Restorative in Airway Health and Pediatric Sleep Disorders, TOTS, Laser Frenectomies, and More

Course # 4170
Date 12/02/2019
Time 8:00am - 12:00pm
Topic Sleep Apnea
Tuition $225.00
Credits 4
Course Info Half Day
Speaker(s) Samuel E. Cress, Scott Siegel, Martin Kaplan, Maxim Sulla

Samuel E. Cress, D.D.S.                                8:00 - 10:00

Restorative in Airway Health

Patients who have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) not only suffer from comorbidities such as hypertension and cardiovascular disease but also suffer from occlusal disease. Occlusal disease is sometimes noted as the “silent” oral disease that many individuals especially dentists overlook. Occlusal disease has been associated with natural aging or wearing of the detention but, it is the overworking of one’s pathological bite to protect one’s airway.  This seminar assists you in screening and treatment planning with predictable results in patients with OSA.


  • about screening patients
  • the ins and outs of treatment planning
  • how to achieve predictable results

Scott Siegel, M.D., D.D.S.                            10:00 - 12:00
Martin Kaplan, D.M.D.
Maxim Sulla, D.D.S.

Pediatric Sleep Disorders, TOTS, Laser Frenectomies, and More
Learn about the tongue, lip and buccal tie releases in infants and children with CO2 lasers. Learn about the impact of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) on sleep, breathing, feeding, speech and other disorders in pediatric patients. Learn that the depth of the CO2 laser incision during frenectomies can be adjusted to a fraction of a millimeter, while the depth of coagulation can be maintained under 100 µm for the utmost control and for the minimum collateral damage. Learn about implementing laser frenectomies at your pediatric dental practice with the multidisciplinary approach to treating TOTS.


  • about the impact of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTS) on sleep, breathing, feeding, speech, and other disorders in pediatric patients
  • about the tongue, lip and buccal tie releases with CO2 lasers
  • about implementing laser frenectomies at your practice as a part of the multidisciplinary approach to treating TOTS