Esthetic dentistry is changing at a rapid pace. Being successful and efficient is about staying on top of the newest trends and clinical tips. In this program, learn the top clinical tips and techniques the clinician utilizes in the area of esthetics. Some of the procedures are old, tried, and true approaches that remain successful, while others introduce brand new materials and approaches. Learn bonding and cementation; anterior composite layering; provisionalization-veneers; anterior implant esthetics; posterior composite and light curing; shade selection; and posterior all ceramics.
new advances in bonding and cementation
how to approach anterior implant esthetics
Sponsored by GC America
9:00am - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium - Friday
Oral Cancer
Edward J. Miller, Jr., Ralph Contrino, Elizabeth Phlipone, Ketan Patel, Antonia Kolokythas, Bhuvanesh Singh, Elcin Zan, Deepak Kademani, Babak Givi, Adam S. Jacobson, Rabie M. Shanti,
Course #: 1020 Date: 11/23/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Edward J. Miller, Jr., Ralph Contrino, Elizabeth Phlipone, Ketan Patel, Antonia Kolokythas, Bhuvanesh Singh, Elcin Zan, Deepak Kademani, Babak Givi, Adam S. Jacobson, Rabie M. Shanti,
This 2-day program specifically covers all aspects of Oral Cancer from diagnosis to treatment to reconstruction and dental prostheses. The program begins with an actual live patient testimonial of a patient’s actual lifetime experience with oral cancer. The clinicians in this Oral Cancer care program cover epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, HPV relationship to oropharyngeal cancers, as well as, screening and vaccination, dental considerations for the oral cancer patient, imaging modalities for the oral cancer patient, radiation and chemotherapy treatment for oral cancer, surgical treatments, as well as, reconstructive treatments including dental prostheses. Also included is a discussion on the medico-legal considerations in follow up of oral cancer patients. Question and answer sections are included after each group of speakers and Tumor Board sessions are included as well.
Morning Session: 9:00 – 12:45
9:00 Introductions Edward J. Miller, Jr., D.M.D.
9:05 – 9:10 Patient Perspectives Ralph Contrino
9:15 Premalignant Lesions: An Overview Elizabeth Phlipone, D.M.D.
10:00 Screening Methods for Oral Cancer Ketan Patel D.D.S., Ph.D.
10:45 Panel Discussion and Q&A
11:00 Epidemiology of Oral Cancer Antonia Kolokythas, D.D.S., MS.c.
11:30 Current Staging & What’s New Epithelial Research Bhuvanesh Singh, M.D.
12:00 Imaging Modalities for Head and Neck Cancer Elcin Zan, M.D.
12:30 Panel Discussion and Q&A
Afternoon Session: 1:30 – 4:30
12:45 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 Surgery for Early Oral Cancer Deepak Kademani, D.M.D., M.D.
2:00 Surgery for Advanced Oral Cancer Babak Givi, M.D.
2:30 Role for Neck Dissection Adam S. Jacobson, M.D.
3:00 TORS for Head and Neck Cancer Rabie M. Shanti, D.M.D., M.D.
3:30 Panel Discussion and Q&A
3:45 Tumor Board
4:30 Adjourn
Participating Institutions
Columbia University Medical Center
Hennepin Healthcare Minneapolis
Hispanic Dental Association
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Mount Sinai Head and Neck Institute New York
National Dental Association
New York University College of Dentistry
New York University Langone Health
North Memorial Health Center Minneapolis
Rawle & Henderson LLP
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
University of Rochester Medical Center
Vassar Brothers Medical Center Poughkeepsie
White Plains Hospital Center
9:00am - 12:00pm
Finding The Ideal Associateship/Ownership Opportunity
Practice Management
Brady Frank, Chris Salierno,
Course #: 1030 Date: 11/23/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Brady Frank, Chris Salierno,
Room: 1D03/04 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $30.00 Credits: 3
As a new dentist you are faced with numerous choices from corporate, to joining a private practice or group to start-up options. Explore the pros and cons of each different type of opportunity. Investing time in your strategy will help avoid costly mistakes and prepare the path for an ideal future.
how to find the best acquisition opportunities
to explore the pros and cons of the various opportunities available to a new dentist
to find a top 1% mentor to guide you through the process of acquiring your first practice
9:00am - 12:00pm
Incidentalomas: Achados Incidentais em 5.000 tomografias CBCT Download Handout
A adoção de tomografia computadorizada Cone Beam (CBCT) como técnica de diagnóstico de rotina tem revolucionado a Radiologia Oral e facilitado a prática de Odontologia nos campos de Implantologia, Cirurgia Oral, Patologia e Ortodontia.Esta tecnologia proporciona vistas tridimensionais que, de um modo geral, podem ser visualizadas em uma área de interesse com as formas bidimensionais, como as periapicais, as panorâmicas e cefalométricas. Também elucidam achados incidentais, o que requere um treinamento intenso da parte do leitor. Esta apresentação é derivada da interpretação de 5.000 tomografias CBCT da Faculdade de Medicina Dentaria da Universidade Columbia. A apresentacao solicita a participacao do espectador para que compreendam a diferenca entre achados incidentais que devem ser avaliados com tecnicas mais avancadas e aqueles que nao necessitam investigacao adicional.
Sponsored by Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
9:00am - 12:00pm
Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Success in Endodontics
To enhance your experience in this course, it is highly recommended that attendees bring a laptop with them.
Confidence in endodontic treatment is hard to achieve without strategies to keep you safe and focused. This workshop is designed to teach strategies to attain an accurate and definitive diagnosis for endodontic cases. Methods to maintain confidence while accessing and locating the maximum number of canals in each particular tooth type are discussed. Instrumentation with a predictable system is taught. Discussion and hands-on instruction solidifies the concepts and generates improved confidence in your endodontic skills.
to build confidence in endodontic skills
the implementation of safe and successful strategies for endodontic treatment
Sponsored by KaVo Kerr
9:00am - 12:00pm
Full-Arch Immediate Loading Using GuidedSMILE Technique
Implant Dentistry
Isaac Tawil
Course #: 1080 Date: 11/23/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Isaac Tawil
This hands-on workshop aims to address the most common questions and complications faced in full-arch implant reconstruction. Attendees will be introduced to a protocol called GuidedSMILE Chrome, which improves surgical and restorative accuracy and efficiency using CBCT and 3D planning combined with CAD/CAM. This new protocol, combined with Dr. Tawil’s evidence-based, surgical techniques will elevate your surgical process for full-arch treatment to a new level of accuracy and efficiency. GuidedSMILE offers 2-3 hour surgery/conversion appointments and reduces the final conversion.
criteria important for patient selection for full arch immediate implant loading treatment
the surgical & restorative protocol and techniques for maximum efficiency and predictability in full arch immediate loading using the GuidedSMILE technique
Sponsored by Integrated Dental Systems
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Top Acquisition, Transition, Multi-location Strategies Download Handout
Practice Management
Brady Frank, Chris Salierno,
Course #: 1050 Date: 11/23/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Brady Frank, Chris Salierno,
Room: 1D03/04 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Whether you are a new dentist, mid-career or late-career dentist, this program is designed to create a clear path to “freedom.” Learn top strategies for finding the most rewarding and beneficial ownership opportunity. Discover top strategies for adding additional dentists or locations to your existing practice through a mentorship program. Pre-plan your Phasing-Out Blueprint by examining the most successful transition strategies that other dentists have used since 1997. Educate yourself on multiple streams of income allowing clinical practice to be a desire rather than a financial necessity.
Learn to:
educate and empower the new dentist, mid-career or late-career dentist with top strategies designed to maximize dental practice ownership
explore multiple streams of income derived through the business of dentistry in the achievement of total freedom
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Universidad de Columbia Colegio de Medicina Dental -Programa de Educación Continua Download Handout
Spanish Courses
Cleber Silva, Jose M. Navarro, Fernando Toro Mattozzi, Elena Sanz-Miralles,
Course #: 1060 Date: 11/23/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Cleber Silva, Jose M. Navarro, Fernando Toro Mattozzi, Elena Sanz-Miralles,
El asistente adquirirá conocimientos sobre los conceptos básicos de la interpretación de la imagen con énfasis en la anatomía y la manipulación de imágenes. Las presentaciones basada en casos de resultados incidentales con su correlación clínica y la necesidad de la proyección de imagen adicional serán discutidas. “
José M. Navarro, D.D.S., M.S.
“El paciente virtual”; Planificación actual del tratamiento en odontología interdisciplinaria Las tecnologías digitales modernas permiten conectar eficientemente al equipo de tratamiento clínico, cirujanos, dentistas restauradores, radiólogos, técnicos dentales, personal dental y el paciente para desarrollar y alinear el plan de tratamiento ideal. La conferencia conduce a través de un viaje del flujo de trabajo digital de vanguardia para presentar cómo las nuevas innovaciones proporcionan un flujo de trabajo digital sin fisuras y aumentan el uso de mayúsculas y minúsculas aceptación, eficacia del tratamiento, precisión de flexibilidad y seguridad.
Fernando Toro Mattozzi, D.D.S.
Alargamiento Coronario Estético Introducción, estética dental-gingival-facial actual, diferencia entre gingivectomía - alargamiento coronario indicaciones para su realización, diferentes técnicas para su realización, consideraciones quirúrgicas, la tecnología como herramienta de ayuda, casos clínicos, conclusiones.
Elena Sanz Miralles, D.D.S.,, m.s., ph.d.
Asociación Entre la Periodontitis y la Enfermedad Cardiovascular Durante esta presentación se revisará la relación entre la enfermedad periodontal y determinadas enfermedades sistémicas. Con más detalle se discutirá la literatura más que muestra la asociación entre periodontitis y enfermedad cardiovascular. Por último, se presentará un estudio transversal realizado por el departamento de Periodoncia conjuntamente con el departamento de Elasticidad y Ultrasonidos de la Universidad de Columbia, en el que se estudia la relación del estatus periodontal y el nivel de rigidez arterial, valorada mediante una nueva técnica basada en el uso de los ultrasonidos.
1:00pm - 4:00pm
3D Endodontics: Disinfection, Obturation and Imaging
To enhance your experience in this course, it is highly recommended that attendees bring a laptop with them.
Dentistry is practiced in three dimensions. Viewing and understanding root canal anatomy in 3D allows us to be better clinicians and offer more effective treatments. This workshop is designed to focus our mindful treatment of root canals in three dimensions. The complexity of root canal systems requires effective chemical debridement with irrigation. Obturation is critical to be able to seal these complex anatomical spaces effectively and efficiently. This hands-on workshop allows the participant to practice the techniques presented and to learn strategies on how to read Cone Beam CT scans.
how to view the complex root canal systems in 3D and how to use this information to guide our treatment planning and procedural performance
effective and efficient techniques to irrigate and obturate root canal systems
Sponsored by KaVo Kerr
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Sinus Augmentation and Complication Management
Implant Dentistry
Isaac Tawil
Course #: 1100 Date: 11/23/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Isaac Tawil
The maxillary posterior edentulous region can present a challenging condition for dental implant placement. The amount of bone necessary for an implant supported restoration may be compromised due to pneumatization of the sinus cavity and alveolar bone resorption. These problems can be overcome by sinus grafting procedures. Dental implant reconstruction for advanced alveolar ridge atrophy has become possible through bone grafting procedures involving the maxillary sinus. With the advent of new surgical techniques and equipment sinus augmentation has become a predictable and efficient treatment
anatomy and surgical treatment of pneumatized maxillary sinus, Piezo surgical concepts, lateral and crestal techniques
about complications and management of sinus perforation and pathology
Sponsored by Integrated Dental Systems
8:00am - 12:00pm
Risk Management
Risk Management
Frederik W. Wetzel
Course #: 2120 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Frederik W. Wetzel
This program is a comprehensive overview of risk management for dental care providers; including a review of cases illustrating risk areas in daily practice. Recordkeeping, cyber issues and social media are discussed. New York’s Dental Practice Act, peer review, district claims, ethics and claim frequency are also covered. This seminar helps providers prevent malpractice claims, improve recordkeeping and understand risk areas in clinical practice.
The HDA has been on the move and positioning the association as the place to go for Oral Health Innovation. Join us as we bring you up to date on changes made to governance, staff, interactions with professional and student chapters, as well as, corporate sponsors.
The following annual HDA Awards will be presented:
Faculty Awards in the areas of teaching, research and service/administration. (Sponsored by Colgate)
Chapter of the Year Award
National Service Award
Student Chapter of the Year Award
Sponsored by the Hispanic Dental Association
9:00am - 12:00pm
Managing Children with Words Not Drugs
Pediatric Dentistry
Charles Czerepak
Course #: 2020 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Charles Czerepak
This program reviews the classic theories of communication with children. It will then review the basics of behavior management in the dental office. This seminar discusses the changes in children, parenting and techniques used by dentists in the modern dental office. Emphasis is placed on behavior assessment and planning before the first operative visit.
Learn to:
predict the behavior of the child in the dental office
prepare your dental office to treat children
Sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Attendees become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications involve adult, child and infant instruction.
pediatric CPR, choking, respiratory distress and failure
Arthi Kumar, Ketan Patel, Evan Rosen, Pinaki R. Dutta, Dan Sammartino, Eileen Crespo, Robert A. Fitch, Daniel Buchbinder, Devin J. Okay, Al Haitham M. Al Shetawi, Edward J. Miller,
Course #: 2050 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Arthi Kumar, Ketan Patel, Evan Rosen, Pinaki R. Dutta, Dan Sammartino, Eileen Crespo, Robert A. Fitch, Daniel Buchbinder, Devin J. Okay, Al Haitham M. Al Shetawi, Edward J. Miller,
This 2-day program specifically covers all aspects of Oral Cancer from diagnosis to treatment to reconstruction and dental prostheses. The program begins with an actual live patient testimonial of a patient’s actual lifetime experience with oral cancer. The clinicians in this Oral Cancer care program cover epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, HPV relationship to oropharyngeal cancers, as well as, screening and vaccination, dental considerations for the oral cancer patient, imaging modalities for the oral cancer patient, radiation and chemotherapy treatment for oral cancer, surgical treatments, as well as, reconstructive treatments including dental prostheses. Also included is a discussion on the medico-legal considerations in follow up of oral cancer patients. Question and answer sections are included after each group of speakers and Tumor Board sessions are included as well.
Morning Session: 9:00 – 12:45
9:00 Oral Cancer Lesions and Pathology Arthi Kumar, D.D.S.
9:45 HPV in Head and Neck and Oral Pharyngeal Cancer Ketan Patel D.D.S., Ph.D.
10:15 Dental Considerations for Advanced Disease Evan Rosen, D.M.D.
10:45 Panel Discussion and Q&A
11:15 Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in Oral Cancer Pinaki R. Dutta, M.D., Ph.D.
11:45 Chemotherapy and the New Horizon of Immunotherapy in Oral Cancer Dan Sammartino, M.D.
12:15 HPV and Vaccination Eileen Crespo, m.d.
Afternoon Session: 1:30 – 4:30
12:45 – 1:30 Lunch Break
1:30 Medico-Legal Pearls Review: Dentists Role in Follow-up of Head and Neck Cancer; Delay of Diagnosis Robert A. Fitch, Esq.
2:00 Head and Neck Cancer Treatment From Resection to Dental Reconstruction Daniel Buchbinder, D.M.D., M.D. Devin J. Okay, D.D.S.
3:00 Oromandibular reconstruction in oral cancer Al Haitham M. Al Shetawi, D.M.D., M.D.
3:30 Panel Discussion and Q&A
3:45 Tumor Board Case
4:30 Adjourn
Participating Institutions
Columbia University Medical Center
Hennepin Healthcare Minneapolis
Hispanic Dental Association
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Mount Sinai Head and Neck Institute New York
National Dental Association
New York University College of Dentistry
New York University Langone Health
North Memorial Health Center Minneapolis
Rawle & Henderson LLP
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
University of Rochester Medical Center
Vassar Brothers Medical Center
White Plains Hospital Center
9:00am - 4:00pm
A Collaborative Approach to Sleep / Airway Disorders Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Marcello Allegra, Kevin L. Boyd, Steve Carstensen, Lisa Feiner, Peter P. Ferro, Michael Gelb, Jeffrey S. Hindin, Dave Kuhns, Steven Lamberg, Ben Miraglia, Marc Moeller, Mark T. Murphy, Barry Raphael, Oliver C. Roberson, Thomas Romo, III, Nancy H. Rothstein, Jerald Simmons, Leslie Stevens,
Course #: 2060 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marcello Allegra, Kevin L. Boyd, Steve Carstensen, Lisa Feiner, Peter P. Ferro, Michael Gelb, Jeffrey S. Hindin, Dave Kuhns, Steven Lamberg, Ben Miraglia, Marc Moeller, Mark T. Murphy, Barry Raphael, Oliver C. Roberson, Thomas Romo, III, Nancy H. Rothstein, Jerald Simmons, Leslie Stevens,
The Foundation for Airway Health Presents Airway Summit 2018: A Collaborative Approach to Sleep / Airway Disorders
Leading dental educators, scientific academy representatives, allied health organizations, representatives from the military and members of the public offer information about what the dental team must know, and can do to impact positive health change for patients. In October 2017, the ADA approved a policy statement, emphasizing dentistry’s role in screening for sleep-related breathing disorders. Is your practice prepared? Learn from not one but 18 presenters. This is a good place to begin your sleep education as well as to expand it to new levels.
Sleep Related Breathing Disorders (SRBDs) are a set of potentially serious medical conditions – snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and others – characterized by disruptions in normal breathing patterns. Metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, dental and other diseases have been found to be related. Dentists are the only health care provider with the knowledge and expertise to provide oral appliance therapy (OAT).
This program covers dental sleep medicine, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, myofunctional therapy, TMD, physiological monitoring, public health initiatives and more. Learn how to provide OAT for mild and moderate sleep apnea when a patient does not tolerate a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device; recognize and managing OAT side effects; and continually update dental sleep medicine knowledge and training at the Airway Summit.
Learn to:
assess a patient’s risk for SRBD as part of a comprehensive medical and dental history
refer affected patients to appropriate physicians
evaluate the appropriateness of OAT as prescribed by a physician
9:00am - 4:00pm
New Paradigms in Treating the Worn Dentition
Leonard Hess
Course #: 2070 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Leonard Hess
People are more focused on the appearance of their teeth than ever before. Many clinicians realize the majority of esthetic concerns are derived from excessive wear and chipping of teeth rather than the color. It is imperative for the dentist to understand why teeth wear and what is needed to correct the underlying issues. Altering anterior teeth does not only change the esthetics of a smile, but also the phonetics, envelope of function, anterior guidance, and centric contact are all changed when restoring worn teeth. Missing the mark on any of these factors will lead to a compromised result.
to understand why teeth wear and why this matters and how to recognize signs of instability in the stomatognathic system
what data you need to make a complete diagnosis and the 16 steps in treatment planning for functional success
Sponsored by The Dawson Academy
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Art and Science of Esthetic Dentistry: New Dentist Program
This program reviews the fundamentals of the art and science of esthetic dentistry. The influence of facial, gingival, and dental anatomy on esthetics and the tools used to effect a positive change are reviewed. A variety of clinical cases are used to demonstrate the above principles and provide insight into the didactic knowledge and clinical skills needed to successfully incorporate esthetic dentistry into a practice. The audience is drawn into the subject matter through an extensive overview of essential techniques.
to diagnose, treatment plan, and deliver superior results when treating esthetically compromised cases
a better understanding of the complex interaction of dental, periodontal, and occlusal factors in esthetic treatment planning
Bioceramic family of materials show great promise for a variety of procedures in endodontics. They have a high PH when unset, are extremely biocompatible when set and appear to seal extremely well. MTA represents the 1st generation bioceramic material on the market. Extensive research has shown that it is ideal for many applications. However it is expensive, difficult to handle and has the potential to discolor teeth. Recently new bioceramic materials have entered the market that has fewer disadvantages. This talk will discuss the use of bioceramic materials for pulp capping, pulpotomy, root canal obturation and retrofilling.
the general properties and characteristics of bioceramic materials
application of bioceramics in a wide variety of endodontic procedures
the advantages of the newer bioceramics
Sponsored by Brasseler USA
9:00am - 12:00pm
Anterior All-Ceramic Restorations: Concept to Cementation Download Handout
Anterior Esthetic Dentistry
Edward Lowe
Course #: 2100 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Edward Lowe
Ever been curious as to why some anterior restorations look great and some look mediocre? Ever wonder where to start when presented with a complex anterior esthetics case? Whether you are using veneers or crowns, there is a system for getting the outcome you are looking for. This program focuses on diagnosis, treatment planning, preparation design, provisional restorations, material selection, and includes step-by-step instructions for bonding and cementation. Examples of successes and failures using case studies are also shown.
how to diagnose, treatment plan, and select materials for anterior all-ceramic restorations
the principles of Visual Esthetic Analysis – what makes a smile look great
the steps for predictable success in preparing and seating anterior restorations
when and where to start comprehensive esthetic cases
Sponsored by Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Antibiotic Stewardship for Dental Professionals Download Handout
Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology
Ann E. Eshenaur Spolarich
Course #: 2110 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ann E. Eshenaur Spolarich
The growing problem of microbial resistance and challenges of treating infections caused by resistant organisms has resulted in a global initiative to improve appropriate and safe use of antibiotics. This seminar reviews strategies to promote antibiotic stewardship among dental professionals, including proper antibiotic use and determining need for premedication for at-risk individuals.
the implications of widespread antibiotic use and the development of resistant organisms
strategies to eliminate unnecessary antibiotic use in dental patients
This program discusses the five simple steps to get patients to accept your treatment without a hard sell. Increase your 5-star Google reviews and hygiene production while improving patients’ health. Review case studies of patients whose lives were saved by their dental team and the causal link between oral and overall health. Doctors should attend with at least one hygienist to educate their team.
to increase hygiene production while improving patients’ health
5 simple steps to get patients to willingly accept your treatment without a hard sell
Sponsored by CareCredit
9:00am - 12:00pm
Student Loans and Dental Service Organizations (DSOS)
Practice Management
Chad Widensky, Robert Malandruccolo, Jason McKenzie,
Course #: 2140 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Chad Widensky, Robert Malandruccolo, Jason McKenzie,
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
As the cost of a dental education continues to rise and corporations expand their footprint, dentists at all stages of their career are concerned over the future viability of individual dentists owning practices. This program has been designed to address these concerns and to provide a roadmap for those interested in purchasing an existing practice or building a practice from scratch. This discussion includes everything you’ll need to know to open your new office including the true impact that student loan debt and changes in the dental industry has on practice ownership.
to effectively manage student debt at all stages of your career
a roadmap for purchasing an existing practice or building a practice from scratch
Sponsored by Bank of America Practice Solutions
9:00am - 12:00pm
Excellence in Digital Integration
Dental Assistants
Shannon Pace Brinker
Course #: 2150 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Shannon Pace Brinker
Today’s generation loves technology and associates it with quality. Patients see the benefit of technology and appreciate its improvement in patient comfort and efficiency. This course goes through a new patient experience, touching on digital advances including digital photography, Cad Cam technology, computer imaging, laser oral cancer screening, and intraoral scanning.
about financial return, the ability to practice less while producing more, or simply freedom from all the worry
how both you and your patients benefit from improved treatment planning and a streamlined workflow
9:00am - 12:00pm
Wear and Associated Problems
Gary M. DeWood
Course #: 2160 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary M. DeWood
Wear is the nemesis that destroys predictability and longevity. In many cases, the primary risks are identifiable from the history presented in the joints, the muscles, the teeth, and the patient’s current condition. New information around breathing and airway has changed our understanding of the possible etiology of wear and altered the differential diagnosis. This has also changed the way in which dentists see their place in the systemic health of their patients and the role we have as part of a health care team that views any risk to health as an important part of our charge to treat. This program illustrates and discusses recognizing and addressing those risks.
Learn to:
recognize the etiology of wear
understand treatment possibilities
Sponsored by SPEAR Education
9:00am - 12:00pm
Digital Dentistry in the Laboratory and Dental Practice-The Future is Now!
Restorative Dentistry
Justin Chi
Course #: 2180 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Justin Chi
Advancements in technology have brought a wave of digital solutions to the laboratory and restorative dentist. From desktop and intraoral scanners, to design software, to fabrication of prostheses using milling and 3D printing, there has never been greater opportunity – or risk – for the technician or dentist. As a dental technician, esthetic dentist, and Director of Clinical Technologies at the world’s largest dental laboratory, the clinician has the knowledge and experience to share his unique point of view and recommendations for success in the future.
to understand the options for digitizing the clinical and laboratory workflow
various methods for designing and producing dental restorations
from a range of material choices based on their indications
to create quality restorations with milling and 3D printing
Sponsored by Glidewell Dental
9:00am - 12:00pm
Branding through Social Media and Websites
Social Media
Rachel Mele
Course #: 2200 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rachel Mele
Room: 1E15 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
This program offers an in-depth look at practice websites and trends to establish and strengthen your brand through social media. The speaker discusses the top ten factors that are trending today that will help differentiate your practice from competitors. This program reviews social media best practices to increase the value of your online brand. Learn how to build a solid identity through a planned approach giving prospective patients a compelling reason to choose you.
website design and content elements in building your practice brand
the value of your online brand with the right social media efforts
Who says TMD has to be hard? The clinician leads an exciting discussion for attendees to gain a much better understanding of the anatomy as well as the different disorders that can occur with the TMJ. The clinician presents the most commonly seen TMJ disorders and teaches you how to properly diagnose and treat those issues. Learn how you can apply this information immediately to help improve your patient’s health.
the basic anatomy associated with the TMJ and associated areas
the most frequent TMD issues and how to treat them
Sponsored by American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
9:00am - 4:00pm
GBR with PRF in Everyday Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali, Joseph Choukroun,
Course #: 2330 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Aeklavya Panjali, Joseph Choukroun,
This hands-on workshop demonstrates how growth factors are produced and activated to improve bio-compatibility in procedures like GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) and soft tissue management. There is scientific evidence to demonstrate that the growth factors are released by platelets and white cells. Dentists have utilized PRF since 2000 and, we now have low speed centrifugation for Advanced PRF (A-PRF) and Injectable PRF (i-PRF) which are being routinely used for GBR and GTR procedures. Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin, combines the fibrin network, the growth factors from the platelets and an increased
amount of white cells for better vascularization. The i-PRF introduces platelets, white cells, fibrinogen in liquid form but with a high number of mesenchymal stems cells. This concept has revolutionized routine tissue grafting and healing. Hands-on exercises include venipuncture; fabrication of PRF membranes, plugs and steaky bone; tenting and space management; and GBR using “Steaky Bone.”
Sponsored by Ossogen and Dental Implant Technologies
9:00am - 12:00pm
Anterior Composite Artistry: Hands-On Workshop
Esthetic Dentistry
Lee Ann Brady
Course #: 2340 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lee Ann Brady
Direct composite can be a conservative, durable and beautiful anterior material. Learn the variety of materials and techniques available today to take your composites to the next level so your team and patients are raving about the esthetic results. The hands-on workshop compares total-etch to self-etch techniques and distinguishes the risks and benefits of each. The concept of layering for ultimate beauty and color control is covered and techniques for simplifying direct composite veneers and class four restorations are presented.
layering anterior composite for exquisite esthetics
anterior matrices
Sponsored by GC America
9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontic Outcomes-role of Dentin Preservation
Ove A. Peters
Course #: 2350 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ove A. Peters
This hands-on workshop uses an audience-response system to discuss various desired outcomes in endodontics, notably, to understand the mostly restorative issues that cause failure of root canal-treated teeth. Using 3D printed and natural teeth participants will judge and modify access cavities. In a next step restorative treatment plans and restoration designs are discussed. This includes planning for possible post placement if needed. This hands-on workshop helps practitioners to understand and differentiate endodontic outcomes and ultimately provide better care. The hands-on portion of this workshop uses 3D printed teeth and handpieces to practice restorative outcomes and possible post placement.
Learn to:
understand different levels of outcomes in endodonics
integrate restorative principles into endodontic practice
Sponsored by Dentsply Sirona Endodontics
9:00am - 12:00pm
Implant Dentistry Essays
Implant Dentistry
Alexander Volchonok, Spridon J. Condos, Harold Baumgarten,
Course #: 2380 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alexander Volchonok, Spridon J. Condos, Harold Baumgarten,
Implants in a Compromised Esthetic Zone The esthetic zone, the visible field of a patient’s smile, continues to be a technique-sensitive area for successful implant outcomes. The program reviews current concepts for successful functional and esthetic outcomes in both intact and compromised extraction sites. Additionally, novel concepts are reviewed specific for the management of compromised esthetic sites that lack soft tissue, hard tissue, or both. Review current concepts for successful functional and esthetic outcomes in both intact and compromised extraction sites. A “Decision tree” for the management of compromised esthetic sites is introduced.
Spyridon J. Condos, D.D.S. (10:00-11:00)
Implant Biomechanics and Occlusion There are two main ways that implants can fail; infection or mechanical stress. This program looks at the differences between implants and teeth in their stress distributions, shape, and function. By treating implant prosthetics with these differences in mind we can minimize porcelain fractures, screw loosening/breakage and implant failure. Attendees will learn whether or not short implants are viable, to splint or not, and whether the new ceramic biomaterials are viable options to minimize fractures. Minimizing implant and prosthetic failures due to stress are discussed.
Harold Baumgarten, D.M.D. (11:00-12:00)
Digital Workflows In Implant Dentistry Patient’s aesthetic demands have never been higher than they are today. Maximizing the restorative outcome requires precision implant planning and placement as well as meticulous development of the gingival environment. Digital workflows can increase precision, decrease morbidity and improve aesthetic outcomes. This program discusses the complete digital workflow from surgical planning to the final restoration. Learn the benefits of digital implant surgical planning and understand the restorative digital workflow.
9:00am - 4:00pm
Academia Dental Internacional Perú
Spanish Courses
Neme Portal Bustamnte, Luis F. Perez, Miguel Angel Saravia-Rojas, Dafna Geller Palti, Jimmy A. Olivares, Marco Reategui, Juan E. Bazan,
Course #: 2460 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Neme Portal Bustamnte, Luis F. Perez, Miguel Angel Saravia-Rojas, Dafna Geller Palti, Jimmy A. Olivares, Marco Reategui, Juan E. Bazan,
Técnica Porbnem - Implantes Oseointegrados La Técnica de Implantes Osteointegrados PORBNEM establece las bases fundamentales de la planificación para implantes unitarios oseointegrados, además muestra la importancia de la experiencia profesional y la interacción con otras especialidades, para devolver el equilibrio estético y funcional del sistema estomatognático.
Luis F. Pérez, M.S.D., D.MS.c.
Manejo de Pacientes Ortoquirúrgicos sin Cirugia Los pacientes que presentan malformaciones esqueléticas de Clase II y Clase III, generalmente son tratados con relativo éxito con cirugía ortognatica. Sin embargo, no todos los pacientes cuentan con los recursos para hacerlo y es por esta razón que la ortopedia y la ortodoncia han desarrollado técnicas que permiten corregir las malformaciones con el menor costo biológico y grandes créditos en la función y la estética. Se mostraran casos tratados con diferentes técnicas ortodóncicas y ortopédicas en pacientes en los cuales ya no existe crecimiento esqueletal activo.
Miguel Angel Saravia-Rojas, D.D.S., Ms.D.
Aproximándose a la naturaleza: Resinas Compuestas Las restauraciones anteriores con resina compuesta actualmente pueden ser logradas más fácilmente con mayor predictibilidad. Sin embargo, conocer protocolos seguros son muy importantes para conseguir ese objetivo. Restauraciones estéticas directas, preparaciones dentarías, manejo de los sistemas adhesivos universales, resinas compuestas de alta resultados serán revisados en esta oportunidad. Aproximándose a la naturaleza con resinas compuestas de alta performance y sus resultados podrán ser obtenidas con rutinas basadas en evidencia científica y creatividad.
Dafna Geller Palti, D.D.S., M.S.D.
Simplificando la Pulpectomia: Instrumentación Rotatoria La caries dental es la principal causa de afecciones pulpares en niños, siendo su prevalencia muy alta en el Perú. Los tratamientos pulpares, sobre todo pulpectomías, son tratamientos de gran complejidad, debido a la anatomía especial, conductos morfológicamente complicados, estrechos, en forma de cinta, raíces curvas programadas para la reabsorción y en ocasiones con procesos osteolíticos con reabsorciones inflamatorias.
Jimmy A. Olivares, D.D.S., M.Sc.
Uso de Biomateriales en Odontopediatría El uso de BIOMATERIALES en Odontopediatría se ha convertido en una tendencia moderna, puesto que estamos dejando de utilizar materiales de muchas décadas atrás, pero hoy tenemos nuevas tendencias por lo que necesitamos saber de sus propiedades de este tipo de materiales. Además debemos saber sobre las ventajas y desventajas de cada producto que utilizamos en nuestros pacientes pediátricos. Una de las propiedades importantes de estos materiales es poder controlarlos.
Marco Reategui, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Manejo de Compliciones pos Exodoncia A pesar de existir técnicas e instrumentos, que permiten realizar exodoncias conservadoras; es posible que se presenten situaciones de urgencia y/o emergencia que deberán manejarse con maniobras, insumos y fármacos que permitan preservar los tejidos, incluso la vida del paciente.
Juan E. Bazán, D.D.S.
Odontológico Se mostrara los avances en las diferentes especialidades que se realizan en las universidades peruanas y sus avances de investigación e innovación can novedosos procedimientos nuevos y de aplicación sencilla por el sepecialista en las diferentes áreas del quehacer odontológico.
Sponsored by Academia Dental Internacional
9:00am - 12:00pm
Diseñando Experiencias de Pacientes
Spanish Courses
Luis Daniel Aneyba
Course #: 2470 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis Daniel Aneyba
Diseñar nuevas experiencias de pacientes a partir de mapas de proposiciones de valor del cliente. Inspírese para cambiar la forma en que solíamos tratar a los pacientes. Aprenda cómo agregar valor a nuestro lienzo de propuesta de valor.
investigando el perfil del paciente
diseño de proposiciones de valor
9:00am - 12:00pm
Especialista en Prótesis Maxilofacial/Odontología Pediátrica Atraumática
Spanish Courses
Jesus Juarez Manrique, Ana Paulina Moran Alarcon,
Course #: 2510 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jesus Juarez Manrique, Ana Paulina Moran Alarcon,
Especialista en Prótesis Maxilofacial La estabilidad ocluso-articular es una condicionante especifica en toda trastomo temporomadibular, siendo importante la obtención de contactos dentarios funcionales óptimos seguidos de una adecuada dirección y cantidad de fuerzas oclusales aceptables que repercutan en una condición postural estable del paciente. Es por ello que rehabilitación debemos utilizar técnicas que nos permita generar superficies y tejidos articulares alineados, de manera que las fuerzas aplicadas por la musculatura no causen ninguna lesión al cierre.
Ana Paulina Moran Alarcón, D.D.S.
Odontología Pediátrica Atraumática Odontología pediátrica atraumática. Papacarie (eliminación de caries), fluoruro de diamina de plata (para detener el desarrollo de la cavidad) y CTZ (cloranfenicol + tetraciclina + ZOE (pulpectomía no instrumentada) son técnicas atraumáticas para pacientes pediátricos que combinan odontología mínimamente invasiva con un mejor manejo del comportamiento.
10:00am - 1:00pm
Communication Skills and Humanism in Oral Health
Oral Health
Rosa Chaviano-Moran, Herminio Perez,
Course #: 2410 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rosa Chaviano-Moran, Herminio Perez,
Participants learn proper communication tools while applying basic concepts on emotional intelligence. Recognize biases, stereotypes and demonstrate cross-cultural skills. This program aims to develop culturally competent oral health care personnel that can provide dental services to diverse populations including limited English proficient patients, through provision of humanistic care that addresses issues of quality, access, linguistic barriers and adherence.
Sponsored by the Hispanic Dental Association and Colgate
10:00am - 1:00pm
Innovations in the Digital Dental Workforce
Current Dental Topics
Lorant Stumpf, Ioannis Vergoullis,
Course #: 2440 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lorant Stumpf, Ioannis Vergoullis,
Discussion of cases where we can use digital natural shapes from scans and how to manage them from planning to execution, while preserving the morphology and diagnostic design as a guide for soft tissue recontouring. The final design will be used for determining implant position and surgical guide. Diagnostic design vs. final design topics are discussed along with the “evolution” of digital libraries.
Successful implant osseointegration is between 90-99%, however there is increasing concern of the rise in peri-implantitis. Combining analogic and digital tools can be useful to establish the proper foundation for long-term success. A novel protocol of implant rehabilitation, based on new technologies and biologic principles are presented in detail.
Sponsored by Hispanic Dental Association
1:00pm - 4:00pm
The Building Blocks of a Kid-Friendly Practice
Pediatric Dentistry
Charles Czerepak
Course #: 2030 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Charles Czerepak
This program focuses on the clinical practice of pediatric dentistry from greeting the patient to giving a painless injection. This seminar examines the changing paradigms of treating children with Early Childhood Caries including how to isolate teeth in the young child, from cotton rolls to the “Isolite.” The focus is on efficient clinical techniques. Learn the Pearls of Pediatrics from experienced pediatric dentists.
to examine dental procedures through the child’s perspective
the rate of dental caries and how that affects treatment
about proven techniques to administer local anesthetics to children
Sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
1:00pm - 4:00pm
7 Habits of Successful Practices
Practice Management
Gary M. DeWood
Course #: 2170 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary M. DeWood
Room: 1E14 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
This program discusses seven qualities that effective dental teams possess. Know yourself, know your patient, know what you see, know your work, apply your knowledge, never stop learning and constantly raise the bar. Applying these principles creates a bond between patient and team that can move a dental practice beyond simply correcting disease processes for patients to creating health with patients. Practical solutions to problems you face every day are provided. How these qualities are expressed in behavioral, clinical, and technical excellence every day in your practice determine your success in meeting the goals you and your team have set.
Learn to:
help patients ask for optimal care
create a team where learning is a shared experience
create raving fans who send their family and friends
Sponsored by SPEAR Education
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Digital Smile Design and Photography Techniques
Dental Laboratory
Marko Tadros
Course #: 2190 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marko Tadros
Digital Smile Design is essential for successful esthetic and full mouth rehabilitation treatment plans. It is the blue print for the most accurate outcomes, and serves as a universal language between the dentist, patient, and laboratory. Digital Smile Design, with today’s ability to create 3D wax-ups and 3D printing, provides the most cutting edge treatment plans for our patients.
about digital smile design
how to use digital smile design in your practice or lab
to understand the power 3D Printing and digital smile design combined
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Is Your Website Ready for 2019?
Social Media
Rachel Mele
Course #: 2210 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rachel Mele
Room: 1E15 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
Patients have more access and information than ever before, giving them many choices when it comes to finding a dentist. This seminar trains you to stand apart from your competition. Learn valuable skills to get patients to choose your practice through a patient appealing website and solid SEO efforts. Learn to understand what makes a great website appealing and how to implement strategies to increase patient engagement.
the latest and greatest in website design trends
the fundamentals of SEO and citation management to help get your website found
General dentists are in the unique position of seeing their patients every six months. It should be every dentist’s responsibility to screen and, when appropriate, treat their patient for the serious medical condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. Learn how to identify and treat these patients.
understand the basics of obstructive sleep apnea and how to screen, treat and follow-up
how to deal with side effects of treating obstructive sleep apnea
pearls to help grow the amount of obstructive sleep apnea patients you see
Sponsored by American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
1:00pm - 4:00pm
From Vital Pulp Therapy to Anatomically Directed Root Treatment – Everything is Changing
Martin Trope
Course #: 2240 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Martin Trope
New materials and technologies enable us now to consider treatments that were previously considered impossible.This talk will cover how bioceramic materials have changed our definition of irreversible pulpitis and also how we think about single cone hyraulic obturation techniques. In addition new designs of root canal instruments make Shilder’s “envelope of motion” an attainable goal with resultant better contact of the wider parts of the canal while maintaining maximal tooth structure.
the requirements for successful vital pulp therapy and root canal therapy
the advantages of bioceramic materials
new techniques for vital pulp therapy and root canal filling
Sponsored by Brasseler USA
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Artistry and Efficiency with Composite Restorations
Mark Kleive
Course #: 2250 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mark Kleive
Most dentists spend a considerable part of their day placing composite restorations. During these appointments they manage preparation designs, matrix systems, dental adhesives, filling materials and finishing techniques. This program utilizes clinical videos, hands-on demonstrations and product sampling to improve the predictability and esthetics of this popular restoration for both anterior and posterior teeth. Particular emphasis is placed on the newest materials and tips and tricks to improve efficiency.
about materials that mimic the natural appearance of teeth
to create a matrix for predictably tight contacts and closed margins
Sponsored by GC America, Inc.
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Pharmacologic Management of the Geriatric Patient Download Handout
Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology
Ann E. Eshenaur Spolarich
Course #: 2260 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ann E. Eshenaur Spolarich
This program reviews characteristics and disease trends among the aging population and oral disease risks associated with medications and common systemic diseases. Medication therapies, oral drug and disease complications, drug interactions and dental practice management considerations are discussed. Recommendations for treatment modifications and oral hygiene self-care programs are provided.
the pathophysiology of common diseases associated with aging and related medication classes used for treatment
oral side effects and other adverse events associated with each of these disease states and related medication therapies
Sponsored by Philips Sonicare
1:00pm - 4:00pm
The Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of Practicing Dentistry in New York State
Margaret Surowka Rossi Esq.
Course #: 2270 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Margaret Surowka Rossi Esq.
This program utilizes real life examples, OPD discipline cases and opinions rendered by the New York State Dental Association’s Ethics Council throughout the program as well as “real-life” application and relevance to the everyday practice of dentistry.
Included are the Laws of New York Applicable to Dentistry and the Dental Practice Act; Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations; the Ethics of Practicing Dentistry in New York; and, Professional Responsibility.
A. The Dental Practice Act
scope of practice for dentists
scope of practice for hygienists
scope of practice of certified and non-certified dental assistants
supervision of all auxiliaries
Dental Anesthesia Certificate
special provisions of §6611
nitrous oxide equipment
B. Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations
access to patient records, HIV and confidentiality
Learn to improve your patient experience and empower your team in this total team approach. Get your patients to understand the true value that dentistry provides, not just for oral health, but overall health. Bring the entire team! This seminar focuses on how to maximize your practice income without sacrificing more time or ethics. Learn the step-by-step guide to reducing mental and physical stress while creating economic security for your family; see why so many of your team members mentally quit but still show up for work; and finally, learn how to leverage and maximize your current untapped assets.
to implement the 5-step process to overcome patient insurance barriers
about the practice vision, marketing and patient experience which allows for a natural unfolding of a patient accepting treatment
This program is designed to address concerns of US based dentists who are considering expanding beyond a single dental office. What should your financials look like, in your dental office and personally, prior to pursuing an additional location? Have you weighed your options between selling to a Dental Service Organization (DSO) or a dentist? Have you identified a team of experts to assist with your growth? If you are asking yourself these questions then join us to gain insight into various aspects of multiple practice ownership that will be vital in your plans for growth now and in the future.
what financial metrics to focus on when expanding beyond one office
to gain insights from industry experts to determine the best methods to properly manage and organize your business
In this digital age, effective patient and lab communication with clinical photography is critical. This hands-on program provides dental assistants with the necessary skills to shoot basic photographs for quick co-diagnosis, as well as pre- treatment, treatment and post-treatment records. The clinical angles are required for documentation and lab communication purposes. Attendees learn simplified camera settings appropriate for various photographs as well as placement of retractors and use of clinical mirrors. Uploading, basic image manipulation, file storage and tips for quick access and emailing are also demonstrated.
what materials are needed to take proper photos, not just the camera
basics of positioning and framing of the subject
proper instruments and lighting for excellent intraoral shots
digital imaging for patient education
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Anterior All-Ceramic Restorations: Concept to Cementation Download Handout
Anterior Esthetic Dentistry
Edward Lowe
Course #: 2360 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Edward Lowe
Unlike the posterior, restoring teeth in the anterior part of the mouth is challenging because your artistry is on display every time the patient smiles. This hands-on workshop enhances your knowledge of when to use all-ceramic veneers and crowns to create esthetic solutions. Focus is on diagnosis, treatment planning, preparation design, easy provisional restorations, material selection,and step-by-step instruction for bonding and cementation. The hands-on portion of the program gives you the experience of preparing, provisionalizing and cementing an anterior veneer or crown on a study model.
how to diagnose, treatment plan, and select materials for anterior all-ceramic restorations
to prepare a tooth on a model to receive a provisional restoration and learn how to cement a final all-ceramic restoration
Sponsored by Ivoclar Vivadent
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Successful Root Canal Treatment - Key Principles: A Hands-on Workshop
Ove A. Peters
Course #: 2370 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ove A. Peters
In order to manage non-surgical endodontic cases, clinicians need to follow key principles. These are appropriate access canal preparation, management of canal orifices and negotiation to patency. Another important aspect is glide path management, either with hand files or rotary instruments. This hands-on workshop utilizes 3D printed mandibular molars with complicated natural canal anatomy to practice these key steps. All canals will then be prepared with reciprocating instruments. The main focus of this program is the prevention of iatrogenic errors and consequently predictable clinical success.
Learn to:
understand the relevant steps in canal shaping
master canal negotiation and glide path preparation
Sponsored by Dentsply Sirona Endodontics
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Orthodontics Essays
Alexis K. Fermanis, Kenneth Cooperman, Whitney R. Mostafiz,
Course #: 2390 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Alexis K. Fermanis, Kenneth Cooperman, Whitney R. Mostafiz,
The Relationship between Orthodontics and Temporomandibular Disorder What is the connection between temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and orthodontics? The first goal is to answer several questions regarding TMD. What are some of the causes of TMD? Does orthodontic treatment lead to an increase in TMD symptoms? Are certain occlusal relationships more likely to develop TMD symptoms? Can we say that orthodontics can treat or prevent TMD? Some of the evidence to answer these questions is reviewed. The second goal of the program is to discuss some of the methods used to treat patients with TMD symptoms before, during, and after orthodontic treatment.
Kenneth Cooperman, D.M.D. (2:00-3:00)
Psychosocial Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment Does orthodontic treatment convey benefits beyond just creating a stable and harmonious occlusion? This essay is an investigation of the effects of orthodontics on self-esteem, self-perception, and how others perceive those who have had, and who have not had, orthodontic treatment. This exploration is being done while also examining the issues facing children with Medicaid in New York State. There are many children who have significant orthodontic treatment needs, but who are not eligible for orthodontic care under current state regulations. Can we predict how, because of the lack of access to orthodontic care, these children will fare in our increasingly competitive and demanding world? That answer requires a serious discussion.
Whitney R. Mostafiz, D.M.D., M.S. (3:00-4:00)
ABC’s of Interceptive Orthodontics This program reviews four interceptive orthodontic malocclusion categories. First, dental development abnormalities including traumatic occlusion/functional shifts, abnormal eruption patterns/dental impactions and severe crowding are reviewed. Second, facial growth modification which comprises transverse inadequacy: crossbites, adenoid facies “long face” syndrome, as well as skeletal malocclusions are discussed. Next this essay explores habit intervention, including thumb sucking, finger biting, and tongue thrusts. The program concludes with prevention: breastfeeding; diet/jaw growth; space maintenance and positioners; diagnosis of clinical conditions that require interceptive orthodontics; and sharing the treatment of modalities for different categories of interceptive orthodontics.
Experience the presentations from the winners of the Annual Colgate/HDA Nuestros Ninos Student Awards Program. This is a student focused award program that recognizes exceptional case studies from HSDA chapters that address oral health care issues, including prevention and oral care strategies for Hispanic children less than 18 years of age.
Sponsored by Hispanic Dental Association and Colgate
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Designing patients Experiences In Your Dental Office
Spanish Courses
Luis Daniel Aneyba
Course #: 2480 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis Daniel Aneyba
Learn how to become sensitive to your patient’s thoughts and feelings in this unique program. Understand the patient’s experiences while visiting your dental office. Learning from this information, we can develop experiences aligned to what our patients’ prefer. This program discusses new experience designs for your patient.
Learn to:
create new experience designs for your patients
raise awareness among dentists about patient profiles
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila
Spanish Courses
Jose Ignacio L. Aguilera, Ana Isabel A. Medina Silveyra, Maria del Mar Palacios Garza, Salma Gabriela Ramos Sanchez, Araceli D. Andrade Martinez,
Course #: 2490 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jose Ignacio L. Aguilera, Ana Isabel A. Medina Silveyra, Maria del Mar Palacios Garza, Salma Gabriela Ramos Sanchez, Araceli D. Andrade Martinez,
Ortodoncia Holistica Relación de la ortodoncia con las diferentes áreas tanto médicas como odontológicas. Sensibilizar a los demás médicos de la importancia de nuestra especialidad. Relacionar la odontología con la medicina.
Ana Isabel A. Medina Silveyra, D.D.S.
Regeneración Tisular Guiada de Defectos Periodontales Las terapias regenerativas tienen como objetivo mejorar la anatomía local, regenerando los tejidos periodontales mejorando de esta forma el pronóstico del diente. La regeneración tisular guiada o RTG es una técnica utilizada para la regeneración del tejido periodontal en los defectos interóseos y las áreas de lesión de la furca, causada por enfermedades periodontales que consiste en la aplicación quirúrgica de una membrana biocompatible, que funciona como material de barrera para aislar y proteger el defecto óseo. La regeneración periodontal se define como la regeneración del hueso alveolar, ligamento periodontal y cemento en una superficie radicular dañada por una enfermedad de tipo periodontal. Las barreras indicadas para ser utilizadas en la técnica de la RTG pueden ser elaboradas de diferentes materiales, como politetrafluoruroetileno expandido (ePTFE), ácido poliláctico, sulfato de calcio, ácido poliglicólico y colágeno.
María del Mar Palacios Garza, D.D.S.
Fibrotomía Supracrestal Circunferencial Post Ortodoncia Mantener los dientes en sus posiciones después del tratamiento ortodóncico es a menudo la parte más difícil de un plan de tratamiento. Los Ortodoncistas deben tener un conocimiento profundo de la etiología de la recidiva y estar familiarizados con diferentes métodos para reducirla. La Fibrotomía supracrestal es una técnica quirúrgica de tejido blando destinada a seccionar las fibras periodontales alrededor del cuello de los dientes. Al ser la fibrotomía supracrestal un procedimiento quirúrgico, por lo general se reserva para los dientes severamente rotados.
Salma Gabriela Ramos Sánchez, D.D.S.
Pacientes con Labio y Paladar Hendido Se conoce como “hendiduras orofaciales” al conjunto de defectos de nacimiento que se producen cuando el labio o la cavidad oral del bebé no se forman adecuadamente durante el embarazo, ocasionando la presencia de una fisura labial, palatina o labio – palatina. El manejo ortopédico del paciente puede variar de acuerdo a la gravedad de la hendidura, la edad, las necesidades dependiendo de la presencia de algún síndrome y otros defectos de nacimiento asociados. Es necesario conocer los procedimientos para brindar la atención y tratamientos necesarios desde el nacimiento. Se requiere de un equipo.
Araceli D. Andrade Martinez, D.D.S.
Recubrimiento pulpar directo con Biodentine En el diagnóstico de lesiones cariosas profundas y traumáticas pulpares en dientes primarios y/o permanentes, la terapia de pulpa vital se puede realizar clínicamente aplicando un material de cobertura directamente sobre el tejido de la pulpa para permitir la regeneración de la pulpa y dentina. Biodentine es un cemento de silicato de calcio que se introdujo como un material de “reemplazo de dentina”, es comparable con el MTA en términos de biocompatibilidad e inducción de una barrera calcificante con la mejora de varias propiedades como la mezcla, manejo tiempo de fraguado.
Sponsored by Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Torreon, Mexico
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Achieving Clinical Excellence Using Predictable and Reproducible Strategies and Orthodontic Appliances
Room: 1E09 Topic: Allied/ Specialty Groups Tuition: $35.00 Credits: 3
The ability to properly diagnose and treat orthodontic problems relies upon a number of interrelated concepts regrettably ignored at times by clinicians. This program focuses upon time honored concepts that contribute to successful orthodontic outcomes as well as new insights into long standing orthodontic problems. Several relatively new orthodontic devices are shown that dramatically improve upon existing devices intended to accomplish the same orthodontic goals. A few of these appliances include self-expanding palatal expanders and fixed lingual retainers that are fabricated robotically to significantly improve their adaptability.
the etiology of the Class II malocclusion is discussed as a key to successfully treating patients with Class II malocclusions
techniques to precisely position teeth with fixed appliances is demonstrated
Sponsored by the American Society for the Study of Orthodontics
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Perfil y Competencias para La Ortodoncia Basada en Disciplina Alexander
Spanish Courses
Jose Carlos Calva Lopez, Jorge Franco Chavez, Martha J. Cisneros, Nora Villegas,
Course #: 2520 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jose Carlos Calva Lopez, Jorge Franco Chavez, Martha J. Cisneros, Nora Villegas,
La Unión Europea (1999) firmaron la declaración de Bolonga, para converger y armonizar un mejor sistema educativo y establecer un currículo en término de estructuras, programas y enseñanza actual en orden de hacer estos más equiparables y lograr el perfil y competencias para los dentistas en la Unión Europea. Una competencia es la mezcla de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores como una respuesta integrada para las circunstancias encontradas en la práctica ortodóntica. Construir para la Disciplina Alexander (D.A.)las competencias, para incluirla en este sistema de educación global, y beneficiar a profesionales y pacientes que estén en tratamiento ortodóntico.
Courage and resilience can be developed while finding the clarity of purpose within your field. Courage and resilience are leadership “Drivers.” Developing your courage and resilience will increase your ability to implement vital leadership competencies which include decision making, influencer, engagement and collaboration.
Sponsored by Hispanic Dental Association and Colgate
2:30pm - 5:00pm
Advances and Innovations in Endodontics
Antonio Berto
Course #: 2450 Date: 11/24/2018 Time: 2:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Antonio Berto
Contemporary endodontics has seen an unprecedented advance in technology and materials. This program reviews some of the challenges and advances in the following sections: (1) endodontic imaging, (2) root canal preparation, (3) root canal disinfection, (4) root canal filling, and (4) regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs). Jointly, these advances are aimed at improving the state of the art and science of root canal treatment.
Sponsored by Hispanic Dental Association and DENTSPLY Sirona
John J. Vento, Eric Ploumis , Eric S. Studley, Robert Malandruccolo,
Course #: 3320 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 8:30am - 12:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John J. Vento, Eric Ploumis , Eric S. Studley, Robert Malandruccolo,
Room: 1E12 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 4
Receive personal comprehensive tax-smart wealth management advice, tailored specifically for dentists. With practical tips based on the most recent tax reform, draw a roadmap to your own “point X,” the point at which you stop working for your money, and your money starts working for you! Topics covered include: committing to living within your means, understanding taxes, determining your financial position, managing debt, insuring your health and life, protecting your property with insurance, paying for college, planning for retirement, managing your investments, and preserving your estate.
a financial roadmap to achieving their personal financial goals
to identify the 10 key wealth management issues
8:30am - 11:30pm
International Volunteer Projects- Start Your Adventure Here Download Handout
Francis G. Serio
Course #: 3350 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 8:30am - 11:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Francis G. Serio
This program gives participants a road map to getting involved in international volunteer projects. The seminar covers project availability, preparedness, comparison of service and teaching projects, and the nuts and bolts of volunteering. The clinician addresses these issues from his more than 37 years of involvement in international and domestic programs. There will also be a short overview of dental conditions around the world.
to identify why you are interested in volunteering and finding a “best fit” project
the nuts and bolts of volunteering including what to do and resources to support the project
Sponsored by the International College of Dentists
9:00am - 5:00pm
Orthodontic Treatment: Simplify Your Mechanics and Improve Your Results
Antonio Secchi
Course #: 3050 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Antonio Secchi
Treatment of Open Bites as well as Deep Overbites, extraction cases with crowding and or protrusion, as well as, Class II cases, sometimes can challenge our treatment mechanics in terms of treatment time, efficiency, and quality results. The management of arch perimeter, anchorage, and leveling the occlusal plane are some of the crucial factors to understand in treating these cases in a smooth fashion and to a good end. This seminar reviews one of the most intriguing topics, the treatment of impacted canines.
the most important factors to take into consideration in modern orthodontic treatment mechanics
the main aspects involved to uncover impacted canines
Sponsored by DENTSPLY Sirona
9:00am - 4:00pm
Invisalign Academy
$150.00 Doctor/$75.00 Auxiliary
Chiann Gibson , Frederic Poirier, Stephane Reinhardt, David Rodriquez, Ljiljana Hinton, David Galler,
Course #: 3150 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Chiann Gibson , Frederic Poirier, Stephane Reinhardt, David Rodriquez, Ljiljana Hinton, David Galler,
Keynote Address Frederic Poirier, D.M.D. and Stephane Reinhardt, D.M.D Create a Self-Driving Practice: The Team Approach to Invisalign and Digital Dentistry
10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Chiann Fan Gibson, D.M.D. The Complete Restorative Solution
10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Frederic Poirier, D.M.D. Invisalign Case Selection and Treatment Planning Strategies
11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Stephane Reinhardt, D.M.D. Step-by-Step Practice Growth for Invisalign Providers and Their Team
12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Lunch and Education Presentation David Rodriguez Invisalign and iTero Education to Grow Your Practice and Energize Your Team
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Ljiljana Hinton, R.R.H. The Hidden Benefits of Everyday Scanning
2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Break
2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. David Galler, D.M.D. Dentistry’s Digital Revolution, a Hands on Exercise for Doctor and Team
3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Chiann Gibson, D.M.D., Stephane Reinhardt, D.M.D., Frederic Poirier, D.M.D., David, Galler, D.M.D., R.D.H., Ljiljana Hinton, R.R.H. Putting it All Together Panel Discussion and Q&A ModeratOR: David Rodriguez, Director Professional Relations
Sponsored by Align Technologies
9:00am - 12:00pm
Como Desarrollar Una Practical Dental Con Invisalign - En Espanol Download Handout
Luis D. Camacho
Course #: 3170 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis D. Camacho
En la conferencia mostraremos ideas prácticas y sencillas de cómo se puede desarrollar una práctica dental utilizando Invisalign. ¡No te pierdas esta interesante y útil conferencia la cual te ayudara a aumentar tus casos de Invisalign de manera inmediata!
Se discutirán aspectos de diagnóstico y tratamiento y como utilizar Invisalign para tratar condiciones dentales comunes como problemas periodontales, desordenes de la articulación temporomandibular y como mejorar la estética dental
Utilizaremos un modelo simple y efectivo de explicar al paciente sobre Invisalign mediante el uso de todo el personal de la oficina; doctor, asistentes, coordinadoras e higienistas
Se discutirán modernas ideas de mercadeo utilizando medios sociales como Facebook, YouTube e Instragram. También se discutirán consejos útiles sobre cómo mejorar posiciones en Google y como conseguir mejores reviese
Se hará una demonstración de la utilización del iTero Element 2 scanner
Finalmente se podrán poner en practica algunas ideas mediante diálogos simulados entre los participantes de forma interactiva
Sponsored by Invisalign
9:00am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 3220 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:00am - 12:00pm
Digital Communications between the Doctor, the Patient, and the Lab Download Handout
Dental Laboratory
Peter Kouvaris, Dean Vafiadis, Mark Hartslier,
Course #: 3230 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Peter Kouvaris, Dean Vafiadis, Mark Hartslier,
This program discusses doctor and laboratory communications for predictable results. Digital smile design and temporization sequence are reviewed. This seminar explains all the steps of digital smile design and photography principles and techniques. Practice temporary tooth design and sculpting to achieve a natural result during the demonstration portion.
a better understanding of patients’ needs
predictability in final restoration outcome
Digital Technologies: Your Office to Lab-All Digital
CAD/CAM technology has the advantage of reduced clinical chair-time and reduced laboratory costs. The accuracy of these techniques has improved to the point where they are now comparable to conventional techniques. This presentation will review the current technology which allows the clinician in any specialty to deliver amazing results by digital communication with the laboratory. Ideal aesthetics and tissue preservation cannot be achieved seamlessly. In addition, anterior implant protocols will be reviewed and the use of CAD/CAM Provisionals for ideal tissue contour will be demonstrated. The fabrication of ceramic full coverage restorations and veneers, with an in-office technique, will also be demonstrated. Occlusion principles will be discussed as they relate to new materials and their application in private practice.
Have you ever wondered why, after prepping a second molar for a crown, the occlusal of the prep is in contact with the opposing tooth? Every time we alter the chewing surface of a tooth we impact the entire stomatognathic system. Often the patient adapts to these changes. But when they don’t it can jeopardize the restoration, the other teeth, and can cost us the patient’s trust, not to mention our time. In this program, explore the challenges of occlusion we face, as dentists in a restorative practice, and how we can utilize this information to make our dentistry more predictable.
The speaker dives into how to setup a sleep apnea program in your dental practice. This engaging and informative session will draw on the speaker’s extensive experience helping dental practices across the country setup successful sleep practices.
the need for Dental Sleep Medicine
DSM education
to understand the team approach and why team buy-in is key to success
Relevant and practical endodontic topics are presented to help GPs perform better root canals with less stress. Honest tips and tricks are presented to help you perform faster and safer root canals. Topics include endo diagnosis, anesthesia, access preparations, instrumentation, obturation, analgesics and antibiotics and one vs. two step treatments. This engaging program is tailored to novice and experienced GPs, is very informative, easy to follow and clinically relevant. Various cases are presented along with HD and 3D videos to highlight key points.
how to access teeth, locate canals (including MB2), instrument curved and calcified canals and obturate with fewer steps and one vs. two step endo
how to anesthetize hot teeth, medicate canals, prevent perforations and file fractures, reduce post-op pain and what analgesics and antibiotics to use
Sponsored by Dentsply Sirona Endodontics
9:00am - 12:00pm
Infection Control in Practice: New York State Course
Infection Control
Jessica Wilson
Course #: 3280 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jessica Wilson
Room: 1E19 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 3
This program reviews the application of IC principles to create and maintain a safe environment for patient care in the dental practice setting. The program also reviews the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard for dental healthcare workers. This unique presentation is also approved by the New York State DOH and follows the CDC Guidelines for infection control and patient safety.
scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection control in the dental practice
how infection control concepts for cleaning, disinfection, sterilization and barrier protection are applied in professional practice
how bloodborne pathogens may be transmitted in the work environment and apply work practice controls to reduce opportunity for exposure of potentially infectious materials
Spit tobacco, snuff, hookah pipes, electronic cigarettes, and heat-not-burn cigarettes have been promoted as “safe” alternatives to cigarette smoking. All have unintended consequences when employed as a risk reduction strategy. This program is designed to provide dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants with contemporary information regarding the risks of using such products. Emphasis is placed on information that can be shared with patients on the risks associated with smokeless tobacco, snuff, hookah pipes, e-cigarettes, and smoke-not-burn cigarettes.
the role of tobacco in the etiology of oral cancer
the unintended consequences of cigarette alternatives
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Complete Health Dental Business Model: Doing Well While Doing Good Download Handout
Practice Management
Gary Kadi
Course #: 3300 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gary Kadi
Room: 1E14 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
This seminar discusses the five steps that every successful dental team does with each patient on every visit. Adapting complete health into your practice results in a consistent, one-of-a-kind patient experience that increases referrals and garners 5 star reviews. Successfully integrate all modalities under a singular patient centric value proposition. Learn to align your team to a common purpose and how to eliminate the 90 percent of the daily recurring challenges of everyday practice at their source.
to ethically create the $2 Million+ preeminent go-to practice in your community
to paradigm shift your new patient focus to patient retention and case acceptance excellence
Room: 1E08 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
9:00am - 12:00pm
Preparing for Ownership
Practice Management
Jim Baum, David Goodman,
Course #: 3340 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jim Baum, David Goodman,
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
If you think practice ownership is beyond reach, think again. Not only is buying or starting your own practice possible; the opportunities, and financial implications, are greater than ever. Understand how to set goals, manage your financial profile and recognize your practice personality to know if start up or acquisition is the right path for you.
Learn to:
articulate your practice personality
define your path
develop a roadmap for achieving your goal
Sponsored by Wells Fargo Practice Finance
9:00am - 12:00pm
Top 7 Marketing Strategies for Private Practice Acquisitions and Multi-Location Strategies
Practice Management
Brady Frank
Course #: 3360 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Brady Frank
Room: 2D16 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Over the past 17 years, the clincian has utilized over 100 different strategies and media to market the private practice of dentistry. The top seven strategies and media are reviewed in an in-depth exploration into how to attract quality new patients if you are adding a new dentist to your practice, acquiring another location, or starting your first practice. Some old myths are dispelled along with a detailed view of what techniques the large DSOs are using to rapidly increase new patient flow.
Learn to:
reduce your cost to acquire a new patient
bring life to a plateaued practice through tasteful and effective marketing campaigns
discern which marketing techniques are most effective for your specific geographical area
Room: 1E15 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
This interactive presentation educates Dental office members on the most effective ways to market themselves online using a variety of Social Media sites. Explore platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. Leveraging the power of Internet commercials, review sites and blogs are covered. Coupled with a solid strategy and tenacious execution, Social Media is a game-changer for Dental offices. Participants learn how to maintain an online conversation that is fresh, relevant and targeted for the right audience.
what type of Social Media content works best and how to encourage engagement through video, contests and Facebook advertising
to create a more dynamic and unique online presence, while improving page rank and conversion on Google
Sponsored by Solution Reach
9:00am - 12:00pm
Battling and Beating the Demons of Dental Assisting
Dental Assistants
Kevin Henry
Course #: 3390 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Kevin Henry
Every day, dental assistants face a variety of challenges in their job. How those challenges are met can affect the professional and personal lives of these valuable team members. In this fast-moving and interactive course, dental assistants will learn how to identify the issues that can “get under their skin” and how to deal with them. We’ll explore the typical dental assistant’s four main job-related concerns and identify steps to embracing one’s own potential and leadership mindset. Additionally, dental assistants learn why they are a key part of the dental practice’s success.
to identify on-the-job challenges that could affect performance and happiness
the steps that can be taken to minimize the effects of those challenges
Sponsored by CareCredit and RevenueWall
9:00am - 12:00pm
Documenting Your Best – Protecting and Presenting Your Career Download Handout
Dental professionals should utilize ADPIED: Assess, Diagnosis, Plan, Implement, Evaluate and Document. Documentation represents a history of the patient’s care and treatment. This program reviews steps that can be applied to documenting clinical information. A similar process can be used in presenting yourself to potential employers. You never get a second chance if your patient records are audited plus you never get a second chance to make a good first employer impression.
The Hygienists’ Hospitality Suite is located in Rooms 2D12 and 2D13 and is open Sunday through Wednesday from 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. This program is presented by the Dental Hygienists’ Association of the City of New York, Inc., a component of the Dental Hygienists’ Association of the State of New York and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
Please note: These programs are approved for credit by the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, Inc. These programs are recommended for the entire dental team.
Sponsored by Dental Hygienists' Association of the City of New York, Inc.
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc K. Reilly
Course #: 3530 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc K. Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Sponsored by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pediatric Dentistry Essays
Pediatric Dentistry
Ioanna Mentzelopoulou, Glen Shanock, Louis Siegelman,
Course #: 3670 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ioanna Mentzelopoulou, Glen Shanock, Louis Siegelman,
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) Silver diamine fluoride is a topical medicament used to treat and prevent dental caries and relieve dentinal hypersensitivity. It offers the possibility to arrest the cariogenic process even if cavitations are present and extend through the tooth’s enamel layer. SDF has been featured in many mass media outlets including the New York Times, to educate the general population on how it is an alternative to the traditional restorative caries treatment. Learn how to incorporate SDF into your dental practice in an effective and non-invasive manner and learn how to diagnose cases that will benefit from treatment.
Glen Shanock (10:00 – 11:00)
Laser Usages for Pediatric Dental Procedures
How the progression of dental technology allows dentists to work more efficiently and less stress for the patients. Most important, is the use of lasers helps us work with minimal tooth destruction and soft tissue treatments with constant results with none to minimal discomfort for the patient. Why you should consider incorporating lasers in your practice. Understanding why Lasers treatments should be part offered to your patients.
Louis Siegelman, D.D.S., M.B.A. (11:00 – 12:00)
Enlightened Approach to Pediatric Sedation and Anesthesia Sedating and anesthetizing children for dental procedures requires knowledge, skill, and finesse. How can we increase our success, safety, and parental satisfaction? What techniques gleaned from over thirty years, and thousands of cases can be learned from practice based evidence? How can we use natural behavioral processes and ques to enhance our care? Learn to sedate children and induce general anesthesia smoothly. Add new tips and techniques to your repertoire as pediatric dentists and dentist anesthesiologists.
Dashel Carr, Luis D. Contereras, David A. Hernández, Roberto V. Betancourt,
Course #: 3710 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Dashel Carr, Luis D. Contereras, David A. Hernández, Roberto V. Betancourt,
Consideraciones Quirúrgicas en la Colocación de Implantes en la Zona Estética
La colocación y rehabilitación de implantes en la zona de maxila anterior representa un reto debido a las exigencias estéticas de los paciente. En esta charla se presenta protocolos quirúrgicos, basados en él la evidencia científica, para lograr obtener resultados estéticos predecibles.
Luis D. Contreras, D.D.S.
Tercero Molares Métodos Que Facilitan la Extracción La Inclusión ósea de los terceras molares, es un problema que se presenta con frecuencia devido al apiñamiento dental que esta provoca, dando alteraciones estéticas y funciones que nos obligan a realizar tencias quirúrgica que permitan su eliminación de manera traumática para brindar menos complicaciones post quiragras nuestros pacientes.
David A. Hernández, D.D.S.
Rehabilitación de Implantes con Resina Sugerir como tratamiento alternativo a la restauración de implantes coronas hechas en Resina (Composite) con los posibles beneficios: Preservación del antagonista. Ayudar a reducir pérdida ósea reduciendo fuerzas oclusales. Reducir costos Mostrando casos clínicos en diferentes situaciones clínicas
Roberto V. Betancourt, D.D.S., D.M.S.
Tratamiento de Mordida Abierta con Ortodoncia Tratamiento de la mordida abierta desde la etapas ortopédicas hasta la compensación con técnicas modernas controlando el plano colosal por medio de (micro tornillos) para cierre de mordida abierta en pacientes adultos. y comparación de cambios cefalométricos y dentro alveolares. Palabra clave: instrucción molar, control vertical (micro tornillos) y cierre de mordidas abiertas en adultos.
9:00am - 12:00am
Infusing an Entrepreneurial Mindset into the Dental Practice/ The New Dentist and The Business of Dentistry
Current Dental Topics
Rob Herndon, Gary Schoeniger, Jennifer M. de St. Georges,
Course #: 3730 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rob Herndon, Gary Schoeniger, Jennifer M. de St. Georges,
Room: South Concourse Room #1 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $40.00 Credits: 3
Healthcare Executive Development Academy (HEDA)New Dentist/Student Program - Infusing an Entrepreneurial Mindset into the Dental Practice Today’s world requires everyone to be more innovative and entrepreneurial regardless of their chosen field, including dentistry. An entrepreneurial culture can mean the difference between a practice that flourishes and one that stagnates and falls behind.
An entrepreneurial mindset in dentistry allows the practice owner to become an active problem solver, opportunity finder, and adaptable individual who is empowered to make a greater contribution to their practice and profession. Guided by leading experts, participants in this professional development workshop will understand the key constructs behind the entrepreneurial mindset and how the entrepreneurial process can engage individuals to take ownership of their work and learning while driving innovation.
to redefine entrepreneurship in a way that is both relevant and broadly accessible
to understand the fundamental components of an entrepreneurial mindset
to identify the underlying factors, both within the person and the situation, that encourage or inhibit entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviors, and skills
how the entrepreneurial process promotes creativity, critical thinking, effective problem solving, teamwork and other entrepreneurial skills
Healthcare Executive Development Academy (HEDA) New Dentist/Student Program - The New Dentist and the Business of Dentistry: Tools, Tips, andTechniques to Increase Effectiveness and Reduce Stress! The business of dentistry is divided into three very specific management areas: team, patient and business. Whether you are an owner or an associate, this program delivers solutions focusing on: 1-team: the 3 Step Plan to elevate team morale and effectiveness; 2-patient: Patients say ‘yes’ to your clinical recommendations when they believe in you. The clinician’s approach to Doctor/Patient communication makes things happen! 3-business: Running a business is much more than ‘knowing the numbers’.
outstanding hiring and staff management techniques; reduce turnover
enhanced communication skills to increase treatment acceptance
to create a structure to bring balance between one’s clinical schedule and business needs
9:00am - 11:00am
TMJ and Orofacial Disorders in Dental Practice: Innovations in Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Room: South Concourse Room #2 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $40.00 Credits: 2
This course focuses on TMJ and Orofacial Pain patterns that can mimic dental pain and complicate post-operative healing. These disorders can present a clinical and patient management challenge if they are not recognized. This discussion sequentially presents a paradigm for the recognition, diagnosis and management of these disorders. This information is essential to all dental disciplines.
an overview of non-odontogenic pain
nociceptive versus neuropathic pain
about pain due to systemic inflammatory conditions
to identify diagnostic flags
the treatment of patient with fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain and autoimmune disorders
Sponsored by the Hispanic Dental Association
9:00am - 12:00pm
Asociacion Dental Mexicana
Spanish Courses
Jose Luis Castellanos
Course #: 3850 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jose Luis Castellanos
La fisiopatogenia y la cronicidad de la Periodontitis (respuesta local) permiten la aparición en el resto del organismo de diversos mediadores biológicos pro-inflamatorios (respuesta sistémica), que se pueden sumar de manera sinérgica a procesos inflamatorios distantes preestablecidos. Por este potencial mecanismo es posible observar efectos adversos de bio-inductores generados en los tejidos periodontales que afectan condiciones fisiológicas como embarazo, y agravan estados cardiovasculares (ateroesclerosis); metabólicos (síndrome metabólicos y diabetes) e inmunopatológicos (artritis reumatoide). Será presentada y discutida la significativa participación del dentista, en el manejo médico de este tipo de padecimientos.
Sponsored by Asociacion Dental Mexicana
9:00am - 12:00pm
American Society for Dental Aesthetics
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Esthetic Dentistry
Marvin A. Fier
Course #: 3890 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marvin A. Fier
The use of dental implant surgical guides is becoming routine dues to the benefits of reduced surgical time, improved prosthetic outcomes and reduced costs. This program covers several workflows for designing and fabricating surgical guides for a variety of clinical presentations from single tooth to fully edentulous patients. Software workflows are demonstrated and several 3D printers are discussed for in office fabrication.
to understand workflows and required data or each clinical scenario
the various software and hardware options for in office surgical guides
Sponsored by International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Implant dentistry has been gaining popularity in everyday dentistry. Most general practitioners are now restoring implants and doing the surgery as well. However, there is a big concern when it comes to managing immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone. Growing awareness and need for immediate restoration after tooth extraction often requires special considerations for optimal results. In addition, innovative implant designs are discussed with their clinical application. This hands-on program has been designed specifically for general dentists that wish to perform immediate implant placements and restorations in the maxillary anterior region. In this unique hands-on workshop, basic anatomy, implant design, surgical principles as well as tissue biology pertaining to immediate implant supported restorations are reviewed.
principles of immediate placement interior maxillary region
provisionalization for immediate placement
Sponsored by Bio-Dent Inc.
9:45am - 12:45pm
The Art of Perinatal, Infant Oral Care
Pediatric Dentistry
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
Course #: 3060 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
In general, there is an increasing trend toward providing dental care to children before the age of three. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Association of Pediatrics currently recommend that children receive their first initial dental evaluation within the first year of life. This change in attitude allows for early dental intervention with pregnant women, infants and parents to determine a risk status based on parental information. Dentists are able to perform a screening risk assessment and examination of infants’ mouths. Early care provides an opportunity to educate and inform parents about their children’s oral health. Anticipatory guidance/counseling for children’s dental health is an important part of preventive care, and may be the most effective way to prevent problems that traditional infectious-disease surgical models have failed to address, such as early childhood caries (ECC). The use of anti-bacterials and remineralizing treatments like fluoride varnish have proven to be effective prevention strategies in reducing ECC incidence in young children.
why pregnancy provides a unique opportunity to provide oral health interventions for women and their infants
evidence-based practice on protocols on the standard of care for pregnant women
the impact of maternal oral health on oral disease status in families
Sponsored by 3M Oral Care
9:45am - 12:45pm
Practical Restorative Procedures for Children: Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold I. Weiss
Course #: 3080 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arnold I. Weiss
This program includes lectures, video, and hands-on preparation of Class II composites to pulp therapy including pulpotomies and stainless steel crowns. With more children being covered by the Affordable Care Act and dental insurances, every practitioner needs to know how to care for children effectively. In this hands-on workshop, participants learn how to prepare primary teeth and will prepare a Class II composite, a pulpotomy, and a stainless steel crown on primary typodont teeth. The attendees learn from tips and secrets from giving local anesthesia, managing children, and isolating and preparing primary teeth in ways that you were never taught in dental school.
to gain better ability in managing restorative care
the ability to care for children more effectively
9:45am - 11:30am
State of the Art Indirect Restorative Dentistry – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
Ron Kaminer, Lou Graham,
Course #: 3100 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 11:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ron Kaminer, Lou Graham,
As dentistry continues its blending of CAD/CAM with today’s restorative materials, the attendees will see how the presenters blend these technologies and materials into their everyday general dentistry clinical procedures. From treatment planning and decision making to actual case and material selection, it’s all about what is best for the patient. Part 1 of this 2 day “live” presentation will focus on lifelike indirect composites that fill the void when traditional composites will not offer a long lasting solution and crowns simply remove and move to the remaining tooth. This “live” demonstration will follow the adage, less is more.
to understand the expanding role of indirect composites and how they add to the decision making between direct composites and crowns
digital impressions: yes they’re fast and east, but they provide you far more information than just an impression
temporization: quick pearls on techniques and materials
cementation: adhesive cements and the 1-2-3 approach to onlay cementation and avoiding the hassles of cement removal
Sponsored by VOCO America
9:45am - 12:45pm
Incorporating Digital Technology into Everyday Practice
David M. Juliani
Course #: 3130 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David M. Juliani
Digital workflows enhance all clinical procedures from diagnosis, to planning, to provisional prosthesis design and fabrication, and to final restorations. This program provides an exciting overview of current materials and processes for the fabrication of quality and esthetic dental restorations. Innovative digital technologies along with a clinical workflow to enhance everyday practice are discussed.
Learn to:
understand the latest in digital technologies and milling times
identify system workflow and integration between intraoral scanning systems and CAD/CAM milling machines
Direct anterior composite restorations are a day-to-day treatment modality. This seminar takes the clinician to the next level in the aesthetic use of these materials. It demonstrates how to create a composite veneer that rivals porcelain. Attendees learn a simple three shade technique to achieve a highly aesthetic restoration.
basic smile design principles
how to simply create natural surface anatomy in your anterior restorations
how to achieve perfect line angles and perfect embrasures on every restoration
Sponsored by Sure Business Logic
This program offers Spanish translation using headsets
9:45am - 12:45pm
Modern Endodontics: Biologic with the Final Restoration in Mind
Martin Trope
Course #: 3540 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Martin Trope
The basic requirements for endodontic success have not changed but technological advances now allow us to achieve these biological requirements without unnecessarily removing dentin and weakening the tooth.
This course presents, explain and demonstrate a new technology (expendo file) that allows superior cleaning in all dimensions of the canal with minimal removal of unnecessary dentin. The canal is then filled with a bonded bioceramic material that both seals and strengthens the root. The tooth can then be restored on a biologically and structurally sound foundation.
scout files for pathfinding
expendo files to clean canals in all dimensions
bioceramic bonded root canal filling materials
Sponsored Brassler
9:45am - 12:45pm
All Tissue CO2 Laser Dentistry
Laser Dentistry
Andrew M. Spector
Course #: 3550 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Andrew M. Spector
Less needles, less drilling, less numbing and less bleeding – lasers in dentistry are quickly becoming the new standard of care due to their exceptional clinical performance and their impact on the patient experience. Integrate Solea, a 9.3 µm CO2 all-tissue laser, into your practice to become more efficient, give patients an unparalleled dental experience and differentiate your practice from the competition. Solea achieves this through its profound analgesic effect for hard tissue procedures and virtually bloodless soft tissue performance. This hands-on workshop discusses the laser’s underlying technology, how to successfully integrate Solea and the dramatic effect it has on your practice. Learn from actual clinical cases using pig jaws and extracted teeth to utilize this remarkable all-tissue laser.
Learn to:
understand the benefits of anesthesia-free and blood-free dentistry
properly integrate a 9.3 µm CO2 laser into your practice
review clinical cases and complete hands-on training using a 9.3 µm CO2 laser
Sponsored by Convergent Dental, Inc.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Sleep, Orthodontics, and Implants: How to Implement Three Simple Workflows That Power the Most Profitable Practices
Practice Management
Sam Bollwinkel
Course #: 3560 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Sam Bollwinkel
Dental practices across the country face similar challenges: more competition, more demanding patients, and decreasing profit margins. To succeed in this environment, doctors are turning to new procedures that can unlock additional revenue streams and differentiate their practice. Sleep, orthodontics, and implants are three such areas that, with advances in digital impressioning and 3D imaging, are easier than ever to implement.
about the specific sleep, orthodontics and implant procedures that can drive revenue
how to implement these processes and the technology that makes these treatments possible
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental
9:45am - 12:45pm
Restoring Worn Anterior Teeth with Composite: A Conservative Technique for Long-lasting Function
This hands-on workshop is aimed at the dentist who wants to offer a more practical and affordable option to patients who traditionally would have porcelain restorations to add incisal length to small or worn teeth. This experience immediately improves traditional resin restorations and demonstrates how to use composite in situations typically only done in porcelain. Participants complete their own composite restoration featuring one of the most common situations: making a worn tooth longer to look and function better.
a step-by-step procedure for lengthening a tooth to build or restore anterior guidance while achieving natural beauty in a composite restoration with little or no prep
to build functional incisal anatomy using a practical template technique (i.e. a putty index)
to understand how composite materials are handled for results that will look great for years
a polishing technique for an incredibly natural finish
Sponsored by 3M Oral Care
9:45am - 12:45pm
Bone Grafting Hands-on Workshop
Jim C. Grisdale
Course #: 3580 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jim C. Grisdale
Prevention of alveolar bone loss and maintenance of alveolar bone structure are mandatory for long term stability of conventional or implant-supported prosthetic replacements. This workshop emphasizes the technical aspects of ridge preservation and augmentation in addition to the practical aspects of presenting and preparing cases. Today’s new generation of materials will work predictably in many defects. This hands-on workshop discusses contemporary grafting materials as well as types of defects the clinician can predictably fill. The indications and use of membranes are also covered. This course applies to all dentists placing and/or restoring implants, fixed bridge work, and removeable prostheses.
diagnosis and treatment planning for socket preservation and ridge augmentation
the criteria to select the appropriate grafting material and how to select and work with different membranes
Sponsored by DENTSPLY Sirona Endodontics
9:45am - 12:45pm
Efficient Veneer Planning and Temporization
Restorative Dentistry
Mark Kleive
Course #: 3590 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mark Kleive
In this hands-on workshop, use an efficient step-by-step approach to esthetics and function to plan and sequence a complex anterior case with veneer restorations with particular attention paid to efficient and lasting temporization. A ‘Snap-on Trial Smile’ is discussed and a composite mock-up is generated to demonstrate the proposed incisal edge and gingival positions.
Learn to:
master step-by-step esthetic design
maximize the quality of veneer temporaries
Sponsored by GC America
9:45am - 5:00pm
Pre-Dental Conference
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 3880 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Room: Exhibit Floor Room #6418 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: X
10:00am - 12:00pm
Un-Break My Heart: Hypertension
Thomas A. Viola
Course #: 3690 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Thomas A. Viola
Hypertension remains one of the major risk factors for heart failure in men and women. It is often asymptomatic, and many times may only be discovered at a routine check-up with a medical or dental professional. This program provides an overview of cardiovascular disease and the medications used in its treatment. Using case scenarios, special emphasis is given to developing patient management strategies essential for successful treatment planning and proper care of our medically complex dental patients.
the family of cardiovascular diseases and the complex interplay with systemic inflammation and co-morbid diseases
the treatment modifications and care planning strategies recommended for dental patients with cardiovascular disease
10:00am - 2:00pm
Scientific Poster Presentations
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 3840 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Room: Front of Special Event hall Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 1
11:00am - 12:00pm
Get to Know the HDA Foundation: Updates and Projects
Room: South Concourse Room #2 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: X
Join members of the HDA Foundation Board of Directors as they share where they have been and where they are going. There will be an interactive discussion between HDA Foundation Board members and the audience.
updates on HDA Foundation activities
about future directions for the HDA Foundation
Sponsored by the Hispanic Dental Association
12:00pm - 1:30pm
International College of Dentistry
Current Dental Topics
Donald Tannebaum
Course #: 3660 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Donald Tannebaum
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 2
Annual Luncheon & Seminar Meeting
Orofacial and TMD Pain: Are They Peripheral or Central Pain Problems?
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Town Hall Meeting
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 3810 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Room: South Concourse Room #2 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: X
12:30pm - 5:00pm
Balancing Audits and Accountability as a Medicaid Provider
Allen L. Finkelstein, Robert Blashka, Ann Weeks, Margaret Surowka Rossi, Patricia M. Hanlon, Steven Backer, Michele Griguts, Ian Lerner,
Course #: 3470 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 12:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Allen L. Finkelstein, Robert Blashka, Ann Weeks, Margaret Surowka Rossi, Patricia M. Hanlon, Steven Backer, Michele Griguts, Ian Lerner,
Allen L. Finkelstein, D.D.S., CEO of Bedford Healthcare Solutions
Margaret Surowka Rossi, Esq., Medicaid Defense Counsel, Barclay and Damon, LLP
Robert Blashka, D.D.S., Dental Advisor, Clinical Leadership Council, DentaQuest
Ann Weeks, President Of the Northeast Region, Liberty Dental Plan
Patricia M. Hanlon, D.M.D., Chairperson, NYSDA Special Medicaid Committee
Steven Backer, D.D.S., Former Dental Director, Urban Dental Management
Michele Griguts, D.D.S., Dental Director, Division of Program Development and Management Office of Health Insurance Programs, NYSDOH
As small business owners, who desire less government interference and more government accountability, dentists walk a fine line as audits are a reasonable expectation when both federal and state funds are being expended. It doesn’t help that the actions of a handful of grossly fraudulent practitioners cast all Medicaid providers in a harsh, unflattering light.
These short presentations stimulates discussions and takes a positive approach to helping current and future Medicaid providers place themselves in a healthier situation. Learn the best ways to routinely document the medical necessity of “why.” Let the clinicians help you take the right actions on behalf of these Medicaid-eligible individuals.
Unlike previous Annual Medicaid Forums, the time devoted to presentations is dramatically shortened and the panel discussion between presenters and the audience is lengthened. We understand you have a lot of questions and need information as to what are the best Medicaid business practices that you can offer.
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Functional Therapy for Kids with Airway Problems/The TAP System
Sleep Apnea
Jill Ombrello, Paul M. McLornan,
Course #: 3265 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jill Ombrello, Paul M. McLornan,
Pediatric Sleep, Breathing and Airway Disorders: Recognizing the Outward Symptoms, Evaluating and Treating the Underlying Root Causes
Sleep-related Breathing Disorders; a silent epidemic affecting 9 out of 10 children is often ignored and many times misdiagnosed but manifests itself in outward symptoms such as ADD/ADHD, Allergies, Snoring, Mouth Breathing and more. Dental professionals are the first line in identifying young patients at risk. It is the dentist’s responsibility to screen, identify, evaluate and treat. Every child deserves a HealthyStart and can with a three-dimensional type of oral appliance therapy.
Learn: •about Sleep-related Breathing Disorders and how to screen •to uncover pediatric airway health issues using tools available to identify and determine the degree of severity of outward symptoms •the relationship between Sleep-related Breathing Disorders, early childhood growth and development, jaw development, arch expansion, creating proper and eliminating improper oral habits
Paul M. McLornan, D.D.S., M.S. 3:00 – 5:00PM
The TAP System: An Overnight Sensation 20 Years in the Making In 1994, Dr. Keith Thornton developed a simple but highly effective oral appliance to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Based on the basic EMT airway management technique of jaw thrust, the appliance was a single point, adjustable mandibular advancement device, the TAP 1. Fast forward to today, the TAP appliances are now in the 5th generation, with more than 500,000 devices placed. With over 39 peer reviewed studies detailing the efficacy and high compliance of the devices, the TAP brand is trusted by Clinicians worldwide.
why the TAP appliances are the lowest risk, highest rated devices available
how you can treat the entire range of sleep disordered breathing
why the VA, Medicare, US Army, Air Force and Navy choose TAP
Sponsored by
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Management of Dental Risk and Liability
Risk Management
Anthony E. Chillura
Course #: 3490 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Anthony E. Chillura
This seminar provides the latest information and trends in the management of dental liability and risk. It provides the best protocols and processes that can be incorporated into daily practice to mitigate and control such risks. By following these protocols, the likelihood of adverse events, unanticipated results, and unmet patient expectations are greatly reduced.
Learn to:
prevent claims and litigation
provide information for a safer and stress reduced dental practice
Practice Management/Risk Disclaimer This program is not intended as legal advice. The sponsor has found that the use of such information/forms contained in this program reduces the risk of medical malpractice claims and/or improves the practice process.
Dentists who complete this course are eligible for a risk management credit on their liability premiums with Professional Protector Plan (PPP). You are encouraged to check with your carrier concerning the availability of any discount. If you have not completed an approved Risk Management program within the past three years, it is necessary for you to take this course in order to continue to receive your discount. At the end of this course you will receive your certificate of completion for your records and to submit to your malpractice carrier.
1:00pm - 2:30pm
P & G “Orgullo Event” - Presentation and Awards Ceremony
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 3750 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Room: South Concourse Room #1 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 2
Join Hispanic Student Dental Association members from chapters around the country as they present videos that they have written and produced on areas of prevention. Experience their passion for what they see as critical in the future of dental health.
Sponsored by Crest + Oral B
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Successful Options for In-Office Whitening – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Tooth whitening has become easy, rewarding and profitable. In this “Live” presentation, the different systems on the market are reviewed. The pros and cons of bleaching is discussed as well as the use of different light sources to speed up the whitening process. Issues of sensitivity, mechanism of action and longevity are reviewed. Materials in this program will rely on scientific evidence from literature and clinical experiences. This course will include a “live” patient whitening so you can see the results in real time.
the science behind tooth whitening
different whitening systems and see live whitening treatment results
the best whitening options for different situations and patients.
Sponsored by Philips Sonicare & Zoom Whitening
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Hurts So...Good!: Managing Acute Dental Pain, Opiod Analgesics and Clinicial Implications for Dental Professsionals Download Handout
Thomas A. Viola
Course #: 3420 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Thomas A. Viola
Pain is often both a motivator and de-motivator for patients to seek dental treatment. It is critical for dental professionals to develop pain management plans that are individualized for our patients. This program provides an overview of the effective management of acute dental pain with opioid and non-opioid analgesics.
The Hygienists’ Hospitality Suite is located in Rooms 2D12 and 2D13 and is open Sunday through Wednesday from 10:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. This program is presented by the Dental Hygienists’ Association of the City of New York, Inc., a component of the Dental Hygienists’ Association of the State of New York and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
Please note: These programs are approved for credit by the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, Inc. These programs are recommended for the entire dental team.
Sponsored by Dental Hygienists' Association of the City of New York, Inc.and Colgate
1:30pm - 5:30pm
Creating a Financially Successful Dental Practice Download Handout
Practice Management
John J. Vento, Eric Ploumis , Eric S. Studley, Chad Widensky,
Course #: 3480 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
John J. Vento, Eric Ploumis , Eric S. Studley, Chad Widensky,
Room: 1E12 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 4
Establishing and maintaining a dental practice can put you on the path to financial independence. Obtain expert advice on how to set up your practice to maximize your financial success. What is your dental practice worth, and how can you maximize its value? Topics covered include: proper entity choice, hiring staff, and choosing the right retirement plan. Learn the latest tax saving strategies to minimize your tax liability under the new law so that you can keep more of what you make. Create a financial action plan for the success of your dental practice.
to establish and maintain a financially successful dental practice
how to implement tax-saving strategies so you can keep more of what you make
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Bone Management: New Technologies and Treatment Modalities in Dentistry
Bone management is one of the key determinants to achieving success in implant dentistry. When there is inadequate bone, regenerative surgical procedures become necessary to change bone morphology and/or grow bone to accommodate implant placement. This program highlights how to manipulate bone successfully and grow bone through guided bone regeneration (GBR), ridge split/expansion procedures and block grafting.
general considerations and principles for optimal bone manipulation
indications and contra-indications for different bone augmentation techniques
Sponsored by Biomet 3i
2:00pm - 5:00pm
In Office Fabrication Using 3D Printing: Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Rick Feguson
Course #: 3040 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rick Feguson
Low cost 3D printers are now available for the fabrication of dental appliances including surgical guides, bite splints, clear aligners and dental models. This hands-on workshop covers the software processing, printer requirements and materials. The hands-on portion includes the technical aspects of 3D printing. Several 3D printers are available for technical training.
to understand the current practical applications of 3D printers in the dental practice
familiarity with the technical steps of 3D printing
Sponsored by International Congress of Oral Implantologists
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Infant Oral Care Model and Minimally Invasive Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
Course #: 3070 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
The model of anticipatory care guidance is valuable for general dentists and dental auxiliaries because its emphasis is preventive rather than restorative care. A comprehensive perinatal and infant oral care program utilizes risk assessments at regularly scheduled dental visits; counseling sessions with parents during either regular dental visits or additional visits scheduled if a child is deemed at risk; preventive treatment such as the application of fluoride varnish or sealants; and, outreach and incentives to reinforce attendance. Combination therapy approach of Calcium Phosphate and Fluoride targeting young children and their caregivers, as well as, targeted outreach to pregnant women through prenatal programs also effectively improves infant oral health. Facilitating access to early and regular dental care is a crucial part of any effective intervention strategy with intervention techniques tailored to the community being served.
evidence-based practice on protocols on the standard of care for infants and toddlers in the USA
the appropriate use of anticipatory guidance for dental health services for young children and use of self-management goals for parents and caregivers
periodicity scale related to risk assessment, clinical status, salivary markers and behavioral home strategies and interventions on the prevention of Early Childhood Caries (ECC)
Sponsored by 3M Oral Care
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Practical Restorative Procedures for Children: Hands-on Workshop
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold I. Weiss
Course #: 3090 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arnold I. Weiss
This program includes lectures, video, and a hands-on preparation of Class II composites and pulp therapy including pulpotomies and stainless steel crowns. With more and more children being covered by the Affordable Care Act and dental insurances, every practitioner needs to know how to care for children effectively. In this hands-on workshop, participants learn how to prepare primary teeth and will prepare a Class II composite, a pulpotomy, and a stainless steel crown on primary typodont teeth. The attendees learn from tips and secrets from giving local anesthesia, managing children, and isolating and preparing primary teeth in ways that you were never taught in dental school.
to gain better ability in managing restorative care
the ability to care for children more effectively
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Dental Materials for the Digital World
David M. Juliani
Course #: 3140 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David M. Juliani
The synergistic interaction between modern material systems, digital technologies and software developments has propelled enormous advancements in dentistry. Applications of the latest developments in materials systems such as Zirconia and glass ceramics are presented. This program highlights the restorative materials available and the digital processes in which to produce optimal quality and esthetics.
the differences in restorative material options along with the ideal application of each material
how the digital workflow can be used to efficiently design and fabricate quality restorations
Room: 1E15 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
This fun and interactive presentation will help dental offices truly understand the power of online video. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and video is considered the heaviest form of multimedia content. These are all reasons to start producing video content for your dental office marketing campaign. We’ll explore the importance of lighting, sound, framing, and editing. You’ll learn which questions to ask patients and other content strategies that are most effective for video content. Your patients will be the ambassadors for your practice.
how to film engaging content with a mobile phone that builds your dental office brand and help with new patient conversion
video optimization tips, advertising wisdom and production hacks that will ensure reach among your targeted demographics
Sponsored by Solution Reach
2:00pm - 5:00pm
How Assistants Can C.R.U.S.H. Their Careers
Dental Assistants
Kevin Henry
Course #: 3400 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Kevin Henry
Are you enjoying your career as a dental assistant or are you just getting through the day? In this fun, fast-paced, interactive course, we discuss five key points following the C.R.U.S.H. acronym that helps you to not only enjoy what you do more, but also have a fulfilling career. It’s time that dental assistants learn the valuable role they play in the lives of their patients and the bottom line of the dental practice. Join us and reignite your passion for your career!
to identify steps to embracing one’s own potential and leadership mindset
how to have a more productive and fulfilling career as a dental assistant
Success is measured by a healthy bottom line, a united leadership front, and a cohesive team. Building a high-performing team is a necessary step for enabling success in the dental business. In this program, the speaker shares her R.I.S.E. philosophy, a best practices concept that helps the entire team communicate more effectively, work better together, and make healthy decisions, ultimately resulting in business growth. Attendees learn how to build a united leadership team, how to develop performance standards, and how to inspire a culture of appreciation. Come learn the R.I.S.E. implementation process and set yourself up for success.
Learn to:
discover the beliefs and behaviors that nurture a patient-focused culture built on trust and respect
acquire the tools for creating commitment, ownership and accountability with the R.I.S.E. implementation process
Sponsored by CareCredit
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Endodontic Advances and Controversies You Should Know and Understand
This practical program covers clinically relevant and hot topics in endodontics. These include the good and the bad behind various new files, obturation systems, intra-canal medications, one appointment endodontics, and the role of analgesics and antibiotics. Significant advances in endodontics diagnosis, instrumentation, obturation, and medication are also reviewed. Finally, there is a discussion on when and why to save vs. extract and when to post/crown.
the pros and cons of new NiTi files and obturations, one visit endodontics, endodontics vs. implants, to crown and post or not
to understand advances in instrumentation and obturation, apex locators, 3D imaging/diagnosis, intra-canal meds and what will improve your endodontics
As a dentist, personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist, the clinician brings a unique perspective to the subjects of caries, diet and the oral environment. This program discusses various disease conditions that plague the entire dental population, and identify several at risk populations. The importance of oral pH is discussed and strategies for altering an unfavorable oral environment are outlined. Additionally, the dental team will learn progressive strategies to help their patients achieve oral balance.
Learn to:
understand the difference between a balanced oral environment and one that is susceptible to disease
develop strategies which can be implemented in practice to help patients achieve oral balance
Many recurrent oral ulcerations have overlapping clinical signs and symptoms that may be confused with each other and, as a result, treated inappropriately. This presentation is designed to provide dentists, dental hygienists and assistants with the major clinical signs and symptoms of such diseases diagnostic criteria and the tests needed to achieve an accurate diagnosis, and currently accepted therapeutic modalities used in patient care. Emphasis is placed on those disorders that the practicing dentist and dental hygienist can expect to encounter in an average patient population.
Learn to:
recognize the most common recurrent oral ulcers
treat the most common recurrent oral ulcers
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Building Wealth Throughout Your Career
Practice Management
Greg Owens, James Levitt,
Course #: 3500 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Greg Owens, James Levitt,
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $75.00 Credits: 3
Your practice is most likely your greatest source of income, your largest financial asset, and the biggest contributor to your retirement. To support the lifestyle you envision for retirement, you need your investments to deliver the greatest possible return. Having a long range growth plan can help you optimize cash flow and practice value, yielding short-term wins and long-term financial growth. sometimes, it’s the smallest changes that can have the greatest impact. Join us to learn how to develop that plan for your practice.
Learn to:
make small changes with big impacts
plan to increase practice value
optimize growth
Sponsored by Wells Fargo Practice Finance
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Predictability in Restorative Care
Restorative Dentistry
Todd Davis
Course #: 3510 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Todd Davis
This program presents what is involved in delivering restorative care that not only looks beautiful but has the longevity that patients deserve. Attendees will learn how to provide restorative care that lasts with predictability. They will also learn what it takes to become confident in delivering excellent restorative dentistry.
how to provide restorative care that lasts with predictability
what it takes to become confident in delivering excellent restorative care
Sponsored by SPEAR Education
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Multiple Streams of Income Derived Through the Business of Dentistry in the Achievement of Total
Practice Management
Brady Frank
Course #: 3520 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Brady Frank
Room: 2D16 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Todays advancements in dentistry allow for many unique vertical opportunities. In addition to strategies related to multiple-doctors and multiple-locations, takes an in-depth look at other achievable additional income sources. Dental savings plans, in-house financing solutions, building your own dental lab, commercial real estate investment and mentorship programs are explored with specific case studies.
Learn to:
build your own dental saving plan or in-house financing plan
build your own mentorship program to co-invest with a new dentist
build your own dental commercial real estate portfolio
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Safety and Simplicity in Root Canal Instrumentation: Hands-on Workshop
Allen Ali Nasseh, Anne L. Koch,
Course #: 3600 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Allen Ali Nasseh, Anne L. Koch,
In this hands-on workshop, the clinicians introduce a new reciprocating technique that results in safe, efficient instrumentation for all root canal types. Learn to improve your instrumentation predictability, while dramatically reducing instrument separation. A simple and effective obturation method is introduced that combines the latest in material science with endodontic synchronicity for passive, bonded root canal obturation.
to utilize piezoelectric ultrasonics in both access and three-dimensional irrigation
the benefits of bioceramic obturation and the incorporation of matching posts
Sponsored by Brasseler USA
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Adapting Lasers for Successful Periodontal Therapy: Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Laser Dentistry
Samuel B. Low
Course #: 3610 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel B. Low
Various dental laser wavelengths utilized for minimally invasive periodontal disease demonstrate clinical success with positive patient related outcomes and a concomitant decrease in recession. This hands-on workshop identifies each step for non surgical and surgical techniques and all participants perform procedures to a level of competency using both diodes and all tissue lasers. Laser bacterial reduction and laser assisted periodontal therapy are included. Explore how to market, achieve case acceptance, use effective anesthesia, bill, code, and manage the patient after laser therapy.
Learn to:
develop in a stepwise fashion laser periodontal procedures resulting in decreased pocket depth and minimal inflammation
create positive patient management from case presentation, marketing to post operative care
Sponsored by BIOLASE
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Creating the Exceptional Patient Experience
Practice Management
Lori Trost
Course #: 3620 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lori Trost
Today, dental offices are busy places often filled with distractions and chaos. But in the middle of all that commotion, have you ever stopped and asked what your patients experience? Creating an exceptional patient encounter does not happen by accident! Rather, it should be a well-organized and orchestrated process that begins with the initial phone call and extends beyond their exit. By utilizing a total team approach, this program shares specific details how to create the proper environment that boosts case acceptance and satisfied patients.
key components of patients’ sensory perception and interpretation
to identify solutions to office distractions and roadblocks
communication and power of elective services
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Restoring Worn Posterior Teeth with Composite to Increase VDO: A Conservative Technique for Long-lasting Function
Teeth wear down and Vertical Dimension of Occlusion (VDO) is lost, but we can rejuvenate smiles and faces by adding back what’s gone. Some jaws never grow into an ideal occlusion, and knowing how to open the bite can be the crucial element to resolving such problems. This hands-on workshop simplifies the steps to increasing VDO and helps you restore cases whether you plan to complete the case in composite or porcelain.
a method of opening Vertical Dimension that is practical and effective
to understand how to maximize longevity and conserve tooth structure
a step-by-step procedure for building new centric stops to increase VDO with no prep
This hands-on workshop focuses on the different techniques utilized in surgical crown extension for esthetic and functional cases. Indications and contraindications for crown lengthening are addressed. The concept of biologic width and ferrule effect as it applies to crown lengthening are covered. Proper case selection, flap types and management from incisions, flap elevation, osseous surgery and suturing techniques are presented. This course is a must for all dentists who are providing esthetic and functional crown restorations to their patients
how to diagnose and treatment plan patients for both esthetic and functional crown lengthening
the principles of biologic width and ferrule effect and how they apply to functional and esthetic crown lengthening, flap designs, principles of osseous surgery, suturing techniques and post-operative care
This instrument processing and sterilization workshop presents the many options for today’s technology, products and techniques. Set your office up for excellent instrument management, cleaning, organization, sterilization and storage. Which combination works for you?
solutions for common problems with instrument cleaning, organization and preservation
to improve efficiency and reliability of instrument preparation, sterilization and storage
Sponsored by SciCan, Inc
2:00pm - 5:00pm
RestorativeDentistry Essays
Restorative Dentistry
Peter Auster, Eugene L. Antenucci, John C. Comisi,
Course #: 3680 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Peter Auster, Eugene L. Antenucci, John C. Comisi,
A New Crown and Bridge World The restorative world has changed immensely over the past three years. This essay addresses today’s top C&B materials, and their appropriate applications. When should new translucent zirconias be used and when is lithium disilicate a better option? What is the best material for fixed bridgework in 2018 and what should be avoided? What is the most esthetic material on the market today?
Learn the best impression techniques and new digital options for all your C&B needs. What cements should be used today for veneers, crowns, onlays, and bridges when using the latest generation of indirect restorative products? You may be cementing your zirconia crowns all wrong. What steps are essential and what steps MUST be avoided? Also included are suggestions on how to remove zirconia and IPS e.max restorations rapidly and efficiently.
Eugene L. Antenucci, D.D.S. (3:00 – 4:00)
Image is Everything - Digital Impressioning There are two core technologies today driving all aspects of prosthetic restorative and implant dentistry: Cad/Cam Digital Impressioning Technologies and 3D Cone Beam Imaging Technology. Select cases are presented to illustrate how these have become an integral part of everyday dental practice, and provide practical guidance in their use in prosthetic restorative and implant dentistry. Integral to the technologies are a sound understanding of the use of digital impressioning and digital printing technologies for improved patient careand digital impressioning. Understand the applications and integration of 3D imaging technologies in restorative dental practice
John C. Comisi, D.D.S. (4:00 – 5:00)
Hybridization vs. Biomineralization - An Evolution In the early 1980’s the dentin hybridization model was proposed. Over the following years there have been generations of dentin hybridization adhesives created to attempt to overcome the shortcomings of the previous generations or to attempt to make the process easier for clinical application. However, it has been determined that the average life span of of typical resin bonded composite restorations is 5.7 years at a cost of approximately five billion dollars annually in the United States alone. Various agents have been proposed and subsequently used in an attempt to create more long lasting hybrid bonds. However, it has been stated that the use of these agents applied either separately or mixed with the primer/adhesive agents appear to only retard rather than prevent bond degradation. It is obvious that a different pathway needs to be traveled and it is proposed the use of bioactive/biomineralization integrating materials could be the direction to success.
La Odontología Gerenciada Los cambios en el modo de hacer comercio, el comportamiento del consumidor, las leyes del mercado, entre otros aspectos, han impactado en la forma de hacer negocio; la odontología no escapa a estas realidades, también la atención oral de connotación social, vista desde el Estado, ha de ser tomada en cuenta como una estructura competitiva. La clínica dental, es una organización con características similares a cualquier otra empresa, por ende, debe ser gestionada como tal, es por ello, que el odontólogo para poder tener un ejercicio profesional productivo y rentable, debe compartir la práctica clínica con los criterios gerenciales. Al tocar este tema, estaremos dando pautas para aplicar conceptos administrativos, financieros y de marketing en el ambiente odontológico.
Dioracy Vicioso, D.D.S., M.S.
Implantología en el Sector Anterior Establecer el protocolo biológico en la implantología moderna es fundamental en los resultados a largo plazo. Saber cómo diagnosticar, cuándo y porqué realizar determinada técnica quirúrgica es la piedra angular de la implantología imperceptible. Hablaremos del paso a paso en el implante post-extracción, preservación alveolar o la regeneración ósea guiada en sentido horizontal y vertical.
Sponsored by Asociación Dominicana Dental
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Asociacion Dental Mexicana
Spanish Courses
Jose Luis Castellanos
Course #: 3860 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jose Luis Castellanos
La cronicidad de estas tipo de padecimientos unida a los avances de tratamiento médico incluido el trasplante orgánico, obliga al odontólogo a enfrentar diversos estadios clínicos de la enfermedad en los que en cada uno será necesario imponer ajustes en la toma de decisiones sobre extensión del tratamiento, aspectos farmacológicos, indicación de exámenes clínicos y definición de los tiempos adecuados en la participación dental. Los aspectos a ser considerados en la toma de decisiones dentales serán presentados y discutidos.
Sponsored by Asociacion Dental Mexicana
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Treating Worn Dentition
Lee Ann Brady, Mark Kleive,
Course #: 3870 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lee Ann Brady, Mark Kleive,
When you see patients with a worn dentition, do you ever wonder, “How did their teeth get like that?” Do you ever wish you could have diagnosed them earlier and possibly prevented that wear from occurring? Do you feel confident when planning a restorative treatment plan for them? In this program, learn how to treat patients with worn dentitions, as well as, how to identify the patterns and behaviors that lead to wear. Learn how to diagnose, treatment plan and manage severe wear.
Learn to:
diagnose and treat planning wear cases
restore for optimal success
Sponsored by the Pankey Institute
2:30pm - 3:30pm
New Dentists: Time to Open My Practice...Now What?
Current Dental Topics
Various Speakers
Course #: 3760 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 2:30pm - 3:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Various Speakers
Room: South Concourse Room #1 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $20.00 Credits: 1
Every waking moment has been spent completing clinicals and studying for finals and boards. Now What? Do I buy and update a practice, do I start from scratch, do I work for someone else and then open a practice? What kind of space, equipment and staff do I need? How much will it cost? This program provides you with possibilities available to you, whether you are a new dentist, or a more seasoned dentist needing to make a change.
how to make the best decision for you
to explore different options available
to develop a timeline to reach your goal
Sponsored by Hispanic Dental Association, Colgate and A-DEC
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Professional Wellness: Selfish People Practice Longer
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) account for almost 30% of early retirement for dental professionals. In addition, to these staggering statistics, poor ergonomics leading to pain and MSD can affect our productivity and the quality of the treatment we provide to our patients. Understanding the risk factors for MSD and having the tools to combat acute and chronic pain is paramount to professional and patient health. Time will be spent learning strategies for mental wellness; ergonomics in the clinical/professional setting; and the proper techniques for Myofascial release to enhance movement and flexibility that are integral to extending careers and maintaining wellness are reviewed.
Learn to:
demonstrate techniques and strategies for stress release and mental wellness
implement ergonomics in the clinical setting and examine biomechanics
3:00pm - 5:00pm
The Social Entrepreneur Experience
Current Dental Topics
Ana Lopez, Alyse Mongalo,
Course #: 3820 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ana Lopez, Alyse Mongalo,
Room: South Concourse Room #2 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 2
For the first time, the Hispanic Dental Association and the Dr. Edward B. Shils Entrepreneur Fund, Inc. join together to present, the “Social Entrepreneur Experience.” This exciting new program features dental students vying to win funds for their social entrepreneur start up projects from a panel of judges with a fully interactive audience. The competition is followed by a keynote presentation featuring two powerful speakers sharing their personal stories.
innovative ideas and approaches for dentistry
to understand the positive impact of social good in dentistry
to participate in a discussion on social entrepreneurship in dentistry
to understand the need for entrepreneurship and leadership in the face of crisis or life changing moments
to recognize how business and dentistry should be partners
Sponsored by Dentsply Sirona Endodontic and the Hispanic Dental Association
3:30pm - 5:15pm
The Impact of Digital Dentistry – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
Franklin Shull
Course #: 3120 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 3:30pm - 5:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Franklin Shull
The ability to utilize a digital workflow in dentistry can no longer be questioned. The early digital adopters were limited due to equipment choices and closed systems. Now, Intra oral scanning has become the center of the digital dental framework and can offer many options to expand and grow, choosing this purchase should be done carefully. The open system environment has allowed developer partnerships that greatly benefit the dentist. Possibly, an equally important benefit is the effect this can have on the patient and your practice. Be prepared for the Impact it will have on your practice!
to understand how to use intra oral scanning for simple to complex cases working with labs and in office milling
the next level of patient interaction and education
Sponsored by 3Shape
3:30pm - 5:00pm
Career Ladder through Academia – All the Way to the Top
Current Dental Topics
Ana Lopez, Salim Rayman, Christian Stohler,
Course #: 3770 Date: 11/25/2018 Time: 3:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ana Lopez, Salim Rayman, Christian Stohler,
Room: South Concourse Room #1 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $20.00 Credits: 2
What does it take to become a Dean/Leader in Academic Dentistry? The panel discusses distinct attributes central to the role and steps needed to reach this goal. Questions from the audience are welcomed.
Learn to:
outline the steps from student to academia and beyond
discuss personality traits useful for goal
Sponsored by the Hispanic Dental Association and Colgate
Join the Hispanic Dental Association as they celebrate the achievements of prominent Hispanic leaders in dentistry. Network with peers from around the world at this reception.
Cocktail Reception to follow the program with a cash bar.
8:00am - 12:00pm
It's Good to Breathe Well at Every Age/Sleep Apnea Panel Discussion
Sleep Apnea
Steve Carstensen, Micheal Gelb, Reza Radmand, Neal Selzter, Warren Boardman, Barry Chase,
Course #: 4210 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Steve Carstensen, Micheal Gelb, Reza Radmand, Neal Selzter, Warren Boardman, Barry Chase,
It’s Good to Breathe Well at Every Age:How Dentists Help Every Patient 8:00 - 9:00AM
From neonates to the elderly, every patient who breathes poorly at night can be helped by a trained dentist. This program shows the practicing dentist how to identify, communicate with, treat, and follow any patient with an airway problem. We don’t have one treatment that works for everyone, so the best clinicians will apply the right treatment to the right patient. Your conversations, examinations, and decisions will change with the information you will learn.
Learn to:
be able to screen for airway problems using the right tool for each patient
know what information is critical to gather for each age group within their practice
have confidence that everyone they treat will have their best match between problem and therapy
90 minute panel discussions (9:00 – 12:00)
Moderators: Mark T. Murphy, D.D.S. Edward T. Sall, M.D., D.D.S., M.B.A.
Panel 1
Steve Carstensen Martin Bassiur Reza Radmand Neal Selzter
Next Generation Oral Appliances: Therapeutic Effectiveness (1.5 hours) New materials, technology and process improvements are creating a revolution of sorts in device selection, efficacy, compliance and effectiveness. This panel discusses therapeutic success, how it is defined and why this next generation of devices is changing the paradigm. Each panelist will present for 15 minutes. The moderator will then take questions from the audience.
Panel 2
Warren Boardman Scott Danoff Michael Gelb
Next Generation Oral Appliances: The Path to Mitigating Side Effects (1.5 hours) The risk of side effects has long been a concern for patients, sleep dentists and referring sleep physicians. Recent improvements in materials and precision engineering are creating opportunities to prevent, mitigate and/or manage many of the side effects we see with Oral Appliance Therapy. This panel of esteemed sleep dentists will describe how they are reducing side effects such as occlusal changes, tooth movement, jaw pain and more. Each panelist will present for 15 minutes. The moderator will then take questions from the audience.
Sponsored by
9:00am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 4080 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program. This course is taught by a board certified plastic surgeon in private practice.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
Designed for dentist who performs minimal and moderate sedation, this seminar reviews the current practice of pediatric minimal and moderate sedation beginning with a basis in anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, children with special needs, non-pharmacologic behavior management and pain control.
Learn to: • understand the physiology and pharmacology of pediatric patients and their effect on sedation • utilize effective pain control as an adjunct to effective sedation
Sponsored by American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
9:00am - 12:00pm
Invisalign Optimization in the General Dental Office Download Handout
Robin Bethell
Course #: 4190 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robin Bethell
Join us for an exciting morning learning how to successfully leverage Invisalign therapy into your GP practice for effectiveness and predictable outcomes. This interactive program will focus on implementation, optimization and real-world examples of everyday comprehensive care via orthodontics. Intended to be a doctor and team exercise, this impactful learn provides insight and practical tools for all patient-facing members of your practice.
case selection for predictable outcomes
to maximize the effectiveness of digital diagnostics
effective patient communication
social media marketing
billing and financial tools
Sponsored by Align Technologies
9:00am - 4:30pm
Implants et Prostheses
French Program
Guy Michel Kadouch
Course #: 4220 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Guy Michel Kadouch
Room: 2D04/05 Topic: French Program Tuition: $60.00 Credits: 5
Architecture ,état de surface implantaire et cicatrisation osseuse facteurs de succes surfaces implantaire forme des vis chambre osseuse Les prothèses de recouvrement sur dent et sur Implant La lecture explique les principes de compréhension des différentes classes d’overdenture sur dents. Les attachements et leur choix pour les dents puis pour les implants lesquels restent à utiliser en ce cas. Une classification des prothèses sur implants en fonction des différents critères est propose. Cliniquement pour chaque classe des cas clinique sont proposés et discutés.Extraction et Implantation et mise en charge immédiate unitaire ou totale principes et discussion l’implant post extractionnel unitaire, condition, clef du succès, cas clinique, mise en fonction, les différents choix extraction, implantation immédiate totale maxillaire et mandibulaire Principes UTILISATION DU LPRF Les petits implants en 2018 Une solution originale sans pour autant remplacer les implants.
9:00am - 5:00pm
Обзор Современной Стоматологии, Новые технологии
Russian Program
Rada Sumervera, Zev Kaufman, Dimitry Stillman, Maria Rosenblum, Maria A. Karpov,
Course #: 4230 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Rada Sumervera, Zev Kaufman, Dimitry Stillman, Maria Rosenblum, Maria A. Karpov,
Room: 2D03 Topic: Russian Program Tuition: $60.00 Credits: 6
Основополагающие принципы разработки плана лечения. Комплексные методы диагностики и лечения пациентов со сложной стоматологической патологией. Окклюзия. Алгоритм комплексной реабилитации жевательного аппарата. Последовательность сбора необходимой информации.
Использование современных технологий в области пародонтологии, эндодонтии, ортодонтии, простодонтии и имплантологии. Эндодонтическое лечение при травме. Лечение трещин... Стабилизация ВНЧС и окклюзии у взрослых пациентов. Сегментарная кортикотомия. Детская госпитальная стоматология. Лечение детей с патологией развития и различными системными заболеваниями
Эта программа проводится при финансовой поддержке образовательного гранта от Русско- Американской стоматологической ассоциации.
Sponsored by the Russian American Dental Association
9:00am - 12:00pm
Safety and Simplicity in Root Canal Instrumentation
Allen Ali Nasseh, Anne L. Koch,
Course #: 4240 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Allen Ali Nasseh, Anne L. Koch,
Nearly 25 years after the introduction of Nickel Titanium Rotary Instrumentation to endodontics, we’ve learned much about the clinical strengths and limitations of these great instruments. With recent improvements in metallurgy, enhanced designs, and innovative rotary file motions, we need to understand how these changes affect clinical instrumentation. Furthermore, we must take advantage of these improvements to create an instrumentation protocol that combines safety with simplicity. This program discusses a new “blended technique” is introduced that will result in safe, efficient instrumentation for all root canal types. Get ready to improve your instrumentation predictability while dramatically reducing instrument separation.
how rotary file design features influence instrumentation safety and efficiency
the most effective instrument motions available for shaping root canals and their advantages and limitations
This fast paced, informative session introduces attendees to several new materials in the arena of indirect restorative dentistry. Tips and techniques for these materials are discussed during this presentation. Pros and cons of each material are also reviewed. This program covers the latest development in all porcelains, cements, impression materials and CAD/CAM technology and elucidates their influences on the modern practice of dentistry.
knowledge of modern ceramic materials and understand limitations and strengths of each type of material
an understanding of the plethora of modern cements and which clinical situations are indicated for their use
Sponsored by 3M Oral Care
9:00am - 12:00pm
New Anticoagulants and Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Controversies Download Handout
New medications affecting the hemostatic profile of prospective dental patients have been recently introduced. In addition, new guidance addressing the issue of antimicrobial prophylaxis for the patient with a total joint replacement, have been published in the Journal of the American Dental Association. The purpose of this program is to review this new information and provide a perspective on how it may affect routine dental practice
the relevant risks of providing dental care to the patient on an anticoagulant agent
to discuss and understand the current guidance addressing prosthetic joint infection and dental care
What are the common problems with dental instrumentation, and how can they be prevented? Learn how proper care and handling of dental instruments can save your office time and money, and reduce frustration. Through this course, you’ll discover the proactive approach to prevent damage and extend the life of your dental instruments to ensure proper functionality for patient care and practice efficiency. The importance of conducting instrument assessments is reviewed, and resources to help you extend the life of dental instruments in your practice are shared. Plan to attend as a team!
to identify common instrument problems
how to preserve instrument life
to recognize when instruments need repair or replacement
Sponsored by Hu-Friedy
9:00am - 12:00pm
Crown Lengthening to Enhance Restorative Results Download Handout
James S. Kohner
Course #: 4280 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
James S. Kohner
Frustrated by trying to get good impressions due to deep caries or fractures? Planning an esthetic restoration and dealing with a “Gummy Smile”? See solutions to these everyday problems, and others, for both anterior and posterior teeth. Learn indications and contraindications for crown lengthening, plus key concepts like the important need to truly understand “Biologic Width.” See why flap management is not enough to insure success, and also see how bone management is the key to achieving success. Learn to coordinate with your periodontist and laboratory technician to create a team approach for superior functional and esthetic outcomes.
Research has shown that practices that build their office environment around serving the patient dominate the market, but customer service is often confusing, complex and vague. It’s just not that simple because“I’m satisfied” means nothing in today’s world. Instead, your practice must be set apart from others. You can help prospective and current patients understand why they should visit your office by mastering the simple techniques behind the W.O.W. (Weed Out Weeds) Patient Philosophy. In this seminar, attendees learn the principles that strengthen communication skills, increase brand recognition and improve patient care. Learn how to create lasting impressions and exceptional experiences and to inspire your entire team to deliver W.O.W. service with more focus and passion!
techniques to make first and lasting impressions that builds loyalty
processes for consistent patient handoffs and hygiene briefings that build value, loyalty, increase scheduling and improve profitability
Room: 1E15 Topic: Social Media Tuition: $110.00 Credits: 3
In today’s world, simply posting on social channels is no longer enough. Dental offices need to find innovative ways to reach new patients and increase awareness. Leading offices are realizing the value in empowering team members to create and share authentic office stories across social networks. These can be from dental assistants, hygienists, front desk personnel, and others. By empowering team members, offices can increase social activity and engagement, improve share of voice, and drive more web traffic. Learn how to get your dental team involved with your online conversation.
Learn to:
transform your team members Into “Office Ambassadors”
become a part of the conversation, because your patients are talking
This seminar discusses what highly successful, forward thinking office managers are doing differently to improve patient experience. Learn how to empower your team by elevating the office manager role to eliminate reoccurring issues that dental teams face. This program includes discussions about unhealthy work-life balance, misaligned team, disengaged doctors and disrespectful patients.
expand your purpose beyond
make a bigger difference with your team, patients and community
Sponsored by CareCredit and the American Association of Dental Office Management
9:00am - 12:00pm
Domestic Violence Intervention for the Dental Team
Room: 2D02 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Domestic violence is a global problem but it touches every one of us either directly or indirectly. Each member of the Dental Team does have an important role to play in stopping domestic violence. This program teaches you how to recognize the signs of domestic violence, to conduct a thorough examination and know the questions to ask your patient. Learn how to chart and document information and how to make appropriate referrals to professionals who can assist your patient.
Learn to:
recognize the signs and identify whether risk factors are present
conduct a guided patient interview, chart and document, and make appropriate referrals
9:00am - 12:00pm
Fifty Useful Clinical Tips in Three Hours
Current Dental Topics
Gordon J. Christensen
Course #: 4330 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon J. Christensen
Room: 1E21 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $215.00 Credits: 3
New and potentially useful products and techniques have evolved over the past few years. This fast-paced program keeps you intrigued and helps you to determine what information provided fits into your practice. All topics are oriented toward improving patient services and increasing productivity.
to implement the tips into your practice
the tips that apply to your practice
9:00am - 12:00pm
Lasers, the New Norm for Pediatric Dentistry: Merging Medicine and Dentistry Download Handout
Laser Dentistry
Lawrence A. Kotlow
Course #: 4350 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lawrence A. Kotlow
Today, the pediatric practice is treating children as early as a few days after birth to teenagers for a variety of problems due to abnormal oral structures. Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) such as lip, cheek and tongue ties can interfere with many newborn and infant developmental conditions. They include the inability to successfully breastfeed, air induced reflux, sleep apnea, thrush, poor mother–infant bonding, and failure to thrive. Complications for the mother include mastitis, plugged milk ducts, nipple pain and postpartum depression. Oral surgery for infants can safely and quickly be completed in the dental office using lasers with little or no complications. This discussion includes the use of lasers for the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of soft tissue surgeries for infants, toddlers and older children as well as for treating traumatic injuries.
how TOTs can affect many of the body’s systems
how the tongue is actually an organ rather than just a simple muscle
how to treat various oral soft tissue procedures
Sponsored by the Academy of Laser Dentistry
9:00am - 11:00am
Navigating the Future, a New Route Towards Oral Health
Room: South Concourse Room #1 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $40.00 Credits: 2
This program includes a review of the report, “Healthy People 2020 and 2030,” and the oral health initiatives and current oral health status of New Yorkers. Statistics on utilization of dental related emergency department visits in the Southern Tier with be shared. The presentation also covers Public Health initiatives and new workforce models to address access, insurance utilization, and health home status.
review of HP 2020 (and 2030) oral health initiatives
utilization of dental related ED visits in the Southern Tier
public Health initiatives and new workforce models
Sponsored by Colgate and the Hispanic Dental Association
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class Download Handout
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc Reilly
Course #: 4450 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Implant dentistry has been gaining popularity in everyday dentistry. Most general practitioners are restoring implants and referring patients out for surgery. However, there has been a paradigm shift with growing awareness in patients wherein, more general dentists are now being trained in surgical implant dentistry and they are able to provide a complete array of services under one roof. This hands-on workshop has been designed specifically for general dentists that wish to introduce implant dentistry into their practice. Basic anatomy, implant design, surgical principles, as well as, tissue biology pertaining to implant supported restorations are discussed. In addition, the hands-on session includes surgical incision designs; implant placement; tissue management; and suturing.
biologic basis and implant designs
surgical principles of implant dentistry
9:00am - 12:00pm
Oral Surgery Essays
Lloyd K. Klausner, Michael Katzap, Rawle F. Philbert,
Course #: 4600 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lloyd K. Klausner, Michael Katzap, Rawle F. Philbert,
Management of the Dental Patient on Anti-Resorptive Agents Including Bisphosphonates, Denosumab and Anti-Angiogenic Agents This essay familiarizes dental practitioners with the etiology and incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) secondary to dental and surgical procedures on patients taking these frequently prescribed anti-resorptive medications. A discussion of the mechanism of action of these medications along with prevention strategies to limit the incidence of osteonecrosis are presented. Management strategies for those patients who do develop ONJ are reviewed.
Michael Katzap, D.D.S.(10:00-11:00)
Bone Cement in Guided Bone Regeneration and Implant surgery The essay discusses clinical applications of bone cement for guided bone regeneration and implant surgery. Bone cement has unique physical and chemical properties that makes surgeries comfortable for the patient, predictable for the clinician and enhance the value of the practice. This program includes discussions on bone cement and its features; and relevant clinical applications in patient care.
RawlE F. Philbert, D.D.S.(11:00-12:00)
Considerations in the Removal of Third Molars This essay gives a comprehensive review of the techniques and pearls involved in the surgical removal of third molars including the do’s and don’ts that must be considered when planning to perform this procedure. The specific indications for the removal of impacted teeth plus the goals for the removal and the management of complications are reviewed. The essay also discusses the associated pathological lesions that are associated with impacted teeth, alternatives for removal or non-removal of third molars, as well as, the options for avoiding potential pitfalls when considering surgical treatment plan.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Estetica Total y Segura: ¿Como Lograr Belleza a Largo Plazo? Download Handout
Sabemos que ya en la actualidad contamos con materiales que permiten lograr restauraciones perfectamente invisibles y en teoría muy duraderas; el problema es que hay tanta variedad de adhesivos, cementos y resinas que no sabemos cuales seleccionar en cada caso. También, se habla de adhesivos “Universales” pero estos, no siempre lo son. Tenemos que saber cuales materiales son los más efectivos y además saber las limitantes que tienen. Los nuevos monómeros y componentes de algunos adhesivos los han hecho mucho mejores y mucho más versátiles pero hay que conocerlos y usarlos adecuadamente. El objetivo de esta conferencia es el demostrar el uso adecuado de los adhesivos y materiales dentales estéticos y también el manejo adecuado de los tejidos de la cavidad bucal para poder así lograr lo que llamamos restauraciones con estética total y sobre todo muy Seguras en lo que se refiere a su longevidad y función adecuada
9:00am - 12:00pm
Academia Mexicana de Odontologia Pediátrica
Spanish Courses
Cecilia E. Lara Olivares, Humberto Reffreger Sotto, Jorge F. Casian Adem,
Course #: 4630 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Cecilia E. Lara Olivares, Humberto Reffreger Sotto, Jorge F. Casian Adem,
Cuidados Preventivos en Bebés y Preescolares Sabemos que hoy en día la prevención y la Odontopediatría mínima invasiva es lo más importante dentro de nuestra profesión. Pero cómo hacerlo, que decirles y como deben de llevarlo a cabo los padres de familia. Aquí abarcaremos todas esas recomendaciones y cuidados que se deben de realizar tanto en casa como en el consultorio dental; como son los cuidados en la madre gestante, reconocer señales y síntomas de la dentición, crecimiento y desarrollo, hábitos, factores de riesgo, prevención de CTI , remineralización, a través del uso de materiales bioactivos, de una forma sencilla para tener pacientes totalmente sanos libres de caries.
Humberto Reffreger Soto, D.D.S.
Bruxismo en Niños y Adolescentes Actualización del tema del bruxismo en niños y adolescentes en cuanto a su etiología, la relación con la interacción con de neurotrasmisores a nivel del SNC, diversas modalidades diagnósticas en cuanto a anamnesis, exploración clínica intraoral y extraoral así como evaluación de la articulación temporomaxilar y auxiliares diagnósticos. Su interrelación con los componentes psicológicos, familiares, alimenticios y las influencias de los aparatos tecnológicos en los niños y adolescentes. Revisión de diversos abordajes de tratamiento de esta entidad clínica.
Jorge F. Casian Adem, D.D.S.
Ortodoncia Interceptiva Esta presentación revisará aspectos actuales en el manejo temprano de las maloclusiones más frecuentes en el paciente pediatrico. Revisaremos en detalle la aplicación clínica del aparato 2x4, Casos clínicos, Diagnóstico oportuno de las maloclusiones, Intervención temprana y desarrollo facial.
Sponsored by the Academia Mexicana de Odontologia Pediátrica (AMOP)
9:45am - 12:45pm
Take the Work and Worry out of Implant Surgery with Immediate Provisionalization
Implant Dentistry
Michael Klein, Allon Waltuch,
Course #: 4040 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Michael Klein, Allon Waltuch,
A digital workflow from diagnosis to surgery simplifies implant surgery and immediate provisionalization. Learn how to use the immediate virtual diagnostic wax-up for restoratively driven implant placement. In this hands-on workshop, learn how to perform safe, effective digital implant surgery using new generation concepts, techniques and technology and how to simplify immediate provisionalization at the time of implant placement. New techniques are discussed and performed during this hands-on workshop.
a simplified workflow from diagnosis, to surgery, to immediate provisionalization
the immediate virtual diagnostic wax-up for restoratively driven implant placement
how to perform safe, effective digital implant surgery using new generation concepts, techniques and technology
Sponsored by Paltop USA
9:45am - 12:45pm
Latest Technology for Dentistry: GP Orthodontics
Daniel S. German
Course #: 4060 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel S. German
The digital revolution makes it faster, better, and easier for GP’s to provide orthodontic treatment with the benefit of training, planning and coaching by virtual orthodontic specialists. In this course, learn appropriate case selection for choosing patients that match your knowledge and experience level. Appreciate the importance of excellent diagnostic records and how to create them. Understand the boundaries of teeth movement for aligner and braces treatments. This new approach to orthondontics can generate significant revenue using the same staff.
to choose the right patients for your experience level
if braces or aligners are better for you and your patients
This hands-on workshop offers attendees an experience to use silver diamine fluoride as well as a brief review of the guidelines for usage in clinical dentistry. Based on systematic reviews of clinical trials the American Association of Pediatric Dentistry developed a guideline recommending the use of 38% SDF as part of a comprehensive management approach. This program reviews the scientific evidence for the use of SDF as a caries management tool. The mechanism of action is thought to be a result of the compound’s combined antimicrobial and remineralization properties.
Learn to:
incorporate silver diamine fluoride in everyday clinical practice
diagnose cases where silver diamine fluoride is beneficial
Sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
9:45am - 12:15pm
State of the Art Indirect Restorative Dentistry – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
Ron Kaminer, Lou Graham,
Course #: 4130 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ron Kaminer, Lou Graham,
Today’s “Live patient demonstration will continue with showcasing today’s zirconia indirect restorations and how you have options to select from. Coupled with the latest information on Zirconia, the clinicians will illustrate alternative techniques to secure proper tissue retraction and give a glimpse into the future digital scanner that will have the ability to scan through tissue! Yes, the future may eliminate the tissue retraction feature that has been such an issue for indirect restorations, oh what a shame! The “Live” demonstration will continue with temporization and a look at 3D printing, ITS role in temporization and far more.
material selection for core buildups and why the game has changed with bonding agents from cord lasers, the world of retractions
temporization continues with a peek at 3D printing and 3D printing materials; temporaries are just one example of change ahead
cementation: what are the options and why retention and the environment matter
Sponsored by VOCO America
9:45am - 12:45pm
3D Printing and Digital Dentistry Panel
Jonathan P. Kang, Justin Marks,
Course #: 4150 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jonathan P. Kang, Justin Marks,
Revolutionizing “All on X” Protocol through 3D Printing Technology This program focuses on the integration of restorative, surgical and laboratory phases, combined with digital technology, to provide a complete digital approach for totally guided full arch immediate implant reconstruction. This innovative guided protocol utilizes DSD (Digital Smile Design) software, 3D printed surgical plan (aka, implant model), 3D printed Surgical Guide, 3D printed immediate provisional restoration and CAD/CAM derived final prosthesis.
computer guided surgery and “All on X” protocol
3D printing technology and how it can be applied in all on X protocol
Sponsored by Ray America
Justin Marks, C.D.T.
3D Printing Dental Thermoplastics As additive manufacturing expands its reach and becomes more pervasive in dentistry, new technologies are being developed that will expand the range of possibilities for materials and applications. 3D printing of long-term dental appliances is now possible due to advancements in this field. Learn an overview of the current and future 3D printing technologies that are replacing traditional methods and shaping the dental laboratory and clinic of the future. An emphasis is placed on fused deposition manufacturing which can be used to 3D print a variety of removable dentures and partials including fully 3D printed Valplast restorations. Both laboratory and clinical techniques are discussed. This program is for the team: dental technicians, dentists and dental assistants.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Telescopic Implant Prosthetics: A Unique Solution
Dental Laboratory
Arian Deutsch
Course #: 4170 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arian Deutsch
This program covers in detail the clinical and technical protocols for telescopic implant solutions. Take a journey into the history of telescopic solutions and the benefits of contemporary telescopic solutions for patients. This program explains in great detail the clinical procedures and technical steps of designing and creating a telescopic implant prosthesis, including the final processing for patient delivery.
Learn to:
identify the cases which are appropriate for telescopic restorations
effectively communicate to the treatment team the benefits and limitations of telescopic restorations to aid in proper treatment planning
This workshop provides hands-on exercises to help participants learn the principles and skills involved with occlusal equilibration. Participants will feel more confident in being able to help their patients who need occlusal therapy. In this hands-on workshop, learn techniques of occlusal equilibration and how to apply the techniques with different types of occlusal relationships.
the reasons why and when occlusal equilibration is needed
to feel more confident in being able to help your patients who need occlusal therapy
Sponsored by Spear Education
9:45am - 12:45pm
Utilizing Lasers for Soft Tissue Conditions: Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Laser Dentistry
Samuel B. Low
Course #: 4480 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel B. Low
Ready to enter the laser world? Do you have an “unused” laser in the closet? Lasers offer a very safe and effective alternative for a wide range of soft tissue dental procedures especially facilitating quality restorative dentistry. Advantages include: increased precision, controlled bleeding, accelerated healing, reduced post-operative issues, shorter procedure time, less pain, greater case acceptance and a more relaxed experience for the patient. Roll up your sleeves and get direct hands-on experience with diode to all tissue lasers to develop a frenectomy, biopsy, aphthous ulcers, and a gingivectomy for restorative access.
Learn to:
review various laser wavelength therapies with attention to five of the most common easy effective procedures
develop techniques for incorporating laser into a dental practice considering patient acceptance, third party coding
Sponsored by BIOLASE
9:45am - 12:45pm
Filling Holes in Your Schedule: Tips and Tools for a Productive Practice
Do you have holes in your schedule of appointments? Almost every front office team struggles with it. Patients cancel on the day of their appointments, or worse, simply fail to show up. What can office managers do? Attend this session to learn tips and tools that help you to build and maintain a full schedule for your practice.
Learn to:
measure open chair time and estimate the impact on production
use tools in Dentrix to prevent and fill holes in your schedule
run and interpret reports about key scheduling indicators
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental
9:45am - 12:45pm
Let's Be Direct:Composites and Communication: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Daniel H. Ward
Course #: 4500 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel H. Ward
Composite restorations can be frustrating and technique sensitive. We all strive for perfection but rarely achieve it. There’s a time to layer and a time to bulk-fill. Esthetic, natural-looking results require specific materials, instruments and techniques. Patients need to thoroughly understand and be involved in treatment planning. They must be able to visualize their condition to make the best decisions. Photography is essential for direct communications during this process. Learn how to use a digital camera to improve patient treatment acceptance.
to select and use the latest bonding agents, composites and bioactive materials to place esthetic layered and bulk-filled restorations
how to use digital dental photography to communicate with patients
Sponsored by GC America, Shofu Dental Corporation and Ultradent Products Inc.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Suturing Hands-on Workshop for Implant Surgery and Periodontal Surgery Download Handout
Jim C. Grisdale
Course #: 4510 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jim C. Grisdale
This hands-on workshop is a must for all dentists and surgical team members performing implant, periodontal and oral surgery. Suture materials, techniques and instrumentation are discussed in detail. Participants have the opportunity to practice different suturing techniques for specific clinical procedures. All procedures are performed on pig mandibles.
advantages and disadvantages of suturing for wound closure and indications for using different suture materials and needles
proper instrumentation for predictable suturing and wound closure
This lively and interactive hands-on workshop features a variety of products and approaches. Disease transmission and infection control are explored in light of current documented knowledge while using products as instructional tools. Misconceptions and common problems are discussed with potential implications and consequences. The program helps participants get maximum effectiveness from their infection control efforts. See how different techniques and products work for you!
the application of various infection control principles based on accumulated evidence
the variety of acceptable product choices and their appropriate applications based on science
potential implications of product misuse
Sponsored by SciCan, Inc.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Complications Management in Third Molars Extraction
Luis Carbajal Bello
Course #: 4530 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Luis Carbajal Bello
This program discusses the clinical and radiographic protocols for preoperative evaluation of lower and upper third molar extractions. A review includes Cone Bean/CT evaluation and the management of anticoagulated patients. The most common intra and postoperative complications and their management are discussed. Learn about new anticoagulant drugs that are used in medical practice including their mechanism of action, indications and protocol management of these patients during dental surgical procedures.
to prevent complications in third molars surgery related with systemic and local contraindications
to diagnose and treat most common complications related with surgical technique and its management
to differentiate and identify between a normal bleeding, as part of surgical procedure, and a pathological bleeding as an intraoperative and postoperative complication and learn its management
Ridge Augmentation with Mineralized Allogenic Block Grafts: A New Gold Standard? Reconstruction of deficient alveolar ridges particularly in the esthetic zone have become a routine and is evidence based. Various autogenous, allogenic and xenogenic materials and techniques are common in practice. Patients and the profession likewise need methods that are faster, easier, with minimal complications and with greater acceptance for a predictable outcome. This discussion provides an alternative predictable approach to bone regeneration using Allogenic Blocks rather than autogenous blocks to question the notion of what is the present ‘Gold Standard.’
Justin D. Moody, D.D.S.
Digital Implant Dentistry for True Tooth Replacement Solutions Implant dentistry should exists in every dental office today regardless of whether the dentist places their own fixtures or sends any part of the process to another provider, it truly is the only true tooth replacement solution we have. Digital technology now occupies all aspects of today’s modern dental office from Cone Beam CT, Intra oral scanners, Implant planning software, CAD/CAM milling and 3D printing. Learn how to harness these technologies to provide efficient and predictable implant dentistry to your patients as well as communication with laboratories.
Aeklavya Panjali, D.D.S., M.S.
Innovations in Immediate Implant Placement Implant dentistry has been gaining popularity in everyday dentistry. Most general practitioners are now restoring implants and doing the surgery as well. However, there is a big concern when it comes to managing immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone, infected sites and achieving good primary stability. The need for immediate restoration after tooth extraction often requires special considerations for optimal results. This program has been designed specifically for general dentists that wish to perform immediate implant placements and restorations in the maxillary anterior region.
Sponsored by Biodent and the Indian Society of Oral Implantologists
This program includes a review of patient assessment and discusses which patients are candidates for the different types of anesthesia options. Staging of implant surgery and immediate placement along with grafting techniques have decreased the number of surgeries, which decrease multiple exposure to anesthesia. Anesthesia challenges with Pro-Arch/immediate load full arch prosthetics are discussed. A review of patient monitoring, medications commonly used today and patient scenarios are introduced.
anesthesia options for implants, full arch and extraction patients
to understand your patient and their medical history before suggesting sedation options and risks involved
Sponsored by Crest + Oral B
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Celebrity Luncheon Ft. Jane Pauley
Special Event
Special Event
Jane Pauley
Course #: 4010 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jane Pauley
Room: Special Events Hall Topic: Special Event Tuition: $85.00 Credits: X
A familiar face on morning, daytime and primetime television, and one of broadcasting’s most respected journalists, Jane Pauley is host of CBS Sunday Morning. Pauley began her network career as co-host of TODAY for thirteen years, anchored Dateline NBC for more than a decade and hosted her own daytime program, The Jane Pauley Show.
Pauley is the recipient of multiple Emmys, the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism, the Edward R. Murrow Award for outstanding achievement. Pauley is a member of the Broadcast and Cable Hall of Fame.
Pauley has written two New York Times bestsellers. A memoir, Skywriting: A Life Out of the Blue (2004) and Your Life Calling: Reimagining the Rest of Your Life (2014).
A longtime advocate in children’s health and education, Pauley is a member of the Board of Directors of Children’s Health Fund, The Mind Trust and and is a highly regarded spokesperson in mental health. She and her husband, Doonesbury cartoonist Garry Trudeau, are the parents of three grown children.
Dientes para la vida Paradigmas contemporáneos para la retención de dientes Dientes para toda la vida. Paradigmas contemporáneos para la retención de los dientes o insertar un implante. Como creamos un caso para conservar un diente o poner un implante? Quiero desafiar tu pensamiento acerca de cómo mantener un diente o insertar un implante. Nuestros dientes son para toda la vida
Juan F. Yepes, D.D.S., M.D., M.P.H., M.S., Dr.P.H.
Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Caries: Enfoque Contemporaneo Este seminario incluye la información más actualizada en la etiología, patologia, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la caries dental en el siglo XXI. Un mejor entendimiento de la microbiología de la caries abrió la puerta a nuevos tratamientos no-quirurgicos. El uso del fluoruro de plata, nuevos métodos diagnósticos, nuevos materiales, son algunos de los ejemplos de los temas que serán tratados en este seminario.
Martha J. Mutis, D.D.S.
Enfoques clínicos en Odontología con Responsabilidad Social Los odontólogos en nuestras prácticas clínicas cumplimos una responsabilidad social con las comunidades que necesitan de nuestra experiencia. Hay actividades desde nuestro ejercicio clínico que estandarizadas e incluidas dentro de nuestra atención clínica, pueden mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestros pacientes y de toda una comunidad.
Sponsored by ICD International Task Force - Section XX
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Integrating Obstructive Sleep Apnea into Your Practice
Whether you aspire to expand your practice or wish to help your patients by screening for risks of obstructive sleep apnea, dental sleep medicine is one of the most impactful opportunities in dentistry today. This seminar addresses how to evaluate symptoms of an airway problem in your existing patients, understand diagnostic sleep testing, sleep disorders and sleep study reviews, oral appliance options, bite registration and technique protocols for treatment. In addition to saving and changing your patient’s lives, attendees learn how to grow a thriving dental sleep medicine practice.
to screen for OSA within the Dental Practice
ease of integration into your practice with the Simple Sleep Solution work flow
the importance of patient selection for oral appliance therapy and benefits of OPTISLEEP
Sponsored by
1:00pm - 3:00pm
The Patient Centric Dental Office
Practice Management
Mike Cindrich
Course #: 4435 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Mike Cindrich
Involving the entire dental team in creating a patient-centric environment is critical to differentiating your practice. Research shows many potential patients see dental health care as a commodity rather than a necessity. The dental team is the face of the practice and your team is the ambassador of patient-centric care. Exceptional service begins within the practice and works its way out to create a referral business beyond reproach. Each member of the team must be given the tools to be a leader in his or her respective area and the team must also be given the autonomy to implement those tools.
the patient-centric model as it applies to accountability and assess the strategy to differentiate your practice
to define leadership and apply it to everyday practice
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Minimally Invasive Guided Tooth Preparation with Immediate Prosthetic Delivery 2018 – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
David Garber
Course #: 4135 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 1:30pm - 2:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Garber
Join the clinician as they take you on a journey into the latest innovations in digital technology and as it relates to restorative dentistry in your day to day practice. A complete discussion on a novel and efficient guided tooth preparation system with immediate prosthetic delivery system are presented. The benefits and workflows that enable clinicians to prepare and seat a final restoration in the same appointment will be presented live on stage ending with an enlightening direct question and answer session.
to understand the benefits of using digital technology for tooth preparation
the theory behind how 3D printed preparation guides can improve your practice workflow
Sponsored by FirstFit
2:00pm - 5:00pm
World Implant Expo Panel Discussion - Afternoon Download Handout
Implant Dentistry
Ashish Kakar, Glenn Mascarenhas, Jose Manuel Navarro,
Course #: 4030 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ashish Kakar, Glenn Mascarenhas, Jose Manuel Navarro,
Posterior Maxilla: A Challenge in Implant Dentistry Various bone-grafting materials have been studied for use in maxillary sinus grafts to accelerate the bone healing process like: autogenous bone, frozen bone, freeze-dried bone, xenogeneic bone, demineralized freeze-dried bone, b-TCP, and hydroxyapatite. Also, the trans-crestal osteome technique without any graft has also been employed and widely studied and is also found to be successful. An ideal maxillary sinus bone-grafting material should provide biologic stability, ensure volume maintenance, and allow the occurrence of new bone infiltration and bone remodeling. After the restoration of the implant has been completed, there should be no bone loss and the materials should be stable and there should be a predictable success rate. This presentation provides an outline and compares the various graft materials employed in indirect sinus lifts and their outcomes. Evidence based results from multi-center clinical trials are highlighted along with case presentations and discussions.
Jose Manuel Navarro, D.D.S., M.S.
The Digital Revolution: Facially Driven Treatment Planning For Interdisciplinary Dentistry Modern digital technologies allow to efficiently connect the clinical treatment team, surgeons, restorative dentists, radiologists, dental technicians, dental staff and the patient in order to develop and align the ideal treatment plan. This seminar leads you through a journey of the state-of-the-art digital workflow to present how new innovations provide a seamless digital workflow and increase case acceptance, treatment efficiency, flexibility accuracy and safety.
Glenn Mascarenhas, B.D.S., Mclindent
Achieving stable bone levels with dental implants – A review of past to present concepts Crestal bone loss resulting in peri-implantitis is often a common long-term complication with dental implants, eventually leading to mobility and loss of the implants. Understanding the factors that cause this crestal bone loss and trying to avoid such complications can be achieved with good surgical protocol, a modern implant system with suitable design features, a good surface treatment, a good connection, proper loading protocol and a meticulous follow-up system.
Sponsored by the Indian Society of Oral Implantologists
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Surgical Uses of Laser Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Edward Kusek
Course #: 4050 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Edward Kusek
The hands-on workshop provides attendees with a didactic presentation on the uses of diodes, erbium and CO2 dental lasers, for surgical procedures. In the hands-on portion, participants utilize skills shown in didactic portion. Each laser has a specific use, and many times lasers can duplicate procedures done by different types of lasers. The hands-on workshop is for beginners in laser dentistry as well as experienced users. The program gives the surgical specialist an edge from traditional treatment modalities.
how to use lasers to detoxify (osteotomy site and failing implants), decorticate (bone and soft tissue), and uncover implants with different lasers
how to use lasers to cut flaps to allow primary closure without releasing incisions
how light energy can aid in healing of surgical sites, aid in nerve regeneration, decrease inflammation post-operatively, and TMD treatments
Sponsored by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Grow Your Practice: Ensure Excellent Finishing with Aligners
Daniel S. German
Course #: 4070 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel S. German
Dentists are always looking for ways to grow their practices. Learn the power of zero cost marketing to generate additional revenue and increase your satisfaction. A key to growth and happiness is excellence in finishing your orthodontic patients. Great finishing starts with a great plan, especially in the quickly growing realm of aligner therapy. Fresh ideas for finishing strategies have been developed to optimize the quality of finishes. The clinician shares techniques to produce high quality results with an emphasis on finishing aligner patients.
about zero cost marketing to generate additional revenue
from start-to-finish, increase your patients satisfaction
Designed for the pediatric dentist or anyone who sedates children, this seminar reviews the current practice of pediatric minimal and moderate sedation. Monitoring, nitrous oxide/oxygen minimal sedation, drug selection and office protocols are reviewed. Despite best practice, sedation and medical emergencies can and will happen. Early Identification and intervention in an emergent situation with specific treatment protocols are presented. There is a wrap-up session at which time questions, comments, and experiences can be shared by all.
Learn to: • identify the appropriate choice of drugs and protocols for safe and effective sedation • review monitoring and emergency protocols
Sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Zirconia and MTA: esthetic solutions for Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Jarod Johnson
Course #: 4120 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jarod Johnson
This program is designed for the general practitioner and pediatric dentist to help improve their skills in the areas of zirconia crowns and bioceramics. Topics include a review of material properties and placement of zirconia crowns for primary teeth, and the uses of bioceramics in both permanent and primary teeth. After attending this course, attendees will be able to properly utilize esthetic crowns for primary teeth, and practice vital pulp therapy for both permanent and primary teeth.
Learn to:
employ techniques to place zirconia crowns on primary teeth
utilize bioceramics for vital pulp therapy on primary and permanent teeth
Sponsored by Sprig and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
2:00pm - 5:00pm
3D Printing and Digital Dentistry Panel
Lenny Marotta , Justin T. Hayes, Guiseppe Cicero, Perry Jones, Cleber Silva,
Course #: 4160 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Lenny Marotta , Justin T. Hayes, Guiseppe Cicero, Perry Jones, Cleber Silva,
3D Printing Technology in Dentistry 3D Printing is rapidly changing the shape of manufacturing. This change is even more evident in the dental laboratory industry. From stereolithography (SLA) models to printed night guards, the options are virtually limitless. With laser sintering, even metal can be printed; an affordable option for the lab and clinician. This program shows the laboratory perspective of 3D printing technology, what we use, and how we use the information.
Sponsored by Marotta Dental Studios Inc.
Guiseppe Cicero, D.D.S.
3D Printing and Bone Regeneration Contemporary patient expectations have made esthetics a major requisite of all treatment plans, especially in situations where there is a high smile line. Soft and hard tissue management is fundamental when working in esthetic areas. To achieve ideal esthetics, preservation of the natural soft and hard tissue architecture is a primary clinical objective. These new proposed treatment scenarios illustrate the importance of pre-prosthetic soft and hard tissue management and introducing the use of 3D printing technology in our everyday practice.
Sponsored by Oral 3D
Perry Jones, D.D.S.
Digital Dentistry: 3D printing in a General Practice Join the clinician as he presents a compelling case study from his own practice utilizing the iTero® Element Scanner and 3D printer. Learn a case study, “my experience using the iTero® Element scanner and 3D printer in my office.” This seminar reviews in-office 3D printing advantages.
Sponsored by Align Technologies
Cleber Silva, D.D.S.
3D Printing: What is it? How can it Revolutionize your Practice? The evolution of 3D imaging has found a perfect partner in concurrent developments in 3D printing technology and image manipulation software. New dental techniques such as guided surgery, orthodontic aligners and surgical templates have now been developed. This program is intended to demonstrate to the practicing dentist and dental team the process and protocol of acquisition and manipulation of images to allow the design and fabrication of surgical guides for implant placement.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Dentures & Their Role in an Ever Changing Digital Landscape
Dental Laboratory
Arian Deutsch
Course #: 4180 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Arian Deutsch
Digital Dentistry is here, but can digital technologies effectively replace traditionally handmade products, such as complete and partial dentures? Are digital denture protocols a viable reality today for removable prosthetics? Are digital denture modalities meeting the promises that have been made regarding affordability, increased fit, and more efficient manufacturing? These questions and more are answered during this in depth look into digital dentures.
deciding factors on whether and when to utilize digital or handmade approaches
weighing the pros and cons of both digital dentures and handmade dentures
Many technologies are available for you but which do you really need? Which are elective? Will the cost be equal to your return on the investment? Most importantly, which will improve patient care and increase the service you provide? This program includes the major dental technologies and compares their usefulness for your practice.
technologies available for dental practitioners
to implement the appropriate technologies into your practice
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Periodontal Therapy and Managing Peri-Implant Diseases from Lasers to Air Technologies
Laser Dentistry
Samuel B. Low
Course #: 4360 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Samuel B. Low
Perplexed by the elusive inflamed dental implant? Confused by the various treatment/management strategies? The introduction of the dental implant to the overall management of the patient is at an all-time high and so is the standard of care. However, recent data demonstrates that inflammation associated with the implant is commonplace and can result in loss of the implant. The entire dental team requires successful systems and tools to enhance the longevity towards implant health. Systems utilizing safe laser wavelengths and innovative technologies to manage both mucositis to bone loss implantitis and help retain implants are introduced.
to enhance your diagnostic skills for implantitis versus mucositis and how to script patient explanations to turn into a positive interaction
which laser wavelengths are indicated for the respective implant surface
to consider laser techniques in detoxification/decontamination
Sponsored by the Academy of Laser Dentistry
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Instrument safety: Reciprocation vs. Rotation. Which is better?
Allen Ali Nasseh, Anne L. Koch,
Course #: 4370 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Allen Ali Nasseh, Anne L. Koch,
Instrument safety and efficiency are components of our decision-making process when choosing endodontic nickel titanium files for clinical use. In this program, the clinicians discuss the role that instrument design and motion play in promoting safety while generating excellent outcomes. This course specifically addresses the role of instrumentation motions such as rotation vs. reciprocation and describes the best ways to optimize each motion. Additionally, the best indications for use and contraindications for each motion will be fully discussed and demonstrated. After completing the program, participants will have a better understanding of instrument design, motion, and the various techniques for optimizing safety during root canal instrumentation.
clinical advantages and disadvantages of rotary instruments and reciprocating instruments
to understand the application of crown down technique to reciprocation motion
a novel reciprocation system utilizing the crown down technique
the full nature of bonded endodontic obturation using a bioceramic sealer
Sponsored by Brasseler USA
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Advancements in Esthetic/Restorative Treatment
Restorative Dentistry
Daniel H. Ward
Course #: 4380 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Daniel H. Ward
Bioactive, Universal, Hybrid, Nano-technology, Bulk-fill and Monolithic are all terms being thrown out to describe the latest restorative materials. But what do they mean, do they really work and how do they simplify and improve treatment? Learn to understand the scientific, as well as, clinical advances of these new materials beyond all the hype. Each material has a distinct and precise way in which it must be treated to adhere successfully to the tooth. Learn how to select the best crown for each individual situation and perform proper cementation/bonding protocols.
Learn to:
select and use the latest universal bonding agents, new generation nano-hybrid, spherical and bulk-fill composites and self-healing bioactive restorative materials
treat patients with minimally invasive, age-appropriate materials
select, prepare and cement/bond all-ceramic restorations
In spite of declining tobacco use, the rates of oral cavity and pharynx cancer have essentially remained flat for several years. The goal of this seminar is to update the oral healthcare provider on the changing risk factors contributing to oral cavity and pharynx cancer risk. New diagnostic methodologies to identify oral cavity and pharynx cancer are being actively marketed to the dental professional as advanced “must have” products. The purpose of this seminar is to compare product marketing claims against the available scientific evidence.
the major risk factors for oral cavity and pharynx cancer
to understand contemporary research addressing the use of adjunctive cancer diagnostic aids
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Infection Control in the Dental Practice: New York State Compliance Course
Infection Control
Jessica Wilson
Course #: 4400 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jessica Wilson
Room: 1E10 Topic: Infection Control Tuition: $65.00 Credits: 3
This program reviews the application of IC principles to create and maintain a safe environment for patient care in the dental practice setting. The program also reviews the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard for dental healthcare workers. This unique presentation is also approved by the New York State DOH and follows the CDC Guidelines for infection control and patient safety.
scientifically accepted principles and practices of infection control in the dental practice
how infection control concepts for cleaning, disinfection, sterilization and barrier protection are applied in professional practice
how bloodborne pathogens may be transmitted in the work environment and apply work practice controls to reduce opportunity for exposure of potentially infectious materials
Sponsored by Hu-Friedy
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Communication Solutions Attitudes, Breakdowns & Conflict Resolutions Download Handout
Practice Management
Judy Kay Mausolf
Course #: 4410 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Judy Kay Mausolf
Room: 1E14 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Discover how to elevate your communication to a level that inspires open communication, prevents breakdowns, resolves conflict and builds trust and respect resulting in high performing team and patient relationships. Learn the skills to communicate positively and effectively with different and even difficult personalities. Discover formats to hold positive, effective and efficient huddles and team meetings. Transform attitudes from toxic to tremendous and create a positive environment where everyone looks forward to coming to the office. The speaker shares how you can elevate the level of communication in your life.
verbal skills to communicate effectively with difficult and different personalities
steps to address and resolve conflict
to establish protocols that eliminate gossip
Sponsored by CareCredit
2:00pm - 5:00pm
A Revolutionary Multi-wavelength Dental Laser: Multiple Uses, Multiple Benefits
Charles R. Braga
Course #: 4550 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Charles R. Braga
Practitioners of cosmetic dentistry, periodontal surgery, and restorative dentistry are the beneficiaries of a new multi-wavelength dental laser (Blazzer). An extensive array of practical intraoral applications is now possible through the singular, simultaneous, or consecutive emission of visible and infrared laser energy. Minimally invasive soft tissue surgical procedures, rapid curing of light-activated dental materials, laser-assisted teeth whitening, and adjunctive use in caries detection are some of the capabilities of this compact and lightweight instrument. It provides several advantages over existing dental lasers. Clinical utility and safety are enhanced with a built-in power meter that verifies output of laser power to the target tissue, thus minimizing concerns regarding under- or overtreatment. This feature, combined with a built-in Joule counter that measures and displays the amount of energy delivered to the target tissue or dental material, permits precise control over laser dosimetry for optimum effect.
the versatility and time-saving benefits of a new multi-wavelength dental laser
how this laser can expand clinical capabilities in soft tissue surgery, photopolymerization, teeth whitening, and diagnosis of carious lesions
Ever feel stuck in the development of your leadership skills? Not sure where to go or how to grow? Want to become more productive, more profitable and ultimately more fulfilled in your practice and looking for guidance on how to get there? To positively develop both personally and professionally, leaders and team members alike can take steps to a healthier, happier workplace. By incorporating effective communication into your day-to-day life you will experience a shift in both your mindset and your outcomes. In this workshop, you learn how to lead and communicate effectively from wherever you are in your professional career and how to build a powerful team, meeting goal after goal, through incorporating business acumen and communication skills for your practice and professional success.
steps to lead your team and elevate practice performance
how to listen your way through healthy conversations
proven ways to grow both personally and professionally as a team
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Refining Your Crown and Bridge Experience
Restorative Dentistry
Marc Geissberger
Course #: 4570 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Marc Geissberger
This workshop is designed to help clinicians fine tune their crown and bridge appointments. Through hands-on exercises doctors learn techniques and practice clinical tips to help optimize crown preparation, impression taking (both conventional and digital, demo only), provisionalization, restoration adjustment and delivery, as well as, bonding and cementation protocols. This workshop is ideal for the general dentist who wishes to optimize clinical results, while simultaneously simplifying their clinical protocols.
techniques that optimize the crown and bridge experience
to practice and refine skills used in crown preparation, impression capturing, provisional fabrication and cementation
Sponsored by 3M Oral Care
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Crown Lengthening Workshop
James S. Kohner
Course #: 4580 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
James S. Kohner
Learn principles and procedures for functional restorations that help solve common everyday restorative issues like open margins or inflamed tissues around crowns. Biologic Width and ferrule are emphasized to allow participants to perform crown lengthening if they choose, or make more informed referrals if they prefer. Practice flap surgeries and suturing on pig jaws, and required osseous re-contouring on models. Two surgical videos are shown to help demonstrate the surgical procedure.
understand surgical steps and technique from flap to suture
understand why bone is the key
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Physical Examination of the Head and Neck
Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology
Theresa S. Gonzales
Course #: 4590 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Theresa S. Gonzales
This program is designed to re-acquaint the oral health care provider with an organized approach to the physical examination of the head and neck. Diagnosis is the key to patient care and no therapeutic skill can compensate for an inability to adequately assess and evaluate a patient. A system, therefore, must be developed in both the history taking and clinical examination process to minimize the possibility of missing the underlying pathologic condition. Clinico-pathologic correlations are used to supplement principles of physical diagnosis.
Learn to:
develop a systematic approach to the physical examination of the head and neck
expand differential diagnostic and treatment algorithms
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Endodontic Essays
Aleksander Iofin, Marcus D. Johnson, Ron Ganik,
Course #: 4610 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Aleksander Iofin, Marcus D. Johnson, Ron Ganik,
Contemporary Endodontics: Seeing Is Believing The field of Endodontics has changed dramatically in the last two decades. We no longer work in the dark. CBCT is our GPS and in conjunction with operating the microscope, apex locator, revolutionary NiTi technology, newest Bioceramic materials and other advancements both non-surgical and surgical Endodontics is very successful, predictable and comfortable to the patients. As a result, saving natural dentition is a mission accomplished. Get a comprehensive review of all the important changes and advancements in the field of Endodontics in the last two decades. Participants will understand the decision making process of Root canal therapy vs Apical Microsurgery vs Extraction
Marcus D. Johnson, D.D.S.,M.S.D.(3:00-4:00)
Pain Management and Diagnosis This presentation highlights real-life techniques and strategies touching on endodontic case management, from administering local anesthetic to controlling intra operative pain. Attendees will become familiar with biologic and clinical principles that will allow for predictably successful pain management and endodontic diagnosis. Practitioners will gain insite into case assessment that aids in accurate diagnosis of a patient’s chief complaint of pain to help facilitate successful endodontic treatment.
Ron Ganik, B.S., D.D.S.(4:00-5:00)
A Review of The Properly Done Apicoetomy A review of the basic principles of successfully performing apicoectomies is demonstrated. Proper case selection, treatment planning, materials, methods, and, indications for implementing graft materials are shown. Principles of case selection, choice of materials and methods, avoiding pitfalls for the purpose of achieving desired outcomes are reviewed in a step-by-step fashion for the proper execution of an apicoectomy.
Jose Mª Arano, Juan M. Aragoneses, Sergio J. Hiskin, Yuri J. Turanza, Javier Jauregui,
Course #: 4640 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jose Mª Arano, Juan M. Aragoneses, Sergio J. Hiskin, Yuri J. Turanza, Javier Jauregui,
Biointegración Cervical Periimplantaria España; El éxito a largo plazo de los tratamientos implantológicos depende tanto de la integridad de las estructuras de soporte -óseointegración- como de la integridad y la salud de los tejidos de sellado periimplantario. La conjunción de ambos factores proporciona una integración tisular total y determina la predictibilidad de nuestros tratamientos. La interfase entre el implante y la restauración protésica es un campo de gran relevancia en la investigación científica, ya que puede ser la clave para la longevidad de las restauraciones sobre implantes y la capacidad de mantener la salud y la estética sobre los implantes.
Juan M. Aragoneses, D.D.S, M.D., Ph.D.
Células Madre Estado actual de la investigación en regeneración ósea y mucosa con células madre en odontología e implantología, Estado actual de la investigación en odontología, Células madre y su aplicación en la investigación.
Sergio J. Hiskin, D.D.S.
Cirugía Estética Periodontal La conferencia versará sobre diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas para solucionar patologías periodontales que afectan la salud y la estética del paciente tales como, recesion gingival localizaday disminución de la sonrisa gingival.
Yuri J. Turanza, D.D.S.
Regeneración tisular espontánea. Manejo de tejidos para lograr regeneración tisular en alveolos post exodoncia sin utilizar materiales regenerativos. Presentación de casos complejos. Plantear un cambio de paradigma. Mostrar resultados a largo plazo.
Javier Jauregui, D.D.S.
Modificación Digital del Perfil El análisis facial ha adquirido una gran relevancia en el diagnóstico, pronóstico y elaboración del plan de tratamiento en Ortodoncia, hasta el punto de considerarse que la Ortodoncia se encuentra en la era del análisis facial y en la práctica este precede al análisis cefalométrico y cuando encontramos discrepancia entre los dos, el análisis facial es el que predomina. Para realizar el pronóstico ortodóncico nos fundamentamos en la configuración predictiva del triángulo de Tweed haciendo modificaciones digitales del perfil con lo cual se hace visible un objetivo de tratamiento que nos permite demostrarle al paciente.
Sponsored by Academia Internacional de Odontologia Integral (AIOI)
La presentación se enfoca al diagnóstico y tratamiento de las complicaciones trans y postoperatorias en la extracción de terceros molares superiores e inferiores. se analiza la evaluación preoperatoria, incluyendo el manejo de CBCT así como también la evaluación preoperatoria de pacientes anticoagulados. Realizar la evaluación preoperatoria completa clínica e imagenologica de terceros molares superiores e inferiores. Identificar las complicaciones trans y postoperatorias en la extracción de terceros molares y su tratamiento.
Sponsored by the Puerto Rico Dental Asociación, USA
Descripción general y manifestación de los trastornos orofaciales en la práctica dental. Este es un curso de 3 horas sobre patrones de Dolor Orofacial que puede imitar el dolor dental y complicar la curación postoperatoria. Estos trastornos pueden presentar un desafío clínico y de manejo del paciente si no son reconocidos. Esta discusión presentará secuencialmente un paradigma para el reconocimiento, diagnóstico y manejo de estos trastornos. Esta información es esencial para todas las disciplinas dentales.
Veronica Franscini, D.D.S.,, m.b.a.
Dolor Orofacial/Disfunción Temporomandibular El curso de dolor orofacial y de los trastornos temporomandibulares (disfunción temporomandibular) tiene como objetivo principal dar una visión general de los conceptos contemporáneos en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del dolor orofacial. Aprender a dar una diagnóstico de dolor orofacial. Saber cómo evaluar un paciente de dolor orofacial.
Patricia Schiemann, D.D.S.
Actualización del Manejo del DOF El propósito del seminario es actualizar al odontólogo general sobre las nuevas técnicas del manejo del dolor Orofacial (DOF) y los desórdenes temporomandibulares (DTM) basados en la evidencia actual del conocimiento. El segundo objetivo es ver el papel que juegan las clínicas del dolor en el manejo de los dolores crónicos de cabeza y cuello que son competencia del odontólogo.
Sponsored by ICD International Task Force - Section XX
This program is an overview of oral pathologic conditions from lesion images accumulated over 37 years in dentistry. Etiology, clinical appearance and treatment options are included for each lesion/condition, including both common and uncommon conditions, many of which are signs of systemic disease. Comparison images for differential diagnosis are included and discussed. This program can serve as an excellent update for seasoned hygienists/dentists or a relevant review for new graduates entering the field.
Learn to:
explain the etiology, clinical appearance and treatment options of various oral pathologic conditions
compare/contrast lesions that can be considered in a differential diagnosis for each pathologic entity
Sponsored by Crest + Oral B
3:30pm - 5:15pm
Excellence in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry for the Comprehensive Dental Practice
The clinician discusses the importance of digital dentistry combined with Invisalign® treatment to help patients maintain healthy and beautiful smiles. During the presentation, attendees will see a “live” demonstration on the latest digital scanning technology and techniques while learning the importance of scanning every patient. Treatment planning strategies are discussed along with the latest advancements in clear aligner therapy. The program concludes with a “live” placement of restorations and a final digital scan of the patient. If you want to create a complete cosmetic and restorative solution for your patients without compromising occlusion, be certain to attend this dynamic “live” treatment presentation.
optional restoration treatment planning strategies for combination cases
the latest in scanning technology for dental health
proper techniques for placing restorations combined with Invisalign treatment
Sponsored by Align Technologies
6:00pm - 8:30pm
International Academy for Dental Facial Esthetics
Allied/ Specialty Groups
Current Dental Topics
Edwin Lynch, David L. Hoexter, George Freedman,
Course #: 4680 Date: 11/26/2018 Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Edwin Lynch, David L. Hoexter, George Freedman,
Room: The Harmonie Club, NYC Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 3
Edward Lynch, Ph.D., D.D.S. Course: 4680 6:00 – 8:30 Tuition: Free 3 CEUs Location: The Harmonie Club (4 East 60th Street, New York, NY)
Scientific Session
Controlling Dentin Infection
Moderators David L. Hoexter, D.M.D. George Freedman, D.D.S.
8:00am - 12:00pm
Invisalign Fundamentals Course (IFC) The First Step to Becoming and Invisalign Provider
Ben Miraglia
Course #: 5180 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia
Peter Vitruk, Ph.D. (8:00 – 10:00) Martin Kaplan, D.M.D. Lenny Kundel, D.M.D.
Laser Frenectomy: Myths and Science, Pediatric Patients with Compromised Airway and Osteopathically Guided Learn about the advanced Osteopathically Guided Functional Frenectomy of tongue and lip oral restrictions performed with real-time palpatory guidance of an osteopath who is trained in assessing the soft tissues and myofascial strains. Learn about positive impacts that properly performed CO2 laser frenectomy may have in pediatric patients with compromised airways and swallowing. Learn that laser’s ability to photo-thermally cut and coagulate soft tissue depends on laser’s type and its wavelength. Learn that the depth of CO2 laser incision during frenectomies can be adjusted to a fraction of a millimeter, while the depth of coagulation can be maintained under 100 µm for the utmost control and for the minimum collateral damage.
Jonathan S. Lown, M.D. (10:00 – 12:00)
What Every Dentist Treating Sleep Needs to Ask their Physicians With the vast numbers of untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea (est. of 52 million Americans with OSA) patients being unrecognized, untreated or undertreated, it is imperative to unite forces between the Sleep Dentist and the Sleep Physician; especially considering the numerous hazards and untoward medical sequela that can result from failure to resolve Obstructive Sleep Apnea in this country and in the world. However, the gap in knowledge and understanding of what the individual sleep physician and sleep dentist brings to the table is massive, and this divide is growing daily. It is obvious that we need to learn to work together in a comprehensive approach that is ultimately the best formula for better patient outcomes. This seminar is a roadmap that allows the sleep dentist to navigate a much-needed partnership and collaboration with their local sleep physicians and will outline the necessary steps to achieve this goal.
Sponsored by:
9:00am - 12:00pm
Critical Updates in Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2018 ~ From Technology to Managing Eruption Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Jed Best, Martha Ann Keels,
Course #: 5060 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jed Best, Martha Ann Keels,
Technology is a positive force in providing better care for our patients and simplifying dental practice. Like an iceberg, where the majority of the mass is below the surface, technology information may not be publicized and can affect the expected performance. Separating fact from fiction to allow the dentist to be a better consumer is the goal. A better informed practitioner is a better consumer of technology. Learn about clinical management of eruption and exfoliation.
to identify not only the advantages but also the disadvantages of a particular technology/equipment
the importance of monitoring and managing of eruption and exfoliation
Sponsored by CareCredit and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
9:00am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 5130 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program. This course is taught by a board certified plastic surgeon in private practice.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:00am - 12:00pm
Oral Health Care in the U.S. – For Whom, By Whom, and Who Pays! (Is there a Pathway to inclusion of Oral Care in Medicare?)
Public Health
David Gesko, Mike Alfano, Michael Glick, Allen Finkelstein, Conrado E. Barzaga, Jack Dillenberg,
Course #: 5140 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Gesko, Mike Alfano, Michael Glick, Allen Finkelstein, Conrado E. Barzaga, Jack Dillenberg,
Room: 1E15 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. America is quickly moving to a population and social determinant based system of care. All health professionals need to know what they can do, how to collaborate, and how to be paid so they can improve the health of their patients, families and community while thriving in their professional lives.
Oral Health Care in the U.S. – For Whom, By Whom, and Who Pays! (Is there a Pathway to inclusion of Oral Care in Medicare?)
Oral healthcare in the United States has continued to be a challenge for patients, providers, insurers and policy makers. This extraordinary panel helps you to better understand how to thrive in this ever changing system. By participating in this program, you will better understand the issues and leave with a clear understanding of how to be successful in navigating the system while providing quality care for your patients.
Learn to: understand the issues involved in the U.S healthcare delivery system recognize and address the difficulties in integrating oral health in primary care understand the value and importance of oral health as a benefit in Medicare
9:00am - 12:00pm
Medications, Injections, Natural Therapies and Novel Treatment Strategies for Migraines and Tension headaches, Orofacial Pain, and Temporomandibular D Download Handout
Pain Management
Donald R. Tanenbaum, Alexander Mauskop,
Course #: 5230 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Donald R. Tanenbaum, Alexander Mauskop,
This program focuses on treatment strategies to address common and complex orofacial pain, TMD problems and headache complaints. With the knowledge that persistent pain often has a somatic and neuro-immune origin, a multilayered approach to care are offered. Specifically a new class of drugs called CGRP inhibitors targeted to address migraines and neuropathic pains are discussed as they appear to be opening a new frontier for chronic sufferers. The use of Botox for migraines, jaw muscle pain, and neuralgias are also reviewed with practical clinical insights being offered. In addition, injection therapies for compromised TM joints are explored inclusive of PRP, hyaluronic acid and dextrose.
new classes of drugs to address the neuro-immune system
injection therapies to assist healing in the temporomandibular joint
Sponsored by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pathways of the Pulp
Stephen Cohen
Course #: 5240 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Stephen Cohen
This seminar discusses the diagnosis and treatment of endodontic emergencies. Learn how to apply the latest technology to complete endodontic treatment and how to provide profound local anesthesia for the “hot” lower molar. The most rapid and effective technique for thorough cleaning/shaping root canals is reviewed. This program discusses the most current technology for rapid 3-D obturation of complex root canal systems.
to apply the latest technology applied to complete endodontic treatment
how to diagnose and treat endodontic emergencies
Sponsored by Dentsply Sirona Endodontics
9:00am - 12:00pm
Be Aware of Wear: A Systematic Approach to Diagnosing, Treatment Planning and Restoring the Worn Dentition Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
Thomas E. Dudney
Course #: 5250 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Thomas E. Dudney
In today’s society, tooth wear is more prevalent than ever. It is therefore incumbent upon the entire dental team to be well versed in recognizing the clinical signs of wear while understanding the importance of prevention when possible and the restorative options when necessary. This program illustrates the different types of tooth wear with clinical examples, and demonstrates a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment.
to recognize the clinical signs of intrinsic and extrinsic erosion
office protocols to help patients prevent and/or treat acid erosion
bite opening vs. crown lengthening vs. orthodontic intrusion to gain space for restorations
Sponsored by GC America
9:00am - 12:00pm
Inflammation: The Persistent Stimulus
Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology
Theresa S. Gonzales
Course #: 5260 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Theresa S. Gonzales
Of the ten leading causes of mortality in the United States, chronic, low-level inflammation contributes to the pathogenesis of at least seven. These include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and nephritis. Pain, swelling, redness, and warmth are all signs of inflammation arriving at the site and alerting your body and initiating the healing process. But when inflammation becomes “chronic” – individuals are at the greatest risk for significant health challenges. Inflammation becomes chronic when it transitions from an acute response and remains a constant low-level physiological response and in time- a threat. Modulating the pro-inflammatory process is an imperative to decreasing the morbidity associated with aging in America.
the role of chronic inflammation in the morbidity and mortality of disease prevalent in our culture
how to modulate the immune response and activate “anti-inflammatory” physiology
9:00am - 12:00pm
Beating Up your Patient’s Periodontal Disease: A Minimally Invasive Approach Download Handout
James S. Kohner
Course #: 5270 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
James S. Kohner
Learn a scientifically sound evidence based approach for the effective management of moderate to advanced periodontal disease using minimally invasive surgical intervention, or at times using nonsurgical methods. Both indications are explained. Learn how adding chemotherapeutic methods, to specifically target the periodontal bacteria, allows for successful management of everything from very advanced cases that typically have been treated only with extraction, to badly infected ones. In doing so, results are improved over classical surgical or SCRP Methods, which may not kill all bacteria at the diseased sites.
why periodontal surgery or SCRP might fail
to manage failed and failing cases
9:00am - 12:00pm
Practical Solutions for Major Scheduling Nightmares Download Handout
Practice Management
Jennifer M. de St. Georges
Course #: 5280 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jennifer M. de St. Georges
Room: 1E14 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Today’s patients post their unhappy dental experiences on Social Media so those who are routinely running late or mishandling their schedules do so at their own risk. Learn the eight rules to provide emergency care in a timely manner. Appointment reminders greatly increase no shows when mishandled. This seminar discusses how to educate ‘late patients’ the benefits of being on time. Learn how to save 50% of ‘Cancel Short Notice’ (CSN) calls; handle doctors’ telephone calls effectively; how to solve ‘end of day and after school’ appointment requests; and how to manage your quick call list so you don’t encourage more CSN calls. This seminar reviews the five techniques to get back ‘on schedule.’
Learn to:
schedule emergencies without running late
reduce confirmation calls and no shows
Sponsored by CareCredit
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Christensen Bottom Line 2019
Current Dental Topics
Gordon J. Christensen
Course #: 5290 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Gordon J. Christensen
Room: 1E21 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $215.00 Credits: 3
This popular course changes almost every year. It includes the most important products, concepts, techniques, and devices that companies want you to purchase from them. Will they improve your patient care? Is their cost commensurate with the increased service they provide? Do you need them? Come and see! The hottest aspects are included in the planned program depending on the interests of the participants, the popularity of topics at the time of this program, and the time available.
five significant new changes in dental materials, devices, concepts, or techniques for 2019
This seminar explores the rationale for using attachments as connectors to implants and natural teeth. Various precision and semi-precision attachments are reviewed along with numerous types of resilient and non-resilient bar units, joints, studs, magnets, screws, and various accessory attachments. The quantity and quality of available bone, various ridge relationships, number of implants placed and the anterior-posterior spread are explained and elaborated.
the rationale for using attachments in fixed and removable prosthetics on abutments, roots and implants
to immediately incorporate attachment dentistry into patient treatment planning
9:00am - 5:00pm
12 Hour New York State Anesthesia Sedation Requirement Program Download Handout
Anesthesia and Sedation
Marc Gottlieb
Course #: 5310 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc Gottlieb
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Anesthesia and Sedation Tuition: $495.00 Credits: 12
This program is designed for the general practitioner as well as all specialists. Everyone from the first year dental student, your receptionist to the veteran about to retire will benefit from this course. Today many of our patients treat their own anxiety by self-medicating themselves or expect us to offer them a magic pill. There is no simple solution but the clinician shows you how to be proactive and avoid serious complications. This program demonstrates, through case studies, how utilizing TLC, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, Anxiolysis, Oral and I.V. Sedation, can help and manage the apprehensive patient. We will also role-play and simulate dental office emergencies. A significant amount of time focuses on airway management by the solo operator or as a team member working with an anesthesiologist. Everyone participates in hands-on workshops with a variety of airway adjuncts to treat airway emergencies. Treating the apprehensive man, woman or child can be very rewarding. When managed properly they remain loyal for life andoften refer their friends and family. Everything from tender loving care to general anesthesia will be covered. Other courses teach you how to medicate, communicate and delegate. This course pulls it all together and satisfies the NYS mandated12 hour CE requirement in enteral, parenteral and I.V. sedation.
to understand how to effectively manage apprehensive children and adults
to recognize the difference between Anxiolysis, Minimal - Moderate Sedation, Deep Sedation and General Anesthesia
a review of medications commonly used in dentistry*
early recognition of airway problems and corrective techniques
how to perform dentistry on a sedated patient with an open or compromised airway*
the management of anesthesia complications and related emergencies for adults and children*
determine which additional training is right for your practice
This is a 12 Hour continuing education program designed to satisfy the New York State Anesthesia/Sedation requirement. This is a 2-day, 12 hour course. To receive certification you must attend both Tuesday and Wednesday programs.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Portuguese Program
Portuguese Courses
Silvana Allegrini Kairalla, Cassiano Scapini, Francisco Octávio T. Pacca, Luciane Franco Kraul,
Course #: 5320 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Silvana Allegrini Kairalla, Cassiano Scapini, Francisco Octávio T. Pacca, Luciane Franco Kraul,
Ortodontia Lingual: Uma Técnica viável, veloz e estética. Atualmente, os consultórios têm recebido muitos pacientes adultos para tratamento ortodôntico, mas que geralmente esperam por um tratamento rápido e estético. Desta forma, a Ortodontia Lingual tornou-se uma técnica ideal para atender às necessidades dos pacientes adultos e até mesmo adolescentes que desejam um tratamento que permita de forma estética corrigir todos os tipos de má oclusão com a eficiência de um aparelho ortodôntico fixo.
Cassiano Scapini, D.D.S.
Performance – PNL e Design Thinking Experience Performance é uma abordagem direcionada para o Cirurgião -Dentista, equipa clínica e gestores de consultórios e clínicas odontológicas a partir da PNL- Programação Neurolinguistica e do DTE- Design Thinking Experience, para a promoção da qualidade de vida, equilíbrio e obtenção de melhores resultados pessoais, profissionais e económicos.
Francisco Octávio T. Pacca, D.D.S.
Emergências Médicas em Odontologia O objetivo da aula é ensinar o Cirurgião - Dentista, como diagnosticar e solucionar as principais situações de emergências médicas que podem acontecer durante um procedimento odontológico.
Luciane Franco Kraul, D.D.S., M.D.
Analise Facial, DSD & Harmonização A palestra será sobre como fazer uma correta análise facial, utilizando parâmetros antropométricos e ferramentas do Digital Smile Design, a fim de melhorar o planejamento e execução dos procedimentos funcionais e estéticos na Harmonização Facial. O aluno também terá uma visão de como agregar essa prática como forma de documentação e marketing.
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc Reilly
Course #: 5410 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Sponsored by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 5:00pm
Diode Laser Basic Competency Course
Laser Dentistry
John Graeber
Course #: 5420 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
John Graeber
This full-day program provides a detailed and focused basic competency in the use of diode lasers - one of the most popular dental wavelengths. Clinical techniques for dentists and hygienists are reviewed including: basic troughing, laser sculpting in smile design, frenectomies, and the minimally invasive laser protocol in periodontal treatment. Techniques in low level laser therapy are reviewed in wound healing and cellular regeneration. Attendees demonstrate clinical simulation on pig jaws and must pass a written exam to achieve Academy of Laser Dentistry Basic Competency.
basic scientific principles in how lasers interact with dental tissues
to use a diode laser safely to avoid complications
various tissue biotypes and fine tune diode laser settings
Note: This course is in collaboration with the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD). ALD Laser Basic Competency Letter of Completion is included with successful course completion. This course serves as fulfilling the prerequisite for Standard Proficiency Certification with the ALD.
Common Oral Lesions: Differential Diagnosis/Treatment With the focus of dentistry changing from restorative to disease prevention providers will find themselves in the position to identify and treat oral disease in healthy patients. Patients may present with sore irritated mucosa, but the symptoms of peeling, redness and blisters can be attributed to numerous etiologies. This program presents an easy reproducible approach to the differential diagnosis and treatment of common oral lesions. The focus will be on the clinical management of common oral lesions, relevant laboratory tests, treatment and anticipated prognosis following appropriate therapy. The participant will learn current treatment modalities for various common oral lesions, prescribe pharmacological agents properly and understand their mechanisms of action.
Faizan Alawi, D.D.S. (10:00-11:00)
Oral Manifestations of Systemic Disease Oral and maxillofacial pathology is commonly encountered in clinical practice. It is important for the clinician to recognize that even innocuous-looking lesions could represent manifestations of a systemic disease. Similarly, manifestations of systemic disease could mimic other, more commonly occurring pathology within the oral cavity. This program uses clinical cases as the basis for reinforcement of important clinical and diagnostic principals used to evaluate, diagnose and treat localized oral pathology associated with common and unusual systemic diseases. To increase awareness that the oral cavity may be the only site of involvement in patients with systemic disease. The emphasis is on the valuable role the dental practitioner in interdisciplinary health care.
Lauren Levi, D.M.D. (11:00-12:00)
Diagnosing Oral Cancer This program will not only review the signs, symptoms and risk factors of oral cancer, but also provides the attendee with the armamentarium to perform a comprehensive head and neck examination. The essay introduces the clinician to the diagnosis and management of oral cancer and reviews the treatment modalities for cancer patients as well as discusses the epidemiology of oral cancer and the pathophysiology of oral premalignant lesions. Review the benefits of autogenous tissue versus other substitute materials to treat mucogingival deformities; become more familiar with performing an in-depth oral cancer evaluation; and become more familiar with performing an in-depth oral cancer evaluation.
Victor M. Arellano Cobain, Esteban Peral , Adan Yañez Larios, Franklin Pineda, Moises Fleitman, Beatriz Fleitman, Ben Fleitman, David Y. Fleitman,
Course #: 5580 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Victor M. Arellano Cobain, Esteban Peral , Adan Yañez Larios, Franklin Pineda, Moises Fleitman, Beatriz Fleitman, Ben Fleitman, David Y. Fleitman,
Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Dentofacial Sin Límites Los tratamiento de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Dentofacial tienen como objetivo brindar estética dental y facial, función y estabilidad a largo plazo. Se mostraran los aciertos y errores más comunes que conducen al éxito o fracaso en cada tratamiento. Enfatizar los factores de éxito para el tratamiento ortodóntico y ortopédico dentofacial. Señalar los factores de fracaso para el tratamiento ortodóntico y ortopédico dentofacial.
Esteban Peral, D.D.S.
Biomecánica Periodontal en Implantologia Oral, Una realidad? Hace muchas décadas que el sistema y las técnicas implantologicas nos instalan en estructuras rígidas, donde la lejanía con la biología y biomecánica funcional natural son una contraparte. Hoy podemos contar con materiales y técnicas donde estar tan cerca de la biología e imitar su biomecánica, es una realidad. Puedo contarte en nuestro encuentro cómo hacer para que tus implantes tengan biomecánica periodontal.
Adan Yañez Larios, Ph.D., D.D.S.
Convirtiendo Fracasos en Éxitos con Endodoncia de Última Generación En esta conferencia presentamos casuística de la importancia de resolver los aspectos biológicos. Para vernos favorecidos con éxito en los tratamientos de conductos y mostramos con endodoncia de última generación como los resultados adversos pueden ser manejados favorablemente; teniendo como pilar principal el aspecto biológico y siendo apoyados con tecnología actual.
Franklin Pineda, D.D.S.
El implante Replica. El Avance del Siglo En esta platica se describirán los errores y problemas endodónticos que con llevan el fracaso y extracción de una pieza dentaria. Se mencionará el implante tradicional, sus aplicaciones y desventajas. Para terminar con la descripción y análisis del nuevo IMPLANTE REPLICA. Se describirá a detalle la técnica, proceso para manufacturar y el procedimiento clínico el nuevo IMPLANTE REPLICA.
Moises Fleitman, D.D.S.
Estetica Moderna Enfocada Al G.P. El participante aprenderá a diagnosticar, preparar y cementar carillas de porcelana en casos extremos. Se discutirán las diferentes opciones de tipos de tratamientos comparando los resultados tanto como la conservación de tejidos y riesgo del tratamiento sin olvidar la estética. Presentar opciones de diagnóstico, preparación y cementación de carillas en casos extremos. Presentar los pasos a seguir para una óptima sequencia de tratamiento.
Beatriz Fleitman, M.Sc.
Evaluación y manejo del Paciente La evaluación individual de riesgo de cada paciente, la detección temprana de lesiones y enfermedades bucales es primordial para el dentista y su equipo en la clínica con el fin de tomar la mejor decisión de manejo y tratamiento. En esta platica se analizara la importancia y los medios del clasificación de niveles de riesgo del paciente y su manifestación en enfermedades bucales así mismo como los factores patológicos y de protección. Se discutirán técnicas y materiales para la detección temprana, prevención, remineralizacion, remoción de caries y restauración del tejido afectado.
Ben Fleitman, D.D.S.
Simplificación de Tecnicas Quirurjicas
Descubriendo la implantologia, herramientas y técnicas que nos simplificarán el éxito, enfocado para el G.P. En esta platica se revisarán las bases para la colocación de Implantes , técnicas conservadoras y digitales. Así mismo se presentara la técnica para el levantamiento del seno maxilar de una sola intención por medio de una nueva técnica de levantamiento del seno
David Y. Fleitman, D.D.S.
Tratamiento de Maloclucion con Tecnologia Avanzada Se presentará el aparato para corrección sagital de malocclusiones Clase II y Clase III - MOTION. Se discutirán casos clínicos corregidos en un principio digitalmente con continuación del tratamiento con Brackets de autoligado pasivo de baja fricción para terminar el caso.
Sponsored by Instituto Dental Standar Mexico - SDI
9:00am - 5:00pm
Simposio Multi-Disciplinario ROCA Internacional Download Handout
Spanish Courses
Julio C. Lalama Monserrate, Mario C. Elias Podesta, Sergio Hugo W. Cacciacane Entrerios, Gabriela Scagnet, Walter F. Flores, Adriana Pascual, Juan E. Bazan, Melania Gonzalez y Rivaas,
Course #: 5590 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Julio C. Lalama Monserrate, Mario C. Elias Podesta, Sergio Hugo W. Cacciacane Entrerios, Gabriela Scagnet, Walter F. Flores, Adriana Pascual, Juan E. Bazan, Melania Gonzalez y Rivaas,
Ortodoncia del Siglo XXI Mostramos una Ortodoncia Rápida, efectiva, Totalmente estética e invisible para al resolución de todas las maloclusiones y sin extracciones. Introducirse en la ortodoncia estética. Diferentes alternativas cosméticas.
Mario C. Elias Podesta, D.D.S.
Frenectomías en Bebes La Anquiloglosia se define como lengua atada. Es la imposiblidad de protruir o retruir la lengua y genera problemas de crecimiento y habla. El tiempo de la operación siempre ha sido controversial. Muchos clínicos apuestan por esperar a que el niño tenga 3 años a más y se evidencien los problemas de habla, mientras que otros, donde nos incluímos creemos que la intervención debe ser dentro de los primeros meses de vida ya que así el aprendizaje al habla, por ser un tema neurolingüístico no será alterado.
Sergio Hugo W. Cacciacane Entrerios, D.D.S.
Mantenimiento del Hueso Marginal Cómo demostrar clínicamente y radiográficamente cómo se comporta el hueso perimplantario con la utilización de pilares de conexión a diferentes alturas en las diferentes conexiones de los implantes e identificación de los implantes y conexiones necesarias para el mantenimiento marginal del hueso periimplantario.
Gabriela Scagnet, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Cuidado Dental en Pacientes Con Enfermedades Raras Se explicará la importancia de entrenar a los dentistas en el manejo de algunas enfermedades de baja prevalencia. Al final de la conferencia, los asistentes conocerán el protocolo de atención dental en personas con diferentes enfermedades raras. Los asistentes conocerán las diferencias en la elección del tratamiento dental.
Walter F. Flores, Ph.D., D.D.S.
Enfoque Diferente en Cirugía Bucal La conferencia se basa en un enfoque diferente del diagnóstico y tratamiento de los problemas bucales mediante la intervención de dos especialidades como son la endodóncia y la cirugía bucal. Se desarrollarán temas de endodoncia a cielo abierto y colocación de implantes transendodónticos.
Juan E. Bazan, D.D.S.
Selección del Color en Estetica En esta conferencia encontraremos algunos tips para lograr encontrar el color dental de una manera más rápida y exacta. Ayudar a seleccionar el color dental. Comunicación con el laboratorio.
Melania Gonzalez y Rivas, D.M.D.
Programas Preventivos Familiares La odontología preventiva, de pacienets y familias es una filosofía de práctica que debe traslucirse en cada fase de la atención odontológica. Este curso le propone al profesional una visión diferente para aplicar en su práctica todos los días. Informar al cursante acerca de las innovaciones filosóficas, biológicas y técnico- científicas que cambiaron la forma de ejercer la odontología .En el campo de la Odontología Clínica resulta más apropiado enfatizar el control periódico y los tratamientos preventivos como componentes ineludibles en el camino hacia una buena salud. Generar un trabajo participativo de los intervinientes, compartiendo diferentes alternativas para el control y la prevención de patologías bucales que posibilite el autocuidado y mantenimiento de la salud bucal de la población, propiciando un trabajo interdisciplinario, que provoque cambios en la práctica diaria de solo curativa , a educativa y preventiva.
Sponsored by Simposio Multi-Disciplinario ROCA INTERNACIONAL
9:45am - 12:45pm
Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization: The Single Tooth Solution
Implant Dentistry
Brian Jackson
Course #: 5010 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Brian Jackson
The field of oral implantology has become a discipline of dentistry demonstrating predictable outcomes in the reconstruction of the partially edentulous patient. Immediate implant placement with provisionalization (IIPP) is a long-established and scientifically proven approach to restoring a missing tooth. The delivery of healthcare is moving toward minimally invasive approaches to reduce treatment time, pain, and cost. Immediate implant placement with provisionalization (IIPP) acts in concert with this philosophy in that it combines surgical and restorative procedures, decreases appointments, and eliminates the need for a transitional removable partial denture. Case presentations illustrate the concept in its entirety to maximize understanding.
Learn to:
understand the scientific evidence that supports immediate placement/provisionalization
comprehend the specific surgical and prosthetic protocols to obtain long-term success
Sponsored by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry
9:45am - 12:45pm
Extraction Socket Grafting for Implant Site Development: Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Avi Schetritt
Course #: 5030 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Avi Schetritt
The long term success of dental implants is dependent on the quality and quantity of bone available for implant placement. Extraction socket grafting is a crucial step in implant site development and often reduces the need for additional bone grafting procedures. This hands-on workshop reviews the step-by-step procedures for predictable extraction socket grafting. Selection of the appropriate bone graft material and membrane also discussed. The hands-on portion of this workshop allows attendees to practice and master the technique of socket grafting.
to understand extraction socket wound healing
the differences between bone graft materials and membranes along with their indications
step-by-step socket grafting procedure
Sponsored by International Congress of Oral Implantologists
9:45am - 5:00pm
New York University Orthodontic Department and Alumni Symposium Download Handout
Jae H. Park, Berte Melsen,
Course #: 5050 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Jae H. Park, Berte Melsen,
CBCT and TADs in Contemporary Orthodontics The introduction of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and computer software in orthodontics has allowed orthodontists to provide more accurate diagnosis and treatment. The most common use of CBCT imaging allows orthodontists to visualize the precise position of supernumerary or impacted teeth, especially impacted canines. In doing so, the exact angulation of impaction and proximity of adjacent roots can be evaluated by orthodontists, allowing them to choose vector forces for tooth movement while minimizing root resorption. Even though 2-dimensional panoramic images can be used to view the position of the impacted canines, they have limitations because it is not possible to evaluate the impacted tooth position 3-dimensionally. An accurate knowledge of root position improves the determination of success in orthodontic treatment.
Temporary anchorage devices (TADs) offer a practical way to provide anchorage for various types of tooth movement, especially when used in concert with CBCT to aid in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, treatment simulation, proper placement of TADs, and assessment of skeletal and dental changes.
the clinical situations for which CBCT is used
diagnosis and treatment of impacted and ankylosed teeth with the aid of CBCT
clinical applications and biomechanical considerations of TADs in challenging cases
Berte Melsen, D.D.S.
Regeneration of Degenerated Dentitions Degeneration of dentitions occurs as a result of loss of teeth and periodontium. The role played by the orthodontist in the reconstruction of the degenerating dentition has been influenced by an improved understanding of the tissue reaction to the interaction between orthodontics and periodontal treatment. By distributing the available teeth in an optimal position for prosthetic reconstruction and by generating necessary alveolar bone for implants the long term maintenance of reconstructed dentition is enhanced. Mini-implants as bone maintainers and semi-permanent replacements are demonstrated.
Learn to:
demonstrate the advantage of interdisciplinary treatments
assess the importance compatibility of occlusion with normal function
Sponsored by New York University
9:45am - 12:45pm
Zirconia and MTA: esthetic solutions for Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Jarod Johnson
Course #: 5080 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jarod Johnson
This program is designed for the general practitioner and pediatric dentist to help improve their skills in the areas of zirconia crowns and bioceramics. Topics include a review of material properties and placement of zirconia crowns for primary teeth, and the uses of bioceramics in both permanent and primary teeth. After attending this course, attendees will be able to properly utilize esthetic crowns for primary teeth, and practice vital pulp therapy for both permanent and primary teeth.
Learn to:
employ techniques to place zirconia crowns on primary teeth
utilize bioceramics for vital pulp therapy on primary and permanent teeth
Sponsored by Sprig Oral Health Technologies and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
9:45am - 12:15pm
LANAP: A Predictable Laser Protocol for Periodontitis: A “Live” Patient Demonstration
Live Dentistry
Allen S. Honigman
Course #: 5090 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Allen S. Honigman
Periodontal disease is associated as a contributing factor in many systemic diseases. Therefore, the need for treating it can be essential for the patients’ overall health. Traditional therapy via pocket reduction surgery, which may be perceived as invasive and painful, can prevent patients from seeking treatment. The FDA approved LANAP protocol, addresses periodontitis by following the basic tenets of biology, regeneration and wound healing. This protocol takes periodontics back to its “ROOTS” of saving the dentition in a much more patient friendly, predictable and tissue sparing way.
to understand how the LANAP protocol works to aid in the regeneration of periodontal apparatus
how the LANAP protocol can increase case acceptance for periodontal treatment
Sponsored by Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Effective Integration of 3D - Digital Workflow into Clinical Practice
Jeffrey R. Shapiro
Course #: 5110 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jeffrey R. Shapiro
The inclusion of digital technology in practice is providing better clinical outcomes both for the patient and for the practitioner. When applied properly, one can expect higher productivity and greater efficiencies. This program outlines the 2D and 3D technologies available to enable the digital workflow, how to integrate them into your practice and how to combine them into producing a virtual digital patient. Special emphasis is placed on Digital Smile Design, a tool for treatment planning, patient motivation and lab communication. Digitally enabled workflow offers dentists the chance to experience their profession in new ways, but is also providing a more sophisticated, predictable approach to treatment planning that puts the patient experience and outcome at the forefront of what we do.
integration of Digital Workflow in practice
to utilize digital workflow in interdisciplinary treatment planning
9:45am - 5:00pm
Minimal Invasive Dentistry and Cosmetic All Ceramic Solutions
Dental Laboratory
Von M. Grow
Course #: 5160 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Von M. Grow
This seminar reviews how cosmetic veneer cases can be completed with minimal prep or no prep at all. Imagine little glass slippers that go over natural teeth to enhance, change shade and shape, and achieve beautiful esthetic results. The clinician shows traditional prep cases and all ceramic solutions including Pressed Lithium Disilicate and Zirconia. We also discuss changes happening in dentistry and how you can decide which way you would like to shape your practice. This seminar is an open discussion format. Let’s learn together.
to look for minimal and non-prep cosmetic veneer cases in your practices
how to stop settling for mediocre dentistry
all ceramic material options for cosmetic cases
Sponsored by GC America
9:45am - 12:45pm
Aurum Blue Controlled Memory Rotary File: Make It Simple
David E. Jaramillo
Course #: 5430 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David E. Jaramillo
Aurum Blue is a Controlled Memory Rotary File, the safest instruments with no breakage or taper locking. The unique thermomechanical treatment provides significant resistance to cyclic fatigue greater than most other files on the market today. It’s a rotary instrumentation system that facilitates the cleaning and shaping of the root canal easier and faster. These unique instruments provide more confidence to the dentist when it is about the instrumentation of the root canal system.
the importance of the unique process of this instrument and the change in the two different phases that provides an extreme flexibility and unique fracture resistant
the concept of the system and the instrumentation sequence
Sponsored by Meta Biomed
9:45am - 12:45pm
Master the Metrics that Matter: How the Office Managers can be the Chief Profitability Officer in Your Practice
Dental Office Managers
Miranda Reed
Course #: 5440 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Miranda Reed
The office manager is often the chief operating officer of the dental practice. You manage everything from the daily schedule to A/R and HR. Your dentist depends on you to help run the business. To make good business decisions, you need good business data. Dentrix includes tools to help you measure and improve the metrics that impact your bottom line. Attend this workshop to learn the tips and tools of becoming the chief operating officer and chief profitability officer in your practice.
Learn to:
understand the key performance indicators of a profitable practice
use the Dentrix Practice Advisor Report to measure production, collections, treatment case acceptance, and more
use the Dentrix Daily Huddle Report and other tools in Dentrix to improve practice profitability
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
9:45am - 12:45pm
Simplifying Posterior Composite Restorations, Bulk Fill Options and Bioactive Materials: Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
Robert A. Lowe
Course #: 5450 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert A. Lowe
In this hands-on workshop, the clinician discusses and demonstrates techniques to create functional and aesthetic direct posterior composite restorations. Traditional layering techniques can be tedious and time consuming. The use of bulk fill materials can simplify the process and save valuable chair time, yet not compromise the final result. Bioactive “smart” materials also offer an interesting restorative option. Learn when and where to use these materials. Today’s composite restorative materials in combination with finishing techniques will enable simple and “world class” placement of “state of the art” restorations for your patients tomorrow!
how to place a posterior Class II bulk fill composite using a sectional matrix
how to place a posterior Class II composite using a bulk fill flowable composite
fissurotomy and restoration bioactive filling materials: a new paradigm in operative dentistry
Crown lengthening procedures may involve osseous resective therapy in addition to surgical management of soft tissue. Clinical cases are presented in order to review concepts in case selection, surgical techniques, and postoperative management. A plastic typodont is utilized to provide a practical exercise in exposing a fractured maxillary premolar. The participant will make incisions, perform ostectomy and osteplasty to expose a ferrule and establish a biologic width and resect osseous defects on the adjacent teeth. Subsequent to osseous management, the participate will suture the elevated flaps.
from a review of incisions, flap elevation and suturing
the management of osseous tissues
9:45am - 5:00pm
Incorporating Porcelain Veneers in Esthetic Treatment: Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Esthetic Dentistry
Richard Trushkowsky, Maria Pereiro de Queiroz,
Course #: 5470 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Richard Trushkowsky, Maria Pereiro de Queiroz,
Porcelain veneers can be utilized very often to create highly esthetic results. Proper case selection and an in-depth comprehension of smile design are required for long lasting results. This hands-on workshop aids in the esthetic treatment process. Learn and practice veneer preparations, provisionalization and cementation.
to understand smile design and different preparation designs
With societal changes, people are living longer, taking more medications, facing greater stress, drinking more sports and energy drinks, grinding their teeth and perhaps even sipping more wine. Dry mouth, GERD and sleep apnea are serious health issues related to signs and symptoms of dental wear. This list and more result in acid erosion of teeth, loss of enamel and dentin, pain and esthetic and functional problems. Risk assessment and patient management are discussed, with emphasis on minimally invasive treatment using composite and CAD-CAM restorations from digital impressions.
Learn to:
recognize dental wear associated lesions and the mechanisms for acid erosion, abrasion and attrition
devise treatments based on control of the etiologic factors; preventive strategies; and a minimally invasive approach to management of erosive dental wear
Sponsored by Crest + Oral B
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Connecting the Dots Between Malocclusion, Sleep Disordered Breathing, Bruxism and TMD Download Handout
Ben Miraglia
Course #: 5190 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Ben Miraglia
Join the clinician as he connects the dots between malocclusion, Sleep Disordered Breathing and Invisalign® clear aligner therapy. Understand the potential benefits clear aligner therapy provides as a viable treatment option to correct malocclusion, and increase oral cavity volume, leading to reduction of symptoms for Sleep Disordered Breathing, Bruxism and TMD.
to understand the origins of crowded occlusion and how proper arch form, width and buccolingual inclination are paramount to oral health and patient wellbeing
the importance of increasing the space for proper tongue placement and increased oral cavity volume
how orthodontics may be a viable treatment modality to prevent disease, provide patient health and comfort including reduced Sleep Disordered Breathing and TMD symptoms related to malocclusion
Sponsored by Align Technologies
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Your Voice Your Future: Navigation Tools for a Successful Career Transition Download Handout
How will you stand out in a competitive job market? This presentation helps dental students prepare and position themselves as they enter a rapidly changing landscape in today’s dental industry. The clinician discusses key marketing tools to help candidates make an outstanding first impression with potential employers. The presenter provides current dental trends and helps your doctor to establish a realistic set of essential work life priorities before meeting with potential employers. Current compensation models, how to evaluate and rank employment offers, as well as, strategies to negotiate with potential employers are covered. A short panel discussion follows the presentation.
current dental market trends and industry data
consumer behaviors and trends affecting/changing practice models
job Interview techniques; first round, second round and site visit preparation
compensation packages and income expectations
how to evaluate/analyze potential offers and strategies to help negotiations
Sponsored by Align Technologies
1:00pm - 5:00pm
The Digital Work Flow for Dental Sleep Medicine
Sleep Apnea
Joe Magness, Crystal May, Susan Maples, Mansoor Ahmed, Allan Hyldal,
Course #: 5225 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Joe Magness, Crystal May, Susan Maples, Mansoor Ahmed, Allan Hyldal,
The Future of Dentistry Dentistry is evolving fast and for the better. This evolution involves technology, the standard of care, the business of dentistry, and much more. Hear from the leading experts on the dental and medical side of the industry discuss the invaluable role dentists play in sleep medicine and total health, and how we can work side by side to improve health and strengthen practices.
Joe Magness, D.D.S. (3:00 – 5:00)
Crystal May
The Digital Workflow for Dental Sleep Medicine Dental sleep medicine should be one of the most rewarding aspects of dentistry. One thing is certain, regardless of the philosophy you follow, integration of Dental Sleep Medicine can be challenging. Utilizing technology, having systems in place, and implementing tried and true protocols are necessary to achieve success. With our Digital Work Flow for Dental Sleep Medicine, we will demonstrate the patient flow from start to finish. We can help you overcome the day-to-day obstacles of screening, testing, treating, tracking and even billing. Now is the time to integrate this life-saving, practice-changing care.
screening options - screen every patient
live digital impressions- better fit, fewer obstacles
medical billing - submission, tracking, and success - how to get paid
Sponsored by:
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Just for the Oral Health of It!
Oral Health
Susan Wingrove
Course #: 5545 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Susan Wingrove
The latest in home-care tools, technology, products, and at-home recommendations to elevate your professional in-office maintenance which includes natural teeth and implants are reviewed. As dental professionals, we now have a new role which includes educating our patients on inflammation elimination, the latest at-home tools, and oral health apps for better overall health. Elevate your home-care recommendations to a new level.
American College of Prosthodontics Guidelines for home-care tools and recommendations for patients with tooth-and implant-borne restorations
new tools, technology, protocols, and products for periodontal and peri-implant disease patients
Sponsored by Crest + Oral B
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Integrative Dentistry and Dental Hygiene: Where East Meets West
Debra Grant
Course #: 5400 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Debra Grant
Trends in healthcare today are changing on a daily basis. Personal choices, allergies, chemicals and non-pharmaceuticals are driving our patients to want alternative therapies. It is our obligation to be informed of options for our dental patients, including children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Autism (ASD) and ADHD.
Please note: This program is approved for credit by the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, Inc. This program is recommended for the entire dental team.
The Hygienists’ Hospitality Suite is located in Rooms 2D12 and 2D13 and is open Sunday through Wednesday from 10-4:30 P.M.
Sponsored by Dental Hygienists' Association of the City of New York
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Biologically Driven Immediate Implant Placement
Implant Dentistry
Jose M. Navarro
Course #: 5020 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jose M. Navarro
Immediate implant placement in the extraction socket has been well-documented in literature. With adequate case selection and with the appropriate technique, overall treatment times and patient morbidity and discomfort can be minimized. Until recently, there has been no organized, evidence-based treatment protocol. Biological understanding and specific classification systems can aid clinicians in the decision making process for a successful outcome with this type of procedures. Whilst the success of immediate implant placement in the anterior site depends primarily on the implant positioning and the available soft and hard tissues at the site, molar extraction sockets can also be categorized based upon the bone available within the socket for stabilization of the immediately placed implant. The relevant anatomy of the socket and the tooth, as well as, a step-by-step treatment protocol is reviewed. Issues including gap distance, initial stabilization and anatomic limitations are addressed.
to understand established biological concepts that are fundamental for the long term success of immediate implants
a socket classification that will guide on adequate case selection for success
Sponsored by the European Association for Osseointegration
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Applications of 3D Printing Technology in Implant Dentistry Download Handout
Whether you’re a novice or experienced in digital dentistry, this hands-on workshop helps you start or grow the use of digital technology in your dental implant practice. This workshop discusses techniques for digitizing patients’ bone, teeth, and soft tissue treatment planning using state-of-the-art software and using 3D printers to fabricate surgical guides in your office. Future applications of 3D printing are explored to show what is currently possible and what to expect in the future.
to understand multiple ways to digitize bone, teeth, and soft tissue
to prosthetically plan implant placement using digital records
a better understanding of 3D printers and how to utilize them in your practice
Sponsored by American Academy of Implant Dentistry
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Coming Paradigm Shift: How it affects your Treatment Decisions in Caries Management and Dental Acid Erosion
Pediatric Dentistry
Jed Best, Martha Ann Keels,
Course #: 5070 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jed Best, Martha Ann Keels,
A discussion of the impending paradigm shift in caries management and how this may affect treatment planning decisions is discussed. Learn which restorative materials are appropriate and its importance with respect to reimbursement. If as the paradigm shift suggests, that remineralization maybe the first line of treatment, how do you assess whether it is working? Presently, there are devices that allow for the visualization of caries progression or stagnation. These devices are explored and explained.
Learn to:
discuss what this paradigm shift is about and how it may affect the clinical decision making process and its effect on reimbursement
identify and manage dental acid erosion ~ help your patients avoid enamel loss and esophageal problems.
Sponsored by CareCredit and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Advancements in 3D Dental Technology
Jeffrey R. Shapiro
Course #: 5120 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jeffrey R. Shapiro
Dental Technology has been improving at an incredible rate during the past few decades. 3D technology is currently utilized in planning complex, as well as, simple restorative and prosthetic treatment; diagnosing orthodontic as well as airway concerns; customizing implant therapy; and, helping treatment plan complex interdisciplinary cases. It has bridged the communication with dentists and specialists as well as their laboratories. This program brings you up-to-date on all the dental 3D technologies available to enhance your practice and make dentistry predictable and more profitable.
about newest 3D dental technology available today
how to utilize 3D dental technology to make dentistry more predictable and profitable
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Integration of Oral Health into an Emerging Value Based Healthcare System
Public Health
William Riley, Conrado Barzago, Erin Hartnett, Mark Doherty,
Course #: 5150 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
William Riley, Conrado Barzago, Erin Hartnett, Mark Doherty,
Room: 1E15 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. America is quickly moving to a population and social determinant based system of care. All health professionals need to know what they can do, how to collaborate, and how to be paid so they can improve the health of their patients, families and community while thriving in their professional lives.
Integration of Oral Health into an Emerging Value Based Healthcare System
The traditional fee for service payment system for healthcare services is fading away. We have already seen this occur in various medical settings throughout the country. The change is slowly shifting the dental payment system. Dental providers have to better understand and adapt to these changes. National experts help you to better understand these changes and how to begin the transformation so you can be prepared.
the difference between a value based and fee for service payment system
examples of how a value based payment system can work in dentistry
to understand the dynamics of why insurers are moving towards a value based payment system
Maximizing success and minimizing complications of oral surgical procedures is critical for general practitioners and other dental specialists. This program reviews aspects of oral surgery that can be integrated into your practice; such as coronectomy, second molar surgical uprighting, and local bone grafting techniques. A discussion of management of infections including when to treat and when to refer along with rational antibiotic usage is included.
Learn to:
recognize indications for coronectomies and how to provide these surgical services
understand the risk of infections following oral surgical procedures and the use antibiotics in a rational way
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Root Canal Irrigation, New Trends
David E. Jaramillo
Course #: 5340 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David E. Jaramillo
The irrigation of the root canal system during the cleaning and shaping process is of great importance. Different irrigation techniques and different irrigation solutions are being used in the dental office. The importance of such different techniques and solutions in the efficacy in the disinfection of the root canal system are reviewed including positive pressure, negative pressure, sonic, ultrasonic and laser activated protocols. Are we doing/using the most effecient ones?
Sometimes the restorative dentist encounters clinical situations that are out of the ordinary and can often be difficult to treatment plan. This program examines several such cases in order to explore treatment options and develop treatment plans often utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach. Treatment results are demonstrated along with helpful clinical tips on: material selection; how to determine incisal edge position; intra-oral composite mock-ups; opening bites; taking CR records; avoiding biologic width violations; fabricating and evaluating provisional restorations; multiple unit adhesive cementation; bonding to porcelain in the mouth; and, fine tuning occlusal adjustments.
primary failure of eruption
Class III anterior cross bite
attrition and worn dentition
Sponsored by GC America
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Epithelial Pathology from A to Z
Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology
Theresa S. Gonzales
Course #: 5360 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Theresa S. Gonzales
Diagnoses are arrived at methodically, through a systematic and disciplined application of knowledge. This program is designed to reacquaint the oral health care providers with common mucosal presentations. There is an axiomatic principle that governs clinical practice: “common things occur commonly.” According to a recent study, there are a handful of relatively common oral mucosal presentations that comprise almost three-quarters of oral lesions for which patients seek consultation. This program provides a review and clinical update of those commonly encountered pathologic entities, as well as, the deployment of the appropriate treatment algorithm. Clinical presentations from aphthae to zoster are covered in an effort to improve the clinician’s comfort level in diagnosing and managing these conditions.
Learn to:
expand your clinical diagnostic and treatment algorithms
correlate oral presentations with systemic possibilities
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Creativity with Ceramics and Implant Aesthetics
David Hornbrook
Course #: 5370 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Hornbrook
Dentistry is changing at such a rapid rate that it is almost impossible to keep up with all the advancements in ceramics and materials available for indirect restorations. The two hottest categories in dentistry today are the new monolithic ceramic materials and the options for abutments and crowns on implants. Join the clinician as he discusses new ceramic materials, how they are fabricated, and the advantages and disadvantages of these new materials. Further discussion includes the use of PMMA (lab fabricated milled resin) in sequencing rehabilitation treatment and the use of lab fabricated provisionals in optimizing implant aesthetics. Custom impression transfer posts and custom “tooth-colored” implant abutments are discussed and learn how to utilize these custom abutments and provisionals to optimize soft tissue aesthetics. Lastly, the clinician provides an up-to-date, concise description of new dentinal adhesive agents and cements, including the new self-adhesive bioactive cements.
from an update on new ceramic materials and how to optimize anterior implant aesthetics
state-of-the-art dentinal adhesion and cementation to yield predictability and eliminate post-operative complications
This seminar discusses ways to convey your practice benefits on your website. Should patients be scheduling online? Learn how to protect your reputation and maximize testimonials including the 25 top patient questions and the right answers. This program reviews a 20 item checklist that new patients use to judge your practice on their first visit. Understand why patients ‘walk in’ to make the first appointment and what causes patients to leave. Learn how to answer the patient who says “I’m going next door, it is cheaper” and the best method to find and re-motivate lost patients.
techniques to convert potential patients into customers
to identify nine problems causing patients to leave and how to eliminate the issues
How to safely clean, shape and thoroughly disinfect root canals down to the apical foramen using the most current armamentarium is explained. This hands-on workshop demonstrates the most predictable technique for finding an accurate “working length” of a canal and how to select the best instruments for canal shaping with the least incidence of instrument separation. Practice how to predictably seal root canals with pre-warmed gutta percha plus a biocompatible sealer as well as a rapid way to deliver warm gutta percha down to the apical foramen. Attendees learn about the best irrigant combinations for thorough canal disinfection.
the easiest and most effective to prepare core or post spaces
the time-line for placing the final restoration
Sponsored by Dentsply Sirona Endodontics
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Saving Teeth and Salvaging Implants: The Definitive LANAP® and LAPIP™ Laser Protocols
Charles Braga
Course #: 5490 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Charles Braga
The preponderance of periodontal disease and peri-implantitis is a growing concern. Patient preference for minimally invasive treatments encourages persons afflicted with these pathologic conditions to seek effective intervention. The well-established LANAP protocol for treating moderate-to-severe periodontitis satisfies these desires. It uses a digitally pulsed Nd:YAG laser (PerioLase®) to actually regenerate the attachment apparatus. Human histological studies confirm the ability of this protocol to regenerate new cementum, new periodontal ligament, and new alveolar bone on previously diseased root surfaces. Further, it does so without the need for biologics, exogenous growth factors, bone grafts, artificial membranes, scaffolds, scalpels, or sutures that are commonly used in more invasive surgical procedures. Similarly, peri-implantitis patients have a related minimally invasive LAPIP protocol, using the same Nd:YAG laser, to help restore health and increase longevity of their implants. Results of a multicenter clinical trial, utilizing radiographic evidence and 3D modeling, confirm the ability of this protocol to control the peri-implantitis infection and reverse bone loss around ailing implants.
the advantages of a digitally pulsed Nd:YAG laser in periodontal tissue treatment
the scientific rationale and evidence behind the effectiveness of the LANAP and LAPIP protocols
the typical positive, longitudinal clinical outcomes achievable with these treatment protocols
Sponsored by Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Henry Schein Dental Handpiece and Equipment Repair Hands-on Workshop
Learn how to make basic dental equipment repairs in your office. Henry Schein ProRepair and ProService demonstrates how the pros do it. From fixing the leaky water syringe to making air pressure adjustments, participants gain a better understanding of how to maintain equipment and save money. The best part of this workshop is that you are actually performing the repairs with your own hands. Whether you own your practice for years or are just beginning your career, all attendees benefit from this workshop.
practical, working knowledge of dental equipment
how to make simple handpiece and equipment repairs yourself
hands-on experience practicing the repairs taught during the workshop
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Anterior Composite Restorative Dentistry: A Blend of Artistry and Technique Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
Robert A. Lowe
Course #: 5510 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert A. Lowe
In this hands-on workshop, the clinician discusses and demonstrates techniques to create morphologically precise direct anterior composite restorations. A simple “histologic” layering technique is demonstrated with an emphasis on proper anatomic contour. The use of anterior facial templates allows the clinician to create a beautifully anatomic surface in a short period of time. This can also limit or eliminate finishing and polishing, which allows for the placement of a beautiful restoration in a fraction of the time. In this hands-on program learn simple anterior layering techniques for beautiful aesthetic results and how to use anterior facial templates (Uveneer) to create natural anterior facial anatomic contours.
a simple, reproducible two-layer technique to create accurate and aesthetic tooth morphology in composite resin for anterior teeth
the use of anterior composite templates (Uveneer) to create anterior anatomic form quickly and precisely
new materials and techniques in composite dentistry that are simplifying placement and improving results
Sponsored by GC America
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Basics Surgical Principles for Ridge preservation/GBR
Timothy J. Hempton
Course #: 5520 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy J. Hempton
Utilizing a pig jaw, this hands–on program reviews surgical flap designs utilized for ridge preservation techniques and Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) in atrophied edentulous areas. Included in this workshop is the practice of horizontal and vertical releasing incisions, tooth sectioning, periotome utilization to facilitate extraction, full and partial flap elevation for coronal advancement, osseous grafting, membrane placement and suturing techniques. A review of anatomical considerations, bone graft materials, barrier membranes, instrumentation, and suture materials, used in regenerative surgery are presented.
basic surgical principles and flap design for Bone Regeneration
flap advancement and suturing techniques and materials for primary closure
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Prosthodontic Essayas
David Dano, Edward M. Feinberg, Kambiz M. Ghalili,
Course #: 5570 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Dano, Edward M. Feinberg, Kambiz M. Ghalili,
Disruptive Dentistry: Integrating Digital Technology into Everyday Practice Technological advancements are constantly being adopted by dentists and implemented in the clinical practice of dentistry in order to reduce production costs through increased efficiency, and appeal to patients by promoting cutting-edge treatment. Attendees will be presented with the concept of digital dentistry, its advantages and limitations, and how CAD/CAM dentistry is integrated and utilized in everyday clinical practice. Various clinical cases, demonstrating the whole process from treatment planning, virtual implant placement and final restorations, are shared with the audience. Learn how to maximize work flow efficiency using the CEREC system.
Edward M. Feinberg, D.M.D. (3:00-4:00)
Introducing the Double-Tilt Precision Attachment Case Most practitioners believe fixed bridgework is the optimal choice for every restorative problem. Where there is not enough bony support, fixed bridgework on implants has a poor prognosis. Patients may not be good candidates for extensive grafting procedures or may not want to undergo extensive surgery. This program demonstrates how the double-tilt precision attachment case can solve many restorative problems. Numerous case examples documented with x-rays during the last 70 years will be presented showing why removable bridgework is often the best treatment option for patients. How the double-tilt precision attachment case can be used successfully with both natural tooth and implant abutments is also presented.
Kambiz M. Ghalili, D.M.D. (4:00-5:00)
Non Orthodontics Approach to Modern Aesthetic Dentistry This program discusses the importance of laminates in modern Dentistry and opportunities to grow your practice using this practical option. This essay discusses the importance of porcelain laminates in modern Dentistry and how to bypass adult orthodontic treatments by achieving the maximum, reliable and predictable aesthetic results in a short period of time. Attendees will learn the options which can help them grow their practice using this practical approach.
Luego de la extracción de una pieza dentaria, el hueso alveolar genera automáticamente un proceso de remodelación ósea dada por la activación de células osteoblásticas y osteoclásticas. Este proceso natural, puede llegar a producir una serie de complicaciones en el tratamiento rehabilitador y estético. Socket Shield technique, como parte de las terapias de extracción parcial, es un método utilizado para preservar y disminuir la reabsorción de la cortical vestibular (bundle bone). Explicaremos la técnica, y biología involucrada mediante casos clínicos con MIS IMPLANTS.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Presienta Mundial - Internacional de ALADOME
Spanish Courses
Rosa Daysi Agramonte, Patricai Flores, Lisbeth E. Jerez de Gutierrez, Vera Terra, Lucia Coutinho, Marco Abanto, Tatiana Rodriguez-Moreira, Mary Disla, Vanda BTC Domingos, Juan Jose Cestero G.,
Course #: 5620 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Rosa Daysi Agramonte, Patricai Flores, Lisbeth E. Jerez de Gutierrez, Vera Terra, Lucia Coutinho, Marco Abanto, Tatiana Rodriguez-Moreira, Mary Disla, Vanda BTC Domingos, Juan Jose Cestero G.,
“Soluciones al alcance para la belleza Orofacial ante secuelas patológicas bucales” Una sonrisa armoniosa determina la belleza, y va íntimamente ligada a la apariencia del rostro En odontología estética es importante conocer las múltiples posibilidades que tenemos al alcance para lograr la armonía Orofacial deseada de nuestros pacientes a fin de que podamos ofrecerles a los mismos una solución integral de belleza Dental y Facial ante la presencia de secuelas producidas tanto por patologías dentales o patologías producidas por la perdida natural de la edad ; en ambos casos a tratar expondremos los diferentes tratamientos alternativos preventivos los cuales disponemos en la actualidad para a para la nutrición; regeneración y e hidratación de de los tejidos faciales con técnicas de Masoterapia
Patricia Flores, D.D.S.
Nuevos Enfoques en Ortodoncia, Mejorando el Anclaje El anclaje cortical desde su introducción en la Ortodoncia se ha convertido en un importante aliado del clínico, permitíendole planificar mecánicas innovadoras, disminuyendo los efectos secundarios y mejorando la previsibilidad de los resultados. Presentar tratamientos innovadores en casos clínicos complejos. Demostrar la utilidad clínica del anclaje cortical.
Lisbeth E. Jerez de Gutierrez, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Lifting Orofacial- Dermosustención La Rehabilitación ideal para nuestros pacientes, debe ser abordada integrando función y estética, para lograr que una sonrisa se convierta en armónica, es necesario aplicar los tratamientos odontológicos tradicionales en combinación con terapéuticas modernas de lifting orofacial, como son: la aplicación de Toxina Botulínica, los Rellenos faciales, los tratamientos de Dermosustentación y Redensificación con hilos PDO, y otros más, que actúan haciendo sinergia para compensar la armonía facial del paciente que acude a nuestra consulta.
Vera Terra, D.D.S.
Finalizaciones Estéticas en los Tratamientos Ortodónticos El perfil de los pacientes ortodónticos ha cambiado en los últimos años. Hoy los pacientes son en su mayoría adultos, que buscan resultados estéticos. La estabilidad de estos resultados es también una meta para la Odontología y la Fonoaudiología.
Lucia Coutinho, D.D.S.
Enfoque Transdisciplinario en la Clínica Odontológica: Una Visión Diferenciada La multidisciplinariedad es la intersección de las especialidades, donde una complementa la otra, intercambiando conocimientos con foco en la salud integral del niño. Es importante monitorear el crecimiento y desarrollo orofacial del niño, evaluar su respiración, masticación, habla, deglución y postura, además de hábitos orales. Así ella debe ser vista como un “Ser Integral”, tratada dentro de un modelo de salud transdisciplinario, buscando su salud oral y una oclusión equilibrada.
Marco Abanto, Ph.D.
EasySmileStamp Es una técnica novedosa para hacer laminados ultrafinos de resina compuesta. Utilizando guías de silicona prefabricadas con diferentes formatos y tamaños de dientes anteriores o con guías personalizadas, que luego se adherirán con resina compuesta sobre los dientes. Técnica simplificada Tiempo clínico reducido Alta estética y naturalidad Resultados predecibles Simetría y perfección en forma y tamaño Alta translucidez y texturización de superficie.
Tatiana Rodriguez-Moreira, D.D.S.
Odontología Digital La Odontología digital hoy está en el centro de la escena de trabajo, cada día son mas y mas los dentistas que adoptan esta tecnología para modernizar y acelerar su flujo de respuesta al paciente. El worflow 100% digital en odontología es una realidad y nos brinda una herramienta de precisión y previsibilidad en nuestros tratamientos dentales: en esta charla se abarca el diseño 2D y 3D de sonrisa mediante softwares de encerado digital e impresiones con estereolitografía 3D, cirugía guiada y planificación virtual de los tratamientos dentales.
Mary Disla, D.D.S.
Cigarrillo Electronico Impacto Salud Oral Mitos y creencias sobre el cigarrillo electrónico; Ventajas y desventajas. Demostrar el efecto dañino de la nicotina. Enseñar que la compulsión del fumador y el uso indiscriminado de este impacta en la salud bucal del individuo.
Vanda BTC Domingos, D.D.S.
Tratamiento de las Disfunciones Temporo Mandibulares con Ortodoncia, Ortopedia y Toxina Botulínica.
Presentar conferencias con los profesionales de alta calidad de América Latina para el perfeccionamiento profesional. La Academia Latinoamericana de Odontologos y Médicos es una institución sin fines de lucro trabajando desde 1996 aliada a instituciones internacionales amigas, que tiene por finalidad elevar el conocimiento y la cultura en general, de la sociedad odontológica mundial.
Juan José Cestero G., D.M.D.
ALADOME Durante las presentaciones en la sala reservada para ALADOME, el Dr. Cestero discutirá situaciones y complicaciones con implantes ubicados donde la estética se ve afectada o la función de los mismos, con diferentes propuestas de soluciones. Ofrezca opciones viables en cuestiones de implantología. Resalte la importancia de la funcionalidad y la estética en los implantes dentales
2:15pm - 4:45pm
Immediate Tooth Replacement in Full Function – A “Live” Patient Demonstration
In this “live” demonstration attendees are introduced to a revolutionary technology that enables dentists to extract a tooth and immediately load, in FULL FUNCTION, at the time of placement using the Ultratooth. Attendees learn how to perform same day tooth replacement with the only FDA approved device for immediate loading in full function at the time of placement. Come and see this new technology with over 28 years of clinical and research history behind it.
to understand how you can achieve full function at the time of placement
to explain how the Ultratooth preserves the original emergence profile after extraction is done
the difference between preserving and maintaining the emergence profile over time with no coronal bone loss due to “Eiffel Tower” effect
Increase bone density and improvement of bone quality in surrounding region due to “Oscillating Effect” Caused by compaction of bone from apical expansion of Ultratooth
Sponsored by Biodent
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Mastering ClinCheck Pro Treatment Software: You are in Control
Take control of your Invisalign® treatment plans and achieve the outcomes you and your patients’ desire. Dr. Reinhardt will guide you step-by-step through ClinCheck treatment planning software and explain how to use the controls to set up a treatment plan effectively, analyze the treatment plan and communicate with Invisalign technicians.
stage ClinCheck treatment plans effectively
tips on a variety of ClinCheck Pro software tools
to analyze a treatment plan
to communicate effectively with Invisalign technicians to achieve the results you desire
Sponsored by Align Technologies
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Becoming a Whitening Specialist
Sarah Thiel
Course #: 5550 Date: 11/27/2018 Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Sarah Thiel
We Know the Mouth Is Connected to the Body, Now What?
Although the miscommunication between the medical doctors and the dental industry is starting to level out, there is still a huge disconnect from the patient, dental professional and medical doctor. As dental professionals, we understand the issue and most medical doctors do too, but how do we work together to accomplish overall health? How do we get the medical doctors to keep the oral cavity top of mind when a patient comes in with an inflammatory induced disease and vice versa? Education between the medical doctor, dentist, and most importantly the actual patient is essential. In this course, you will learn how to make a seemingly impossible task not so impossible.
How to provide opportunities to speak to the medical doctors in your community
How to educate a medical doctor
Is Dental Care during pregnancy safe for both mother and child?
Invisalign Fundamentals is an introductory program for new Invisalign GP providers and their teams. This program is comprised of:
a live, lecture/clinical education course for doctors
a live, lecture/participation training course for team members
Invisalign Fundamentals course overview:
an in-person half-day course provides doctors with the clinical and operational education necessary to begin treating a broad range of Invisalign patients
a separate session exclusively for team members covers relevant case submission topics and provides attendees practical experience
At the conclusion of the program the participants will understand how to:
identify ideal case types for Invisalign treatment
integrate all aspects of the Invisalign treatment process into the practice
use the software that depicts a virtual set up of your planned treatment
Sponsored by Align Technologies
8:00am - 12:00pm
Does Using a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) Condemn the Patient to Suboptimal Treatment
Sleep Apnea
Kevin Kwiecien
Course #: 6180 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Kevin Kwiecien
A perfect, unobstructed, smooth-flowing, and properly functioning airway would be optimal. If the airway is compromised, treating the “root cause” of the compromised airflow would be optimal; but what about the patient for whom a mandibular advancement device is the appropriate treatment to manage better sleep and airway? Every patient is entitled to know what optimal is, the benefit, the likely consequences of suboptimal, and the compromises of anything less. The process for the dentist can still be systematic, interdisciplinary in nature, and somewhat predictable.
to evaluate possible airway issues in the restorative practice
how to systematically treatment plan optimal treatment
to identify options to appropriately phase treatment
Sponsored by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Facial Fillers
Steven J. Clark
Course #: 6130 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Steven J. Clark
This full day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session provides an introduction to neuromodulators (botox, disport and xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to assure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
the history, science and mechanism of action, proper dosing and storage of botox and facial fillers
facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and proper technique: how to stay out of trouble
facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
In the dental office, medical emergencies can happen at any time, so we need to be ready! Although patients presenting for dental care are usually in good health, the administration of medications as well as the stress of the visit can trigger a medical emergency in susceptible patients. This program discusses the ten most common office medical emergencies and how to manage them in the dental practice. The appropriate medical equipment and drugs that the practitioner should have in their armamentarium are reviewed.
Learn to:
identify office medical urgencies and develop appropriate responses
utilize emergency medications rapidly and effectively
9:00am - 5:00pm
12 Hour New York State Anesthesia Sedation Requirement Program Download Handout
Anesthesia and Sedation
Marc Gottlieb
Course #: 6200 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc Gottlieb
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Anesthesia and Sedation Tuition: $495.00 Credits: 12
This program is designed for the general practitioner as well as all specialists. Everyone from the first year dental student, your receptionist to the veteran about to retire will benefit from this course. Today many of our patients treat their own anxiety by self-medicating themselves or expect us to offer them a magic pill. There is no simple solution but the clinician shows you how to be proactive and avoid serious complications. This program demonstrates, through case studies, how utilizing TLC, Nitrous Oxide, Alcohol, Anxiolysis, Oral and I.V. Sedation, can help and manage the apprehensive patient. We will also role-play and simulate dental office emergencies. A significant amount of time focuses on airway management by the solo operator or as a team member working with an anesthesiologist. Everyone participates in hands-on workshops with a variety of airway adjuncts to treat airway emergencies. Treating the apprehensive man, woman or child can be very rewarding. When managed properly they remain loyal for life andoften refer their friends and family. Everything from tender loving care to general anesthesia will be covered. Other courses teach you how to medicate, communicate and delegate. This course pulls it all together and satisfies the NYS mandated12 hour CE requirement in enteral, parenteral and I.V. sedation.
to understand how to effectively manage apprehensive children and adults
to recognize the difference between Anxiolysis, Minimal - Moderate Sedation, Deep Sedation and General Anesthesia
a review of medications commonly used in dentistry*
early recognition of airway problems and corrective techniques
how to perform dentistry on a sedated patient with an open or compromised airway*
the management of anesthesia complications and related emergencies for adults and children*
determine which additional training is right for your practice
This is a 12 Hour continuing education program designed to satisfy the New York State Anesthesia/Sedation requirement. This is a 2-day, 12 hour course. To receive certification you must attend both Tuesday and Wednesday programs.
As restorative materials, adhesives, and cements, continue to evolve, change, and improve it becomes more difficult for restorative dentists to keep up with the latest advances. With increasingly higher patient expectations for long term clinical success, it is important that the dentist have an understanding and working knowledge of these materials in order to make sound decisions. This half day lecture will discuss factors affecting the selection of indirect restorative materials that will satisfy the aesthetic and functional goals of the patient as conservatively as possible. Cases will be used to demonstrate the use of these materials, bonding agents, and cements in different clinical situations.
the factors affecting material selection
monolithic vs. layered restorations
Sponsored by GC America
9:00am - 12:00pm
Oral Pathology for the Dental Practitioner
Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology
Juan F. Yepes
Course #: 6220 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Juan F. Yepes
This program provides attendees with the most up-to-date information of the most common soft tissue lesions that a busy dental practitioner encounters in their practice. The seminar uses actual case-presentations as the learning and discussion format. The program covers the most common soft tissue lesions in different ages, including infants, children, adolescents, and adults. Different diagnostic methods and treatment alternatives are discussed in detail.
the importance of the differential diagnosis of soft tissue lesions
the main treatment options for the most common soft tissue lesions
Coding errors are predictable in today’s dental practice. Learn the top coding errors and how not to make them! You will also receive new and valuable information on some of the “hot” sections of the CDT code which you can use to identify and “fix” coding problems that lurk in your practice. Most practices can expect immediate legitimate increases in cash flow by learning how to do it right.
through predictive error correction, how to avoid typical coding errors
to gain knowledge into narratives and documentation
Sponsored by Lighthouse
9:00am - 12:00pm
Increase Cash Flow and Elevate Practice and Patient Communication Download Handout
Practice Management
Jennifer M. de St. Georges
Course #: 6240 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jennifer M. de St. Georges
Room: 1E14 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
It is harder to collect money from patients with dental insurance than patients without coverage. When patients respect and honor your financial policies, cash flow increases and bad debts go down. Learn how to use your website to set the correct and professional tone about your financial policies. Learn the seven rules to handle ‘The Telephone Shopper’ and how to make it a productive and fun call. Master the ten essential ‘must haves’ in your financial agreement to protect all parties from confusion and financial options to offer your patients in today’s consumer savvy market. See why ‘pay as you go’ as a payment method may be sabotage.
Learn to:
educate new patients regarding their financial responsibilities prior to their first visit
create an effective practice/patient financial agreement
Evidence- based Yoga and Mindfulness techniques developed by a dentist and yoga teacher just for dental professionals help prevent or reduce dentistry and work related health issues of stress ,fatigue, ergonomics, muscular-skeletal problems of neck, shoulders, upper-lower back, carpel- tunnel, and joints. Enhance strength, flexibility, energy, resilience, focus, concentration and productivity. Experience and explore yoga breathing exercises, gentle stretches, postural alinements, movements, relaxation and mindfulness tools that can be practiced frequently for 2 minutes or more, sitting or standing at desk, in between patients, lunch time or home.
evidence-based simple breath-body -mind yoga and mindfulness tools for dental practitioners to help manage stress, ergonomics and health issues
to enhance wellness, compassion, self-care, patient-care, productivity, congeniality in dental-team
9:00am - 12:00pm
How General Dentists can improve the Oral Health of the Disabled and those at risk (medically complex and elderly) Download Handout
Public Health
Matt Holder, Maureen Perry, John D. Kemp, Mark Wolff, Steve Perlman,
Course #: 6260 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Matt Holder, Maureen Perry, John D. Kemp, Mark Wolff, Steve Perlman,
Room: 1E15 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $195.00 Credits: 3
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. America is quickly moving to a population and social determinant based system of care. All health professionals need to know what they can do, how to collaborate, and how to be paid so they can improve the health of their patients, families and community while thriving in their professional lives.
There are over 57 million Americans with disabilities. The oral healthcare system, and its providers, cannot rely on specialists and hospitals to treat these individuals in need of on-going, high quality dental care. General dentists attending this session will better understand how they can be effective, successful and emotionally satisfied in treating these at risk individuals.
about the oral health issues facing those with disabilities
effective options to help integrate those with special needs into their practices
a better understanding of how oral health plays an important role in achieving overall health in the elderly and those with medical complexities
Minimally Invasive Approach to Dentistry In past years, a radiographic radiolucency on a tooth surface inevitably meant a dental restoration was necessary. In today’s day and age of dentistry, however, we now have a wide array of products available to us that allow for a less intrusive approach. This lends the added benefit of maintaining the structural integrity of the tooth. This course will review the agents available to us for this minimally invasive approach, as well as discuss the additional benefits to attempting to maintain the original anatomy of a tooth.
Lawrence Pizzitola, D.D.S.
The Epidemiological Importance of HIV Screening This presentation addresses how rapid screening for HIV in the dental setting can have an impact on the spread of HIV. It shows how various groups within the general population are disproportionately affected. Further, it demonstrates how early detection of HIV status can be instrumental in promoting the effectiveness of medical treatment.
Jillian O’Connor
Challenges: Life/Work Balance No one is excluded from life’s stresses. The Dental Hygienist, whether male or female finds that the stress of work and life is an ultimate challenge to address. There are ways to achieve a balance so that one does not overwhelm or overtake the other. Achieving a balance should be a goal.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Dental Assisting: A Mixture of Pride, Passion and Professionalism
Dental Assistants
Natalie Kaweckyj, Virginia Cairrao, Tanaya Santiago,
Course #: 6300 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Natalie Kaweckyj, Virginia Cairrao, Tanaya Santiago,
This symposium is designed for the dental assistant to reinforce, re-energize, and reaffirm the profession of dental assisting in the 21st Century. The program provides strategies that the dental assistant can use incorporating the themes of pride, passion, and professionalism into their daily work life. Learn to examine how these themes can keep the dental assistant motivated, even in difficult working environments, and help stimulate the dental assistant to pursue and achieve professional recognition and intrinsic rewards.
to define pride, passion, and professionalism in relationship to dental assisting
to maintain and enhance one’s pride, passion, and professionalism in dental assisting
the characteristics necessary to achieve success as a dental assistant
to maintain professional compliance with Federal and State laws as they relate to practice guidelines, regulations, and overall performance in a dental setting
Sponsored by the American Dental Assistants Association
9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontic Practice Evolved
Craig Anderson
Course #: 6320 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Craig Anderson
This program discusses how the implementation of Cone Beam CT Scan, restorative dentistry, quality photo documentation and social media mentoring can shape your practice into a more productive and efficient office. Learn key principles through a discussion on actual case presentations. Learn a basic understanding of dentin conservation principles and how this affects access design, canal shaping and the restoration of the access cavity. This program improves photo documentation skills and helps attendees to gain a better understanding of the importance of quality documentation.
the integration of CBCT and restorative dentistry into an endodontic practice
how to improve photo documentation and referral communication
Sponsored by the New York State Association of Endodontists
9:00am - 5:00pm
CPR and Medical Emergencies in Dentistry: A Certification and Recertification Class
CPR/Medical Emergencies
Marc Reilly
Course #: 6390 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Marc Reilly
Attendees will become certified and updated on all the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines after taking this unique hands-on workshop. The most current guidelines on choking and proper systematic approaches to cardiac and respiratory arrest are discussed. Both certifications and re-certifications will involve adult, child and infant instruction.
AHA certified guidelines and application; systematic approach to cardiac and respiratory arrest
adult, child, infant CPR
adult, child, infant, rescue breathing and use of a Bag Valve Mask (BVM)
adult, child, infant relief of foreign body airway obstruction (choking)
Sponsored by Rescue Resuscitation
9:00am - 12:00pm
Prosthodontic Essays
Jeremy A. Cooper, Udo H. Schutte, Saul Pressner,
Course #: 6570 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jeremy A. Cooper, Udo H. Schutte, Saul Pressner,
Jeremy A. Cooper, B.D.S. , FFGDP (UK) (9:00 – 10:00)
Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Dentistry Minimally Invasive Dentistry (MID) is the future of cosmetic dentistry. This program provides an overview of this important subject with many useful techniques and tips that you can use on your return to the office. Learn a new philosophy on how to approach your restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Air abrasion, direct composite laminates, composite layering techniques and cosmetic sealant restorations are just some of the topics covered in an entertaining presentation from a UK general dentist. Understand the interrelationship between minimally invasive and cosmetic dentistry. Utilize new techniques and restore teeth both quickly and aesthetically.
Udo H. Schutte, D.D.S. (10:00 – 11:00)
Esthetics & Stability in Implant Restorations Facial esthetics largely determines both tooth position and gum outline. Support from implants then should provide stability for the final restoration. Use of anterior and posterior cantilevers, pink porcelain and angled screw channels can facilitate restorative designs. Prosthodontic principles of precision fit, retention form and cross arch stabilization offer methods to improve stability and the long term prognosis of the implant restorations. This essay explores the interplay of final esthetic and restorative stability in order to achieve the best treatment outcome.
Saul Pressner, D.M.D. (11:00 – 12:00)
Biomimetic, Tooth Conserving Dentistry Attendees learn the methods, materials and science supporting these therapy modalities as well as the advantages of more tooth conserving dental procedures. Learn the definition of Biomimetic Dentistry and conservative treatment alternatives. In addition, the essay describes methods for determining treatment plans for Biomimetic protocols. The lecture will elucidate the differences between infected and affected dentin, diagnosis and treatment of dental fractures as well as various treatment modalities. The credo of “do no harm” is at the core of Biomimetic dentistry principles.
9:00am - 4:30pm
Fundación Implantodontológica Argentina - FUNDAMIA
Spanish Courses
Jose L. Rodriguez, Jose Enmanuel Pacheco Chirinos, Ivana S. Goicoechea, Oscar Gómez, Silvia Monica Chaves, Marco Reategui, Nirton K. Ascona Salazar, Sebastian A. Puia, Pablo A. Rodríguez, Jusan Jose Ibarro, Liliana E. Zeman , Juan E. Bazan, Daniel Zitta , Teresa E. Rios, Patricia di Nasso, Adolfo Aragones, Augusto Aguirre, Laura Grance, Fortunato Salomon,
Course #: 6590 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Jose L. Rodriguez, Jose Enmanuel Pacheco Chirinos, Ivana S. Goicoechea, Oscar Gómez, Silvia Monica Chaves, Marco Reategui, Nirton K. Ascona Salazar, Sebastian A. Puia, Pablo A. Rodríguez, Jusan Jose Ibarro, Liliana E. Zeman , Juan E. Bazan, Daniel Zitta , Teresa E. Rios, Patricia di Nasso, Adolfo Aragones, Augusto Aguirre, Laura Grance, Fortunato Salomon,
Plenitud Facial..! Como lograrla Procedimientos mínimamente invasivos al alcance del odontólogo para reponer volúmenes faciales, reposicionar tejidos y armonizar el rostro relajando ciertos aspectos de la mímica facial para lograr un aspecto más jovial luego de una rehabilitación oral o solo por estética. Que el Odontólogo se familiarice con este tipo de procedimientos de mínima inivación, ya que es una de las profesiones mejor calificadas para realizar este tipo de tratamientos. Tentar a los colegas a tomar cursos de entrenamiento en estos proce- dimientos.
Jose E. Pacheco Chirinos, D.D.S.
Protocolo Bioecológico: Casos Clínicos y Estadísticas La implantología viene evolucionando a pasos agigantados. Actualmente contamos con una técnica sencilla y gracias a esta nueva técnica pretendo demostrar clínica y estadísticamente que el protocolo bioecológico es fiable, predecible y atraumático; mostrando así, las ventajas y resultados de los tejidos periodontales y de la colocación de implantes, para así poder ayudar al cirujano dentista a tener una idea concreta de cómo resolver casos complejos y convertirlos en sencillos, para beneficio y bienestar de nuestros pacientes.
Ivana S. Goicoechea, D.D.S.
Toxina Botulínica La aplicación de toxina botulínica como coadyuvante en tratamiento de rehabilitación oral con implantes nos permitió avanzar en la osteointegración de los mismos en pacientes bruxomanos, con menor índice de pérdida. Se reali- zará una breve reseña histórica de la toxina botulínica tipos, usos en odontología, lugares de aplicación, y contraindicaciones.
Laura A. Grance, D.D.S.
El Odontologo General y su rol en la Odontologia Forense En esta conferencia estudiaremos el rol del odontólogo general en la investigación forense en el esclarecimiento de casos en criminalística y en sucesos de accidentes de victimas múltiples. Concientizar sobre la importancia documental durante la consulta. Concientización y valoralización del trabajo multidisciplinario.
Fortunato E. Salomon, D.D.S.
Implantología Bioecológica En esta oportunidad el Dr Salomón creador del protocolo BIOECOLOGICO en Implantologia oral dará los fundamentos y nueva clasificación del terreno a implantar teniendo en cuenta la calidad y volumen del mismo, lo que permite realizar carga inmediata 100% predecible. En el 83% de la población de pacientes que concurren a la consulta realizando cirugías One Step logrando la colocación de implantes provisionales re marginado gingival y generación de papilas de acuerdo al diseño digital de la sonrisa en el mismo acto quirúrgico.
Oscar MANUEL Gómez, D.D.S.
Los Caminos Para un Correcto Diagnostico Preimplantologico Para un correcto diagnostico implantológico y protético, es necesario contar con todos los estudios que nos ayuden a obtener el éxito que pretendemos. Todos los estudios previos nos mostrarán el camino más correcto. Las fotografías, los modelos, una evaluación cefalométrica, las radiografías, los estudios en 3D y el análisis funcional, facilitarán nuestro tratamiento y aumentaran las probabilidades de un mejor resultado final.
Silvia Monica Chaves, D.D.S.
Rehabilitación Oral Asociando Ortodoncia de Autoligados con Implantes Veremos cómo la ortodoncia autoligable puede favorecer la obtención de calidad ósea en brechas desdentadas para la correcta posición de los implantes monofásicos one step y bifásicos. En esta rehabilitación se logra aprovechar al máximo las cualidades de ambos sistemas; ya que, tanto las técnicas de autoligados con sus fuerzas suaves y continuas, como los implantes monofásicos con el tratamiento bioecologico, permiten la conservación del hueso alveolar en cuanto a su calidad y volumen, lográndose también estética gingival y conservación de las papilas de acuerdo al diseño digital de la sonrisa.
Marco Reategui, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Exodoncia Atraumatica Mediante la exodoncia simplificada se abordarán técnicas conservadoras y versátiles utilizando instrumentos no convencionales e insumos autólogos, permitiendo la preservación del tejido oseo para el soporte de piezas denta- rias contiguas, como para la colocación de implantes.
Nirton K. Ascona Salazar, D.D.S.
Rehabilitacion Oral en Asimetría Facial La estética facial y la fisiología del sistema estomatognatico son dos motivos de consulta, por lo que debemos elegir la alternativa más conveniente para nuestros pacientes. La presente ponencia muestra el tratamiento integral de una paciente con asimetría facial evidente, quien fue tratada siguiendo los protocolos de la rehabilitación oral, cuyos resultados fueron muy satisfactorios y sobre todo abarcando los dos aspectos antes mencionados, como son la estética y la fisiología del sistema estomatognatico.
Sebastian A. Puia, D.D.S.
Cirugía Bucal en Pacientes con Trastornos Hemostáticos Se realizarán comentarios acerca de tratamientos quirúrgicos bucales en pacientes con. trastornos de la coagulación congénitos y adquiridos. La cirugía bucal ha avanzado en los protocolos de atención en pacientes con en enfermedad de WIleebrand y quienes consumen medicación anticoagulante crónica. Se presentarán protocolos avalados científicamente para mejorar las perspectivas de atención mediante la utilización de hemostáticos de acción local y medicación sistémica con Indicación de los médicos tratantes cuando sea requerido. Se presentarán resultados Post quirúrgicos en relación a las complicaciones hemorrágicas en extracciones dentales y cirugía de reconstrucción implantologica.
Pablo A. Rodríguez, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Endodoncia Aplicada a la Rehabilitación En un trayecto de casos clínicos, presentaremos la posición de la endodoncia moderna con distintas alternativas de tratamiento aplicada a la conservación de piezas dentarias para asistir a la rehabilitación Integral de un paciente; Microcirugía Apical; Biomateriales; Materiales biomecánicos y reconstruccion post-endodontica.
Liliana E. Zeman, D.D.S.
Erosión: Prevalencia, Diagnostico Diferencial Erosión de exógenos y endógenos. Diagnóstico diferencial de otras lesiones de pérdida de tejido dentario. Prevención y tratamiento. Diagnóstico diferencial de Erosión, Abrasión Abfraccion. Diferencia de los patrones de erosión de los Agentes Exogenos y endogenos.
Juan E. Bazan, D.D.S.
Diseño Digital: Realidades y Mitos Se analizaran las ventajas desventajas y sobre todo limitaciones que se tienen al hacer un diseño digital de las sonrisas con los diferentes sistemas disponibles en el mercado.
Teresa E. Rios, D.D.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
STEVIA: Alternativa Preventiva de Caries Dental Probado y demostrado la efectividad de Stevia Revaudiana Peruana en la inhibición del crecimiento de los patógenos principales de la caries dental Streptococcus mutans y Lactobacillus acidophillus. Se presenta un Enjuague Bucal con stevia como componente principal, cuyos resultados positivos alientan su uso como agente preventivo de la caries dental, teniendo en cuenta además que esta especie vegetal es considerada como cultivo cultivo rentable y cuya industrialización es emergente en el marcado peruano e internacional, podría constituirse en una alternativa con impacto social en el control de la caries dental.
Patricia di Nasso, Ph.D.
La Salud Bucal en Bebés con Discapacidad es muy Importante La odontología debe comenzar lo antes posible. La familia ayuda mucho y sigue el desarrollo del bebé. Si el profesional incluye la higiene oral, muchas visitas y otros consejos alcanzarán una alta calidad de vida en el futuro
Sponsored by Fundación Implantodontologia Argentina - FUNDAMIA
Oscar Arauco, Silvana Beraj, Moacyr E. Menendez, Amilkar J. Rocha-Aguila, Sandra B. Menendez, Carlos Francci, Guilherme S. Saavedra, Raul Quezada,
Course #: 6600 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Oscar Arauco, Silvana Beraj, Moacyr E. Menendez, Amilkar J. Rocha-Aguila, Sandra B. Menendez, Carlos Francci, Guilherme S. Saavedra, Raul Quezada,
Resina compuesta VS Cerámica Protocolos de planificación estética para optimizar el tiempo Flujo de trabajo en la clínica diaria Ventajas y Desventajas de los materiales Criterios para selección de material y toma de decisiones Control y mantenimiento de las restauraciones.
Silvana Beraj, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Comprender y Tratar Disfunción Temporomandibular Los protocolos de tratamiento de TMD a menudo son impulsados por un diagnóstico físico parcial, considerando solo los dientes, los músculos involucrados directamente en la masticación y la ATM, sin abordar la relación holística e intraarticular del sistema masticatorio con el sistema músculo-esquelético del orificio, y lo más importante sin abordar el comportamiento individual y la psicología. Los médicos tienden a ver lo que tratan y tratan lo que ven, desafortunadamente esto no es suficiente en los DTM. La terapia con férula representa una de las terapias reversibles más utilizadas en todo el mundo en el tratamiento de los TMD, pero con diferentes reacciones y respuesta de un paciente a otro. En otros casos, las férulas oclusales se usan como herramienta de diagnóstico en el rompecabezas de TMD. La mayoría de las férulas oclusivas inmediatas utilizadas para la terapia de TMD están diseñadas para resistir las fuerzas oclusivas determinadas por la fuerza de los músculos masticatorios. Fabricando una férula oclusal no estamos ayudando a nuestro paciente a manejar y controlar TMD, solo estamos ofreciendo un analgésico que cambia el deber de ajustar el desplazamiento de la mandíbula a un nuevo conjunto de unidades motoras acomodativas de los músculos masticatorios, abrumando el grabado muscular. Cuando de hecho necesitamos necesitamos traducir la mente humana en términos biológicos, tratando de descubrir la interacción intrincada individual de: tensión muscular; Susceptibilidad genética/determinación de genes; Psicología cognitiva y biología cerebral; factores psicosociales.
Moacyr E. Menendez, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D.
Una Nueva Experiencia de Suceso Una conferencia impactante! Es hora de transformarse en un emprendedor de suceso? Cómo se tornar un líder? Cómo motivar su equipo y conseguir la excelencia en el atendimiento? Ya se preguntó cómo vender más? La solución está en la neurociencia! Aumente los resultados financieros de sus unidades de negocio. Conquiste su merecido lugar. Sea un vencedor. Tenga visión de futuro y viva sus sueños. Aprende a fijar tus metas y alcanzar tus objetivos con Tip’s muy útiles. Mejore su marketing interno y externo. Ahora es la hora de saber cómo usar las medías digitales para hacer su publicidad. Uso inteligente del Facebook, Instagram, YouTube y WhatsApp.
Amilkar J. Rocha-Aguila, D.D.S.
Odontolgia Clasica VS Odontologia Digital: Rescatando lo Mejor de Ambos Mundos El día a día de la Odontología mundial ha cambiado mucho de estructura de trabajo y tiempos de tratamiento con la llegada del CAD/CAM y la planificación virtual, hoy podemos hablar de la “ODONTOLOGÍA CLÁSICA” y de la era de la “ODONTOLOGÍA DIGITAL”, rescatamos los principios fundamentales de rehabilitación y planificación aplicados a nuestra realidad digital en cirugía y prótesis.
Sandra B. Menendez, D.D.S., D.M.D.
Orthodoncia Lingual una Nueva Experiencia La orthodoncia lingual es una nueva experiencia, con reducido tiempo del aparato em la boca, estética perfecta, durante el tratamiento, con elevada autoestima del cliente. Es un grande diferencial en la clínica!
Carlos Francci, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Construyendo Sonrisas: Conocimiento vs Tecnología En los tiempos actuales vemos una tecnología embarcada en todo, y especialmente en la odontología no podría ser diferente. En este curso abordaremos detalles de las técnicas estéticas, como blanqueamiento, microabrasión, restauraciones en resina compuesta y las más recientes restauraciones cerámicas conservadoras (lentes de contacto y coronas laminadas).
Guilherme S. Saavedra, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Diseños maquinados en Odontología Informar de forma simple y objetiva al alumno a planificar y ejecutar tratamientos rehabilitadores con ayuda de la tecnología CAD / CAM con detalle de las fases clínicas y de laboratorio fundamentado en evidencias científicas para la aplicación inmediata en el día a día clínico. Adicionalmente se presentarán los materiales cerámicos, materiales híbridos y poliméricos utilizados y sus indicaciones específicas.Y para garantizar la longevidad y previsibilidad de los tratamientos rehabilitadores se sugiere un protocolo clínico simple y racional para la cementación.
Raul Quezada
Biodinámica Funcional Los conceptos existentes se han enfocado básicamente en el problema que se debe enfrentar y es que todavía seguimos tratando dientes y no bocas como elemento de un sistema, de aquí en la medida que aceptemos la responsabilidad de ofrecer tratamientos a una boca enferma. Los conocimientos básicos de los movimientos mandibulares, forma y tamaño de los dientes, atm, y de cómo estos son factores que se hayan relacionados con la fisiología de los componentes neuromusculares, así mismo la patología y una gama completa de materiales restauradores de elección.
9:00am - 4:30pm
Dental International Filler Neurotoxin Education (DIFNE)
Spanish Courses
Analia J. Rojtkop, Graciela Moreira, Juliana Ramalho, Marcel A. Wainwright, Juan E. Bazan, Andressa Ballarin, João Cerveira, Priscilla Pereira,
Course #: 6610 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Analia J. Rojtkop, Graciela Moreira, Juliana Ramalho, Marcel A. Wainwright, Juan E. Bazan, Andressa Ballarin, João Cerveira, Priscilla Pereira,
Prevención y Manejo de las intercurrencias y Complicaciones en la Armonización Orofacial
Las interacciones son problemas posibles de ocurrir, de manejo y resoluciones previsibles, no siendo encarados como complicaciones. Son normalmente leves, transitorios y técnico-dependientes. Otros, más graves y de difícil resolución pueden ser llamados complicaciones y se intenta alertar para su prevención. En la Armonización Orofacial se destacan procedimientos que deben ser seguros, efectivos, con bajo índice de efectos adversos y que ofrecen satisfacción a los pacientes. El conocimiento profundo de la anatomía facial, entendimiento de las propiedades de los biomateriales, de las causas de los efectos adversos, de su evolución y su manejo adecuado, son de importancia fundamental para el éxito final del procedimiento.
Graciela Moreira, D.M.D.
2do Simposio de Armonización Facial Procedimientos estéticos como el Botox y rellenos faciales son considerados hoy día parte indispensable de nuestra planificación de tratamiento Odontologico. Con ello se trata de capturar la juventud y la belleza de manera poco invadida y prácticamente con resultados inmediatos y muy naturales. A través de la presentación de una serie de casoss clínicos nos enfocaremos al uso exitoso de estas herramientas que nos permiten definir los nuevos límites de la Odontologia
Juliana Ramalho, D.D.S.
Fototerapia en la Armonización Facial La fototerapia, modula la respuesta inflamatoria, combate la formación de radicales libres, minimiza los efectos del envejecimiento y puede ser idealmente combinada con la Toxina Botulínica y rellenos faciales a base de Ácido Hialurónico, lo que potencia sus efectos. Los equipos utilizados son el LÁSER (Luz de amplificación por estimulación de radiación) y LED (Diodo emisor de luz) que emiten diferentes longitudes de onda que tienen interacción en la actividad celular. La técnica es no invasiva y utiliza emisión luminosa para revitalización cutánea y cicatriciales, reducción del dolor y edema.
Marcel A. Wainwright, D.D.S.
Acido Hialurónico Extra y Intraoral El autor destaca la base de datos clínicos y científicos sobre la aplicación intraoral y extraoral del ácido hialurónico reticulado. La regeneración de Papilla o el tratamiento de las deficiencias de las encías se describen clínicamente y se basan en investigaciones científicas. Las técnicas más recientes para inyecciones de relleno extraorales se muestran y se muestran en cirugía de vida.
Juan E. Bazan, D.D.S.
Tecnicas Diagnosticas en Embellecimiento Dento Facial Cada vez toma más importancia la planificación digital y análisis previos a los procedimientos clínicos ya sea en encías, labios, y área facial de los pacientes. Dentro de los componentes de la sonrisa, tiene como protagonistas a los incisivos centrales y coadyuvan los laterales, caninos y hasta premolares. Una encía saludable y bien proporcionada, será el área anexa y complementaria a los dientes, que se debe de mostrar en proporción, en el momento del análisis de la sonrisa. Finalmente, los labios forman ese marco que debe mostrar en armonía la expresión ideal buscando la belleza, la cual solo se logra, cuando el Phi ( 1.618) está presente.
Andressa Ballarin, D.D.S.
Escultura Labial «B3D Lip Sculpture» Consagrada internacional ente como la técnica más completa y objetiva, la técnica Ballarin 3D visa obtener los labios perfectos, naturales y armonioso con todas las estructuras adjuntas. La técnica se basa en el análisis de las características naturales de los labios, los detalles de posicionamiento, la estabilización y la anulación de la aguja en cada región para ser llenado, también describe las áreas en las que no deben aplicarse rellenos. La volumizacion se obtiene atravesada del uso del ácido hialurônico, muy recomendable porque es un procedimiento previsible, seguro y reversible.
João Cerveira, D.D.S.
Armonización Orofacial, Eliminando el gap entre el intra y extra oral con planificación que va mucho más allá del intraoral Mostrar la importancia de la planificación más allá del intraoral. Comunión con los tejidos adyacentes a través de la toxina botulínica y el relleno ácido hialurónico. Enfatiza la importancia y la capacidad del dentista de realizar procedimientos extra-orales en armonía con la planificación intraoral.
Priscilla Pereira, D.D.S.
Tratamiento del surco nasogeniano con ácido hialurónico Ácido hialurónico es una de las sustancias usadas para la restructuración para rellenar arrugas y surcos, además de mejorar el contorno facial. Sabemos que una sonrisa hermosa y sana debe ser dada a partir del equilibrio de los labios, los músculos y la armonía facial del paciente. Existen tratamientos seguros y mínimamente invasivos que buscan el equilibrio de las expresiones faciales y de la anatomía facial.
Sponsored by Dental International filler Neurotoxin Education (DIFNE)
9:45am - 12:45pm
Advanced Surgical Techniques in Implant Dentistry
Implant Dentistry
Helena Francisco
Course #: 6010 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Helena Francisco
A fundamental aspect for treatment planning is bone availability. Understanding the basics of bone grafting and reconstruction techniques is a critical factor for successful implant placement. Socket management, sinus augmentation, vertical and horizontal augmentation are different methods of grafting that incorporate similar surgical principles. Short implant and narrow implants can be an alternative. Titanium has been a gold standard, but due to high esthetic demands and increasing incidence of allergies and the demand for metal‐free reconstructions, Zirconia can be a potential substitute.
treatment planning in cases with limited bone availability
the use of shorter and narrower implants in compromised cases
the use of Zirconia dental implants: what we know, what we don´t know and what we think we know
Sponsored by the European Association for Osseointegration
9:45am - 12:45pm
All-on-4: Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Jack T. Krauser
Course #: 6030 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Jack T. Krauser
The workshop begins with a brief historical development of this concept. The clinician demonstrates a bone reduction, implant placement, multi-unit abutment attachment on a model. The participants are able to perform a simulated bone reduction, place implants and position the multi-unit abutments. A question and answer session includes a discussion on the business aspects of these case protocols.
the benefits of tilting implants
how a Guide Assisted Surgery can be completed and benefit a patient
Sponsored by Integrated Dental Systems, MegaGen and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists
Sagittal First eliminates competing force vectors inherent in traditional methodologies when traction is employed concurrent with fixed appliance treatment. The Carriere Motion appliance is a technology that first addresses the patient’s sagittal dimension to establish a Class I platform prior to comprehensive orthodontic treatment. This is accomplished usually within the initial 3 months of treatment. Called the ‘Sagittal First’ protocol, it is not limited to only solving Class II cases. It is easily applied to Class III treatment plans as well. For the first time, there is a philosophy and technique that can be applied to all A-P corrections—Class IIs and IIIs.
the sagittal first approach to orthodontics
how sagittal first can decrease treatment times and increase your value
9:45am - 12:15pm
Cosmetic Dentistry 101: The 2018 Team Guide to Digital, CAD & Aligner Success – A “Live” Patient Demonstration Download Handout
Live Dentistry
Payam Ataii, Shannon Pace Brinker,
Course #: 6070 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Payam Ataii, Shannon Pace Brinker,
As technology advances, it’s important for both you and your dental team to stay relevant. This “live” presentation will highlight digital case technology integrating photography, digital scanning, restorative and clear aligner treatments using minimal invasive dentistry to deliver comprehensive care.
to identify restorative materials and CAD techniques to achieve cosmetic and orthodontic success
digital scanning and photography to prescreen for the diagnostic and clinical process
optimal integration of new diagnostic modalities into a practice
Sponsored by Shofu Dental Corporation
9:45am - 12:45pm
Implant Prosthetics: 2018 State of the Art Planning, Protocols and New Biomimetic Materials
This dental laboratory seminar discusses implant planning with Blue Sky Plan and 3shape Implant Studio for assisting prosthetic driven implant placement. Implant prosthetic protocols currently used in the Full Mouth Reconstruction (FMR) New York University continuing education program are reviewed. New materials, techniques, and solutions for full arch implant prosthetics; designed with 3shape System and Roland DWX51 mill are discussed.
about the digital system in the planning and developing implant prosthetics
special solutions, new materials and design techniques with CAD 3shape Dental System
Sponsored by OT Dental Lab
9:45am - 12:45pm
Treatment Planning for Guided Surgery
David P. Young
Course #: 6110 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David P. Young
Guided surgery has revolutionized the success of implant placement. As with all dental procedures, treatment planning is the key to achieve optimal results. This program discusses the necessary steps to make guided surgery work for you and more successful outcomes.
the treatment planning concepts to achieve a successful implant surgery
the occlusion of the patient so proper implant placement is achieved
9:45am - 12:45pm
Henry Schein Dental Handpiece and Equipment Repair Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Learn how to make basic dental equipment repairs in your office. Henry Schein ProRepair and ProService demonstrates how the pros do it. From fixing the leaky water syringe to making air pressure adjustments, participants gain a better understanding of how to maintain their equipment and save money. The best part is that you are actually performing the repairs with your own hands. Whether you own your practice for years or are just beginning your career, all attendees benefit from this hands-on workshop.
practical, working knowledge of dental equipment
how to make simple handpiece and equipment repairs yourself
by practicing the repairs taught during the workshop
Sponsored by Henry Schein Dental and Various Manufacturers
9:45am - 12:45pm
Creative Treatment Options in Crown and Bridge: A Hands-on Course Download Handout
Restorative Dentistry
Robert A. Lowe
Course #: 6420 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Robert A. Lowe
In this lecture/hands-on workshop, attendees learn creative treatment options that can be offered as an alternative to conventional “by-the-book” therapies. A review of sound crown and bridge fundamentals will enable the dentist to “think outside the box” so that these complex treatment plans suddenly become possible. Participants who would like to review a case can bring clinical photos and copies of x-rays on a thumb drive in a PowerPoint format for case review and treatment planning.
about treatment options for complex functional and aesthetic cases
treatment plans and executions through an open forum
Sponsored by GC America
9:45am - 12:45pm
Surgical Techniques for the General Dentist
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Hillel D. Ephros
Course #: 6430 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Hillel D. Ephros
Room: Exhibit Floor Room #6009 Topic: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Tuition: $295.00 Credits: 3
This hands-on workshop reviews basic flap design and suturing principles. Attendees will become acquainted with more advanced techniques. Participants will also have an opportunity to become familiar with selected soft and hard tissue manipulations including frenectomy and other minor pre-prosthetic procedures.
basic surgical skills
soft and hard tissue manipulations
9:45am - 12:45pm
Overdentures and Attachments: Hands-On Workshop
George E. Bambara
Course #: 6440 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
George E. Bambara
Attendees work on a typodont model with two roots placed in the anterior mandible. Two root attachment systems are discussed and utilized. Each root is prepared separately using the proprietary reamers and countersink armamentarium. The attachment is then cemented into the root. The process of how the male or female attachment is picked up in bisacryl is performed for each of the attachment system. This element is then changed and a new one is replaced, simulating what is done chairside by the dentist.
quick cure attachments in denture bases chairside
to become familiar with root attachments and abutment armamentarium
9:45am - 12:45pm
Basic Periodontal Incisions and Flap Management
Timothy J. Hempton
Course #: 6450 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
Timothy J. Hempton
Utilizing pig jaws, this hands-on workshop reviews surgical incisions utilized for periodontal access and gingival augmentation procedures. Participants learn techniques for flap elevation, degranulation, flap positioning and suturing for closure. Anatomical considerations in flap elevation, periosteal fenestration and closure are reviewed. Participants will coronally advance a flap, reposition a flap, apically position a flap, provide ostectomy/osteoplasty and harvest and prepare a recipient bed for a gingival graft. Surgical instrumentation and various suture materials are also discussed.
how to make incisions, elevate flaps and reposition flaps both coronally and apically
how to harvest, place and suture a free gingival graft
Porcelain veneers yield exquisitely beautiful results with minimal tooth preparation and no side effects bringing joy to patients and clinicians. Consistent patient satisfaction requires good restorative principles and excellent communication. Great results with porcelain veneers and anterior porcelain crowns require thorough understanding of restorative principles, dental materials, smile design, and occlusion. The clinician presents his practical, logical, scientifically based approach to incorporating all important components into an easy, logical, highly predictable system to produce satisfaction every time.
how proper diagnosis and smile design dictates proper tooth preparation and restorative material selection
to prepare and cement several veneers with different complexities using learned techniques
The 3D obturation of the root canal system is discussed in this informative program. With the increased use of Ni-Ti rotary system and taper gutta-percha cones, today, more clinicians are using the so-called “Thermo-plasticized” Technique. This technique plus the application of greater hydraulic forces during the compaction, allows the gutta-percha and sealer flow better into those “difficult to reach areas” inside the root canal system.
the concept of thermo-plasticized compaction of the gutta-percha
to perform the technique learned in plastic simulated root canals
Sponsored by Meta Biomed
9:45am - 12:45pm
The Direct Posterior Composite Restoration
David Hornbrook
Course #: 6490 Date: 11/28/2018 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s):
David Hornbrook
The direct composite restoration is arguably the most common restoration placed by the average clinician in North America. With increased acceptance by insurance and our patients over traditional amalgam restorations, it is imperative if we are going to place these tooth-colored, resin restorations, we need to ensure that it is done correctly to eliminate sensitivity, reduce microleakage, and provide a long-term successful restoration for our patients. Unfortunately, correct placement can be technique sensitive and require more time due to matrix placement and difficulty condensing these resin materials into the cavity preparation. The clinician discusses how to provide a very predictable and efficient technique for direct resin utilizing a novel matrix system and a bulk fill composite. In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to place several two and three surface direct resin restorations on typodont models.
the different types of direct resin and advantages of bulk fill resin materials
placement techniques and matrices that increase efficiency and predictability
This program educates and informs dental hygienist on the latest evidence-based standards of care based on current scientific research, clinical trials, and public health studies. Discussed in detail are quality improvement strategies to prevent and manage oral disease based on risk assessments.
Learn to:
define risk assessment and identify appropriate treatment based on risk assessments
apply evidence‐based chronic disease management approach to manage and prevent oral disease
Sponsored by Crest + Oral-B
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Financial and Insurance Expectations for Patients in Dental Sleep Medicine
This program is a must attend! Learn the most efficient ways to create value for your therapy options and set proper financial and insurance expectations for patients. Learn more about Medicare and billing software do’s and don’ts. This seminar gives your team creative ways to communicate with patients and gives dentists an overall understanding of dental sleep medicine and strategies to master its many nuances.
Learn to:
simplify financial discussions with proper patient expectations