Laser Frenectomy/What Every Dentist Treating Sleep Needs to Ask their Physicians

Course # 5220
Date 11/27/2018
Time 8:00am - 12:00pm
Topic Sleep Apnea
Tuition $215.00
Credits 4
Course Info Half Day
Speaker(s) Peter Vitruk, Martin Kaplan, Lenny Kundel, Jonathan Lown

Peter Vitruk, Ph.D. (8:00 – 10:00)
Martin Kaplan, D.M.D.
Lenny Kundel, D.M.D.

Laser Frenectomy: Myths and Science, Pediatric Patients with Compromised Airway and Osteopathically Guided
Learn about the advanced Osteopathically Guided Functional Frenectomy of tongue and lip oral restrictions performed with real-time palpatory guidance of an osteopath who is trained in assessing the soft tissues and myofascial strains. Learn about positive impacts that properly performed CO2 laser frenectomy may have in pediatric patients with compromised airways and swallowing. Learn that laser’s ability to photo-thermally cut and coagulate soft tissue depends on laser’s type and its wavelength. Learn that the depth of CO2 laser incision during frenectomies can be adjusted to a fraction of a millimeter, while the depth of coagulation can be maintained under 100 µm for the utmost control and for the minimum collateral damage.

Jonathan S. Lown, M.D. (10:00 – 12:00)

What Every Dentist Treating Sleep Needs to Ask their Physicians
With the vast numbers of untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnea (est. of 52 million Americans with OSA) patients being unrecognized, untreated or undertreated, it is imperative to unite forces between the Sleep Dentist and the Sleep Physician; especially considering the numerous hazards and untoward medical sequela that can result from failure to resolve Obstructive Sleep Apnea in this country and in the world. However, the gap in knowledge and understanding of what the individual sleep physician and sleep dentist brings to the table is massive, and this divide is growing daily. It is obvious that we need to learn to work together in a comprehensive approach that is ultimately the best formula for better patient outcomes. This seminar is a roadmap that allows the sleep dentist to navigate a much-needed partnership and collaboration with their local sleep physicians and will outline the necessary steps to achieve this goal.

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