Craniofacial Sleep Medicine: A New Paradigm

Course # 5140
Date 12/03/2019
Time 8:00am - 12:00pm
Topic Sleep Apnea
Tuition $225.00
Credits 4
Course Info Half Day
Speaker(s) Dean F. Raio, Tammarie Heit, Cecilia Wu, Manisha Witmans, Seth Heckman, Yury Khelemsky, Fred Lin

In this program, craniofacial sleep medicine and the new paradigm for addressing sleep-disordered breathing, a medical problem with a dental solution is discussed. The clinician covers a brief history of dental sleep therapies and uncovers the missing link which enables dentists to address the underlying condition with a protocol which may correct the underlying underdevelopment of the cranial base to resolve sleep-disordered breathing without the need for ongoing intervention and therapy. The fundamental approach and recent findings are outlined and discussed.


  • new advancements in Biomimetic Pneumopedics®
  • transduction signaling
  • practice integration and patient flow