Effective integration of emerging technologies in dentistry helps to differentiate and grow your dental practice. In this technique-filled seminar, the clinician teaches you the skills you need to refine your restorations to a level of consistent quality. New technologies and materials are discussed, and how their implementation can help increase the “bottom line” of your practice.
to use some of the latest composite and bioactive restorative materials to save time and create excellent clinical outcomes
to refine techniques to create “perfect” master impressions and have successful cementation of all types of aesthetic restorations, unique options to ceramic for indirect aesthetic restorations in the anterior region
how to “orthodontically” prepare teeth systematically to correct the clinical crown orientation and correct tooth misalignment when patients decide conventional orthodontics is not for them
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Endodontic Challenges for Recent Graduates
Anne Koch
Course #: 1020 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anne Koch
This program is geared principally toward the recent dental graduate who feels somewhat intimidated by endodontics, because they have had minimal exposure to clinical endodontics in dental school. This seminar is dedicated to practical diagnosis, the importance of straight-line access, case selection, achieving profound anesthesia, minimization of iatrogenic errors, various instrumentation techniques, and contemporary obturation options.
to conceptualize endodontics in a more comprehensive manner
to understand diagnosis, instrumentation, and obturation
to diagnose and anesthetize “hot teeth”
the meaning of an “Endo-Restorative Continuum”
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Gain New Patients by Providing Optimal Experience
Practice Management
Keith Washington
Course #: 1030 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Keith Washington
This program dives into how to attract new patients and keep your schedule full, offering a comprehensive patient experience from the first moment. This includes building a successful online reputation, a transparent and comprehensive practice website, and easy ways for your patients to work with you. Learn tactical tips on managing your reputation and implement easy techniques for patients to connect with you and your staff. Attendees learn the next steps of what you can do today to improve your online reviews through interaction with patients.
to evaluate their online reputation from the patient’s perspective
about self-service website tools that improve a practice’s chance of selection by new and returning patients
to implement techniques for improving search discovery with business listings
to improve search engine rankings and new patient acquisition by managing the overall patient experience
In this program, attendees learn how to boost team engagement, dele-gate processes, and optimize systems to create the ultimate clear aligner program. It will also define the characteristics of the clear aligner leader and the skills necessary to excel in that role. Explore the streamlined processes that can help your serve patients at a higher level. Learn the secrets of sustainable success through high-performance habits. Show up in your office as a healthy, vibrant self-directed leader. Return to the office ready to implement a clear aligner program that improves patient lives and the practice bottom line.
the opportunity clear aligners represent in transforming patients, careers, and the practice
the characteristics of a strong Clear Aligner Leader and the associated job processes
to nurture and develop a team of high-performing professionals
to create a culture that encourages a collaborative, whole team approach and celebration
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
My First Implant: A Hands-on Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Aeklavya Panjali
Course #: 1090 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Aeklavya Panjali
Learn the biologic basis and fundamental principles of implant dentistry. This hands-on workshop is designed for beginners that wish to learn about the surgical phase of implant dentistry. The workshop outlines the design principles, surface treatments, and other mechanical properties of implants. Attendees learn how to predictably place implants using guided and non-guided surgery.
• bone biology and osseointegration • anatomical considerations and limitations in relation to implant placement • hands-on, step-by-step evaluation in establishing diagnosis and treatment planning • to interpret CT (cone beam) with hands-on surgical technique and suturing
This hands-on workshop is also offered on Saturday morning.
This hands-on workshop is a combination of instruction, demonstration, and hands-on using pig-jaws. Attendees not only learn the principles of clinical crown lengthening surgery but bring new skills back to their dental office. Indications, considerations, and surgical principles are discussed.
• the principles of patient evaluation, clinical, and diagnostic considerations of crown lengthening and limited flap surgery • surgical and anatomic principles for crown lengthening surgery • hands-on skills to gain experience in performing clinical crown lengthening surgery
This hands-on workshop highlights real-life techniques and strategies for successful endodontic case management. This course covers everything from diagnosis, administering local anesthetics to negotiating canal anatomy. This program aims to educate practitioners to accurately diagnose a patient’s chief complaint of odontogenic pain and simplifies managing root canals with dentin conserving heat-treated-controlled memory files that boast smaller taper, and increased resistance to breakage.
• biological and clinical principles for predictably successful pain • management and non-surgical root canal therapy • to maximize endo-restorative dynamics while taking advantage of modern metallurgy developments that increase flexibility and prevent files breaking • review the dynamics of dentin preservation and minimal engagement endodontics
The seminar focuses on understanding the relationships between COVID-19 and oral care with an emphasis on tooth whitening. The importance of tooth whitening’s potential to aggravate COVID-19 symptoms and the ability to increase revenue when patients have COVID-19 are discussed. This program will increase awareness of the potential for practitioners to play a role in the patient’s COVID-19 recovery to health. The program will provide insight to expanding patient care during these challenging times.
• a review of COVID-19 as an oral disease • tooth whitening during COVID-19 • patient care during COVID-19 • trends, what to expect for the future, and the dentist team’s role
9:00am - 12:00pm
Simplified Sinus Graft: Lateral Approach: A Hands-On Workshop
Implant Dentistry
Pilseong Kim
Course #: 1130 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Pilseong Kim
This hands-on workshop is an introduction to Sinus Grafting. The workshop provides the anatomy and functions of the sinus. Each participant will go through a step-by-step sinus graft by using a lateral approach with the use of innovative materials. The program provides significant information so the clinician can choose the proper graft materials for the sinus graft procedures.
• the anatomy and function of the sinus • the concept of lateral approach sinus graft • the materials for the sinus graft • simplified lateral sinus graft using innovated tools and materials
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Light Curing Complexities: Clinical Simplicity/Glass Ionomers in Pediatric Dentistry
Current Dental Topics
Jed Best
Joe Oxman
Course #: 1140 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jed Best Joe Oxman
Room: 1E15 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $250.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students
Joe D. Oxman, Ph.D.
Several concurrent light curing trends intended to reduce steps and save time in the restorative procedure have been rapidly evolving. The simultaneous development of bulk curing restorative materials with less shrinkage and recent advances in high-intensity LED curing lights has created an expectation of single-increment composite placement requiring reduced curing times. This presentation attempts to provide some insights into the complexities of photopolymerization and establish if these recent trends are realistic expectations or dreams that are too good to be true.
a historical perspective on curing of dental materials
insights on the impact of composite optical properties on light curing
the impact of light intensity, curing time and the blue/violet light on curing of dental materials
clinical strategies for improving and providing reliable light curing
Jed B. Best, D.D.S., M.S.
This program focuses on the past, present, and future of glass ionomers within the realm of restorative and preventive practices in pediatric dentistry. Important advances in glass ionomers that make them the restoration of choice in primary teeth are discussed.
to identify the types of glass ionomers
what are the limitations of glass ionomers
what are the benefits of glass ionomers
how to improve the mechanical properties of glass ionomers
Support for this program is provided by:
9:00am - 12:00pm
Aplicaciones de la Tecnologia Digital en el Tratamineto Interdiciplinario Guiado, De Alineadores en Denticion Mixta y en los Protocolos Clasicos de Im
Cursos en Español
Andre Chen
Elena Cervino
Course #: 1190 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Andre Chen Elena Cervino
Room: 1E09 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
La evolución de la odontología digital nos permite cada vez más, una integración más fluida y efectiva entre las distintas especialidades. Durante la presentación explicaremos el estado actual de la integración de las distintas disciplinas de la odontología para llevar a cabo tratamientos interdisciplinarios guiados de principio a fin. Analizaremos los beneficios de practicar esta Odontología más coordinada , mínimamente invasiva y explicaremos los factores a tener en cuenta, y los errores que debemos evitar para conseguir resultados predecibles en nuestra práctica diaria.
Alineadores en Pacientes con Dentición Mixta
Fue en 2017 cuando cambie mi forma de tratar a los pacientes en dentición mixta y transforme mis planes de tratamiento con un sistema de alineadores. En conjunto con la tecnología digital, proporcionamos a los pacientes un tratamiento eficaz, rápido, indoloro y sin urgencias, lo que también beneficia a los padres y representantes a disminuir las visitas frecuentes al consultorio. Con esta conferencia quiero compartir mi fascinación y experiencia de tratar a los niños con alineadores.
Cómo Adaptar las Nuevas Tecnologías a tus Protocolos Clásicos de Implantología
La tecnología ha llegado a los implantes dentales , es tan masiva que muchas veces uno se pierde y no consigue retirar beneficio de su incorporación. Es objetivo de esta ponencia hablar de la incorporación real de tecnología y cuáles los beneficios de esa incorporación a nivel de 1 - adquisición de Imagem com scanner Intra-oral 2- softwares de planificación 3 - nuevas macro geometrías de implantes 4 - nuevos Biomateriales de implantes 5- nuevos biomateriales cad cam e 3D printers
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Anesthesia and Sedation for the Pediatric Dentist Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Ronald Kosinski
Course #: 1040 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Ronald Kosinski
This seminar will be split up into three parts. The first hour is dedicated to drugs and drug regimens when sedating the pediatric dental patient. Learn the current drugs being taught and the regimens used to administer them. The second hour will focus on sedation techniques for autistic patients. The ASD spectrum is broad, and because of that, many different combinations of drugs and techniques are used to treat this population. The final hour will be devoted to what if sedation fails? And what are the next steps in identifying regimens to complete the treatment?
• different sedation techniques • sedation for the autistic child • what to do when sedations fail
This program identifies bacteria’s effect on the caries process, isolates specific treatment options for high-risk clients, and determines the best caries risk assessment and management practices. Explore the evolution of our food choices, the growth and development of our bodies, and the three pathways linking oral infection to secondary systemic effects. This seminar reviews how to incorporate nutritional counseling into periodontal assessment for the busy dental hygienist.
• the pathogens involved and a mechanism of action for cardiovascular disease, bacterial pneumonia, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s Dementia
• to identify the factors that are linked to poor nutrition and the inflammatory response
• to conduct a practical nutritional assessment with clients using new methods and techniques for the digital world
• to formulate client-specific programs to prevent dental decay and manage caries
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
The Form and Function of the Airway in Sleep
Sleep Apnea
Jon Caulfield
Course #: 1060 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jon Caulfield
Sleep-disordered breathing ranges from upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It is a serious medical condition that adversely affects the upper airway and breathing during sleep. Novel oral appliance therapy differs from conventional mandibular advancement devices and traditional palatal expansion as it is used to correct the nasopharyngeal airway through midfacial redevelopment in combination with mandibular correction for the oropharyngeal airway to improve the upper airway. Over 50 published studies have indicated that correction of sleep-related breathing disorders is possible using this novel approach for non-surgical upper airway remodeling.
• to understand normal craniofacial growth and development • to recognize the effects of Western culture on growth and development • the importance of nasal breathing, facial and dental clues
In this program, attendees learn how to boost team engagement, dele-gate processes, and optimize systems to create the ultimate clear aligner program. It will also define the characteristics of the clear aligner leader and the skills necessary to excel in that role. Explore the streamlined processes that can help your serve patients at a higher level. Learn the secrets of sustainable success through high-performance habits. Show up in your office as a healthy, vibrant self-directed leader. Return to the office ready to implement a clear aligner program that improves patient lives and the practice bottom line.
the opportunity clear aligners represent in transforming patients, careers, and the practice
the characteristics of a strong Clear Aligner Leader and the associated job processes
to nurture and develop a team of high-performing professionals
to create a culture that encourages a collaborative, whole team approach and celebration
This hands-on workshop combines instruction, demonstration, and a hands-on pig-jaw workshop. Attendees learn principles of suturing to implement in surgery for their dental practice.
• principles of suture shape, size, and basic considerations • surgical principles for basic and advanced oral surgery suturing techniques • to practice and develop hands-on skills to gain experience in performing basic and
1:30pm - 4:30pm
How to Properly Use Heat Treated and Non-Heat Treated Files: A Hands-On Workshop
Anne Koch
Course #: 1160 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anne Koch
This hands-on workshop begins with a brief review of rotary instrumentation and continues with a hands-on demonstration. The clinician demonstrates how to properly use heat-treated and non-heat-treated files- rotary files (the Blend Technique) and the best way to use bioceramic technology. Follow-ing the demonstration, participants are encouraged to practice the various techniques being introduced.
• to perform rotary instrumentation utilizing a “Rhythm” motion • what causes the separation of rotary files and how best to prevent them • to successfully obturate a tooth or block using the hydraulic condensation technique • the need for piezo-electric ultrasonics and their benefit in clinical endodontics
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
How to Achieve Accelerated Practice Growth with Digital Dentistry
Digital Dentistry
Barry Bartusiak
Gary Blevins
Kenn Butler
Course #: 1170 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Barry Bartusiak Gary Blevins Kenn Butler
dentistry has revolutionized the patient experience and clinical
outcomes, both big and small. In this comprehensive and actionable season, Join
experts Gary Blevins (Head of Education), Kenn Butler (Head of Research &
Development), and leading Dandy dentists as they give a complete walkthrough of
modern intraoral scanning techniques and workflows from A-to-Z. Whether you are
new to digital dentistry or are a seasoned expert, you will walk away from this
session with the knowledge, techniques, and confidence to use intraoral
scanning in even the most advanced cases.
a firm understanding of the digital dentistry ecosystem and the value it provides for modern practices
fundamental techniques for intraoral scanning, enabling to get started
advanced techniques for addressing special use cases in intraoral scanning, including taking impressions for soft tissue cases, deep margin-line cases, and more
This hands-on workshop is an introduction to sinus grafting. The workshop reviews the anatomy and functions of the sinus and the participants learn a step-by-step crestal sinus graft technique. The program offers meaningful information so the clinician can efficiently perform sinus grafts using a CAS Kit developed by Hiossen.
• the anatomy of the sinus • the crestal approach sinus graft • how to choose the proper sinus graft materials • to use the CAS kit
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Voluntariado, Cómo Ayudar En El Mundo
Cursos en Español
Hector M. Hernández Navarro
Hector Hernandez Villalvazo
Ronald Fritz
Course #: 1200 Date: 11/25/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Hector M. Hernández Navarro Hector Hernandez Villalvazo Ronald Fritz
Room: 1E09 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
En este seminario, veremos cómo el servicio comunitario a las poblaciones más necesitadas ha bendecido a los ponentes, también cómo les ha brin-dado una amplia perspectiva de la odontología y la vida en general. Usando como ilustración experiencias en lugares exóticos internacionales o en la propia comunidad. Analizaremos, aspectos culturales, respeto a las regula-ciones y creencias de otros países, así como equipos e instrumentos para facilitar la odontología portátil. Si deseas sentir la gratificación del servicio a los demás, acompáñanos y aprende cómo planear y llevar a cabo el servicio.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por
8:30am - 10:30am
The Path to Practice Ownership; Geared Toward Startup/Construction
Practice Management
Jason McKenzie
Robert Malandruccolo
Course #: 2070 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 8:30am - 10:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jason McKenzie Robert Malandruccolo
Learn the various aspects of starting and building out a startup dental office. This presentation covers everything you’ll need to know to about your space search, landlords, leases, design, budgets, types of loans lenders offer, construction and equipment purchases needed to open the door. The clinicians help develop a realistic timeline from concept to grand opening based on current and relevant construction projects that are happening right now in this market during this current economic condition.
• to understand what a lender looks for when qualifying a practice start-up • to avoid first practice “pit-falls” and learn how planning early can lead to a successful practice • the financials of a practice and how to measure success • to identify the right time to become a business owner
Support for this program is provided by
8:30am - 11:30am
How To Incorporate Public Health Into Clinical Practice Download Handout
Public Health
Betsy Bray
Erinne Kennedy
Frances Kim
Megan Cloidt
Nadia Laniado
Stephanie Yang
Course #: 2120 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 8:30am - 11:30am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Betsy Bray Erinne Kennedy Frances Kim Megan Cloidt Nadia Laniado Stephanie Yang
Room: 1E05 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $85.00 Credits: 3
Our goal is to provide clinical dentists with resources to take public health policy into practice. This program offers policy context and practical resourc-es to use in the dental office. Learn to articulate clear, actionable items and tools for chairside.
• understand the role of dental public health policy from the broad dental care delivery system to chairside clinical practice • explore the connection of public health policy to practice across topics such as vaccination and HPV prevention, antibiotic stewardship, and social determinants of health • apply public health resources and toolkits to clinical practice in the space of vaccination and HPV prevention, antibiotic stewardship, and social determinants of health.
9:00am - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium (Lecture and Workshop)
Oral Cancer
Antonia Kolokythas
Edward Miller, Jr
Joseph Randazzo
Scott Peters
Course #: 2010 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Antonia Kolokythas Edward Miller, Jr Joseph Randazzo Scott Peters
Room: 1E10 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $425.00 Credits: 7 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Nurse, Doctor
Course: 2010 Seminar & Workshop Tuition: $425.00 Course: 2015 Seminar Only Tuition: $275.00 Course: 2210 Workshop Only Tuition: $395.00 Recommended for: D, H, A, R, L, S
9:00 – 12:45
SEMINAR This program covers all aspects of Oral Cancer, from diagnosis and treatment to reconstruction. Topics in this Oral Cancer program cover epidemiology, diagnosis, pre-cancerous disease, the HPV relationship to oropharyngeal cancers, dental considerations for the oral cancer patient, imaging modalities for the oral cancer patient, radiation and chemotherapy treatment for oral cancer, surgical therapies, biopsy technique review and aspects of referring patients for treatment. After each group of speakers, question and answer time and case review sessions are included.
1:30– 4:30
BIOPSY TECHNIQUES: HANDS-ON WORKSHOP Establishing a soft tissue diagnosis is essential for treatment planning. All oral healthcare providers must know how to evaluate and plan the specific biopsy technique chosen. Attendees have ample time to ask questions and perform biopsies and suture techniques on provided animal soft tissue. A review of the biopsy differential diagnosis and the completion of the pathology biopsy requisition form are reviewed.
9:00am - 12:45pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium (Lecture Only)
Oral Cancer
Antonia Kolokythas
Edward Miller, Jr
Scott Peters
Course #: 2015 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Antonia Kolokythas Edward Miller, Jr Scott Peters
Room: 1E10 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $275.00 Credits: 4 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Nurse, Doctor
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pearls Gleaned in 45 Years of Pediatric Dentistry Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss
Course #: 2020 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss
The clinician shares concepts that made his practice grow with four full-time pediatric and orthodontic associations, FTE, six hygienists, and a team of 35. The primary reasons for success were office systems and caring properly for the children and their parents. This program takes you down a path of behavior guidance with excellent videos that worked well with the kids, impressed the parents, and became the culture that contributed to the practice’s success. The philosophies and systems developed for the Team, new patient visits, interactions with the kids and parents, and how the practice was well run and successful.
• the pearls of pediatric dentistry • a proven system to see children from age 1-21 • personalized systems for your dental practice
9:00am - 4:30pm
Foundation for Airway Health Summit
Sleep Apnea
Barry Raphael
Ben Waldman
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 2040 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Barry Raphael Ben Waldman Steve Carstensen
Did you know that over 50% of the patients in your practice have an airway/sleep problem? Attend the AIRWAY SUMMIT and learn to recognize the signs and how to treat airway health issues.
The Foundation for Airway Health brings together leading dental educators, scientific academy representatives, allied health organizations, and members of the public to offer information you and your dental team must know about unrecognized sleep/airway issues and what you can do to impact positive health change for patients. This year the Foundation will offer a more interactive program to allow you to participate in recognizing hidden issues and developing treatment paths for care. Think you have an airway problem? Register early - yours can be one of the case presentations. Learning is facili-tated when listening, and note-taking are joined with active participation. If you have taken airway sleep courses and have not yet added this service to your practice, this course is a must.
Unrecognized,” Hidden” airway problems are not only expressed by poor sleep but also as chronic disease and inflammation, learning difficulties, perfor-mance issues, and behavior problems. Currently, only 15% of airway problems are recognized. Dentists can and must play a front-line role in diagnosing and treating airway dysfunction. Attendees at the Airway Summit will learn about the emerging importance of airway health and sleep in dental practice, how to improve treatment outcomes, join the fight against chronic disease, and expand the professional practice in these areas.
• screen patients for airway and sleep issues and follow ADA recommendations • understand the connection between airway and sleep issues and chronic medical and dental health disorders • be aware of how airway sleep issues affect growth, development, and learning • include airway and sleep screening for better outcomes in restorative dentistry • recognize the signs and symptoms of airway sleep issues in your patients when you return to your practice
The Foundation for Airway Health is a 501(c)(3). Founded in 2012, the Foundation for Airway Health is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness with the general public and the healthcare industry. Through its initiatives, the Foundation seeks to highlight the role of airway in overall health and well-being for all and educate clinicians to recognize the role and importance of optimal airway physiology and sleep in the areas of health, development, performance, and function.
9:00am - 4:30pm
Modern Protocols in the Occlusion-based Practice
Charles Ward
Christopher Mazzola
Joshua Polansky
Course #: 2060 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Charles Ward Christopher Mazzola Joshua Polansky
The application of principles of occlusion are essential to long lasting restorative treatment. This program reviews those principles and their application to a digital workflow, from data collection and treatment planning to fabrication and delivery of final restorations.
Learn to:
• understand basic occlusal principles and how they translate to a digital workflow • understand what records are needed for comprehensive treatment and how to take them • review protocols for proper lab communication with smile design and shade selection • discuss material selection and bonding/cementation of final restorations
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Form with Function: Current Standards in Tissue Preservation
Historically, alveolar ridge preservation and development have focused on volumetric changes with little attention to tissue quality. This program aims to discuss possible advantages, disadvantages, and realistic short- and long-term expectations of traditional methods of alveolar ridge development for implant therapy and discusses the potential benefits and limitations of new techniques and materials designed to maximize tissue quality.
• the rationale for site preservation, new materials, and techniques • the advantages and disadvantages of types of alveolar ridge development • material selection based on material properties and features
COVID has been one of the most impactful diseases to affect modern man, especially in the practice of dentistry. This program focuses on the latest updates about this disease as it impacts the dental healthcare professional. A review of the spread of COVID and an understanding of the virology of SARS CoV2 is discussed.
• to examine the spread of COVID • to understand the virology of SARS CoV2 • about the role of dental aerosols in the spread of human pathogens
9:00am - 12:00pm
Contemporary Endodontics Starting Today
Carlos Ramos
Course #: 2100 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Carlos Ramos
Proper cleaning and shaping of the canal space is a prerequisite for achieving clinical success in endodontics. The main goal of this program is to teach the attendee to take their practice to the next level by using a simple and efficient endodontic technique using a new instrumentation system based on the safety of reciprocation allied to the efficiency of rotatory movement. The clinician delivers an easy-to-use and highly effective ultrasonic irrigation technique to achieve an elevated level of cleanness and disinfection.
• to find the canal’s entrance with special designed ultrasonic inserts • the importance of file heat treatment and how this aspect can improve instrumentation results • to master an intuitive 2-files instrumentation technique taking advantage of the two different kinematics
an effective single cone obturation technique
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Complex Treatment Planning: From Diagnosis to Care
Leonard Hess
Course #: 2110 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Leonard Hess
Nothing is more challenging than treating complex esthetic and functional prosthodontic cases. Oftentimes, these cases involve the worn dentition, airway, and TMJ problems all in one. Understanding the diagnostic process is critical to enable you to treat problems, not just symptoms. This program focuses on diagnosis, the role of CBCT, 2D and 3D treatment planning, and the final results.
• to completely diagnose to treat the problem, not just symptoms • to understand the role of TMJ health and airway in complex cases • esthetic principles in functional smile design • the principles of designing a stable occlusion
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
MACdentistry: The What, When, How, and Why of Current Indirect Restorative Materials, Adhesives, and Cements
Restorative Dentistry
Thomas Dudney
Course #: 2130 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Dudney
As restorative materials, adhesives, and cements, continue to evolve and improve, keeping up with the latest advancements is difficult and patients continue to expect long-term clinical success. This program discusses factors affecting the selection of indirect restorative materials that will satisfy the aesthetic and functional goals of the patient while conserving tooth structure. Cases will be used to demonstrate the use of these materials, bonding agents, and cements in different clinical situations.
• the factors affecting material selection • monolithic vs. layered restorations • to combine aesthetics and function with emax lithium disilicate • advantages and disadvantages of full-contour zirconia
Instrument processing and sterility assurance is a core element of a comprehensive infection prevention and control program. This program reviews the steps in processing, monitoring and evaluation. Strategies for developing efficiencies while ensuring safety are also discussed.
• identify the steps in instrument processing and sterility assurance • differentiate chemical and biologic monitoring • problem solve a sterilization failure
9:00am - 12:00pm
Immediate Implant Placement: A Predictable Approach Hands-on Workshop
This hands-on workshop gives the attendee an overview of immediate implant placement/load. Principles of immediate placement in relation to existing bone, soft tissue, and establishing function are discussed. Participants learn to plan and treat single tooth immediate implant cases focused on surgical protocols.
• diagnosis and treatment plan for single-tooth immediate implant • managing gap distance socket management and grafting • step-by-step clinical protocols • hands-on training for socket grafting and immediate placement
This hands-on workshop is also offered on Friday morning
This hands-on workshop is a combination of instruction, demonstration, and hands-on using pig-jaws. Attendees learn the principles of clinical crown lengthening surgery and bring new skills back to their dental office. Indications, considerations, and surgical principles are discussed.
• the principles of patient evaluation, clinical, and diagnostic considerations of crown lengthening and limited flap surgery • surgical and anatomic principles for crown lengthening surgery • hands-on skills to gain experience in performing clinical crown lengthening surgery
9:00am - 12:00pm
Advanced Endodontics for General Practitioners: A Hands-on Workshop
Anne Koch
Course #: 2280 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anne Koch
This hands-on workshop begins with a review of preventing the separation of rotary files. The Blend Technique (basic and advanced) is introduced and. the clinician demonstrates how to properly use heat treated and non-heat treated files-rotary files. All attendees perform hydraulic condensation, and the clinician describes the best ways to use bioceramic technology in challenging cases. Piezoelectric ultrasonics are available, and attendees will have the opportunity to work with a new digital imaging system.
• the Blend Technique in both simple and advanced cases • what causes the separation of rotary files and how best to prevent them • to successfully use a piezoelectric ultrasonic unit for finding hidden canals • the keys to perforation repair
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 4:30pm
Composite Power: Maximizing the Potential of Direct Resin: A Hands-on Workshop
Esthetic Dentistry
Arthur Volker
Course #: 2300 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Arthur Volker
Several variables must be mastered and implemented to achieve an esthetic result. This introductory hands-on workshop gives attendees the foundation necessary to objectively evaluate dental esthetics and immediately implement these principles into daily practice utilizing direct composite resin.
Learn to:
• apply principles of smile design and analysis of proportions • properly utilize tints and opaquers in the anterior • repair the fractured incisal edge • correct the “non-esthetic” smile with direct composite resin veneers
9:00am - 12:00pm
CADCAM Matrices for Anterior Composite Bonding: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Marc Geissberger
Course #: 2310 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Geissberger
Discover the benefits of digital design for your composite bonding procedures. This program explores the techniques and materials used to deliver anterior direct resin restorations using the Filtek Matrix. This revolutionary product combines CAD-CAM smile design and offers a modern technique for treating a variety of restorative situations, including veneers and diastema closures. This digitally designed patient-specific matrix system is intended to bring predictability and efficiency to anterior composite restorations.
• how the Filtek Matrix System is designed and fabricated • predictable techniques for closing anterior diastema and fabricating direct resin veneers
• which restorative materials can be used in conjunction with the Filtek Matrix • to create lifelike clinical results using sound bonding, placement, and polishing techniques
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Nanofarmacología en Cirugia Oral/Control Vertical en Ortodoncia
Room: 1E20 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Educator
NANOFARMACOLOGÍA EN CIRUGÍA ORAL Se explican los principios de los nanofármacos que se pueden utilizar en Odontología, con énfasis en la atención de pacientes que padecen enfer-medades sépticas y que necesitan tratamiento quirúrgico. Se muestran los aspectos clínicos y terapéuticos que definen el uso racional de estos nanofár-macos en procedimientos de Cirugía Oral. A partir de una serie de pacientes operados y tratados con nanofármacos, se exponen y analizan los resultados de su recuperación, evolución en función del tiempo y pronóstico.
CONTROL VERTICAL EN ORTODONCIA El manejo del control vertical mediante diversos tratamientos ortodónticos. Conocer el manejo de cada uno de los auxiliares de tratamiento y diversos métodos del tratamiento ortodónticos e innovaciones actuales para un buen control vertical.
11:00am - 1:00pm
No Down Payment Practice Financing: Geared Toward Acquisition
Owning a dental practice can be your ticket to professional and financial freedom. The ability to make your own clinical decisions and run the prac-tice to your standards is a goal for most doctors. Learn how to find the right practice in the current conditions of the economy. Learn how lenders are structuring the purchase of a practice at 100% financing even with $400k+ in student loan debt. Learn the different types of purchase structures that include leasehold space and commercial real estate. The great news is that owning a practice can happen as early as 12 months out of dental school with the right planning and an experienced team to help you.
• to understand how dental practice value is determined and how that compares to the sales price • how to get approved for financing and what options exist • how to find the right location for a dental practice and how to market
• to identify the key members of your team to help make the process easier • the timeline and path of ownership whether you want to buy or start from scratch
Support for these programs are provided by
12:15pm - 2:15pm
Code of Ethics, your Roadmap to Professional Success
Guenter Jonke
Kevin Henner
Course #: 2150 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 12:15pm - 2:15pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Guenter Jonke Kevin Henner
The dental profession holds a unique position of trust within society. The Code of Ethics is the playbook for your daily professional success. This program reviews the Principles of Ethics for the American Dental Association and the Code of Principle Conduct. A variety of common ethical dilemmas are discussed and how they apply to the Code. Maintaining high ethical standards in our daily practice benefits all of us.
• five core ethical principles: Patient Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, Justice, and Veracity • specific types of Professional Conduct and their application to the five core principles • advisory opinions, the interpretations that apply the Code of Professional Conduct to specific fact situations
1:30pm - 4:30pm
The Myths of Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
David Rothman
Course #: 2030 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): David Rothman
This program includes a look at commonly held, but not scientifically based myths in kid’s dentistry that have been perpetuated by dentists and the “lay” media for years (and many old wives’ tales). These include local anesthesia, restorations and crowns, endodontics and preventive dentistry, growth and development, and behavior management. This seminar includes a discussion on the difference between common sense, science, and factless fantasy.
• how to read and evaluate literature • to critically assess what we have been taught • to incorporate valid science into our treatment planning and procedures
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Pathways In and Out of Practice Ownership
Practice Management
Chad Widensky
Chris Hutzelman
Daniel Cammarosano
John Masserano
Marc Epstein
Course #: 2160 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Chad Widensky Chris Hutzelman Daniel Cammarosano John Masserano Marc Epstein
This program aims to educate healthcare professionals about the many different paths to practice ownership. The discussion reviews the necessary steps to transition your dental practice and align your expectations. A panel of industry-specific professionals discusses the journey of starting, growing, or transitioning a dental practice and the challenges and solutions in today’s marketplace for current owners, buyers, and sellers.
• about expansion and growth opportunities • guidelines for navigating the current marketplace (Startup/Acquisition/Buy-In) • about setting expectations in navigating the current market
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Positioning and Practicing Dentistry Using the Dental Microscope
Jorge Zapata
Juan Carlos Ortiz Hughes
Course #: 2170 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jorge Zapata Juan Carlos Ortiz Hughes
Learn how the dental microscope can dramatically improve the dental professionals operating position and extend their career life. Dentists and hygienists have an extremely high incidence of neck, back, shoulder, and hip pain. If you have a dental microscope or are interested in seeing how a microscope could improve your practice, this is the program you must attend. A practitioner's work posture and total ergonomics can differentiate between loving your career or your career ruining your health. This seminar demonstrates how to practice pain-free. Each attendee will have a one-on-one demonstration on how to sit and how to be able to do fantastic work without pain by utilizing the dental microscope.
• the fundamentals of occupational ergonomics and incorporate dental microscopy and its concepts for efficient and healthy clinical dentistry • to apply ergonomic concepts of the microscope in each quadrant of the mouth
• the benefits of proper seating and vision utilizing a dental microscope • the ability to capture fantastic documentation of dental treatment and have the ability to visualize with superb clarity in all four quadrants of the mouth using a dental microscope
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Clinical Update in Restorative Dentistry/Digital Implant Planning and Treatment Considerations/Dental Anxiety and Phobia
Current Dental Topics
Eric Hu
John Jenista
Joseph Gedge
Course #: 2180 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Eric Hu John Jenista Joseph Gedge
CLINICAL UPDATE IN RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY Advances in adhesive dentistry have led to an expansion of the clinical uses of bonded direct and indirect restorations. This program discusses topics including the restoration of endodontically treated teeth (post selection and endocrowns), deep margin elevation, and immediate dentin sealing, with a particular focus on current available evidence.
Eric C. Hu, D.M.D., M.S.
DIGITAL IMPLANT PLANNING AND TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS Accurate implant placement leads to more predictable restorative outcomes while reducing biological and mechanical complications. This program describes restorative-driven implant planning workflows utilizing digital technology, discusses the benefits of guided implant surgery, engages in conversations on factors that contribute to implant success, and demonstrates these concepts through case presentations.
Johh Jenista, D.M.D., M.S.
DENTAL ANXIETY AND PHOBIA Patients who have fear or anxiety of the dentist or the dental office typically have a multitude of dental problems and treatment needs. This program teaches the importance of recognizing these patients and to determine their source of fear or anxiety. This seminar also covers simple office protocols to help identify and treat these fearful patients. Using these simple procedures can help win patient’s trust and minimize the practitioner’s difficulty treating fearful patients.
Peri-implantitis affects 20% of implants, and there is up to 100% recurrence of the disease following therapy, making it imperative to identify etiology-based treatment modalities. This program focuses on translating the biology underlying peri-implant diseases to meaningful clinical outcomes.
• understand the pathogenesis of peri-implant diseases • examine the timeline of peri-implant pathology • understand how implants heal following functional loading
The endodontic treatment spectrum is broader than just routine root canal therapy. After a thorough diagnosis and dental history evaluation, the treatment of choice is decided upon. Vital pulp therapy should be the first consideration when a treatment modality for a carious lesion is being considered based on pulpal diagnosis. The best filling for root canal space is the pulp. With the advent of newer materials, such as bioceramics, their biocompatibility and sealing ability makes these procedures more predictable and successful if the case selection is accurate.
• the indications and contraindications of the procedure • the clinical steps of treatment • how advances in material science and technology have affected the prognosis and have an evidence-based knowledge of the outcome of each of the procedures
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1:30pm - 4:30pm
International Oral Cancer Symposium (Workshop Only)
Oral Cancer
Antonia Kolokythas
Edward Miller, Jr
Scott Peters
Course #: 2210 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Antonia Kolokythas Edward Miller, Jr Scott Peters
Room: 1E01/02 Topic: Oral Cancer Tuition: $395.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Nurse, Doctor
1:30pm - 4:30pm
The New Dental Practice
Practice Management
Margaret Surowka
Course #: 2220 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Margaret Surowka
This program discusses issues and trends in dental practice structure. Learn about DSOs, mergers and acquisitions. This seminar includes issues that may arise relating to state restrictions or rules with ownership and fee arrangements.
• to familiarize dentists with different dental practice structures • issues that may arise with mergers or acquisitions • about arrangements with DSOs
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Be Aware of Wear
Restorative Dentistry
Thomas Dudney
Course #: 2230 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Dudney
In today’s society, tooth wear is more prevalent than ever. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the entire dental team to be well-versed in recognizing the clinical signs of wear while understanding the importance of prevention when possible and the restorative options when necessary. This program illustrates the different types of tooth wear with clinical examples and demonstrates a systematic diagnosis and treatment approach.
• the clinical signs of intrinsic and extrinsic erosion • office protocols to help patients prevent and treat acid erosion • to recognize the clinical signs of horizontal and vertical wear patterns • to design an occlusal scheme that fits and grinding patterns of the patient
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Infection Prevention and Control for Dental Professionals
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed oral healthcare delivery in several ways over the past 2+ years. This program reviews the current interim infection prevention and control guidance and the core guidelines that apply to all healthcare settings. Strategies and resources for implementing current guidance are described. Considerations for infection prevention and control going forward are discussed.
• interim infection prevention and control guidance for dentistry • strategies and resources for implementation and evaluation • implications for dental infection prevention and control going forward
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF): Protocols and Advancements
PRF has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years due to its versatility. Platelet Rich Fibrin has made surgical procedures simpler and more predictable. Moreover, the success rate of most surgical procedures with PRF is more predictable and cost-effective for the practitioner. This seminar discusses the biological basis of PRF, iPRF, L-PRF, and A-PRF and provides a detailed description of the most common applications in clinical dentistry.
• rationale and biological basis for PRF with Current concepts and future with PRF • differences and clinical applications of PRF, iPRF, S-PRF, and A-PRF • tissue grafting with PRF • bone grafting techniques and innovations with PRF
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Contemporary Endodontics Starting Today: A Hands-On Approach
Carlos Ramos
Course #: 2320 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Carlos Ramos
It is strongly recommended that participants attend the morning lecture session, and bring loupes but not required.
CONTEMPORARY ENDODONTICS STARTING TODAY: A HANDS-ON WORKSHOP In this hands-on workshop, an endodontic engine-driven instrumentation streamlined technique with new customized heat-treated files is reviewed and practiced. Activation and irrigation protocols during and after enlargement are trained on 3D printed micro-CT-based molar replicas. Variants in the instrumentation of calcified canals and an obturation technique using a new bioceramic sealer are discussed.
• identify and execute the different steps in a modern, streamlined endodontic instrumentation protocol • proceed with the ultrasonic stream of irrigants during the irrigation phase of endodontic therapy • perform a single cone bioceramic sealer obturation
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1:30pm - 4:30pm
Tissue Preservation and Implant Site Development: A Hands-on Workshop
Historically, alveolar ridge preservation and development have focused on volumetric changes with little attention to tissue quality. This hands-on workshop exposes participants to contemporary techniques of minimally traumatic exodontia, tissue preservation, and implant site development.
• minimally traumatic tooth extraction • soft tissue manipulation for optimal outcomes • alveolar ridge preservation with absorbable bone and soft tissue scaffolds
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
CADCAM Matrices for Anterior Composite Bonding: A Hands-on Workshop
Restorative Dentistry
Marc Geissberger
Course #: 2350 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Geissberger
Discover the benefits of digital design for your composite bonding procedures. This program explores the techniques and materials used to deliver anterior direct resin restorations using the Filtek Matrix. This revolutionary product combines CAD-CAM smile design and offers a modern technique for treating a variety of restorative situations, including veneers and diastema closures. This digitally designed patient-specific matrix system is intended to bring predictability and efficiency to anterior composite restorations.
• how the Filtek Matrix System is designed and fabricated • predictable techniques for closing anterior diastema and fabricating direct resin veneers
• which restorative materials can be used in conjunction with the Filtek Matrix • to create lifelike clinical results using sound bonding, placement, and polishing techniques
Support for this program is provided by
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Ortodoncia Ayer y Hoy
Cursos en Español
Victor Arellano
Course #: 2370 Date: 11/26/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Victor Arellano
Room: 1E20 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator
Los principios básicos de la Ortodoncia serán de vital importancia en el éxito de los tratamientos. Es de suma importancia la correcta realización del diag-nóstico y plan de tratamiento. La correcta finalización de los tratamientos nos permitirá lograr la “estabilidad” a futuro en los movimientos realizados mediante la Ortodoncia. Es importante entender que la Ortodoncia y la Ortopedia dentofacial van de la mano y con el apoyo de la tecnología actual podemos lograr resultados increíbles.
2:00am - 4:00pm
Brighter Frontiers in Tooth Whitening - Utilizing A Unique Formulation and LED Tray to Deliver Outstanding Results
Cosmetic Dentistry
Maria Ryan
Course #: 3580 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00am - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Maria Ryan
Brighter Frontiers in Tooth Whitening: Utilizing a Unique Formulation and LED Tray to Deliver Outstanding Results
Tooth whitening benefits drive demand and purchase intent of dental products for consumers around the world. While modern tooth whitening has been around for decades, there are limitations to many widely-used approaches (including reports of product messiness, tooth sensitivity, and unrealistic whitening expectations). In this symposium, the clinicians discuss recent scientific innovations in tooth whitening that are helping to propel this area forward. They discuss the research and science behind a novel tooth whitening approach, including a formulation that enhances the user experience and maximizes efficacy when paired with a convenient portable LED light system. The clinical results, the patient, and professional knowledge of the formula and device are discussed. Finally, we will share how Colgate has been able to harness historical clinical data from whitening studies to enable simulations that predict whitening for prospective patients. The program concludes with a brief question-and-answer period.
This program is designed as a primer for those interested in international and domestic volunteer projects. The age of COVID has presented new considerations for the conduct of these programs but has not stopped them. This seminar is useful for all dental personnel and non-dental participants who are interested in volunteer opportunities.
the characteristics of international and domestic volunteer projects
the traits of a good project volunteer
potential challenges for the safety of clinicians and patients
to identify possible solutions to those challenges
An emergency can throw your whole schedule off. Review the most common dental emergencies (and not emergencies) in children and examine screen-ing protocols. Office set-up, rapid neurological assessment, treatment, and follow-up protocols for what you think is an emergency and what mom and dad think are emergencies are also discussed.
• to develop office protocols for screening patients • a rapid neurological assessment and whether you should treat • to evaluate which radiographic series is necessary for the emergency • to determine when to do palliative versus definitive treatment
9:00am - 12:00pm
Benefits of a Digital Workflow in Orthodontics
Neil Warshawsky
Course #: 3060 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Neil Warshawsky
Dentistry is a fast-changing sector made up partly by art, partly by science. It relies heavily on digital technology to design, build and implement cases. These systems were pushed to the max during the Pandemic in 2020. Learn how recent advances in digital imaging, teledentistry, 3D printing, etc... are allowing the digital savvy practitioners to flourish when times are tough.
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Dentist's Role in Sleep Medicine
Sleep Apnea
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 3090 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steve Carstensen
In this program, learn how the general dentist can improve the health of their patients and their practice by identifying and treating sleep related breathing disorders. Plan changes to your practice that support this new service with manageable disruption to existing workflow, while engaging your dental team and gain confidence in discussing medical issues with your dental patients.
• what breathing and airway support is all about • what the dentist can do to improve their patient’s health • to plan for workflow changes for practice success
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9:00am - 5:00pm
BENCO Dental Talks
Current Dental Topics
Alan Stern
Alex Foor
Allison Simenkiewicz
Ben Lawlor
Chris Balaban
Jordon Comstock
Kay Huff
Kyle Roth
Noemi Cruz-Orcutt
Paul Goodman
Stephen Brand
Allen Jung
Tonya Lanthier
Uche Odiatu
Course #: 3150 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Alan Stern Alex Foor Allison Simenkiewicz Ben Lawlor Chris Balaban Jordon Comstock Kay Huff Kyle Roth Noemi Cruz-Orcutt Paul Goodman Stephen Brand Allen Jung Tonya Lanthier Uche Odiatu
Personal and professional brands are the foundation of your goals. Effective branding will differentiate you and your practice and help define who you are and what you do.
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM Panel 2
In The Minds of Young Dentists
Where do today's fastest-rising dentists see the most significant opportunities and challenges? What are they doing to prepare and prosper in the most competitive oral healthcare market ever?
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Panel 3
The Dental Industry's Take on Entrepreneurship
Insightful discussion on building your business; panelists will share their stories and reveal the successes and setbacks of their ventures.
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM Panel 4
Bring It To The Bank
Healthy cash flow is essential for any practice; learn about key performance indicators and the systems that drive them, directly impacting your bottom line.
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Panel 5
Aces in Places
Our panelists give their ideas for hiring rockstars based on where you want your practice to be, not where it is today.
3:45 PM - 4:30 PM Guided Networking
Panelist Meet and Greet
In this guided networking session, spend time with all of our panelists from today and other industry leaders.
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Direct Restorations in Contemporary Restorative Practice
Esthetic Dentistry
Foroud Hakim
Course #: 3160 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Foroud Hakim
This program takes a deep dive into composite restorations. While resin is considered the staple material in modern practice, composite restorations continue to be some of the most challenging restorations for clinicians. This course aims to make direct restorations more rewarding, predictable, effi-cient, profitable, and fun for the dentist, the team, and their patients.
• to understand the adhesive foundation • a viscosity-based approach to restoration • clinical techniques to elevate all classes of restorations from I-VI • modern materials, armamentarium, delivery pearls, and troubleshooting
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
To Smile or Not To Smile
Esthetic Dentistry
Thomas Dudney
Course #: 3170 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Dudney
Today patients seeking aesthetic procedures and smile makeovers are more knowledgeable than ever about the possibilities and therefore present with higher expectations. For restorative dentists to meet these higher expectations, they must be able to combine art and science and possess a thorough understanding of smile design principles to achieve the desired results. This seminar discusses these principles and illustrates their use in clinical cases. Learn the importance of composite mock-ups, provisional restorations, laboratory communication, and multidisciplinary teamwork.
• why incisal edge position is so important, and how to determine it • visualization, preparation, and communication with composite mock-ups • the role of provisional restorations in both patient and laboratory communication • gingival recontouring with diode lasers
This seminar discusses all the currently available hard and soft tissue lasers. Basically a day in the life of a “Laser Dentist.” Learn from a review of applications to make your patient’s experience quieter, less stressful, and with minor discomfort.
• laser wavelengths used in dentistry • about available hardware • about laser hard and soft tissue interaction • through the discussion of laser case studies
Insurance is essential to your office’s revenue cycle, but it does not need to overwhelm your daily routine. Effective insurance coordinators have set up systems and are constantly flexible with their learning. Manage your information and your claims to minimize delays and rejections. This course is perfect for all team members who want to work together to get your claims! Experienced coders will benefit from the documentation and updated codes section.
• tips to obtain reimbursement, including management of documentation/attachments • the best practices to build an effective insurance system • to discuss reports to help you manage your revenue cycle
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9:00am - 12:00pm
Contemporary Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction: LASSO GBR and Osseodensification
Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction is an essential step in oral rehabilitation that may prevent or interfere with the ideal placement of dental implants. This seminar discusses the advantages, disadvantages, and realistic short- and long-term expectations of LASSO GBR, a surgical technique to maximize treatment predictability, ridge volume, and bone quality. The association of this contemporary method of ridge reconstruction with osseodensification, a modern method of bone instrumentation, is discussed.
• the rationale for contemporary methods of alveolar ridge reconstruction • bone instrumentation for maximum tissue preservation • material selection based on material properties and features
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pink Pathways to Leadership in Dentistry and Business
Current Dental Topics
Amrita Patel
Angela Stout
Gail Schupak
Jane Long
Kimberly Harms
Lois Jackson
Lorna Flamer-Caldera
Maria Maranga
Mina Kim
Rehka Gehani
Sarah Karron
Thema Hepburn
Vera Tang
Course #: 3210 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Amrita Patel Angela Stout Gail Schupak Jane Long Kimberly Harms Lois Jackson Lorna Flamer-Caldera Maria Maranga Mina Kim Rehka Gehani Sarah Karron Thema Hepburn Vera Tang
This program is designed to give women dentists the leadership skills they need in order to excel. Topics include conflict resolution, managment and how to overcome roadblocks. Speakers include leaders in the corporate, dental and coaching worlds. The program concludes with a networking opportunity.
• to incorporate well known corporate strategies in your own business • to communicate more confidently using conflict resolution techniques • from accomplished women leaders and apply lessons to your own career • to network with elected leaders and speakers • inspiring women to confidently communicate using crucial skills
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
"Hurst So...Swell" Managing Acute Dental Pain
Thomas Viola
Course #: 3230 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola
Dental professionals must follow best practices when utilizing opioid and non-opioid analgesics to treat pain, assess pain control, and educate patients on analgesic-related risks and safety. This program provides an overview of techniques for effectively evaluating and managing dental pain, appropriately utilizing analgesics, educating patients on adverse effects and contraindications, and adequately handling opioid medications. Particular emphasis on employing strategies for identifying risk for substance abuse is reviewed.
• the pharmacology and mechanism of action of opioid and non-opioid analgesics • the intended role of opioid and non-opioid analgesics in the management of acute dental pain, as well as situations that may preclude their use, based on a patient’s underlying medical conditions • appropriate prescribing practices for opioid analgesics to utilize in everyday clinical situations
This program is presented by the New YorK City Dental Hygienistis’ Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienists' Association and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
Support for these programs are provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
10 Characteristics of Multi-Millionaire Dentists Download Handout
Practice Management
John Vento
Course #: 3240 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Vento
This presentation covers the 10 characteristics that have turned dentists into multi-millionaires and will then outline some of the advanced tax-smart investment strategies that could be implemented to help you become one. This engaging, interactive presentation is a blueprint of how to achieve your own personal financial independence.
• create a financial plan and move into the multi-million-dollar dental club • uncover tax-smart investment strategies that could immediately be put to work • discover the secrets to accumulating wealth
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Legal and Ethical Responsibilities of Practicing Dentistry in New York State
Margaret Surowka
Course #: 3280 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Margaret Surowka
This course is required for re-licensure and has been approved by the New York State Education Department.
This program utilizes real-life examples, OPD discipline cases, and opinions rendered by the New York State Dental Association’s Ethics Council throughout the program as “real-life” application and relevance to the everyday practice of dentistry. Included are the Laws of New York Applicable to Dentistry and the Dental Practice Act; Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations; and the Ethics of Practic-ing Dentistry in New York: Professional Responsibility.
A. The Dental Practice Act:
• scope of practice for dentists • scope of practice for hygienists • scope of practice of certified and non-certified dental assistants • supervision of all auxiliaries • Dental Anesthesia Certificate • special provisions of §6611 • nitrous oxide equipment
B. Miscellaneous Laws and Regulations:
• access to patient records, HIV and confidentiality • federal Controlled Substances Law • X-ray requirements • child abuse, communicable diseases, patient deaths • amalgam and other recycling • employee notices
C. Results:
Attendees learn how their offices need to be in compliance with state law, and the rules of professional/ethical responsibility
9:30am - 5:30pm
Invisalign® Fundamentals Course
Course #: 3110 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
The Invisalign® Go system was designed for General Dentists looking for a digital platform to integrate clear aligner therapy in their dental practice seamlessly. The intuitive platform provides predictable outcomes that lead to happy patients and practice growth. Invisalign® Fundamentals is an introductory program for NEW Invisalign® GP providers and their teams. This interactive program provides participants with the clinical and operational education necessary to begin treating simple, predictable cases with Invisalign® clear aligners.
to identify ideal case types and everyday opportunities treatable by Invisalign® GO
the clinical confidence needed to treat cases from start to finish
to successfully integrate Invisalign® treatment into the practice as a team
how tooth movement works with Invisalign
to successfully identify malocclusion and educate patients on the potential consequences
to understand Case Selection and how to use the Invisalign Case Assessment tool
to effectively use the Invisalign ClinCheck® software to plan treatment plans for patients
After the course, you will receive customized, one-on-one support for 90 days from Align’s Onboarding Consultant team to scale your confidence in treating with Invisalign® Clear Aligners. In addition, you will receive mentorship from the Align faculty leading your course.
Support for this program is provided by
9:30am - 1:00pm
Accelerate Invisalign® Treatment Case Acceptance
Steven Liao
Course #: 3120 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:30am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Liao
The Invisalign® system provides a streamlined way to offer clear aligner therapy in your practice with various treatment options. This four-hour course will help you demystify the Invisalign product portfolio to enable your practice to provide simple and clear options to your patients. The program educates doctors on the entire Invisalign treatment workflow – from patient education and product selection to treatment planning and monitoring, practice efficiency, and profitability. Learn how to build your practice strategy for incorporating both Invisalign Go™ treatment and Invisalign Comprehensive treatment. This course is appropriate for certified doctors and team members looking to expand Invisalign treatment offerings in their practice.
Learn to:
identify ideal case types for Invisalign® Go and Invisalign Comprehensive treatment
effectively communicate treatment plan options to patients
set up ClinChecks® treatment plans effectively
improve overall case acceptance
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Alveolar Ridge Preservation Without Need for Membranes
This seminar demonstrates a series of simple, cost-effective, predictable, and clinical uses for bone regeneration focused on one-step alveolar ridge preservation using novel composite graft/collagen materials. Review surgical techniques for both routine tooth extractions and innovative surgical procedures for ridge preservation, sinus lift, and grafting around immediately placed implants in this program. This course covers current clinical guidelines and the scientific rationales behind them.
• understand alveolar ridge preservation and why it is important to graft sockets as well as recognize the clinical indications and benefits of grafting extraction sites • demonstrate simple, predictable, and cost-effective socket grafting techniques without the use of a membrane • review additional surgical applications covering post-extraction grafting around immediate
Support for these programs are being provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Detailed Restorative and Pulpotomy Techniques for Children: A Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss
Course #: 3040 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss
This hands-on workshop uses video, lecture, and a hands-on portion to present Class II composites to pulp therapy, including pulpotomies and stain-less-steel crowns. To successfully practice, every dentist needs to know how to care for children effectively. In this hands-on session, attendees learn how to prepare primary teeth and get tips and secrets from giving local anesthesia to isolating and preparing primary teeth that you never were taught in school. In addition, attendees receive many pearls in diagnosis, technique, and tips on managing children’s behavior.
• how to ideally prepare primary teeth for restorative • to assess and design a primary tooth for pulp therapy • to become more comfortable in caring for children
9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers for the Dental Practitioner: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Fillers
Steven Clark
Course #: 3080 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark
This full-day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didac-tic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician (board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic Surgery) discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
• the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers • facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble • facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
9:45am - 12:45pm
Restorative Dentistry Using the Dental Microscope
Restorative Dentistry
Randy Shoup
Course #: 3260 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Randy Shoup
This seminar gives a new view of composite restorative dentistry using the Dental Microscope. Composite restorations can be critically technique sensitive. Using the Dental Microscope, attendees see every step and aspect of successful restorative dentistry. Learn how to place sealants and preventative resin restorations that never leak, never fall out, and never get decay, and restoring the highly compromised endodontically treated tooth with no posts and no full-coverage crown. Attendees see dentistry up to 30X magnification using a Dental Microscope.
• the principles and critical elements of composite placement • to create restorations that minimize polymerization stress • to visualize details on the tooth showing potential areas of poor bonding potential through high-magnification and the Dental Microscope • the use of equipment and materials to optimize composite success
The morning sessions are repeated in the afternoon.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 9:45 – 10:45 Course: 3290
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. exoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00 Course: 3295
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and effective approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 12:15 – 1:15 Course: 3300
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 1:30 – 2:30 Course: 3305
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. exoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 2:45 – 3:45 Course: 3550
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and practical approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 4:00 – 5:00 Course: 3560
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Designing the Occlusion - Equilibration: A Hands-on Workshop
Gary DeWood
Course #: 3460 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gary DeWood
This hands-on workshop provides didactic and hands-on guidance in designing an occlusion on a case requiring alterations to both the anterior and the posterior teeth. Learn how to create appropriate guidance and function. Participants learn how to create predictable occlusions that are always smooth.
• anterior and posterior determinates • to create appropriate anterior guidance • tooth form and how it follows function
9:45am - 12:45pm
Oral Lesions - Differential Diagnosis and Biopsy Techniques: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #1 Topic: Oral Surgery Tuition: $395.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Nurse, Doctor
This hands-on workshop reviews the process of differential diagnosis and the acquisition of an appropriate tissue specimen for histopathologic analysis. Participants have an opportunity to become familiar with diagnostic adjuncts, including toluidine blue, as well as, incisional and excisional biopsy techniques and suturing skills.
• an algorithmic approach to mucosal abnormalities and other oral lesions • incisional and excisional biopsy techniques • to become familiar with diagnostic adjuncts, including toluidine blue, and incisional and excisional biopsy techniques
9:45am - 12:45pm
Biologically Based Effective Instrumentation: A Hands-on Workshop
The critical biological goal of root canal treatment is to remove the bacteria and its by-products from the root canal system. The traditional NiTi round rotary instruments have their limitations in achieving this. The XP-endo files or the expandable files’ new 3-D technology allows for superior cleaning of the root canal system in all dimensions with minimal dentin removal are presented.
• the technological challenges and possibilities in endodontic instruments to remove intracanal infection predictably • the clinical use of XPe file lines • demonstrations on the irrigation protocol
Support for this program is provided by
10:00am - 3:30pm
Dilemma of the Hot Mandibular Molar
Stanley Malamed
Course #: 3220 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 10:00am - 3:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Stanley Malamed
Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis represents the most significant challenge to obtaining profound pulpal anesthesia, particularly in mandibular molars. The clinician discusses this clinical problem and presents a protocol that can increase the success rate of effective pain management in this challenging situation.
• effective pain management in symptomatic irreversible pulpitis • the effectiveness of articaine HCl in symptomatic irreversible pulpitis • the effectiveness of buffering in symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
Room: Exhibit Floor Hall A Topic: General Practice Residency Fair Tuition: Free Credits: 1
The General Practice Residency Fair provides dental students an opportunity to gather information regarding general practice residency and advanced education in general dentistry programs in an informal atmosphere.
Representatives from approximately 65 hospital dental residencies are present to discuss the content and nature of their programs, patient populations and treatment needs, as well as attending and resident staff and requirements. The General Practice Residency Fair enables students to review various residency programs without the logistical problems of individual site visits.
This is the 36th annual General Practice Residency Fair, which is a joint venture of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Greater New York Dental Meeting and dental schools throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
The Greater New York Dental Meeting wishes to express its appreciation to Dr. Scott W. Podell for his leadership in coordinating this function.
The morning sessions are repeated in the afternoon.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 9:45 – 10:45 Course: 3290
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00 Course: 3295
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and effective approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 12:15 – 1:15 Course: 3300
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 1:30 – 2:30 Course: 3305
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 2:45 – 3:45 Course: 3550
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and practical approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 4:00 – 5:00 Course: 3560
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Support for this program is provided by ExoCad
11:30am - 1:30pm
How Did I Get Here? 40 Years of My Journey Through Dentistry
Room: Sp Events Hall Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 2
Francis G. Serio, D.M.D., M.S., M.B.A.
International College of Dentists
Annual Luncheon Meeting featuring Dr. Francis G. Serio will discuss “How Did I Get Here? 40 Years of My Journey Through Dentistry.”
2 CEUs, Room: Special Events Hall, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Sun., Nov. 27th , 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Luncheon and Seminar Tuition: $55.00, Course# 3275
If any questions, Contact: Rekha Gehani, President, District 2, 516-506-5703 or gehaniortho1@gmail.com or Dr. Ira Titunik, Regent, District 2, 917-514-7840 or email iratitunik@gmail.com.
Registration must be completed through the Greater New York Dental Meeting website, www.gnydm.com.
12:15pm - 1:15pm
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad
The morning sessions are repeated in the afternoon.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 9:45 – 10:45 Course: 3290
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00 Course: 3295
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and effective approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 12:15 – 1:15 Course: 3300
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 1:30 – 2:30 Course: 3305
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 2:45 – 3:45 Course: 3550
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and practical approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 4:00 – 5:00 Course: 3560
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Support for this program is provided by ExoCad
12:15pm - 1:45pm
The Art and Science of Oral Health for those with Special Health Care Needs: Equitable Health for All
Oral Health
Steven Perlman
Vincent Siasoco
Course #: 3410 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 12:15pm - 1:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Perlman Vincent Siasoco
Patients with special healthcare needs are often overlooked and undertreated. Up to 80% of those with IDD/ Disabilities can be seen in the dental office with minimal accommodations. Learn about the disparity of care and the ethics of a dental professional to help make access to care more equitable for this population. Attendees learn the basics of the common IDD diagnoses and how to modify care effortlessly with a focus on prevention. Learn the art and the science and become a part of the solution to a huge concern.
• diagnostic overshadowing and disparity of care for patients with intellectual/ developmental disabilities • the more common diagnoses of intellectual and developmental disabilities • to triage patients in the dental office with minor modifications and maximum satisfaction • to provide quality dental care economically along with other partners • to appreciate “art” in dental education and become advocates for inclusive health
Support for this program is provided by
12:30pm - 5:30pm
Annual Medicaid and Government Benefit Programs Forum and Discussion Panel
Margaret Surowka
Michele Griguts
Course #: 3360 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 12:30pm - 5:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Margaret Surowka Michele Griguts
Moderator: Steven Backer, D.D.S., Member NYSDA Special Medicaid Committee, Former Director, Urban Dental Management
• Trends in enforcement of NYS’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and Office of Medicaid Inspector General • Audit Strategy and Defense
Responding to Government Investigations – tips for the dentist and staff
Exclusions and disbarment: what they mean and how to prevent or defend against such actions
• Why is it important? • My pep talk to dentists • Why the Medicaid Program needs you more than you think? • How can you leverage that need?
CAN MEDICAID BE FIXED? An attempt to correct the direction of NYS and other state programs
After the presentations, there will be a panelist discussion with the audience.
12:30pm - 1:45pm
Detallado Final y Estabilidad en Ortodoncia de una Manera Simpla con un Aparato Prefabricado el Prefinisher
Room: 1E19 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $25.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Educator
No siempre el terminado de un caso en ortodoncia es el mejor por lo que se requiere mejorar dicho termino y detallado ya sin brackets, incluso en casos resueltos con alineadores. En la platica recomiendo y muestro la forma en la que se puede terminar y detallar mejor nuetros casos de una manera simple y proporcionar estabilidad por años por medio de un aparato prefabricado en todo tipo de maloclusion.
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Dental Risk Management and Control Practices
Risk Management
Anthony Chillura
Course #: 3330 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anthony Chillura
In today's litigious society, the prudent dental practitioner must employ protocols to mitigate risk and liability. This seminar presents methods, philosophies, and concepts of practice to prevent or reduce potential claims or state board actions.
Learn to:
• decrease exposure to claims • mitigate risk factors • prevent adverse reactions, unanticipated events, and state board action
Practice Management/Risk Disclaimer This program is not intended as legal advice. The sponsor has found that the use of such information/forms contained in this program reduces the risk of medical malpractice claims and/or improves the practice process.
Please be advised this seminar is given by an independent presenter not affiliated with any Professional Liability carrier.
Therefore no premium credit towards renewal application can be provided.
2 credits of CE will be granted in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the GNYDM.
1:30pm - 5:00pm
Dental Sleep Medicine: A Hands-on Workshop
Sleep Apnea
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 3100 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steve Carstensen
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #2 Topic: Sleep Apnea Tuition: $395.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Choosing the right dental appliance for the patient is a common question - learn what to consider when matching patients to certain devices. Attendees make a professional interim device for themselves and also one that eliminates the most common side effect of using oral appliance therapy. Learn breathing techniques that make all treatments work better. Sleep tests can be confusing, this workshop brings guidance and information.
• key characteristics of common devices and match them to patients • to make a professional interim device • to treat patients with confidence • your role in the dental office
Support for these programs are provided by
1:30pm - 3:15pm
A Digital Romance - Start Loving Dentures Through a Complete Digital Workflow
Creating traditional dentures has not appreciably advanced in more than 100 years. This time-consuming procedure requires multiple appointments and a lab technician who performs many steps by hand. Plus, inaccuracies inherent to the process can lead to a less desirable result for the patient, decreased productivity, and increased frustration for the dentist. Digital dentures significantly improve esthetics, fit, durability, and turnaround time. This course highlights changes in the digital denture workflow using the iTero intraoral scanner.
the four types of current denture cases
to scan patterns for edentulous arch anatomy and patient characteristics
how to develop a digital workflow for your denture patients
how efficient the scanning process can be with an iTero Element scanner
The morning sessions are repeated in the afternoon.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 9:45 – 10:45 Course: 3290
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. exoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00 Course: 3295
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and effective approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 12:15 – 1:15 Course: 3300
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 1:30 – 2:30 Course: 3305
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. exoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 2:45 – 3:45 Course: 3550
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and practical approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 4:00 – 5:00 Course: 3560
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Achieving Synergy in Surgery: From One-Step Ridge Preservation to Onlay Grafting and Enhancing the Implant Site
Implant Dentistry
Robert Miller
Course #: 3020 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Miller
This seminar discusses one-step ridge preservation as well as onlay grafting and how to enhance the implant site by combining novel biomaterials with autologous growth factors. From simple and cost-effective socket grafting to more advanced clinical concepts in bone regeneration, this course covers a spectrum of pliable preformed shapes used in bone grafting procedures for implant placement. Surgical techniques and novel biomaterials will be discussed using Synthetic Bioactive Resorbable Calcium Apatite crystals combined with bovine achilles tendon collagen to form a composite material known as the OsteoGen® Bone Grafting Plugs, Strips and Blocks.
• understand the role of new hybrid composite grafts • discuss the biologic and physiologic cellular response to dense bone filling augmentation materials • demonstrate simple, predictable and cost-effective socket grafting techniques without use of a membrane using the OsteoGen® Bone Grafting Plugs, Strips and Blocks
Support for these programs are being provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Detailed Restorative and Pulpotomy Techniques for Children: A Hands-on Workshop Download Handout
Pediatric Dentistry
Arnold Weiss
Course #: 3050 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Arnold Weiss
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #3 Topic: Pediatric Dentistry Tuition: $410.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
This hands-on workshop uses video, lecture, and a hands-on portion to present Class II composites to pulp therapy, including pulpotomies and stain-less-steel crowns. To successfully practice, every dentist needs to know how to care for children effectively. In this hands-on session, attendees learn how to prepare primary teeth and get tips and secrets from giving local anesthesia to isolating and preparing primary teeth that you never were taught in school. In addition, attendees receive many pearls in diagnosis, technique, and tips on managing children’s behavior.
• how to ideally prepare primary teeth for restorative • to assess and design a primary tooth for pulp therapy • to become more comfortable in caring for children
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Orthodontic Intervention: Something New to Smile About
Dana Hockenbury
Judith Dember-Paige
Course #: 3070 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dana Hockenbury Judith Dember-Paige
There is a rising awareness that Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is a needed part of the dental health team when treating malocclusions. OMT identifies soft tissue concerns such as Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs), which interfere with proper tongue and lip resting postures that negatively impact orofacial development. Including OMT as part of the treatment plan supports orthodontic stability and helps avoid orthodontic relapse.
• about orofacial myofunctional therapy • to identify orofacial myofunctional disorders in the dental office • to identify Tethered Oral Tissues • how to collaborate with an orofacial myofunctional therapist
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
"Waiting to Inhale?": Cannabis in Everyday Dentistry
Oral Medicine
Thomas Viola
Course #: 3340 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola
Despite the rise in social, legal, and medical acceptance of cannabis, concerns regarding its widespread use remain, especially among dental professionals, since the significant routes of administration of cannabis involve the oral cavity. This program introduces dental professionals to the pharmacology of cannabis, including its various dosage forms, routes of administration, and adverse effects. Emphasis is placed on the impact of cannabis use on oral health and dental treatment.
• the pharmacology of cannabis, mechanisms of action, routes of administration, and formulations • clinical considerations of cannabis use, adverse reactions, drug interactions, and contraindications • the dental considerations of cannabis, including potentially necessary treatment modifications
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Indirect Restorations in Contemporary Esthetic Practice
Cosmetic Dentistry
Foroud Hakim
Course #: 3350 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Foroud Hakim
This program provides a comprehensive overview of crown and bridge in today’s restorative practice. The explosion in modern ceramics, adhesive technology, the influence of the digital pathway (acquisition to fabrication), and a critically important commitment to tooth preservation (MID) make this an incredibly timely subject. A case-based approach to learning is provided with documented photography.
• material selection based on substrate demands, esthetic demands, and evidence • analog and digital acquisition • aspects of delivery from the build-up to preparation and provisionalization • when to bond and when to cement
This program discusses expanding the boundaries of aesthetics with the hard and soft tissue lasers. Completing any cosmetic or restorative case is not complete unless we address facial aesthetics.
• unique laser tissue interactions • intra-oral laser facial enhancements all done from an intra-oral access . • intra-oral laser lip enhancements without injections • through discussions of case studies and treatment planning
Do you ever wish someone would have told you about that strange rule or regulation? Or that human resources decisions are so complicated? Often, we manage by our very strong intuition but still make mistakes. Join the discussion on how dental professionals can protect themselves by staying ahead of the game so that you’ll never have to say “nobody told me that!”
• anticipate (and diffuse!) difficult team management situations • discuss a variety of surprising and strange management scenarios • help your team avoid common patient management pitfalls
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Increasing Access To Oral Health Services For Individuals With Disabilities: If Not You, Who?
Special Needs
Steven Perlman
Course #: 3390 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Perlman
In this seminar, attendees learn to understand why oral health and the ability to obtain dental care is the most unmet health care need for patients with special needs.
• to provide the clinician with the knowledge, techniques and confidence to treat this population • to understand the co-morbidities and secondary conditions these patients present with • what are the barriers to care that have contributed to this problem
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Materials And Techniques to Improve Posterior Composites
Posterior composite restorations remain the bread-and-butter procedure of many general dentists. Although this procedure may seem trivial, many clinical factors lead to a long-lasting restoration, including diagnosis, isolation, caries removal, cavity preparation, liner use, matrix and wedge placement, bonding technique, composite placement, and finishing and polishing. This program reviews the techniques for each step based on current evidence.
• treatment guidelines for interproximal caries and caries removal endpoints • materials and techniques to promote a long-lasting adhesive bond and create a well-adapted restoration • matrix utilization and contouring instruments to achieve a tight and well-contoured contact
Whether you are a new practice owner or considering relocation and expansion, when determining whether to purchase or lease office space, there are many business, strategic, and financial factors to consider. Since real estate is typically a practice’s second highest expense, it’s imperative to approach the decision with a specific game plan and full understanding of all your real estate options and project costs, and how each affect your profitability and long-term financial goals.
Learn to:
• develop a plan to maximize your investment • understand real estate and cash flow • evaluate Finance Options – Leased Space vs. Real Estate Financing • project costs and Affordability
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Designing the Occlusion - Equilibration: A Hands-on Workshop
Gary DeWood
Course #: 3490 Date: 11/27/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gary DeWood
This hands-on workshop provides didactic and hands-on guidance in designing an occlusion on a case requiring alterations to both the anterior and the posterior teeth. Learn how to create appropriate guidance and function. Participants learn how to create predictable occlusions that are always smooth.
• anterior and posterior determinates • to create appropriate anterior guidance • tooth form and how it follows function
2:00pm - 5:00pm
LASSO Guided Bone Regeneration and Osseodensification: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #1 Topic: Periodontics Tuition: $395.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction is an essential step in oral rehabilitation that may prevent or interfere with the ideal placement of dental implants. This hands-on workshop introduces participants to contemporary techniques of implant site development, alveolar ridge augmentation, LASSO GBR, and principles of Osseodensification. Learn:
In this hands-on experience, attendees place composite restorations using state-of-the-art materials and techniques while using the dental microscope. For the first time, attendees will see with significantly improved detail and clarity with up to 30x magnification. In this program, experience ergonomic positioning using the dental microscope to deliver outstanding dentistry in comfort and without neck, back, or shoulder pain. This hands-on workshop showcases the dental microscope in restorative dentistry using new materials, equipment and techniques. If the participant uses loupes, you will learn the ergonomic benefits of advanced seating and vision.
• proper seating position and proper optical enhancement with the Dental Microscope • advanced bonding and adhesion techniques
placing, polymerizing, and polishing composites to minimize stress in the restoration
to analyze the remaining healthy tooth structure to design the most durable and long-lasting restoration
Room: 1E19 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
En el curso veremos cómo realizar los diferentes procedimientos para obtener resultados estéticos predecibles cuando realizamos restauraciones indirectas cerámicas libres de metal sobre pilares naturales. También veremos cómo realizar restauraciones protésicas estéticas sobre implantes dentales, así como el correcto manejo de los tejidos blandos y duros del sector anterior de la boca. Conocer las diferentes indicaciones y ventajas de los materiales cerámicos utilizados en odontología estética. Aprender los correctos protocolos para utilizar los materiales cerámicos odontológicos. Visualizar el correcto manejo de los tejidos blandos y duros en las restauraciones anteriores implanto asistidas.
2:45pm - 3:45pm
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success
The morning sessions are repeated in the afternoon.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 9:45 – 10:45 Course: 3290
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00 Course: 3295
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and effective approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 12:15 – 1:15 Course: 3300
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 1:30 – 2:30 Course: 3305
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 2:45 – 3:45 Course: 3550
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and practical approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 4:00 – 5:00 Course: 3560
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Support for this program is provided by ExoCad
3:30pm - 5:30pm
Predictable and Reproducible – Restorative treatment with Invisalign® Clear Aligner Therapy and iTero™ Digital Scanning Solutions
Examine how a scan from an iTero Element scanner and Invisalign clear aligners therapy can lead to more predictable and reproducible restorative results. The capabilities of the Align Digital Platform can advance the dental practice from patient starts to final treatment outcomes.
how an iTero Element scanner drives treatment acceptance, improves communication with labs, and enables practice growth and profitability
how Invisalign treatment is used for restorative capabilities such as implants
a new understanding of setting up an implant case with the Invisalign treatment
Support for this program is provided by
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad
The morning sessions are repeated in the afternoon.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 9:45 – 10:45 Course: 3290
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 11:00 – 12:00 Course: 3295
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and effective approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 12:15 – 1:15 Course: 3300
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Richard L. Zimmerman, D.D.S. 1:30 – 2:30 Course: 3305
What Digital Collaboration Looks Like The clinician guides you through a multi-disciplinary case and shows you what it truly means to collaborate between specialists. Cxoplan and Dentalshare are the communication tools that help you share your vision with the entire clinical team.
Diana Tadros, D.D.S. 2:45 – 3:45 Course: 3550
3D Print Your Heart Out: The Digital Road to Esthetic Success This lecture highlights simplified and practical approaches to designing and printing components of cosmetic cases in the digital realm. The clinician highlights the advantages of in-house digital workflow for cosmetic dentists, including; diagnostic wax-ups, laboratory collaboration, temporization, and 3D printing applications. Attendees learn different applications of 3D printing as well as have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize digital designing and printing to steer cases toward optimal esthetic outcomes.
Kunal Lal, D.D.S. 4:00 – 5:00 Course: 3560
Expanding the Capabilities of Your Cerec/inLab System Using Exocad The clinician provides a step-by-step method that allows CEREC users to leverage the extensive design capability of exocad while still using their existing intra-oral scanner and a range of milling machines.
Support for this program is provided by ExoCad
8:30am - 12:00pm
Success in the Dental Sleep Practice/Oromyofunctional Therapy and Breathing
Sleep Apnea
Kristie Gatto
Stan Jones
Course #: 4060 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 8:30am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kristie Gatto Stan Jones
STAN JONES, C.D.A., D.L.T. SUCCESS IN THE DENTAL SLEEP PRACTICE This program covers some of the basic considerations to set up for success in Dental Sleep Medicine. Topics covered include division of labor, team train-ing and medical billing.
Learn to:
• understand how teamwork will accelerate your sleep program • best divide the work amongst your team for sleep medicine • understand which medical billing solution is best for your practice
9:30 – 12:00
Breathing is the foundation of oromyofunctional intervention and can determine the success of a therapeutic program. This program discusses the integration of breathing and OMDs. It will provide simple exercises for the clinician to implement on a basic level.
• the hierarchical of therapeutic intervention in OMDs • the basic understanding of breathing and OMD integration • simple exercises to help the clinician start an intervention program when OMDs and breathing are involved
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Protect Your Practice: Properly Aligning Your Team for Medical Emergencies During Sedation and Non-Sedation Pediatric Cases
Pediatric Dentistry
Richard Marn
Course #: 4040 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Richard Marn
Are you properly prepared for a medical emergency in your dental office? Do you want your team to better support you during an emergency? Do you desire a significantly better “peace of mind” when performing dentistry on a sedated child? Learn how to align your entire pediatric dental practice in properly managing the most common medical emergencies (both for sedation and non-sedation cases). Our interactive seminar will keep you engaged and excited to start implementing several excellent ideas the very next day with your team.
• the most essential components of your emergency kit • the most common medical emergencies in a pediatric dental office • the latest “crisis resource management” tools used in the best hospitals, and how to apply it to your dental practice • to create an emergency plan for your dental practice
9:00am - 11:00am
Heighten Your Passion for Dentistry & Your Practice Potential: How becoming an Invisalign® Provider Changed the Face of My Professional Life
This seminar discusses how the Invisalign system is more than just cosmetic changes for your patient. Explore how adding Invisalign treatment to your practice may improve your clinical outcomes and professional satisfaction. This program is appropriate for dentists who are not certified in Invisalign therapy but are interested in learning more about what Align can offer you, your patients, and your practice.
to discover how adding Invisalign treatment to your patient offerings will make your job more fun and your treatment plans more profitable
understand how collaborating with Align means more than just prescribing plastic; dive deeper into how the Align™ Digital Platform can change the dentistry that you practice
how adding clear aligner treatment may make your restorative outcomes more predictable
This program reviews the hygienist and doctor's pivotal role in identifying occlusal issues and provides guidelines on how to create patient value from the hygiene chair. The hygienist learns how to leverage the iTero Element Scanner to create the need for the patient to start treatment. Attendees learn how to educate patients using the Outcome Simulator, the Occlusogram, and the Time-lapse feature to provide the optimal patient experience.
Learn to:
identify the consequences of malocclusion as it relates to the periodontium and oral health
understand the connection between malocclusion and overall health
differentiate between abrasion and abfraction
recognize the benefits of a Perio-Ortho-Restorative clinical protocol
use the iTero element scanner to educate patients effectively
translate evidence-based research into effective patient/practitioner communication
identify candidates for orthodontics/Invisalign® clear aligner therapy
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Welcome to the New World of Geriatric Dentistry/Dental Anxiety, Fear, and Phobia
Special Needs
Robert Frare
Terry Grant
Course #: 4140 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Frare Terry Grant
Room: 1E10 Topic: Special Needs Tuition: $85.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
The oral health care of elderly individuals in long-term care facilities has been historically ignored. The increasing epidemiological research revealed the considerable impact oral health care has on the overall health of the elderly population. These studies have also shown a general lack of education by administrators of long-term care facilities and dentists concerning the specific oral health care needs of the elderly population. This course provides the history of geriatric dentistry and how recent studies impact the overall health of the elderly population in the world. This program reviews diagnosis, prevention, management, treatment, and some clinical care used in providing oral health care to aging individuals.
• clinician care for the elderly patient • about medically and mentally compromised patients
While estimates vary, the dental literature typically reports that 40% of the global population experiences anxiety or fear related to dentistry, while dental phobia affects 10% to 30% of the worldwide population. This program describes management strategies for anxiety, fear, and phobia, which apply to all dental patients. Attendees learn to identify anxiety, fear, and phobia and learn successful techniques using technological advancements.
Learn to:
• define anxiety, fear, and phobia • identify the impact of anxiety, fear, or phobia on the delivery of oral care • discuss successful management strategies for patients with anxiety, fear, and phobia • examine technological advancements which may reduce a patient’s anxiety, fear, or phobia
Savvy professionals know how to make every conversation count in their favor. They realize objections can be overcome because competent communicators understand that "No" is often really "Yes" in disguise. Learn the skills that lead to more scheduled appointments, fewer last-minute appointment changes, and increased patient referrals.
Learn to:
develop verbal skills to keep patients from making last-minute changes and cancellations
effectively handle emergencies and stay on schedule and make perfect reminder/confirmation calls
convert more callers into new patient appointments
conduct perfect reminder/confirmation calls that won't ruin your schedule
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Caries prevention and treatment of anterior discoloration
This program presents a simple approach for treating caries based on the risk factors of our patients. The clinician discusses new products and techniques used to arrest caries (such as Silver Diamine Fluoride) and reviews time-tested approaches (such as fluoride-containing products and diet modification recommendations). Resin infiltration and microabrasion are two different conservative treatments for anterior discolorations. This lecture also reviews clinical tips for case selection for both types of treatment and the steps to perform both techniques.
• four distinct types of high caries risk patients • protocols and techniques for treating each type of high caries risk patient • the clinical signs to determine which cases will have the best chance for success with microabrasion or resin infiltration • the clinical steps to perform microabrasion and resin infiltration
This program is a case-based review of commonly encountered oral mucosal and intraosseous pathologies. It focuses on diagnosing and managing these lesions in the dental office. For each entity, a differential diagnosis is discussed, and (when applicable) pharmacological management is reviewed. Biopsy techniques and additional diagnostic aids are also addressed.
• commonly encountered oral mucosal and radiographic lesions • how these lesions are diagnosed, including the role of tissue culture and biopsy, where applicable • how these lesions are treated regarding medicinal therapies and short and long-term management protocols • the role that dental providers may have in the diagnosis and management of oral manifestations of systemic diseases
The numerous oral mucosal diseases can be challenging for even experienced clinicians to identify. This program is designed to aid providers in diagnosing and managing oral pathology with an emphasis on formulating differential diagnoses based on coloration. Red lesions, white lesions, and variously-colored pigmented lesions are discussed with a focus on distinguishing benign from malignant pathology and treatment approaches.
• describe the etiology of various inflammatory, infectious, and neoplastic oral diseases • recognize clinical presentations for oral pathologic conditions presenting as red, white, or pigmented lesions • formulate a differential for oral mucosal lesions based on coloration • execute appropriate management strategies for oral mucosal lesions
9:00am - 12:00pm
Anti-infectives in Everyday Dentistry
Oral Medicine/Diagnosis/Pathology
Thomas Viola
Course #: 4270 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Viola
Knowledge of the properties of anti-infective agents provides dental practitioners the ability to make sound clinical decisions when assessing the risk of infection after dental procedures. This program focuses on the etiology of acute oral infection and the management of such infections with both palliative and anti-infective agents, including potential risks, adverse effects, and contraindications. Special emphasis is placed on current guidelines for prophylaxis of infective endocarditis and joint replacement infection.
• the pharmacology of the most common anti-infective agents used in dentistry • the principles of antibiotic usage and its administration in dentistry • recent updates in recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis before specific dental procedures for cardiac, orthopedic, and immunocompromised patients
9:00am - 12:00pm
Update on HIV Testing, Therapeutics and Prevention Download Handout
Public Health
Antonio Urbina
Course #: 4280 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Antonio Urbina
Room: 1D05/06 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $85.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This program includes an update on the latest testing algorithms from the CDC, including how to diagnose early or acute HIV infection. In addition, this seminar provides an overview of best practices for managing persons living with HIV. Lastly, this presentation reviews the current guidelines for how best to treat persons living with and at risk for HIV, including the use of recently approved long-acting injectables.
• to review the latest testing technologies for diagnosing HIV infection • to provide an overview for best, clinical practices regarding management of persons newly diagnosed with HIV • the latest therapeutics for HIV treatment and prevention
This program is designed to help dentists confidently include more cosmetic dentistry procedures in their practices. This seminar gives many tips on doing cosmetic dentistry better and more efficiently. We often defer cosmetic procedures because we don’t know how to fix potential problems therefore many suggestions have been included on what to do when things go wrong. This discussion begins with reviewing fundamental adhesive dentistry problems, eliminating all sensitivity with bonding and progress through indirect ceramic restorations, zero sensitivity bleaching, and many tips for everyday success.
• to confidently tackle and present cosmetic dental treatment • to eliminate all post-op sensitivity with bonding procedures • to do zero sensitivity bleaching both at home and in the office • predictable methods for performing and cementing veneers, crowns, ovate pontic bridges, and smile makeovers
9:00am - 12:00pm
Misinformation and Disinformation in Communication
Current Dental Topics
Adam Marcus
Jaci Clement
Richard Niederman
Course #: 4480 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Adam Marcus Jaci Clement Richard Niederman
Room: 1E14 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $245.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
New digital platforms have unleashed innovative journalistic practices that enable novel forms of communication and tremendous global reach. But the rise of mis - and disinformation, aka “fake news,” are having a polarizing effect on the way individuals interpret daily developments. This program promotes ethical and evidence-based professional standards and literacy to build reader trust and respond to the claims of fake news.
• to identify, evaluate and analyze the moves and tactics of disinformation and misinformation • to apply verification strategies to news sources including social media claims • the problems and potential consequences associated with the spread of disinformation • the core principles associated with evidence-based dentistry (EBD)
Actualmente los pacientes consultan por una amplia gama de casos clínicos, muchos de mayor complejidad y deben ser resueltos satisfactoriamente. El objetivo de esta conferencia es describir diferentes situaciones clínicas que nos vemos enfrentados, como reabsorciones, calcificaciones, cracks, anatomía compleja, perforaciones, lesiones apicales e instrumentos fractura-dos, detallando técnicas clínicas predecibles para abordarlos y su pronóstico.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Periodontal Management of the Orthodontic Patient
Michael Abrams
Course #: 4010 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Michael Abrams
While so many adults are pursuing orthodontic therapy, it is essential to maintain consideration of the dentition’s foundational elements. An interdisciplinary approach is often necessary to provide the most comprehensive and successful therapy. Understanding and respecting physical boundaries is imperative to push the envelope and provide the best results for our patients’ aesthetic and functional needs.
• to understand when interdisciplinary treatment is indicated • evidence-based treatment planning and application • the stages of interdisciplinary treatment • to manage the foundation, function, and aesthetics of the dentition
9:45am - 11:45am
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) as Related to Tethered Oral Tissues (RTOTS) Download Handout
Sleep Apnea
Lawrence Kotlow
Course #: 4030 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:45am - 11:45am Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Lawrence Kotlow
Dentistry and medicine are equal partners in helping infants grow up healthy. As dentists, even age one may be too late for the first oral examination to intercept or prevent many medical problems that originate with tethered oral tissues that develop into adulthood, where issues are now only managed. Brain development and good breathing are critical in infants’ first 90 days. The clinician discusses various co-morbidities such as obstructed sleep apnea, air-induced reflux, and how we wear many hats and provide care that is missed by the medical profession.
• why RTOTS need to be corrected as soon as possible • how RTOTS can influence brain development • how the dentist needs to examine infants, toddlers, and older children for RTOTS • how ADHD is it due to the failure to open airways
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Fillers
Steven Clark
Course #: 4130 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark
This full-day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician (board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic Surgery) discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
• the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers • facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble • facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Gordon's Frequent Failures and How to Avoid Them
Current Dental Topics
Gordon Christensen
Course #: 4230 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Classroom #5 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $325.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Educator
The clinician shares the common problems many dentists have had or will experience in clinical practice. He discusses many failures and demonstrates solutions he uses in his practice based on many years of clinical experience and research. Learn to recognize and avoid those situations, materials, techniques, and technologies with high failure probability. Also, learn the best substitutes and solutions for those clinical failure situations. Avoid them by saving you and your patients time, effort, energy, and money.
Learn to:
• recognize and list the most important treatment failures and how to avoid them • decide what changes need to be made in your practice • discuss with your team how to implement these changes • implement the appropriate changes
9:45am - 12:45pm
The Digital Dentist’s Complete Guide to Achieving Exceptional Case Results with Intraoral Scanning
Elizabeth Robinson
Gary Blevins
Course #: 4250 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Elizabeth Robinson Gary Blevins
dentistry is a crucial accelerant for increasing the patient experience and
delivering successful outcomes, but its value doesn’t stop there. Join Dandy’s
line-up of digital dentistry experts, innovators, and customers as they reveal
the leading playbooks on using digital dentistry as a practice management tool.
This session will give you the tactics and tools to ensure practice
growth and an unprecedented scale, from increasing case acceptance rates to
increasing practice flow.
to think about digital dentistry as a key practice growth accelerant
to use digital visualization and scanning technology to increase case acceptance through patient education
to implement cost-saving and time-optimizing workflows, which will enable them to achieve better consistency, efficiency, and case outcomes
Support for this program is provided by
This program is repeated on Friday afternoon.
9:45am - 12:45pm
3D Facial Scanning; LIVE Patient Demonstration
Dean Vafiadis
Course #: 4260 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dean Vafiadis
3D Facial Scanning is the last piece of the Digital Work Flow, that allows ideal complete "Digital Avatar" from the clinician to the laboratory. This will allow the team of clinicians, surgeons and labs to see the final product in real-time. This will reduce chair time, reduce mistakes, and correct occlusion and position of the teeth which enhances facial aesthetics and the final outcome.
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
User-Friendly Crown Lengthening Procedures: A Hands-on Workshop
Sam Low
Course #: 4410 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Sam Low
Subgingival margin placement can challenge the restorative dentist, meet patient satisfaction with the esthetic result. Attendees can overcome this limitation by gaining confidence and provide an array of straightforward surgical procedures with patient comfort and acceptance as a priority. In this hands-on workshop, you will experience manipulation of gingival and boney margins to obtain satisfying restorative results. The workshop incorporates techniques from traditional flaps to today’s micro-invasive dental lasers. Billing and coding will also be reviewed to ensure adequate reimbursement.
• case selection and choose appropriate surgical techniques • surgical flap/laser techniques to achieve restorative access, including flap manipulation, closed laser and suturing methodologies • laser utilization, including popular wavelengths and respective techniques • post-operative evaluation protocols assessing wound healing and complications
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Bioceramic Sealer Based Obturation: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #2 Topic: Endodontics Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
A conservative root canal preparation is completed by bioceramic root filling technology that does not shrink, wash out or require excessive preparation on the coronal third of the canal space, allowing the tooth to stay strong. This hands-on workshop offers a brief review of the current research in the literature on Bioceramics with the stress on obturation with Bioceramic sealers. Clinical cases demonstrate the technique and its advantages over other obturation materials.
• to describe bioceramics • the difference and similarities between the newer and older materials • the clinical steps of Sealer-based obturation
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Free Gingival Grafts - Old is Gold: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #4 Topic: Periodontics Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Educator
This hands-on workshop teaches participants how to perform free gingival grafting for phenotype modification and root coverage for treating gingival recession around natural teeth and implants. Specific emphasis is placed on the anterior mandible region. Participants will learn this validated technique in a systematic step-by-step fashion with personalized instruction.
• the historical basis for gingival grafting techniques • about Free Gingival Grafting (FGG) and its indications • the unique challenges for treating recession in the anterior mandible • how to effectively perform FGG for root coverage and phenotype modification in the anterior mandible
This hands-on workshop is also offered on Wednesday Morning
10:00am - 5:15pm
ICHS – Global Population Health Summit
Public Health
Course #: 4520 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 10:00am - 5:15pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s):
Room: Exhibit Floor Room #2015 Topic: Public Health Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 6
Room: Sp Events Hall Topic: Special Event Tuition: $125.00 Credits:
Danny Glover
Actor, producer and, humanitarian Danny Glover has been a commanding presence on screen, stage and television for more than 30 years. He is widely known for his lead role as Roger Murtaugh in the Lethal Weapon film series. He also had leading roles in his films, including The Color Purple, To Sleep with Anger, Predator 2, Angels in the Outfield, and Operation Dumbo Drop. Glover also had prominent supporting roles in Silverado, Witness, A Rage in Harlem, Dreamgirls, Shooter, Death at a Funeral, Beyond the Lights, Sorry to Bother You, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, The Dead Don’t Die, Lonesome Dove and Jumanji: The Next Level. He is also an active supporter of various political causes.
In addition to his film work, Glover is a longtime civil rights advocate, supporter of union rights and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. In 2022, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences honored Glover with the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. Additionally, Glover has received numerous accolades, including the NAACP’s President’s Award and the Cuban National Medal of Friendship by the Cuban Council of State. He has also received nominations for four Primetime Emmy Awards, four Grammy Awards, and a Daytime Emmy Award.
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Invisalign® Workflow Efficiencies: Optimizing ClinCheck® Treatment Planning Software and 3D Controls
This three-hour course is designed to educate doctors on more proficient case selection. It will guide a better understanding of optimizing ClinCheck treatment planning software and utilizing 3D Controls for predictable and effective patient outcomes. We discuss best practices for maximizing efficient and effective treatment planning with the Invisalign system. This program is appropriate for Invisalign-certified doctors looking to streamline their Invisalign treatment processes
how to simplify the Invisalign workflow within your practice, with an emphasis on increasing clinical confidence
the importance behind case selection and gain strategies to help make it more predictable
how to leverage the Align™ Digital Platform to submit ClinCheck case records more efficiently
to utilize ClinCheck treatment planning tools, including 3D Controls, Live Update for 3D Controls, and in-Face Visualization, to make your treatment planning process more effective
Support for this program is provided by
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Simplifying the complex: Digital Approaches To Tackle Restorative Cases with iTero™ Element Scanners
A fast-paced A to Z workflow course for the maximization of ROI and “wowing” your patients through digital scanning. Advancements in digital scanning have improved patient engagement, efficiency, and help deliver predictable successful outcomes. Ultimately, this can lead to driving up both treatment acceptance and practice revenue. Dr. Reingold will showcase multiple ways to scan, plan and print bite splints, for High-Tech to No-Tech dentists alike. Digital dentistry offers so many restorative options, but simplifying the complex workflows always starts with a quality digital scan.
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
PerioOrtho Approach in the Digital Smile Design Era
Daniel Berant
Course #: 4020 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Daniel Berant
Periodontal and orthodontic treatments form the foundation of smile design principles. Whether treatment planning adolescent or adult patients, simple or complex cases, this lecture will focus and walk through how to utilize available technology such as a CBCT, 3D Printer and Digital Smile software to enhance patient outcomes.
• to utilize a CBCT for diagnosing and treating orthodontic and periodontal conditions • how to diagnose and treat altered passive eruption • a multi-disciplinary approach to treat adolescents and adult patients • the steps involved in successful auto-transplantation
Revising infant restrictive tethered oral tissues (RTOTS) is not just for breastfeeding. The clinician addresses the need for early intervention of restricted tethered oral tissues (RTOTS) in infants to prevent comorbidities such as infant air-induced reflux, sleep-disordered breathing, and how this can lead to the misdiagnosis of ADD or ADHD.
• to properly examine a child for RTOTS • to understand RTOTS can affect an infant though adulthood • the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of infant ROTS
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Dentist's Role in Sleep Medicine
Sleep Apnea
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 4070 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steve Carstensen
In this program, learn how the general dentist can improve the health of their patients and their practice by identifying and treating sleep-related breathing disorders. Plan changes to your practice that support this new service with manageable disruption to existing workflow, while engaging your dental team and gain confidence in discussing medical issues with your dental patients.
• what breathing and airway support is all about • what the dentist can do to improve their patient’s health • to plan for workflow changes for practice success
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
SHCN Dentistry-Using a Collaborative Approach/Clinical Management of Patients with Special Needs
Special Needs
James Keenan
Purnima Hernandez
Course #: 4150 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): James Keenan Purnima Hernandez
They say it takes an army to raise a child with special healthcare needs. The speaker would agree and add that it also takes an army for a successful dental visit. The clinician brings reality and practicality to this parent/provider conversation. These appointments can be physically, emotionally, and socially challenging, requiring empathetic negotiations. The clinician demonstrates how to incorporate elements of motivational interviewing combined with behavioral interviewing to create a collaborative team.
• elements of motivational interviewing to conduct successful and collaborative conversations with parents of children with special needs • knowledge of behavioral techniques to help parents prepare the patient for a dental visit
3:30 – 5:00
The program discusses the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the changes to pre-doctoral curricula in dental programs to prepare today’s graduates for treating the population with special needs. An awareness of this population’s oral health care needs are discussed along with the profession’s importance of being prepared. A discussion of the management approaches by oral healthcare providers enables better care and demonstrates the potential impact clinicians have on the quality of life of many patients.
• the classification of disabilities • an awareness of the oral healthcare needs of the patients with special needs • the impact that the dental profession can have on the patient’s quality of life • management approaches to providing oral health care
All dentists must have a transition plan. This program discusses the numerous options available to realize a successful practice transition, whether considering retirement or bringing in a partner to prepare for the unexpected. The benefits of having your practice valued now and strategies to enhance your practice’s value are discussed.
• why practice owners need to have a transition plan as well as an emergency exit strategy • about the impact of the Pandemic and current economic conditions on dental practice sales, practice values, and what is the current “market” • the most common methods of valuing a dental practice
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Creating a Financially Successful Dental Practice Download Handout
Practice Management
John Vento
Course #: 4290 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Vento
Establishing and maintaining a successful dental practice can put you on the road to financial independence. Obtain expert advice on setting up your practice to maximize your financial success. Topics covered include entity choice, tax-smart strategies, choosing the right retirement plan, advanced tax planning strategies, and how to keep more of what you make. Create a financial action plan for the success of your dental practice!
Learn to:
• establish and maintain a financially successful dental practice • implement tax-smart strategies so you can keep more of what you make • ensure that you will have a financially worry-free retirement • implement a dental practice financial action plan
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Safety and Simplicity in Root Canal Instrumentation
Keith Evans
Course #: 4300 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Keith Evans
Nearly 30 years since the introduction of Nickel Titanium Rotary Files to endodontics, we’ve learned much about these outstanding instruments’ clinical strengths and limitations. As a result of recent improvements in metallurgy, enhanced designs, and innovative rotary file motions, we now need to understand how these changes affect clinical instrumentation. Furthermore, in parallel to improvements in instrumentation technology, root canal obturation has been revolutionized in cement/sealer technology. This seminar focuses on access, irrigation, instrumentation, and obturation.
Learn to:
• how rotary file design, metallurgy, and motion influences instrumentation safety and efficiency • the advantages of bioceramic-based obturation and clinical techniques for its implementation • how instrumentation and obturation protocols can be combined as a comprehensive system to achieve both efficiency and predictability in most clinical situations
Have you ever worked frantically all day long only to go home feeling like a dishrag with no money to put into the bank? Does it seem as if you keep falling further behind no matter how busy you are? Can anyone in dentistry be paid too much? Learn how you can finally elevate the financials of your practice and enjoy dentistry again.
• an easy way to determine how much your practice can produce each year, if it will be enough, and how much is your share • a simple method to calculate how many working days are necessary each year and still take a vacation • the actual cost of write-offs and discounted dentistry
Ceramic materials do not handle the same as metal-based restorations, and the improper selection or handling can lead to premature failure. This program teaches you how to select and manage different types of ceramic materials currently used in dentistry that will be much less confusing than typical marketing rhetoric. This seminar also aims to simplify the process of bonding ceramics and provide the clinician with a protocol that can be used to bond any dental ceramic.
• the different types of dental ceramic materials • the handling properties for ceramics (selection, preparation, adjustment, polishing, removing) • a protocol for bonding ceramic crowns (etching, sandblasting, priming, and cleaning)
Dental professionals must frequently draw upon their knowledge of pharmacology for optimal care of today’s medically complex dental patients. However, many dental professionals cannot keep up with the latest trends in disease state management. This program provides an overview of the dental implications of prescription medications, non-prescription medications, herbal products, nutritional supplements, and substances most frequently used by our medically complex dental patients.
dental implications of prescription/OTC medications frequently found on patients’ medical histories
dental implications of herbal products/nutritional supplements found on patients’ medical histories
the most common substances of abuse and describe their dental considerations
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Christensen Bottom Line 2022
Current Dental Topics
Gordon Christensen
Course #: 4340 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Classroom #5 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $325.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians
This fast-moving program includes the areas of dentistry with the most activity and change in any given year. It is easily understood and has numerous summaries that help attendees interpret the profession’s advancements in techniques, materials, and technologies. Some of the topics to be included are new techniques for pulp capping; tooth removal, and grafting; the state of the dental profession; the future is still bright for private practice; the best crowns; and scanners vs. conventional impressions.
Learn to:
• list the most important and useful new techniques discussed in this course • list the most important and useful materials discussed in this course • list the most important and useful new concepts discussed in this course • implement those aspects of the course most applicable to your practice
This seminar is an introductory program on the wide range of dental lasers. Lasers are valuable diagnostic, surgical, and therapeutic instruments. These devices are capable of replacing most of the instruments which are outdated, inaccurate, despised and feared by most dental patients. Laser practices are the new leading edge and will lead to more value in patient care.
• about new laser-based devices available for your dental practice • about actual procedures preferred by patients • to appreciate how lasers can simplify standard dental procedures • to demonstrate some of these new laser devices
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Detecting Diabetes on CBCT Images
Dale Miles
Course #: 4360 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dale Miles
In addition to carotid plaques seen on panoramic radiographs, you can detect more severe calcifications called MAC (medial arterial calcifications) on CBCT images. Early detection of disease helps the patient’s primary care physician diagnosis and could, in some cases, save the patient’s life. Early detection will also enhance the diabetic patient’s life quality and possibly prevent many below-the-knee amputations. Learn to recognize critical radio-graphic features in your cone beam images of one of the most common and often undetected medical problems - Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
• understand what segments of the internal carotid arteries are imaged in CBCT scans • separate intimal plaques and MAC on panoramic and CBCT images • use image processing tools to make the changes more apparent • refer your patients with these detected calcifications
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Next Generation CBCT for Full Mouth Reconstruction: A Hands-on Workshop
Jonathan Kang
Course #: 4370 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jonathan Kang
This hands-on workshop discusses recent technological advancements that are now available and how these can help augment a thriving implant practice. During this workshop, attendees learn about innovations in next-generation CBCT, 3D facial scanners, digital oral design software, and impression CT scan. Learn from a review of how these state-of-the-art technologies can be used to optimize outcomes in extensive or full mouth reconstruction cases.
• clinical implications of high-resolution large FOV CBCT in both diagnosis and restoration • clinical importance of 3D face scans • to become familiar with digital oral design software and surgical planning software • to use CBCT as a powerful restorative device in extensive reconstruction cases
This program introduces you to infection control principles and best practices on sterilization and disinfection of patient-care items and dental unit waterlines and proper hand hygiene following the CDC guidelines. Attendees learn strategies to maximize the safety and efficiency of instrument processing, optimize the quality of water you deliver to your patients, and how using the proper infection control protocols and hand hygiene products can help prevent disease transmission.
• the benefits of various products and practices related to instrument processing that can help you increase efficiency and safety • to understand the need to treat, and maintain dental unit waterlines, pertinent technologies, and treatments available to achieve recommended water quality level • a thorough understanding of proper hand hygiene methods and indications
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Practice Acquisition: First Office to Multi-Locations
Practice Management
David Goodman
Kim Ianotte
Patrick McGahren
Course #: 4390 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): David Goodman Kim Ianotte Patrick McGahren
When acquiring a practice, you get more than an office, equipment, and patients to treat. You get a business that needs your leadership to navigate through change and into the future. Develop your success plan and prepare for your role as practice leader as you learn about the critical components of an acquisition, including your advisory team, practice selection, due diligence, financing options, and transition strategies.
• the right time to purchase your first practice • to prepare for the acquisition process • to plan to lead through change
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The Ultimate Non-Surgical Periodontal Hands-on Workshop
Sam Low
Course #: 4450 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Sam Low
Create the user-friendly perio approach from patient acceptance scripting to positive chairside action. Incorporate time-tested and new technologies to find and manage periodontal /implant disease utilizing the entire team. This workshop incorporates microthin ultrasonic technology with diode lasers for the ideal access for the dentist and hygienist. The new generation guided biofilm therapy with airflow enhances speed and efficiency of treatment. Topical and local anesthesia techniques are customized for the individual patient.
• differentiate laser technologies for surgical and non-surgical periodontal indications including laser bacterial reduction (LBR,) curettage, and low-level laser therapy, (LLLT) • develop “realistic” non-surgical therapies and the respective re-evaluation with emphasis on “new” anti-inflammatory systems, including micro-ultrasonics and innovative airflow systems • establish a quality periodontal maintenance program that enhances the restorative practice, including coding and third-party reimbursement, and 100% case acceptance
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
10 Top Management Tools for a Successful Practice Download Handout
Designing systems and protocols for a good foundation of production and collections can be quite a challenge. This program is designed to identify strategies and systems to keep your finger on the pulse of the practice and address day-to-day concerns before they become significant issues. Learn the top 10 must-have systems that need to be in place to achieve optimal results.
• to identify critical systems for a successful practice • to hire and train for great teams • choreographing scheduling and collections for ultimate success • key strategies to grow your practice forward
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Palate-Free Approaches to Treating Gingival Recession: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #4 Topic: Periodontics Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Educator
While autogenous tissue is the gold standard for treating gingival recession, there are many cases where the use of autogenous tissue is not feasible, possible, or even desired. Fortunately, biomaterials serve to substitute for palatal tissues and can be used effectively and predictably for achieving phenotype modification and root coverage. This hands-on workshop introduces participants to collagen matrices for treating gingival recession and phenotype modification around natural teeth.
• the etiology and sequelae of gingival recession • the various approaches for treating gingival recession and obtaining root coverage • about collagen matrices as a substitute for palatal tissue • to become familiar with surgical techniques using collagen matrices to treat gingival recession
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Nuevos Retos en la Odontología
Cursos en Español
Luis Giner-Tarrida
Course #: 4500 Date: 11/28/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Luis Giner-Tarrida
Room: 1E19 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Students, Educator
Se expondrán los conceptos actuales de la biocompatibilidad de los mate-riales de restauración, así como la selección para la mayor seguridad tanto biológica, como mecánica, funcional y estética. Se destacan los aspectos más relevantes del trato al paciente, desde la ética y el profesionalismo. Se comparten los cambios efectuados en los tratamientos odontológicos con las nuevas tecnologías y el flujo digital.
2:30pm - 5:30pm
Digital Scanning Mastery – Go From Good to Great with iTero Element Scanners
New dental technology integration is an often-overlooked aspect of any purchase. How does a practice get a running start to maximize utilization? What does "great" look like? Dr. Austin will share how he uses his iTero Element scanners to engage with patients, enhance restorative workflows and deliver treatment success. Experience the iTero Element scanners with iTero Clinical Trainers and learn how to maximize utilization from the experts. This hands-on workshop gets the practice, doctors, and staff from good to great with scanning technology.
where scanning technology can help elevate practice workflows
the latest scanner innovations to drive patient engagement chairside
how iTero scanner applications help drive treatment acceptance
full arch scanning techniques to facilitate everyday usage and complete utilization
advanced scanning from basic C&B to complex restorative cases
Dentures are often viewed by the public in a negative light due to the simple fact that they are patient removable and erroneously associated with individuals of a lower socioeconomic status. As dental professionals, we are responsible for educating patients accurately about treatment options. It has been found that removable prosthetics, even implant-borne removable prosthetic solutions, provide better hygiene access for patients and allow for maintenance of healthy peri-implant tissue. Do we assume patients want fixed, or do we educate them and allow them to make an informed choice?
the benefits of removable Implant borne prosthetics
how to educate patients to the best outcome
material options for full arch replacement - dentition
8:30am - 12:00pm
The Medical Side of a Medical/Dental Problem: Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea
Jonathan Lown
Course #: 5070 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 8:30am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jonathan Lown
Patients with sleep apnea can have real medical problems. While a medical history can uncover those issues, follow-up depends on understanding the complex interactions between diagnoses, medications, and risk. Patients want whole answers and are not satisfied with health care providers who don’t communicate. This program helps you discuss cases with your patients and avoid being known as ‘just the device provider.’ Attendees learn more about how physicians approach collaborative care is doing what we each do best, and working together, to give the patient their best chance of optimum health.
• the different roles the dentist and physician play in managing sleep-related breathing problems • to recognize warning signs of more involved medical issues, avoiding the ‘it’s just snoring’ trap • to present accurate, safe medical information to reassure patients about their condition and therapy
Support for this program is provided by
This program is also offered on Wednesday afternoon
In this program, the clinician teaches techniques to motivate your team and eliminate the stress found in most practices. Learn to implement systems that ensure the success of the dental practice. Develop leadership skills that empower the team to take less time to produce more. Learn how to increase patients’ perceived value of care so they accept more treatment.
• how to motivate your team • systems for efficiency and success • to develop leadership to empower the team • to increase the patients’ perceived value of care and treatment acceptance
This program covers the fundamentals of bone augmentation featuring alveolar ridge preservation (aka socket grafting) and Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) for ridge augmentation in preparation for implant therapy and regeneration of peri-implant bony defects. This seminar focuses on novel materials such as amnion-chorion barrier membranes, laminar bone sheets, and peritoneal collagen membranes and how they can be used to achieve more predictable outcomes for your patients.
the biological basis of bone augmentation and regeneration
diagnosis and classification of various bone defects
the indications, rationale, and technique for alveolar ridge preservation and guided bone regeneration (GBR)
the unique properties of amnion-chorion barrier membranes, laminar bone sheets, and peritoneal collagen membranes
9:00am - 12:00pm
Pain Free Dental Deals
Practice Management
Benjamin Bush
Brian Houlahan
Casey Gocel
Justin Baumann
Peter Tanella
Course #: 5150 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Benjamin Bush Brian Houlahan Casey Gocel Justin Baumann Peter Tanella
Even seasoned dentists can be overwhelmed by a practice purchase, sale, or partnership. Even when appropriately executed, the stakes are high, and unique emotional, financial, and legal issues often rear their ugly head. This program demystifies the process of buying, selling, or merging a practice to uncover the smoothest and most profitable path forward. Attendees gain insights from both sides of the negotiating table. All attendees will also receive a complimentary copy of the best-selling book “Pain-Free Dental Deals.”
Learn about:
• the current M&A market and how it is impacting practice sales • why dentists consider partnership from both the junior and senior dentists’ perspective • a review of significant deal terms and valuation methods and understand the importance of due diligence • how deals are done and life after the closing
9:00am - 12:00pm
Hiring For Keeps: Finding People That Fit
Practice Management
Laura Nelson
Course #: 5160 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Laura Nelson
Hiring seems to have become a negative connotation in dentistry and isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. When running a business, you decide where to invest your time, money, and efforts for the longevity of your practice, and one of the most important investments is in your team. In this program, the clinician discusses the steps to finding genuine candidates and creating a culture within the practice that turns your team members into team players. Learn the steps to source top-notch candidates, screen applicants, extend a job offer, and successfully hire.
Learn to:
• identify the steps to effective hiring • assess how to set smart goals for hiring • examine how to attract and empower effective applicants • solve the issues with new hire failure rates
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Cursos de Portugues
Cristiane Souza
Daniella Serantes do Nascimento de Paula
Juliana Ramalho
Millena Ribeiro Gamer
Sandra Bandeira
Course #: 5170 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Cristiane Souza Daniella Serantes do Nascimento de Paula Juliana Ramalho Millena Ribeiro Gamer Sandra Bandeira
Room: 1E13 Topic: Cursos de Portugues Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
A associação do uso de toxina botulínica do tipo A, bioestimuladores como a hidroxiapatita de cálcio e preenchedores faciais a base de ácido hialurônico, quando bem empregada, pode devolver aspectos de jovialidade, respeitando as características individuais do paciente. As modificações estruturais decorrentes do envelhecimento, embora sejam normais, podem ser trata-das ou prevenidas. Atualmente, o emprego de terapias injetáveis garante um gerenciamento do processo de envelhecimento sem que haja exageros, assegurando resultados elegantes ao preservar a naturalidade.
A palestra “O segredo do seu sucesso - Gestão de Consultórios e Encanta-mento do seu cliente” visa passar a importância de uma excelente gestão de consultório/clínicas e mostrar que com alguns ajustes o crescimento poderá ser exponencial. Além de tudo, falaremos também sobre encantamento de clientes, e como esse tema pode levar a uma experiência inesquecível para seu paciente e fidelizálo para sempre.
A aplicação de Bioestimuladores de Colágeno tem sido, atualmente, o procedimento de rejuvenescimento facial mais empregado nas práticas clínicas, já que os pacientes buscam cada dia mais melhorar a sua aparência. A Hidroxiapatita de cálcio quando utilizada de forma pura e/ou diluída proporciona melhora da flacidez assim como efeito lifting e definição do contorno da face. Nesta palestra apresentaremos os protocolos e diretrizes de prática clínica que garantem resultado e segurança.
Os protocolos de dermorevitalização visam tratar, rejuvenescer e reestruturar a pele pela integração de diversas terapias que unem a indução ao colágeno, dermoinfusão de ativos, toxina botulínica intradérmica e peeling em sessão única. A Toxina Botulínica pode atuar como antígeno e aplicações em períodos curtos podem acelerar a produção de anticorpos que reduzem ou bloqueiam os efeitos de sua ação, causando um insucesso permanente. Por tanto, é importante considerar a utilização de uma toxina botulínica de baixa imunogenicidade a fim de garantir o sucesso do tratamento a longo prazo.
O suporte para este programa é fornecido pelo GREEHOF - GRUPO DE ESTUDO E ENSINO EM HARMONIZAÇÃO OROFACIAL
What is the biggest problem with tooth whitening? If you answered anything other than “sensitivity,” you just haven’t been paying attention. Bleaching with zero sensitivity is possible. This program takes you through all the steps, materials, and techniques necessary to bring your whitening results to this level. The use of a pre-whitener immediately before each bleaching application is the secret. Step-by-step instructions on the unique methods for making custom trays are included. In-office power bleaching also benefits from shorter application times.
• to deliver tooth whitening with zero sensitivity • to make specially customized trays that will generate better results • to do customizable bleaching for cases with one tooth too light or too dark • how different bleaching systems work to get the best results for each patient
9:00am - 12:00pm
Esthetic Dentistry 2022
Esthetic Dentistry
Gordon Christensen
Course #: 5190 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Gordon Christensen
Esthetic procedures stimulate patient excitement, satisfaction, and practice growth, all calmed by the “great recession” and COVID. Patient education is needed to re-excite patients about what is available in modern dentistry. This program includes updated state-of-the-art esthetic procedures, including whitening teeth; Botox; Diastema closure; adult ortho; ceramic crowns compared; ceramic partial tooth restorations; ceramic veneers; and direct resin crowns and veneers. Re-motivate patients to these desirable procedures.
Learn to:
• list and describe the significant dental esthetic procedures • decide with your team how to re-motivate your patients to these procedures • decide which of the above should be in your practice • update the procedures you desire and include them in your practice
9:00am - 12:00pm
Programa Preventivo en Odontología/Cancer Oral /TIPS Para Giua Quirurgica
Cursos en Español
Leonard Huamni
Lucy Chiong Lam
Merce Sotomayor Mancisidor
Room: 1E19 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Lab Technicians, Educator, Doctor
Dar a conocer la aplicación de programas preventivos para diferentes edades, para que a través de la Educación en Salud Oral llegar a todas las edades, diseñando estas estrategias se pueden disminuir el riesgo de caries y pérdidas de piezas, siendo en el Perú una de las enfermedades con mayor prevalencia.
Determinar los conocimientos sobre epidemiologia etiología y diagnóstico de cáncer oral en los cirujanos dentistas. Conocimiento de los cirujanos dentis-tas en el Perú sobre cáncer oral temprano. Manejo de pacientes con diferen-tes enfermedades sistémicas vistas desde la rama estomatológica.
La tecnología en Implantología y rehabilitación Digital nos facilitan el trabajo y hacen más precisos los tratamientos que realizamos a nuestros pacientes. La técnica quirúrgica implantológica con planificación asistida e impresión 3D, actualmente se está escuchando y usando mucho pero hay 6 puntos importantes que se debe controlar en el desarrollo de la guía quirúrgica implantológica- protésica para disminuir errores y consecuencias en los tratamientos.
El apoya para programas es proporcionado por
9:45am - 12:45pm
Robotic-Assisted Implantology: Future is Haptic
Implant Dentistry
Huzefa Talib
Thomas Wiedemann
Course #: 5010 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Huzefa Talib Thomas Wiedemann
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #4 Topic: Implant Dentistry Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3
Robot-assisted implant surgery combines the advantages of both the physical constraints of static guides and the flexibility of dynamic navigation. The first F.D.A. approved commercially available robotic system for dental implant surgery accommodates haptic and audio-visual guidance to the implant surgeon. Robotic technology also provides a valuable aid to the dental pros-thetic and surgical teams during the entire dental implant rehabilitation. For the implant practitioner, this will improve outcomes and thereby patient retention and serves as a great educational tool when patients are able to see advantages of 3D planning and execution in real-time.
• to provide an overview of the history of robotics in medicine and dentistry • to understand guided implant surgery: from freehand to static and dynamic navigation and robotic-assisted implant placement: advantages and disadvantages • the workflow from treatment planning to implant placement in robot-assisted implant surgery and the potential applications in implantology • the educational aspects for general dentists and dental students and opportunities for practice differentiation
This program is repeated in the afternoon
9:45am - 12:45pm
Techniques For Caries Reversal And Arrest/Precise Classification of Pediatric Dental Caries
Minimally invasive dental treatment and its application in a pediatric care setting for caries reversal and arrest continues to be a trending topic. This course will review the science and indications of various modalities, including Silver Diamine Fluoride, MI Paste, and Resin Infiltration. Learn about the evidence behind such agents and how to implement them for individual patients.
• the evidence behind minimally invasive dental treatments • the mechanisms of action and application of caries reversal and arresting agents • case selection and implementation of non-invasive agents in practice
The seminar presents the latest advances in developing precise person-level classifications for early childhood caries. The program offers evidence from large-scale epidemiologic and clinical studies, genomics, and other multi-omics investigations. Information and envisioned practical applications in precision health are also discussed.
• the clinical and etiologic heterogeneity of early childhood caries • the evidence supporting the existence of person-level (clinical) subtypes of pediatric dental caries • genomics and multi-omics investigations that support the existence of clinical subtypes of ECC • the current and future utility of approaching pediatric oral health with a precision health mindset
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Botox and Facial Fillers: A Clinical Workshop and Demonstration Download Handout
Botox and Fillers
Steven Clark
Course #: 5090 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Steven Clark
This full-day demonstration on “live” patients and mannequins focuses on the art of aesthetic use of Botox and facial fillers. The morning didactic session introduces neuromodulators (Botox, disport, and Xeomin) and various facial fillers. The discussion includes facial aging, patient selection, safety, and efficacy of the latest products. “Live” demonstrations follow in the afternoon. The clinician (board-certified plastic surgeon whose practice focuses on aesthetic medicine and cosmetic Surgery) discusses “Clinical Pearls,” which he has developed over the last 20 years to ensure proper technique and safety to achieve excellent cosmetic results. Mannequins are available for participants to practice the hands-on portion of the program.
• the history, science, and mechanism of action, proper dosing, and storage of Botox and facial fillers • facial aging, facial anatomy, patient selection and adequate technique: how to stay out of trouble • facial fillers – selection to improve facial aging and volume – what works
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Faster Orthodontic Tooth Movements/Growth and Orthodontics
Peter Buschang
Course #: 5200 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Peter Buschang
The first part of this program reviews various surgical methods developed to enhance tooth movements. It concludes with new techniques that can be used to move teeth at 1 mm/day. The second part of the program shows you how the clinician’s knowledge of growth should be used for diagnosis, treatment planning, and evaluating treatment outcomes. It presents an evidence-based approach to treatment.
Learn to:
• become familiar with the various methods used to enhance tooth movements, including their limitations. • understand the biological basis for faster tooth movements • incorporate your understanding of craniofacial growth in the treatment of patients • understand why it is imperative to take an evidence-based approach to treatments
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Nasal Cavity and Sinus Disorders in CBCT
Dale Miles
Course #: 5210 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dale Miles
Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity problems are very common in children and adults. Dentists frequently encounter patients with these problems in their dental offices and must understand how to distinguish sinus pain from odontogenic causes. Unfortunately, most dentists only think about the maxillary sinuses. However, radiographic manifestations of paranasal sinus disease are also in other sinuses and must be detected.
• how Cone Beam CT improves sinus disease feature detection • how CBCT can help determine some causes of endodontic failures • how and why Cone Beam CT is becoming the “gold standard” for scanning children with sinus problems • how to review the nasal cavity and all paranasal sinus spaces in CBCT scans
In this program, attendees learn to incorporate digital dentistry into their practice practically and profitably fully. The clinician discusses embracing the digital workflow in scanning, designing, and milling in-office chairside resto-rations using a modern CAD/CAM system. Additional topics discussed are material selection, preparation, final finish, and cementation.
• to review the benefits of a digital workflow • to apply techniques for digitizing the clinical workflow • different restorative materials for a CAD/CAM system • to produce quality restorations in a single visit
This hands-on workshop is designed to train new or anticipated users of diode dental lasers. It is the second of three modules required for certification in a standard course for the Academy of Laser Dentistry. A review of laser science and safety will accompany micro-videos of actual standard procedures used in everyday practice. Hands-on sessions will allow participants with expert supervision and extensive laser techniques on animal models.
• the essentials of diode laser science • to operate diode lasers in a safe environment • to perform the most common laser procedures on the following practice day
Certification Requirements (All 3 Parts must be successfully completed within 90 days of Part 2):
Part 1: Foundations in Laser Dentistry Online 5-chapter Course - This is Pre-Course work and is recommended to be completed PRIOR to November 29, 2022
Part 2: Standard Level Hands-On Course with Dr. John Graeber – November 29, 2022 at GNYDM
Part 3: Standard Level Online Exam – Timed, 1-hour exam, with 75 multiple choice questions – To be completed AFTER Parts 1 & 2
For questions on the certification process, please contact:
Donna Rell
Academy of Laser Dentistry, Certification Program Manager, at 954.464.1189
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 5:00pm
Oral Surgery Update: A Hands-on Workshop
Oral Surgery
Glenn Maron
Course #: 5350 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:45am - 5:00pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Glenn Maron
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #2 Topic: Oral Surgery Tuition: $625.00 Credits: 6 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This hands-on course allows participants to broaden their scope of practice by making oral surgery enjoyable and predictable. The program provides insight into updated extraction techniques, site preservation, and soft tissue procedures. Pig mandibles are used for hard and soft tissue surgery and suturing.
• new materials and procedures for use in performing extractions • current trends in site preservation • suturing techniques and biopsy options, and goals
9:45am - 12:45pm
Simple Concepts for Anterior Composite Creativity
Restorative Dentistry
Mary Kang
Richard Trushkowsky
Course #: 5360 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Mary Kang Richard Trushkowsky
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #1 Topic: Restorative Dentistry Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3
This program shows attendees how to utilize a systematic approach to restore large class IV or incisal edge fractures with life-like direct composite layering. Attendees practice a direct veneer with an injection molding technique. Diastema closure is discussed and demonstrated.
• to utilize a putty matrix and composite to repair damaged anterior teeth • to use a clear matrix to do a facial veneer • how to properly close a diastema • to develop proper anatomy
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Bioceramics and Advanced Endodontic Instruments Immature Teeth: A Hands-on Workshop
Keith Evans
Course #: 5370 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Keith Evans
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #3 Topic: Endodontics Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
You are breezing through your typical workday. Your next patient is that kid you have not seen since he was three years old. It’s a D.O. composite on #3. No worries, no problems, then BOOM. You see red. It’s the pulp. Why is it so close to the occlusal surface? What do you do now? Are you going to send him to endo or go to pedo? Do you try to place some Dycal? This hands-on workshop goes through the rationale for treating immature teeth in children and adults. Become familiar with ideal materials and gain confidence to manage most pulpal situations from pulp capping to vital pulp Apexogenesis to Apexification.
• to diagnose the amount of pulpal involvement and predict the ideal treatment plan • the advantages of Bioceramic materials for vital pulp therapy • to instrument and obturate immature teeth in a safe and effective manner • to obturate traditional, mature roots with Bioceramic sealer and gutta-percha
12:30pm - 1:45pm
Ingeniería Financiera: El BackOffice de la Industria y Consultorios Dentales
Room: 1E19 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $25.00 Credits: 1
La conferencia busca compartir las bases administrativas y financieras aplicables a cualquier giro comercial, posteriormente, aterrizarlo a la industria dental e identificar las fuentes de financiamiento, la figura de emprendimiento en los consultorios, realizar la división de costos fijos y variables, el tratamiento de las utilidades, las estrategias publicitarias, implementar un control de almacenes, e identificar las estrategias de establecimiento de precios. Es tiempo de hablar de lo que nadie nos comentó durante nuestra formación académica.
1:30pm - 5:00pm
Success in the Dental Sleep Practice/Oromyofunctional Therapy and Breathing
Sleep Apnea
Kristie Gatto
Stan Jones
Course #: 5080 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Kristie Gatto Stan Jones
This program covers some of the basic considerations to set up for success in Dental Sleep Medicine. Topics covered include division of labor, team training and medical billing.
Learn to:
• understand how teamwork will accelerate your sleep program • best divide the work amongst your team for sleep medicine • understand which medical billing solution is best for your practice
2:30 – 5:00
Breathing is the foundation of oromyofunctional intervention and can determine the success of a therapeutic program. This program discusses the integration of breathing and OMDs and provides simple exercises for the clinician to implement on a basic level.
• the hierarchical of therapeutic intervention in OMDs • the basic understanding of breathing and OMD integration • simple exercises to help the clinician start an intervention program when OMDs and breathing are involved
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Controversies in Clear Aligner Therapy
Anderson Huang
Darren Huang
Course #: 5310 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anderson Huang Darren Huang
This program focuses on an evidence-based examination of major dilemmas in clear aligner therapy, including software manipulation, Phase I treatments, finishing, complex movements, deep bite/open bite correction, and extraction therapy. Learn solutions for their management and how to improve the predictability and effectiveness of clear aligner treatments.
• current limitations in clear aligner therapy • contemporary strategies for the management of complex malocclusions with clear aligners • judicious incorporation of adjunctive appliances, including orthopedic appliances, TADs, and combination therapy
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Robotic-Assisted Implantology: Future is Haptic
Implant Dentistry
Thomas Wiedemann
Course #: 5020 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Thomas Wiedemann
Robot-assisted implant surgery combines the advantages of both the physical constraints of static guides and the flexibility of dynamic navigation. The first F.D.A. approved commercially available robotic system for dental implant surgery accommodates haptic and audio-visual guidance to the implant surgeon. Robotic technology also provides a valuable aid to the dental pros-thetic and surgical teams during the entire dental implant rehabilitation. For the implant practitioner, this will improve outcomes and thereby patient retention and serves as a great educational tool when patients are able to see advantages of 3D planning and execution in real-time.
• to provide an overview of the history of robotics in medicine and dentistry • to understand guided implant surgery: from freehand to static and dynamic navigation and robotic-assisted implant placement: advantages and disadvantages • the workflow from treatment planning to implant placement in robot-assisted implant surgery and the potential applications in implantology • the educational aspects for general dentists and dental students and opportunities for practice differentiation
This program is repeated in the morning
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Conservative Pediatric Pulp Therapy/Advances in Materials for Caries Management
Pediatric Dentistry
David Avenetti
Travis Nelson
Course #: 5040 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): David Avenetti Travis Nelson
This program provides an update on the evidence supporting conservative pediatric pulp therapy. It reviews the indications, discusses clinical techniques, and discusses materials used in both primary and immature permanent teeth.
• the evidence for conservative pulp therapy in primary and immature permanent teeth • an overview of materials and techniques used in conservative pulp therapy • the rationale and success rate for conservative pulp therapy
This program provides an overview of contemporary materials and techniques for caries management in pediatric patients. The clinician discusses practical risk assessment strategies and restorative and non-restorative treatment.
• how current research on dental materials and techniques affects your practice • to implement best practices for minimal intervention dentistry in pediatric patients • to how techniques like imterim therapeutic restorations and the Hall Technique enable patient-centered care
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
How to Significantly Increase Treatment Acceptance Download Handout
Practice Management
Steven Katz
Course #: 5230 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Steven Katz
The most effective way to grow a practice is to increase the amount of dentistry your patients accept. The entire team has a part in this strategy. Develop strong diagnostic criteria so that more treatment is scheduled. Learn the communications skills to make patients want your care and how to answer the question, “Do I really need that crown, or can I wait, or just do a filling?”
• the process of guaranteed treatment acceptance • to establish uniform diagnostic criteria that increase production • verbal skills to make patients want treatment • how to overcome your patients’ objections to treatment
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Treating Gingival Recession in the Anterior Mandible
This seminar focuses specifically on the mandibular anterior region as it is a unique and anatomically nuanced region, and the implications for root cover-age are different than other areas of the mouth. Various surgical approaches for treating gingival recession in this region, reported in the literature, are presented, and critically evaluated.
• the historical basis for gingival grafting techniques • diagnosis and classification for recession defects • the challenges of obtaining root coverage in the anterior mandible • about various approaches for successful and predictable root coverage in the anterior mandible
2:00pm - 5:00pm
The DSO Decision
Practice Management
Benjamin Bush
Brian Houlahan
Casey Gocel
Justin Baumann
Peter Tanella
Course #: 5260 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Benjamin Bush Brian Houlahan Casey Gocel Justin Baumann Peter Tanella
Today, DSOs are one of the fastest-growing segments of dentistry, and their impact on the profession is significant. Whether you are considering selling to a DSO, partnering with a DSO, starting your own DSO, want to preserve private practice dentistry, or successfully compete against DSOs, this program gives you the clarity, knowledge, and vision you will need to succeed as we take an unbiased look from the perspective of the doctor as well as the private equity firms.
• the basics of DSOs: models, history, and how they make money • the pros and cons of selling to or partnering with a DSO • DSO transactions - preparing your dental office for various transaction structures and life after the deal
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Take Control: Maximize The Schedule, Optimize Productivity
Practice Management
Laura Nelson
Course #: 5270 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Laura Nelson
The schedule in a dental office impacts everyone: the clinical team, the front office team, and even your patients. Creating and maintaining a productive schedule is key to better teamwork, happier patients, and a less stressful environment. This scheduling program helps you discover new and innovative ways to be proactive rather than reactive to your schedule and helps impact your daily routine positively and productively and contributes to the ultimate customer service experience for your patients.
Learn to:
design a productive schedule that impact’s the team
solve the issues with no shows and cancellations that impact the schedule
formulate scheduling policies that imact & benefit your patients and your team
produce a schedule that impacts & creates an exceptional patient experience
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Position to Transition in Challenging Times
Practice Management
Joseph McManus
Course #: 5280 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joseph McManus
All dentists must have a transition plan. This program discusses the numerous options available to realize a successful practice transition, whether considering retirement or bringing in a partner to prepare for the unexpected. The benefits of having your practice valued now and strategies to enhance your practice’s value are discussed.
• why practice owners need to have a transition plan as well as an emergency exit strategy • about the impact of the pandemic and current economic conditions on dental practice sales, practice values, and what is the current “market” • the most common methods of valuing a dental practice
While electronic charting offers tremendous convenience, the necessary linking of clinical and financial records poses a tremendous danger to dental practitioners. In this presentation, you will see how staff members and others adulterate your clinical records to embezzle funds, commit insurance fraud, steal HIPAA-protected information and commit other mischief. Using real-life examples as teaching tools, the clinician addresses the prevalence of this kind of crime, the profile of thieves, and how perpetrators overcome your controls.
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Five Essential Skills Every Dental Professional Needs
Carol Jahn
Course #: 5300 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Carol Jahn
The Coronavirus pandemic brought to the surface and deepened the growing unhappiness and dissatisfaction many dental professionals have with clinical practice. While it is tempting to play the ‘blame game’ – the doctor, the office manager, or your professional association, the key to restoring the value of the dental hygienist lies within ourselves. This program explores how five essential skills can help you regain your love of dental hygiene and lead you to your best life at work and home.
• how curiosity helps us know our patients better & drive lifelong learning • the importance of sharing the responsibility for identifying and discussing a patient’s oral health needs • communication skills to increase acceptance of recommendations and treatment • the dynamic nature of clinical practice and the state of current practice standards
This program is presented by the New YorK City Dental Hygienistis’ Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienits’ Association and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Interpreting and Reporting Your CBCT Findings
Dale Miles
Course #: 5320 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Dale Miles
As clinicians who adopted CBCT, you are thrilled with the data for helping you make better clinical decisions. Have you considered the potential liabilities of using CBCT? Do you know what you see in the regions you capture? Do you know what you might be missing? This program uses real cases to outline the potential legal pitfalls of using CBCT and presents steps to help you minimize your potential liability. Attendees view radiology reports and decision support software to help them examine their scans and reduce risk.
Learn to:
• recognize the significant abnormalities in various anatomic regions in CBCT scans • review their CBCT volumes systematically and accurately • understand informed consent as they are applied to CBCT scans
While electronic charting offers tremendous convenience, the necessary linking of clinical and financial records poses an enormous danger to dental practitioners. In this presentation, you will see how staff members and others adulterate your clinical records to embezzle funds, commit insurance fraud, steal HIPAA-protected information and commit another mischief. Using real-life examples as teaching tools, Dental Private Investigator David Harris will address the prevalence of this kind of crime, the profile of thieves, and how perpetrators overcome their controls.
the motives of employees who commit criminal acts
how a would-be thief sizes up your practice
to adopt ten strategies to protect the integrity of your records against economic crime
five policies that protect you
Support for this program is provided by
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Making Posterior Composites More Predictable: A Hands-on Workshop
Esthetic Dentistry
Mary Kang
Richard Trushkowsky
Course #: 5380 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Mary Kang Richard Trushkowsky
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #1 Topic: Esthetic Dentistry Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
This workshop enables the participant to achieve predictable posterior composites and tabletops utilizing several techniques, including bulk fill. The participants use sectional matrices for the posterior composite and a clear matrix and heated composite for the tabletop.
Learn to:
• utilize sectional matrices • establish contacts • utilize bulk fill and fiber reinforcement • use composites to restore vertical in the worn dentition
Course #: 5390 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Keith Evans
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #3 Topic: Endodontics Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
This hands-on workshop discusses a simple instrumentation and obturation system during the didactic portion. After attending this workshop, you will have a complete understanding of this instrumentation and obturation system, which will help improve the predictability of your cases while dramatically reducing instrument separation.
• to describe the proper protocol for safe and effective instrumentation of a given canal and cone fit for obturation in different scenarios • the simple, bonded obturation technique of the fitted gutta-percha in the prepared canal • to utilize the advantage of Hydraulic Condensation to prepare a quick post space in the canal, if needed
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Implantación Simultánea de Dientes/Carillas/Tecnología para Docencia Tras El COVID19
Cursos en Español
Anna Kolesnikova
Carlos Enrique Orihuela Mayorca
Juan Enrique Bazan
Course #: 5410 Date: 11/29/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anna Kolesnikova Carlos Enrique Orihuela Mayorca Juan Enrique Bazan
Room: 1E19 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Administrative Staff, Lab Technicians, Spouse, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Características de la instalación del implante en el orificio de uno, dos y tres dientes radiculares. Cómo lograr la estabilización primaria. Anatomía del agujero. Tipos de pozos y pronóstico de implantación, según el tipo de pozos. Extracción dental atraumática. Métodos de extracción atraumática. Insta-ación del implante sin fresado. Ventajas, posibles riesgos e indicaciones de la carga temprana del implante. Osteointegración de implantes. Ventajas del uso de la tecnología prf.
Durante la confección de las carillas de porcelana se cometen muchos errores por una incorrecta comunicación desde la oficina dental hacia el laboratorio. Errores que van no sólo con el tema de la correcta selección del color, sino por detalles que pasan desde la adaptación de los trabajos debido a fallas en los procesos clínicos o de laboratorio, hasta en las preparaciones previas a la cementación.
Se estima que aproximadamente 10 años se aceleró la tecnología en la educación debido al COVID 19, iniciado hace dos años. Muchas herramientas estaban ya dispuestas hacia los docentes para lograr la comunicación a distancia, pero la pandemia obligó a mejorar la comunicación en velocidad resolución y el uso de aplicaciones de las más variadas formas con el fin de lograr la comunicación a distancia realmente efectiva. Precisamente en esa época muchas instituciones potenciaron el área virtual y lograron descubrir que no solamente el zoom era la única herramienta para poder lograr las metas.
El apoya para programas es proporcionado por
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Dental International Filler Neurotoxin Education (DFINE)
Cursos en Español
Bruno Bastos
Lisbeth Jerez
Priscilla Pereira
Vanda Domingos
Room: 1E13 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Los bioactivadores y estimuladores de colágeno son actualmente indispensables para un rejuvenecimiento consistente y duradero. Inyectado en lo profundo de la piel ayuda a estimular la producción de colágeno y proporciona una mejoría clínica evidente como tratamiento para la flacidez. Mediante una evaluación correcta y detallada del paciente, el profesional definirá el mejor producto inyectable a utilizar, cuántas sesiones serán necesarias para mejorar la flacidez de la piel y qué asociaciones con otros productos serán beneficiosas para mantener la naturalidad.
La Dermosustentación facial estética busca el equilibrio y armonizacion de las estructuras orofaciales, gracias a la sinergia provista por las diferentes técnicas estéticas, orientada a odontólogos actualmente.
Cuando evaluamos un rostro tanto en su vista frontal como de perfil, debemos reforzar nuestra visión para definir qué es realmente la “Belleza Facial”. Este enfoque debe desarrollar la capacidad de notar los detalles que son más evidentes, con un ojo entrenado para percibir cuán atractivo o no puede ser ese rostro. En odontología estética y ortodoncia, no basta con entender qué es lo que interfiere con la sonrisa, es necesario diagnosticar qué es lo que está fuera de lo común, para poder establecer un plan de tratamiento.
La toxina botulínica tipo A conocida como Botox es una nueva herramienta que permite la neuromodulación de los músculos faciales y su correcta dilu-ción y uno de los factores más importantes para el éxito de los resultados terapéuticos y estéticos. Una sonrisa bonita y saludable debe darse a partir del equilibro de los labios, músculos y la armonía facial del paciente. Existen tratamientos seguros y mínimamente invasivos que busca el equilibrio de las expresiones faciales y de la anatomía del rostro.
El apoyo para este programa es proporcionado por Dental International Filler Neurotoxin Education (DFINE)
Historically, jaw and airway development focused on orthodontic treatment for children under twelve. There was little attention to jaw and airway expansion for adults. This presentation will discuss advantages and disadvantages of Osseous/jaw remodeling and skeletal jaw development through orthopedic removable and fixed orthodontics. This will create a nonsurgical facelift, and aid in the reversal of sleep disordered breathing and sleep apnea, that ranges from upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
8:30am - 12:00pm
Dental Sleep Medicine: A Hands-on Workshop
Sleep Apnea
Brett Brocki
Steve Carstensen
Course #: 6050 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 8:30am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Brett Brocki Steve Carstensen
Choosing the right dental appliance for the patient is a common question - learn what to consider when matching patients to certain devices. Attendees make a professional interim device for themselves and also one that eliminates the most common side effect of using oral appliance therapy. Learn breathing techniques that make all treatments work better. Sleep tests can be confusing, this workshop brings guidance and information.
• key characteristics of common devices and match them to patients • to make a professional interim device • to treat patients with confidence • your role in the dental office
Support for this program is provided by
This workshop is also offered on Sunday afternoon
9:00am - 12:00pm
The Real CSI
Forensic Dentistry
Henry Lee
Ira Titunik
Lowell Levine
Michael Baden
Course #: 6070 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Henry Lee Ira Titunik Lowell Levine Michael Baden
This program focuses on police-related deaths. The problems for the forensic pathologist in investigating deaths that occur during police encounters are discussed.
• to raise awareness of issues that arise in investigating police-related deaths • the problems encountered in investigating the deaths of Eric Garner • the issues discovered in investigating the deaths of George Floyd
The lecture covers one of the most important areas in forensic investigation. Different types of pattern evidence, such as dental bitemark, fingerprint, footprint, and blood pattern are discussed through recognition, identification, comparison, and reconstruction.
The dental profession contributes their expertise to many “high Profile” investigations. Dental evidence has played an important role in such case investigations as Theodore Bundy, President John F Kennedy Assassination, Civil Rights leader Medgar Evers, Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, identification of Czar Nicholas II and family, as well as many other cases with significant public interest. This presentation discusses the approach to all cases. Reporting on all cases. Presentation of evidence supporting the opinion. Emphasis is on all cases being processed, reported, and discussed in the same manner.
Part two of this program will be held in the afternoon from 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG) has become one of the most revolutionary new investigative tools to be implemented in criminal investigations. Since 2018, FGG has resolved several hundred cold case investigations across the United States and some internationally. FGG combines the disciplines of forensic genetics with genetic genealogy and traditional genealogical research to identify perpetrators of violent crimes and for the identification of Jane/John Does. This seminar will discuss the emergence of FGG in criminal investigations, the methods and tools involved, and the outlook for the future of this groundbreaking tool.
Learn to:
• consumer DNA testing and the evolution of genetic genealogy • the implementation of FGG into criminal investigations • 3using genetic relatives to identify unknown individuals • balancing public safety with individual privacy
This program examines how forensic anthropology and odontology complement each other in identifying skeletal remains. Specific attention to how these disciplines have been used to resolve casualties from war is discussed.
• about forensic anthropology • the close relationship between anthropology and odontology • how war casualties have been identified
Medical professionals who have taken an oath to save lives sometimes intentionally take lives. A review of recent cases worldwide and the red flags utilized to identify these individuals are discussed. Their motivations, backgrounds, and other common traits are also disclosed.
• to identify medical serial killers in a healthcare environment • the red flags utilized to recognize these individuals • how to investigate these cases successfully • the motivations and psychological factors associated with these killers
9:00am - 1:00pm
Strategies to Avoid and Manage Treatment Failures
Risk Management
Marc Leffler
Mario Catalano
Course #: 6080 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Marc Leffler Mario Catalano
This risk management program discusses a series of avoidable treatment failures from our malpractice files and interventions to avoid these situations. Learn mechanisms to manage those failures that do occur to limit liability and damages. The presenters have years of experience as practicing defense attorneys and expert witnesses and will present several malpractice cases resulting from unfortunate outcomes. Attendees will see common pitfalls in charting, patient discussions, obtaining informed consent, and clinical performance. The role of administrative staff in situations of potential malpractice is also reviewed.
• the techniques and strategies to reduce the chances of encountering an adverse outcome or treatment failure • the effect of equipment failures, diagnostic failures, communication failures, and technical failures on treatment outcomes • the mechanisms to eliminate potential malpractice scenarios
Dentists who complete this course are eligible for a risk management credit on their liability premiums with Medpro Group. You are encouraged to check with your carrier concerning the availability of any discount. If you have not completed an approved Risk Management program within the past three years, you must take this course to continue to receive your discount. At the end of this course, you will receive your certificate of completion for your records and submit it to your malpractice carrier.
9:00am - 12:00pm
Position to Transition in Challenging Times
Current Dental Topics
Joseph McManus
Course #: 6100 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Joseph McManus
All dentists must have a transition plan. This program discusses the numerous options available to realize a successful practice transition, whether considering retirement or bringing in a partner to prepare for the unexpected. The benefits of having your practice valued now and strategies to enhance your practice’s value are discussed.
• why practice owners need to have a transition plan as well as an emergency exit strategy • about the impact of the Pandemic and current economic conditions on dental practice sales, practice values, and what is the current “market” • the most common methods of valuing a dental practice
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Microinvasive Dentistry: Diagnosis and Treatment Download Handout
Laser Dentistry
John Graeber
Course #: 6120 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Graeber
This seminar introduces the concept of microinvasive dentistry. It is defined as utilizing new methods of diagnosing early caries far more accurately than conventional practice. In this program, attendees learn which devices provide meaningful diagnostic information. A clinician with more than 30 years of experience in these techniques explains new and less invasive procedures for monitoring or treating lesions. Treatment options include all-tissue dental lasers, air polishing/ abrasive devices. Learn how to avoid microfracturing with traditional preparation methods.
• which devices are the most accurate in diagnosing early caries • how rotary handpieces damage teeth • how new technologies can prepare lesions for composite restoration without trauma or pain • to select better treatment methods for their patients
Room: 1E19 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $245.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Administrative Staff, Doctor
This program discusses the newest and latest internal and external marketing tools and how they can help make 2023 a year that makes your practice more efficient and profitable. By incorporating these fresh new marketing tools and by reinforcing the marketing procedures that have worked in the past, this seminar can help you drastically grow your revenues and your patient base in 2023 and beyond.
• website do’s and don’ts • what Google and the other search engines are looking for • search engine marketing tools - Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Re-targeting techniques to bring new patients into the office • internal and external marketing strategies that will boost office income
Have you ever felt as though your communication wasn’t effective? This program teaches failsafe ways to communicate with patients, the office team, and each other. Learn the key do-say/don’t-say strategies that can result in case acceptance, timely payments, and effective scheduling.
Learn to:
• implement practical communication guidelines for scheduling and reducing open time • discuss financial arrangements • communicate when you collect from patients and insurance companies • manage handoffs from clinical team to administrative team and vice versa
9:00am - 12:00pm
Medical Update for Dentistry: From Bisphosphonates to Blood Thinners
Today we deal with an ever-expanding array of patients with medical issues as we see the population aging. Just when we think we understand things, they change the rules on us. BRONJ is now MRONJ; total joint replacement patients no longer need premedication. Patients on Coumadin and other blood thinners do not always need to stop their medications prior to dental treatment. This seminar offers a medical update for the dental office.
• the issues associated with bisphosphonates and MRONJ • the complex medical issues that many patients present with in today’s practice • the recommendations for Prophylactic antibiotics for Cardiac and Orthopedic • to treat older and medically compromised patients
9:00am - 12:00pm
Federación Dental Ibero-Latinoamericana (FDILA)
Cursos en Español
Augusto Cesar Rodrigues de Souza
John Alexis Dominguez
Jorge Enrique Martinez Duque
Yileng Tay Chu Jon
Roxana Liliana Camargo Mora
Course #: 6230 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Augusto Cesar Rodrigues de Souza John Alexis Dominguez Jorge Enrique Martinez Duque Yileng Tay Chu Jon Roxana Liliana Camargo Mora
Room: 1E20 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Análisis Facial 4D y Rellenos Avanzados: la metodología 4D es actualmente el método más efectivo para evaluar y planificar procedimientos de armonización orofacial, incluyendo resultados exitosos con rellenos avanzados.
Hoy los clinicos tienen a su mano muchos sistemas de resimas de resinas de diversas marcas y no tiene claro cual es su tecnica de confeccion, en este curso, el clinico entendera a difrenciar las diferentes formas de confeccion (Incremental y Bulk) entendera a reconocer la naturalezxa de confeccion que existen (Estratificada, Simplificada y Universal) y su tecnica (directa o indirecta).
Blanqueamiento dental. Evidencia científica sobre blanqueamiento dental. Técnicas innovadoras del tratamiento. Actualizar sobre blanqueamiento dental. Mostrar evidencia científica. Mostrar técnicas para el manejo de la sensibilidad dental.
El odontologo se encuentra diariamente enfrentado a diagnostica correcta-mente las lesiones de caries denal y a tomar las mejore decison del trata-mient este programa le dara las herramientas para mejorar su correcto diagnostico y al momento de realizar su preparacion cavitaria bajo los preceptos de la odontologia de la minima intervencion y conservacion de los tejidos dentarios.
Con este caso el clínico podrá reconocer con facilidad el manejo de opacificadores para el manejo de dientes con sustratos desfavorables. Reconocer con facilidad el manejo de opacificadores. Manejo de dientes con sustratos desfavorables. Reconocer e identificar el manejo de opacificadores y de dientes con sustratos desfavorables.
El apoyo para estos programas es proporcionado por
9:00am - 12:00pm
Como Acelerar o Tratamento Ortódontico/Protocolos en Restauraciones Directas Sector Anterior/Protocolo de Restauraciones Biomimeticas Posteriores
Cursos en Español
Angel Sanchez
Juan Carlos Reyes
Maria Contreras Peña
Sarah Miquelao
Course #: 6390 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Angel Sanchez Juan Carlos Reyes Maria Contreras Peña Sarah Miquelao
Room: 1E14 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students
COMO ACELERAR O TRATAMENTO ORTÔDONTICO Será abordada em plenitude a biomecânica para acelerar o tratamento ortodôntico , obtendo uma Ortodontia mais eficiente com menos efeitos colaterais e menos dependência dos pacientes.
Las restauraciones directas en la odontología hacen parte del día a día del clínico y si bien es cierto que son parte de la formación base de cualquier dentista, constantemente se está innovando en los materiales y protocolos para mejorar la estética y la longevidad de dichas restauraciones, y es responsabilidad nuestra mantenernos actualizados para alcanzar el éxito en nuestras clínicas.
El enfoque biomimetico nos ofrece protocolos restauradores que preservan la mayor cantidad de estructura dental sana, fortaleciéndola y manteniendo la vitalidad pulpar, a través de procedimientos adhesivos potencializados y materiales biomecánicamente semejante al diente.
Tratamiento y Rehabilitación de Fracturas Alveologentarias
Las pérdidas dentarías causadas por los traumatismos alveolodentarios tienen una alta incidencia y frecuencia en República Dominicana; en esta presentación fundamentada en casos clínicos con justificación científica y vídeos demostrativos, vamos compartir las distintas alternativas que podemos utilizar para satisfacer las necesidades y expectativas de los pacientes que presentan estas lesiones y éstos puedan reintegrase a su labor o actividades cotidianas con una adecuada rehabilitación estética y funcional.
Room: 1E11 Topic: Anesthesia and Sedation Tuition: $245.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Nurse, Doctor
This program reviews the potential benefits of elevating a dental practice by incorporating sedation. This seminar discusses the essential requirements and complications of incorporating sedation into your dental practice. Case presentations are used to enhance the learning opportunity.
• the process of patient selection for sedation • the pharmacology of commonly used sedation agents • to identify and manage common complications of sedation • the relative and absolute contraindications to sedation in the dental office
Clinical success can be defined as achieving a result that is aesthetic, functional, and predictable. The art and science of Implant Dentistry is introduced with emphasis on the fundamental principles and techniques required to rehabilitate function and form. This course aims to provide dentists with a scientifically based rationale for all diagnostic, treatment planning, and patient care decisions. This program is designed to allow the dental professional to investigate all potential treatment options before initiating a treatment plan and to achieve exceptional outcomes by combining different treatment modalities. Participants receive a thorough overview and an update of all the new materials, indications, limitations, laboratory considerations, various designs, fabrication techniques, and treatment options with all the possible obstacles and trouble shouting to provide a framework for successful results every time.
the fundamentals of treatment planning with Implant Dentistry
a stronger understanding of prosthetic needs, materials, methods, and new technologies
to become familiar with currently available advanced digital technology, clinical techniques, and materials for restoring dental implants
practical tips on how to avoid common pitfalls and complications
Support for this program is provided by
9:00am - 12:00pm
Dentistry in Underserved Communities
Current Dental Topics
Gail Cherry-Peppers
Gillian Robinson-Warner
Jezelle Sonnier
Lisa Slade
Room: 1E08 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: $85.00 Credits: 3
Gail Cherry-Peppers, D.D.S., M.S.
Gillian Robinson-Warner, D.D.S.
Dentistry in Underserved Communities
This program covers overcoming external barriers when treating disadvantaged and special needs patients in poor communities. Successfully training dental students to treat this complex population is key to preparing the next generation for this area of high demand. Adjusting treatment plans and avoiding severe conditions in patients with chronic diseases and associated oral manifestations can result in successful outcomes and minimize adverse medical and dental complications.
Lisa H. Slade, D.D.S.
Dentistry in Underserved Communities
The seminar discusses methods to increase access to healthcare and improve dental outcomes for underserved populations.
Jezelle A. Sonnier, D.D.S.
Dentistry in Underserved Communities
This seminar discusses ways to increase access to care and improve dental outcomes for underserved populations.
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
9:45am - 12:45pm
Socket Grafting With Bone Replacement Grafts And Barriers: A Hands-On Workshop
Robert Horowitz
Course #: 6110 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Robert Horowitz
This hands-on workshop focuses on diagnosing and treating extraction sockets. Attendees are shown classification systems and strategies for when to treat and possibly refer more challenging cases. There has been a progression over the years from the use of “passive” to “bioactive” grafts and barriers. Clinical and histologic data is shown with multiple types of bone replacement graft materials that are commonly available to treat extraction sockets. Different types of barriers and growth factors/enhancers are also available for sites and patients where deficient bone is present. Attendees learn ways to educate their staff and discuss site collapse with patients to reinforce the need for and advantages of site preservation at the time of extraction.
• to diagnose and treat extraction sockets within the limits of your ability • the differences between “passive” and “bioactive” bone replacement grafts and barriers • a review of clinical and histologic data with literature backup to reinforce the philosophies and cases shown
Support for this program is provided by Kometabio.
This workshop reviews the yoga and mindfulness techniques developed by a Dentist-Yoga Teacher for dental professionals to help prevent or reduce dentistry and work-related health issues of stress. The program focuses on fatigue, burn-out, ergonomics, muscular-skeletal problems of the neck, shoulder, upper-lower back, carpal tunnel, and joints. Help enhance strength, flexibility, energy, resilience, focus, concentration, and productivity. Explore sitting and standing on a yoga mat (provided), simple breathing exercises, stretches, movements, postural alignments, and mindfulness-based stress-reduction and relaxation techniques to practice for 2 minutes or more in an office or at home.
• evidence-neuroscience-based Yoga-mindful breathing exercises • gentle yoga-mindful movements, stretches, posture, and poses • mindful-meditation practices for navigating stress and anxiety to increase focus, concentration, and resiliency • to create short 1-3 minutes breaks anytime and anyplace in a busy schedule
9:45am - 12:45pm
Common Oral Findings in Pediatric Patients/Antimicrobial Peptides: Opportunities in the Management of Dental Caries/Where's Your Worry Line: Inflammat Download Handout
Esther Tingue
Mariya Cahoon
Olga Gnatovych
Tomira Rozar
Course #: 6170 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Esther Tingue Mariya Cahoon Olga Gnatovych Tomira Rozar
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Classroom #5 Topic: Hygiene Tuition: $55.00 Credits: 3
This program reviews common clinical findings related to oral soft and hard tissue conditions/pathology and trauma in pediatric patients. The importance of anticipatory guidance, risk assessment, and dental home is addressed.
Dental caries or tooth decay continues to be one of the most prevalent infectious diseases and global public health issues today. There is ongoing research in the dental field in hopes of finding new treatments. One of the recent approaches investigated by healthcare professionals to enhance the treatment and prevention of dental caries is the application of synthetic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). This program discusses the role of microbial pathogens in the caries process, defines antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and types of AMPs and their mechanism of action, as well as their opportunities in managing dental caries.
Inflammatory lesions and benign lesions can easily be confused. Some benign lesions appear to be inflammatory in origin, and some inflammatory lesions look like they are benign tumors. This program refines the criteria for identifying benign tumors versus reactive inflammatory lesions. Attendees are given a timeline of the sequence of events that need to transpire regard-ing biopsy and other tests that need to be prepared.
Inequities in oral health by race persist. The experiences of racial and ethnic discrimination of an individual when utilizing oral health services, or health services of any kind, are instrumental in continued utilization of those services, perceived susceptibility to oral diseases, and perceived self-care abilities. Evaluating discrimination requires knowledge of implicit bias and racial microaggressions in clinical practice.
Room: Exhibit Floor Room #2024 Topic: Practice Management Tuition: $245.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students, Administrative Staff, Doctor
Most dental practices are unaware of the exciting ways to generate patient leads. In this program, attendees learn how a lead can be tracked through Google or Facebook campaigns and how to set up a marketing budget for those campaigns. This seminar covers common marketing mistakes, rules and regulations set out by the association, setting a proper marketing budget, and much more. The speaker shares strategies of what some of the top dental practices are doing across the country. This seminar helps you make sense of the complex world of dental marketing.
• the basics of setting up a marketing campaign • how to set a proper marketing budget • about common marketing mistakes
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 4:30pm
Incorporating Porcelain Veneers in Esthetic Treatment: A Hands-on Workshop
Cosmetic Dentistry
Mary Kang
Richard Trushkowsky
Course #: 6310 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:45am - 4:30pm Course Info: Full Day Speaker(s): Mary Kang Richard Trushkowsky
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #1 Topic: Cosmetic Dentistry Tuition: $625.00 Credits: 6 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
Porcelain veneers can be utilized very often to create highly esthetic results. This hands-on workshop aids in the esthetic diagnosis and treatment process. A series of illustrations delineate both micro and macro aspects of smile design. These principles of esthetic diagnosis can be used to formulate a wax-up to demonstrate to the patient the potential of treatment. Learn and practice veneer preparation, provisionals, and cementation.
• to understand smile design and different preparation design • proper case selection • to form putty matrices to guide preparations • to properly bond veneers
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Basic Oral Surgery: A Hands-on Workshop
Oral Surgery
Alex Greenberg
Course #: 6320 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 9:45am - 12:45pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alex Greenberg
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #2 Topic: Oral Surgery Tuition: $410.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This basic hands-on oral surgery workshop uses pig jaws to perform surgical dental extractions, gingival flaps, simple socket bone grafts, and suturing techniques. Participants perform these simple oral surgery procedures to gain further proficiency.
Do you wonder which Endo instrument is the safest and most efficient? Do you have challenges with irrigation solutions? Are you tired of lateral condensing of accessory points? This half-day evidence-based hands-on workshop educates you to cutting-edge rotary/reciprocation instrumentation with new flexible and safe files; locating calcified canals and MB2; obturation of the root canal system; and utilizing a four canal 3-D maxillary first molar.
Learn to:
• demonstrate location of canals with special burs • utilize rotary and reciprocation instrumentation • exhibit different technics of obturation
This hands-on workshop is repeated in the afternoon
9:45am - 12:45pm
An Introduction to Diode Lasers for the Hygienist and Dental Assistant Download Handout
The Diode laser has become the most commonly utilized laser in dentistry today. Diode lasers have many advantages over traditional surgical and ther-apeutic techniques, including less pain, faster healing, and new applications, including whitening, pain management, and aphthous ulcer treatment. Learn how to expand the scope of services offered when a laser is added to the practice while giving your patients the highest standard of care and creating revenue.
• laser components, delivery system, laser safety • the benefits of using a laser • laser integration and hygiene uses • hands-on with lasers
Support for this program is provided by
9:45am - 12:45pm
Free Gingival Grafts - Old is Gold: A Hands-on Workshop
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #4 Topic: Periodontics Tuition: $355.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Students
This hands-on workshop teaches participants how to perform free gingival grafting for phenotype modification and root coverage for treating gingival recession around natural teeth and implants. Specific emphasis is placed on the anterior mandible region. Participants will learn this validated technique in a systematic step-by-step fashion with personalized instruction.
• the historical basis for gingival grafting techniques • about Free Gingival Grafting (FGG) and its indications • the unique challenges for treating recession in the anterior mandible • how to effectively perform FGG for root coverage and phenotype modification in the anterior mandible
This hands-on workshop is also offered on Monday morning
12:30pm - 3:00pm
Periodontal Diseases and Bone Metabolism/The Often Overlooked Transverse Dimension in Dentistry/Skeletal Changes in Growing Orthodontic Patients
Current Dental Topics
Daniel Kuncio
Iryna Mazur
Iryna Skrypnyk
Maria Karpov
Course #: 6440 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 12:30pm - 3:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Daniel Kuncio Iryna Mazur Iryna Skrypnyk Maria Karpov
Room: 1E17 Topic: Current Dental Topics Tuition: Free Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
Iryna Skrypnyk, D.M.D., Ph.D.
Iryan Mazur, D.M.D., Ph.D.
Periodontal Diseases and Bone Metabolism Presented data on relationship between periodontal diseases and skeletal system. Authors shows results of their own experimental studies of effect of bone tissue metabolism disorders on state of periodontal tissues in rats. Results of clinical studies of bone metabolism disorders based on results of a study of biochemical markers of bone remodeling in periodontal diseases patients. On basis of experimental, clinical studies, a model of the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases was proposed and prescription of osteotropic drugs was substantiated.
Maria A. Karpov, D.M.D., M.S.
The Often Overlooked Transverse Dimension in Dentistry
This course gives you an overview of the clinical manifestation of transverse discrepancy. Attendees will be able to diagnose transverse problems in children and adults. The clinician presents the latest research on the connection between palatal expansion and sleep apnea in children and adults and also discusses and review clinical cases in children and adults.
Daniel Kuncio, D.D.S.
Skeletal Changes in Growing Orthodontic Patients
Often, by the time general and pediatric dentists refer teenage patients to the orthodontist, it is past the peak growth of the patient and the orthodontist is unable to treat the occlusion without using invasive procedures such as tooth extraction. This program describes three clinical situations where the referral to the orthodontist should made well in advance of peak growth.
Dental Products Report ®(DPR) has announced a partnership with the Greater New York Dental Meeting taking place November 25, 2022 – November 30, 2022. The Greater New York Dental Meeting will host a product showcase to show off and demonstrate the types of cutting-edge innovations that are often the subject of Dental Product Report’s online and print content.
Dental Products Report is leading eight 30-minute demonstration sessions (four in the morning and four in the afternoon) on each of the four days, which will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Continuing Education credit is available to all attendees, and preregistration is free. Partnership opportunities to perform demonstrations are available to interested vendors.
1:30pm - 5:00pm
The Medical Side of a Medical/Dental Problem: Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea
Jonathan Lown
Course #: 6060 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 5:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Jonathan Lown
Patients with sleep apnea can have real medical problems. While a medical history can uncover those issues, follow-up depends on understanding the complex interactions between diagnoses, medications, and risk. Patients want whole answers and are not satisfied with health care providers who don’t communicate. This program helps you discuss cases with your patients and avoid being known as ‘just the device provider.’ Attendees learn more about how physicians approach collaborative care is doing what we each do best. Working together, to give the patient their best chance of optimum health.
• the different roles the dentist and physician play in managing sleep-related breathing problems • to recognize warning signs of more involved medical issues, avoiding the ‘it’s just snoring’ trap • to present accurate, safe medical information to reassure patients about their condition and therapy
Support for this program is provided by
This program is also offered on Tuesday morning
1:30pm - 4:30pm
The Real CSI
Forensic Dentistry
Bruce Sackman
Claire Glynn
Ira Titunik
Thomas Holland
Course #: 6210 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Bruce Sackman Claire Glynn Ira Titunik Thomas Holland
Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG) has become one of the most revolutionary new investigative tools to be implemented in criminal investigations. Since 2018, FGG has resolved several hundred cold case investigations across the United States and some internationally. FGG combines the disciplines of forensic genetics with genetic genealogy and traditional genealogical research to identify perpetrators of violent crimes and for the identification of Jane/John Does. This seminar will discuss the emergence of FGG in criminal investigations, the methods and tools involved, and the outlook for the future of this groundbreaking tool.
Learn to:
• consumer DNA testing and the evolution of genetic genealogy • the implementation of FGG into criminal investigations • 3using genetic relatives to identify unknown individuals • balancing public safety with individual privacy
This program examines how forensic anthropology and odontology complement each other in identifying skeletal remains. Specific attention to how these disciplines have been used to resolve casualties from war is discussed.
• about forensic anthropology • the close relationship between anthropology and odontology • how war casualties have been identified
Medical professionals who have taken an oath to save lives sometimes intentionally take lives. A review of recent cases worldwide and the red flags utilized to identify these individuals are discussed. Their motivations, backgrounds, and other common traits are also disclosed.
• to identify medical serial killers in a healthcare environment • the red flags utilized to recognize these individuals • how to investigate these cases successfully • the motivations and psychological factors associated with these killers
Part 1 of this program will be held from 9 - 12:00pm
This program focuses on police-related deaths. The problems for the forensic pathologist in investigating deaths that occur during police encounters are discussed.
• to raise awareness of issues that arise in investigating police-related deaths • the problems encountered in investigating the deaths of Eric Garner • the issues discovered in investigating the deaths of George Floyd
The lecture covers one of the most important areas in forensic investigation. Different types of pattern evidence, such as dental bitemark, fingerprint, footprint, and blood pattern are discussed through recognition, identification, comparison, and reconstruction.
The dental profession contributes their expertise to many “high Profile” investigations. Dental evidence has played an important role in such case investigations as Theodore Bundy, President John F Kennedy Assassination, Civil Rights leader Medgar Evers, Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele, identification of Czar Nicholas II and family, as well as many other cases with significant public interest. This presentation discusses the approach to all cases. Reporting on all cases. Presentation of evidence supporting the opinion. Emphasis is on all cases being processed, reported, and discussed in the same manner.
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Federación Dental Ibero-Latinoamericana (FDILA)
Cursos en Español
Anavel Andrea Pino Biernis
Cesar Diaz Brito
Jazmin Guman
Narda Elizabeth Polanco Encarnacion
Stefhany Vadacchino Sanchez
Thalia Selena Mendieta Camacho
Course #: 6240 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Anavel Andrea Pino Biernis Cesar Diaz Brito Jazmin Guman Narda Elizabeth Polanco Encarnacion Stefhany Vadacchino Sanchez Thalia Selena Mendieta Camacho
Room: 1E20 Topic: Cursos en Español Tuition: $50.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Assistants, Students, Spouse
Realizar resinas compuestas, y carillas de resinas, es un procedimiento complejo desde la toma de color y las diferentes opacidades, pero reconocer las formas y longitudes para cada caso, puede llegar a comprometer el resultado final, por eso mostraremos diferentes casos clinicos de carillas de resinas con diferentes formas de plaificarlas.
Los diferentes sistemas de resinas que existen en el mercado hacen que el clínico tienda a confundir la confección de ellos, es por eso que mostramos una serie de casos, con los que se desarrolla el manejo de sonrisa con sistema de resina con técnicas estratificadas y simplificadas.]
El clínico tiene en su día a día diferentes situaciones clínicas para realizar restauraciones en el sector posterior, de esa manera estaremos mostrando una serie de casos con diferentes protocolos desde restauraciones directas, y restauraciones indirectas, con modelos de yeso, modelos flexibles y flujo digital.
El caso clínico tiene en su día diferentes situaciones clínicas para realizar restauraciones en el sector posterior, de esa manera estaremos mostrando serie de casos con diferentes protocolos desde restauraciones directas, y restauraciones indirectas, con modelo de yeso, modelos flexibles y flujo digital.
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Common Sense Endodontics: Applying Rational Principles
Barry Musikant
Course #: 6250 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Barry Musikant
Demonstrate applying rational endodontic principles, which are common sense based, to the goals of instrumentation and clarifying what is best to use. Marketing companies talk about the positive features of their endodontic systems only. They may suggest greater tapered preparations because that protects the rotary instrument and weakens the tooth. On the other hand, more recently, companies have advised conservative preparations to protect the instrument that increases the chances of leaving debris in the buccal and lingual extensions of oval canals. This program provides solutions for these dichotomies.
the short arcs of motion using stainless steel relieved twisted reamers to eliminate instrument separation
about no breakage instruments for aggressive use in highly oval canals for debridement in three dimensions
why instruments that are used effectively are immune to breakage and can be used multiple times
why short arcs of motion remove hand fatigue while dramatically speeding up the instrumentation process
This workshop reviews the yoga and mindfulness techniques developed by a Dentist-Yoga Teacher for dental professionals to help prevent or reduce dentistry and work-related health issues of stress. The program focuses on fatigue, burn-out, ergonomics, muscular-skeletal problems of the neck, shoulder, upper-lower back, carpal tunnel, and joints. Help enhance strength, flexibility, energy, resilience, focus, concentration, and productivity. Explore sitting and standing on a yoga mat (provided), simple breathing exercises, stretches, movements, postural alignments, and mindfulness-based stress-reduction and relaxation techniques to practice for 2 minutes or more in an office or at home.
• evidence-neuroscience-based Yoga-mindful breathing exercises • gentle yoga-mindful movements, stretches, posture, and poses • mindful-meditation practices for navigating stress and anxiety to increase focus, concentration, and resiliency • to create short 1-3 minutes breaks anytime and anyplace in a busy schedule
The clinical team is often responsible for entering the dental work completed in the operatories in our digital age. Many Dental Assistants and Hygienists are not receiving updated training in this area. This program prepares the whole team to code the work properly. Don’t let fraud happen to you.
• to find the correct code for the work you have done • about underutilized codes and nuances to the codes • periodontal codes and rules that need to be followed • the documentation needed to get claims paid the first time
Medical emergencies in the dental office can and do occur. This course provides a practical approach to the management of common medical emergencies that arise in the dental office. Participants will also learn how to prepare an office with the appropriate equipment and drugs for the management of medical emergencies. This review will be relevant and practical for the entire dental team.
• to assess patient risk and apply proper treatment planning principles • the complex medical issues that many patients present with in today’s practice • to identify and avoid potential medical complications before they arise • to ensure that you and your staff are prepared to deal with the most common medical emergencies that can occur
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Basic Bone Grafting: A Hands-on Workshop
Alex Greenberg
Course #: 6360 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Alex Greenberg
Room: Exhibit Floor - Hall A - Glass Classroom #2 Topic: Periodontics Tuition: $410.00 Credits: 3 Recommended For:
Dentists, Hygienists, Students, Educator, Nurse, Doctor
This hands-on workshop begins with a lecture reviewing basic bone grafts. Participants will then be able to practice hands-on flap design and membrane coverage of simple bone grafts of extraction sites. Learn about mucoperiosteal flap design and incisions as well as elevation techniques.
• mucoperiosteal flap design and incisions • mucoperiosteal flap elevation technique • bone graft selection and basic science • to apply bone grafting to simple extraction sockets
1:30pm - 4:30pm
Excellent and Efficient Endodontic Workshop
John Olmsted
Course #: 6370 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): John Olmsted
Do you wonder which Endo instrument is the safest and most efficient? Do you have challenges with irrigation solutions? Are you tired of lateral condensing of accessory points? This half-day evidence-based hands-on workshop educates you to cutting-edge rotary/reciprocation instrumentation with new flexible and safe files; locating calcified canals and MB2; obturation of the root canal system; and utilizing a four canal 3-D maxillary first molar.
Learn to:
• demonstrate lthe ocation of canals with special burs • utilize rotary and reciprocation instrumentation • exhibit different technics of obturation
This hands-on workshop is repeated in the morning.
Fabricación de los alineadores y set- up virtual. Biomecánica de los alineadores dentales. Indicaciones y limitaciones de los alineadores dentales. Conocerá los avances en diagnóstico digital en todas las áreas odontológicas, la apli-cación de los sistemas digitales en casos no convencionales y en alineadores dentales. Dominará las bases y aplicación de los alineadores dentales, así como indicaciones y contraindicaciones. Determinará la diferencia y utilidad de la tomografía para emular las radiografías convencionales, cortes axiales e integración de la fotografía 3D y modelos digitales.
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Choices and Challenges of Tweens and Teens
Lee Somerville
Course #: 6290 Date: 11/30/2022 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Course Info: Half Day Speaker(s): Lee Somerville
The current and sometimes shocking health behaviors and trends in the teenage generation can influence their oral and systemic health. Dental professionals have a unique opportunity to identify risky behaviors. Encouraging this group to make positive health decisions could influence their choices when challenged.
Learn to:
• identify current dietary trends • recognize various risk behaviors • discuss popular social media platforms • enhance generational communication skills
This program is presented by the New York City Dental Hygienistis’ Association, a component of the New York Dental Hygienits’ Association and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association.
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