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por América Para Todos
9:00am - 12:00pm
Internal Medicine Review of Key Systems
Oral Health
Alia Koch, Bridget M. Ferguson, Michael Perrino,
Course #: 5270 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alia Koch, Bridget M. Ferguson, Michael Perrino,
Room: 1E08 Topic: Oral Health Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Patients today present with many co-morbidities that can affect care, oral health, and outcomes. The purpose of this program is to discuss the management of patients with systemic disease. The following key systems and their associated impact on patients’ overall oral health are addressed including Cardiac, Renal, Gastrointestinal, Immunological/Rheumatological, and Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ).
Learn to:
understand the effects of systemic diseases in the dental patient
manage patients using the latest in current therapies
understand and manage patients on anticoagulation therapy
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 5440 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child, and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; a systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, and infant CPR
adult, child, and infant rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, and infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Support for this program is provided by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 5445 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Aesthetic Periodontal Crown Lengthening Surgery This program discusses the diagnoses and management of Altered Passive and Active Eruption cases via Periodontal Crown-lengthening Surgery. Frequently, a “gummy smile” contributes to many aesthetic problems for patients. This excessive display of gingival tissues is caused by factors such as vertical maxillary growth, dentoalveolar extrusion, a short upper lip, upper lip hyperactivity, Altered Passive Eruption (APE) and Altered Active Eruption (AAE). APE is a genetic or developmental condition characterized by the coronal positioning of the gingival attachment and soft tissue margins on the enamel surface. This results in the appearance of short clinical crowns. AAE occurs when teeth erupt into contact with the opposing occlusal plane prematurely. The result of this premature contact is that coronal tooth movement is stopped, thereby preventing the osseous crests from receding apically to their physiologic location on the root surface. Since the bone crests do not move apically, the gingival attachment and soft tissue margins are forced coronally giving the appearance of short teeth..
Bernard Fialkoff, D.D.S. 10:00 – 11:00
Periodontal and Implant Treatment Philosophy Through the Eyes of a Periodontist Today’s periodontal treatment requires a thorough understanding of periodontal and implant surgical alternatives, regenerative materials, anatomical factors and proper coordination between disciplines. Soft and hard tissue regeneration with osseous grafts, membranes, and regenerative gels have resulted in improved predictable regenerative outcomes. Sinus and alveolar grafting have replaced long span tooth borne bridges/extensive tooth preparation/retention of questionable dentition with implant fixed prosthetic alternatives. These innovations demand coordinated treatment plans between the restoring and surgical practitioner. This program reviews these different factors.
Philip D. Pack, D.M.D. 11:00 – 12:00
Soft Tissue Grafting The speaker presents an overview of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of gingival recession. The discussion focuses on gingival, connective tissue and dermal allografts with an emphasis on esthetic periodontal plastic surgery for root coverage in single and multiple recession sites. The classification of recession defects is reviewed as well as anatomic factors affecting the result. Different techniques are presented including coronally advanced flaps and the tunnel procedure. Interdisciplinary management of cervical lesions are presented as well.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Instituto Dental Standard Mexico - SDI
Programas en Español
Nathalie Mikellides, Alan Raúl Hernández Mendoza,
Course #: 5630 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Nathalie Mikellides, Alan Raúl Hernández Mendoza,
Room: 1E19 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Nathalie Mikellides
El tema de mi conferencia será acerca de los protectores bucales deportivos.
-Función principal de un protector bucal. -Tipos de protectores bucales y sus diferencias -Qual el espesor ideal / relación modalidad deportiva peso del atleta y necesidad intra oral. -Esportista que hace uso de aparato fijo, como proceder (apresación de caso).
Alan Raúl Hernández Mendoza, D.D.S.
El Reto Clínico Del Retratamiento Se evaluarán los diferentes aspectos que envuelven al re-tratamiento endodóntico. El Clínico podrá conocer el planeamiento para el abordaje de casos tanto simples como complejos. El dentista de práctica general tendrá mejor información sobre que casos referir a un especialista en Endodoncia y cuáles manejar en su práctica. Se dará la planeación de casos endodónticos que de otra manera estarían abocados a su extracción.
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por el Instituto Dental Standard México - SDI
9:00am - 12:00pm
American Society for the Advancement of Anesthesia and Sedation in Dentistry
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Anesthesia and Sedation
Dominic P. Lu, Hillel Ephros,
Course #: 5670 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Dominic P. Lu, Hillel Ephros,
Room: 2D02 Topic: Anesthesia and Sedation Tuition: $35.00 Credits: 3
Scientific Session
Dominic P. Lu, D.D.S.
Alternate Forms of Sedation
Hillel Ephros, D.M.D., M.D.
The Expected, The Unexpected and the Bizarre Cases of Interest for Dentists and Dental Specialists Who Provide Sedation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Odontologia Restauradora en el Paciente Pediatrico
Programas en Español
Juan F. Yepes, 0,
Course #: 5690 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Juan F. Yepes, 0,
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Éste curso va a incluir todos los temas más relevantes y actualizados de la odontología restauradora en el paciente pediátrico. Los materiales dentales están en permanente cambio y es difícil para el profesional de la odontología mantenerse actualizado. Es más, la manipulación correcta de los materiales es la única manera de garantizar el éxito. El curso incluirá una revisión de nuevos materiales para el uso en odontología pediátrica, con sus indicaciones y la técnica correcta de uso. Ejemplos como materiales para el control no mecánico de caries dental, ionómeros de vidrio, la técnica, etc., serán discutidos en detalle.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Can Treating Peri-Implantitis Be Successful
Implant Dentistry
Paul S. Rosen
Course #: 5010 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Paul S. Rosen
Dental implants are not immune to biologic complications. Peri-implantitis is a disease entity that threatens implant survival due to bone loss beyond physiologic modeling/remodeling. The number of cases seen to treat this problem are growing. Unfortunately, the literature provides little to no clear guidance for either preventing or treating this complication. This program highlights a growing list of emerging risks and thoughts on preventive strategies as well as providing protocols for treatment demonstrating both short and long-term success.
the difficulties behind implant surface decontamination
the potential use of lasers to treat various aspects to both peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis
9:45am - 5:00pm
Maxillary Sinus Elevation: Hands-On Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Stephen S. Wallace
Course #: 5030 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Stephen S. Wallace
Subantral augmentation procedures have been part of our surgical armamentarium since the mid-1980s. Since that time clinical and scientific research has led to changes in both surgical technique and our decision-making related to grafting materials, implant surfaces, and timing. These changes have resulted in lateral window techniques that have a lower complication rate, reduced morbidity, and shorter treatment times. In this hands-on workshop, attendees learn to discuss evidence-based decision-making for sinus augmentation; the latest surgical techniques (Piezo, DASK, S.A.D., low window, Osseodensification); a review of sinus anatomy from the surgeon’s perspective; and, how to avoid complications and treat them if they occur.
Learn to:
evaluate the latest grafting materials
cover prevention and treatment of complications
9:45am - 5:00pm
New York University Orthodontic Department and Alumni Symposium Download Handout
Jae Hyun Park
Course #: 5040 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Jae Hyun Park
Patients are now hyperaware of esthetic orthodontic options. This program introduces the concept of choice and flexibility in Clear Aligner Therapy. Learning to dial in on what the patient values and desires are key to understanding how to combine variable therapy options to achieve the patient’s objectives and goals. Understanding this new approach helps the practitioner to balance patient demands with treatment objectives for an optimal result.
Learn to:
discuss the etiology of anterior open bite and treatment modalities
evaluate upper airway dimension after anterior open bite correction
discuss which factors affect the success of anterior open bite correction
Anterior Open Bite Correction: Surgery vs. TADs
Anterior open bite (AOB) can be corrected by orthognathic surgery or orthodontic treatment. Severe skeletal, facial, and functional problems should be corrected by orthognathic surgery, but combining cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and temporary anchorage devices (TADs) can provide an efficient and accurate way to correct AOB. Nowadays, by using TADs, we can expand orthodontic boundaries. In this program, various clinical applications of TADs and orthognathic surgery are discussed in challenging AOB cases along with the new American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) Scenario-based Oral Clinical Examination domains. After this program, attendees can treat and finish anterior open bite cases more efficiently and successfully while minimizing the chance of relapse.
Learn to:
discuss how to prepare the new ABO Scenario-based Oral Clinical Examination in diagnosis and treatment planning, treatment implementation and management, and critical analysis and outcomes assessment in AOB cases
identify clinical situations in which CBCT imaging and TADs are beneficial in AOB correction
understand clinical applications and biomechanical considerations of orthognathic surgery vs. TADs in challenging AOB cases
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:00pm
A “Live” Demonstration of LANAP and LAPIP Treatments
The clinician will perform live demonstrations of the FDA-cleared laser treatments called the LANAP protocol (for teeth) and LAPIP (for implants). These treatments offer a less painful, successful treatment alternative to conventional surgery. LANAP=LAR is the only scientifically, research-proven methodology that results in true periodontal regeneration, new bone growth, and gum tissue reattachment. LANAP and LAR are accomplished with the PerioLase MVP-7. It is a free-running, variable pulsed Nd:YAG laser. The 7 variable pulse durations have discrete and discriminating tissue interactions.
an introduction and demonstration of LANAP surgery
an introduction and demonstration of LAPIP surgery
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 5090 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
Telescopic implant solutions are gaining popularity in dentistry. Understand why this is the case from the perspective of the clinician, the dental technician, and the patient. Some of the issues pertaining to screw-retained acrylic hybrid and zirconia cases are discussed. This program covers the basics of telescopic and conical connection implant prostheses and explains the components and clinical steps necessary to create these types of implant/tissue borne prostheses with success.
why telescopic implant solutions are an ideal alternative to screw-retained solutions
to understand the three components of telescopic implant solutions and clinical implications
9:45am - 5:00pm
12-Hour New York State Anesthesia Sedation Requirement Program (Tuesday and Wednesday - 2 Day Program) Download Handout
Anesthesia and Sedation
Marc Gottlieb
Course #: 5450 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc Gottlieb
This program is designed for the general practitioner as well as all specialists. Everyone from the first-year dental student, your receptionist to the veteran about to retire will benefit from this course. Today many of our patients treat their own anxiety by self-medicating themselves or expect us to offer them a magic pill. There is no simple solution but the clinician shows you how to be proactive and avoid serious complications. This program demonstrates, through case studies, how utilizing TLC, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, Anxiolysis, Oral and I.V. Sedation, can help and manage the apprehensive patient. We will also role-play and simulate dental office emergencies. A significant amount of time focuses on airway management by the solo operator or as a team member working with an anesthesiologist. Everyone participates in hands-on workshops with a variety of airway adjuncts to treat airway emergencies. Treating the apprehensive man, woman or child can be very rewarding. When managed properly they remain loyal for life and often refer their friends and family. Everything from tender loving care to general anesthesia will be covered. Other courses teach you how to medicate, communicate and delegate. This course pulls it all together and satisfies the NYS mandated 12-hour CE requirement in enteral, parenteral and I.V. sedation.
to understand how to effectively manage apprehensive children and adults
to recognize the difference between Anxiolysis, Minimal - Moderate Sedation, Deep Sedation, and General Anesthesia
a review of medications commonly used in dentistry*
early recognition of airway problems and corrective techniques
how to perform dentistry on a sedated patient with an open or compromised airway*
the management of anesthesia complications and related emergencies for adults and children*
to determine which additional training is right for your practice
This is a 12-Hour continuing education program designed to satisfy the New York State Anesthesia/Sedation requirement. This is a 2-day, 12-hour course. To receive certification, you must attend both Tuesday and Wednesday programs.
This full-day program provides a detailed and focused basic competency in the use of diode lasers—one of the most popular dental wavelengths. Clinical techniques for dentists and hygienists are reviewed including basic troughing, laser sculpting in smile design, frenectomies, and the minimally invasive laser protocol in periodontal treatment. Techniques in low level laser therapy are reviewed in wound healing and cellular regeneration. Attendees will be able to master the techniques that they have learned by practicing them on pig’s jaws under supervision.
basic scientific principles in how lasers interact with dental tissues
to use a diode laser safely to avoid complications
various tissue biotypes and fine tune diode laser settings
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Have Fun Using New Implant Attachments
Implant Dentistry
Joseph J. Massad
Course #: 5470 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph J. Massad
This hands-on workshop includes using a fixed and removable implant denture to show when a fixed versus removable is indicated. Attendees use two abutment systems to correct the divergency of implant abutments up to 30 degrees between implants. Exercises allow attendees to pick up attachments with realistic implant models and, in the process, learn a new fixed prosthesis system without the need to verify with a jig.
Learn to:
understand indications for fixed versus removable implant restorations. Comprehend the limitations of the fixed attachment system
comprehend the limitations of the fixed attachment system
This hands-on workshop discusses the main concepts of glide path management, shaping, irrigation and obturation in endodontic therapy. These concepts are tested immediately during the hands-on portion included in this same session. This workshop will guide you through a detailed checklist on how to perform root canal therapy from start to finish. State of the art equipment is utilized with theory backed by evidence-based outcomes.
the principles of clean, shape and obturation of the root canal system
to perform hands-on techniques in 3D simulated teeth
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Your First Year With Digital Dentistry
Daniel Butterman
Course #: 5490 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel Butterman
So, you’ve purchased a digital impression scanner, 3D printer and/or other digital technology for your practice. Now what? This program helps you get the most out of your new technology to increase patient case acceptance, enhance the patient experience and make your practice run more efficiently. If you haven’t yet integrated digital technology into your practice, this fun program walks you through the benefits and advantages to help you further decide if its right for your office.
refresh your memory on how to use the digital technology you’ve recently integrated
tips and tricks with new technology to further enhance your office
to understand the many benefits of integrating digital technology into a dental office
Support for this program is provided by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
9:45am - 12:45pm
Better Faster Prettier Composites
Restorative Dentistry
David Clark
Course #: 5500 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Clark
This hands-on workshop offers a unique approach to modern resin dentistry. Participants perform injection molding to create ideal margins, rounded emergence profiles, and mirror smooth restorations in two Anterior exercises, Deep Anterior Caries, and Black Triangles, and one Class II exercise. Participants also prepare and injection mold fill modern Class II (Clark Class II non-retentive infinity edge). Realistic soft tissue dentoforms, Bioclear Matrices, using heated 3M flowable and paste composites are included in this hands-on workshop. Clinical tips for modern instruments are shared while attendees practice techniques.
three new steps to achieve rock-solid posterior composite contacts
an update and hands-on evaluation of modern matrices, wedges, and separators
Crown lengthening procedures may involve osseous resective therapy in addition to surgical management of soft tissue. These hard and soft tissue alterations may be provided in order to obtain a ferrule height and establish a biologic width. This hands-on workshop utilizes a plastic typodont to provide a practical exercise in exposing a maxillary premolar with a subgingival fracture. Techniques for incisions, osseous therapy and suturing are reviewed. Indications and contraindications to surgical exposure are discussed.
how to design a flap for a crown lengthening surgical procedure
how to utilize ostectomy and osteoplasty to achieve adequate tooth exposure/ferrule height
9:45am - 12:45pm
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Basics and Case-Based Discussion: Diagnosis of Diseases of TMJ, Airway and Paranasal Sinuses
Hugo César Campos, Aruna Ramesh,
Course #: 5520 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Hugo César Campos, Aruna Ramesh,
This hands-on workshop begins with an overview of CBCT technology including components of Image production, radiation dose considerations, strengths and limitations, and image artifacts. A brief comparison of conventional CT and CBCT technology is discussed. Learn about important anatomical landmarks as well as abnormalities and diseases of the TMJs, airway and paranasal sinuses. Comparisons of 2D and 3D images addressing these anomalies are made. The hands-on portion of this program gives attendees an opportunity to work with various CBCT software and machine specific software through viewing CBCT data reflecting diseases of TMJs, airway and paranasal sinuses.
the components of image production, patient selection criteria, and factors controlling CBCT image quality and radiation dose considerations
anatomical landmarks, abnormalities and diseases of the TMJs, airway and paranasal sinuses in CBCT images
case discussions and hands-on experience with various CBCT software related to TMJs, airway and paranasal sinuses
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Create Beautiful Composite Restorations in the Aesthetic Zone
This hands-on workshop provides an in-depth theoretical and practical understanding of the fundamentals required to accomplish beautiful, functional, long-lasting aesthetic direct composite restorations and veneers. Porcelain versus composite veneers; case selection and preparation guidelines; and, techniques for selecting the right composite material and shade for each case including layering techniques are demonstrated and practice in this hands-on workshop. Review clinical cases and live videos of direct veneers, mock-ups, diastema closure, class IV, and the fractured tooth. This workshop focuses on how to avoid future composite failures (chips and staining). In addition, learn painless injection techniques that in most cases eliminates the need for an inferior alveolar block.
Learn to:
create individual composite shade guides using Uveneer
create a direct bridge on a model using a fiber splint
create the perfect composite veneer with Uveneer
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Set Up Your Practice For Success In Airway Management and Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea
Andrew Cohen, Brett Brocki,
Course #: 5145 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Andrew Cohen, Brett Brocki,
This program covers everything you need to set up a successful Airway Management and Sleep Medicine program in your dental practice. This engaging and informative session draws on the clinicians’ extensive experience helping dental practices across the country set up successful sleep practices. Together, they walk you through what you need to have in place before you start treating sleep-related breathing disorders, how to best utilize your team and how to avoid common pitfalls. Plus, the secret to finding your first 300 patients.
to understand the whole team approach and why team buy-in is key to success
the 7 ways most dentists fail at sleep medicine and how to overcome them
where to find your first 300 sleep patients and the next 300
1:30pm - 4:30pm
The Dental Professionals Role in Managing the Patient with Type II Diabetes
Diabetes remains the 7th leading cause of death In the United States. Of the 30.3 million adults with diabetes; 7.2 million are undiagnosed. The dental office should be an integral part of the patient’s total health and by asking pertinent questions one can potentially identify a person with an undiagnosed diabetic condition. This program helps to prepare oral healthcare professionals to understand the relationship between oral and systemic health with regards to glycemic control and inflammation.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Simplifying Immediate Full Arch Implant Restoration
Implant Dentistry
Paul S. Rosen
Course #: 5020 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Paul S. Rosen
Having the ability to take a patient who is about to lose all his/her teeth and restore his/her entire arch or mouth with a fixed alternative in just a matter of 24-48 hours is a game changer in practice. No more headaches of poorly fitting immediate dentures and protracted treatment time. This synergy to care is effective, highly predictable, and affordable and can in many instances be accomplished on a fixed hybrid restoration with as few as four dental implants. Even complications can be readily overcome. Attend this program to help demystify full arch immediate restoration.
how to take the soon to be edentulous patient and restore them with a hybrid restoration on implants within 24 hours
how to overcome complications with these procedures
What does a chef and dentist working with a person with autism spectrum (ASD) have in common? It is preparation for their guests. A chef organizes a successful meal service for their guests by preparing in advance also known as “mise en place.” Similarly, a dentist can prepare for a successful dental visit for their guests with ASD. Delivery of dental care to some individuals with ASD can be challenging for both patient and provider. The person may engage in behavioral responses, which may interfere with delivery of even the simplest dental procedures. Hence preparation is key for a successful dental visit. This seminar reviews some of the common behavioral characteristics of a person with ASD and how they may interfere with the delivery of dental care. Strategies to address these characteristics and to better prepare the person and family for a successful dental visit are discussed and demonstrated via videos of actual patient interactions.
Learn to:
identify behavioral characteristics of Individuals with ASD
identify at least three strategies to prepare children with ASD for a dental visit
2:00pm - 4:15pm
Modern Materials in a Digital Era – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
Justin Chi
Course #: 5080 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 4:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Justin Chi
Advancements in technology have brought a wave of digital solutions from the laboratory to the clinic environment. With intraoral scanners and new milling capabilities, there has never been a greater opportunity for dentists to control the restorative process while boosting productivity and maximizing patient comfort and convenience. See “live” how to design a functional and esthetic restoration and produce quality restorations with chairside milling.
to understand the requirements and techniques for digitizing the clinical workflow
how to digitally design a functional and esthetic restoration
material choices based on their indications
how to produce quality restorations with chairside milling
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
A Pathway to Health Equity Globally
Public Health
Jack Dillenberg, Stephen Thorne, Othman Shibly, Kris Volcheck,
Course #: 5110 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jack Dillenberg, Stephen Thorne, Othman Shibly, Kris Volcheck,
Room: 1E21 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
Meeting the growing oral health needs of the millions of adult and children refugees including those subjected to harming rituals globally and those living in extreme poverty and/or homelessness. A pathway to health equity globally is discussed in this unique program.
the status of millions of underserved individuals globally unable to receive oral health care
how not for profit groups and health providers can positively impact the overall health of at-risk people globally
the value of your participation in humanitarian efforts to improve the health of those unable to access health care services
Support for these programs are provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Treating Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, Anxiety, and Autism: Transform Lives and Careers Download Handout
The rates of diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease, anxiety, and Autism Spectrum Disorder continue to increase, so the likelihood that these patients will seek dental care in private practice is greater than ever. This seminar reviews the science and definitions of these medical conditions while exploring techniques to guide dental professionals and patients through a successful dental appointment.
Learn to:
generate a basic understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease, anxiety, and Autism Spectrum Disorder and review new techniques for proper patient assessment
explore behavior guidance protocols to help integrate these patients into the dental practice
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Efficient Endodontics: Profitability Backed by Science Download Handout
This program is designed for the dental clinician who desires to stay at the forefront of the latest scientific advancements, endodontic techniques and schools of thought. Discussions include NiTi metallurgy and irrigation technologies that are cutting edge and changing endodontic therapy.
efficiency with fewer files for design enhancements that deliver consistent canal shapes in less time and with fewer instruments
state-of-the-art obturation, centrally condensed gutta-percha technologies vs. single-cone techniques
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Epidemic Cracked Teeth
Esthetic Dentistry
David Clark
Course #: 5320 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Clark
Currently, the diagnosis and treatment of cracked and fractured teeth are largely symptom-based and is therefore often a sad, end-stage diagnosis. The fracturing process in one of dentistry’s last great mysteries and is poorly understood throughout the generalist and specialist dental community. In this engaging and entertaining lecture, attendees learn to understand and diagnose pathologic cracks utilizing magnification and other modalities and learn to treat before symptoms arise or the tooth becomes unsalvageable. Review routine identification of early cracks and learn the Clark Class II saucer-shaped nonretentive preparation and Fissurotomy Class I that is a significant departure from the G.V. Black preparations that are a leading cause of cracked teeth. Diagnosis based on 16X magnification, step-by-step predictable treatment, endodontic and periodontal implications, as well as when to extract is discussed.
to identify early tooth fracturing based on high-level magnification
why new Class II cavity preparations and other modalities are crucial to prevent eventual tooth fracture
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Fantastic Practice or Federal Prison?
Practice Management
Roy S. Shelburne
Course #: 5330 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Roy S. Shelburne
Room: 1E10 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
When your practice is paid rapidly and appropriately, things are good; however, when there are delays, denials, and requests for additional information from insurance companies, things are not quite so good. Mistakes can be devastating to your practice. Learn the proper use of codes and documentation requests that results in maximum legitimate reimbursement and reduce risk, as well as, lower the stress in your practice. Lastly, it will keep you from being fined and avoid possible jail time, all while having fun in the process.
Learn to:
maximize legitimate reimbursement
minimize risk by coding and billing correctly
Support for this program is provided by.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The ABC's of Dentistry: Adhesion, Bioactivity and Composite Resins
Dental Materials
Howard S. Glazer
Course #: 5340 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Howard S. Glazer
This program focuses on the fundamentals and advances of adhesion, bioactivity, and composite resins. Participants learn which products are beneficial and why and when they should be utilized in patient care. With so many new materials in the marketplace, it is essential that the practitioner know the benefits and possible shortcoming of the products available for purchase.
what generation of adhesive is best and why?
about bioactivity vs. biomimicry; are they the same
the advantages of packable and flowable resins
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Common Temporomandibular Disorders: What You Need to Know in 2019
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Donald R. Tanenbaum
Course #: 5360 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Donald R. Tanenbaum
Room: 1E15 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Since patients presenting with the pain of both muscle and temporomandibular joint origin are common in dental offices, strategies of assessment and treatment should be continually reassessed and modified based on emerging scientific knowledge and technology. This program focuses on identifying the subsets of diagnoses that fall under the umbrella of what have been called ‘TMJ problems’ and reviews the essential data collection process that predictably leads to diagnostic accuracy. How technological advances in imaging, sleep assessment and monitoring the autonomic nervous system are used to assess the TMJ sufferer are also discussed.
Learn to:
clarify the diagnostic subsets that define TMJ problems
review predictable data collection protocol
establish rationale treatment plans that can be implemented and lead to successful outcomes
assess the role of technology in the evaluation and treatment of TMJ
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Save The Tooth or What's Next?
Timothy J. Hempton
Course #: 5370 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy J. Hempton
Clinical cases involving successful outcomes utilizing surgical periodontal therapy are contrasted with cases deemed to have a poor prognosis and treated with extraction, ridge preservation, and implant therapy. Clinical and radiographic parameters which indicate the potential for a positive prognosis with periodontal therapy are reviewed. Techniques for periodontal regeneration/repair and crown lengthening as well as procedures for ridge preservation/augmentation are presented. The rationale for choosing tooth retention versus extraction are discussed for the cases presented.
a review of clinical and radiographic findings for predictable periodontal treatment outcomes
to describe methods and materials utilized in regenerative procedures
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Practice Management Panel Discussion
Practice Management
Steven M. Katz, Cathy Jameson, Debra Englehardt-Nash, Kelly Fox-Galvagni, Kay Huff, Robin Morrison,
Course #: 5380 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steven M. Katz, Cathy Jameson, Debra Englehardt-Nash, Kelly Fox-Galvagni, Kay Huff, Robin Morrison,
Room: 1E20 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Practice Management experts offer a “machine-gun” repertoire of ideas on attracting new patients, increasing production and increasing treatment acceptance in this program. Bring your questions and challenges and listen as the panelists respond to you. Learn as they respond to the questions and challenges raised by the other members of the audience. This may be the most information that you receive in a three-hour practice management program. Learn to make positive changes in your practice the following morning and watch your practice grow.
to offer solutions to common practice management challenges
from new ideas and prospectives to grow your practice
Support for this program is provided by SolutionReach, DigiDoc and Doctor’s Internet
Do you feel overwhelmed by the nuances of the changes to dental plans? Are your patients complaining about services not being covered? Don’t allow your practice to be swept away by the myriad of complex insurance requirements. Come and learn the secrets to success.
the rules of medical billing
diagnostic and procedure codes
2:00pm - 5:00pm
골유도 재생술 : 기초부터 고급까지
Korean Program
Pilseong Kim
Course #: 5400 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Pilseong Kim
Room: 2D02 Topic: Korean Program Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
이 코스를 통해 의사들은 뼈이식재를 과학적인 근거에 의거해 선택하고 제대로 이용하는 원리와 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. 또 치과용 임플란트 시술을 하기 위하여 두경부의 해부학을 함께 공부할 것입니다.
치조골에 최소한의 외상으로 치아주변 연조직을 보존하면서 발치하는 법을 배우며, 소켓을 보존하여 발치후
임플란트의 식립을 위한 소켓 보존 술식을 기초부터 차근차근 다양한 임상증례를 통하여 배울 것입니다.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Advances in Telescopic Implant Solutions
Dental Laboratory Programs
Arian Deutsch
Course #: 5430 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arian Deutsch
This program explains advanced techniques and materials applied to removable telescopic implant solutions, and how they are benefitting patients and dental implant restorative practices. Tertiary material selection is discussed as well as dentition material choices beyond resin and composite denture teeth. Digital tooth libraries and how to implement them is explained. And finally, case results using newer individually milled hybrid ceramic teeth are presented.
how hybrid ceramics and composites are improving telescopic implant solutions
understand the when and why of material selections for advanced telescopic implant solutions
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Incorporating Narrow Diameter Overdenture Implant Therapy into your Practice: Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Joseph J. Massad
Course #: 5540 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joseph J. Massad
This hands-on workshop demonstrates the clinical efficacy and predictability of narrow-diameter implants as a treatment option for your edentulous patients. Patient selection, bone availability and surgical techniques are important factors to consider for a predictable and successful outcome. A hands-on exercise is conducted with narrow diameter implants and a saw bone mandible.
to understand treatment planning narrow diameter implants
surgical and prosthetic protocols for narrow diameter overdentures
to understand overdenture attachment systems, treatment planning, and prosthetic space requirements
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Predictable Treatment of Vital Pulp Without Endodontic Therapy Workshop
Robert Salehrabi
Course #: 5550 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert Salehrabi
Vital pulp therapy (direct pulp capping) is a very predictable treatment, thanks to new tricalcium silicate-based biomaterials. This workshop discusses clinical cases where deep caries, or pulp exposures could be predictably treated without the need for endodontic treatment. New bio-compatible materials are presented, based on scientific research with excellent outcomes. Attendees practice a hands-on experience with these new biomaterials.
to perform advanced techniques in vital pulp therapy
proper case selection in pulp capping
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Henry Schein Dental Handpiece and Equipment Repair: Hands-On Workshop
Learn how to make basic dental equipment repairs in your office. Henry Schein ProRepair and ProService demonstrate how the pros do it. From fixing the leaky water syringe to making air pressure adjustments, attendees gain a better understanding of how to maintain equipment and save money. The best part is that you are actually performing the repairs with your own hands. Whether you own your practice for years or are just beginning your career, all attendees benefit from this hands-on workshop.
practical, working knowledge of dental equipment
how to make simple handpiece and equipment repairs yourself
hands-on experience practicing the repairs taught during the workshop
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Conservative Restorative Endodontics and Preserving Teeth: Hands-On Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Gregori M. Kurtzman
Course #: 5570 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gregori M. Kurtzman
Treating teeth conservatively for restorations and endodontics to preserve tooth structure and to improve long-term results is the object of this hands-on workshop. Simplifying endodontics for less stress and better results is also discussed. Attendees practice restoration of endodontically treated teeth using dental models; learn about endodontics vs implants including treatment planning decisions; review cementation of metal, ceramic and zirconia-based restorations; demonstrate direct resin restorations for simple steps for better results; learn about conservative tooth preparation for direct and indirect restorations; and practice using dental adhesives including total-etch, self-etch, and selective-etch. Also included in this hands-on workshop is root caries and abfractions, how best to treat; and lastly, ferrule, is it still needed today?
easier, better, faster methods without sacrificing quality
to treat teeth from an engineering perspective for better success
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Surgical Extraction Hands-On Workshop for the GP Download Handout
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Karl R. Koerner
Course #: 5580 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Karl R. Koerner
Room: Exhibit Floor Room #101 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $375.00 Credits: 3
Surgical extractions are the bread and butter of general practice. Patients expect this service unless cases are sufficiently difficult to need a referral. In this hands-on workshop, participants perform exodontia that simulates the removal of actual teeth on patients. Upper and lower molars are sectioned, roots break near the apex, one root is on the edge of the sinus, the bony ridge will need to be smoothed, a socket graft is performed, several different types of sutures are placed.
Learn to:
remove teeth using the latest techniques and instruments
retrieve root tips more easily, even from close maxillary sinus proximity
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Basics and Case-Based Discussion: Pre-Surgical Evaluation of Dental Implant Sites Including Comparison of 2D and
Hugo César Campos, Aruna Ramesh,
Course #: 5590 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Hugo César Campos, Aruna Ramesh,
This hands-on workshop begins with an overview of CBCT technology including components of Image production, radiation dose considerations, strengths and limitations, and image artifacts. A brief comparison of conventional CT and CBCT technology is discussed. Learn about critical anatomical structures that should be identified and avoided during dental implant placement. Comparisons of 2D and 3D images are made addressing dental implant sites and associated abnormalities. Case-based discussions provide an opportunity to elaborate on various anomalies, anatomical variations, and pathology that should be identified to prevent post-operative complications.
the components of image production, patient selection criteria, and factors controlling CBCT image quality and radiation dose considerations
assessment of potential sites including critical anatomical landmarks, anomalies and pathologic lesions in CBCT images
case discussions and hands-on experience with various CBCT software related to dental implant site assessment
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The New Nuts and Bolts of Direct Composite Artistry: Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Sigal Jacobson, Ian Shuman, Patrick Roetzer,
Course #: 5600 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Sigal Jacobson, Ian Shuman, Patrick Roetzer,
Modern dentistry has changed dramatically from the time you were in dental school. With all these rapid changes, you must learn to do excellent work often by trial and error. Learn how to simplify the process of placing direct composite restorations in your practice. Review the latest materials coupled with innovative techniques. Attendees learn how to treat a wide variety of restorative cases with simplified procedures, minimally invasive tooth preparations, and a variety of matrix systems. Guaranteed to increase your efficiency, speed, and profitability.
to develop a stress reduced approach to restorative dentistry using direct composite resin
post and core: how to prevent root and post fractures
rapid occlusal form and function
Support for this program is provided by Practicon
2:00pm - 5:00pm
America Para Todos
Programas en Español
Luis Carlos Ocampo Benavides, Hugo Pacheco Chavez, Moacyr E. Menendez,
Course #: 5640 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis Carlos Ocampo Benavides, Hugo Pacheco Chavez, Moacyr E. Menendez,
Room: 1E19 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Luis Carlos Ocampo Benavides, D.D.S.
Biomimeticamente Emulando La Naturaleza El arte de la odontología debe satisfacer las expectativas de sus pacientes, resulta apropiado diseñar las sonrisas de forma natural, funcional y que se bio-intégren en el contexto de la sonrisa para brindar armonía. Para conseguirlo, hemos de ser conservadores: todo el tejido que pueda mantenerse intacto, sumará y así podremos dar no solo una hermosa sonrisa sino que además les quitaremos unos años de encima, pues el abordaje terapéutico permitirá que se rejuvenezca y se biomimetice. Les contaré cómo lograrlo.
Hugo Pacheco Chavez, D.D.S.
Bruxismo & Férulas Oclusales - Análisis Crítico. El bruxismo del sueño ha sido visto previamente como una condición patológica, mientras que ahora se acepta como una condición controlada a nivel central pero con varios factores de riesgo. Se ha postulado que el bruxismo del sueño puede tener un papel protector durante el sueño, de mantenimiento de la vía aérea o para estimular el flujo de saliva. La administración de toxina botulínica (Botox) a los músculos masticatorios parece reducir la frecuencia del bruxismo, pero se han planteado preocupaciones con respecto a los posibles efectos adversos.
Moacyr E. MenÉndez CASTILLERO, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Neuromarketing & Neuroventas Empreendedorismo y Liderazgo Entendiendo el Neuromarketing. ¿Cómo venderle a la mente? Está en la hora de transformarse en un emprendedor de suceso? ¿Cómo dejar de ser Jefe y se tornar un Líder? Motivando su equipo para alcanzar la excelencia en el atendimiento. Conquiste su merecido lugar. Sea un vencedor. ¡Tenga visión del futuro y viva sus sueños!
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por América Para Todos
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Fundacion Implantodontologica Argentina (FUNDAMIA)
Programas en Español
Fortunato E. Salomon, Oscar M. Gomez, Ivana Goicoechea,
Course #: 5650 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Fortunato E. Salomon, Oscar M. Gomez, Ivana Goicoechea,
Room: 1E13 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Fortunato E. Salomon, D.D.S.
Implantología de Carga Inmediata 100% Predecible Implantes de carga inmediata 100% predecible. El Protocolo Bioecológico: Fundamentos. Clasificación de casos clínicos. Con esta nueva técnica de colocación de implantes se preservará el hueso de las mandíbulas, lo que hará que la carga inmediata sea predecible al 100%. Haremos una revisión de todas las técnicas y protocolo realizado hasta el momento en implantología oral, a fin de que el participante conozca las ventajas de realizar éste nuevo protocolo de colocación de implantes con máximo ahorro de tejido óseo y comience a emplearlo en su práctica diaria.
Oscar M. Gomez, D.D.S.
Filosofía Bioecológica en Implantología Oral La Filosofía Bioecológica contempla la conservación del hueso a implantar, la salud de los tejidos blandos periimplantares como factor estimulante de regeneración ósea, la orientación del implante en tres dimensiones, entre otros. Para ello el tipo de implantes y las características de éste son indispensables.
Ivana Goicoechea, D.D.S.
Estética Facial: Un Paso en La Rehabilitación Utilización de ácido hialurónico y toxina botulínica. Aplicación y dosis. Casos clínicos. Conclusiones. Utilización de ácido hialurónico en Odontología. Utilización de toxina botulínica en Odontología.
El apoyo para éste programa es proporcionado por Fundación Implantodontológica Argentina (FUNDAMIA)
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Presencia Mundial - Internacional de Aladome
Programas en Español
Fernando Domingos, Lisbeth Jerez, Juan Josë Cestero, Vanda Domingos, Patricia Flores, Rosa Argramonte,
Course #: 5700 Date: 12/03/2019 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Fernando Domingos, Lisbeth Jerez, Juan Josë Cestero, Vanda Domingos, Patricia Flores, Rosa Argramonte,
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: Programas en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Fernando Domingos: Análisis facial y escultura labial
A menudo observamos en nuestros pacientes, clínicos o ortodónticos, deficiencias en el contorno de los labios, volumen, armonía y simetría. Mejorar el contorno de los labios, o incluso hacerlos más llenos, puede dar como resultado tratamientos mucho más satisfactorios, haciendo que la expresión facial y la sonrisa sean mucho más agradables. Es un procedimiento estético ya que recupera a menudo las anatomías perdidas con el envejecimiento o las patologías.
Lisbeth Jerez: Armonización Orofacial y Estetica 3 D
Procedimiento de rejuvenecimiento facial integral, no quirúrgico, en el que se combinan diferentes tratamientos : Toxina botulinica A , ácido hialurónico, Plasma Rico en Plaquetas e Hilos tensores PDO y bioestimuladores. Abordando así 3 diferentes planos, al infiltrar sustancias que ejercen su efecto sobre músculos, tejido subcutáneo, dermis y epidermis con el fin de reestructurar volúmenes, tensar la piel, reposicionando, retensando y redensificando, logrando así la tan deseada Armonización Orofacifacial y estética 3d.
Juan Josë Cestero: Situaciones Clínicas a Resolver en Implantología
Situaciones y complicaciones con implantes ubicados dónde la estética se ve afectada o la función de los mismos, com diferentes propuestas de soluciones. Ofrezca opciones viables en questiones de implantología. Resalte la importância de la funcionalidade y la estética em los implantes dentales.
Vanda Domingos: Tratamiento de las Disfunciones Temporomandibulares con Ortodontia, Ortopedia, Mioterapia y Toxina Botulínica
Las Disfunciones Temporomandibulares, acometen pacientes del sexo masculino o feminino. Es una dolor, localizada por adelante de las orejas, o en la face o en la region temporal. El tratamiento, deve ser interdisciplinario, con gran importancia de um bueno diagnostico, para que se pueda decidir que tipo de aparatos devemos poner y se necesitamos de conplementacion con fisioterapias y Toxina Botulinica, muchas veces, per modulacion de las fuerzas masticatorias.
Patricia Flores: Salud de las ATMs en tratamientos ortodónticos
El diagnóstico del estado de salud articular antes de iniciar el tratamiento ortodóncico, la correcta elección de lo objetivos terapéuticos, la ejecución de la mecánica y la finalización son esenciales para el éxito y estabilidad de la oclusión obtenida. Ya que la misma debe jugar un papel protector de la articulaciones temporo-mandibulares.
Rosa Agramonte: La importancia de una piel saudable
Uma sonrisa armonica determina la beleza y vá intimamente ligada a la apariencia del rostro. Em odontologia es importante conocer las multiplex possibilidades que tenemos al ancance para lograr esta armonía deseada de nuestros pacientes afin de posamos oferecerles a los mismos una solución integral de beleza facial ante la presencia de sequelas producidas por perdida natural de la edad. Disponemos em la atualidade la nutrición, regeneración y hidratación de los tejidos faciales com técnicas de massoterapia.
Invisalign® Fundamentals is an introductory program for new Invisalign GP providers and their teams. This program is comprised of:
live lecture/clinical education course for doctors
live lecture/participation training course for team members
Invisalign Fundamentals course overview: an in-person half-day course provides doctors with the clinical and operational education necessary to begin treating a broad range of Invisalign patients a separate session exclusively for team members covers relevant case submission topics and provides attendees practical experience
At the conclusion of the program the participants will understand how to:
identify ideal case types for Invisalign treatment
integrate all aspects of the Invisalign treatment process into the practice
use the software that depicts a virtual set up of your planned treatment
If requested in advance, the course includes the attendance of the dentist and up to four registered staff members
Additional team members may attend for $50 each. *
8:00am - 12:00pm
OSA Appliances: Simplifying Delivery, Reducing Side Effects, Optimizing Outcomes and Closing the Deal in a Non-Insurance Environment: Treatment for Ad
Sleep Apnea
John Viviano
Course #: 6180 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John Viviano
This program begins with how OSA appliances work, and reviews in detail Oral Appliance Anatomy; learn about the various old and new world design options, and their implications on delivery, titration, side effects and optimizing patient outcomes. The speaker provides an in-depth discussion of how to deal with “obstacles” and “close the deal” in a non-insurance environment, providing you with the key verbal skills necessary for success.
Learn to:
• understand OSA Appliance Design and implications for delivery, titration, minimizing side effects and optimizing outcomes
• understand how to manage obstacles and close the deal
• take home key verbal skills necessary for success
8:00am - 12:00pm
Current Trends in Malpractice Claims
Risk Management
Mario Catalano
Course #: 6230 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mario Catalano
Discussions of the general elements that lead to malpractice claims are reviewed. A variety of cases and files are presented from the Medpro Group. This seminar helps attendees avoid malpractice claims and lends awareness of the current trends in malpractice. The program also provides an in-depth examination of a number of claims that are occurring with increased frequency and allows the audience to engage in an open dialogue with the speaker to analyze the underlying causes, as well as, a discussion of preventive measures to be taken to avoid similar situations.
an awareness of current trends
to demonstrate actual cases
how to avoid malpractice claims
Dentists who complete this course are eligible for a risk management credit on their liability premiums with Medpro Group. You are encouraged to check with your carrier concerning the availability of any discount. If you have not completed an approved Risk Management program within the past three years, it is necessary for you to take this course in order to continue to receive your discount. At the end of this course, you will receive your certificate of completion for your records and submit to your malpractice carrier.
This program offers an overview of pediatric clinical practice. Non-invasive or minimally invasive treatment is gaining popularity for the primary and early mixed dentitions. Options, indications and rationale for non-invasive and/or minimal intervention, along with techniques for extraction of the primary dentition and local anesthesia are included. Upper airway obstruction, space maintenance and the pros and cons of parental presence are also discussed.
indications and techniques for non-invasive or minimally invasive treatment tips for local anesthesia, space maintenance, extractions, upper airway obstruction and parental presence
optimal clinical skills for administrating local anesthesia
9:00am - 12:00pm
How the Dental Team Can Improve the Oral and Overall Health of People with Disabilities
Public Health
Jack Dillenberg, Rick Rader, Maureen Perry, Neil Romano,
Course #: 6130 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jack Dillenberg, Rick Rader, Maureen Perry, Neil Romano,
Room: 1E21 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
There are over 60 million Americans with disabilities. How will healthcare professionals and policy makers meet their oral healthcare needs? National experts present proven and proposed interventions and policies that all healthcare providers can implement to meet these needs.
Learn to recognize:
why there are so many Americans with disabilities needing improved access to oral health services
identify opportunities for participation in activities like Special Olympics and other programs to make a difference for people with disabilities
describe how important good oral health is improving the overall health of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
9:00am - 12:00pm
Infection Control in the Dental Practice: New York State Compliance Course
Infection Control
Jessica Wilson
Course #: 6190 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jessica Wilson
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
This program reviews the application of infection control principles to create and maintain a safe environment for patient care in the dental practice setting. This presentation is approved by the New York State DOH and follows the CDC Guidelines for infection prevention and safety.
Learn to:
review scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection control in the dental practice
understand how cross contamination occurs and apply work practice controls to reduce opportunity for exposure to potentially infectious materials
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
10 Solutions for Every Day Problems
Esthetic Dentistry
David Clark
Course #: 6200 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Clark
Minimally invasive dentistry is a worthwhile goal, but the practical techniques, instruments, and materials are often lacking. In this fast-paced, practical and entertaining lecture, the speaker provides clear “Monday Morning Solutions” to solve impediments to true progress in everyday dentistry. This seminar is designed for dentists who seek predictability, profitability, and excellence in a constantly evolving profession.
the new model of site-specific dentin preservation when accessing, instrumenting and obturating root canal systems
an update of state-of-the-art endodontic instruments and equipment
The use of your own capital to finance your patient’s dentistry is not profitable. Carefully informing patients about their financial responsibilities offsets many potential misunderstandings. By incorporating the latest research and strategies, learn how to overcome the “fear of cost” objection. No one should walk out of your office not accepting treatment because of money. Learn how to finance your patients’ dentistry comfortably without being their banker.
to make financial arrangements that work for both the patient and the dental office
how to establish and integrate a financial system that ultimately helps you to increase your bottom line
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Business of Dentistry: Attracting and Keeping New Patients
Practice Management
Howard S. Glazer
Course #: 6220 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Howard S. Glazer
Room: 1E17 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
The clinician discusses various business products in the marketplace today and what has worked most successfully for his general practice. From website design to patient contact to credit cards to extending credit and warrantying your dental treatment, the clinician shares the secrets of success. In addition, the discussion expands on the proper tools available for “getting a handle on your practice” and what to do with such information.
Tooth removal is only the beginning. It’s what happens next that can determine so much. Some of these follow-up procedures come with their own codes and fees: alveoplasty, frenectomy, exostoses removal, fibrous tuberosity excision, and socket grafting. Ridge preservation for the GP includes predictable methods, often without periosteal release. Review simple techniques that allow control of the ridge including more width, no projections or undercuts, less postop pain, plus faster and better healing. Improve your immediate dentures. Learn the best sutures for these situations.
Learn to:
remove multiple teeth without leaving a ridge with projections and pain
perform more predictable ridge preservation procedures
9:00am - 4:30pm
Pump Up Your Practice
Practice Management
Steven M. Katz, Kelly Fox-Galvagni,
Course #: 6250 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven M. Katz, Kelly Fox-Galvagni,
Room: 1E20 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $315.00 Credits: 6
How do our practices survive when a Dental Service Organization (DSO) moves into our neighborhood? There is understandable nervousness about their effect on our practices. The dental landscape is changing. This program explores the pros and cons of DSOs and how to survive when they move in, how to prevent patients from leaving, and how to grow your practice by increasing the perceived value of care and overall treatment acceptance. How do we differentiate our practices and make it more compelling for patients to stay, become more insurance independent and refer a steady stream of new patients eager to receive care?
strategies to grow your practice
strategies to increase treatment acceptance
Support for this program is provided by SolutionReach, DigiDoc and Doctor’s Internet
9:00am - 12:00pm
Minimally Invasive Advanced TMJ Treatment/Oral Appliances for TM disorders and Sleep Apnea Download Handout
Current Dental Topics
Howard Israel, Steven B. Syrop, Edward T. Sall,
Course #: 6260 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Howard Israel, Steven B. Syrop, Edward T. Sall,
Room: 1E14 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Minimally Invasive Advanced TMJ Treatment Internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint is a condition that has been the major focus of many clinicians who diagnose and treat temporomandibular disorders. Although there are many publications on this condition in the dental literature, older concepts that are not scientifically valid are common and directly affect the management of patients. This seminar reviews the most current clinical and basic science research on temporomandibular joint internal derangement and focuses on new principles of patient management. Minimally invasive advanced treatment is emphasized.
to understand how the principles of synovial joint pathophysiology are directly related to the TMJ
to describe why internal derangement of the TMJ is not a diagnosis
Steven B. Syrop, D.D.S.
Oral appliances for TM disorders and Sleep Apnea There are many oral appliances utilized in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders and sleep apnea/snoring. How do you select the best one? TMD appliances help reduce the load on the TM joints, relax muscles and reduce bruxing habit. Appliances for sleep apnea /snoring move the mandible forward to open the airway. This program addresses the appropriate use of oral appliances and how to avoid complications.
how to choose the best oral appliance for a specific patient
to understand the dentist’s role and obligation when utilizing oral appliances
what complications may arise from using oral appliances and how to minimize them
Edward T. Sall, M.D., D.D.S., M.B.A.
Effective AHI: The new Paradigm for Evaluation of Therapy foe OSA
Effective AHI accounts for sleep disordered breathing events during the time CPAP is and is not being used, to quantify residual disease burden. This lecture will compare the effectiveness of oral appliances vs CPAP usage accounting for differences in compliance, residual AHI, mean disease alleviation and provide a framework for treatment recommendations in patients with OSA.
Learn: to
define and describe Effective AHI and mean disease alleviation.
understand efficacy vs effectiveness when comparing CPAP to OAT.
provide a framework to support the use of Oral Appliances with your referring physicians.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Origins of Orofacial Pain
Donald R. Tanenbaum
Course #: 6290 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Donald R. Tanenbaum
Usually orofacial pain problems fall into neat and clear-cut diagnostic categories, but it is not uncommon to be puzzled by a patient’s initial presentation. This program teaches you how to identify and differentiate nociceptive from non-nociceptive pain, allowing for more predictable treatment strategies and achievable goals. Current research has pointed to the role of the immune system in the initiation and maintenance of pain. This program reviews current research and where the future may lead us regarding treatment options.
Learn to:
distinguish nociceptive from non-nociceptive pain
understand the role of the immune system in persistent pain problems
Support for this program is provided by the New York State Association of Endodontists
9:00am - 12:00pm
10th Annual Premier Dental Hygienists' Program
Audra Haynes, Donna Catapano-Martinez, Margarita Rivera, Winnie Furnari,
The Challenges of Oral Healthcare for Special Needs Individuals Individuals with special needs have poor overall oral health outcomes. The dental community should educate physicians, nurses, social workers and caregivers on the importance of good oral hygiene and the effect it can have on overall health. This seminar presents the problem of oral health in the special needs community, the challenges faced by individuals and families, and how to train professionals to have the conversation with their clients about dental care.
Donna Catapano-Martinez, C.D.A., R.D.H., D.H.Sc.
Anxiety and the Nutritional Connection Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million individuals over the age of 18. Several avenues exist to control and combat symptoms, including diet. Nutrition can have both an emotional and chemical effect on how one feels and although anxiety is not directly caused by diet, nutrition is a contributing factor for the severity. This seminar discusses the various forms of anxiety and the foods and supplements that may exacerbate and ameliorate symptoms.
Margarita Rivera, R.D.H., M.S.D.H.
HIPAA Compliance When Sending and Storing Patient Records Electronically Many consider health information to be a private matter, and therefore believe that it should be protected. People want to know who has their information, and how it is stored. Basically, any piece of information that can be used to identify an individual should be safeguarded. Despite regulations, HIPPA compliance does not ensure patient records are secure. This seminar discusses keeping HIPAA compliant when sending and storing patient records electronically.
Please note: This program is approved for credit by the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, Inc. This program is recommended for the entire dental team.
9:00am - 4:30pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 6390 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child, and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; a systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, and infant CPR
adult, child, and infant rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, and infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Support for this program is provided by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 4:30pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class - STAFF
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 6395 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child, and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; a systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, and infant CPR
adult, child, and infant rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, and infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Support for this program is provided by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Forensic Dentistry Essays
Forensic Dentistry
Phyllis Ho, Lawrence A. Dobrin, Kenneth W. Aschheim,
Course #: 6520 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Phyllis Ho, Lawrence A. Dobrin, Kenneth W. Aschheim,
Finding Your Loved Ones Through Dentistry This program discusses what to expect as a first responder in a mass fatality situation and how as a dental professional, you can play an important role. As dental professionals, we are already knowledgeable about dental regularities and irregularities. Using this knowledge to play a part in responding to a large fatality incident can be a great service to those families looking for loved ones. Dentists play an integral part as experts in the identification of individuals but there is a need to work together with other medical responders and administrators as an organized unit. This presentation puts into perspective the training and operations of a successful outcome for helping those in need. A question and answer session will follow.
Lawrence A. Dobrin, D.M.D. 10:00 – 11:00
Bitemarks and Human Abuse Cases Human abuse, including child abuse, spousal abuse, and intimate partner abuse often involve human bitemark patterned injuries. This type of physical abuse is often a precursor to more life-threatening injuries and fatalities. The most common type of biting to humans is produced from a dog’s dentition and that can be determined by a practicing odontologist. The distinction between a human bite versus an animal bite becomes especially important in a situation when there is an explanation of a bite or bites found on the body of a person stating that the patterned injury resulted from an animal. Cases are presented where human abuse and bite marks were involved.
Kenneth W. Aschheim, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00
Forensic Odontology: From the Case Files Teeth are not only objects of interest to dentists but are also of interest to the legal system. The forensic odontologist is often called upon to help identify decedents, determine the age, analyze bite marks, adjudicate legal matters as well as solve crimes. From the latest equipment to the newest technology, forensic odontology is an ever-changing field. This essay highlights some examples of a forensic odontology case work and how technology, dentistry and good old fashion detective work come together to solve some modern-day mysteries.
9:00am - 4:30pm
Peru International
Current Dental Topics
George Freedman, Sibi Xavier, Edwin Rostami, Amey G. Patil, Fortunato Salomon, Anna Kolesnikova, Aristo E. Carranza, João Cerveira,
Course #: 6540 Date: 12/04/2019 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
George Freedman, Sibi Xavier, Edwin Rostami, Amey G. Patil, Fortunato Salomon, Anna Kolesnikova, Aristo E. Carranza, João Cerveira,
Room: 1E19 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $100.00 Credits: 6
George Freedman, D.D.S., B.Sc.
8th Generation Adhesives and Future Materials Bring your practice into the 21st century with 8th generation adhesives. Topics discussed include single shade esthetic composites, affordable dentist and hygienist lasers, guided and robotic implant placement, and chairside periodontal diagnostics and advanced home maintenance. Included in this program are Innovative rapid curing lights and impression materials.
Sibi Xavier, B.D.S., M.D.S.
The Perio Healer Periodontal disease is characterized by inflammation and/or destruction of tooth-supporting tissues. The most effective method of prevention and management of the periodontal disease is mechanical as well as chemical plaque control. Several chemical plaque control agents have been evaluated for their effectiveness on supragingival plaque including bisbiguanides, essential oils, enzymes, and even herbal extracts. Azadirachta indica is also known as “neem” is one such remedy that has been used in India and South Asia for thousands of years as a perfect tool for maintaining healthy periodontium.
Edwin Rostami, M.D.
Bone Plant Bone Plant is a combination of graft material and implant in a sterilized package and ready for use. It can be used in the case of vertical and horizontal reconstruction and remodeling of alveolar ridge contained and non-contained defects simultaneously doing implants in one stage surgery.
Amey G. Patil, B.D.S., M.S.D.
Digital Dentistry for TMJ Disorders The revolution has begun. This program focuses on the accurate diagnosis of TMJ disorders, digital treatment planning and provisional application of restorative tools. Learn about 3Shape TRIOS Scan strategy and application of digital dentistry to obtain accurate dental models and bite records. Learn how to perform a splint/orthotic appliance design workflow. Integration strategies between Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, TMJ/Orofacial Pain Specialty, and digital dentistry are discussed. Learn about interdisciplinary standards for collaboration between specialists and digital dental lab technicians.
Fortunato E. Salomon, D.D.S.
Implantology of Immediate Load 100% Predictable This discussion includes fundamentals classification of clinical cases using a new implant placement technique; this means the jawbone is preserved for 100% immediate loading predictability. The clinician reviews all the techniques and protocol carried out so far in oral implantology. The advantages of carrying out this new implant placement protocol with maximum bone tissue saving and begins to use it in their daily practice are reviewed.
Anna Kolesnikova, D.D.S.
Simultaneous Tooth Implantation This program discusses simultaneous tooth implantation including features of the implant installation in the hole of one, two and three root teeth. Learn how to achieve primary stabilization by learning about the anatomy of the hole as well as types of wells and prognosis of implantation, depending on the type of wells. Atraumatic tooth extraction is discussed. A review of methods atraumatic removal, installing the implant without drilling, advantages, possible risks and indications of early implant loading, implant osteointegration and the advantages of PRF technology.
Aristo E. Carranza, D.D.S.
Challenges in Smile Design Many patients present with both functional and aesthetic problems. The dentist must first listen to the concerns of the patient, then evaluate the clinical findings in order to correctly apply dental facial treatment planning principles. Appropriate, minimally invasive techniques using a multidisciplinary approach is presented. This program addresses steps to apply in your practice in order to achieve a successful outcome. The clinician discusses smile diagnosis, case communication, and tools that you must have in your cosmetic practice.
João Cerveira, D.D.S.
Orofacial Harmonization is the Key for Modern Dentistry Orofacial harmonization is the key to modern dentistry. In this presentation, the clinician shows that the orofacial harmonization aims to establish and maintain the functional aesthetic balance between the intra and extra oral structures through the synergy of the dimensional parameters consecrated in the scientific literature. Also included is a discussion when encountering patients with soft tissue facial asymmetries in relation to the teeth and deciding whether it is due to mild or severe facial features as a result of vascular or neurological.
This program will be simultaneously translated into Spanish.
Éste programa será traducido simultáneamente al español.